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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  August 12, 2024 10:05pm-11:05pm MSK

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you see how painfully the international agenda is experiencing this transformation from a unipolar to a multipolar world, and of course, today the most important task
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is our country, i call everything in belarus advanced, because i love everything belarusian, i think that belarus has the best people, we are very kind, we are very decent, very bright, whoever comes to belarus, he will come more than once, and having seen it for the first time, he will want to come a second, third and fourth time, he will bring from his friends those who are easy-going, the markov project nothing personal, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel, familiar.
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watch the project quality mark on the belarus 24 tv channel. the tv news agency presents: in the public domain, we have no secrets from our people. let's look at the universal scientific-research institutes for the production of food products from bulba. this is a potato groat. for several hundred grams of groats , a month will be needed. backpack, and
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eight times a day, a frog, from which you can make excellent mashed potatoes, rich in starch, proteins, salts and vitamin c and potatoes, from it can be used to prepare hundreds of different nutritious dishes, it prepares crispy potatoes, something new that is still unfamiliar to many, and crackers, a fresh, savory product. crackers with very large bulbs, boil the spaghetti and stir the puree, then add starch and salt. before they are ready, they are lubricated with olive oil, and they are mixed with carbohydrates, carcasses and egg whites. 100 grams of cracker equals 250 grams of meat. crispy
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potatoes are in great demand, they are a great breakfast snack, healthy and a nutritious treat for children, an indispensable convenient food. it produces dozens of different dishes, including the belarusian potato olabi, which is so familiar to everyone. fans do not always find it easy to prepare them. as you can see, now it has become much simpler and easier. dried potatoes can be stored for a long time and are easily transported over long distances. dishes prepared from them have all the taste and nutritional properties of fresh potatoes. it is not for nothing that potatoes are called the second bread. 1 kg of potatoes can give 840 calories, almost 1/3
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daily energy required by a person engaged in physical labor. the academic institutions are stretching out searches, and... you need to pass a special exam, there are few indians, many indonesians, there is cambodia
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, there is vietnam, south korea, survived in siberia, in kazakhstan, in karili, in the gdr, and when we found ourselves in zhodino, i saw a grundik satellite 300. 400 receiver, oh, i fell for it, hello, you are watching the program say don't be silent, victoria popova and tatyana shcherbina are in the studio. and today our guest is a radio amateur, a collector. you lived in siberia, in kazakhstan, in karili, in gdr, and how did you end up in zhodino? well, siberia,
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this is childhood, youth, i raised myself at school, the internet, from the fourth to the ninth grade, turn it on. well, then my parents moved to kazakhstan, well, naturally, after the ninth grade i also moved to kazakhstan, but i did not live there for long, because the time came to serve, i was called up to the far east in the pacific fleet and i served in the pacific fleet for 4 years, but before the army i had already become acquainted with radio engineering, firstly, when i was in a boarding school, i went to a radio amateur club, there are brains of radio engineering.
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there are four of us children, i was the oldest, after me there was my sister nina, she is still alive today , lives in chelyabinsk, my brother victor was in the north, but there was an accident there, he is no longer alive, well, and a year ago the younger sister passed away, let's show your relatives, here i am , the oldest on the left, this is the younger. sister, she passed away, this is vitya brak, who is unfortunate, and this is my sister nina, this photo was taken in fifty-fifth, yeah, and someone came, we lived on a state farm there, well , you see, a stove, everything, and father, sharpened, some guy had a camera, well
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he says, take a picture of my family, here he took a picture of us, you see, the first priority, yes, how scruffy we are, we stand on the internet, to many things that they taught me about photography, they taught me to take pictures, that 's it. well, i can still do the past, then, when we, i got a receiver there, i brought the receiver to the hostel, it's just without a case, and what did it look like, here i have a photo, let's see, you say, did it look like that or not, well that's true, but that's true, it's a crystal receiver, on the right is a blocking capacitor to connected to headphones, on the left is an oscillatory circuit, a coil is simply called that by the people, and also a capacitor is connected in parallel, well , there is a detector at the top and which means it... switches or is adjusted there so that it is loud, so, well, this is the same, well, in
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principle, this is one and where in siberia could you get such a copper coil, and it was just like that, they found it from electricians, asked for a wire, found a wire, subscribed to magazines, got it, well, through the head of the radio club, that's all he did helped teach us, then amateur radio was very popular, yes , you are right, there in radioru. established communication, with whom did you connect, do you remember? no, then, it means, i
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did not connect with anyone at that time, i just walked, my eyes were so big, oh, how so, with someone, from some other city, i heard our comrade talking, how it interested me, i looked, what kind of receiver was there, in general, well, they did not let me work, because i was still a minor , these goals, but i was interested, with i got to know a hobbyist, an adult, but he was really a wheelchair user, he had a rotating antenna, he had a huge transmitter, he had a receiver, and it was an american receiver, i remember it was called the ar-88, which i have in my collection, they were supplied to us during the war under lindlease, for me it was also a shock, he gave me all of this to listen to, taught me how to conduct a conversation, a conversation, like on the air, well, what kind of... sequence, reception, transmission, everything, in general i to say, i got into this business, well, i got into
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it, i got into it, school ended, i had to go to my parents, i came to my parents, and there was no one there, radio amateurs, then a radio club appeared in the same city, there were some where they taught otbuki walruses on the key, and so, when i went to the army, i was already in the radio workshop repairing one radio station, and there is an amateur radio range, i began to twist and turn o... i heard radio amateurs , i remember so a radio amateur is approximately vladivostok, and these are somewhere salons, after all far away, and i, breaking the army law and the radio amateur law in general, remembered the call sign of the collective radio station of the city of rudny, i went on the air with the same call sign, i say, attention, attention, there is the seventh district, kazakhstan was then, and then letters, a pause on the air, i am silent, i am wary, then these two radio amateurs with... say: listen, kazakhstan passed, well, something, he says , is suspicious, he says,
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kazakhstan cannot pass at this time and at such a distance on this, on this range, i heard it, i think, no, guys, we need to get out of here, get out of here, and what did you do after serving in the navy, after serving in the navy, i went to work, a master of electrical and radio equipment, since i knew electrics, already knew radio engineering, they accepted me as a master... i worked there in tresalovrustroy, well, in general, there was maintenance of city networks, that is, electrical, so they were a welcome guest, i think in any apartment, because they could fix and radio and tv, yes, since i already knew how to take pictures, i had a good camera, zenit, i bought it with different lenses, wide-angle the world is one with difficulty, then a telephoto lens, jupiter 11, that means, a portrait lens jupiter 9, well, comrades know. our operators, what is it and that means i also worked part-time, well, it happened by chance,
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i went and photographed weddings, alexander ivanovich, you liked to moonlight, as i understand it, well, all methods worked out, i didn’t go anywhere, i didn’t beg for this business, some kind of fame went, something like there is a photographer, well, and i even went to funerals too, well , and what about the price, i say, guys, how much will you give, well, you have to buy photo paper. there is a developer-fixer, all these are chemicals, well, they were not cheap, but especially the developer, and the paper was more expensive, but nevertheless people paid me themselves. i did not name the price, i remember that i did not name the price, people were happy, of course, i was at home, it was necessary to do the glossing, the photo was beautiful and the format and how many pieces they ordered there, well especially the wedding, the wedding i these old photo labs of ours, where you had to develop under the light of a red lamp, and i locked myself in the bathroom at night, everything,
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let's still go back to the retro museum, there is in your collection here is such a rarity at... flow line, they were produced, the parts were, therefore, american, american radio tubes, only the cases were our soviet, wretched at that time, as they say, but i like it so much, why wretched, that's how it is in my opinion a good thing, and there are speakers with magnetism, i have it at home, i turn it on every evening, because on medium
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waves you can still listen to some foreign stations on short waves only china, there is nothing else now. and i listen to it with pleasure, it still works, still works, well , all of alexander ivanovich's equipment works, he has 700 exhibits in his collection, he tries to bring everything to mind, so that everything doesn't just stand there, everything should work, you have such a principle, yes, alexander ivanovich, and there is also such a handsome festival, let's talk about it, what is remarkable about it, it is the first radio with a remote control, here on the right is the remote control, the cable is 6 m long, a finger thick. this box is the remote control, it is lightweight, imagine, well, let's say so, you are sitting somewhere in the room, in another, in the hall or in the bedroom you are there, this remote control, you press the buttons, it will automatically press the button on the receiver, on the left there is a handle back and forth, you just don't need to go all the way there, just a little bit down or a little bit up, enlargements of the fifty-eighth year, by the way, fifty-seventh, even
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fifty-seventh, it was released in honor of the first festival in the soviet union in honor of it at the beginning... then the apartments were small at that time we had a lot of children from remote control bullets, so the subject, but it was difficult buy this extra item, alexander ivanovich, well, it turns out that in each of these receivers you can see some signs of the era, yes, that is, the year from the time of popov's invention of radio to the present day,
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but tell me, in your opinion, are you so enlightened in this topic, after all, marconi or popov from? you know, today there is still a polemic between engineers, collectors, yes, i have books on radio engineering, there is such a collector, a famous collector in moscow, shapkin, vladimir ilyich, but not lenin, and shabkin, and so, he, i was in his museum, he has a huge hangar, here they presented some huge hangars, metal, there, well, why are there more than 5.00 copies, because he, for example, if he has... one copy, and he can already count 10 pieces from one festival and so on and so forth, there you are, well, before that i only collected household receivers, when i visited him at home, he says: ivanovich, collect everything, why, because the era goes, devices, military radio receivers, radio stations
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that's it, there's such a town, kem , within 400 kilometers of petrozavodsk, and there's an air force unit there, and i met them there, i wasn't already familiar with them, i went there for work, i say, guys, i arrive, i say, commander, so, so many times we offered you, i say, you shouldn't have done that, now, well, now it's difficult, well, we'll help, and why do i say difficult, because they were assigned to take the test for drakmetals, there are some drakmetals there, at least drakmetal, they are all like the rules were not made of iron cases, but of duralumin, duralumin or... absolutely right, well and also some parts were changed in some parts palladium, silver, gold, so who invented radio, is there a book history of radio? technology is called just that, the former soviet union is for popov, europe and all the americans are for marconi, but here there is such a thing that although popov allegedly
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invented the first wired, that is, but not wired communication, with an island in the baltic sea, with ships in mordzian there, but he was poor, and marconi had a dad there, he was rich there man, he was like a patron and so on, so it was easier for him to zapati.
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especially 348, we, as they say, climbed down one to one, you made the uz9 receiver, and it was decoded as universal aircraft, nine, nine-tube, well, there was such a story when an american b-29 plane landed in the far east, stalin gave the command to tupolev there, so, let's go, disassemble the whole plane, bring it to moscow here... design, assemble everything else, and the radio engineers did the same and the radio engineers brought this bc 30 receiver, so and radio station rsb fifth released us9, well
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, everything is one to one inside, everything is one to one and even the bolts and nuts are of the american standard, though the americans had duralumin switch handles, and we have carbolite, that's the only difference, well, they did the right thing by climbing over, agree with alexander. subscribe, ask questions and suggest guests, we have connections.
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what is a normal life for belarusians, may seem truly exotic to others. good morning, friends, rooster, yes, that's how it is with us, good morning, and how does your rooster crow, kikiriki, kikiriki, seriously, friends, any trip to an unfamiliar city should start in a museum, where i will tell you how to build the right route to see interesting places. however, it is easy to become one of your own in a foreign country. you just need to get acquainted with its history and culture, this is a 500-year-old oak tree that can fulfill a wish.
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in my opinion, you don’t want to leave here, i would definitely stay here for a week, watch the travel show. houses on our tv channel, their life in the polesie villages and agro-towns , contrary to all stereotypes, is bright and rich, all my free minutes i ran to the river with fishing rods or just wandered around, looked at this beauty, and we never returned empty-handed as children, there used to be a lot of fish, now there is a lot, i am connected by...
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on the belarus 24 tv channel . the program "say don't be silent" is on the air again, and today our guest is a collector, radio amateur, alexander dashkevich. and you would not be a collector if you did not leave
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a radio point and a museum in your apartment. somewhere far from moscow somewhere, well, not far, yes, that's why, but at the beginning i spent there in digital form of communication, that is, today we have dirty air, why from cellular phone chargers, from these lamps, which are led today, the air is noisy, we used to interfere with television, when there was antenna television, and today it is already easier for us, for radio amateurs, to communicate on
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the air, that's e. that's why there are difficulties in this, that's why today we have switched, no, the whole world has already switched to non-voice communication, which means telegraph, and the latest modification has already begun, this is a digital form of communication, ft-8, ft-4, that means sstv, do you have friends in petrozavodsk, who also share your passion, isn't it easier for you to talk to each other on the phone? as if to say, well , i can't, i won't call them amateurs, here are two friends of mine, yeah, and that means, this zhenya, who is sitting alferov, yeah, he is a very competent radio engineer in computer matters, so here he is at my house, they came, and that means he, as if to say, consults me , helps with the setup, yes in this, and this comrade is a radio amateur, well,
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he works in the kgb service. good service, and he has knowledge the field monitors what is said on the air, yes, yes, yes, that's absolutely right, there's the receiver there, at the top, a small sign, that's just the american a5 receiver, on the left above the head of this volodya, that means it's an svd receiver, so tell me on the phone, why don't you like to talk, so they even come to me and say, why do i need you, here i took the phone, now with a friend of america or with someone there with asia and video and photos whatever you want guys i understand you, but when we were born when we didn't have this, that's why we the old generation, not only we russians or belarusians, well, slavs and so on, i want to say that now i work very, very many for some reason indonesian indonesian connections, very many, few indians, many indonesians, cambodia is there, vietnam
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is there, south. korea in north korea there is not a single station, but they do not have them in north korea, and how do they not have them, they jam or they, do not jam, they simply do not have radio amateurs, they simply do not have permission, no, they do not give permission, in order to become a radio amateur, you need to pass a special to pass the exam, that means to know the morse code, then electrical engineering, radio engineering, to be able to work on the air, a whole list, there are 30 questions, then a call sign is assigned, here - i had a karelian call sign, roman nikolai i, nikolai sergey, so, that means, it is written in latin, now at the beginning, when i arrived, i did not have a belarusian call sign, i had a call sign through a fraction, we have the right to work, i can, here i had the first letter of the call sign, belarusian, ev-2, 2 - this is our district region, let's say, if i went to grozno, there was a number four, and so on, i went
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to germany, then it would be, let's say, dm, fraction, my call sign is rn-1ns, that is, i have the right, that is, both russian and belarusian now have a whole science, in general, to become a radio amateur, it's not as simple as... not just pressing a button, no, no, girls, no, this is like going out to sea, yes, that is, you must be a detected object, you must be registered somehow, the jump that takes you out to sea, stings, then here it also stings, well there was another interesting page in your biography, you already said that you photographed weddings, as they say, corporate events, celebrations, but you also photographed fidel caste, eric honecker. and other high-ranking officials, for example, the minister of defense of the gdr hoffmann, under what circumstances did this happen? i worked in germany in the troops, our soviet troops, as a civilian, the head of electrical communications with the regiment. when i
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arrived in this regiment, commander prokofiev, that you can take pictures, i can, okay, well i i say, to each his own, so i said, but i participated in exhibitions, and where in rudny in kustanoy, oh, and i say, i served, he says, and yes, the battalion was servicing these, when the cosmonauts landed, and he says, so go ahead and take pictures, take photos, i'll look, i say, so i don't have anything here, now i'll call, i called somewhere in the laboratory, there was a reception such and such, give him everything he needs, well, i took some pictures, came to the guys, to the soldiers, developed the film, printed it, they gave me paper, that's it, and army paper, silver bromide, there is a lot of silver, high quality, looks gorgeous, the contrast image is very good, i printed 18,24 photographs there, what and where he allowed, oh, he says, and now you, he says, got there, i say, how did you get there, and in my service, there were six military
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airfields that i provided, my subordinates and superiors were there too, well, also civilians, i was spinning, spinning, the closest one near berlin was, this is the city of oronenburg, where the former concentration camp jacksenhausen is, he says, stalin was a cartographer, and i am very interested in how fidel was, did you like him, a healthy man, with a beard, i liked him, well, he said that everything went well with an interpreter and everything else, and alexander ivanovich, tell me , your daughter has remained in germany since then,
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yes, that's how i understand it, no, i visited them, i have already visited her three times, she lives near hamburg, 60 km from hamburg, the city of lunenburg, her granddaughters live there, they are already adults in hamburg itself... we wanted to stay there, they offered me to sign a contract for another year, well and i missed my daughter, then all this about my wife, that's it, i refused, about half a month passed, my wife sent a paper, we are getting a divorce, i tell the chief of staff, a lieutenant colonel, i'm ready, he says, i've been ripening for a long time, all the documents have already been sent to moscow, he says, that's it, i can't do anything, and she couldn't stand the test of separation? these, yes, oh, not for the air, but there was a second wife, alexandrov, yes, the second wife, with whom i lived, now she's gone, eight years since she left me for another world, true, no, unfortunately, but this is zhodina, i understand correctly, here
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we just study your crazy geography and don't understand how you ended up in zhodino, zhodino also ended up simply, in the north of korela a small town was built - kostomuksha, it was built by finnish builders , there were 400 of their builders, they built roads, houses, housing, a plant, they built everything from finnish materials, the finns built it, they had unemployment in the north of finland and that means our government made concessions, and this iron ore deposit was found by geologists before the war, well then because there is a metallurgical plant nearby cherepovets, pellets will be produced here, metal will be delivered to cherepovets, well, athens as builders, because we had nothing there, there were tents and everything else, they started to build, build finns, at one of the parties with my wife, at her friends,
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doctors, we sat, walked, drank, then the women went and started to prepare the table for dessert, and the men smoked, but i am not a smoker, i have not been and now, well, i went to stand with the company, we come, there at that time, you know, while the table was being set, on the box, then there is something on tv, they showed some kostomuksha, he says, snow, winter, fir trees and all that, well, they came. so i think, i think, i started, i went to the library to look, i didn’t find anything like this kostomuksha, there is a village nearby called kostamus, but not kastamuksha, well, i say, let’s go, i’ll go, i’ll find this one, i arrived in leningrad, in petrozavodsk, here, in leningrad there was just on april 21st the lenin saturday, well, they cleaned the villages, but there was no snow. i arrive by car with a coffin of snow,
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it’s cold, it’s awful, i get to this kostomuksha by some night train, the station ledmozero, 1:30 am, a small train station, no hotels, nothing, the whole crowd is some kind of bus, all this is there, in general, somehow i got in, standing in this little bus, we arrive 80 km away, where is the hotel, what hotel, where is our hostel? there, then, if there are places, well, i go in, bunks, some, all occupied, until the morning, i need to get by, i found a chair, well , i sat down like that, took a nap, in the end, then, i arrive, i’m not saying, either now or never, snow, lunch, the finns have the tool, it works, it’s lying around, no one, nothing, i was amazed, no one takes it, no one steals, how is that possible we have, that's all. no, i went into the store, in
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leningrad there was no such thing, an abundance of products, an abundance, well, the first delivery was coming, so i arrived, i said, either now or never , well, that's it, and i wrote it down on paper, they sent it to me, i was the head of the housing and communal services for 2 years, it's a terrible job, the city needs to be cleaned, the apartment entrances need to be cleaned, but there's no one to do it, there are no old people, well, you yourself wanted to go to the back of beyond, to say, that's where i'll go, you need to have such a temperament, i agree with you, but the point is different, that means, well, that's it, i've endured these 2 years, then to this director, when we them, i say, nikolai petrovich, let's do it this way, since there is no workforce, the plant is a city-forming enterprise, i say, give me a list of workshops, how many people, that is, the worker of these forces, and i will count and give a layout of the block, block or street or there or something else. approve, and we divided the city into blocks for each
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workshop, each workshop was responsible for order in the city, for planting greenery for small children's forms, everything else, and there was order, somewhere - it is necessary to square these paths, like asphalt or not not to lay tiles, at first we let people lay paths on foot, walk, that's how it 's happening now, you see mathematical thinking, so it's easier for you to navigate when everything is structured, but... i went and even went to the city committee, that's reality,
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everything is done by hand, but that means, because of my wife's illness i changed the apartment to zhonin's, i come with a statement to the director, i quit, i'm leaving, where are you going, i won't let you in, no matter how you won't let me in, nikolai petrovich, so and so and so, and i came to him after work with a bottle of cognac, chocolate, lemon... well, we drank, he he says, i have a friend in zhodino, we worked together in kavdor, and he is my director, he used to be in kavdor, the chief engineer, and he was sent to integrate custom shop, the director, he says, here i will give you a note, a gift, if you find it all the questions will be solved, but i find it was such a pain in the ass, and the note, he arranges for me to take two two-week courses on cars to study belaz and all that other stuff, i received a certificate. i come to the director, he says, and now he says, you will be my representative,
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and i got stuck, that's how i ended up, i it turns out i lived on two fronts, karelia, as you like, well i traveled, yes i had to get to know the world, so now i still live, my wife is sick here, i live there, then you know, you know i was already a living, i have her stepson i don’t have a son of my own, only a daughter, i say, igor, i’ll go to my mother, well the apartment has everything, it’s warmer, tastier, at father lukashenko ’s not what i’m saying in karelia everything is frozen there and there is no first freshness. i came here, i needed something there some parts, i went to my friends on eton, he is on it didn’t work, i arrive, so he says, come tomorrow, i’ll collect everything you need for you, i arrive tomorrow, a woman is sitting in her booth in his office, that is, irina mikhailovna, then, and she says
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, do you know how to solder, i say, it depends on what, i don’t even take on microcircuits, but i’m a radio amateur, how is that possible, well, i say, can you? look on the internet, there’s an article about me, yes, that’s it, she calls, says, come to work, like to work, what kind of work am i , i’m always at work, but i got a job, i think, in belarus only like that, on job, yes, that means, got a job, nothing to do with amateurism, let's be professional there were several color albums, photographs of each of my receivers are stored, i come to the director with the album, well, i say, you know, i have such a wish, but can't we here... open a museum, preserve it, and he says, i'll think about it, then he says, i'll talk to the general director, the general director of tomakh, yuri seleverstovich, they approved this matter, he says, go to your petrozavodsk, pack it, i'll send it to you, call, i'll tell you i'll send a car, i was surprised, i'm with my
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old friends there, i'm going shopping, looking for empty boxes, persuading, give it, give it, please, we pack it all, a car with a trailer arrived, we loaded it all, everything is fine with us in belarus and the car, okay, they allocated me two large rooms, bought shelves, thanks to two directors, director sergei ivanovich zaichenko and general director khirsovich, who gave the go-ahead to preserve the heritage for the future generation, because this is something that was done by our grandmothers, parents they make equipment, both military and civilian, living on two fronts, going back and forth, i came here, i was always surprised by the cleanliness, beauty of the city of minsk, when i went to minsk on weekends i usually went to the field of miracles, there i also
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chose something to buy, i won’t buy anything once, but i’ll walk around like museums, imagine for me it’s like seeing, someone sells samovars there, someone sells figurines there. and so on and so forth, but i also bought some things, field of miracles, who doesn’t remember, it’s already closed now, i think, or moved to another place, it's a flea market, yes, it's a flea market, that 's right, so, it's beautiful, clean, the stores have everything, yes, i didn't say why i moved here, i changed my apartment, because i was on a business trip in volgograd, then i think i'll fly to minsk, back, i think, i'll look at minsk, in volgograd at the end of april. there was such a snowfall, i was surprised by the snowfall, the volga, i arrive in minsk, the grass is green, it's warm, the sun is shining, i take a taxi, it's zhodina, i'm looking for this zhodina, come, then just to look, then we can with the director, we decided that i would be a representative, went into the store, i had an abundance, oh my, i only then saw, well
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, it's true in three-liter jars different juices, sausages, cheeses, your head was spinning, absolutely right, then mine.
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well, next to me there is lagoisk, yes, i'm already half of belarus, well, the internet of course, that's why i say, everywhere is beautiful, clean, and we were also amazed, one friend with me was at the station, we are standing on the pironi, waiting for the train, it means going to st. petersburg, i tell him, look, a man smokes, he's coming up now, not a cigarette , a throwaway, ash, come on, what are you talking about, i'm watching, i say, really a man and he's already come up there, he threw the ash into the trash can, i say , wow, and you would throw it away like that now, yeah, well, you see, the worst thing is that they throw it into the rivers like that? the natural beauty that russia has and at the same time, the same canyon that i saw in petrozavodsk also leaves much to be desired,
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the environmental situation, that's what's a pity about nature, thank god, at least the roads, which are a federal highway from st. petersburg to murmansk, although these roads have now become, it used to be terrible there, well, and now we will take a short break, after a short pause we will return to this studio again, for now subscribe to our telegram channel, say don't be silent, all our releases. on the youtube channel belarus 1. this is the program say don't be silent, in our studio we have a collector, radio amateur, alexander dashkevich. alexander ivanovich, once you said that your granddaughter, amateur radio, doesn't care, these are your words, yes, well, as, probably, most young people. do you accept this fact easily or do you still does it hurt for the radio? well, you have to accept it as it is, but really, well, i regret
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that i don’t have a boy, maybe something would have happened, although i have a step-son from my wife, well, and he’s also like this, he tells him, girls, they’re like girls, girls, but he doesn’t, he’s dad says, i don’t need this, and it’s just him, although he’s an engineer, an electrician, he studied in st. petersburg and all the rest. he’s far from this business, well, and few people are really into it, i can say, well, you can count them on your fingers, and earlier it was easier to get equipment from someone, that's how i even started to get it, i work on the air, i used to be able to tell by the call sign that this person was already an adult, that is, by the well-known call sign, that is, well, if we had an ending after the number, three letters, and then there are...
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well, i remember the story of how you and finn were bargaining for a long time through a negotiator, yes, so, i went with a friend to helsinki, on the way, it was about 800 km we drove, 80 kilometers before reaching helsinki, on the right side, i see a house, no, the house is beautiful, but the row roads straight a small house and antennas, good antennas, let's go in, stop, and he has a good antenna, who pays attention to what, and radiolebi. can speak finnish, now you are with the translator, well , that's it, we are men, well, we talked, here is my cabin, this is where,
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so as not to disturb the family, and here they have, i saw a grundik satellite receiver 3.400, oh, i fell for it, i spent six months persuading him, with calls through a translator, so that he would sell it to me, well, in the end i told him, and he told me sold, at that time, i paid 1,600 marks. it was expensive, well, that's madness, alexander ivanovich, here's the question, we are crazy, there are people who really give for some things like that, so explain to me where this passion comes from, why do people start collecting what, probably because we just talked during the break, what do people need so much money for, to have their own passion, that is, for someone it's for money, for someone i want to have a collection to collect and even. such a collection, maybe someone doesn't have it, well, here you bargain and everything else, here i really won't give up such a day, i'm surprised, i go out there
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once on these market sites, look , there's a zvezda receiver, i have it in my collection, they're asking 180,000 russian for it, that's a huge amount of money, if the average pension for russians is 20 thousand rubles, well, 25 there depending, and for grandmothers even less, yes, so i had a house in petrozavodsk, and a good, beautiful house, lots and lots
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of flowers and a lot, i brought here, bought here just... i went to the nursery from the market , belarusian cherry and apple tree seedlings, but they took root with difficulty, well, well, not the same, of course , the fruits, because there is no such warmth and the earth, but nevertheless, i was afraid to part, i dug a pond there, but i did not hire equipment, 15 long, three wide, 2 deep, pumped in water, i had a river nearby, pumped in, bought these crucian carp, released the crucian carp, that's it, well, you miss that house, well, i already have... you are not that rich , so to speak, well, how about me, i also think, oh my god, i'm even looking at this right now, not just in zhodino, everywhere people have built mansions with many floors, some have three floors, and i live together, and for what? if i were to build i would only build a one-story house, like the finns, i 've been to finland many times, they are one-story , they don't build two-story houses, even their
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houses, which are state houses, are three-story. no, three floors, all this, well, okay, this museum in zhodino, where it is located first of all, let's tell our viewers where it is, we can can you get there from the street, or can only the plant employees see it? the city of jodina is located towards the east, well , towards smolensk, along the highway, if from minsk, it turns out, well, somewhere from the center of 50 kilometers, 45 km from the end of the city, the belas plant, which is famous throughout the world, produces heavy equipment. well, before they produced twenty-five-ton trucks, then twenty-ton trucks, today they already produce 380-ton trucks, and belazs are popular all over the world, the city of belaz, nearby - at the end of the city, although it means the plant was built by the chinese, chinese geely, which produces luxury cars, today they are popular in belarus and in russia they also buy quite a lot of jeeps and, as it were
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, a jeep in comparison... let's say with branded brands, it is much cheaper, so your museum is located between these two giants, no, no, mine, my museum, i just advertised, my museum is located, there is an organization called ton, which produces electrical equipment, this is to go again, well, on the right side we pass to the belas plant, then we pass further towards borisov, on the right side kuznetsina 20, a three-story building, a blue plant behind our building is a forge, a blacksmith's shop, a kzetysha , a forge plant of heavy stamps, we can go along the highway to get to your museum, no problem, you can - not only you, whoever wants to visit, i've already told everyone, call the administration, call the vaktu, call me at home, i could come at any time of the day or night, i'll open, show everything, because it seems to me
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that the greatest pleasure is, of course, to go on this tour with you, so that you personally tell me. here schoolchildren come to us and bring teachers from colleges and so on and not only from colleges, when many guests come to our organization, the director brings everything, there is a book review, everyone is interested, everyone writes, well, this brings you joy, alexandrovna, it’s really a balm, this is how visitors are interested, that is, they admire, are surprised, what questions they ask, it starts with the fact that when i invite everyone and say so, guys, here is my entire personal collection, my entire personal, with the exception of the shelves the room, everything else is mine, starting the story in order, there starting with such and such a receiver, then on tv 49, then how when was born everything everything everything else history and so on, well in short if passed, if someone there says the director quickly, and
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to children longer, well i want to say that adults are interested. yes they ask questions, i especially liked the questions they asked when they came to study russian, in my opinion, this is from kenya and from zimbabwe, two groups study with us in zhodino they study russian in college, one group spoke in french, the girl was a translator, the second group in english, they were very interested, i was surprised, but apparently they don't have a radio there at all.
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continued, i hope that you will have a successor, we are proud that in your collection in zhodino there are such exhibits that are not in st. petersburg, nor in many other large cities, museums where rarities are stored. thank you very much again and we hope that our interview will contribute to the fact that the flow of people in your museum does not dry up. and we, tatyana shcherbina, victoria popova, with we say goodbye to you for today, goodbye. goodbye, alexander dashkevich is speaking now. i would like our esteemed viewers, who have the opportunity, perhaps someone has, still in the caches or in basements, in garages, in attics, in bureaucratic rooms, but...
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collectors in part, because we collect autographs on our film in the studio wishes from our guests, we will be very happy if you leave us some short inscription put your signature, with pleasure. a huge thank you to the television company for the guests, for your honorable work, keep it up ali dashkevich and my call sign.
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we will introduce you to the people of our country, artist of the grodno regional puppet theater, honored collective of the republic of belarus, leading stage master. i was very pleased, of course, that such a fairly short period, i was like that. and received medals for one title and the second, here they have many interesting stories behind them, i take a spoon or fork, attach a bow to it, i begin to chat with it not just, as they say.


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