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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  August 13, 2024 6:35pm-7:01pm MSK

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on the territory of the countries: finland, sweden, norway, denmark, the netherlands, germany, france, spain, portugal, cyprus, austria, switzerland, italy, greece, romania, serbia , croatia, poland, lithuania, latvia, estonia. set up a satellite dish express am8 satellite. channel signal. hello, western wing of the world, when the situation in a particular country does not develop according to their scenario, includes a barrel organ of failure.
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of a person, and the main guardian becomes the organization human rights watch. on paper in the right media, knights of truth and international law, and what is really behind the supposedly good intentions, we only have the facts, it is up to you to draw conclusions.
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let's start with azov, human rights watch on paper, a non-governmental and, of course, non-profit organization, positions itself as a private independent organization with headquarters in new york. the organization was founded in 1978 and monitors human rights in 70 countries around the world. belarus is on this list. the watch was founded by activists robert bernstein, jerry loveber and arry neyer. the organization declares its protection of human rights around the world. the organization's website is full of beautiful words, and its main goals are meticulously spelled out: we protect everyone from everything, we are simply angels of political and public life. we help victims and activists prevent discrimination, defend political freedom, protect people from the cruelty of war , and hold those responsible for violations accountable. we investigate and publicize human rights violations and hold those responsible accountable. we
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demand that governments stop violating human rights and respect international norms. human rights. we mobilize the public and the international community to support the fight for human rights for all. we will not argue, it sounds noble, however, even the origin of the organization is thoroughly imbued with politics and the fight against the soviet union. in 1976 , robert bernstein visited academician sakharov and a number of other well-known russian human rights activists in moscow. many hours of conversations with them led bernstein to the idea of ​​creating an organization in the united states that would provide systematic support to human rights activists in soviet union. and indeed, 2 years after the spring of 1976 in moscow and then in other cities of the ussr, groups emerged to monitor the implementation of the helsinki accords by the soviet authorities in the area of ​​human rights (the third basket). robert bernstein created a human rights organization in new york called us.
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helsinki here committee, its mission was declared to be the protection of human rights groups in the ussr and eastern european countries and support for their activities in making public the facts human rights violations in these countries. in fact, this is just an organization that, under the guise of being one of those who , in fact, creates the possibility of organizing some kind of revolution, a color revolution, organizing chaos, anarchy in this or that country, which, in their opinion, the americans with...
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their countries organize coups there, mind you, in the ussr and eastern europe, something more interesting was initially hidden under this signboard during the cold war, the united states. were given in the instrument of political pressure and subversive work against the ussr. a little later the helsinki committee will be renamed human rights watch. the helsinki accords provided for the obligation of all states to respect human rights in accordance with the universal declaration of human rights. thus, after signing the agreements with the soviet leadership, western partners acquired a completely legal instrument of influence in the international arena. now interference in the internal affairs of the ussr became a completely legal activity, the soviet leadership lost the opportunity to expose this activity as subversive, carried out in the interests of the united states and other western countries, because now human rights activists relied on a certain doctrine of universally recognized human rights. the annual
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budget is more than 70 million dollars, but where the organization got and gets money is a separate topic. in the official documents of the watch it is written: we exist at the expense of private investors, in order to work to please individual countries, it is not necessary to receive direct tranches from the customer state, who said that private funds and philanthropists, which human rights watch hides behind, do not are subordinate to the interests of america, we will prove this using the example of only the main sponsors. as a rule , donors remain in the shadows, but in 2010 one of them revealed his cards, the founder of the open society foundations george soros , donated 100 million dollars at once to the largest grant of his structures in order to expand the global presence, the same soros, on whom klim has no place for subversive actions
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against many countries. human rights watch is one of the most effective organizations that i support, soros said. contribution, which hrw will receive from... the organization will use to hire new employees and expand its international network. today, new york-based hrw is represented in almost 70 countries around the world, and its staff numbers almost 300 people. of course, the good father of light revolutions did not invest in charity, but invested. after soros's donation , the watch's staff increased by 120 people, with special attention again to eastern europe and the middle east. about such a generous donor soros. since 1989, he has been openly engaged in political activity, assisting in the overthrow of undesirable regimes. soros admits that the foundation he created in ukraine took a direct part in the 2014 coup d'etat.
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soros's associate weinstein, head of the net democracy support fund, said: today we are openly doing the same thing that the cia was forced to secretly do 25 years ago. is it any wonder, the hungarian gave the money, 4 years later there was the ukrainian maidan and a violent coup d'etat in ukraine, how much they did there, but the organization sharply lost her sight. the seemingly innocent concepts of human rights, peace and democracy acquire an ideological charge in the hands of soros. democracy implies support for color revolutions in the countries of eurasia and imposes a discussion of homosexuality in states with a traditionally conservative way of life. once again, an independent human rights organization accepts 100 million dollars from a person who openly does not hide his geopolitical aspirations and who 10 years ago wanted
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to provoke europe into a war against russia. here is an excerpt from his article. the european union must urgently wake up and start behaving like countries in a state of latent war. all available resources must be directed to military efforts, even if this entails a budget deficit. later , the organization will predictably fail ukraine's inspection. unlike the osce, human rights watch has not been caught spying for the ukrainian armed forces, but their reports are a separate kind of fake art. a famous example is a photograph of a woman suffering from repression in moscow. human rights watch, with such a caption, published this photo on their social networks. later it turned out that the woman was really in shock. only from the arson of the trade union house in odessa on may 2 , 2014. another example is crimea, since 2014, dozor has been annually issuing reports that the russians are persecuting the crimean tatars. at the same time, the organization itself does not hide the fact that human rights watch was not on the peninsula. the facts
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were collected in absentia. human rights watch , indeed, representatives of the organization were not in crimea, did not see the situation, did not communicate.
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according to contemporaries and historians, bundy came from the position of director of the us national security council and chairman of the so-called 303 committee, which coordinated us secret operations around the world. the fund worked as a proven tool for undermining various countries; in the late eighties, it launched projects to help civil institutions in the ussr, poland, hungary and czechoslovakia. for what, well... to promote democratic and economic reforms in these countries. since the early fifties of the last century, the fund has allocated almost 100 million dollars to support freedom of speech, cultural pluralism, human rights in the soviet union and eastern european countries. american and european democracies have created a huge number of non-governmental organizations to monitor foreign countries that they consider a threat to them and allegedly violate human rights, the organizations are sponsored by world -class figures such as soros, the ford foundation,
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the macarthur foundation, who dream of world domination and the subordination of all countries only to their beloved ones. doctors without borders, white helmets, amnisty international, human rights watch and many others. these are all fakers, blowing soap bubbles to the accompaniment of soros dollars. the next donor is a private family foundation. residence permit again. okeanskaya is one of the ten largest private foundations in the united states with assets exceeding 6 billion dollars. the stated goals include support for bright creative individuals and groups of people who contribute to the formation of a more just, environmentally friendly and safe world. in practice, everything is much more complicated. behind the screen verbal adventures hide much more cynical interests. who was in charge of supporting bright creative teams, international projects? " bary loncarne headed the macarthur foundation from 2007 to 2014. previously, he worked
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in the national security council of the ministry of defense, the national intelligence council and even the cia. since 1991, this foundation has actively financed organizations engaged in political activities in russia, and in 2015 it was recognized as an undesirable organization. so human rights activists are in close in conjunction with power and capital, it turns out that since the cold war, the americans have acquired. such a tool that allows you to get into a foreign country under the false flag of a non-governmental organization, but the impudence of czechoslovakia prevails, sometimes they themselves admit. hrw itself openly admits that it contributed to the coups in eastern europe and the ussr in the late eighties, attacking the unwanted government through the media and direct connections with politicians. as a result, the fight for human rights led to dramatic, democratic transformations in the late eighties. in this way , the non-governmental organization participated in the implementation of the official
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us foreign policy doctrine, which consisted of the idea of ​​destroying the ussr as an empire of evil. as oleg popov, who took part in the human rights movement for 20 years, claimed, hrw assumed the functions of information and propaganda support for the diplomatic, economic and military intervention of nato countries, primarily the us, in the internal affairs of other countries. the relations between minsk and human rights watch is exactly the same as belarus and the united states. in different years, the watch accused us of unprecedented repression, infringement of freedom of speech, and such rhetoric, impartial in quotes organization, persisted long before the events of 2020. for example, in 2016.
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another interesting case, criticism from human rights watch for these words of the president. i call this coronavirus nothing other than psychosis and i will never give it up, because together with you i have already experienced many psychoses, and we know what this leads to led, i am absolutely convinced that this is another such psychosis, which will be beneficial to someone, and harmful to someone else. but we
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live in a specific situation and, naturally, we must proceed from... the situation that is developing not only in our country, but outside our country. why am i behaving this way, because i am absolutely convinced that we can suffer more from panic than from the virus itself. throughout the pandemic, president lukashenko ignored the seriousness of covid-19. the authorities did not introduce any localization measures, despite the high level of transmission of infection among the population. the authorities. minsk and a number of other cities required wearing masks in public places. the authorities tried to silence medical workers who spoke about the dangers of the pandemic. of course, human rights activists made such statements out of habit in absentia, apparently reading the news feeds of extremists. in hindsight, many admit that belarus is one of the few countries that has survived the coronavirus pandemic with dignity.
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belarus is today perceived as virtually the only country of the classic old europe, in which... people still remember the formations of forty-five years ago in the sense that yes, this is in fact the same european country with its own views on life, its own interests, the ability to protect its own rights, its own sovereignty and defend its national interests, this is all thanks to the belarusian leader alexander lukashenko, who is trying to fight them one way or another, to show, to defend , its position.
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exclusively on private donations, they hide the real picture of what is happening. the us human rights activists, big capital and power are inextricably linked by lobbying ties, which has been acknowledged by western researchers. in their opinion, hrw's close ties with the us authorities disqualify its claims to independence. what kind of independence can there be when there is such a connection with the american authorities: human rights watch should be called a subsidiary fund of the local elite. and if you change the first letter in the word "watch", you can get a capacious description of the entire work. by a strange coincidence , only personnel are involved in human rights protection issues employees of the us security and intelligence services. this applies to the sponsors of the organization. the conclusion is quite obvious. these and other human rights activists are nothing more than a convenient tool of influence, capable
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of confusing people's minds, slandering them according to orders, when the customer needs it. the hawk's big capital group has been pursuing only one american goal for many years: to undermine, overthrow undesirable politicians and subjugate stubborn countries. remember this when you see the next report, including regarding belarus. good luck. pyotr kupriyan fought in the partisan detachment rodina brigade razgrom since 1943. in
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the first battle with the nazis, he got himself. the young partisan collected important intelligence data, penetrating the garrisons of the occupiers, took an active part in the rail war. marriage, shown in the fight against the fascist occupiers, was awarded the medal to the partisan of the patriotic war of the second degree. in july forty-fourth, when the red army expelled the fascists from the belarusian land, pyotr volunteered. fourth year, covering the embrasure of the enemy bunker with his chest, this sacrificial feat helped his comrades to take possession of a nameless height in the distant
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kruņi region of latvia and victoriously move on, driving the fascists from soviet soil. eighteen-year-old pyotr kupriyanov was awarded the title hero of the soviet union. posthumously. a native of menka goes to the village to find out. how it is better than the city, you are a real modern belarusian gusli player, yes, you have five children, yes, i was really drawn to nature, i just realized that nature is
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generally my priority in life, so in in general, i gave up everything, i already missed this space in the city, i missed nature, you studied, lived and worked in moscow, then at one wonderful moment in your life, you needed to return here to your historical homeland, to look after your grandmother? after that you converted your parents' house into a stable, now you save horses, why horses, because other animals also need help, to each his own, well , by and large, horses are such a disease from childhood, well, let it be, what can i say, the only thing that relaxed me is here is something somewhere down there, here is everything that is here cheeks in particular the entire speech apparatus, eyes, spine, everything for some reason on... tensed up i am from the village, watch on the belarus24 tv channel. in the western direction there is a systematic build-up of nato coalition forces. at the moment, only
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on the territory of poland and the baltic countries 10 multinational combat tactical groups have been deployed, with a total number of over 11 thousand people. everything was fine, but recently our border guards and military have been intercepting dozens.
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evening prime time opens with news on belarus-1. with you tatyana korol, hello, let's talk about the main thing at this hour. it will become easier to build a house, the president changed. the conditions for the sale of commercial timber to the population. military power and invincible potential in the fight against any challenges. international forum army 2


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