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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  August 9, 2024 9:10am-9:31am MSK

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as a combine operator, well, probably the fifth season, and i was an assistant for 2 years, yeah, and you are an assistant for the fourth season, it turns out, everything is great, the combine is good, we need to harvest, we need to have time to harvest all this, it's going well, we are coping, after the completion of the mass harvesting stage, farmers are ready to lend a shoulder to other regions in order to fulfill the state order for food grain on time. the number of long-term construction projects is decreasing in belarus. now there are about thirty houses above the standard, and this is 10 times less than there were in 2013. each long-term construction project is under the control of competent organs. new approaches are also defined by the code on architectural, urban planning and construction activities, which came into force on july 23, and now the procedure for suspending construction and its conservation is clearly spelled out. this can only be done three times and if there are good reasons, while the downtime should not.
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under construction, mainly these are houses that are practically not talking about those that have not been built for years for a period of one month to several months, that is, there is some kind of delay, all these houses are on our register, a new the code is the first legislative act in the country that summarized almost all documents determining the construction procedure at all stages from the idea to acceptance. work is also underway to adjust the current planning of minsk. experts are identifying no longer relevant territories designed 10 years ago or more in order to allocate them for new buildings and facilities. large investment and social projects are currently being implemented in the city, and housing construction continues. over the past six months,
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organizations of all types of ownership have introduced more than 4,000 apartments have been put into operation. our task is to monitor the implementation of the development of the city of minsk in accordance with the regulations established by the general plan. yes, if you look at this issue, then in principle we are implementing new microdistricts. of course , microdistricts are being built there for citizens in need of better housing conditions, the development of satellite cities of the city of minsk, that's all. as if it is, it's all in the process, in the implementation stage, there are prospects too, in principle we have plans every year on the development of urban development documentation for the year, there for 24, for 25, as if all these prospects are there, the city must develop, grow. and at the same time, specialists are starting to plan major repairs of the housing stock for the next five years. in minsk, the task is to put into operation at least a million renovated square meters per year. hours of continuous work
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for the sake of confirming the highest class at the training ground near borisov, tactics-special training of the special purpose detachment zubr of the ministry of emergency situations of belarus. rescuers are preparing for recertification according to international standards. the training involved 69 people, six search and rescue dogs and seven pieces of equipment. the training area simulated an emergency zone after a major earthquake. the fighters conducted reconnaissance of the area, including.
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people, this is a good achievement, and accordingly, as part of these exercises, we tried to recreate these sites, as close as possible to the real situation, as we saw it, we tried to bring this situation as close as possible so that the rescuers, accordingly, were ready to solve such problems, the requirements for the team are constantly changing, and if earlier it was still more based on skill. namely during rescue operations, now the transfer of information, technical equipment, the ability to work with various software packages are very important, and these packages practically change every year, and here it is necessary to constantly prepare people, change training in order to remain at the level of exactly those requirements that the international commission makes to teams of such class. professionalism of our team grows. in 2013 the zubor squad for the first time...
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compliance with standards and new international methodologies, every 5 years the squad must undergo recertification. our zubrs will have to pass another test next year. belarusians continue to fight for olympic medals. today our sporting interest in freestyle wrestling and weightlifting competitions. in the morning program , freestyle wrestlers will have preliminary fights, weight category up to 74 kg, the silver medalist of the olympics in... belarus will fight for the semi-final, which will take place tomorrow evening, at 20:30 the weightlifting competition will start, here we are rooting for suzanna volodko. let me remind you, the belarusian silver medalist of this year's european championship in the weight category up to 71 kg. and these are
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the main news of the tv news agency project, available in social networks in the mobile application qr code on the screen. development. event watch our broadcast at noon, have a successful day.
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everything that modern belarus lives today, watch on the tv channel. belarus 24, this is news of foreign countries, broadcasts of especially important events, live broadcasts from the scene, current interviews with famous belarusians, fascinating trips around the country, on the territory of the countries: finland, sweden, norway, denmark, the netherlands, germany, france, spain, portugal, cyprus , austria, switzerland, italy, greece,
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romania, serbia, croatia, poland, lithuania, latvia, estonia. set up a satellite dish. satellite express am8. the channel's signal is broadcast in open form and is available 24 hours a day every day. be with tv channel belarus 24 and discover belarus. there are fewer long-term construction projects, but when the last one is liquidated, we will find out whether the new legislation will be able to concrete old problems. when natural taste is at a premium, belarusian bread is bought up from thousands
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of kilometers away, we will tell you about consumer preferences. contributions of individual entrepreneurs to the social security fund will be linked to the income of entrepreneurs, a new draft law has been prepared, it is now under consideration in the house of representatives. what changes do we expect, we will ask the relevant department. this is an area of ​​interest, we are talking about notable events in economy, with you veronika buta, hello. there is order in belarus. will the new legislation be able to concrete old problems? ilo na volynets about how they managed to achieve a thaw on frozen sites. enters the long-awaited own two-room apartment, next to the metro building, the windows overlook a wide
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avenue, excellent infrastructure, not an apartment, but a dream, only it should have come true 9 years ago, i dreamed that i would live in this apartment at 40, now my child is already going to the ninth grade, i already sorry, soon 50, and i still dream of my own apartment, that is, a good story that began, well, as if very inspiredly ended personally. for my family, i think, all this house is not very fun, a private country house, a car, a garage, she sold everything to get the coveted keys to the capital's apartment, but who knew that the developer would simply flee the country, would be put on the international wanted list, such failed new settlers, like irina, will turn out to be several hundred. we were promised that we would move here in 2019, however, since the nineteenth, one good-faith agreement has come, then in... the second good-faith agreement, and then, well, the house was abandoned, for several years it just stood there stupidly,
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no one needed it, abandoned, we rang all the bells, asked for help from the administration of the moscow district and wrote to the president so that he could somehow help us solve our problems, well , we must give him our due thanks, he took our house superstructure, the long-suffering grushevsky passad has been under construction since 2014, several... these objects were frozen. work was resumed in 2022. it is easy to guess that the sharp corners before still smooths out the states. on july 23 of this year, the code on architectural, urban planning and construction activities came into force in belarus. it summarized almost all documents that determine the construction procedure at all stages, from the idea to acceptance. not all innovations will please developers. for example, the legislation now clearly spells out the procedure for suspending construction and its conservation. this.
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building materials, and now they will be forced to think ahead, and well, this is
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a loophole, you understand, this is this repeated, well, suspension of construction, it is not included in the standard construction period, well, and so on, now everything, maximum 3 months, the construction of the house is really under the control of various departments, both the state control and representatives of the local authorities joined our tour of the site, we ask the developer if such increased attention bothers them, the local authorities, they do... everything is correct, we need to control, we need to monitor the construction, because people should be, first of all, they should be protected, no one will not protect in this direction any more, and the inspectors, well, how can you call it supervision, you probably can’t call it, that is, well , periodically they request some information, there is nothing supernatural there, it’s not difficult, in principle, well, everything should be like this, they promise to hand over the object this fall, to suspend construction. every month under the new legislation it will not work anymore, that’s it, the loophole is closed. ilona volynets,
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alexander moguchy, sphere of interests. when naturalness is valued, the original recipe, belarusian bakeries expand markets with everyday life. our loaf has long become a brand, russia, israel, kazakhstan, azerbaijan, armenia, bahrain - these are just some of the countries where our bread is sold. today, there are over a thousand names on the market, manufacturers study people's tastes, actively offer new products. moreover, in different regions of the country , belarusians prefer different types of products. alina loppo found out which loaves are trending now. belarusian bread is one of the symbols of our country, this has been the case since soviet times, when the fragrant pre-fabricated loaf was considered a chic souvenir. today , the technology of wide freezing allows the product to retain its consumer properties when shipped abroad, so the crunch of a belarusian loaf is known in many countries around the world. preparation of raw materials,
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quality control, leavening, kneading the dough, aging and only then baking. this is not the entire path that a loaf goes through before it gets to the counter, from brewing to packaging it takes more than 15 hours, such is the labor-intensive painstaking technology of bread production. on the sixth capital plant kneads, forms, bakes, cuts the product equipment. the production process is almost completely automated, the machines have been updated not so long ago, but there is no dispute, fragrant bread will not be obtained without professional hands, so that by breakfast on our. were fresh products, bakers work at night, it is at this time of day that the main part of the work falls. always going to work, we strive to give the buyer fresh, high-quality, safe bread, it is the issues of quality and safety that the enterprise attaches great importance to, so last year, at the beginning of 2024
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, metal detectors were installed on almost all production lines at the enterprises, natural raw materials without... food additives are the pride of belarusian bakers: traditional recipes in neighboring countries were minimized, but we have preserved them. the main raw materials for baking belarusian bread are domestic wheat and rye flour, salt, and yeast is also ours. the green light for each batch of raw materials and dough is given in this laboratory. flour, for example, is checked for moisture, and dough - for elasticity, but there are many factors, literally each of them affects the quality and taste of the products. all products undergo strict control before they hit the store shelves, the laboratory is engaged not only in the control of raw materials arriving at the enterprise, but also in the analysis of finished products. according to some indicators, bread, loaves and confectionery products are taken to a sanitary station accredited to
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cover the entire list of indicators, some indicators are analyzed here and a verdict is given on the quality of finished products. what is interesting is that on the bread counter size matters today. belarusians increasingly look towards smaller products, that is, smaller weights. weighty zhabukhanki are becoming a thing of the past and manufacturers, of course, take trends into account. at bread factory number 4, we are currently finishing the modernization of the technological line, which will produce rye bread, rye-wheat wheat bread, weighing 300-400 g, which is now. very popular. today , belarusian factories send to store shelves over a thousand varieties of products , increasingly with an emphasis on healthy eating. diet bread with trumpets and sprouted wheat for pregnant women, the elderly and children. products with reduced amounts of salt, sugar and without food additives. a couple of decades ago, such an assortment was hard to imagine, now it is a request from society
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so that everyone can choose to their taste. today, we are working on new types of bread. armenia, bahrain - this is only part of the bread export. bakery products are transported at a temperature of -18 °, and after arrival they are defrosted in natural conditions, the shape, taste and even aroma. the technology of shock freezing, like others, was developed by the enterprise beltekhno-khleb. in recent years, specialists have been actively working on extending the shelf life of bread products.
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there can be no prohibited preservatives in the composition. preservation of freshness is achieved by a variety of technologies. we have developed technologies for alcohol preservation, preservation of dairy products, modified gas environment, preservation of dairy products by heat sterilization, and freezing. the industry is developing as well as tastes and people's preferences, so it's important to keep up with the times. alina lopoa and andrey ivanenko, sphere of interests. now we'll break into a short commercial, then about innovations in the sphere of social insurance. stay with us. there are 100 brave guys in our studio, each of them has a question for an adult, you have one minute.


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