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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  August 16, 2024 12:10pm-12:40pm MSK

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today is the toughest match, that is , there is psychology here, here is the moment that 2:0 after the first match had a small handicap, but it was important to set the team up, to abstract from the result of the first match. the capital club has guaranteed itself a european cup autumn, it remains only to find out in which of the tournaments the belarusians will play. in the playoffs of the europa league, vadim skripchenko's guys will meet with the belgian andrlecht, the first match will take place on august 22, the return match on the 29th. in case of loss, the white-blues will go to
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the enterprise, the territory of which is 500 hectares and which is three times larger than the state of monaco. it has 60 km
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of roads and 45 km of railways, there is a narrow gauge and a wide one. indeed, it is a city, it is more than 1,200 buildings, each urban settlement can boast such a number of buildings and structures, plus such a density of development. we produce about 3.0 thermometers per day, 3.00 tons per day, one ammonia workshop produces 65 tons per hour. one ammonia workshop consumes 80,000 cubic meters of natural gas per hour, the total consumption of natural gas per year is about 1.6 billion cubic meters of gas. and also technical equipment, unique production lines, all this is an open joint-stock company, grodnoazot. its scale is impressive. which at
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that time was also quite unexpected, if in 3 years it was possible to build a huge nitrogen plant in grodno, it was this enterprise that became one of the leading in the soviet union in the production of nitrogen fertilizers, it all began with the adoption in may 1958 of the resolution of the central committee of the cpsu on accelerating the development of the chemical industry.
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tselena proved that even with an increase here these sown lands, expansion of areas, it cannot lead to any kind of intensive improvement of agriculture, first of all it was proved by the fact that there was not enough water for irrigation, these new areas, and there was not enough fertilizers, with all the measures taken in the bssr in se... work on their improvement for belarus is of utmost importance, and this is such a necessary fertilizer. it was very correct
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decision to focus on the state of soil fertility on the use of fertilizers. 8-10 grain center - this was what was collected at that time. the problem was. and types of fertilizers, especially nitrogen ones, they were not enough, and for highly acidic belarusian soils constant liming was required, this was the only way to solve the problem. nitrogen fertilizer is the most important element for literally all crops that were grown in our country. in 1970-75, we used 97 kg of... this is a very low level, which did not guarantee and did not ensure high yields, so the most important direction was to create our own plant, which would provide our
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country with nitrogen fertilizers. for the republic this problem had its own specifics. in the gomel region and brest region , light soils with a granulometric composition are predominantly sandy loamy soil. in the pogrodnitsky region - these are more loamy soils, these are more connected soils a little bit. retevsky mogilev - this is loamy soil and even heavy loamy and clayey soil. there in the northern side sharkovshchina, miory there is very heavy soil and there are also certain difficulties. only in 1959 capital investments in this industry in the ussr increased by 57% compared to the entire soviet period, in the sixtieth year, 43%
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more funds were invested than in the previous year. according to the document adopted at the level of the union leadership , the regions of the country were also determined where the construction of new enterprises was supposed. one of them was the bssr. large-scale production had to become basic in the soviet union.
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several investment projects with the aim of increasing the competitiveness of products, an approach to business that can be strived for. home all our products that we produce - in our workshop, tasty and healthy, made 100% from natural raw materials, even children can eat, all food products require the approach of a good, competent, kind housewife, it seems to me that this is so, at least, i have always set such tasks for myself that what i like, i roughly understand what our consumer will like, watch the project "quality mark": on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. a recent meeting in the state planning committee of the bssr in may of the fifty-eighth year for the umpteenth time. ended in vain, the proposed sites for the construction of a new chemical plant were not accepted, the arguments were considered unconvincing. the next one was held with the personal participation of the chairman of the state planning committee sergei nikolaevich malinin, professor, and in the recent past director of the institute of economics of the academy of sciences of the bssr. now he listened attentively.
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a gas pipeline runs nearby, the berezovskaya gress is being built, they will be quite capable of providing such a large enterprise with energy, why not the capital of the chemical industry of the republic, by the will of fate, the decision was made in favor of grodno, why because here, firstly, the river basin is closer, secondly, the proximity to the border and ... lithuania and poland, and this was an enterprise that planned to supply fertilizers
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to the belarusian region, so the decision was made to build in the city of grodno. what should the new production be like in simple comparison? before the war , eight ammonia plants were already operating on the territory of the ussr, but even all together they were. smaller than the enterprise that was planned to be built in grodno. the construction was declared all-union. in sixty-one , specialists from all over the soviet union began to arrive in grodno for the construction of nitrogen-fertilizer. the pace of construction in the ussr, industrial new buildings, was amazing. i do not have the technologies that they have. today , modern builders, giant enterprises were erected in a seemingly unrealistically short
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time, literally within a few years, there were four stages of construction, the first stage of construction began in the sixties, the second stage in seventies, the third stage the end of the seventies and the fourth stage the middle of the eighties. the first product that we received in the sixty-third year on december 3 is considered to be the receipt of the first product on the plant's birthday. one can argue a lot, talk about the inefficiency of the extensive path of development, but the fifties and sixties are rightly called the golden age of the management system in the soviet union, as well as the industry itself. on december 1, 1963 , just three years later , the first tons were received at the grodno nitrogen fertilizer plant weak nitric acid. it became the first product of the future chemical giant in
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the ussr. the enterprise is the most complex in technology, in its chemistry. for 32 years now, our enterprise has more than 70 control systems of varying complexity, level of development, and database software. more than 110 thousand measuring instruments are in operation at our enterprise today, it all started with one workshop for the production of ball saltpeter. no more than 200-300 control devices, that's the order of numbers, 100 and 100,000, the first stage of the enterprise was put into operation, construction work was carried out, and unique equipment at that time was adjusted. simultaneously with the construction of the plant in the bssr , training of personnel for work at
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chemical industry enterprises began. new specialties appeared in the republic: chemical technologist, chemical industry technician-technologist. the first graduates of the minsk industrial technical school were accepted by grodno-azot. in the sixty-third year , the group, which was on accelerated training, was released, they all came to the grodno plant. when we arrived here, only one workshop 5-3 was working. well, 53, why 53? that is, traditionally, even in the soviet union before the war, the fifth workshop was a workshop for the production of weak nitric acid - this is a workshop for the production of mx6, since this workshop produced a liter of nitric acid, it was called 53. our group, which arrived
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guys, eight people, were all sent to the catalyst workshop under construction, i was the first. everything is under their control by these specialists, everything was setup, adjustment, finishing, everything was being brought up to standard, so that everything would spin and work, they worked at a rapid pace and without regard for time, when no one considered their personal time,
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somewhere something would break, adjusting, it was necessary for 12 hours, and no one asked for overtime, it was necessary, everyone had work left. the machine operators and machinists worked 8 hours in three shifts, three shifts changed, they had it tough, worked 8 hours and went to work as a repairman right there, there was no, here it was already possible, maybe 12, we can all tuned in, launched, somewhere that did not fit, it was necessary. on december 3 , 1963 , the first tons of fertilizer in the republic were produced in the ammonium nitrate department. for agriculture, this became
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the starting point for the transition to a fundamentally new level. today. few people think about the fact that a good harvest, which the republic has traditionally received for decades, is not only the heroic work of farmers, it is also the long-term work of grodno-azot workers in the production of various types of fertilizers. the work of belarusian scientists, the academy of sciences of the republic. this was the case when science and production. united, the soil itself changes over centuries, centuries, the formation of 1 cm of soil, which today we have an arable layer, took from 200 to 300 years, this millennium was formed on our soil, here to change it today, well, this is not what kind of soil we have, such
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soil we need to work, but the main goal the task was set, how to get it, so that gomel also receives high... its main headquarters of the academy of sciences special attention, in it serious transformations, both structural and in the training of scientific personnel. in 1959 , two institutes were created at once on the basis of the institute of chemistry: physics-organic chemistry and inorganic. chemistry, as a result, the emergence of a whole line of fertilizers. the line of nitrogen fertilizers was good, but time required another form of fertilizers.
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supplies of the much-needed force of production of ammonium sulfate, urea, sulfuric acid, other important additives for the soil, plant nutrition. this was a breakthrough in agriculture. the growth of crop yields in that period, it was made precisely with the help of scientifically based application of fertilizers. it was the lever, which, by pressing which it was possible to obtain literally in a short time. historical time, it was possible to reach high, well, good harvests. the introduction of the most modern technologies allowed to produce not only
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fertilizers. in the sixties , the range of scientific developments was constantly expanding, and the number of new types of products of the enterprise was also expanding. at the beginning of 1964, in the laboratory of the nitrogen-fertilizer plant there was an unusual silence, and this despite the fact that all its employees were assembled. holding their breath, they watched the new experiment, thanks to which another discovery was about to occur. the head of the academy of sciences was mixing reagents in a flask, demonstrating his new scientific research to his colleagues from the factory laboratory:
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water, alcohol, ether, amines, organic acids, seemingly the same as they do, an exciting moment, instead of the usual phenol. benzene was taken as a basis, it was what gave the desired result, the formation of palaamide resin, from which it is possible to obtain a fiber, the silence of the laboratory was broken by applause, everyone was happy with the success, their joint success.
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obtaining coprolactam, thanks to which it became possible to obtain threads, fibers, turned out to be akin to a scientific revolution. in the sixty-fifth year, the development of the site under caprolactam behind the fence, under caprolactam first, had already begun. coprolactam is a derivative of benzene, benzene is a derivative of oil, benzene is released from oil as a waste product, by hydrogenating benzene we obtain cyclohexane, then we oxidize cyclexane, we get cyclohexane oxyl, this cyclohexane is a product of production, on our site their milk, we get threads, polyamide and anide and cord fabrics, more than one and a half thousand names of products that cannot be produced. the product line is really the widest. you all like to drink mineral water and so on, so that carbon dioxide, which is used, natural nitrogen is produced. we have such a product, called hydroxyl sulfate, this is a substance that is used in the production
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videotapes. in the sixties and seventies, the entire film industry in india was filmed on our hydroxulfate. we tell you how to choose quality products for healthy dishes. pay attention to the color. each type of vegetable has its own color, if it is darker or brighter than usual, then it may contain a large amount of nitrates. be sure to ask where the garlic grew. it is best to take the one that grew in a hot climate. the right breakfast is the key to health and good. mood, yes, we will do it today a healthy pizza option that everyone can eat without exception. turkey is considered to be one of the most dietary good types of meat
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that we can use in our diet. do not forget about invigorating exercises, pay attention to the position of our lower back, try to lean on the heels when squatting to maximally engage our buttocks, we gently roll our shoulders back, make a full circle, feel how our shoulder blades gather, shake off and cheerful and cheerful go into a new day, look in the project breakfast of champion on the belarus 24 tv channel. they are dedicated to their work, ready to share their knowledge, growing a turkey is a long step-by-step process, from a small chick to a large individual takes about five months, since a turkey is a bird most susceptible to stress, we try to minimize as much as possible all the negative factors that can further affect
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and to this day, the bulk of world consumption falls on fiber threads, but the range of application is the widest, and this is not only plastic, this is packaging film, fiber threads that are used in the production of textiles, carpets, tires , etc., that is, everything without which it is already difficult to imagine our life. april 20 ...
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regions of the republic, whose products after decades and today are in demand, recognizable in the world, among the leaders, still grodno-azot. about 60% domestic market 40% export.


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