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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  August 14, 2024 9:30am-9:50am MSK

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belarus 24. how do foreign guests live in belarus? i was lucky to meet a military doctor of this medical unit, who i listened to there, he did not offer to go and enroll in the grodno media institute. belarus is one of the friendliest countries of azerbaijan. between belarusians and azerbaijanis is very deep. connection and respect, as from the first days of student years, to this day, i always feel, always friends nearby, responsiveness, watch the project "view on belarus" on our tv channel. in the western direction there is a systemic build-up of nato coalition forces. at the moment , 10 multinational combat tactical groups have been deployed in poland and the baltic states alone. numbering over 11
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thousand people. everything was fine, but recently our border guards and military have been intercepting dozens of, so to speak, intelligence assets, especially drones, already on our territory. these drones are already transporting hundreds of kilograms, the most modern explosives. special exercises have begun jointly with the people's liberation army of china. before that, we together with the chinese people's.
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this is the sphere of interests and we continue, and now the exchange rate, the belarusian ruble weakened against the dollar, the euro and yuan strengthened against the russian ruble. so, the current rates according to the national bank: the dollar costs 3 rubles 23 kopecks, the euro added its rate of 3.52, for 10 yuan they give 4.51 belarusian, and for 100 russian - 3 rubles and 50 kopecks. in belarus, the harvesting of azimov has been completed, this means that on... rabe oil is actively used by school catering plants, food industry enterprises, they have tasted it, of course, and belarusian housewives. about the current volumes.
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knows absolutely for sure, there are a number of reasons for this, and firstly, the climate that we have in the republic, it is comfortable enough for farmers to grow this crop, secondly, the yield from the mass of oilseeds, about 40% oil yield, depending on the different extraction technology, but in general it is about 40%, thirdly, and rapeseed oil is a rich source of protein, 20% of the mass of oilseeds
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is protein, it is very important and necessary for our livestock farming. one of the other important reasons is that, that massominarabs is an ecologically clean crop, for its cultivation there is no need for a large number of pesticides, there are mineral fertilizers, well, in conclusion, this crop is profitable, i will name a number of figures that testify to this, in the twentieth year we grew 400 ...
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sauces, these are mayonnaises, these are various types of margarine products, this is refined oil in a bottle, which i said, therefore the assortment there has more than three or four dozen names, and many manufacturers in the country produce, on this
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that’s all for today, look at your area of ​​interest three times a week, tuesday, wednesday and thursday, good luck in your business and see you. the song of iradzima remains, everything can change, but the yans are not fallen, you will not meet the smoke of spring, the sun will be clear. only this will not be an hour, life will be eternal, as it is, bright folk words, a monthly expression on the grass, and life will not be a great sand, you,
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kamu aychyny pain balits, there is joy, there will be a song, there will be a song . and let us live, this is an understandable policy, hello, western wing of the world, when the situation is in one way or another the country is not developing according to their scenario, includes a barrel organ about human rights, and the main guardian... becomes the organization human rights watch. on paper and in the right media, knights of truth and international law, but what really stands behind the supposedly good intentions, from us only facts, conclusions, it is up to you.
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let's start with azov. human rights watch on paper is a non-governmental and, of course, non-profit organization, it positions itself as a private independent, with headquarters in new york. the organization was founded in 1978, monitors human rights in 70
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countries around the world. belarus is on this list. the watch was founded by activists robert bernstein, jerry lavber and ari neyer. the main goal of the organization is declared to be the protection of people all over the world. the organization's website is full of beautiful words, the main goals are meticulously written: we protect everyone from everything, we are simply angels of political and public life. we help victims and activists prevent discrimination, defend political freedom, protect people from the cruelty of war and bring to justice those guilty of violations. we investigate and publicize human rights violations and hold those responsible accountable. we demand that governments stop violations and respect international human rights norms. we mobilize the public and the international community to support the fight for human rights for all. we will not argue. sounds noble, however, even the origin of the organization is thoroughly imbued with politics and the fight against the soviet union. in 1976
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, robert bernstein visited academician sakharov and a number of other famous russian human rights activists. many hours of conversations with them led bernstein to the idea of ​​creating an organization in the united states that would provide systematic support to human rights activists in the soviet union. and indeed, two years after groups emerged in moscow in the spring of 1976 and then in other cities of the ussr to monitor the implementation of the helsinki accords by the soviet authorities in the area of ​​human rights (the third basket), robert bernstein created a human rights organization in new york called the us heelki watch committee. its mission the protection of human rights groups in the ussr and eastern european countries and support for their activities to publicize the facts of human rights violations in these countries was declared. in fact, this is simply an organization that, under the guise of being one of those who
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, in fact, are creating the possibility of organizing some kind of revolution, a color revolution, organizing chaos, anarchy in one or another country, which, in their opinion, the americans consider unfriendly to them, and the regimes that rule in these countries should be immediately closed down, that's all, so you shouldn't count on the fact that human rights watch, really, is an organization for... with human rights - it's just a beautiful fairy tale and nothing more, there can be no talk of human rights there, it's just a screen that they hide behind, for this they receive huge sums of money, so they form the corresponding, that is , personnel there, who then subsequently return to their countries, organize coups there, mind you, in the ussr and eastern europe, under this signboard initially something more interesting was hidden, during the cold war the usa needed an instrument of political... pressure and subversive work against the ussr. a little later the helsinki committee
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would be renamed human rights watch. the helsinki accords provided for the obligation of all states to respect human rights in accordance with the universal declaration of human rights. thus, after signing the agreements with the soviet leadership , western partners had a completely legal instrument of influence in the international arena. now interference in the internal affairs of the ussr became quite. the usa and other western countries, because now human rights activists relied on a certain doctrine of universally recognized human rights. the annual budget is more than 70 million dollars, but where the organization took and takes money is a separate topic. in the official documents of the watch it is written: we exist at the expense of private investors, we do not accept any help from governments. here too there are a lot of pitfalls. in order to work to
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please individual countries, it is not necessary to receive direct tranches from the customer state. who said that private foundations and philanthropists, which human rights watch uses as a cover, do not obey the interests of america, we will prove this using only the main sponsors as an example. as a rule, donors remain in the shadows, but... in 2010 , one of them revealed his cards, the founder of the open society foundations, george soros, donated $100 million at once to the largest grant of his structures in order to expand their global presence, the same soros, on whom klim has no place for subversive actions against many countries. human rights watch is one of the most effective organizations, which i support, - said soros. the contribution that hrw will receive from soros, the organization will use to... hire new employees and expand its international network, today new york-based hrw
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is represented in almost 70 countries around the world, and its staff numbers almost 300 people. of course, the good father of light revolutions did not invest in charity, but invested. after soros's donation , the watch's staff increased by 120 people, special attention again to eastern europe and the middle east. and what is known about such a generous donor? soros. since 1989, he has been openly engaged in political activity, assisting in the overthrow of undesirable regimes. soros admits that the foundation he created in ukraine took. direct part in the coup d'etat of 2014. soros's associate weinstein, head of the democracy support fund , said. today we are openly doing the same thing that the cia was forced to secretly do 25 years ago. is it any wonder that a hungarian gave money, and 4 years later the ukrainian maidan and a violent coup d'etat took place in ukraine. they've done so much there, but
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the organization has suddenly lost its sight. the seemingly innocent concepts of human rights, peace, and democracy acquire an ideological charge in the hands of soros. democracy implies support for color revolutions in the countries of eurasia and imposes a discussion of homosexuality in states with a traditionally conservative way of life. once again, an independent human rights organization accepts $100 million from a person who openly does not hide.
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a separate type of fake art. the famous an example is a photo of a woman who is suffering from repression in moscow. human rights watch published this photo with such a caption on their social networks. it turned out later that the woman was really shocked, but from the arson of the trade union house in odessa on may 2, 2014. another example is crimea, since 2014, dozor has been annually issuing reports that the russians are persecuting the crimean tatars. at the same time , the organization itself does not hide the fact that human rights watch was not on the peninsula, they collected the facts in absentia. human rights watch really, the representatives of the organization were not in crimea, did not see the situation, did not communicate with people, did not monitor the situation on the spot, and this
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is not accidental, these are not some shortcomings of this organization, the whole point is that - human rights watch - are not who they say they are, this organization has nothing to do with human rights activities, it is , so to speak, an element, again american capital and american ambitions. in 1966 , mac george bundy, an ultra-hawk according to contemporaries, became the president of the ford foundation and historians, bande came from the post of director of the us national security council and chairman of the so-called 303 committee, which coordinated us secret operations around the world. the foundation worked as a proven tool to undermine various countries. in the late eighties, it launched projects to help civil institutions in the ussr, poland, hungary, and czechoslovakia. for what purpose? well, of course, to promote democratic and economic reforms in these countries. since
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the early fifties of the last century, the foundation has allocated almost 100 million dollars to support for freedom of speech, cultural pluralism. respect for human rights in the soviet union and eastern european countries. american and european democracies have created a huge number of non-governmental organizations to monitor foreign countries that they consider to be a threat to them and allegedly violate human rights. the organizations are sponsored by world-class figures such as soros, the ford foundation, the macarthur foundation, who dream of world domination and the subordination of all countries to their beloved ones. doctors without borders, white helmets, amnesty international, human rights watch and many others are all fakers blowing soap bubbles to the accompaniment of soros dollars. the next donor is a private family foundation, again registered overseas, one of the ten largest private foundations in the us with assets of over 6 billion
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dollars. the stated goals include support for bright creative individuals and groups of people who contribute to the formation of a more just, environmentally friendly and safe world. in practice, everything is much more complicated. behind the screen of verbal tricks are hidden much more cynical interests. who managed the support of bright creative teams. international projects at the macarthur foundation from 2007 to 2014 were managed by barry loncarne. previously, he worked at the national security council, the department of defense, the national intelligence council and even the cia. 1991, this fund actively financed organizations engaged in political activities in russia, in 1915 it was recognized as an undesirable organization, so human rights activists.


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