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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  August 9, 2024 2:05pm-3:01pm MSK

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editors club we are going through a transition period between this world of western hegemony, the unipolar world, to the multipolar world, unfortunately it will not happen peacefully, we will never allow a situation where we are suddenly attacked, where we are caught off guard, that is , we clearly...
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the fact that he went more towards rehabilitation, we learn how the hero came to the decision to help people and made this craft his life's work. my brother once came to visit me, he said: listen, you have been in sports for half your life, you you go to the gym for so long, i trained my company commander in the army, we will become active observers and join the training that will help strengthen the body and spirit. the pose is called the pigeon pose, for this you need to position
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your front leg. slavic dish, it appeared among the eastern slavs who lived in verkovye buga, hence the name buzhenina, of course, you can now go to any hypermarket, buy such a huge mousse cake, but all this is nonsense, compared to these bloods, they have a soul, we will witness the birth of culinary masterpieces, i grated the potatoes for you, volodya. and will you beat the meat yourself? i like the approach to business of the volkovysk girls, as you called it? elk meat with demi-glace sauce, with baked potatoes and bacon. here it is ready! and we will make a detailed gastronomic map of our country. the fact that this dish was invented in volkovysk confirms my guess. do volkovysk people love
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meat? they know how to cook it, it is an interesting, very tasty and very unusual dish, and i believe that it can safely represent belarusian cuisine on the world stage. watch the food project anywhere on our tv channel. may i love you, like a flower in the field, like a young bird, like a flock of crayfish, like a patched bird, who is alive in the wild, may i love you, may i love you for the song that i can hear, for the deep-throated laughter, for the frequent call ts. for your clear eyes, for your young soul,
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may you love me, may you love me! for the bright hours that you give me every time, for the most intense, dear daughter-in-law, let me love you.
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have you managed to find out anything now? we are trying to establish the identity of the kidnapper. we found a fake belly in the maternity hospital, took fingerprints from it, but they are not in our database, witnesses, interviewed on the first day, it is known that she was driven by a man, there is no description, the nurse at the reception did not remember them and could not describe them, there was a large flow, bastard, what a bastard she is, it is very difficult to search, all the babies look the same, so for now we are checking parents whose child has recently disappeared, and even before mamalyudka, everyone who has contacted them in recent months, but this is a huge database, you have your own guess who could have kidnapped your son, no, you didn't give the father's last name, i don't
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know who the father is, even if i knew, he would never have guessed about the existence of this child, well, whatever you say, if you remember anything else, call, the child was most likely stolen for themselves, and at least now nothing threatens him, so we will continue the search, hope for the best, we will continue and...
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why is he crying so much, well, let's wait a little longer, and why didn't the nurse come, huh? call, okay, i'll call, so it is written here that you need to put the baby on his tummy, his tummy hurts, and this way he'll be warm, and so, oh! there, there, there, there, that's another thing, yes, so, you want a fairy tale, you also
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dictate the multiplication table to him, so, here you go, guys. thank you, come on, hi, we printed out the leaflets, the guys will help. distribute, thank you, the police said that there is no information yet,
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they said that they tried themselves, liza and mishka also took them to school, the parents will see them there, i contacted television, a film crew will arrive soon, we will need to appeal write it down, and for now... maybe i should tell vlad after all? no need, he has enough problems of his own, listen, varya, he knows half the city, maybe it makes sense? i... i told the police that i don't know who the father is, what's wrong, what happened, styopa, what's wrong, you'll find my little brother, of course we'll find him, let's go, you were carrying his little brother, a stork was carrying him, he was carrying him, and then he got lost, lost his way, and we'll help this aist find his way home, what does a shaist look like, what does a shaist look like,
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look at what he looks like, here. hmm, i wonder what? well, it says here that a man needs to take a sleeping pill and a diuretic to feel pregnant, and he ties a bag of nails to his stomach, just like you described to me, well, because it's true? yeah, and what else? slippers running, listen, fuck, the way you told me, i thought you
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were describing your feelings to me, but you were basically just retelling me an article about some pregnant lioness, because okay, i wrote those articles, everything there is true, and why didn't you tell me before, well, at first i didn't think it would work out, and then i decided, against, after all, it's putting your personal life on display, so you're my lioness, it's very well written, you 're doing very well, i'm proud of you, you need to continue writing this column, get me antoshka, he's completely lost it. "well , i haven't decided yet whether i'll continue, in addition to
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the police, volunteers have joined the search, but at the moment the boy has still not been found, the recent kidnapping of barvara petrova's newborn son from the perinatal center shook the whole city, wait? about the next issue, i need to leave urgently tomorrow in our city the tour starts further investigation we will inform in novosibirsk state theater of russian theater. i need to talk to you, i saw the news,
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go away, now is not the time for you, i want to help, everything, everything is fine, taras, hello, hello. "you just needed to tell me, just
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tell me, why, i can handle it myself, i did, i don't understand why, in the end i have the right to know, i am the father of this child, okay, what would you do, you would, you would leave your family, you would leave your wife, i don't i know, i would live in two houses, but i don't know, they would think about something, there is always a solution, and you made it, you stayed with your wife, you would never leave her. i have to say, this moscow independence of yours, it reaches the point of stupidity, you said, and what, did he leave, well, that's even better, we'll manage ourselves, television will arrive now, don't worry
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so much, we'll now issue you... certificates, give me an extract from the maternity hospital, an extract, and i gave birth at home, how is it at home, well, it just happened, what date was the birth? on friday, on the fifth, and you're only coming for documents now? so, who was there, who can confirm this? no one, but they told me that you can just make a statement, no, you can't do that, and you have to come with witnesses, and in general it's very strange, a young girl alone at home,
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excuse me, what's your last name, i know that many of you... read my column in the magazine braciya rabbits, together we waited for the birth of my baby, together we chose his name, now we are searching for our lion cub, every second is precious, i will be grateful to each of you for your help, please help me, thank you yes, yes, vlad, i, i don’t have time to find out, now, what, why?
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look, i did it myself. mom, uncle taras taught styopka, and styopka wanted to make more of them. and why so many? they need to be hung on the street so that aist and his brother can find our house. i’ll go tell varya, at least her mood will improve. so, well, let me participate too. why are you breeding bureaucracy? why are you refusing to issue a certificate for my grandson? what’s his last name? as expected. and not please shout. how can you not shout? are you making me carry the baby? there is a complete infection here. yeah. this is your witness. yes, i am a witness. i am a witness. my daughter gave birth in front of me. your ambulance will never
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come. okay. write a statement. hello, why did you call me, you will see me now, let's go, i already told you, we have a volunteer headquarters here, from here we coordinate the search for the child, okay, i will call you back, varvara andreyevna, hello, we all want to help you, yes, thank you, now the volunteers are going around the nearest ones.
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to ensure that you receive the freshest and most useful information. the twenty-minute format allows us to tell you about what is happening in belarus and the world, take a linguistic walk in the company of our guides, and find a new place on the map of belarus that is definitely worth seeing, as well as offer projects and films that will certainly become your favorites. this and much more awaits you in the efir 24 on 7 project, watch on the belarus24 tv channel.
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senior menen sokolov, we are forced to check your apartment. my daughter lost child. leave us alone. sorry, but that's our job. hello, please tell me, has anyone recently contacted you with a request to adopt a baby? you know, there are a lot of people in our baby house who want to adopt children, there are a lot of questionnaires, if i remember anything, i'll call you back. vostochnaya
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street, building 15, the stroller is on the street, yes, a store, parents nearby, no, a child in the stroller, got it, yes, i'm waiting, in ulyanovsk they continue to search for a baby who disappeared from the perinatal center on his birthday. why do you think antoshka looks so much like vlada? they had an affair with that woman.
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my god, my girl, what, did you know this all along? he didn't just decide to get a divorce, and she has vlad's child. and you knew all this? i knew, but i forgave him, because he... chose me, it's fate, mom, it's fate, she wanted to steal my family, instead i have her child, anya, are you crazy, do you even understand that you'll be jailed, this is all a matter of finding out, anya, she's looking for something to calm down with, she doesn't have a child, she has nothing to keep vlad with, vlad will come back, and we will live a long time happily, and the baby will grow up to be like him.
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thank you, you weren't obliged to do all this, well, why not, i enjoy helping you, and you need me. and there are children around, i really missed this feeling, well, you 'll get tired of us, i don't think, hi, daddy 's home, don't you remember when i brought you to the maternity hospital, well, when you were admitted, you? i didn't notice anything strange, well, you know, i somehow didn't have time for it, by the way, i was giving birth to a child, sorry, damn, i'm so tired. and you
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look for fewer other people's children, you'll forget how yours looks like, boil, grief, i want to help, but you don’t want to help me, and by the way , i don’t remember the last time i slept normally, maybe you’ll start helping your family, okay, okay, what do you want me to sit with him, right? by the way, i was the only one jumping around him all day today, and now it’s your turn, i’m going to bed.
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will the baby’s father come? no, he won’t. and tell me, will my result be enough? yes, it is. hold on, good luck to you. we are currently working on another version. if yours
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the child was stolen for themselves. then they will definitely try to get a birth certificate, it is possible, yes, of course, as in home births, four women applied for documents, so they have already sent a squad to check, hello, where are you, sorry, i spent the whole night with the child, i fell asleep only in the morning, so i overslept, i see, mine disappeared somewhere and the baby is on me, now i will call someone to replace and come. yes, you know, no need, they said my result is enough, let's go for now, leave my husband in peace, we recently had a child, what did you decide destroy my family, forgive me, i didn't mean to destroy anything, i have enough of my own problems, you already told vlad that this is his child, yes, yes, and you in general, he tells me everything, we have complete trust, mutual understanding and love, you know, i
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congratulate you, i really have to go, if you don't stop calling vlad, anya will take the child and leave him, yes, she will, and vlad will lose all his children, and you will be to blame, i understand, i understand, i really have to go, and you will never find your child, this is your punishment for being someone else's family destroyed, you understand, adrianna, right now we are transferring this group to the taxi depot, and another group is finishing the area around the maternity hospital. yes, go on, sign up zinaida petrov, forgive me again that i couldn’t get to the police, it just happened, marya, what’s wrong with you, don’t bother me, please, why, just leave me alone, yes, what happened, what happened, my son is missing, my son is missing , is that not enough for you, varya, varya, well wait, okay, leave me alone, i’ll cook in peace now, i still
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no time for you, can't you see? okay, thank you, quiet, quiet, antoshka, quiet, you're awake, i 'll feed you now, my little one, and take him in your arms, but can't you see that he's crying, they give birth and then don't know that quiet, quiet, quiet, i'll start you now. good afternoon, senior lieutenant, sokolov, yeah, and tell me, did your neighbors go anywhere, and
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they shouldn't have, their child wasn't... born long ago, when are they usually home? well, the husband is often on business trips, works until late, and the wife should be at home with the child, yeah, maybe she went out somewhere? okay, thank you, have a nice day, thank you. whatever you say, i don't care anymore, thank him for helping, the rest is unimportant. the police haven't said who the father of the child is, it's just that usually such kidnappings are committed by relatives, biological parents , when lyova was born, vlada didn't even know he existed, so it can't be, and
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if i knew, it would be very convenient for him, he would be aware of the search, taras, thank you for worrying, but it seems to me that you... look, forgive me, i'll interfere in something that's none of my business again, but you should go home, andreyevna, you tired, you're worried, there's no use here from you, well objectively, you just sit and twitch at every call, go.
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mom, there's the police in our entrance, i was walking with the child, what should i do, i told you, i'll look here, it's not the wallet that's missing, the child, i 'm not going home for anything. how did they find us, how did they find us? mom, what should i do, why are you silent? so, you need to leave for a while, will you go to aunt tasya in kazan, will i call her,
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aunt tasya? yes, and what will i tell her? tell her that your husband is jealous, violent, don't believe that the child is from him, she will believe, you need a little. sit, vlad, i will tell vlad that you left because of this varia, mistress, but it is your own fault, and that you will return only when he finally breaks up with her, and she will see, they are devoted to their work, ready to share knowledge, raising a turkey is a long step-by-step process, from a small chick to
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a large individual it takes about 5 months, since a turkey is a bird most susceptible to stress, we try to minimize as much as possible all the negative factors that can... in the future affect our bird show one day from his life. foredi rainbow is the most promising for growing artificial conditions. whatever we do, it is always made from freshly caught fish. this is today, lakhva's trump card. that the fish is environmentally friendly, high-quality, and most importantly - fresh. each production site is very important. since its work affects the quality of the finished product, today we have shown that what is produced in our country can be, not just the same in quality, in some moments even and to surpass it, watch on
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the belarus 24 tv channel . i know that many of you read my column in the magazine braciya rabbits, together we waited for the birth of my baby. i need to check something, on the phone, everything is fine, this is my beauty, good afternoon, hello, sergeant skvartsov, we are looking for a kidnapped child, can i see your documents? yes, yes, of course, please, yeah. so uh in which
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maternity hospital did you give birth to the third international, yeah, thank you, yeah, oh, wait, there was one woman here, me, when i was pregnant, she, um, well, she wanted to buy my child, and i wanted to have an abortion, well, in general i was a fool, and then my boyfriend and i had a fight, it was a long time ago, a long time ago. yeah, she was still wearing a fake belly. so, maybe you know her last name, do you still have her number ? i don't know her last name, i only know her name is anya, and the number, the number, here you go, yeah. okay, let's go. let's quickly run to the lab, hello, good afternoon. don't you remember me? my wife and i came to see you on the thirtieth. you can take a look, she gave birth in this day or not? are you her husband? yes. and you don’t know whether your wife gave birth or not? well, no,
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well, okay, give me your passport, wait, we, my wife and i have different surnames, svyatoslavskaya, well, okay, she’s my poetess, it’s strange, the police were also interested in these lists, no, svyatoslavskaya gave birth on this day, the next day. anna svyatoslavskaya never gave birth in our center. i understand. we can take a look. vlad, please don’t touch. why? i feel uncomfortable. vlad, you have a plane. please leave already. you were supposed to be expecting to get out. "nothing is needed, we did a great job ourselves, come quickly, we
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are waiting for you, i wrote these articles, everything is true, now everything is clear to me, i know that varovara andreevna does not agree with me, but i still think that the biological father of the child should be checked, she refused to provide information about him, well, this is vlad semenov, allow me, and i checked the woman who wanted to buy the child, svyatoslavskaya anna." i understand, svyatoslavskaya, she is on the list of those women who allegedly gave birth at home, they are now being checked, they checked her, she is exactly didn't find her at home, they'll go again, let them go immediately, so wait, svyatoslavskaya anna, do you know her, well, not personally, but my publishing house had a competition for the most beautiful pregnancy, she took part in it, i don't think this information will help us now,
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she took a photo with her husband, slad semenov, that is, he and his wife have different surnames, immediately check who the apartment is registered to, yes, we need to call and warn her, yes, warn her, but let her not tell this vlad anything yet, if it's them, we can scare them off. they'll take the child out of town, look for him later. varvara andreyevna, there's some news, just don't worry. okay, thank you. they say it's vlad. what, that can't be. vlad, why did he want to help? why didn't you believe it right away? because you love him. god, what a fool i am, dash, a fool, just. "you know what, i'll go there, i
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just want to look him in the eyes, i'll go with you, please don't, this is our business, and you, you know what, you go to headquarters, if there's any news, then just tell me call, anya, anya, are you here, anya, semenov ladislav sergeevich, yes, you are detained, search the apartment, and the child of petrova varvara andreevna, the child is not in the apartment, i found it under the mattress of the crib, petro varvara andreevna, a boy, the child is with my wife. "she needs to be found, we will find it, where is he, you found him, the child is not in the apartment,
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i am asking you, where is he, where did you put him, you, i didn’t know anything, where is he, i only now understood everything, varvara andreevna, calm down, go home and wait, i can’t go home, my child is missing, you are you see, i have to be aware of all the events, otherwise i'll go crazy, okay, we 'll call you, i'll be on the staff from the volunteers, okay. attention to all posts, a woman looks about 30 years old, slim, dark-blond, no special features, with her a newborn male child , she may be in a car, car number, k-691 eu. pass on the general plan, intercept. by
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car is bad. we'll check the airports, train stations, on the exits from the city, i'm afraid there won't be enough people. listen. if she's still in the city, i know where she might be, it's not far from here, let's check, okay, let's go, let's check, i 'm asking you again, where is your daughter, where did you put the child? i don't know anything, comrade captain, they found her in the kitchen, a heart, a heart, call an ambulance, the woman is unwell, yeah, hello, ambulance, eh,
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there's a woman unwell, why are they taking so long, and i don't see their car, call, find out what's going on with the child, is he there or not, and why soon? well, have they found them? what about the child? the woman became ill. your mother-in-law, right? and the child? the child is not there, we didn't make it, they left. fool. i'm a fool, he's everything time was next to me, and i did not understand anything. let's get in the car.
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be patient, be patient, my little one, everything will be fine, we will definitely make it in time. got it, yeah, let's continue, end of communication, airports and train stations have been checked, exits are being controlled, no one has seen a similar car, unless it slipped by earlier, maybe it was scared off, who knows now, lisa just called me,
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something happened there and i urgently need to go there, what is it, i myself did not understand, so let's go, suddenly something happened to the children, yes, thank you, let me come with you, connections, yeah? lisa, what it happened, you scared me to death, quiet, quiet, baby, auntie, cook, the children in the far room, they're waiting for you there, come on, come on, baby, he's sleeping, quiet, the child. little, i was just trying to hold on to vlada,
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everything was so confused, it was really scary to be alone without him, little, he was found , i probably just went crazy, be happy if you can, little hello, hello, svyatoslavskaya anna vladimirovna, are you under arrest? yeah, yeah, i know, i'm ready, everything 's fine, what about the child, where is he? he didn't know anything, he wasn't my accomplice, let him in to see his son, he is with his mother. forgive me, vlad, wait, forgive me,
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i love varia, i have always loved her, i was afraid to admit it to you, i was a coward, i put off the conversation, i pretended that everything was the same. i should have confessed to you right away and left, then none of this would have happened, you and i got tangled up in the crows and here is the result, if there is no trust between people, their love is doomed, go to your son, treasure, goodbye, let's go, quietly, quietly,
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brother, brother has been found, well, it's all over now,
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now everything will be fine, everything, everything, everything, everything, quietly, quietly, quietly, everything is fine, little one, well here are the balloons that came in handy. how fast time flies, i just gave birth and a month has already passed, that's usually how it happens, before you know it, i'm already going to school, and the first jumpsuit is already too small, don't forget the napkins, okay, guys, okay, we think we know where to put the jumpsuit, dasha, someone wanted a fourth, i'll give you one, oh, who did this bring?
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do you think he'll forgive him, well, we'll live and see, the child needs a father.
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there was no, the elements swept, broke and flooded everything in their path for a week. there was no adequate reaction to this event, fast, clear, military was not. around one and a half million cubic meters of forest were damaged in the country, the task is to restore order as quickly as possible to save commercial timber. the crushed stone plant is the main enterprise of the region. here, at a depth of 60 m, is the basis of future belarusian roads. according to calculations.
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on air news in the studio yulia pertsova, hello, in this issue, agriculture is the image of our country, the results. development of the agro-industrial complex. the topic of a large meeting in shlov. puddles of fake blood on the asphalt. in venezuela, a murdered protester turned out to be alive and healthy. video attached. russia repelled a new attack by the ukrainian armed forces, a major tabloid accuses washington of duplicity and obstruction of peace talks. the mighty legendary mass accepts.


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