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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  August 12, 2024 9:00pm-9:45pm MSK

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find a new place on the map of belarus that is definitely worth seeing, as well as suggest projects and films that will certainly become your favorites, this and much more awaits you in the project efir 24 on 7, watch on the belarus24 tv channel. this is a panorama, we are summing up monday, in the studio elena nasacheva, hello, here are the main topics of the day: a day in the palace of independence, the president agreed on the appointment. brest region, these are not all
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the names, we will tell you more in the panorama. the tense situation in ukraine, countering terrorism and extremism cooperation of the military industry. the draft concept of the security of the union state was discussed today in moscow at the level of state secretaries of the security council of belarus and russia. false neutrality from new york. human rights watch. why, instead of a guardian of human rights, the organization became an instrument of american geopolitics, who pays and dances the watch over people and how do drunken violations pass, and who finances the supposedly independent structure? let's conduct an investigation in understandable politics. capsule collection for students of all ages. 20 educational institutions entered the pilot project on school tresskode, what types of clothing are offered and what is trending this season. details in the report. so,
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f-16 aircraft in the skies of ukraine, tension reaches new heights. certain risks have emerged for belarus as well. we will touch on the topic in the disposition project. personnel day at the independence palace. today, new faces appeared in the cabinet of ministers and among the heads of regions and districts. they deserve special attention. alexander lukashenko has already assessed the importance of these positions. the work should be carried out as if head of the executive committee. president in this territory, the current composition of appointees in terms of motivation turned out to be extremely charged, in interviews today journalists often heard, i want, conditionally, my district to enter the top five, top three best. as for the regions, the first region received a new governor today, for more than a month they were selecting personnel for this post. brest will be pulled up in industry, the new head of the region understands this. details in the report by katerina krutalevich. personnel day. in the palace
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of independence for someone else very an exciting episode in a career, for example, for the heads of district executive committees, this is practically always the first such direct conversation with the head of state, journalists have observed this in the red hall more than once, at this moment a very disciplined atmosphere is maintained, quietly gathered in anticipation, at the table six new appointees and the head of the presidential administration, gennady sabynich headed the city executive committee of vitebsk, recommended for the position of normal vitebsk region, the climate is seriously changing and has changed, it is necessary work, you just need to decide what you will cultivate on the land in the vitebsk region and what you want from the vitebsk region from the industry, you need to systematize, there should be no chaos and you should not refer
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to the fact that someone planned something before you and did not do something, i mean these integration structures, they do not interfere with you, if you want to destroy them, please destroy them, but you must see the light at the end of the tunnel. here are potentially new heads of volkovysk, lyubansk, bykhov and osipovichsky district executive committees and heads of administration of one of the city districts of mogilev. the president has questions about each, for example, asipovichsky wagon-building?
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elementary, and i really hope, not to start the edge of work in general to bring that with your arrival there the situation will change. in general, the president emphasizes, in any district its head should not have, but already has a special status, which assumes full control of the situation, you are presidents on this piece of land in your district, you must interfere in any issues if you see that they are not being resolved as they should be resolved, if this contradicts the policy that is being pursued in belarus, god forbid, of course, so in this regard we are serious. we will work, perhaps we will come to the adoption of a regulatory legal act, this will be a document that you will take, you will understand where your rights are in order to act and where they are limited. as for the lyuban district committee , the mood here is on the threshold of a large project,
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they planned to launch another one into operation enterprise for the extraction of koliynaya ore and , accordingly, the production of fertilizers. the task was set that luban should become a city, this district center. mineral fertilizers, the demand for them is very serious, not only within our country, on foreign markets, and they will be able to invest some extra penny in the luban district, i am not even talking about the fact that the district center should be transformed and there should be construction of housing for those workers who will
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work at this mining and processing plant. later, giving comments journalists, the newly appointed head of the regional executive committee will say that there are clear deadlines, as... brest region, you need to understand that one thing is the vice-prime minister, another thing
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is independent work in the province in the brest regional executive committee, this is responsibility for the region, the chairman of the regional executive committee is the central figure. in the authorities of belarus, this must also be understood, brest region is a good region, but not simple, why parkhomchik, yes because you will sort out agriculture there together with mikhail ivanovich, he will be with you to work as a person responsible for the region, i spoke to him today, he understands everything and knows what needs to be done there, he said that with parkhomchik you told me so.
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there is a problematic relatively in brest, brest region, order will be established there and the result will be good. according to the new governor, there are already specific projects, one of them in baranovichi, the construction of the launch of a plant for the production of household appliances with a world-famous partner. we held talks with the company, it produces high-quality refrigerators, which do not intersect with our enterprise in minsk. we have been working on this issue for a very long time, i will say, and there were several notes addressed to the president, and of course, i understand his concerns, so that we, implementing this project in the brest region, do not worsen, say, the work of our enterprise atlant, which is located in minsk, therefore
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all the necessary negotiations have been held, it will complement or will expand the line that medea produces today on the market, but it is necessary to understand that the ministry of foreign affairs has been looking for a long time for where to place this production. the choice fell on two republics, this is kazakhstan or the republic of belarus. today, it supplies the russian federation market systematically within 1 million refrigerators. is in the process of their implementation, this is the further implementation of investment
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projects, the exit after their implementation to production or nominal parameters of work, with all this, this is an increase in the efficiency of enterprises and quality, the most important thing is the quality of manufactured products, expansion of the range due to the introduction of new modern equipment, again, all this is due to modernization and existing, and somewhere the creation of new production, who became new? must be mobile. the hurricane that swept across the country became a test for both the ministry of emergency situations and for those on whom the light in houses, and water, and
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most importantly communications depend. i have gone from a young specialist, a master of gas facilities, to the minister today. i perceive this as a sign of colossal trust from the head of state and a sense of responsibility for the upcoming work. the work will primarily be aimed at quality energy supply. consumers, as shown by recent events related to natural disasters, all paid attention and felt what it is like to be in a house without light, without energy supply, therefore the system is formed, it has been formed for decades, it is self-sufficient belarusian energy, but at the same time there is no limit to perfection, another appointment at the belarusian railway a new leader has appeared, a responsible place has taken. today we have 17% growth for the past time of this year
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internal transportation, that is, we see an increase in cargo transportation within our native republic, as for export, there is a small increase, about 1.5-2%, import to the republic, about 9%. additionally, in the working order , people are not required to be personally present, the president has agreed on the appointees in the ministry of labor, finance in a permanent. only from them themselves. katerina krutalevich, successfully or not, practice shows, depends on alexey volkov, ilona krasutskaya, alexander oleshka, tv news agency. and if before today's. appointees opens the widest field of responsibility and new opportunities, then our farmers are on the home
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stretch. across the country, taking into account rabs, 7.66. ton of harvest has been collected. of these, 6.10,000 tons of grain and leguminous crops. they remain to be harvested on 13% of the area. the average yield is high - 33.6 centners per hectare, which is higher than last year. and 1.56. ton. rabs, the leaders in grain harvesting are minsk, grodno and brest regions, and the southernmost has already completed the mass harvest, but the vitebsk region still has work to do on a third of the area. the situation on the border of belarus with ukraine is fully controlled, but border guards are serving in an enhanced mode, the country's border committee said. belarus is ready to defend itself. at any moment , it has the necessary defense resource and political will. let me remind you that on the evening of august 9
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, our country's airspace was violated by drones that flew in from ukraine. the air force of the air defense forces of belarus was transferred to increased combat readiness, some targets were hit on our territory, others on russian territory. after this provocation by ukraine, the president orders were given to strengthen the troop grouping in the gomel and mozar tactical directions. yevgeny gorin on the air incident and provocations on the border, to strengthen the troop grouping in the regions bordering ukraine, primarily in gomel and...
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at 19:4 at an altitude of 1.5 km and a range of 6.5 km , several targets on the territory of belarus were destroyed by air defense forces. military units of the special operations forces of the ground forces, missile, including the polones jet systems and
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iskander complexes, were tasked with carrying out marches to designated areas. there was also a build-up of forces. radiotechnical troops of aviation in russian internet resources it is reported that the number of drones shot down in belarus and the yaroslavl region is 19 pieces, in addition to the special operation forces , wagnerites, previously stationed on the territory of belarus, arrived at the border. ukraine was interested in getting involved in the war even with belarus. if kiev to receive some new military assistance from the west, for example, there. obtaining permission for strikes by american weapons systems deep into russian territory will require new permits they can resort to very serious provocations on the border with belarus in order to convince the west that ukraine has also become a victim of aggression from the belarusian side. indeed, kiev periodically launches
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a drone and probes the air defense of our country in different directions. drawing belarus into a... military conflict, a reason to push nato to direct participation in hostilities, the drones shot down the day before were going to nato engineers, an electric engine, electronic components of the alliance countries, an active multi-frequency antenna of american manufacture, a belgian navigation system were found. here in this case the situation with belarus, which is actually located next to the flaring up, already flared up, as it were, segments. a large, large conflict, but this is also a very serious situation, it is clear that this concerns the belarusian state, for belarus the actions are completely obvious, the return of troops to the border, which by the way, pay attention attention, caused in kiev, not only in kiev, there in the west they started screaming again, again these cries about the escalation of the situation, you know, it is very interesting, yes, when the americans
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say that the fact that the ukrainian armed forces attacked the kursk region, a sovereign... in connection with the violation of the airspace of belarus on august 9 by a ukrainian drone , the position of the belarusian side on this issue was conveyed to the european diplomat, it was emphasized that such actions carry the potential for escalation of the military conflict.
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belarus is in favor of a peaceful settlement and calls on the eec to influence the ukrainian government. in order to prevent similar actions in the future. yevgeny gorin and bogdan petrash, ktn. it should be noted that the tense situation in ukraine was discussed today in moscow. negotiations between the state secretaries of the security council of belarus and russia took place here. as a result, the draft concept of security of the union state will take into account the current changes in the military-political situation. according to alexander volfovich. this is a fundamentally new document, both in structure and in content in its development.
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reality that tells us shows this to the whole world that the united west, more than 50 states are participating in armament, training, by the way, in combat operations too, which we see practically every day, mercenaries and instructors and many operations are planned, including for...
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we have common views on the assessment of the military-political situation, and in general the geopolitical situation in the world, and as far as the union state is concerned, these modern challenges, threats, are aimed first of all, to the collapse of the union state, to the introduction of destabilizing factors in our common space, therefore , the issues discussed were, of course, counteraction to these challenges and threats, connected primarily with military-technical.
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extremism, as well as the use of sanctions as an instrument of pressure in international relations. at present, when the militarization of the european region is underway, the activity of the usa and nato in the states bordering belarus is increasing, this is especially relevant. death throes of the ukrainian regime are turning into ecological terror. as a result of the shelling of energodar by the armed forces of ukraine, a fire broke out at the cooling systems of the zaporizhzhya npp. as the governor of the region reported, at present, all six power units of the station are in cold shutdown, there are no threats, the radiation background around the npp and the city is normal, all consequences of the attack have been eliminated,
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the station workers were not harmed. it should be noted that the ukrainian regime, supported by nato curators, is systematically shelling the entire north of the zaporizhzhya region, where uavs can reach, cannon artillery, mortar artillery, everything that can be today flies. to the north of our region people are suffering, all measures are being taken to localize the consequences of these strikes. it must be said that today all units are ready, the fire has already been localized, the radiation background is normal, this in principle will not affect the operation of the station itself. the damage will have to be assessed by specialists, but it is already clear that for the first time we are talking about such serious damage to the npp infrastructure. grodernya is a complex systems are necessary. for cooling burned out from the inside, there is no danger of collapse, however , it is possible that work will have to be carried out to replace the facility, said the head of rosatom alexey
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likhachev. he emphasized that the attack in the sssu is a new level of nuclear aggression. a targeted attack on the safety of the station, the director general of magatem demanded to stop the attacks on the npp, calling them reckless, and the chancellor of austria called on the parties to immediately de-escalate and begin negotiations. official kiev. responsibility for the attack on the nuclear facility refused to take himself, but is ready to continue to accept military assistance. the first batch of f-16 aircraft was delivered to kiev. many analysts and authoritative publications believe that these fighters may even use polish airfields during the conflict. how will the tension in the air affect the safety of the belarusian sky and what tools are currently improving the vision of the domestic air defense in the disposition project. on the air, disposition, this is gagarin, let's go, august again promises to be a difficult month.
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in ukraine, recently it is air groups of this type of fighters are increasingly conducting training in eastern europe, the heterogeneity of the winged units is striking, sometimes these are german aircraft, sometimes romanian, danish and so on, f16s often fly with their transponders turned off, clearly not in order to confuse themselves, while the number of sorties from polish airfields has increased significantly, there is a danger here
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for belarus as well, it is unknown... how exactly, to what extent will moscow react to the transfer of the use of aircraft in ukraine, it is not even known whether they will sometimes return here after combat use in the same poland? in general, the potential for escalation is growing, all this threatens air battles right at our borders. by the way, performing the same anti-missile maneuvers, the pilots are unlikely to pay attention to whether they will violate the belarusian border, and in general the f-16 is still from the south of belarus? reason for serious reflection. of course, the domestic army reacts and prepares for any options. in the event of an escalation of the situation in the sky, first of all sharp vision is in demand. vigilance in the airspace is provided by radio-technical troops. recently they conducted an exercise where they increased radar fields in certain areas, not forgetting about their own safety. in order to conduct an active search for location targets,
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it is necessary to constantly. systematically maneuver the location field, for this we must use all types of reconnaissance, both from the command post, as well as from the interacting forces of means, we must process them, study, analyze, accept, clarify our decisions and immediately make decisions so that in the morning, in fact literally by morning, the enemy is misled about our true order of battle, in this particular direction we could do what we want and impose our will on the enemy, such troops are constantly developing in accordance with... in addition, this year we are testing the new rodnik location station, this station is designed to detect unmanned aerial vehicles such as mavic, djpro and so on. does not cause our neighborly joy and the polish operation
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safe podlasie. the group for... for the alleged protection of the border with belarus, the gentry will increase from six to 17,000 people, the reason is said to be migrants, the reinforcement will occur at the expense of one of the most combat-ready army divisions, the eighteenth mechanized, we will roll out such a force to the border, the olympics would be stopped at least in the face of aggression, in the west no one even cares that an open military provocation is unfolding against minsk, they are accustomed to their permissiveness, hoping for ours. adequacy, that's their democracy, which , oh, has so little in common with adequacy. the united states has handed down one of the harshest sentences for the storming of the capitol, which took place in january of the twenty-first year. 20 years in prison for a california resident. there are still more than a thousand trials ahead on cases of conspiracy to commit a coup d'etat. slightly behind
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the american judicial marathon. great britain is there in an express format deciding the fates of participants in the riots at anti-immigrant rallies. the first sentences have already been handed down. the authorities promise to deal with by all those who conduct destabilizing activities both on the streets and in social networks. they even threaten elon musk. about the harsh laws of the anglo-saxons, olga davidovich. the law is harsh, but that's the law, especially when it comes to washington, and even more so when it comes to storming the holy of holies of all americans in the capitol. another harsh. sentence of 20 years in prison for david nicholas demsey for attacking police officers with a dangerous object, has been a little lost in the news agenda of the united states. it's not surprising, since those events have passed almost a whole year presidential term, and not particularly profitable, because there, if you look closely, everything is on the policy of double standards. then i do not agree with the results of the presidential elections, allegedly
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the democrat won. biden demanded a recount of the votes, they broke into the building, seized the senate hall, made a pogrom in the premises, but the police managed to force them out. the protest action ended with the murder of four people, injuries and arrests. the rebels were called actors of violence and terrorism. it is noteworthy that the recent very similar event in venezuela there really did without bloodshed seizure of administrative buildings, the american authorities called the fight for democracy in every possible way supported their puppet venezuelan opposition. we have serious concerns about these results fears that they do not reflect the will and voices of the venezuelan people. in a similar way, the states responded with a democratic struggle. disorder in hong kong tried to interfere influence the results of the elections in favor of their protégés in ukraine, georgia, armenia, kyrgyzstan, kazakhstan, and in our country. if it was not possible glue miles dictatorship. about 6 years ago, former cia director james woolsey reported that from 1946 to 2000
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, the united states interfered in the election process in 47 countries 81 times, which even gave rise to a famous joke. why hasn't puig happened in the united states yet? because there is no us embassy there. and as soon as puig loomed already on...
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violent riots on social networks can also lead to a prison term. you can commit a crime if
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you repost, copy, or add to a message that is false, threatening, or incites racial or religious hatred. be careful what you say and what you share online. we have special police officers whose sole job is to comb the internet, comb social networks. the british attorney general also focused on those who conduct destabilizing activities abroad. according to parkinson, the uk will seek extradition of all such citizens. members of the british parliament are proposing to add even ivan musk to this list for his allegedly participated in inciting unrest. as for the reaction of the world community, it somehow...
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escalation of tension, the united states sends the nuclear submarine georgie and the aircraft carrier abraham lincoln to the middle east. washington believes that this will prevent the region from falling into chaos, and will also help protect israel. at the same time, there appeared... a forecast from american intelligence. according to their data, iran, together with hezbollah, may strike israel within the next week. however, the accuracy of this information is questionable predictions regarding attacks on israel have been published. more than a dozen, but tehran is in no hurry to implement them, iran does not refuse the idea of ​​punishing tel aviv for terrorist attacks on its territory, but it does not intend to do this according to the schedule drawn up by the americans. foreign and domestic policy, the role of parliament in strengthening the authority of belarus in the international arena. an open discussion on a topical issue took place. today at the seventh city dental clinic.
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the chairperson of the council of the republic and authorized representative of the president for minsk natalia kachanova. the topic of the geopolitical situation in the world, attempts to rewrite history were touched upon, attention was focused on preventing distortions of historical truth. the conversation lasted about an hour and a half. the speaker of the upper house informed about plans for the development of the capital, the construction of new social facilities, including modern clinics. of course, here.
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a minute since 1976, our team is quite close-knit, so our task today is to take care of the smiles of the city's citizens minsk. the seventh city dental clinic is a large medical institution providing all types of dental care. the staff includes more than 75 highly qualified doctors. new technologies for prevention, treatment and dental prophylaxis are constantly being introduced.
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less than 3 weeks remain until the new school year, and the closer september 1, the greater the excitement in stores with children's clothing. this year, 20 capital educational institutions became participants in a pilot project to introduce a single school uniform. bellikprom developed a capsule line of clothing in one color and style. the entire list of products is advisory in nature. also , the ministry of education has a hotline for questions on preparation until september 10 inclusive. children to school, you can ask questions from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. by calling the number on the screen. elizaveta sinyak knows what types of clothing are offered and what is trending this season. future first-grader vovka and his older brother maxim are preparing for the new school year. their institution is among the participants in the pilot project to introduce a unified school uniform. the children have already made a shopping list. trousers, shirts. there are also jackets, we want to take
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a school uniform to go to school neatly, beautiful, in the pilot project 20 capital schools and gymnasiums, a mandatory detail and a distinctive sign of minsk students - chevron, it is sold separately in the checkout area, the basis of the collection is textile and knitted groups, additional elements in the form of a ruble. the capsule collection is designed for
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schoolchildren of all ages, from first-graders to graduates. clothes in the same style and color, so that each position is combined with each other. but special attention is paid to quality. the presence of air permeability in fabrics, hygroscopicity and color fastness. even to friction to sweat. fabrics developed by the minsk convolov combine, here is polyviscose fabric. which is wear-resistant, this season schoolchildren prefer a looser bottom, pleated and sun skirts, palatsa trousers, the top, on the contrary, is more classic. sale of a single school uniform for the pilot project started on august 1, they planned to make capsules for 1800 students, but due to demand, the number
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of business droscode positions was increased, they saw increased interest from buyers not only belarusians, and from guests very ... capsule collections are sold in central department stores of the city of minsk, a common capsule in the first national shopping center on the sites of five shopping facilities. manufacturers are monitoring the situation of the current season and evaluating the experience of the past. years, so for boys they added models with an increased waist, for girls more removable and additional elements of clothing. yelizavetak, andrey ivanenko, tv news agency. cinema with a quality mark is the motto of the thirtieth minsk international film festival leaf fall. the anniversary film forum will be held from november 1 to 8.
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the opening and closing ceremony will be held by the palace of the republic. the opening film will also be shown in the large hall, but its title is still kept secret. another odur. for moviegoers, an updated list of cinemas, until november , posters of the cinemas "world of central belarus and pioneer". the legendary pobeda, the oldest in the capital and recently renovated, has been appointed as the main cinema hall. until september 1 , the festival directorate will continue to receive applications for participation, their total number already exceeds 2.0. we are looking and something does not fit the technical parameters, something does not fit the concept of the film festival, after all , the quality mark is obligatory, that's why of course there is. the commission that reviews the films, now the program directors are very actively searching and working, we are not only working on applications, we are working directly with copyright holders, if we liked a film somewhere at a film festival, we contact them and ask them to come to us. for the centenary of belarusian cinema,
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the national film studio belarus film continues to release premiere after premiere. at the end of august, it announces the release of the first full-length animated film made in... 3d projections have already been filmed and are waiting for their audience feature film black castle alshansky based on the novel by vladimir korotkevich. this film is planned to be shown in november at a festival in india. we are doing well recommended 2 months ago in mumbai and we were invited with our films directly in november, in my opinion, we are preparing this festival for our film time to return. and our film black castle, the english subtitles have already been translated. if necessary, we will dub into hindi to enter the indian market, this is very important, you know, pakistan, sri lanka, there is a good field there, an unplowed field, today the film studio is working on a joint film with chinese partners, next week a delegation from the prc will arrive in minsk, not interrupt the belarusian-russian project
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"prabatka minaya". and this is the information picture of monday, august 12, the evening on our channel will continue the project " understandable politics". i say goodbye on this, all the best, happy, this is an understandable politics, hello, the western wing of the world, when the situation in this or that country develops not according to their scenario, turns on the barrel organ about human rights, and the main guardian...


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