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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  August 13, 2024 10:30pm-11:25pm MSK

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the kursk region became an opportunity for them to shift the focus on the front, both informational and combat. the ukrainian armed forces have not had any real victories for a long time, only in the information field are they capable of lying and spreading fakes. many western experts are promising the ssu a terrible defeat in the kursk region and death, the roskov motivation that appeared against the background of imaginary expected victories. on this occasion, even aristovich got another pair of new shoes from under the table. he began to scream hysterically about the victory and his role in it, when i proposed a truce, i proposed it only in order to reboot our country to make it more efficient, effective and to resist you assholes, who were and remain our eternal enemies. let's discuss the situation in the kursk region, deputy head of the faculty of the general staff of the military academy of belarus, colonel andrei bagadel. andrei petrovich, hello, hello, now the situation in kursk.
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point in this direction to ensure its right flank, and kurenovo was needed as a railway junction, ensuring the delivery of material resources for the advancing ukrainian group, and kurenovo is a fairly large railway center, connected with the sums. well, it should be noted that the operation was carried out, of course, according to all the laws, economists, there are no questions here. this is another reason to remind those that the sum of these tactical successes is minimal.
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in all likelihood, being on heavy equipment, imitated the order of actions and so on. i would like to note that no forces of these means were found in the sumy direction today, this also concerns the first brigade special purpose presidential not rdc, they are simply not there, but those parts of the forces of means that heavy weapons, our general staff warned russia, the general staff of the armed forces of the russian federation, and this is even known through open channels, it was said that part of the forces of means were...
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being transferred to the sumy direction, where , in addition, the russian federation, as far as i know, was going to create some kind of buffer zone, this is only through open, what is known, and through closed communication channels constant interaction between the two bodies of such military and state administration as the general staffs, the exchange of information is constant, today we can say that if the ukrainian side does not have a reserve, then in essence the operation is and...
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they clearly said that our armed forces, our state, have been assigned a fundamental task: to protect the western borders. look at what is in the west: lithuania is sending additional forces , additional forces are arriving there, the sixteenth rotation of forces is currently taking place , namely the nato bloc for forward presence in europe, poland is sending about 17,000 there today, to guard just one fence along the border with the republic of belarus.
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i say again, we are true to our obligations, and we have always fulfilled them and will fulfill them, but a decision by the military-political leadership, first of all, our country, is necessary. alexander lukashenko also recently stated that ukraine is not ready for peace, the reason was an incident in our airspace, when ukraine launched 13 attack drones into the russian federation, through our country. the top leadership of our country assessed this provocation as creating.
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today, belarus, represented by our president , is doing a lot for peace in our region, but all these efforts are immediately crossed out by our southern neighbor. not only does this bring ukraine to the brink, it deprives ordinary citizens of this country of their lives. in addition,
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they want to provoke the opening of another front, the belarusian one, to throw us into the fire of war. we regard this as a provocation. in relation to the republic of belarus, taking into account the situation developing in ukraine, as well as in the kursk region of russia, the commander-in-chief of the armed forces gave instructions. to strengthen the group of troops in the gomel and mozar tactical directions in order to respond to any possible provocations. military units, special operations forces, ground forces, missile forces, including polones rocket systems and iskander complexes, were tasked with marching to designated areas. forces of anti-aircraft missile forces, radio-technical aviation troops. we are closely monitoring
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the situation and are ready to react to any changes. stop provoking us, stop pulling our pigtails and testing our possible reaction. it is worth reminding our neighbors that the red line begins where the border of one state ends and ours begins. belarusian, so please be so kind as to remain reasonable, if for you this is nothing else. and with you was yakseniya lebzeva, see you in the next program.
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traveling is not only getting to know history and sights. hello, what a meeting! hello, there we saw a bee hut, a window, well , now please, find where they live here in our premises, here are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and now find the living ones, except for me. traveling is an opportunity to try something new and, of course, to join the unique folk art. with belarusian smiles, well
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, children on stage - it is always something about sincerity, about a smile, about light and purity, it is incredible, i really remember when i was a child and performed on stage, what i stress experienced, snowfall, snowfall, the route is built on the belarus 24 tv channel . we talk about the most fascinating things from the world of science. and as always , science comes to the aid of man, because it is she who gave us special means for protection from sun rays. a pharmacist from the usa and a chemist from switzerland, who invented the first sunscreen. we share interesting facts, ask the most exciting questions.
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and firstly, the climate that we have in the republic, it is comfortable enough for
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farmers to grow this crop, secondly, the yield from the mass of oil seeds, about 40%, the yield of oil, depending on the different extraction technology, but in general it is about 40%. thirdly, and sermenapse oil is a rich source of protein, about 20% of the mass of oil seeds - this is protein, it is very important and necessary for our livestock farming, and one of the other important reasons is that sermenapse can be called an environmentally friendly crop, for its cultivation. no need for a large number of pesticides, there are mineral fertilizers, well, in conclusion, this crop is profitable, i will name a number of figures, which testifies to this, we in twenty, in the twentieth year grew 456,000 tons of rapeseed, here in 3 years already according to the results of last year the harvest is 900 thousand tons, and today already
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today the harvest is really finished, but in bunker weight we have 1.31.00 tons. the president set the task to grow a million tons, i will repeat, bunker in weight we have overcome this figure, i believe, in the region of a million 100,2000 tons, this year we will provide the harvest. how much does slavstvo oil produce in belarus per year and how many enterprises are involved in rapeseed processing. in our country there are about 90 enterprises that are engaged in oil production, and there are two ways to extract oil, this is extraction and pressing. these are different technologies.
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olive, tell us a little more about its beneficial properties, really , we can talk a lot about this, why is it called that, because in its... physical and chemical composition this oil is very similar to olive oil, what is the similarity? and are there such acids, the well-known fatty acids omega-3 omega-6, which are in olive oil, there is in rapeseed oil, but what is important is that the degree of absorption of these useful substances by the body depends on the ratio, so in
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rapeseed oil the ratio of omega-3 omega-6 acids is one to two, this proportion is ... according to doctors, it is ideal for these useful substances to be extracted, this is the first, second, rapeseed oil is a good source of fighting bad cholesterol, these are good blood vessels, this is the prevention of thrombosis, even some scientists say that regular consumption of oil, which obtained from rapeseed oil can control and prevent cancer formation, then cosmetologists use rapeseed oil in their industry, this is what it says, this says that it has a good effect on the skin, it has a good effect on hair, i will give a few more figures, they are very indicative for me, if you compare 100 g of olive oil, there are 12 mg of vitamin e, 100 g of rapeseed oil contains 27 mg of vitamin e,
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one tablespoon in the morning is enough, you can take it on an empty stomach, you can take it after breakfast, 15 g, here you are you consume rapeseed oil, you have provided yourself with omega-3, 6,9 for the whole day, so we practiced it before, when we taught, including colleagues, to this useful action, now colleagues take a spoonful of rapeseed oil at home in the morning and go to work, so this is really a very useful product, and we very actively promote these consumer properties of its useful ones, we position it on the domestic market, these are the countries to which belarusian arabic oil is exported to the main consumer abroad, and the lion's share of the oil that we produce, we we export the lion's share, last year it was about 550,000 tons, in total, it is a little more than half a billion dollars, this is a fairly large foreign exchange earnings to the country and a good resource for attracting currency to the country, if we talk about the structure of the markets, then
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until recently, i am now talking about the period last year, these were the countries of the european union. last year their share was 37%. why do i emphasize that until recently, but unfortunately, including the business that works with us in eu countries, and protective measures have been taken in terms of increasing duties, and i predict that we will redirect these resources to a greater extent to china. last year , china's share was already 20%, which is a threefold increase in sales volumes. and we see that today the price situation is developing favorably, and china's share in the countries importing our product will grow. moreover, we actively supply to israel, including. and refined oil, deodorized in a bottle, this year several new markets, this is vietnam, these are the united arab emirates, so the geography is quite wide, the world really
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appreciates the usefulness of this product, our belarusian arab oil also has its share on the world market. what products do the concern's enterprises produce from slave oil? numerous products, starting from the mayonnaise group, these are different sauces, these are mayonnaises. these are different types of margarine products, this is refined oil in a bottle, which i said, so the assortment there has more than three or four dozen names, and many manufacturers in the country produces. the center was built under the program of the president of belarus children, and this is the uniqueness of the institution in that for almost for...
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the impression that everything is just going smoothly for you, everything falls from the sky, when there is faith, then there is help, nothing is impossible, appreciate what you have. hello!
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to treat, and i very often remember, i think, lord, well, maybe i will at least remember something, who i would like to become someday in childhood, how girls can be teachers, for example, that's always for me never in my
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i don't have any thoughts in my memory that i wanted to do something else, and this served primarily thanks to my parents, the choice of profession is my mother, she helped all her life.
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it works in a children's infectious diseases hospital, all my life i have always said that every person is probably lucky only when he has a good doctor in his life, and because it is thanks to the doctor that he comes into this world, and his health is in the hands of doctors, the second is a teacher, and it seems to me that for me these are the two most important professions, 25 years i worked in a children's infectious diseases hospital, by the will of fate i headed the center for disabled children and all the employees of the ministry of labor and social protection stood behind me, these are my curators, this is
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the center forward, all the help that is provided in the center helps, this is all at the expense of state support, it is free for our parents, this is the first, the second is the right to choose a rehabilitation course, this is the duration of the rehabilitation course and this, of course, is the team that we have already created over 10 years, together, when we achieve a single the goals of implementing a child into society, yes , helping parents, in general, if the main thing -
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by the way, we wanted to know, because since the rehabilitation process is quite long and not easy, how is all this work organized, what equipment is there, in what areas do you work, what methods do you use? well, i want to say that there are two departments in the center, this is the medical-social-pedagogical direction and medical rehabilitation, in total our center is designed for 120 beds,
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kazakhstan, uzbekistan, russia, and foreign guests came to us and everyone really notes this uniqueness of the center, this is a one-time stay of 120 children, this is the provision of medical rehabilitation assistance in full, in accordance with the protocols.
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uh of the ministry of health, and uh we also implement the educational process, because for the entire course of the child's stay, and we have organized the educational process with our partners, secondary school number 14, which implements the educational program , our teachers, i have four teachers of defectologists who implement the educational process of the first and second levels, and in general the material and technical base of the... institution, it is quite seriously staffed, meets all international requirements, our exercise therapy rooms are equipped with biofeedback equipment, we have a system of assistance built up, both directly working individually with the child, and training the mother, first of all, so that she can work with this child at home. we have a serious physiotherapy department, which is equipped with all physiotherapy equipment, including
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for the prevention of diseases in our children, we use our domestic technologies, all kinds of equipment and foreign partners, we have acupuncture, we have hydrotherapy, we have six types of baths, a swimming pool, but unfortunately, it is currently under repair, but i think that next year we will open with a new direction, after all, 25 years have been undergoing a little major repairs, in general... in principle, when i came to the center, you know, a pediatrician, an infectious disease specialist, a person, who deeply studied rehabilitation, in his practice, and i thought, what can you do, so i came to andryshova, what can you do? first, i put it at the forefront, this is the child, the child today now, the child with his demands, needs, and the main thing, from which we ...
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started, and the main goal is to teach the child to learn, to learn not just at school, but to learn to live, to learn to live the way he ... he simply, simply lived beautifully, and so that his classmates envied him, envied him and admired him, and we went on the principle of that, that to develop the talents of our children, what they
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can do, and really, this is the attitude to develop the talent of our child, they are unique, they are very beautiful, my children, they are very beautiful, they breathe this childhood, they... they told me, the center for them is a center of power, so this recognition of my children, this is worth a lot, this is the work of the team, which graduates come, our children and say how good it is here, and people who come to visit us at the center, you know, that for some reason they are always asked the same the question is, why do your children always smile, you have a slightly different spirit, yes, we have a different spirit, we have such a... spirit of the house with its pranks, with its perhaps some tears of unrequited love, something somewhere didn't work out, but you should see what a feeling of strength they have, so that they
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are praised, a healthy person, probably, is not capable of feeling those emotions that these children and their parents feel when something worked out, you are absolutely right, you noted one word, emotions. emotions that overwhelm the whole course, the whole life center - these are emotions, this is life, they are different, but these are emotions, and emotions are a person expressing themselves, emotions are that positive emotions that a child, for example , comes to a race, they can come to a race, choose a race for themselves based on the recommendation of doctors, they gather their team, a company, i have companies that children come from all regions.
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and many children, they, even having to go away for the weekend, like the city of minsk, the minsk region, yeah, they don’t leave, yeah, they are with us, but of course, there are parents, who, and we are in the center, there is no golden pill, we, unfortunately, are not to blame for the fate of these children, we do not have one golden pill, the most expensive one, which could put our children on their feet, there are parents who do not quite accept this, maybe, for now. understand, we also face this, we also work with this, i can not say that our life is so cloudless, our life in the center has its pluses, with its minuses, but with one single goal for the future development and
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improvement, accepting absolutely everything new technologies, methods of world practice, we are implementing in our center, if we talk about difficulties, because when you were offered to head... this center, you yourself had just recovered from an illness at that time, had an operation, was it difficult for you? it was probably a way out, it was probably a feeling that god gave you another chance at life, and yes, at first it was not easy to plunge into a completely different world, well , at that moment, i am probably very grateful to this choice, because at that moment you stopped thinking about yourself, yeah, you, you became... think about how to help you, if you, you know, i felt this situation, there is a road in life, you have a road in life, i have, my children have, but it consists of two tracks, two tracks, so i walked along one track, and
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now i have simply been moved to another, but i have one goal left, to help children , my parents who have such children, raising children with cerebral palsy, helped me a lot, this... this child, all new directions, again we turned our gaze to our mothers, and i am very grateful to my current mothers, who are here with me, now, who come to me, they come somewhere, maybe they also visit other, certainly other centers, i am always ready to listen to them, and many areas in the center are open, introduced thanks to the advice of my parents, this is like hevomad, these are biaptrons, this is... treatment, these
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are varieties, exactly the same cooking that we opened, this is also thanks to the circle, i will open a professional one, this is also thanks to the advice of our parents, forms of stay - these are again also my parents, various exercise machines, approaches, we discuss all of this, and of course , this is also thanks to the parents, because to introduce something new, well, my main goal is to ask, what is really very... it is necessary in order to ask the children what they need to be given, you first ask what they would like to receive, then we discuss, you know, how we have meetings in the evening, when the center closes, leaves, and i go down to my little ones, to my teenagers, we have very such conversations about life, they ask me all the questions that interest them, and such an interesting answer, and... "we are grateful to you for spending
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your personal time on our conversations, i have a friend named artem, he is a psi sokhovarun, i tell him, he will not yet, until he asks, he will not ask all the questions that, well, that worry him, and i took part in such a joint project of the ministry of education, a step towards success, i visited health camps this year for children who came to children who are simply in a pioneer camp and i went down to artem and said: "artem, look, tomorrow i am going to kids, completely healthy, they are just going through a summer health company at a pioneer camp. tell me, please, what should i tell them? well , turn around at one such turn, just say: "oh, nothing, tell me about us?" i say, i understand, well, what should you do? what i do, tell me
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how cool we are, what and most importantly, you tell them to take care of what they have, because it is already completely calm in one breath, because what they have, not everyone can take care of, you know, lyudmila nikolaevna, we have different teenagers, i say, i understand, so tell them that they need to take care of what they have, because for me, for example, in order to come up to you now, i had to overcome 350 m to go up, it’s hard for me in the elevator, but it’s easier for them, so let them take care of it, children teach me what we teach everyone who comes to us, appreciate what you have, when you come for the first time, yes, you see disabled children, but believe me, when you come for the second time, you are in your environment, you you will be in the same center, you will communicate with the same children, but i assure you, you will never see that in front of you... there is a disabled person, in front of you there will be
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a little person, a small person with his own eyes, with his own questions, and you will be so carried away by the conversation with him that you will not see at all what he is like externally, you will see this inner world, here are our programs that we do, there are our various competitions, events, a minute of fame, and earlier, when we started this project minute of fame, our program lasted 20-30 minutes, now... from the arrival, when they arrive, we postpone this minute of glory for 2 days, because we don’t have enough time for everyone who wants them to go on stage and sing, perform, show their strength, this minute, when they go on stage, for us adults, you are professional journalists, you remember your first day, when you went on stage, you were nervous, of course, and my children, who go on stage with a microphone. believe me, they can become a partner next to you
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and absolutely exactly the same way lead the program, and why, because we tell our children from the very beginning that any goal you set for yourself, you can always achieve it. lyudmila nikolaevna, thank you very much for the gift that you brought to our program, these are such wonderful pies, who is the author of this pastry, huh? in our center, every child has the opportunity to express themselves and self-actualize, in this case , this is the project of one of our students. who underwent rehabilitation with us, now his profession is to cook deliciously, and he came with initiative to the center to us in order to open one of the directions, to cook beautifully together with our children, and today i brought to the program pies, which they together, realizing their idea,
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to cook beautifully deliciously, here you are, please, on your table from our children, and for now we will do. pause i remind you of our telegram channel say don't be silent, subscribe, offer us guests ask your questions, we are in touch, this is the program "say don't be silent" again, and today our guest is the director of the republican rehabilitation center for disabled children, chairman of the board of the belarusian children's fund.
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the soviet union has roots, and you probably know that the children's fund was created in the soviet union, by the writer likhanov, albert anatolyevich, so when the separation occurred, we gained independence, we registered
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the republican public association belarusian children's fund, what i understood that i would have an additional burden yes. and i understood this and did not understand how hard it would be for me, and because of course - my main job now is to continue the traditions of the belarusian children's fund, and this is to preserve what was done by my predecessors, the team that is currently working, the team is focused on the prospect of implementing new projects, new visions, and therefore of course... as my child said when i was elected chairman of the board, and he told me one thing: "you love, mom, to start something new", and once he gave an interview, i always eavesdropped like that, i wonder what he says about me: he never, he admires, he admires mom, he is very
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he loves me, he supports me in all my endeavors, as he said, again, despite his age, to start something. children's fund, when you see that behind the belarusian children's fund these are the programs that have been implemented, which are already recognized in our country as state programs, here is just one thing it seems to me, just one thing if the children's fund did, it would already be significant for us, this is the
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warm home program, this is a reduction in orphanhood, this is the placement of children in a family, this is a... rendering help for children, this is the warm house program, and it has been implemented since 19900, in 2000 it acquired a slightly different format, the children's fund itself was created in order to draw society's attention to orphans, namely, to reduce this category of children about their problems, about their concerns. this was a priority for the children's fund, the idea of ​​​​creating family-type homes as one of the types of education. children in family-type homes, reducing boarding institutions, look what we have in the country now, because we are the only ones in the post-soviet
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space, we have preserved this practice, we have applied it, we are developing it, now it is already state support, only at the start the children's fund acquired 37 houses, in total 43 family-type houses acquired the building itself with our partners, yes houses, then... next we transferred these houses to families raising children providing such a service, even such assistance, many of them are even offended, i understand them, because these are no longer just educators, these are mothers, these are fathers, these are the people who give love, care, motherhood for children who are brought up in these family-type homes, traditionally a children's fund, it remained a children's fund next to family-type homes. and if at first we took care of the children getting into a family, then later the children grow up, we support creative initiatives, we
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help the children in the following years, the first grade at school, equipping the house, training, developing their talents, participating in competitions, in competitions, support, and support for first-year students already from family-type homes who are getting an education, you know, this is already as a single family. joint work, spending time together in family-type homes, again, when a child grows up, yes, he already has his own family, so he can
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go on an excursion with his own. and for us it is very important that every child from a family-type home, from the spc, a child with a difficult fate, especially with a difficult fate, and through the prism of his emotions felt the history of his past, perhaps somewhere later, returning, he will look for his roots, will look at photographs of his ancestors, discussing with children who are brought up in a family. to tell about our past, so that children appreciate what they have, who can become a volunteer and how can you
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become a partner of the belarusian children's fund? the belarusian children's fund is not only people who work in the belarusian children's fund, it is almost 22 thousand volunteers and people who help and support the children's fund, mainly students. if i talked about the "warm house" program, this is care, this is care for a certain category of children who are in difficult life situations.
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the belarusian children's fund, of course, at the dawn of its activities, organized fundraisers so that our little belarusians could receive help, including heart surgeries abroad, but this is not very correct, because where you live, there you receive... help, so the belarusian children's fund directed its efforts to attract specialists from abroad, cardiac surgeons, who could come here to our center, cardiology, we have very talented cardiac surgeons, we have very talented young people, at that time the current head of our republican scientific and practical center of cardiology, konstantin drozdovsky, he was a young surgeon, at that time there were... more than 44 consultations and visits from abroad, we trained our specialists, cardiac surgeons, and of course, not only
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by teaching knowledge, but by equipping them.
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after all, children who have a difficult fate, they of course, the most important thing for them is communication, in life this is their line of testing, however, they are taking this step towards their future, throughout all these years, specialists cardiology center, they help us in building and programs, help us in consulting whom we can take for
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these shifts based on health conditions, and this is also cooperation, including cooperation. oncology center, even the director of the center, she visited a health shift in zubrenka, 50 children annually, we improve the health of children who are in remission, who have suffered from oncological pathology, not a single public organization conducts these health shifts, i believe that this is the pride of the children's fund and pride in partnership.


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