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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  August 16, 2024 10:00am-10:35am MSK

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what does this mean? it means that it has a good effect on the skin, it has a good effect on the hair. i will give you a few more figures, they are very indicative for me, if you compare, in 100 g of olive oil, there are 12 mg of vitamin e, in 100 g of rapeseed oil 27 mg of vitamin e. so, one tablespoon in the morning is enough, or you can take it on an empty stomach, or after breakfast, this is 15 g. so you consume rapeseed oil. you have provided yourself with omega-3 6 and 9 for the whole day, so we practiced it before, when we taught colleagues, among others, to this useful action, now colleagues have a spoonful of rapeseed oil at home in the morning and go to work, so it really is a very useful product, and we are very actively promoting these consumer properties of its useful properties, positioning it on the domestic market. these are the countries that belarusian arap oil is exported to, who is the main consumer abroad? in total, this
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is a little more than half a billion dollars, this is a fairly large foreign exchange earnings to the country and a good resource for attracting currency to the country. if we talk about the structure of the markets, then until recently, i am now talking about the period last year, these were the countries of the european union, and last year their share was 37%. why do i emphasize that until recently, but unfortunately, including the business that works with us in the eu countries. protective measures were taken in terms of increasing duties, and i predict that we will redirect these resources to a greater extent to china. last year , china's share was already 20%, this is a threefold increase in sales volumes, and we see that today the price situation is developing favorably, and the share china in the countries importing our product will grow. moreover, we actively supply to israel, including.
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refined oil, deodorized in a bottle, this year several new markets, this is vietnam, this is the united arab emirates, so the geography is quite wide, the world really appreciates the usefulness of this product, our belarusian rab'svoe oil also has its share in the world market. what products do the concern's enterprises produce from rab's oil? numerous products, and this, starting from the mayonnaise group, these are different sauces, this is mayonnaise. these are different kinds of margarine products, this is refined oil in a bottle, which i said, therefore the assortment there has more than three or four dozen names, and many manufacturers in the country produce.
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we will tell you about the diversity of belarusian cuisine. and also, if you did not know buzhanina - this is an iskloslavic dish, it appeared among the eastern slavs who lived in verkovye buga, hence the name buzhenina, of course, you can now go to any hypermarket, buy such a huge mousse cake, but all this is nonsense, compared to these shelters they have a soul. let's witness the birth. elk meat
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with demi-glace sauce, with baked potatoes and bacon, here it is ready, and we will make a detailed gastronomic map of our country, the fact that this dish was invented in volkovysk confirms my guess: volkovysk people love meat and know how to cook it, this is an interesting, very tasty and very unusual dish. and i believe that it can boldly represent belarusian cuisine on the world stage, watch the project eda at least where, on our tv channel, let's turn up the heat on belarus 24, seriously, what frying pans, they cut with a knife, cool, yes, she got hold of
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them and examined them under a microscope, space, honestly, is aluminum safe, so let's try, vika, vika? does non-stick coating replace oil, i want to suggest, test your attentiveness, everything about the production of frying pans, on belarus 24, this saturday we will hold a master class and tell you how it's done, after all, marketing works well. gintovt vitold mikhailovich, soviet tanker
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as, participant in the great patriotic war. them, as part of the crew of the t-34 tank was destroyed. during the war, tanker az bitold gintovt participated in more than 100 tank attacks, burned twice in a tank, changed combat vehicles three times, while remaining in service himself. in april 1944 , for exemplary performance of combat missions
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of the command on the front of the fight against the nazi invaders, the sergeant major, gintovt vitold mikhailovich, was awarded the title of hero of the soviet union with the award of the order of lenin and the gold star medal. good afternoon! on the air of the first national channel of the belarusian radio and television channel belarus24 analytical project "actual microphone". my name is evgeny mileshka. hello again, well, and i will introduce our guest, anton dudaryonok, analyst of the belarusian
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institute for strategic studies. good afternoon. hello, well, today we will talk about food security. it is clearly understood what food security is, because many understand it as well meat, milk, cheese, bread, if there is on the table, then everything is safe, probably, that is not so at all, yes, if to talk about some kind of personal approach, that is, a person cooks food for himself every day, and
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goes to the store, buys both simple food and some goodies, but if we talk about food security. this is a broader concept, it affects at such a state level the entire chain of production, preparation, creation of conditions, and... distribution, logistics, export, in addition to some internal political issues, we can also talk about foreign food policy, that is, when we supply our products either for money, or through humanitarian channels, and to those who need it or those who are interested in it, that is, this is a vast area, which has its own laws, which has its own rules, well, it is clear that we can feed our people, the president
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has repeatedly stated this, and we all feel, well, calm in this regard, thank god, here we have a harvest this year, we are harvesting grain very well, almost 7.5 million tons already today, the harvest is not yet complete, but we really do still supply our agricultural products, where we still supply to countries.
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to rely on export deliveries to starving regions, it is very difficult, but nevertheless we do not forget about them, we have some developments taking into account our reorientation of commodity flows to the countries of asia, africa, latin america. but the main part is the russian direction, the european union, europe, let's say so, it is probably better to say, we also have a european direction, but due to some sanctions restrictions that the west has already imposed on belarus several years, and naturally this direction has significantly, let's say, lost its relevance for belarus, but it remains, and it seems to me, first of all, because europe cannot do without itself...
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after all, for now, the president, probably, is not in vain paying so much attention to the agricultural topic,
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probably, we have not yet quite reached the level that is necessary, when we can earn real money that will go to the benefit and development of our country. we naturally have a level, we produce all this, we do it at a fairly high quality level, but we also need to return to the beginning of our conversation, that is, it is not just produced and sold, it is establishing contacts, signing contracts, making some logistics decisions, warehouses, that is, in this regard, we still have work to do, but as for achievements, that is, for example, we can provide data on sales of belarusian goods on chinese online platforms, that is, i can say that belarusian chocolate, juices, alcohol are popular, that is, in this regard,
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we have some developments, another, another conversation, that it is necessary, let's say, to change, probably, the scope, to expand the scope of our deliveries, namely high-quality products , processed products, well, china will probably swallow up a huge amount of products, we probably can't produce that much yet, yes, naturally, we will produce. we will never be able to produce as much as china consumes, but nevertheless, we have already entered this, let's say, competition for the chinese market. who are we competing with - with the whole world, that is, for example, among the leaders in imports to china, there are eu countries, germany, the netherlands, they are also interested in supplies both from china and to china, the same route, and china-europe, which has
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been talked about quite often, for several years now, it still remains. the volume of annual freight trains, units of freight trains that go from china to europe, has reached 1000, that is , in july there were already 1000 trains for this year, tell me, it’s interesting, we joined the sco, now we are full members, the president...
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after all, we are talking about whom, about africa, asia, not necessarily, first of all, probably, we are talking about those regions and states where, as a result of internal or regional conflicts, this very system of state governance, economy, for example, for example, right now in our time, in our days, in the same lebanon in the middle east, and the ability to provide itself with food is equal to 10%, that is, its capacity, 1/1 of what is necessary, and so this is a disaster? yes, yes, therefore, and this country is critically vitally dependent on external supplies, the same there, again, if we take africa, there is an ongoing internal conflict in sudan, and
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millions of people in sudan are now experiencing difficulties in food, in food. and more than half of the regions are threatened with the threat of famine, that is, these are the regions that are engulfed in long-term wars, civil wars, and instability, that is, in this regard, and if we return to the topic of the sco, we see how our vast eurasian macroregion is being formed, naturally here we also need to deal with issues of ensuring its stability. stable sustainable development, and therefore the fact that we have become a full member of the sco family is a very positive moment for both belarus and the shanghai cooperation organization as a whole. if we take statistics again, since 2010, and our
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interaction with the sco member countries , namely economic, trade interaction, has grown somewhere.
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hinder us, but we and belarus and russia have learned to cope with sanctions, even if we look at the pace of our economic development, another thing is that this is reflected in all over the world, again quite recently, i think in july, the un report on food security was also released, it says that sustainable development goal number two is to achieve zero hunger by 2030, and this is not the case at all now. the authors of the report admit this, that is, they directly write that in the global context , in terms of ensuring global food security, we have slipped
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back 15 years to 2008-9, that is, now, again according to un experts, every eleventh person in the world is hungry, of which every fifth person in africa, that is, here we see that the sanctions are working, but not at all in the direction... where they planned, where they planned, yes, yes, it turns out that the goals being set are unrealistic, yes , based on what you are saying now, if we have slipped back 15 years, to 2030, there are only 6 years left, we want zero hunger, and every eleventh person in africa is starving, then, probably, this is unrealistic, yes, it means that the international community is going somewhere in the wrong direction, apparently, we need to give them some advice, maybe... with our parties, i think that we have already repeatedly suggested, that is, the question is when will we be heard, look, within the framework of our union state with russia,
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russia also exports a lot , including food and fertilizers, we are two states to each other, although in the union state, we are competitors to each other, or do we somehow coordinate our export policy to... each other are allies, we have a union state, but if we talk about business, then there may be completely different, let's say, options, there may be competition and rivalry, foreign countries, as a state, we are friends , maybe not in that, not because someone wants to get more profit, but because now there is a restructuring of the regional economy. economy, well , including the global economy, and we, as part of the global economy, are also subject to these processes, and because of this, let's say,
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we cannot always take into account the same logistical opportunities, hence the competition increases, the fight for these opportunities, that's it until all this settles down, that is , there will be manifestations of, let's say, competition, competitive struggle, competitive struggle, yes, yes, but it is probably still more reasonable with us. more peaceful, not like with the americans, nothing personal, money decides everything, yes, yes, of course we have options, to agree, it just takes a certain amount of time to coordinate positions, to come to some kind of decision, remember when the ukrainian grain deal took place, yes after the start of the svo, yes, after all, they promised to give the grain starving countries, primarily african. settled in europe, european farmers, especially from eastern europe, yes, and
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the french as well, simply left, yes , because they were not competitive with this ukrainian grain, absolutely practically, but i want to understand, the grain is purely geographically ukrainian there, because in my opinion, the lands are already... now there is an active sale of ukrainian lands, we do not observe this so openly, because well, let's say it would be too shocking the volumes that are now going under control western grain and some other corporations, but this process is a payment for deliveries. weapons to ukraine, is precisely the sale of strategic assets, on which the future of the country,
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the future of the ukrainian people depends, and the same grain deal, if we recalled it, first of all it was such a deception, it seems to me, in order to import, export ukraine, import weapons, export some resources, resources and in many ways now again this grain deal then hit europe when it had to be stopped last year, and in a short time we saw how ukrainian grain was settling in neighboring countries, in poland, in romania, in hungary, in slovakia, and thereby undermining, well, like, the economic... base of farmers in these countries, and we saw these protests, we saw that this was a threat of great destabilization in
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the states neighboring ukraine. but now again time has passed, some specific measures have been taken, and ukraine continues to supply its grain, but already, let's say, there is no such shocking effect neighboring states, although, let 's say, it is also also difficult for farmers to continue to stay afloat afloat, but if you take statistics, in the first half of the year ukraine exported goods for almost 20.
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especially and no one, well, yes, yes, especially for men, it is very difficult, now in many, maybe that is why not only the same odessa port operates, but also a lot of food, a lot of ukrainian products are delivered through romanian, danube, black sea ports, through the land bridge to the european union, that is , it may already be that even some of the capacities from... ukraine have been moved to other states, that is, this also, it seems to me, undermines the economic independence, the sovereignty of the ukrainian state, well , you just remembered the odessa port, and i think, in fact, this is a territory, well, an original economic zone of our economic influence from the point of view of even well , a single once powerful state of the soviet union, so
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maybe there is sense in... to the native harbor return his union state, well, here it probably does not depend on us, these are other processes, how realistic is this in your opinion, now it seems to me, no, even taking into account whether the russian fleet is present in the western part of the black sea, well, yes, i agree with you, although in principle, probably, it would be correct, because this is primordially, well, if we talk about belarus, russia and ukraine, well, naturally, primordially, yes, but now, let's say, geopolitics, international turbulence are making their own amendments to this, to this rule, well, let's let's return to our country, the president, we already talked about this today, he has been paying a lot of attention lately, especially to the local economy, he was recently in shlov last week, held a serious
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meeting, called it historic. he said that the reform of agriculture will continue and develop somewhat differently than it was before, so you, as an analyst, can you give some kind of forecast, what will we do, will it still be the development of some new technologies, growing crops or raising livestock, or will it still be the emphasis is on the processing agricultural... industry, which will bring profit to our state, it seems to me that here you can't choose from just one thing, you need to develop new technologies, agricultural, new technologies for growing agricultural crops, even taking into account climate change, we must develop ones that are resistant to extreme temperatures, both in plus and minus agricultural crops and...
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in terms of information and here in this in this context this trip turned out to be effective, as it were, in terms of food security, we have shown. and we have become a media outlet, have shown ourselves as a state that deals with issues of production and sale of food at a high professional level, and are ready to supply our products to any point in the world, where they are waiting for us, well , they are waiting for us in africa, as i understand it, after all, africa today is in a difficult situation in terms of food security, how much time do we need to diversify our, our logistics so that we supplied there, maybe, well, two or three times more, or do we need it, we
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need to do it taking into account that we are trying to integrate into this new economic world market, which is now... being formed, naturally, we need to try to find, use all available opportunities and in principle we are doing it, now if we take plans for 2024, we have a figure of 9 billion dollars, equivalent to 9 billion dollars of deliveries of our export products and accordingly if. such a task, if it is planned, therefore there are opportunities for this, if we set ourselves the determination, we have
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the tools, the resources to move towards the intended goal, i will remind you once again that we had anton dudarenok in the studio, an analyst at the belarusian institute for strategic studies. it was the actual microphone program, thank you very much, take care of yourself, see you soon! of course, the idea of ​​the festival, it was born out of nowhere, it was born after the visit of the head of state. to the svislysh bakery, and firstly, the visit went great, then the head of state was able to try the wonderful svisloch buns, and after the news came out , people started coming to the svisloch stores and saying: give us that
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bun that the father tried, and alexander ludwigovich virsotsky, the author of this idea, i remember well, called me on the landline and said: "olya, let's make up a festival." at first we came up with a form, it was the form of karavayfest, we wanted it to be different from all existing forms, but at the same time be focused on the bread theme, well , we didn't think long about the name, because once people asked for a bun of a father, we decided to call our festival "batkova bulka" so that everyone would immediately understand what the festival is about, how it was born, and of course, what traditions and goals we are laying there. the festival was first held 2 years ago. you immediately got into the top popular festivals, what attracts guests and participants? thank you for such an interesting question, indeed this year the festival is only the third time, but after the second festival we were awarded a very high
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prize, the team of authors became a laureate special prize of the president, we are very proud of it, and people are attracted by our nationality, our love, love specifically for the audience, because we have... the festival of festivities is not a concert festival, when you come to the event itself in svislych you will be able to attend a master class on weaving a father's bun, learn the path of bread, starting from a small grain of furrow.


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