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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  August 13, 2024 12:30am-1:00am MSK

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ivan kuzmich zakharov is one of the organizers and leaders of the communist underground and partisan movement in the vitebsk region. at the beginning of the great patriotic war, he was evacuated to the soviet rear, in november 1941 he was sent to the territory occupied by nazi troops to organize a partisan movement in the asveysky district of the vitebsk region. in april 1942, he organized and headed a partisan detachment, which consisted of only 11 people. the detachment quickly grew stronger and grew in number, by june 1942 the partisans moved from small-scale sabotage to operations against large enemy forces. during the execution of assigned tasks, the people's avengers under the leadership of zakharov, saving
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their comrades, women, old people and children , demonstrated miracles of heroism and selflessness. for exemplary performance of command assignments behind enemy lines and special merits in the development of the partisan movement, colonel zakharov ivan kuzmich was awarded the title of hero of the soviet union, with the presentation of the order of lenin and the gold star medal. the closest to the action target, the farthest the famous commander who never lost a single battle liked to repeat. we also decided not to look at the transmurian countries and arrived in the belarusian city where alexander vasilyevich suvorov planned to stay. seriously for a long time, the role
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of the generalissimo in the history of belarus is ambiguous, but the locals respect him, where we are in kobrin. each city has a soul, its own atmosphere, to catch, to find in the full world to feel, and of course, to describe this invisible substance can not everyone, as there in pasternak in everything i do not want to get to the essence, let's try to do it logically, starting from the origins. the plot for this three-meter sculpture was the first chronicle mention of kobrin in the ipatiev chronicle in ...
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applies to visitors. the exact date of the city's origin is unfortunately unknown to us. just as we do not know when the first inhabitants settled in this place. but the small sandy island formed by the branches of the kobrenka river, flowing into mukhovitsy, was definitely not ignored by our wise ancestors. the abundance.
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of possible game fish should have attracted first settlers, oh, if i had more time, you see, i would have gone fishing, they say that pike perch, bream, perch, pike, roach, white-eye and even eel are found here. not so long ago, by the way, a local resident caught a wobbler, that is, a plastic fish-decoy, weighing 41 kg and 2 m long. generous, poi... generous is the water element of the dnieper-bug canal, but once the canal was called royal, in honor of it in 1786 even a medal was struck, now tourist ships and barges with crushed stone ply the water artery, the route within the brest areas, and i would so like to see cruise liners here, well... and who do we have
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here? a bronze figure of a boatswain, made almost in life size, somewhat resembles captain silver, there is even a parrot, what about the rest? bosman's wheelhouse is present, here is a bell and a chain, i hope for restoration, they are in the hands of metal hunters, it's high time to find the location of the ancient fortress, i know for sure, it is very close, the river of time has long carried away into the abyss, oblivion, kobrin castle, however , some traces of the past still remained. this a covered-up trace of one of the ditches that once encircled the castle fortifications. in the 1840s , the last traces of the castle hill were erased. the moscow-warsaw highway was built through the center of kobrin. and the earth from
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the ancient castle grounds contributed to the construction process. where are we now? on the castle square? many centuries ago , the lower castle and the passad were located here, and then the town hall rose, where the city magistrate was located. so the kobrin princes and their squads stopped and feasted, definitely here. where does such confidence come from? so there are documents. a detailed description of the castle will appear in 1597. during the revision.
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the city's architect anatoly danylyuk, at the heart of the monument are the second third historical coats of arms of kobrin. each of these boulders, there are exactly seven of them so far, symbolizes a century in history according to the design of the memorial sign. under the monument is a letter to descendants: the future generation is charged with the careful preservation of the city's history and care in increasing its glory. it is difficult to pass by this white and yellow luxury, built in 1905. more than a century ago, the court noble bank was located here. in the kobrin district, there were eight landowners' estates, constantly in need of loans. today,
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the heartfelt vows of newlyweds are heard here and marriage certificates are issued. have you heard anything about the errors of perception inherent in the human eye? well, this particular building is able to outwit the eye, due to the high classical columns, it seems truly monumental, well, in fact, the vast areas inside cannot boast. the building, as you can see, is designed in a classical style , they have been decorating their city for so long that, as faina ranevskaya said, they have the right to independently choose who to impress, who not, i walk, wander along the castle blanaya bankovskaya, a step or two in history, suddenly i am populated, the square managed to be a commandant's square, the square of july 11 and was even
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called in the cabbage soup with komsomol members, in 1987 , the year when the year celebrated its seven hundredth anniversary, local residents began to make a leisurely promenade. already along the square of the seven hundredth anniversary kobrin, however, not even 20 years have passed since everything returned to normal, and today the castle greets citizens and tourists with the same hospitality. yes, there are sights everywhere here, literally lying underfoot. part of the square is paved with hexagons, popularly called trelinkas by the name of the engineer who invented them. a big human bow. thanks to vladislav trelinsky. a native of menka goes to the village to find out how it is
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better than the city. you are a real modern belarusian guslar. yes, you have five children. i was really drawn to nature, i just realized that nature is my thing. that's why i basically gave up everything in life, i already missed this open space in the city, i missed nature, you studied, lived and worked in moscow, then one fine... moment in your life you needed to return here to your historical homeland, to look after your grandmother, then you converted your parents' house into a stable, now you save horses, why horses, because other animals also need help, well, by and large, horses are such a disease from childhood, what can i say, the only thing that relaxed in me is something somewhere down there, in... that here the cheeks, in particular the entire speech apparatus, eyes, spine, everything for some reason tensed up,
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i'm from the village, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel, a few steps from the castle, the most beautiful cathedral of st. prince alexander nevsky rises, an architectural monument of late classicism with elements of the retrospective russian direction. the temple was built in the middle of the 19th century on the burial site of russian soldiers who died in the battle of kobren on july 15, 1812. on this day , the third russian army, under the command of general alexander petrovich tormasov , inflicted the first defeat on napoleon's troops. and in honor of this event , the first artillery salute of that war was given in st. petersburg.
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there were many intrigues regarding the place where the temple would be built, and a tasty morsel in the city center and on the river bank. the kubren priest lev pashkevich intervened and the cathedral of st. prince alexander nevsky received legal registration. in troubled times, the temple was removed from the register, and then, what in there was nothing there. a planetarium, a theater, a museum, an archive. services resumed only 30 years later. near the cathedral there is another kobrin landmark. a high stone cliff made of granite boulders, topped with a large bronze eagle with outstretched wings. this place has long been a magnet not only for tourists, but also for wedding processions. at the foot of the monument there are real cannons with cannonballs and the date of manufacture is on the... gun. it is interesting that the eagle was originally double-headed, but
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the monument did not last long in this form. in the years during the first world war, german soldiers removed the bronze bird and sent it to be melted down. in 1930, a bust of an outstanding fellow countryman, tadeusz kosciuszko, appeared on the empty pedestal. and more than 20 years later, the original appearance of the monument was restored. however , it was not possible to recreate exact copies of the lost original. in stalin's time , the double-headed imperial eagle could not appear. the next point on our route is one of the city's iconic buildings. the construction of the spassky monastery is a thing of the past . a legend from a deep story. metropolitan moscow and kolomna makarii in his work on the history of the russian orthodox church mentions it under the year 1465. the spassky
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monastery holds many secrets. once upon a time , prince ivan semenovich and his wife feodora were buried in cast-iron coffins in its dungeon. this is evidenced by the grodno orthodox church calendar of 1899. these coffins will be discovered in the polish hour, but there will be other, more shocking finds. in the mid -twenties of the 20th century, the polish administration turned its attention to the ancient walls, which were slowly but surely were destroyed, it was decided to renovate them, and when a number of niches were opened in the thickness of the outer walls, they were stunned, there were half-decayed human skeletons, handcuffed. who, when, and most importantly, why, dealt with people in such a cruel way, is a mystery shrouded in darkness. meet fox. the russian blue breed has endowed the cat with curiosity,
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and his place of residence with a good-natured character. however, he guards the monastery rod. akelev. according to old-timers, there were once two reservoirs on this territory. and what's interesting is that for a long time , a variety of weapons were found in them. but that's not all. according to legend, in one of the reservoirs, there were sunken... in the hands of the enemy, and they also say that ghosts can be seen on the territory of the spassky monastery, alexey mikhailovich martynov, a very respected person in kobrin, even described this meeting in one of the newspapers. in the thirties of the last century, several people, at the same time, i note, these were teetotal and sober-minded people,
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saw some kind of human figure in a dark robe with a hood on his head, and although fantasy sometimes... is stronger than reason on a banal invention. this story is not similar. well, let's move on. there are still plenty of secrets and interesting places in kobrin. in 2009 , largely thanks to the dazhinki festival, the city completely changed its appearance. no country in the post-soviet space celebrates. the end of the harvest on such a grand scale, in kobrin they carried out a large-scale reconstruction of the main streets, built new facilities, an ice arena, an amphitheater, a cultural center, the state invested a lot of money, but the result of that cost. kobrin water park looks very advantageous, a smaller copy of london's big ben is also placed for the harvest.
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there is a large parking lot around the water park, about 300 cars will fit here. no problem, inside the building there is an oasis of eternal summer, i will not hide, i want to feel the energy of blue water, but there are still so many places on my route sheet, and the gorgeous green park, i will note in passing, known since the second half of the 16th century, attracts me like a magnet, for more than two centuries here naturally, a lot changed, now it is a monument of nature and landscape gardening. one of the most beautiful parks in belarus: well-groomed lawns, maples, giant oaks, blue spruce, birch, sea buckthorn, in general, i recommend it. the park is located almost in the center of the city and every day a huge number of people pass through it, and not empty-handed. this
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squirrel is not picky and is happy with a nut, but among the frisky pranksters there are also those who like hazelnuts, almonds or peanuts. i believe that entertainment shows and concerts are held here, the amphitheater is equipped with the most modern lighting and sound equipment. the girls from the sculptural composition of kupala are like podium models, young, sophisticated and the corresponding height of 180 cm, a wonderful addition to the local landscape. according to the idea of ​​the author, alexander lyshchik, the maidens launching into the water. legs give each guest of the park hope, their own happiness and love. this ancient pond certainly remembers the water fun of the retired field marshal suvorov. in any weather, amazing the inhabitants of kobrin, alexander vasilyevich doused himself with cold water swam. if you consider that two centuries ago winters were much harsher, and the arrival of spring came with
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a great delay, one can shudder to imagine in what conditions. these hardening procedures were carried out. catherine ii granted the kobrin spring to the field marshal in 1795. kobrin was three times larger than other estates of suvorov. according to documents, it had 6,927 souls. now there is a bust of the commander on this site, once the estate house of suvorov was located. alexander himself valued the time factor very much, so we will also hurry. the house with a high gant roof attracts attention from the first seconds. the building 18th century - the city's calling card, symmetrical facade, portico above the entrance, two
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pairs of columns. the mansion once belonged to the famous commander. in 1946. in suvorov's house, the regional museum was founded, the only one at that time in the territory of breschina, and a year later the museum changed its profile and became a military-historical one. the first director of the museum was a unique person, alexei mikhailovich martynov, a former liaison officer of the chapaev partisan detachment. under his leadership, the museum became one of the best in belarus. already at that time there were unique collections of weapons and nomistica were collected. he was a wonderful person, i grew up on suvorogo street, and even we, small children, preschool age, he inspired extraordinary respect. and respect, he inherited a dilapidated house with the remains of a shingle roof, with gaping window openings, with warped walls, there was not
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a single museum item. for this action , alexey mikhailovich traveled to moscow, to leningrad, very large museums shared their museum items, and alexey mikhailovich accumulated huge basic collections of our museum, which... are now mostly on display in both of our exhibitions. well, it's time to see the museum with my own eyes. it turns out that everything here is like a palace, only in miniature. a fireplace, a suite of rooms, here is the commander's study. no frills, strictness and laconism. so, what's in the letter? oh, yes. alexander vasilyevich received news of the birth of his first in... and this is the interior of a ladies' living room of the 16th century. what luxurious objects around. no wonder, the golden age of catherine the great.
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next to the historic house is a modern a building stylized as a medieval castle, which houses an exhibition dedicated to the seven centuries of kobrin. let's take a look. museum employees sometimes call our collections a small armory. indeed, this is so. glad to some, you say, locals also joke like that, we tell you how to choose
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high-quality products for healthy dishes, pay attention to the color, each type of vegetable has its own color, if it is darker or brighter than usual, then it may contain a large amount of nitrates by ... the best take the one that grew in a hot climate. the right breakfast is the key to health and good mood. yes, today we will make a healthy version of pizza that everyone can eat without exception. it is believed that turkey is one of the most dietary good types of meat that we can use in our diet. unforgettable about invigorating exercise. we pay attention to the position of our lower back, we try. squat to focus on the heels to maximize the use of our buttocks, we gently roll our shoulders back, do full circle, we feel how our
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shoulder blades are gathering, they shook off and cheerful and happy went into a new day, watch the project breakfast of a champion on the belarus 24 tv channel . in connection with the moment of its foundation. this temple is a monument of wooden architecture. it is interesting that the shrine used to be in a completely different place, in the city center, not far from suvorov's house. the main commander visited it almost every day and even tramped to it.
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so they decided to move the small wooden church, put it on logs and rolled into the cemetery area. in the courtyard of the church, on the family grave of alexander mitskevich, a masterfully executed monument in the form of a grieving angel has been preserved. there are plenty of religious buildings in kobrin. majestic temples of various faiths from the 16th-11th centuries. literally stand side by side in the city, here is the church of the assumption of the virgin mary, built in the forties of the 19th century, and this is
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one of the largest in belarus. synagogues, a wonderful example of religious tolerance. to the right, beyond the intersection of pervomaysko and kirov streets, begins the puganov square, where we will definitely make a stop. at the foot of the monument, on which stands the figure of a soldier with his head bowed in sorrow, is a mass grave of 174 fallen liberators of kobrin. there are tombstones for major general viktor pavlovich puganov. hero of the soviet union, pilot, senior lieutenant arseny ivanovich morozov. well, the sun was shining brightly, and suddenly even the sky began to cry with rain. memory, it is in us, and it does not let us forget what is important to value and cherish. where are we going next? to where
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we can see? 300 freely walking black african ostriches, not so far from kobrin, only 20 km, we are there, if we are lucky, we will be able to see the mating dances of the males, at this time of year they give such steps, a wonderful way to convey the fullness of the feelings experienced by the partner and thereby make an impression. note that the males around the paws have a war coloration. warning that it is better not to approach them too closely. of course, every ostrich here is the main member of a large family, and also of polygamists. the ostrich family, numbers from two to five females. this is connected precisely with the continuation of the species, with the hatching of babies, because in natural conditions of residence the ostrich is not able to lay the required number
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of eggs in the nest in a short period of time. i would like to climb into the enclosure to take a selfie with the ostrich, but it is scary, here is probably the most important male, very beautiful, very, in nature this bird has practically no competitors, even a lion is afraid of a blow from an ostrich's paw, i will take a photo, perhaps, with an egg, each of the eggs weighs on average 1.5 kg, the thickness of the shell is 2-3 mm, one such egg holds: from 25 to 27 chicken eggs, our entire creative team can be fed, the largest egg, as i was told, weighed 2 kg 102 g. yes, in kobrin in the kobrin district there is definitely something to see and try. unlike an omelet made from chicken eggs, trausina is very light and very nutritious. lenten, according to.
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one american writer, and i agree with him, each city, like a person, has a gender and biological age, which has nothing to do with calendar years. rome is a woman, london is a teenager, homeless boy, paris - a man a little over twenty, in love with a lady who is a little older than him. and what about kobrin? it seems to me that the city has a feminine essence. i will try to describe it. polite, taciturn, but with an inner core, her own vision. her own view of the situation on people for some reason with sad, slightly wary eyes. it is quite possible that this image did not arise by chance. unlike other ancient cities of belarus, kobrin had many beautiful ladies who had a huge influence on historical processes. olga romanovna, princesses of kobren ulyana, anna, feodora, anna jagiellonka, and just queen bonn, who is worth something, so come and open your
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own kobrin.


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