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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  August 11, 2024 2:20am-3:05am MSK

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geta was careless, they said the pit, smokes gety numar, the wound and the knowledge of the drain is over, yano such wounds, gety the sword is destroyed. the belarusian stage was rich in first-class artists, argynal genres, which our admyslovian numbers jumped at any concert, giving the people a sluggish joy, and these forgotten, unfortunately, artists. their extraordinary mercy and outstanding masterships are our sonny apologia.
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we serve the estrada with you, once we said, hold on, diving headlong into the touring life, like into the sea, since then constantly on the way, we don’t care about the convenience, the hotel, the home of the homeland, the carriage shelf, the bed, this hot autarian song by viktar sinaisk. let’s listen to the anthems of all the artists, but, of course, they are sleeping and rightly in the first charga, because viktar grygoravich himself is the leading eye and the leader of the belarusian pop scene. reproach, he froze, embarrassed, confused, with a glass cap in his hands, where did this unexpected tenderness come from, yes, yes, i love you. in 1966
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, the first vocal-instrumental ensemble of the bssr was created in the bssr - melodies and rytm, who plays on the keyboards and guitars , will be the king of the savets stage, yuriy anton, viktar himself...
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germalovitch is a late masked teacher and performs for many hours as a jangler and an acrobat, and sometimes there are great wars, and they are fought, tied up in battles and he had his large wounded hands, a hole in the bulges of several fingers, and he could no longer perform as a performer... like a juggler and
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more like an acrobat, now he he seems to be a prolific artist, and he comes up with the most arrogant numbers, satire in the little ones, the scene was carried out by malbert, and the flamemasters there are some small things there and i tell you, hereby i tell you some text, some unusual tales of wings and karpyavs, at the end there are cooties and fires, this is malbert and there they are. here are other images, and the figures of the chalavek, which are small, the characters of the oak, the halim, the characters of the enchanter, the drunken woman of the decanter, and the public ragatala and the spring of the figures of the number of the good. together with his malberts, he spends all his time together, often performs for meat, and spends all his time in the circus. we married him, we had 20 years of differences, but i still respect this chalaveka, for iago. dabratu, for iago high
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mastership, for iago high culture. from the first bastards at the warehouse of bel dzyarzh variety, the athlete akrabat, the master of sports of the ussr, igar piguleevski, who performs for a couple with his wife nadzeya ivanova, is also issued, and at the same time we have a rare magical performance. these are innovative and complex arabic sketches.
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jangler anatoly dutkin is well remembered by the veterans of the belarusian philharmonic, this former sapraudny maystar, the maystar of the vyalikay letary, i would say, the intellectuals of their genres.
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i had some balls, they were folded up, then i put them in this tray, i just put this jug on this pipe, i blew up the pipe, and on my forehead there were four or five of these balls, and it
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balances the outputs so carefully behind the scenes, and here at everyone's garden in novasibirsk, behind the scenes of the past one can see an academician with such torture, kazha: i am working on... this problem in two spheres of science you can shake one or two, three, this is very inmagchy, you have five, like chins, please me, and here dutkin gives out the secret, these five balls are at the pipe covered, what he threw, the yangs were higher, and the lower ones melted these five balls that were on the other side, the skewer, what waste there, and here the yanks were shaking, and he would... folded hands, like a ў anatol dutkin numar s cold zbroyay, of course, yon rabіў yago bezdakorna, as meetings are virtuoso
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and cold-krona, but menavita gety truk chestavav pit ўsyoy yago further stage career and of course, the first spell of health, fell. an unmade dance on a low table, with a bright rusty color. there's a dagger in your teeth, to the very top of the getag the dagger is placed on the sword, the sword is so large, on top of the swords, there was a tray on it, and there is a glass of water, so that it does not spill, it falls into the water of the dagger and the sword becomes the same line with the daggers. this was not careless, they said to the pit: “hey you gety numar, the wound and the knowledge of the drain is over,” but it was so wounded, this sword was cut, the carcass inflicted heavy damage on the pit.
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it’s just luck that the dagger stuck into the person in such a way that it only caused damage. eye, they absolutely, he could just crash into the eye in the head, for a long time dutkin did not work, then he gradually, as much as possible, brought his health back to order, and tolya took up what he had previously considered his hobby, photography, so if anyone ever sees my posters, some of the posters... it was he who came up with all the tricks with all sorts of unusual mugs,
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and he actually came up with some of these examples of posters out of nothing, which worked for me for many years, which for belarusians is a normal life, for others it may seem exotic, good morning, friends, rooster, yes, at us so, good morning, and how is your rooster crowing, friends, any trip in an unfamiliar city should start at the museum, where i’ll tell you how to build the right route to see interesting places, but become one of your own in someone else’s...
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i don’t once there was a story about the fact that uladzimira mulyavina never took over the belarusian philharmonic from the very beginning, only once again did he step down. in all honesty, i declare that this is the honest truth. this historic month happened in may 1961.
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then uladzimir mulyavin arrived at minsk together with your friends and the tomsk regional philharmonic to the performers alexander van lee. and all the years seemed to the master's advice, wang li understood that he was such a great artist. and they told mulyavin that he was a guitar player. in minsk and without yago. a flock of couples, alexander van li , works at the belarusian philharmonic. well, when uladzimir mulyavin arrived here, of course, they added their adnosins, yans, darechs, velmi-velmi douga collected, and vanli meetings with fees say: i brought this one mulyavina in minsk." and this news was quite true. alexander wang-li, a chinese in his own work, i don’t know. how he grew up in the savetsky union, but in the smallest way he came here and his father ў from a group
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of chinese people . here he grew up and the tsudonnaga kauchuk. what is the rubber? he is so upset that the galava has come out of his legs. yashche tsikava, that ў gety momentant pit gave sticks. pіsаў, that kali yany are working on the scene,
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the situation is like this, bytstsam yany svae the urchins are washed out and packed in the grime. so the same thing could have been said by our great alexander van lee. it’s only because they didn’t have time to be filmed on camera at the right time, the angry síastser ros. shchyra seeming, alexander van lee works with the same hands, in your face and the balance with the flower that he takes away in our minds, praying, the
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whole story is the same as the geta was on the screen from the other side of russia. brother. this flower is on the ground like this flock, yes, it is , well, the ground is like that, well, maybe 20 centimeters of the floor, it bends and the flower is taken with teeth, and then there was a lot of heat here, but it was so cold. alexander uladzimiravich van lee completed his career as an acrat in 1974. then he showed up to the doormen at the famous minsk stone restaurant. kvetka on the boulevards of talbukhina, in the evenings many people played on the philharmonic stage, and where everyone goes, uladzimir mulyavin. the greatest successes of wang li's career have become smoky times with dziadzka jan funchy in
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the film there are boundaries, darechy, menavita dziadzka, and the breakthrough of a young man at the circus. yana was taken to the gray starting line, wang li played episodic roles of marketer and salesperson in a jewelry store. of course, the spartan-acrobatic genres were found in all philharmonic societies of the former sayuz, and here the belarusian philharmonic was in avangardze, where such outstanding acrobats, two
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pairs, etc. brothers fedar and mikalai famenki, viktar and anatol rzhavutsky. connected, head to head, here he immediately put me and so fate turned out that our life we ​​had stability in work, the partner tells me, you have to do your 50% of the work yourself
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and i did my 50% and... when i realized this, then my eyes were opened, it turns out that i had not prepared myself individually enough, it is not enough to give myself to a partner, you need to master the trick yourself, i started doing 100 handstands in a row so that i would not fail a single handstand, then i brought it up to 200, then to 300, that's when i brought it up to 300.
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at the belarusian state philharmonic , two artists worked in different places, who were devoted to the most enigmatic, mysterious genre, which is...
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well, not for a very long time, in 1939-40, and then i went to moscow, and there already praised throughout the savetsky union. another
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artist is ganna yaframaina argo dabarskaya, who lived in minsk and performed at the belarusian philharmonic in the 60th and 70th years. shchyra seem to be, in your gift, in your talent. in her magic, hanna argo was in no way inferior to wolf's messing and worked the same as he, but he knows that it's not like she's trying so hard to adgradzitsa hell, so the movement of tarmasia would develop this genre , where i am, what i am storing pit kankurentsyyu. near minsk, ganna argo arrived with to her husbands andrey dabarsky, past artists...
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the feeling that she had some powerful computer in her head, because she appealed to nine-digit, ten-digit numbers, as we appeal to the multiplication table, nothing more, basically, with the exception of people for whom mathematics has become a profession, or she, i say, had such a powerful computer in her head, or she had a connection with such a powerful...
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stands on which some numbers were displayed, nine-digit, ten-digit, these numbers, she subtracted something, divided, everything this was happening, i even remember her composure, her half-closed eyes, like a very tense brain in order to, and in her brain, like in arithmetic, you know, these numbers flash, when they turn on something, well, they type something into the computer, it seems to me that the same thing was happening to her at that moment, and all
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this, finally she found the answer, raised her eyes and said it, deathly silence, practically, you know, that is, then interrupted by applause, but all the people were simply in shock, in shock, in surprise about... the ussr has a very high level of destruction, all of the most psychological experiences, and all of it has a new gift. there, i
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read the thoughts of the investigator, who were in the room, and her thoughts added certain commands that were assigned, a couple of very weak ones, there was no need for knowledge from the father, a bag, there’s no point in reading on a certain page of the book that was lying in the getai madmen, and so on, and so on, and the meetings of ganna yaframaun, she carried out the most complex assignments, never remembered, and geta, of course, called the borax, a flurry of emotions among the buried eyes. finally , while shepherding the dance, the grim dagannay argo , some unceremonious young chalaveks appeared, like the pram who immediately declared: “give me the code of your psychological experiments.” yana yama, so irritated, said: “am i going to take out your thoughts and sell them off? i can confirm that there was no code and there could not have been, because i myself worked
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on psychological experiments for many years. we are conducting expeditions in the corners of our country. charga folklore expedition, ya paradkavy numar 605. room yes, let's continue with our history and meat abrads, and you beracami dze, so don’t lame the viburnum, if you are in the army, then don’t ruin the state, and give the old traditions a new life, kali-kalina advila, then lama kalina, where are you for...
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armies of the past , go ahead with the projects in advance on the tv channel belarus 244, listen to ghana.
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in 1960, hanna argo performed at the kaliningrad philharmonic, and the singer there was known for her artistic performance at the 22-year-old lidziyaya karmalskaya philharmonic, which performed in the genres of whistling. on that hour lidziya has been living as a civil wife with 19-year-old guitarist vladimir mulyavin for a year now. and still she could not come to an official agreement...
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after many years of their life together, another story, that lida, you will give birth to a second child, she predicted it to her, mother never thought that she would have a second, then volodya was born, you will divorce your husband, which happened again, and after 55 years you will begin to go blind, mother's eyesight began to decline catastrophically, and perhaps, if it were not for her.
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were young, only they would have died. lida performed in aryginal genres, master's whistle. geta is a rare genre on our stage. at that time, sayuz had only three such specialists: taisiya sava, fimneit and lidzia karmalskaya. lida had perfect hearing, then they played in the big band of kuzbass, and she set up the archestra, she lined up
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the trumpeters, the trombones had sex, well, that’s how we got to know each other, all the evenings we were busy, we were chattering, and here we have a geta stage, well, i’m saying that we had well... more than 10 concert jumps and 10 slumps that day, it's a lot more than 10 - it's accurate. ay-ah, but there are only archestras here, they come from us, oh, terrible, this is europe, and all the people have come and worked all the time in the philarome. well, what do you need to say, it’s small that yana is an outstanding artist, yana is an outstanding chalavek.
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lidziya alyakseevna karmalskaya was a favorite of the belarusian philharmonic society, this was taken from... the first editions of 1963, kali yana fell to the throne, and uladzimir mulyavina left a couple with her, yana put the leaflet on the side of the frame, then wrote: husband 22 bastards, prazue guitarists, yana married a simple guitarist, ale menavita karmalskaya, in the past , we can say that yana has earned yago musicians, and right now voice
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gavoryets veterans of the belarusian philharmonic, gavoryts, what if there were no karmalskaya, there would be no mulyavin, there would be no song. lidzia karmalskaya, for a long time , performed in the warehouse of the pesnyary ensemble, i performed their concerts, i walked with two such solo numbers, kaliyana died, the songs are akampanavali, it is possible. tell the fans that karmalskaya was a great artist, which song was on the back-vocal, and this great adzina has captured the number, like the data of our zens and our personalities, performed by lidzia karmalskaya and ensemble "pesnyary".
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sennya on the stage of aryginal genres is not a big deal, it’s time to get them out of the concert halls, and we’re going to learn about these complicated and talented practical scenes, the holy saints have given their light and... great gifts to their followers, outgoing and their indescribable emotions of joy, fascination, task and sadness. the names of these artists have been added to the history, but they add to the belarusian pop scene, their brilliant talent and the party’s work, designed to capture their bright images. we have a special memory.
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let you love me like a little flower in the field, like a young bird that flocks over a crayfish, like a patched bird that is alive in the wild, let me love you, let me love you for a song. i feel, for the deepest laughter, for the precious ring,
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for the clear eyes, for the young soul, may you please love, let me love you for the bright hours that you give me in happiness to pass, for the purest inspiration, dear girl, let me love you.
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is it true that money is beautiful, we pay attention to their denomination, forgetting that it is also a work of art. today we are at the national bank of the republic of belarus to lift the veil of secrecy of the process of developing the creation of cash banknotes and to literally admire money. with you, yulia burlo, this is a fashion for culture. you can talk about money endlessly, on them nice to look at, but more often we strive to own them. money is one of the greatest inventions of mankind that influenced the development of civilization, as well as the most replicated objects, carrying the most important
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information about the country that issues them. the money museum of the national bank of the republic of belarus is a collection of unique exhibits. in the ninety-seventh year , the museum fund began to form, that is , the first exhibit arrived there. in 2019 , an updated exposition was opened, that is, our second hall, and the first ones have already come to us visitors. how was the exhibition formed? the initial goal of its creation was to accumulate
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materials on the emission practice of the national bank, that is, materials on the creation of money. signs, then the collection began to expand, we acquired nomismatmatic artifacts, that is, now nomismatics is the basis of our fund, the basis of our namismatistic collection is nomismatmatic complexes, money, money things, complexes, for example, consisting only of banknotes, there are rarities, that is, things that cannot be found anywhere else see, only we have very, very rare exhibits. for example, the 14th century, the 15th century and so on. what are the most unique? well, for example, we have a treasure from the second half of the 14th century. it contains a silver tatar slit, or in other words, it is called som. this is the only find registered in belarus. there is a unique collection of gold coins
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from the middle ages. there are the first coins of the grand duchy of lithuania. lithuanian dinars from the end of the 14th century. also a very, very rare find. and such a highlight of our collection was found during the study of one of the complexes the most rare example of a lithuanian poltorak from 1652, there are only 10 such examples in the world, in the modern world, in our time does it happen that someone finds a treasure?


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