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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  August 11, 2024 11:25am-12:00pm MSK

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everything needs to be done in a coordinated manner, but nevertheless some moments need to be designated, when there are situations where it is necessary to already ring the bell somewhere on something, it is necessary to do and pay attention to it, and where what, what other opportunity do we have, well, somewhere we can be in a common room with the first persons, and there we can voice our position, but in general here is a mass media, we are opinion leaders in some way, so we prepared, i invite you to taste ours, let's take a dish each, you a large one, i will have a glass one, you an aluminum one, let's go. bon appetit, let's try, let's try, such a salad is eaten with bread, yeah, normal shrimps, good, excellent, i like it, the salad is very light. such, thank you vadim for a good
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recipe for a good salad, now, dear tv viewers, according to our tradition, a recipe for life from a real belarusian vadim borovik, it seems to me that it is very important to be in harmony with yourself and not get hung up on one thing, a person has several well-essential aspects of life, where he must realize himself and feel himself. full-fledged, it is important to be healthy, i draw your attention once again, if you do not have health, you do not need anything else in this life, the second, of course, is some kind of spiritual component, here a person should do something and do what he really does sincerely, what he believes in, today i found myself somewhere in politics, somewhere creativity helps me to show my spiritual aspects, the third is personal relationships, family relationships, and of course you need to value your native land, the place where we were born for me.
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their path to their own happiness. incredibly interesting in its own way complicated: in the seventh grade at 14 years old, i suddenly decided, i will be an artist, i will go to the artist, although i wanted to be both an artist and a writer, there was an interest in this kind of singing already solo, in some kind of my own timbre, i suddenly became interested in listening to it on record, how it sounds, how it changes, each story is a motivation to change your life for the better, and you take, a fragile young girl.
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the natural wealth of belarus is jumping, a lot of secrets can be found in the belarusian region. here you will find enchanting lakes with an extraordinary water , called god's water. the name of the lake was inspired by the dzyakuyuchy abras, which reminds us of the waters. vozera is in the shape of a regular circle, which does not change for many hours. there is a shame that there are so many people on the right from heaven, and there is a wealth of such enchanting chandeliers in belarus. the production of medicines
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is quite a responsible mission. we, of course, understand where we work, we know that in the future these drugs will be taken by people, some maybe the only hope for this drug to improve your health, so we approach our work with the utmost responsibility. the goal is one - to develop an effective and safe drug that will subsequently help save a person's life and health. my name is olga zakharevich, i am the head of the drug development laboratory at the borisov plant of medical preparations, our enterprise is trusted with the most valuable thing - health.
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and discuss writing technological instructions. the working day consists of different spectrum of action. what environments do we have prepared for the test today? dissolution kinetics test environment: phosphate buffer
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solution with a ph of 6.8, volume 900 ml, spare crusher speed 50 rpm. we have many laboratories, but each one performs its own function, that is, there is an analytical laboratory in which drugs are tested during the production of drugs. each series is subject to quality control. there is a microbiological laboratory, it is also responsible for quality control, but already microbiological characteristics, there is production. technological laboratory, which is engaged in the improvement of existing technologies, sanitary-industrial laboratory conducts tests of maximum permissible concentrations in the air in the working area. in our laboratory
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, the first steps of the drug begin, accompanied by our specialists, it takes an honorable place in the product line of our plant. now we are in the room of engineers, technologists and chemists, where employees are engaged in work with documents, victoria is currently working on a drug that is at the initial stage of development, she is selecting a composition and suggests a technological process for the treatment of diabetes. the drug development laboratory is engaged in the development of drugs, as a rule, these are reproduced drugs, the molecule of which is already on the market, the so-called generics,
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the development of drugs is a complex multi-stage process, the development period varies from three to 5 years, the average amount development from 400 thousand belarusian sometimes the amounts are calculated in millions, but everything depends on the specifics of the drug. development of drugs is carried out within the framework of the import substitution program, the state scientific and technical program, sometimes with the involvement of budgetary funds, within the framework of the working program of the enterprise. today , there are 40 drugs in the working prospective program, each is at its own stage of development, where development begins, based on the market analysis, the marketing department proposes for development this or that medicinal product. we receive an offer from the ministry of health or a holding company,
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but it is included in the development program only after an assessment of the possibility of production on existing equipment has been made; for the production of some forms, it is necessary to purchase additional equipment, additional materials, and sometimes it is necessary to build a new production site. and a medicinal product is included in the development program. which is appropriate for development, then a search for substances, initial materials, a patent search is carried out, that is, whether the drug has any patent protection, then we begin development in laboratory conditions, the choice of the manufacturer of the substance and excipients, the quantitative composition, the qualitative composition of the drug...
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excipients such as microcrystalline cellulose, sodium starch glycolate, lactose, sodium carbonate, glucose monohydrate and others are used. it should be said that our laboratory is well equipped, this is high-precision equipment, we we have technological equipment that is as close as possible to production equipment in its design features. which allows us to reduce the risks when transferring technologies to industrial conditions. after
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the process engineer has calculated the preparation of the tablet mass and prepared the substances and excipients, he begins experimental laboratory loadings. this type of production is as close as possible to production, there is. equipment in design features very similar to production, only smaller sizes. in this case , the mass was first produced by moistening, at this stage the granulate is dried, the next stage will be granulation to obtain a more uniform panulate, followed by powdering, after that we will have tableting, coating and after.
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this experimental batch is produced in small quantities, necessary for further testing. after completing the development work in laboratory conditions, we need to develop a pilot industrial series for registration medicinal product. human studies it is necessary to have a report
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on the comparative dissolution kinetics test in laboratory conditions, which is this test, imitates the human gastrointestinal tract, the tablets dissolve in three environments: in an acidic environment, hydrochloric acid and alkaline, and when dissolving the original drug and the drug developed in our laboratory, we must achieve a certain similarity coefficient, a report is compiled, the methods of this test are validated, in the future we can it is safe to say that the drug can be used in human trials. groups of volunteers take the original drug and the drug being developed by our plant at the same time. equivalence.
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the registration dossier is the collection of data on the drug, documents that will confirm the quality of the drug, it is still necessary to carry out quality control, but obtaining... a registration certificate is not the final stage, and in order for us to be able to sell our products, it is mandatory to have three industrial series have been developed, the technological process has been validated. the first industrial series is selected for quality control by the republican control and analytical
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laboratory, only after this the products can be delivered to the warehouse. after that the process is considered mastered and then industrial production of the drug is carried out. borisov plant of medical preparations produces drugs with a wide spectrum of action. twelve pharmacotherapeutic groups for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, neurological diseases , infectious diseases, diabetes. the plant produces liquid dosage forms, these are injection solutions, tinctures, soft dosage forms, liniment, ointments, gels, solid dosage forms, tablets, capsules, powders for injections.
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we will tell you about the diversity of belarusian cuisine, and also, if you did not know, buzhenina is an original slavic dish, it appeared among the eastern slavs who lived in verkovye bug, hence the name buzhenina, of course, you can go to any hypermarket now, buy a huge one like this. i like the approach of the volkovysk girls, what did you call it? elk meat with
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demi-glace sauce with baked potatoes and bacon, here it is ready! and we will make a detailed gastronomic map of our country. the fact that this dish was invented in volkovysk confirms my guess. volkovysk loves meat and knows how to cook it. this is an interesting, very tasty and very unusual dish. and i believe that it can boldly represent belarusian cuisine on the world stage. look project. where on our tv channel we talk about the most fascinating things from the world of science, and as always science comes to the aid of man, because it is she who gave us special means for protection from sun rays, a pharmacist from the usa and a chemist from switzerland, who invented the first sunscreen.
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we share interesting facts, ask the most exciting questions and look for answers to them. what is better, again, i am sure you will say everything individually, but there are probably some, let's say, basics, basics, basics basics in the fact that our skin still needs both in protection, but so in humidification, but in any case the components must be humidifying, we are talking about unique membranes that are in filters, we have two quite interesting directions, these are membrane technologies for water purification and... exchange technologies for water purification, they solve different problems, but are in demand, watch the project science nearby on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. therefore, the workshop personnel always monitor the preparation of air, the temperature of production facilities, permission for the production of products, we receive.
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to the drying stage, thus we obtain granulate that is heterogeneous in terms of fractional composition, then, in order to have a homogeneous granulate,
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we transfer it to the granulation stage, the mass is passed through a sieve of a certain diameter, and we obtain a homogeneous granulate, we only need to add sliding substances in order to fill the matrix of the rotary table in the tablet press, we obtain tablets that are homogeneous in mass and homogeneous in dosage. next comes the tableting stage. in this department , tableting of tablets is carried out mass on a high-speed tablet press with a capacity of 2.0 tablets per hour. each tablet size has its own set of pressing tools, which allows you to get the required geometric dimensions. tablets that are film-coated are transferred to the next stage of film coating, for which film coating is not required,
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are transferred to the packaging stage. film coating can serve to mask the taste of the tablet, to facilitate swallowing, there are enteric-soluble coating and other coatings that are needed for a specific function in the body. tablets have different shapes, can be spherical, flat-cylindrical, tablets can have a risk to divide the dose into two equal parts. the size of the tablet depends on the dosage of the drug, there are large-dose, there are small-dose drugs, as well as auxiliary components that are part of the tablets. the size of the tablets can vary from 6 mm in diameter to 14 mm in diameter, tablets have different heights, the size of the tablet determines the equipment in
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which it will be packed later. after the packaging stage, the worms are sent to the packing line, the line is equipped with control systems, one control system allows you to assess the correctness of the insertion of blisters. pack, that is, if the insertion is insufficient, the system rejects this pack, so we see that there is nothing in this pack. the next control system is the correctness and clarity of the application of data on the expiration date and series of drugs. if it is not clear enough data is visible, then the system will also stop the machine or... reject one or another mouth, during the production process , quality control is carried out, intermediate products before packaging,
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samples of the drug are taken, transferred to the quality control laboratory, tests are carried out, a quality certificate is issued and then the product is transferred to the packaging stage and after the packaging stage. it undergoes repeated quality control, a passport is issued for the finished product, which indicates compliance with the control quality, and this product can be sold. there are five production shops at the plant, the first shop produces ampoules, injection solution in ampoules. the shop produces about 25 million ampoules per month. we work at eight production sites, which belong to different classes of room frequency, since the production of injection drugs is a sterile
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production. the shop is the largest at the enterprise, it employs about 600 people, the work schedule is three-shift, production is almost continuous, since we are obliged to ensure the release of sterile injection drugs. now we are in the heart of ampoule production, here the filling and sealing of ampoules takes place, this line is located. in high frequency class b and is equipped with local zones a. the filled ampoule comes out and then goes to the autoclave, in which the tightness test is carried out, or the sterilization of ampoules is carried out, depending on what drug we are producing. we produce drugs in ampoules from 1 to 5 ml.
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the second workshop produces liquid and soft medicinal preparations, the third and fourth workshops are solid medicinal forms, tablets, capsules. the fifth workshop specializes in the production of sterile antibiotic powder. splashes number five are produced up to 28.5 million vials per year. in particular, this is the name of the sperilnye rodkov gleyent. in a dosage of 0.5 and 1 g. raw materials are received in sterile containers, which are then moved to raw material rooms, frequency class b, and then, from these chereevyh rooms, after all studies, it moves directly to the stage of ambassadors. then , using a microgalzirovanie machine, it is strongly scattered into bottles, sealed
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with sterile rubber. when taking medications , the dosage should be taken into account, if the instructions for use contain the doctor's recommendations, then this must be done without fail, also after you have purchased the drug at the pharmacy, even my big request, be sure to take into account the storage conditions, if the drug is photosensitive, then under the influence
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light there may occur some of... how to take the drug before meals, after meals, before bed, in the morning , etc. the information provided in the instructions for use is not written just like that, but so that the consumer strictly follows it. the effectiveness and safety of this drug and its effect on the body will depend on this. the pharmaceutical industry in belarus is at a fairly high level. our drugs are in no way inferior in quality to imported drugs, since for the production of these drugs uses raw materials of proper quality. in the process of development is shown in
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efficiency. every year about 50% of the products are exported, the sales geography covers such countries as the republic of moldova, the eac countries, the cis countries , turkmenistan, tajikistan, uzbekistan, iraq, syria, afghanistan and other countries. borisov plant of medical preparations will turn 60 years old next year, our enterprise began its journey with a small
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pharmaceutical... factories with a number of 257 people, produced a limited number of solutions, ointments, tablets. in the process of work was made. modernization, new workshops were built, in the eighties the first tablet workshop was built, in the ninety-first workshop for ampoule production, in 2013 a project for the production of solid dosage forms was implemented, this is workshop number four, in 2015 a workshop for dispensing antibiotics. at present, it is a constantly developing. enterprise has great technological potential, qualified personnel. we always go a lot over time, the requirements for the production of medicinal forms change, so we must always keep, let's say, our finger on
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the pulse, always be in the center of events. each family has either a relative or an acquaintance who works at our enterprise. the enterprise is a city-forming one, i have been working at the plant for 19 years, my career began with a blue-collar job, i got into the production technology laboratory, where engineers and technologists worked, i received higher education in absentia, graduated from the belarusian technological state university, worked for a long time as an engineer-technologist at... collected my experience, from the nineteenth year worked as the head of the production and technological laboratory of solid dosage forms, in the twenty-second year, i became the head of the laboratory for the development of drugs. this work requires some non-standard
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approaches, increasing the level of their knowledge qualifications, this is an interesting job, everyone should understand the responsibility of performing production tasks, since these products subsequently... go to the consumer, the health of our people depends on their quality. ideally, of course, to come up with a single pill to cure all diseases, or to wish that no one on the planet would get sick, but this is only a dream for now, so almost 300 people work at our enterprise in order to...
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on air news at noon, with you lyudmila kazak in this issue.


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