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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  August 14, 2024 2:05pm-3:00pm MSK

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what meaning do modern icon painters put into their works, and so that all this is not in vain, so that it helps people to pray , so that it helps to repent, to become church-goers, as today the training is conducted in sunday schools, one spiritual lesson, the law of god, one lesson of creativity, one lesson.
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with history and sights, hello, what a meeting, hello, there we saw a little bee, a window, well , now please, find where they live here in our premises, here are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and now find the living, except for me, travel - this is an opportunity to try something new. and, of course, to join the unique folk art, belarus with smiles, but children on stage - it's always something about sincerity, about a smile, about light and purity, it's incredible, i actually remember when i was a child and performed on stage, what stress i experienced. oh, snowfall, snowfall,
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the route is built on the belarus 244 tv channel
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. and please give me a newspaper, please, yeah, thank you. unfortunately, there is nothing on your profile now, if something appears, we will call back, and how long to wait? well, now you are 253, thank you, goodbye, and i liked school. ordinary does not
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mean mediocre, yes, kostya, yeah, it's okay, i'm not a prince, you'll get used to it, and you, mother, where did you go to... listen, it's easier to say where i haven't been and it's okay, yes, zemena has played a trick on you with this entry in your work record, god bless them, everything will work out, kostya, i have a premonition, look, look, mommy is taking her son to school. well, please, and don't forget to take diapers,
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let's get out of here while the wind is still out. dad, you screwed up, great, oh, i'm sorry, listen, i didn't notice, you need to drive more carefully, so, let me help you, what should i do? get away from me, i just wanted to help, you don't need to help me, i can handle it myself, are you a feminist or something? okay, come on, let's go, i'm in a hurry, i'll take you wherever you want, let's go, why are you grabbing me, let me go, don't touch me, you're a hooligan, you're the same way, why are you silent, guys,
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guys, have you offended me, what? that's all, i can go, and what about going to mom, complain? have you talked to your dad about me? i talked, he promised to think about it, great, a complaint about tanya they wrote it down, zemena fired her, imagine, you know, it doesn't concern me anymore, exactly, and then zemena asked about you, she'll call, don't be surprised, she won't, she's proud, i won't bend over either...
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sorry, are you free, oh my god, kostik, hi, don't you recognize me, no, marina , anyutka's friend, well, romeo, exactly, yes, hi, how are you, sorry, i'm very late, everything is fine with me, family, children, how are you, where did you go, where did you disappear to? years ago, well, how is it, work, home, work, home, so nothing particularly interesting, sorry, i really, break it's ending, i have to run, yeah, like anyutka, you know, and anyutka is doing great, she's raising a wonderful son, mm, i'm happy for her, you'll see,
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say hi, hello, darling, yeah, what a jerk you have, girl, please count, of course, hello, where are you hiding, come here, come on, salad, broken heart, hi to you, how is he, he's in chocolate, girlfriend, he's all like that, not a cheap watch, perfume, that's
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how you need to get it, i won't beg him for money, you know, that's your character, it's annoying me, just. eat salad, i won't have salad, i 'm treating you, i have the right, eat, i say, a broken heart is called. he should also have obligations to his son and in general maybe he will be happy, men, they are proud of their sons, but nonsense, marin, by the way, his office is not far from here, it seems, it wasn't on his finger, well stop it, that doesn't interest me at all, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, so i believed it,
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well, that was incredible, well done, only you dance a lot, you need to yourself. well done, nikola, calm down, you're always unhappy, nadukh, i take my hat off, the second pair, and yegorka is beating around nadukh, i'll take you after training, why, well, you're a girl, right? we're working on the first pair, you haven't finished the match,
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if you touch my daughter again, i'll smear you across the wall, nikolai admirovich, you misunderstood me, i didn't mean anything like that, i'm wedge-shaped, i won't touch you with my finger again, dad, leave him alone, and go, come on, hero, so we have a hero, daddy, he came, saw and punched his face, yes, and you're not by any chance julius z... what did you understand, petrukha, you ask the pioneer,
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will save, my respects, listen, i owe half a bank, and the pipes are burning, i can't stand it, forgive me, i didn't get it, what's so unclear here, i need to get over my hangover, you see, it's really hard, i'll give you my word of honor.
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i'll give her a record, her favorite one, she and natasha often listened to it, and i broke it, well, by accident, well, of course, the record, yeah, yeah, well , a record is a record, how your classmates accepted you, like a family member, everything 's fine, do you remember that there's a competition soon, of course i remember, don't worry, if you win, i'll find the money, marina will help, well, and i'm still working now, today on interview was. and hello, and i, your
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neighbor, zina, anna, and did you want something? yes, look, our light bill hasn't been paid for a long time, so i thought, maybe you could lend us some, and as for the drink, as soon as i get it, i'll give it to you right away, here's a secret, we'll give it right away, we're in a difficult situation ourselves, i'm out of work, moving, sorry, did you give money to the neighbors? kostya, they took it and forgot, and we don't have any extra money, we can't give it away left and right, dad,
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have you seen my white blouse, and this one? the one with lace on the shoulders, yeah, yeah, dad, i basically threw it at this, at the colored one, you know, and what, well, how many times do i have to tell you, well, don't touch my things. i'm not a little girl anymore, listen, maybe you should have breakfast, i'll have breakfast at school, okay, the day before tomorrow is here, what are you, bon appetit, hello, may i come in, hi,
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well, do you have any bottles, empty ones, here, let's collect, my respects, 100 rubles before the tenth, i'll give it to you, i don't have any, i still have some, yeah, come on, come on, dupinushka, let's gasp, hey, green one herself, more, guys, too. so that's how you have to fight beggars, yeah mom, our land through the eyes of foreigners, the belarusian
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people, they are first of all honest, clean in all respects. beloved, this is an educated nation that still reads a lot, this kindness, it is so , i don’t know, so deep, so sincere, it is impossible not to notice, how did they end up in belarus, why did they stay here to live, i had a business trip here about two years ago, and i felt in the city of minsk, this is the second time i came specifically to belarus, to be honest, after i arrived...
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on air on the belarus 1 tv channel from the belarus 24 satellite tv channel, the program "dobroe ranitsa" belarus, my name is svetlana borovskaya. getting to know the amazing people of our country. and what can you think about here, like this, you look around, it's beautiful, beautiful, everything goes away, everything seems to be left behind, listen, oh, oh, you're getting a bite, oh, wait, there 's some kind of horse there, and there's still a lot of useful and interesting information about... he's still very much alive, very much alive, you have to, you have to wait a little, you have to wait a little to calm down, because freshly straightened out song, yeah, now i'll mix rice with mushrooms, fried onions, we'll stuff me, oh, adopt me, mom, don't be offended, mommy, darling, it's so good
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in this family, belarus. come again, what are you interested in, young lady? you,
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i have what you're looking for, here i am asking, oh , that's it, well, you see, and how much do you want for it, 1 ruble in total, a thousand, how can i please you? "hello, hello, a thousand rubles, yes, you say, yeah, oh, i only have 500, maybe you'll step, well, girl, how can i sink to half, well, think for yourself, here you go, what a conversation, thank you, no thanks, thank you very much, i wouldn't be able to explain everything so clearly, wait, what did you do, how what? maybe let's pick something else, look,
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lemishev, i have a great selection, wonderful voice, photos, pay attention, thank you, all the best to you. kostya, hi, hi, mom, who beat you up, and why did they beat you up right away, maybe i got into a fight, who did you fight with? at school, what kind of unlucky day is today, nothing but trouble,
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today they stole my griuga from under my nose, i'm straight i've already held this record in my hands, be patient, mom, so i can download grieg from the internet for you, from the internet it's not the same. the magic is disappearing. happy birthday, my ray of sunshine, today
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you've become a year older, which means there's more light and goodness in the world, happiness to you , my sunshine, i love you. thank you, mom. i hope you'll sort this situation out, because it's not normal for a child to come home with bruises. i agree, it's not normal, your son should protect himself. don't you think so? it seems to me that masculine qualities are not manifested only in mastering the fists. kostya, a violinist, he has an important competition soon, he takes care of his fingers. well, in general, if you are not
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going to interfere in this situation, then i think the education department will sort it out without you. well, i didn’t say, no, dear anna petrovna. you see, these boys are registered wherever possible, but the result is zero. we will try to help ... adapt, we will punish the offenders, congratulations, congratulations, congratulations, well, congratulations, quietly, quietly, wait, let your father congratulate you, nadya, i, probably,
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not a good father. i cook badly and i don’t understand anything at all, a teran, probably, but i love you, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, wait, here’s a gift for you, a musical one, i hope you like it, here you go, thank you, you know, well i don’t know, my wife and i basically chipped in and got a blouse, well, husband, yes , here you go, what can i find, thank you, congratulations, congratulations, and we a cookbook, the hostess definitely needs one. thank you, yes, congratulations, well, how do you like orange, guys, let’s figure it out, let’s figure it out, guys, let’s pounce, in short, nadyuk, s happy birthday, hurray, comrades, hurray, hurray, come on.
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great triplo, and what do you have? it's a violin, they play it, well, what about tennis, baseball? stop chatting with him, give him a beating so he knows who to rat on. i don't know who ratted on whom, and i'm not interested, and i'm not going to fight with you, i have a competition soon, okay? i'm telling you. they have two problems: first they have nothing to wear, and then they have nowhere to hang them, so we go into a store with ours, i say: "honey, why is that leopard skirt? olki, the same, you feel sorry for the money, it's starting, and what about you, really it's a pity, or what, you listen to old stuff, mozart, smart guy, okay, guys, thanks for the party, i felt like a daughter of the regiment, but i have a physics test tomorrow, and i don't understand a thing about it, bye, come on, come on, i can
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explain physics, sit down and explain, valery, pass me the juice, here, when did you learn to take it, what physics, no, well, i understand, of course, that celebrating your birthday here is not a very good idea, well , let them sit here, and we'll go to the movies or to the zoo, dad, the zoo has been closed for a long time, in i don't want a movie, okay, don't be late for now, wave...
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you won't see boxing as if it were your own ears , andyukh, are you saying it's his own fault? get out of here, come on, why are you going away, didn't you defend yourself, pacifist, i have a competition coming up, i 've been preparing for it for six months, you're playing the violin like a violinist, yeah, let's go, i'll see
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you off, pogoninine. how can you go to the competition all painted up? everything's fine, did you go to the director? mom, i did, i have to defend you. do you understand that you're only provoking them? i'm not 3 years old anymore, stop defending me. kostya, i promise we'll film it an apartment in another area. and i met a cool girl. although i already paid for this one. you'll notice, mom, are you even listening to me, that she loves mozart and does boxing, who is the girl who saved me and my violin, the girl is a boxer, yeah, you're original.
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you're peeping, here i brought your gifts, here, here, don't you think you acted in an unkind manner, oh, dad, let's not, i think your friends were just glad that i ran away for... so-so-so, wait, what is this, what is this, who is you processed who dared, and madam, be a hen, they had to wave their fists, defended one brilliant scraper from hooligans, a newbie from
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a parallel class is engaged in music, why did you defend the boy, in my opinion, it should be the other way around, boys protect girls, or of course, if your blouse is with lace, it ... let's go to dinner and don't forget to wash your hands, wait, wait, did you not like my gift, and by the way, because of this stripe i almost searched the whole city, well now i will have to search the other half of the city for record player, it's a rarity, you're funny, i forgot about that screw-up of yours a long time ago, and music, i can find any music on the internet in a couple of minutes now. and about the torn gloves , i told you a long time ago, and i, so to speak, fought for this record, he literally snatched the last one from the hands of one lady, at the cost, by the way, of his own reputation, well, and in vain, eat, dad, here
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's the thing, the guys from the parallel class. they've gotten on my nerves already, you promised to think about them, you rejected vadka and vanka a year ago, remember, and they trained all year, they themselves with you, yes, not fighters at all, so hooligans, and you re-educate them, you know how they speak of you, nikolai dmitrievich, me!
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hello, forgive me, it's your own fault, hello, pogonine, hello, and i almost forgot, father vozdezhat today at the club from two to three, but so that without delays? "i told you, here you go, i of course understand that this news for you is like a bolt from the blue, yes, but i know that all men dream of having sons, yours already yes, but i know that all men dream of having." yours already in general i want to introduce you, girl, forgive me, but you and i we don't even know each other, i'm not talking to you, i'm rehearsing,
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there are 100 brave guys in our studio, each of them has a question for an adult, you have one minute to briefly tell about yourself, time has started, how will you react if a person asks you to do something that won't suit him, well, i'll also dissuade him somehow, there's a stereotype that all athletes are bad students, how did you study? we studied on a five-point scale, somewhere...
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i closed my eyes, i had the whole day before my eyes, how it went, how i was doing woke up there, what did you eat, watch the project 100 questions for an adult. on the belarus 24 tv channel . no, no, no, no. lord, what a child i am,
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no, i can’t. sirs, are you hiding from someone? no, i ’m still working, great, i just need a sales consultant, tell me, do you like to read? yes, very much, great, higher education? no, i apologize, but we probably won’t
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be able to help each other. the thing is that here you need to know literature, understand painting, but what is there to help the client? as the great saadya said, talking to people in in accordance with their minds. goodbye. whoever is pleased with themselves and their minds after a conversation with you is quite pleased with you. la bruyere, it seems to me, is no less relevant for a seller. if you don’t want to hire a person , don’t humiliate them, wait, wait, which artist do you like, why do you need it, well, i need it this way, my stepfather really loved the impressionists, he even had sketches by korovin, wait, why were they, because he died, excuse me, i’ll go, i’m really looking for a job and i’m in a hurry, wait, where are you running, you’ve already found job? found, you're hiring me, of course,
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seriously, yes, thank you, you're welcome, girls, meet inesa, i think fate has brought us a real gift, well, we 'll see about that, inessa valentinovna, anna petrovna. "very nice to meet you, don't be silly, call me, please, lyuba, kolya, kolya, i've missed you so much, forgive me, please, i'm such a fool, i can't live without you, well, forgive me, forgive me, forgive me, forgive me, dad, she just ran out of money." nadya, you 're angry, it's okay, you'll grow up and understand, now,
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dad, if you mess with her again, i'll leave from home, kolya, let's start over, let's forget everything, come on, come on, remember how good he was, well, what, it's not good anymore, yes i broke up with him a long time ago, come on, let's forget, well i was stupid, i was a fool, well please, let's start over, you heard, and that you are now always under her. will, will you walk you, let me eliminate you, oh-oh, how exciting, come on, come on, really i'm bad, kostik, well, why are you spinning, are you waiting for someone, mom, it's a surprise.
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so you are nadya, yes, we study in parallel classes, kostya invited me to the concert, i i hope you don't mind, no, of course not, well, i have to go, good luck, son.
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kostik, don't worry, second place is not bad either, but i'm a talentless person, son, hurry up, stop whining, you won't go to austria. you'll go in five years as a digarem, why do you want to hang around with a group, don't go there, don't go here, nadya is right, nadya, come to our place and have some tea, i bought a cake, today is my first day at work, let's go, you're in all
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the photos with your grandfather, and what about your father? kostya's father died six months before he was born, of course, my mother died 7 years ago, what cool figurines, my mom collected them, i really like them, mom called him zadira, because he always got into some kind of trouble because of his character, just like my dad. "i've already arrived, alone, that's it, that's it, i see you, that's it, hi, dad, hi, this is kostya, i
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told you about him, and this is aunt anya, and you've already met, like, yeah, hello." you have a wonderful daughter, i hope she liked your gift, let's go, kostyom, nadya, it was very nice to meet you, come see us more often, okay, what, let's go, what, nasty guy, firstly, he doused me from head to toe in his car from a puddle, stole my grieg record right from under my nose, i thought you would glare at him, yeah, honor to him, mom, and why don't we have a single photo of dad, i don't even know what he was like, certainly not like this krubiyan, dad, m, what do you think,
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aunt anya, this is nonsense, yes it will get on your nerves or they are afraid with themselves, yes she has the same son, you'll see, oh, never mind. remember your love , calm down, you don't understand people at all, by the way, what gift were you talking about? here imagine, i fought with her over a record, what a disgrace, and after this you 're going to say that all women are chickens? of course, you're warm under the boss's wing, you've got a good job, yeah, and i only get a slap on the wrist from her every single day, do you want me
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to give you this place, i'm tired of being a lap dog, but all the best orders are yours. i hope i didn't deserve this in bed, well, i don't know, i wasn't standing with a switch, what was there, i saw a ghost, yeah, no, so, let's go, oh, hi, nadukh, who did you bring? this is my friend, a guy, what? no, girl. hello, i'm kostya.
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well, i wonder, is this a usual courtesy call, egor, take care of the boy, let's go, nadezhda, i forbid it. meet with this weakling, you can't lock me out of this, i can, i'm your father, not a prison guard, well, and i thought i was going crazy, hi, anita, hello, i didn't expect you at...
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do you remember, your stepfather examined me at our first meeting, i almost ran away, say hi to him , dad died recently, that's what you need, forgive me, i didn't know, oh, great choice, do you like to travel, yes, this is a gift for the boss, man, maybe we should have lunch? no, no, no, i have a lot of work, oh well, oh well, i can handle it.
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thank you, inesa valentinovna, wait for me for a minute. go ahead, dad, what is he doing, training, dad, he's a violinist, he needs to take care of his hands, tell him to stop, work, work, that's it, that's enough, that's enough, yes, everything's fine , everything's fine, yes, everything's good, let's go. now, now, violinist, i was married twice, both times
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it didn't work out, but i have children, children, no, i don't have children, would you like to? i'm sorry, right now, yes, yes, yeah, right, uh-huh, got it, i'll be there soon, uh-huh, sorry, i need to run over urgently on business , i can't walk you home, no problem, i'll get there myself, so, here. here's my number, and you text me yours.
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well, i'm going. bye, darling.
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we're talking about the most fascinating things in the world of science. and as always , science comes to the aid of a person, because it is science that has given us special means of protection from the sun's rays. a pharmacist from the usa and a chemist from switzerland, who invented the first sunscreen. we share interesting facts, ask the most exciting questions we are looking for answers to them. what is better? again, i am sure you will say, everything is individual, but there are probably some,
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let's say, basics, the basics. basics. in that our skin still needs both protection and hydration, but in any case , the components must be hydrating. we are talking about unique membranes that are in filters. we have two rather interesting directions, these are membrane technologies for water purification ion exchange technologies for water purification. they solve different problems, but are in demand. watch the science nearby project on the belarus 24 tv channel.
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