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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  August 14, 2024 5:35pm-6:00pm MSK

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then you read, and we'll still go smoke it, let's go, let's go, so, where is that fish that we sent, because there's a lot of stuff here, here it is, here it is already ready, hot, therefore. now we'll try it, it was hot smoking, yes, it was hot smoking, that's it, let's try it, i love smoked fish, let's try it now, i can even hear how your mouth is watering, yeah, i can hear it, i can hear it, and the smell , the smell is amazing, it actually looks delicious, therefore, therefore people buy this delicious fish, mm, lively, yummy,
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do you want, in addition to hot smoking, we also do how you cooked the fish, okay, and this is cold smoking, so this is elite carp, elite cold smoked, a piece of elite cold smoked carp, side , elite cold smoked carp, and elite is pedigree or what? or by size, by size, over a kilogram, this is already considered a litnyka, and this is and this is a silver carp, this is cold smoking yes, yes, too, and this is a piece of silver carp, a piece of silver carp, we also make amur, well, there is no amur now, so also amur, as soon as the atlom starts, then we'll do it, so this is not the whole assortment, m how delicious you say, and how delicious?
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amazing, and have you tried the fish soup, that 's a good idea, so pasha, we need to go and try the fish soup, i suggest this for the end of our day, let's do it, let's do it, let's finally try the famous lubon fish soup, yes, have you ever tried it, no, never, and from what fish, from carp, from carp, great. we caught it today, we cut it up today and saw how it's prepared, and now it's time to try it, can we have a glass each? please, and will you reveal the secret recipe to us? well, everyone has their own recipe, i have mine, it's tricky, they don't give it out, they don't give it out, you see, of course, i wouldn't give it out either, because well, it's a famous lyubin dish, you sell it all the time in a day, yeah, well, when yeah, when it's good. another glass, another glass, oh,
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so rich, m, oh, and there are few bones, that 's what i like, thank you, you could say, select, fresh, yeah, we made it today, well, let's try it, of course, let's try it, your health and yours, delicious, uh-huh, listen, in the world of salt and pepper it ’s so rich, yeah, the carp was probably fat, yeah, yeah, yeah, very tasty, lina, that’s what impressed you most today, well, i was most impressed, of course, by the scale of fish farming here in general, the lakes, what surprised me was that here we thought that it was all mechanized, but such manual labor is involved, so many people, that ’s what impressed me, yeah, you know what...
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what impressed me, probably, is how much fish our citizens consume, if it’s farmed here on such a scale, then it turns out, because it is needed, it is loved , it is bought, it is eaten, well then bon appetit, let's not get distracted, otherwise it will cool down and also, what kind of fish soup, in fact, it was a wonderful day, we went fishing, although we did not catch anything, and we learned a lot about fish,
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telenova's agency presents it openly. almost 350 thousand young men and women worked daily on the procurement of feed, of which 150 thousand were young city dwellers, on saturdays and sundays this figure increased to half a million people, since the seventieth year, how much i
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have been working here on the collective farm not a single kilogram of rough we didn’t buy feed, we help our neighbors, mow down the inconveniences, was it a satisfying winter in the south of kamsamolets dziarzhynskaga district on minshyne? we have already made two changes, and other foreign countries have been affected. live not only on a sunny day, but also live in the future, sow rapeseed in the fields,
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rich in pocket hay. the green canopy of saugase will continue until late in the spring. abarochvanne rolls paskarae straighten the grass. hell, the storage of technical taxes will lie in bed. in august 1941, german newspapers were at the forefront the pages featured photographs that
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touched the readers. they showed reichs führer with heinrich himmler surrounded by orphans from an orphanage. the pictures were taken. on the belarusian territory occupied by the germans, in the news, by walter frentz, a famous german photographer. he often accompanied himmler on trips to capture for history his great deeds in the name of great germany. smiles, touching care for children in the new german lands. eyewitness accounts, documents. facts about the atrocities committed nazis on belarusian soil, say the opposite. in relation to children in the territory occupied by the fascists, a plan for their total extermination was implemented, along with the adult population. the prosecutor general's office
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of the republic of belarus. criminal case on the fact of genocide of the population of belarus during the great patriotic war and after the war. period domashevsky orphanage from the testimony of mikhalenko andrei leonidovich. i learned about this tragedy in childhood from my grandmother. stepanovna shakhmetova, who in 1942 was a pupil of this orphanage, and just before the shooting she managed to jump out of the car and escape, she and another boy, viktor
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abranoff, survived this tragedy, but what really happened in the damashchevskoye orphanage. what tragedy unfolded there in the fall of 1942, from children put in a car, and not that they even buried them or somehow tried to hide some traces, just
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from above, perhaps with some improvised means, or sapper shovels that they had, not deep, completely, the fact of the shooting was confirmed by the village residents leglyovka, they heard the cries of children and shots at the time of the shooting. in the following days. the place of the shooting, they saw children's corpses and the ground soaked with innocent children's blood. in the deserted corridors of the damashchevskiy orphanage, where
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children's voices had recently been heard from everywhere, a deaf silence reigned. suddenly someone's footsteps began to be heard: at first timid, cautious, then someone ran towards the room that served as the orphanage's bedroom. quietly began to cry on the wall. before my eyes everything tosya sank to the floor and leaning against there was still the horror that had to be endured. crying children, many were screaming. suddenly someone's footsteps were heard, tosya listened,
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someone was walking along the corridor and opening the doors to the rooms. tosya rushed towards the chest, which stood next to the bed. she barely had time to climb in there, when the door to the room opened. someone entered it, and no one... she climbed out of this chest and jumped out of the window from the orphanage, she was taken in by a family in the village of slovatichem and in 1944 my great-grandfather, her father, came to these slovatichem found.
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children were taking blood for the wounded german soldiers, and they took her uncontrollably without any standards until she lost consciousness, he came to, was able to get to there in the prevailing conditions of wartime near the kitchen, to the orphanage, so, please, until next time. those who died of weakness were buried somewhere there. in september 1942, minsk had its own tragedy. there was an orphanage near the pit on zaslavskaya street , all the children were slaughtered, not killed by bullets, but stabbed with knives, you understand, then.
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the state commission, in them about the atrocities in towards children, they cause shock. the village of polikovich and the mogilev region. here the nazis buried alive 60 boys and girls aged 6 to 12 years. in the spring of 1943, the punitive forces threw 40 babies into a well in the village of ukhvala in the krupsky district. 2,128 children from the asveysky district were drowned in
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the svolna river. only in the bres, bobruisk, polotsk, polesia regions , 63,290 children were hanged, burned and shot. according to the materials of the investigation into the facts of genocide, 14 children's concentration camps, where children's blood was pumped out for wounded wehrmacht soldiers. from the documents presented by the extraordinary state commission on the atrocities against children in one of these children's blood collection camps, a camp in krasny bereg in the zhlobin district, we learn about the fascists' know-how. it was listed as testing a new scientific method for collecting blood. children were hung under the arms, their chests were squeezed,
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and a special injection was given to prevent the blood from clotting. the skin on their feet was cut off, and the blood flowed into sealed trays, lifeless bodies of children were taken away and burned. the method was applied to all children's concentration camps. all three of my usadny were beaten out of blood, she died, they couldn't stand it, she was 2 months old, and i was already the oldest, well, what kind of torture did they drag out, well, that's how i lived, and now i'm a little more bloodshot.
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one day in early 1944 , another raid was taking place in the bobruisk concentration camp. the germans were pushing a small group
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of women with babies in their arms toward the central barracks with their machine gun butts. the cries of the fascists, a burst of machine gun fire over... the policeman gave the order, they started taking babies away from women, wailing, screaming, begging for help, they took the children and threw them to dogs, to the dog-dogs, i still remember these
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dogs because now they are like little mute... they tried to save the children, they took them away to partisan detachments, they carried out operations to transport children from orphanages to the mainland. 85 children. more than 138 were left orphans . 33 minor residents of the republic were taken to germany. more than 35 became prisoners of children's concentration camps
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. from the world of science, and as always to the rescue science comes to man, because it is she who gave us special means for protection from sun rays. a pharmacist from the usa and
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a chemist from switzerland, who invented the first sunscreen: we share interesting facts, ask the most exciting questions and look for answers to them. what is better? again, i am sure that you will say everything individually, but there are probably some, so to speak, basics, the basics. basics the basics are that our skin still needs both protection and hydration, but in any case, the components must be hydrating. we are talking about unique membranes that are in the filters. we have two rather interesting directions, these are membrane technologies for water purification ion exchange technologies for water purification, they solve different problems, but... watch the science nearby project on the belarus 24 tv channel we will tell you about the diversity
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of belarusian cuisine, and also, if you didn’t know, buzhenina is a primordially slavic dish, it appeared among the eastern slavs who lived in verkovye bug, hence the name buzhenina, of course, you can now go to any hypermarket, buy such a huge one mousse cake, but all this... is nonsense compared to these bloods, they have a soul, we will witness the birth of culinary masterpieces, i grated the potatoes for you , volodya, and you will beat the meat yourself, i like the approach to business of the volkovysk girls, as you called it, elk meat with demi-glace sauce, with baked potatoes and bacon, here it is ready and we will make a detailed gastronomic map of our country. the fact that this dish was invented in volkovysk confirms my guess: the volkovysk people love
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meat and know how to cook it. this is interesting, very tasty and very unusual dish, and i think that it can boldly represent belarusian cuisine on the world stage. watch the project food anywhere on our.
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broadcast on belarus adzin and belarus 24 news of the capital of the region are working, with you.


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