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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  August 13, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm MSK

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a recognized commander, marshal, hero of the soviet union, deputy of the supreme commander-in-chief, that is , stalin's deputy, repeatedly led the soviet troops on various fronts, took part in a wide variety of operations, proved himself as a fireman of the soviet front, where it was necessary to act urgently and energetically.
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made a remarkable career in the red army and in the early thirties at one of the exercises was noticed in the second half of 1942 alexander mikhailovich vasilevsky chief general staff of the red army, he replaced his predecessor in this position.
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on the eve of the operation, bogration, zhukov and vasilevsky were directly in the troops, if we take the spring of 1944, zhukov 's command. the first ukrainian front, as for vasilevsky, he will participate in the liberation of crimea in the storming of sevastopol will be directly there after the storming of sevastopol, when he and his driver will inspect the city, the car will blow up on a mine, alexander mikhailovich will be wounded and for some time will be undergoing treatment. at that time , preparations were underway for the summer attack of 1944.
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all this subsequently led to the fact that the red army had to carry out a very difficult and bloody east prussian operation. at the headquarters of the supreme command, a decision was made on how to lead the fronts, too many armed forces, too many guns, too many tanks, so it would be advisable, in the opinion, by the way, of stalin, members of the headquarters of the supreme commander-in-chief.
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marshal vasilevsky, it was decided, after that, as the headquarters representatives arrive at the front to coordinate actions, conduct some kind of operational exercises, troops in order to understand how ready the troops are for the upcoming offensive, how the preparations for the offensive operation bogration are going, and zhukov and vasilevsky reported to stalin daily. from vasilevsky's memoirs june 22, 1944 marked 3 years since the beginning of the great patriotic war. the troops of our western fronts were preparing to go on a decisive offensive in the coming days. each of us was waiting
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impatiently. in those days , the belarusian partisans were especially active. they were putting the railways behind enemy lines out of action. in one night on june 20 , more than 40 thousand rails were blown up. so, everything was ready for a decisive offensive. however, on the first baltic and third belarusian fronts, operation bagration did not begin quite as we would have liked. the weather did not take our plans into account. the sky was covered with solid clouds, and we were only able to partially use long-range aviation. we anxiously awaited the first news from the battlefield. the headquarters also closely followed the course of events. the supreme commander-in-chief called me on the phone several times that day. i know that.
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here we can see how he strives to control the interaction of both fronts,
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the third belarusian and the first baltic, so before the offensive operation bakration he visits the troops of both fronts twice , flying from one place to the other. by the way, he will highly evaluate the degree of preparation of both fronts to offensive operation. in the investigation in the military history magazine, the military history magazine in the 1960s , an interesting controversy will be unleashed among the commanders about how it all happened, and bogramyan, for example, will say not very flattering things about vasilevsky's control over his front, about the fact that bogramyan was not...
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in the second belarusian front, but a coordinator or, let's say, his deputy of the general
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from the general staff, who arrived with him at the front, sergei shtemenko, himself focused directly on the preparation combat operations of the first belarusian front and did not forget the first ukrainian front. during the offensive operation bagration, the commanders, marshals vasilevsky and zhukov remained. directly on the fronts, as it turned out, their operational and strategic vision of the problem subsequently played a major role, in general, both zhukov and vasilevsky successfully coped with their task. on july 8 , 1944, when the second stage of the offensive operation bagration was already underway, zhukov will be recalled insertion of the supreme command in order to take part in...
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marshal zhukov worked on his book of memoirs for about 10 years, speaking about the need to convey the heroic spirit of war to future generations. the creation of this book can be called his second feat. veterans put zhukov's memoirs and reflections in first place among the memoirs of the great patriotic war. it was to them, the living fallen soldiers, their
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great feat, their courage, bravery, heroism, boundless selflessness in the name of the motherland, in the name of future generations, that marshal dedicated his book. what are they worth his lines about the heroism and compassion of women who fought on the fields of the great patriotic war? from the book by georgy zhukov. memories and reflections. on the eve of the war, more than 50% of the country's population were women. they were a great force in construction. war, they actively demonstrated themselves in the defense of the homeland, some in the active army, some in the socialist society, when the labor front began, some in the fight against the invaders in the occupied territory, i repeatedly had the opportunity to visit advanced medical care points during the war, in medical battalions and evacuation hospitals, unforgettable
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heroism and fortitude of nurses, doctors. they carried soldiers and officers from the battlefield, nursed them, snipers, telephone operators, telegraphists were distinguished by their fearlessness and bravery, many of them were then no more than 18-20 years old. disregarding the danger, they bravely fought the hated enemy, went on the attack equally with men. hundreds of thousands of soldiers are obliged to the heroism and mercy of women. with their devotion to the motherland, constant readiness to give their lives for it, soviet women amazed all progressive humanity, i think, i will not be mistaken, having expressed the opinion, our women with their heroic military labor feat in the war with fascist germany deserved a monument equal to the monument to the unknown soldier erected in moscow, at the kremlin wall. alexander
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mikhailovich vasilevsky, after the war, just like zhukov, gave. much effort to the cause of military-patriotic education of soviet people, especially youth. in his articles, speeches to young soldiers, he constantly reminded of the need to give yourself to the chosen cause in full, to work inspired with maximum benefit for society, to be proud of his title of defender of the motherland. our military service - he wrote, does not know a more honorable title than the title of soldier.
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all the same, we are still hostages to this day of that war, which in fact has not yet ended, it is being waged in such different forms, with such a manifestation, so at the present time, it will probably be waged, because this is how the world is arranged, the apogee of the skill of the commanders of the great patriotic, offensive operation bogration. it is rightly called a triumph of soviet military art. this battle went down in history as the biggest defeat of the fascist troops in world war ii.
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about 400,000 soldiers, officers, generals of the wehrmacht and the sss were killed and taken prisoner. they were shown to the whole world, marched shamefully across red square, immediately washing away the traces of german boots with water. the newly-minted nazis would do well to review these newsreels, they want to forget, but you and i must not allow this, no one should forget this, we must not forget, so as not to repeated again. we have forgotten how to enjoy the little things, to be surprised,
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to feel the connection between times and generations , to simply notice, and yet every day is made up of traditions, today, a year or a century ago, everything that is considered ancient was once new, in addition, without noticing, we pass on knowledge and experience through generations, it is in our smile, the wave of our hand, in such a familiar look, from simple happy moments real traditions are formed. we are proud
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of the heritage of our ancestors, we value the past for our present. belarus 24. the situation in the kursk region of the russian federation the federation is haunting many, since no one thought that the ukrainian authorities would go so far in all senses, they seemed to have already
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started talking about negotiations. to test the waters in the information space and the public reaction in case these negotiations suddenly take place, and here this happened: instead of negotiations in the ssu, they went to seize old russia, gathered a serious group of troops, weapons and decided to snatch victory from the clutches of the hated putin. in addition, the ukrainian authorities staged a provocation by launching into russia through our airspace of 13 strike. drones. ukraine is not ready for peace, - concluded alexander lukashenko and gave the command to strengthen our southern border with troops, weapons and special forces, because today the ukrainian authorities are ready to fight with everyone, just to be on washington's payroll and fulfill a suicidal dream, to join nato. only nato does not need ukraine as an independent country.
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and its role in it, when i proposed a truce, i proposed it only in order to reboot our country to make it more effective and efficient in order to resist you assholes, who were, are and remain our eternal enemies. let's discuss the situation in the kursk region, deputy head of the faculty of the general staff of the military academy of belarus, colonel andrei bagadel. andrei petrovich, hello, hello, now the situation in the kursk na...


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