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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  August 9, 2024 9:00pm-9:34pm MSK

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visitors are interested, that is, they admire, are surprised, what questions they ask, it begins with the fact that i, when i invite everyone and say, so, guys, here is my entire personal collection, all my personal, with the exception of the shelves, the room is all mine, i begin the story in order, there starting with such and such a receiver, then on tv 49, then how when was born everything everything everything else stories and so on, well, in short, if i went through, if someone there says: the director quickly, and for the children a little longer, well, i want to say that adults interested, yes, they ask questions, and in our zhodino russian is taught in college, one group spoke french, the girl was a translator, the second group in english, they were very interested, i was surprised, but apparently they don’t have a radio there at all, i was surprised and even the girls... we still find a common language,
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we communicate, we communicate, we get in touch, alexander ivanovich, we want to thank you for the fact that you are not a money-grubber, as we understand, by nature, rarities, thank you very much again, and we hope that our interview will help to ensure that the flow of your museum of people does not dry up, and we tatyana shcherbina, victoria popova with you today, yes old radio receivers, gramophones, developers and so on, come, call, we will agree with you. in our museum, which is called the museum of radio electronics and communications, in my collection there are some rare specimens that are not available anywhere, alexander ivanovich, well, we too.
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this is a panorama, we sum up the main results of friday 9, we will leaf through the pages of the history of the enterprise: the fight against cybercrime, terrorism, drug trafficking, only 13 vital documents, a meeting of the council of ministers of internal affairs of the cis member states was held in minsk. scientific approach, technology and colossal experience. oil workers are developing
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new territories about the development of the industry in the plot of the panorama the country was offered to adjust the norms of the state further reform of agriculture order in the industry became the main topics of the presidential trip to the east of the country. today , alexander lukashenko focused his attention on two districts, orsha and shklovsky. for their effective work. new quality of life of people, at one time special programs were developed, personnel decisions were made, and of course, solid financing was allocated. it is time to look, first of all, at what issues have not yet been resolved, where problems remain, and to update the further plan for these gross-generating areas. the conversation is very serious, therefore a wide range of participants, the presidential administration, the governor have been invited.
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to live and exist separately, and this can bring many problems, especially in this mad, the best example, unmanned combine harvesters and other super equipment for the agro-industrial complex, in a word , there are many reasons to justify further steps for the development of the village, and why about this popkov,
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who participated in this program, as the main actor, one can say, generally knew all the farms better than me, this is because he worked here as a chairman in a wide range. became decisive for the region, everything began to change after the presidential decree on development, the goal is clear - to improve the standard and quality of life people, accepted five years to dialyze, still far from perfection, all resources were allocated, specifically in the defense industry of the arshansky district invested over a billion rubles, seriously deal with this. very serious, failed to reach the parameters for grain and flax, this is an outrage of a full-fledged ending, so what is the most important question or questions remain for the governor of the vitebsk region, asked about the current situation from alexander subotin, i would like, probably, and the village
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specifically to pull up the land, so that it gives that the return that, that it can give, and these are technologies and this, this is, probably, personnel, which in this...
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a huge problem with personnel, there are not enough veterinary specialists, debts are growing, after the first stage, which we then outlined, you were unable to reach profitable work, and a decent base was created there, past this, everything was removed, poles, windows, well, it's a pleasure to look at, this is in alexandriysky, what does this mean, this means that we have had since the soviet...
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approaching from borisov, flying up to the berezinsky reserve, there are generally empty fields, which we need to plow today. that is, we heroically grow melioration and lose the same amount, maybe more vitepskaya region , it has always been on the lips , the problem region, they often did. a discount on the geographical location, which means more attention and support, everyone remembers the high-profile project of integration structures, the seventieth presidential decree with all the necessary state support, including the installment plan for debt obligations, when strong enterprises pulled out the weak, ask for money, contact banks, the government, especially me, show that the ruble invested will give 10 rubles, where it is needed, there
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we united your farms under the integrator, the integrator is waiting for a big update in the next 3 years for dairy farms around the country, the president has already emphasized this topic more than once, no one is going to build palaces, here first of all everything again rests on personnel and conditions of maintenance and feeding. today , 29 dairy farms are operating, i did not misspeak, i say farms, because they are already old and outlived, 13 of them.
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that today there are complexes we will build in the country for another 3 years, but as you have there at this meat processing plant, two modernization projects have not been completed. the organization of a canning shop, the project was already ready yesterday, went for examination, the second project 26 million is also - this is the production of animal feed, the whole problem of the plant was that it was not loaded, there was less than 20% of the load, what is your load now for meat 33%, for baby food, when you visited us it was 29,
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now 65, by the end of the year we plan 95%, except baby food. the plant is also going to produce pet food, for cats and dogs, an import-substituting product, there are competitors even on the domestic market in grodno-slonyami and zhabinki. dog food is not only dry, it is also premium, and semi-moist, and so on, that is , we replace royal horse meat and so on, this is an alternative, no one says that we will be aggressive there, but we have a higher price, if he received this money for this production, let him produce and sell, otherwise he will answer for it.
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secondly, may vladimirovich forgive me, but when i once created scientific and practical centers with your support, we counted on very serious work in all these areas. science and the agro-industrial complex have long gone hand in hand, scientists support many projects, from seed varieties to assessing the state of the soil, which in principle can be cultivated on
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these lands, but not for free, but not all managers run for help, it turns out that sometimes it is not only about...
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forage procurement, because these are our products, and therefore health and image, of course, however, the head of state makes it clear that it is better to act and make a mistake somewhere than to do nothing, you can always fix the situation, there will be no forgiveness only in one thing, corruption - this is excluded, in the government everywhere, there will be no forgiveness, this is beyond the pale, for me, it is impossible, when the president goes to the region, the news about it spreads like lightning among the locals, this is a unique opportunity to communicate. and people are ready to wait for hours, this is not a problem. by the way, the meeting on agriculture lasted 4 hours, i want today, on behalf of myself and all of shklavchan, i want to say a huge thank you for... what you are doing today in our country, today our country, we live in a beautiful and peaceful, today we, our children, our grandchildren have
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the opportunity to think about the future, we have confidence in the future, and seeing what is happening today to our neighbors, when children are dying, when old people, women are dying, at the same time our country, it... we will not abandon you in trouble, i promise you this,
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as for war and peace - these are my questions, first of all, here are my colleagues from the government, these are our questions, we just ask you always, here is what you must do, you will do, and about the war, don't worry, for now... and no one is attacking us, well, they tried to push there, we responded, they left, we left, we have something to respond with today, they are not fools, they also understand this, they know that the father is the father, and he can hit, that's right, so don't worry, i always worry that people are overly tense, but calm down, live calmly and work, today. 4 years ago alexander lukashenko won the next elections. the twentieth year was not easy, but conclusions were made for absolutely every sphere. the main thing is the economy,
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along with it our future, quality of life. i came from russia and i really like it here. i have lived here for 30 years, in general, i do not plan to leave. the president's visit is always exciting for us, because we always wait for him, because he is our fellow countryman. we are happy, everything suits us in our town, all cities are like this now.
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decisions in this area, gave results: the country provides itself with the main types of food: meat, milk, sugar, potatoes, in terms of dairy products, we generally
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produce almost three times more than we can consume ourselves. this opens up profitable export prospects. our country has firmly established itself in the top five countries supplying products to foreign markets, and more than a hundred countries are among the buyers of belarusian products. despite the critics who have always denounced state support for agriculture, food security has become another facet of our sovereignty, it allows not to look back at the neighbors, to feed yourself, to stand firmly on your feet, old-timers know well what efforts it cost, i remember those periods of the formation of our aero-industrial complex, that's how we worked in those years, people lived poorer,
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kolkhoznik, today it is respectful, a worker of the village. with their hard daily work, farmers have earned honor and respect. the sovereignty of the country in a strong industry, we did not allow our enterprises, which we are all proud of today, to be privatized and plundered.
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the largest machine-building flag. of the country sums up, celebrating the anniversary. maz 80. from legendary dump trucks and tractors to the latest ultra-modern liners, this is the path of our maz. over the history of machine-building , more than 2,300 thousand units of equipment have been produced. among the first cars is the legendary mass 200. today we present to the market an absolutely unique hybrid. tractor, in total we produce more than 150 models of cars. the figures speak of great achievements: in the plans for this year to produce 13,735 units of motor equipment, that is, there is to increase production by more than 2,000 compared to last year. results for the first half of the year, an increase in production volume by 1,088 units of equipment
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compared to... the same period last year. the growth in supply is naturally due to the growth in demand in the market. the geography of our exports includes more than forty countries. mass supplies equipment to the cis countries, southeast asia, africa, and south america. export volumes are growing both in kind and in value terms. recently, we signed a large contract in nicaragua. tajik transport, this is 10. more compared to the same period of the twenty-third year, today this is the highest figure in the entire history of the plant. the president congratulated the team of the enterprise on the significant date, as the head of state noted, mass-plant-legend. founded in the forties of the twentieth century, glorified in films, it was and remains one of the largest and most popular projects, first
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in the soviet, now. in belarusian mechanical engineering. every day, they roll off the conveyor dozens of units of cargo, passenger, trailer and municipal equipment, which are bought in more than forty countries. your powerful vehicles participate in grandiose construction projects, win the most difficult routes of the dakar rally and the silk road. the enterprise has become a home for numerous labor dynasties, preserving glorious traditions and passing them on to the younger generation, the congratulations say. mas celebrates its anniversary on a large scale, a parade of motor vehicles took place in the capital, it was like a mobile open-air museum, there were the first models, such as the mas 205 and the latest developments like the tractor of the future, and also the food court exhibition fireworks, how it all began, why the enterprise might not have existed, ilona volynets, and the paths are 80 years long.
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the legendary maz 205. it was with this model that mass production of trucks began at the minsk automobile plant. it can rightfully be called one of the most popular dump trucks in the 50s-60s. i don't know all the cars, of course, but i liked them all, in general i'm more interested in buses, maz products, electric buses, trolleybuses, came to see, electric bus, bus, new, three-wheeled, which, as for me, is very necessary for the belarusian market, we
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did not have our own before, now it is mastering the mass, it is moving forward, in the early sixties the plant got its own design base, thanks to it, for the first time in the soviet union they created a fundamentally new pro...
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those who do not believe in this today, maz will be, will always be both with me and after me. today the model range of mass trucks is 600 models, including about 3,000 modifications of tractors, flatbed trucks, dump trucks, timber trucks, chassis. someone from
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the audience will note that mas was also driven to the parade. the automobile plant's passenger vehicles are 15 models and...
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