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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  August 15, 2024 1:10am-1:31am MSK

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this is pottery, and pottery ceramics of different styles of directions, smoked will be uh, obvnaya, the so-called, painted, covered - with glaze or glaze, as is known, of course, the greatest pride, probably, of the exhibition are products made of straw and vytinanka, more than 500 items are presented here it is always pleasant to read the reviews of visitors, especially those who came from other countries, from such distant cities as syk-tyv-kar of the russian federation, because a completely different... culture, which they discover for themselves, and ceramics, straw, and vytinanka, vytinanka - this phenomenon is not only characteristic of belarus, there are maximum of these our school fakes in the form of snowflakes for the new year, this is all, this is all the level at which it is known, but here in fact these are whole pictures that convey some ideas of the worldview of belarusians, which have been formed for centuries, it turns out some archetypes of consciousness will go, there is something interesting that also surprises everyone. these are rushniks,
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firstly, the word rushnik itself, because a hand towel, a rushnyk, these translations will go there, and the fact that long canvases, which are actually a little bit even standardized, because it is a certain length, a certain width, which depended on those machines that were in use by belarusians, and of course ornaments, which are always also associated with some legends, some ideas, what icons, symbols, what to mean and why they were made, in principle, if we are already talking about characterizing folk art. those items that are presented here, then here you can also recognize these are the forms that once appeared in belarus on belarusian lands, and somewhere they were transformed, somewhere they evolved, somewhere something new was added to traditional forms, well, some handles may be unusual, or well , so these are going into fashion, jugs, yes, which also appear, beklags, that is, well, such objects were for some period of time, then they go out of fashion, well and here... there are
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completely new directions of folk art that appear, these are glass figurines, which are like small decorations, here plastic will go, there are ceramic panels, whole plots will also be made, artistic forging from metal, and completely new images will appear, which traditionally have not existed, that is, in the form of candlesticks, this is a calla flower, or a beshelka in the form of some exotic ones... which today we already have in our culture, once they still did not exist, the hall itself is also unusual, it is very surprising with its architecture, that is, these beams, these arches that everyone sees, on in fact, few people assume that these are actually chimneys, those tiled stoves that decorate the rooms of the first floor continue with these chimneys on the second floor, but we already see fireplaces on the roof of the manor house, the horse estate is more than 400 years old. were there many owners?
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the horse estate is first mentioned in 1557, and the events with which it is mentioned are also quite interesting facts in the history of minsk , including: after another fire, when the city burned down, and it was wooden, the archives burned down, the citizens themselves, through the minsk magistrate, this is a city government body, complained or petitioned the ruler of the state to send an auditor and determine the borders of minsk, then the horse first appears. and its owner vasily, prince vasily tolachinsky, this is a representative of one of the first ancient belarusian families, which in principle is the uistkov, well , the formation of all these princely dynasties, it turns out, therefore if we talk about families, representatives, then these are three, if we talk about quantity, of course, this is there will be much, much more people, that is , representatives of the drud mountain people alone, in my opinion, there will be more than 14 people, there will be a little less prushinsky, well, and the last owners of the lubansky are only two, we can name the owner. and who are the most
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famous, the most noble? here is a question of the study of the issue, if we talk about the drudsky-mountain people, then of course it is interesting to talk about the very first, probably, owners, whose merit is that they formed the estate territorially, that is, they by various means and by hook or by crook, well, well annexed lands, for example, today we have such an urban area as trostenets, trostenetskaya street, famous... the story that in 1576 this story begins, then the owner was pyotr fyodorovich, idrudsky-gorsky, allegedly peasants, his peasants, they settled on the lands of trostenets, trostenets from the end of the 15th century belonged to the minsk, ascension monastery, monks, that is, there was a church property there, well, and under the pretext that since they settled there, then the territories should be druze mountain, to which of course the monks were already outraged, a rather long trial, a litigation begins, which...
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will end only in 1600, but will end as, that these services, these lands, after all , the druze-mountain will join to loshitsa, in exchange the monks will be given the same amount of land on the slep river. if we talk about the prushinskys, it is probably interesting to talk about the very last prushinsky vstafy prushinsky, why, because firstly, he headed the nobility of the minsk province, he was quite an active, controversial personality in history, it is often remembered in memoirs, and these are always some kind of non-standard memories, he has been living here in loshitsa for a long time, a fairly frequent participant in balls, what kind of dancer he was - that's of course a question, but it's still a form of communication for that period of time and discussion.
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minsk province, for example, for growing potatoes he even received the highest approval of the emperor himself, right? that is , it turns out, and what was written about in one of the issues of the minsk provincial news, a standard, ordinary popular newspaper, yes, in these territories, the house takes on the appearance that we see today, that is , a two-story building is added to a one-story house, a garden wing appears, this wooden building with a tower, factories and mills appear, this is what we see today, what we... today know, moreover, lubansky goes down in history as a person who heads both the minsk society of sports enthusiasts, and such a new scooter, as it was called then, this is a bicycle, in fact, also at the origins of the bicycle track , the first at the origins in general, in principle the first supplies of the appearance of these self-propelled machines - on
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the territory of minsk, well, and he was a member of the minsk city duma, including taking part in the decision that the city should have... the first public transport, that is, the minsk horse-drawn railway, and what legends are associated with the estate? there are many legends with the estate, in general, there will be starting from what a lodge is, yes, these names, the version of the origin of this name, the geographical name, well , probably the most unusual - it is associated with salmon fish, yes, that is, it happens , well, like a mistake, not a mistake, as a result , salmon happens to us as la, shos, losha, loshitsa, from here it will happen, someone connected it with a horse, there are legends associated with how the house itself appears in a horse, yes, that is, why does lyubansky rebuild the house, that is, when he proposes to his future wife, jadwiga, she, yes, as if sets conditions, that there should be the most beautiful house in
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the province and a beautiful flower should be given, why does he start rebuilding and the house really the most beautiful in the province, that this is a completely new house in a new style, which is just emerging. is spreading, and if you look at the convenience of the very layout itself, there are of course a lot of engineering communications, that is, all these tiled stoves, like heating devices, which are connected by ventilation shafts, it turns out, yes, these chimneys, this is a bath, which appears, this is a sewerage system, which appears, moreover, it suggests that even lighting could be somewhere and electric, yes, because on the territory of one of the factories there was a very, well, good one. which could autonomously, in general, work on electricity, among other things. as for other legends, this is, of course, by jadwiga lubanskaya herself, yes, this is the famous legend about the white lady, who can be seen in the park, well , sometimes visitors say that
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someone ran past them, how true this is, is it not true, this is already unknown, but well, the basis of such a legend are, probably, the memoirs of jadwiga's brother himself, who when he was on... funeral, returning home, at the head of his son's crib i saw her image, although being just from the funeral, what is the uniqueness of the interior of the rooms? if you noticed, then we actually turned right, entered the house, walked around the entire estate in a circle again found ourselves in the room with which we began to get acquainted with the interiors, the secret is an enfilade of rooms, yes, it was actually made specially when some receptions of people took place. there can be many, and so that well, everyone in the room, passing through the enfilade found some kind of interest group, somewhere they read newspapers, somewhere they were playing something, somewhere ladies were discussing something, somewhere on the contrary gentlemen were discussing something, the second feature is that there are ceremonial rooms, which in fact in normal times could be closed
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there until the red day, there until red sunday, as it was such an understanding, there were living rooms, another feature will be that among all the rooms we do not see the kitchens, that is, where they cooked, this was done specifically this way, this room was taken out into the wing, for which the whole building was built, and another feature is that each room is decorated in its own color, that something... that will introduce fashion for green living rooms, there is a red, white living room, and moreover, each of the rooms is decorated in its own style, this is what, probably, is the uniqueness of the estate, the horse estate, on the other hand, this is like, in principle, the direction of any, any estate on the territory of belarus, to have such a layout, and what unique exhibits are presented, these are objects of eastern culture, eastern style. that is, we have a shodan cabinet in the shibayama style is presented, it is actually a secretary, but with a very
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unusual decor, that is , there is a through carving, there are shelves, doors, which are decorated with mother-of-pearl, there will be inlay with shell, turtles, shells, the estate can be proud of the stoves that have been preserved, yes, that is, such monumental objects are already obtained, yes, which is already part of the house itself, and considering that the house is included in general. composition and line-cultural value of the horse parking complex, then the stoves in some as well, it turns out that this part is the most banal object, yes, that is, these are photo frames, but they are made uh from st. petersburg at the borovikovo factory, which made frames for the imperial family. there is an interesting vase made of three-layer glass, sometimes visitors even think that it is actually made of wood, but this is the specificity of that technology, which only then appears on... well, with the same residents
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of minsk-provincial, minsk province and other provinces of the country, yes, that is, we still have newspapers no, they don't appear yet, there are no phones, it's a form of communication, but there was such a thing as invited uninvited dinners or suppers, that is , regardless of whether you invite someone or not, but everyone knew the schedule. because it was fixed for everyone, that if you arrive by this time, you are obliged to be accepted, considering that the hotel business is not yet developed, it is still being formed, therefore very often manor houses are used during travel as a place where you can stop for the night, and if you really do it and even abuse it, then in general it was necessary no less three days in my opinion to stay, if you will be less, you will offend the owner, what events for visitors are now in the estate building a service which? these are excursions, the range of excursions we have is quite diverse, this is a regular sightseeing tour
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of the estate, or the estate and the historical part of the park, or we have two unusual excursions, one of them is a music salon of the horse estate, it takes place on sundays, the second such excursion is with a dance master class, but we made them thematic, one introduces how once-and-so sloshitsey times of the drud mountaineers, as if what this estate was and what were the main occupations? among the representatives of the nobility of that time, the second excursion is already about the prushinsky loshitsey of the prushinsky period, well, and accordingly the dances of their era, which appear, there are one-time events, this is with a musical program, usually, or we already somehow, in fact, once every 3 months we hold balls, also with a dance program, with a musical or even theatrical part. in 1988 the horse park and the estate were declared
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a monument of history, culture and architecture. there is a lot of air, mystery and antiquity here. numerous wedding processions and endlessly met photo sessions restore the traditions of the park, where at the beginning of the last century there was an eternal holiday and triumph of love. today, the horse estate and park complex is one of the favorite places of rest for menchans and guests of the capital. a wonderful corner. unique nature, a fine estate, architectural monuments , memorable events. with you was yulia burlo, let's follow the cultural path together. until we meet again in exactly one week.
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shametka lyubov grigoryevna became a liaison for a partisan raid group in 1942, and was also a member of one of the underground groups in cherven. the girl carried out very important assignments through other underground fighters who worked in the police. hospitals and other institutions of the occupiers, she got weapons, medicines, salt, paper and handed it all over to the partisans. on march 2 , 1943, the gestapa tracked down and detained a cart with weapons that was heading into the forest. among them lyuba shametika was also arrested.
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the fascists tortured the girl for 3 days, trying to beat information about partisans and underground fighters out of her, but neither torture nor death threats broke lyuba's fortitude, she did not give up any of her comrades in the struggle, on march 6 she was shot.
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big hello to everyone, says the sportkadr project, a program that tries to surprise you every tuesday and make you fall in love with the world of sports even more. the final chords of the olympics have died down. evgeny tikhantsov brought belarus its fourth award. this time bronze. in a bright fight, gomelchanen lost only to representatives of uzbekistan, akbar juraev and chinese weightlifter liu huanhua. what a tremendous moment for this 25 year old, his numbers were so impressive, 183 his best snatch, 219, his best clean and jerk, 4:02, and now a bronze medalist here at the paris games, i expected to perform better,
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overall i am pleased with the performance, but of course i would like not bronze, but gold, but i am still very happy, very strong competitors, rivals, there was a good fight, super, support from fans always charges me with good emotions and a positive attitude, i worked and worked very hard, so i dedicate my medal to my child, my son for... you, my son. thus, our athletes won four awards at the olympic paris: gold, two silvers , and bronze. but only 17 belarusian athletes could have been admitted to the games in france due to politically motivated sanctions, but even despite all the obstacles, our olympians performed well in the medal count. by the way, with four awards, we would have
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entered the top 50 countries on the planet, neatly sharing the fiftieth place with portugal. we will talk a lot about the olympics today, so watch the program: fractions of a second separated the belarusians in paris from the fifth medal, 2 and a half from the sixth. we will summarize the performance of our rowers, analyze the results of the athletes stat de france with ivan tikhan and compare these figures with the indicators of the belarusians. of course, we will dive into belarusian football in the program and ... return in the final sports frame, thanks to the inspiring story from basketball 3:3. what well, the most scandalous olympic games have passed, in the closing ceremony, the hollywood scenario was clearly traced, which in principle is not so surprising, because the next similar start will be held in los angeles. the belarusians could
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have won much more medals in the second week of the competition than they ended up winning, but that's how it is. although it is very offensive for yulia trushkina, suzana volodko and vladislav kravets, and i and olesya chichuri in her story will remember all our olympic medalists. well, the olympic fanfares have died down, it's time to count chickens. after scandalous start, the closing ceremony turned out to be quite good. the script was certainly rewritten several hundred times, to be sure, here they did not miscalculate, what to talk about. tom cruise himself came down from the roof of san de france and handed over the olympic flag to los angeles, this definitely stirred up the entire arena. these games of the four years have already become history, somewhere good, somewhere sad, somewhere triumphant, for almost three weeks the whole country renewed.


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