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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  August 10, 2024 10:35am-11:31am MSK

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during the next round of presidential elections , there were televised debates between vyachaslav frantsavich kebich and alexander grygoravich lukashenko. as for their work - this salary and give me sausage and everything. well, that same kevich there is another hundred, as you said and that’s it, i’ll die for another month, and then i know the same thing, prices have fallen and i know the same thing. shklow. they came here in a galasavan, a presidential candidate.
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pensions are not enough, everything is expensive, here you go, it's not as you want, and what are you going to vote for now, i'll see who's there yes, hello, hello, hello, our clever girl, clever girl, our clever girl, everything is fine, why are you crying , everything is fine. everything is fine, don't cry, everything is fine, what are you doing, everything will be fine, don't upset me, for my sake, my dear, you are happy, we want to live, i give you my heart, how can we live, we were united, so no...
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in other rounds , alexander lukashenko won a reversible victory. dear citizens, dear people's deputies. i stand for the presidency of the president of the republic of belarus. i swear to serve faithfully to the people of the republic of belarus. to remove
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the laws and laws of the republic of belarus, it is good to remove the high bonds placed on me. from now on, alexander ryhoravich lukashenka, stepping up to the front of the president of the republic of belarus. the unforeseen recession was experienced by the president in the early years of the country: the previous election was a hell of a thing, but the real situation is different. for the current situation, including the past, i take myself as president, and today i will be responsible to you people for how these or those basic provisions.
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what our republic has done for the advances of belarus since that crisis situation, you bastards. we know how unbearable this life is...
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the simpleton of the people, how deeply our life-long injustice has affected us, how the ways to get out of this situation have been laid out, but this does not frighten me as an assabist, and my young andu, we are strong and ready to work without so that our people will have a lighter life, so that our belarus will become more peaceful and rusty. natalya viktorovna, hello, kind day, murat sergeevich, my first interview as a minister with a person with whom we accepted new responsibilities on the same
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day, i would not like to measure ministries, but briefly, what is the new position for you, we will discuss, yes, in fact, the ministry of information. today it really should become the ministry of truth, and this is not according to orwell, here is how you would rephrase your ministry today, which you head, the ministry of care, the ministry of assistance or the ministry of protection and stability, which would accurately preserve in the name, this word of labor, if in more expanded format, then it is rather the ministry of labor and social welfare. beautiful, yes, why labor, labor is always at the forefront, and really such a worthy, productive, effective labor, it provides opportunities, both directly the formation of the social well-being of the working person himself, in
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the formation of his social rights, pension rights, so in the whole society his fruitful labor is formed, the economy grows, accordingly it is formed.
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but this is really a huge experience, the experience first of all of a truly rational spending budget funds, and senior colleagues, financiers, when i was still a young specialist just coming into the system, always said: behind every budget ruble there is a person, and really effective use of budget funds, it is always for the benefit of a person, so you really need to think and rationally use budget funds, well, and having come to the system of the ministry of labor and social protection in 2017, i have been for more than 4 years...
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don't spend money, don't give money, then there will be no problems, okay, well, let's go purity, natalya viktorovna, your situation is just different, your work determines how people will evaluate and treat the state, the authorities and even the president, that is, they delayed the payment of pensions or salaries literally for one day, everything, the entire system bears enormous reputational costs, and risks, so how in such difficult times as now?
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contact, call, we promptly resolve all these issues, that is, there is the possibility of feedback, there is the possibility of
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feedback, moreover, we have the possibility of feedback we cultivate connections, give a person as many centralized tools as possible, where they can contact and report their problem, as a rule, this works, the first, of course, in this direction seriously worked the fund for social protection of the population allowance, we have implemented many requests through forums directly, through social networks, personal accounts, that is, all sources of information, when a signal is received, we promptly connect to the employer, and if he has financial problems in payment benefits, then we finance this employer or directly the mother, well, or the family, as for wages, then our department of state labor inspection works, we are also open to information from citizens , we connect, moreover, recently we ... even work out such areas, how we deploy promptly,
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if we see such targeted, yes, hotlines, when we see that we have an appeal from citizens, there are several of them for one employer, we understand, today there are different economic systems, sometimes one legal entity, and its representatives are deployed in all corners of our country, so a person clearly needs to understand where to go, if there is a problem, he turns to our. department we collect this information, here is our decree of the head of state to help, of course, and the department acts on behalf of the person, and the enforcement agencies collect this debt from the unborn employer the wages themselves are already paid, so if to summarize, we can say that such a system of built controls gives such results, well, let's take a quick look back, in the ussr sometimes they artificially restrained technical progress so that there was no unemployment, well, it
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was such an important criterion, yes, the absence of unemployment in the union, this century has prepared a new challenge, artificial intelligence, we often talk about it, the consequences of sanctions are fleeting, the outflow of it specialists at a certain point, a decrease in the birth rate in all civilized countries and the unpopularity of young people.
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we understand that - on what, on the key tasks that we need to work, this is, firstly, it is necessary to understand, indeed, who the employer needs, the labor market has transformed, it has turned from the labor market of the employer, who offers, into the labor market, the applicant, the employee, who , on the contrary, chooses better, a higher level of work, chooses more favorable, comfortable working conditions, flexible. the schedule is again very seriously in demand by our young generation, the social package is very important, indeed,
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therefore it is necessary to understand, in what direction we should move, and here, above than, if we are talking about the prospect, we really need to work, this is a forecast of the economy's needs for personnel, this is the key task that we are working on today, in general, this work began back in 2008, the key ministry that is working in this direction is the ministry.
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what is the volume of specialists, what is the volume of professions, who needs it, taking into account, of course, the direct participation of the ministry of economy, why, because they also must fully see in this forecast the prospect of creating new jobs within the framework of development new sectors of the economy, which sectors of the economy will be moving at an accelerated pace, which sectors need to be strengthened , well, this will be a benchmark for the educational institution. and we will understand who, what kind of specialists we need to train, as far as needs are concerned, but today we understand perfectly well that demography is a wave-like process, and today we are, yes, we are now in a certain demographic hole, the nineties, yes, the low birth rate of the late nineties,
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but we must prepare, because we had a certain rise in the early 2000s, 2004, 2005. those born in those years will enter the labor market, with these labor resources we must productively prepare and are ready to offer them those jobs and those areas of education that are in demand, that is, a discreet period of about 20-25 years, and of course another very important area is also within the framework, by the way, of the labor market forecast, and we do not discount it, these are already working citizens, we understand that the economy is changing, production is changing, production is modernizing and of course here a serious area is professional training of employees, yes, and therefore here we also have small results for the professional training of employees per year , a little more than 10-12% pass, well, advanced training and retraining of employees, of course, these figures do not suit us, we need to move in this to what would be a normal
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percentage of retraining in your opinion, in our opinion, well, about 20-25% really need to be to this... we strive for this figure, this is not only retraining advanced training, in that number, why, because education throughout life is changing and needs everything, and you immediately lag behind, well, it's obvious , okay, after all, mobile technologies, they have reached our citizens, yes in a good sense, you can now pay for utilities directly from the postmen of the application, and i like this know-how, even more than pizza in 30 minutes, here at ... already several days, how does this option work, right? here how are the successes in your opinion? can you already evaluate or while we are looking closely. in fact, we have a fairly large number of recipients of social payments, they receive them through the banking system. well, now you know, this topic is very strong, the topic of july 1: changes
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in pension payments, yes, it began to excite many. let's calm down. the changes concerned a small category of citizens, young pensioners living in cities up to 70 years old, up to 70 years old, and the first thing we did when we began to implement these provisions of the law, the new law, was to meet with the banks, hold a large meeting, invite all the banks with which the ministry of labor and social protection has concluded contracts, and what do you think we asked them to do, we asked them to review the...
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legislative acts, as for the future, well, more than 97%, of course, this system covered those who were supposed to switch to cards, with the rest, yes, we are working with the rest today, regarding the further transition to cards, of course, everyone will receive pension payments, this is a constitutional guarantee, this is not stipulated, of course there are certain points that still need to be worked on, somewhere an elderly person was not at home, that is we also need to send this category of citizens directly in the direction that is laid down in the law, as regards recipients.
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yes, yes, absolutely he can, moreover, i will say that even in a bank he can withdraw from an account and even at post offices, because sometimes we are talking about distance, even of the same bank
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branches, post offices, he can even come to post offices, at individual post offices also within the framework of joint work with banks, such proposals are also being implemented, and he can withdraw money, so well, all the tools are selected here and we will continue to work. we need to explain a little more, yeah, yeah, just as it is important for us to be in the sco for our image, it is also important for the sco-image that belarus is in the organization, because we have the most valuable thing. that we can export to our allies, political experience, willpower and determination of our leader. we all say that we are big, we are great, we are really
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great, we are more than 40% of the population, about a third of the world's gross domestic product, all we tremble before this dollar. alexander lukashenko regularly does what is generally not very common in world politics , he comes out and tells the purest truth. i see a real person who is simply chopping wood. and many years ago, in order, among other things, i am sure, not to get off the ground. i see a person who jokes, who swears, who can go over , yes, to rage, a political roar, when someone does not do something to achieve a result, because he deeply cares about the result, not only as a president, but also just like a person. author's project by igor turai propaganda. watch on belarus 24 tv channel. we tell you how to choose quality products for... healthy dishes. pay attention to the color. each type of vegetable has its own color. if it is darker or brighter than usual, then it may contain a large amount of nitrates.
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be sure to ask where the garlic was grown. it is best to take the one that grew in a hot climate. a proper breakfast is the key to health and a good mood. yes, we will do it today a healthy pizza option that everyone can eat without exception. turkey is considered one of the most. dietary good types of meat that we can use in our diet, do not forget about invigorating exercises, pay attention to the position of our lower back, try, when squatting, to put emphasis on the heels in order to use our berries as much as possible, we gently roll our shoulders back, make a full circle, feel how our shoulder blades gather, shake off and cheerful and cheerful went into a new day, watch the project breakfast of a champion. on tv channel belarus 24.
11:00 am
okay, here are the big changes from july 1st that affected sick leave, well, the topic is so eternal, but let's make it more clear, the minimum amount of sick leave will increase, so they say three times, the longer the experience, the more profitable it is to be sick, that is, it's all about care again, but what about savings? yes, of course, a question that also requires close attention, the minimum amount of sick leave will increase for young workers, for example, yes, that is, if it will increase due to what, the indicator has changed, if... what as for the amount
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of sick leave itself, of course.
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the entire object for calculating mandatory island contributions, that is, for all salaries, for all payments, the average daily earnings will be calculated, that is, it should increase significantly, but at the same time, if we are talking about real savings, control of these funds, including for the payment of sick leave, then here is such a moment, an increase in the period for calculating the amount of sick leave to 18 months is provided, why because if such a limited period, there were such thefts, sometimes they happen, often such thefts, when earnings are inflated , before, so to speak, certain events, well, secondly, of course, here the control work also showed us its results, when we go out as part of control measures and inspect how the payment is made, the payment of sick leaves, then in 45% of cases we find
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violations, that is, practically...
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here they are paid to a person, but taking into account that in these 45%, when i said that there were violations, there were both overpayments and underpayment of sick leave, so this whole system will be balanced, but in addition, this balance of distribution with longer service and shorter service, these expenses according to our calculations, of course, they will be balanced, a normal topic in fact, well, sick leave is about pregnant women, well, well, those... maria zakharova, she proposed changing the name of the sick leave for women on maternity leave, because she believes that it is unfair to call a woman who is raising a child, well, it is clear how they plow there, excuse me for such slang, call disabled, maybe there is
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some sense in this? you know, murat sergeyevich, i would probably look more at the component of this benefit, yes, what is it worth, well, if we go into history, where the name comes from, then back in 1917, we adopted a decree, that's what it was called, and maternity benefits , this leave, since then , at least in our belarusian society, it's called that, maternity leave, this was just a decree, this is more a common name. among us belarusians, as for changing the name, then, probably, i would keep it, yes, considering that it is not very common among us, does not cause any kind of sarcasm or any questions from the recipients of the benefit, here it is rather a component, and we follow it, because we need to support, we need to support young families, young mothers, students, here in the new law on state benefits for families and
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raising children, just the same... here they provided for a twofold increase in maternity benefits for young mothers, yes, that's why we're working on such a serious component of this manual, well, the name, let it be the one that. let's not hype it up, yeah, according to statistics, they work the most in colombia, almost 48 hours a week, in turkey 47, in mexico 45, in japan , although they say that yes, officially there is a forty-hour work week, but 60 hours of work is not the limit, like, where did japanese workaholism come from, this one. in russia, at one time, they thought about reducing working hours and almost about switching to a four-day work week, well, there were at least such. statements, and we still have 40 hours, is it relevant? is it relevant, and moreover, when we also discussed this issue and considered this issue, then well, after all, probably, it is necessary
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to look at it, well, not so unequivocally, is it really a lot or a little, but in general, what opportunities does the employer have to establish this duration of the working week, our labor code provides for no more than 40%. for this shortened duration of the working week and then this issue is really such a mass yes, that is, for all employers distribution of other time and duration of the working week
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it is also very controversial if we are talking about reducing this working week that is a number of areas of industries of professions that help us to live for example the service sector public transport. teachers, doctors, yes, here, the trade sector, again, if we say that we are reducing the working week for everyone, including for these categories of workers, then here, of course, we must understand that this is either a reduction in the provision of these services, or an increase in the number of employees, so my opinion is that we have this issue designated quite flexibly in the legal field up to 40 hours, if... there is such a need , we have provided for 180 hours of overtime work and 12 days a year of overtime work, weekends, that's what i was talking about , here is a recently adopted decree by the head of state
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, which in certain industries allows, in agreement with trade unions, to provide for an even higher, so to speak, level of these norms and overtime, but monitoring here directly. in my opinion, the most important thing is to change the model itself from a medical one to a set of social indicators, yes, do i understand correctly that not only the state of health will be at the forefront, but also at least
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whether a disabled person can access the same walks, if there is an elevator, a ramp, and so on in the house, that is, things that we do not notice in everyday life, when well, yes, but they are very necessary for individual belarusians, absolutely right. the model is really expanding, early need or lack of need for care in assistance for medical reasons, now this is the whole spectrum, including household, material, household components, and you are absolutely right, you gave such an example, a very good one, if we have a person who needs help, lives and he is limited in movement, lives in such a room or building where there is no barrier-free environment, our social services will really help him in movement , they will accompany him when going for a walk, if he lives in such a locality where he has, well, for example, if he has certain, for example, problems with
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heating, or with some conditions, then of course he will be provided with these services, this is the delivery of firewood, yes, these certain sets of services that he needs in his everyday life. and there is also such an interesting option, this is commensurability, really, who provides services or who helps this disabled person, and if we see that the person really needs. once a decision was made to get rid of
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orphanages in favor of family-type homes, now from boarding houses in favor of social boarding houses, yes, that's what this change and the change of these definitions really gives, first of all, well here murad sergeevich, rather we name our boarding houses, now already social boarding houses after july 1, yes we bring it into line with that, really...
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work starting from the end, these boarding houses, which are in the last ten or twenty, we inspect them, we go out, a zone of special attention, a zone of special attention, we go out, we monitor these boarding houses, we go out with initiative, if necessary to local authorities, what else needs to be strengthened, what needs to be optimized in these homes, boarding schools, and of course this cannot but bring its results, that is, we see the problems, well, it is no secret that ... we have many families with many children, who
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should not be allowed to have access to a ruble at all, and the money should reach the children, these are the words of the president, yes, and this is not a figure of speech at all, that our state is socially oriented, we figured out when all the unconscious, the unconscious, about whom these words are, yes, when they will become socially responsible?
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not at a very serious level, so it is very important here to really show these families and talk about them, well, and as for disadvantaged families, if we return, yes, then...
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and here it turns out that this is precisely our job, yes, the ministry of information, to convey, that is why we touched on this topic today, 2% is already an indicative figure, well, some statisticians say that this is within the margin of error, but for each of these percent there are children to whom the money did not reach, am i right in understanding, yes, that is true, and i would i wanted to say, here too it is very important.
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they are under control, yes, they are under control, if we see that the situation is really getting worse, then measures are taken, and the child is placed under state protection, well, of course, we continue to work with the family, because the child is good in the family and the parent must correct himself, get on the true path, and the child must return to his home, well, and as for
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the control of these funds, here it is envisaged, again today i have already mentioned the law more than once. funds, that is, such an information exchange, bodies for payments to employers of this data did not exist before, already more such indicative, so to speak, opportunities will be, well and further taking into account the practice of development, further development of these tools that would deal harshly with such parents who...
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that's what else in the belarusian legislation, social, yes, we should and can be proud of. maraz sergeyevich, this is a clearly structured system of support at all levels, i will start first of all with wages, no matter how strange, yes, the state regulates the minimum wage,
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for several years now it has been stipulated by law that the minimum that a person should receive is 30% of the average monthly salary. a measure that over the past decade has allowed the number of large families to double, and here too we cannot fail to mention pensions, about expenses on about expenses on pensions.
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this is also the strategy of active longevity, which has been developed, which includes a whole range of measures, here are the new ones formats of social services, well, and also, if we talk, here as a social service, today it was discussed, we can also say, adopted the experience of kazakhstan and introduced a state social order, that is, we understand, we provide social services, plus our assistants public association, also the red cross, for example, within the framework of the state social order too,
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all sorts of it, yes, for independence day, which just passed, we gave gifts to little belarusians who were born on this day, yes, well, this is already a good tradition that we have had for many years, and if in russia it is the year of the family, then sometimes i get the feeling that we have decades of family, yes, it exists in the country, that's how unique these examples that i have outlined are, and maraz sergeyevich, can i correct you, yes? in our opinion, that's why you are professionals yes, me in this sphere in our opinion it's not even a decade, the thirtieth anniversary of the institution
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of the presidency, of course, this direction, yes, it is developing very seriously and thanks to first of all, in the head of state, if you go through the milestones, look, well, even take the last decades, as you said , 2013, this is directly at... the amount of the child care benefit up to 3 years of age to the average salary in the country is increased twice a year, that is, we understand, the average salary in the country is increasing, the amount of the benefit is increasing, today it is so very significant, yes, then this is an improvement in assistance to young families, families raising families, large families, families raising children, improving housing conditions, this is the provision of preferential loans, this is the introduction of the institute.
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well, unfortunately, the last, quasi-philosophical, traditional question. the union of a man and
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a woman, enshrined in the constitution, was chosen by our citizens themselves and they do not want to know anything, there about the month of pride, which has just passed in europe, about lgbt parades, well , the truth is, belarusian society does not accept this, in our country we have other parades, completely different, and we have shown this to everyone again.
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the most important task is to support the family, a prosperous family first of all, of course same, and support for families raising children, this is such a serious main task, and we are now, as in the ministry, yes, we are working on adjusting the main directions of the state family policy, approved by the decree of the head of state, we are working out a new structure, a new direction, this is the emphasis that we want
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to make, this is such a serious ideological, such... informational serious strengthening of this direction, and margeevich, we are very much counting on the support of the ministry of information in this matter, together we must to create such a pro-family, powerful information field that would really be for the benefit of our wonderful belarusian families, our smart belarusian children, well, in general, belarusian society, well, i will not swear off it, but in my person you will definitely get such a pro-family lobby, thank you. thank you for this conversation, thank you, in the western direction there is a systematic build-up of nato coalition forces. at the moment, only in the territory of poland and the baltic states 10 multinational combat
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tactical groups, with a total number of over. 11 people, everything would be fine, but recently our border guards and military have been intercepting dozens of, one might say, intelligence assets, especially drones, already on our territory, these drones are already transporting hundreds of kilograms, the most modern explosives, special exercises have begun together with the people's liberation army of china, before that we were friends with the people's republic of china.
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everything that modern belarus lives with today, watch on the belarus24 tv channel. this news of the country abroad, broadcasts of especially important events, live broadcasts from the scene, current interviews with famous belarusians. fascinating travels around the country, feature films for all ages, on the territory of the countries: azerbaijan, kazakhstan, turkmenistan, uzbekistan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, georgia, turkey, iran, iraq, kuwait, bahrain, qatar, united.


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