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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  August 16, 2024 1:05pm-2:05pm MSK

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does not mean that all imports are prohibited for these items, the restrictions only apply to supplies from unfriendly western countries, so the buyer will have a choice, in addition, the list includes goods that are produced in our country, for example, pasta, the share of such products imported from the european union was only 5-6% on our market. we have three domestic producers, they offer the consumer, including pasta made from durum wheat, the same pasta... we import from other countries, friendly ones, for example, even from states, members of the european union, on such pasta products as a result we no longer have import duty, that is, they will always be cheaper for our domestic market. the current embargo is a response to the decision of the european union to expand sanctions against belarus from july 1, the ban on import of products comes into force on august 31. august again raises the degree of the upcoming weekend for belarusians. hot and dry weather awaits, tomorrow
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night up to +13, during the day 29 heat, in places short-term rain is possible, to the temperature peak in the brest region up to +34. on sunday weather conditions in the republic will be determined by atmospheric fronts tropical air mass. short-term rains are expected in most of the territory, thunderstorms in places, gusty winds during thunderstorms, strong gusty winds during the day in some areas, there is a possibility at night in the morning. the same hot weather will continue at the beginning of next week, locally there will be light rains. more information from my colleagues at 15:00. i say goodbye to you on this, all the best and have a nice weekend.
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good evening, on the air economic environment on belarus-1 from the satellite tv channel belarus 24. inflation in belarus has slowed down, the annual index by
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the main reason for the growth is the increase in world gold prices. italy has doubled the income tax for wealthy foreigners. the decision was made against the backdrop of a high budget deficit, almost 7.5% of gdp with a target threshold of 3. the italian government expects that this step will mitigate the socio-economic consequences due to the growing number of wealthy expats will increase tax revenues. belarus is the leader in agricultural production among eu countries. rating for the first half of the twenty-fourth year. to the level of the same period last year. the number of online stores is growing in belarus, march reports. as of august 1 , over 30,000 online platforms were registered in the trade register. since the beginning of the year , the increase was 367 units or 1.2%. online trade in belarus, how profitable is it for people and businesses, what is it? it plays a role in
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economic development, from safe household purchases to promoting domestic products on foreign platforms, we will discuss e-commerce with competent experts right now. today we have experts in the studio who are well versed in the issues.
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state control on august 11, we security council or committee celebrate the thirtieth anniversary of internet trade, that's when the first purchase was made on the internet. one american user bought a compact disc for $ 12.48 paid for it online with a bank card. 30 years have passed, this sector is actively developing, i propose today to discuss the e-commerce sector and global trends, and belarusian trends, well and internet trade in particular. please tell me, do you use the services of online stores, what do you buy on the internet and how often? frankly, i do not buy. i do not use internet trade, but due to the nature of my work i have to supervise it and develop the areas that we see today, my wife uses it, she talks about the situations that arise in internet trade. of course, it should be noted that in belarus, internet trade
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is developing today by giant strides already reached 8% of retail turnover, the number of online stores exceeded 30,000 according to the trade a... internet trade or e-commerce in general is a broader sphere, it is already such a whole sub-industry, because if you take, for example, the system of state purchases, it has also been commercialized in electronic form, and these are also elements, even
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consumer relationships, there, for example, search for the purchase of used goods, we have special services, this is also electronic trade and it is also developing rapidly, in fact, the most... so it's a bit of bad luck, but i hope to fix the situation, well, look, of course it's convenient that if it's nearby you can quickly pick it up, well, most people use it, so i would still probably tell you
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about the chinese experience, namely about using it, because this industry is developing enormously there, we will of course still talk about it, but as a user you see that there the count is not even in hours, and you use the service? because there is an alternative to the offline price, yes, well, i mean in a landline trade, there is an opportunity to choose a similar product, but at an affordable price, and of course the offer is off the charts, that is, of course, it is difficult to find such an offer in stationary trade, that is why it is very
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convenient for the consumer, the only problem is, of course, to protect your rights, but we are constantly cooperating with the ministry of antimonopoly regulation, here you mean the buyer or the seller first of all yes the buyer i am talking about myself now because sometimes you have to return goods yes and well i have not yet i encountered the problem of return everything was accepted that is convenient really fast conveniently security issues we will discuss further well here respected experts let's tell our tv viewers what this sector is like today -
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it sounds, but we are talking about virtual reality, about some digital things, we all
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remember, there someone jokingly, someone seriously, can perceive that it is already possible on the internet in this metauniverse to buy yourself a plot of some digital land anywhere in the world, and there are already world manufacturers there went in, for example, you can be in this virtual reality and see a sneaker store there, for example, and there some world leader is already offering you a new model of sneakers, you can pay for it online.
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these are those who make active purchases on the social network, for example, we placed our national pavilion on this network, on ten others, but what is interesting and noteworthy here is that it is sold precisely within the framework of streams, blogs, that is, some kind of interactive interaction with a potential buyer, when you can live write a question, get an answer right away in this stream, or a recommendation, or a recommendation, or how, for example, to prepare this product, this is the most important sales mechanism, if it is built correctly, of course you need... the right bloggers, of course, you need those who have a lot of their own subscribers, then you can do this, for example, we have our
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girls and boys working, who are studying in china, or working, and we invite them to the studio, they conduct these streams, and around the clock, even at night china buys the product, which is surprising, well, from ours, for example, examples that can be so interesting, per day of sales of birch sap, here 2 tons of birch sap per day were sold, dry milk. it would also seem well at retail dry milk well we probably don’t consume it very much in china it is popular 3 tons were also sold per day thanks to streams i repeat these are such well still amateur probably which we are still conducting such approaches of ours, but at the same time this is a colossal market that needs to be conquered, it is necessary to conquer, but in any case there is information support, they won't just buy this powder, yes, that is, you need to generally explain what it is for to the consumer and so on. the most important thing is to get verification, for example, again, returning to our experience, the national
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pavilion, what is it, this is first of all, when you showed all consumers of the tiktok platform that you are a verified, authorized store, that is, get a tick, for example, the belarusian national pavilion - this was the most difficult, the most bureaucratic procedure, we have already received it thanks to this, users see a blue check mark with a flag, that's it, it means that the quality is guaranteed by the state, well, what does this mean, that's summing it up. of course, it was necessary to quickly adjust our legislative base to the new trends that we see in the market today, we already started working on changes to the law on trade and public catering 2 years ago, where we separately worked out exactly the concept of what modern online trade is. after the adoption of the law, it was adjusted, practically in a new edition it was
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resolution of the council of ministers no. 31, which is called on the rules of distance trading, where we are already in accordance with... that's why the main task was this: to bring online trading closer to traditional offline trading from the point of view of two positions: protecting consumer rights and, that is , bringing objective, honest information to the consumer about the seller of the goods, the manufacturer, the goods themselves, well, about the online platform itself. yeah. well, we
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'll talk about legal regulation later, about national regulators that ensure order in this segment also. as we see in the example of china, this is a dominant factor that is impossible to bypass, well, developing the topic of china, i would also like to note for our viewers that this sector is so developed that even if you live in a multi-story residential building, having, for example, some kind of store downstairs, let's say, a grocery store or a cafe that produces rice, noodles, whatever, it is easier and cheaper for you, it is more convenient for...
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forms of delivery of goods from the manufacturer to the buyer, especially since this segment is gaining popularity in our trade, it is important not to lag behind modern trends and apply best practices in your own. let's listen: look at how the internet and e-commerce have developed over the past few years. over the past year , according to belstat, goods have been sold through this system for... billion 100 million dollars, this market segment is growing by an average of 20%, i know what you're thinking, well, the internet, old ladies there and so on, but there are children who can order from a person, and you can make a delivery according to this order, okay, start this, start without harming yourself and
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look, and for me it will be important, as an economist, who... that this is a promising sector, i mean e-commerce, and it should work, you have already noted here, not only be profitable and work for the benefit of the consumer, the seller, but it should be profitable for the state, that is, there should be order, transparent, clear rules, so that
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the interests of our state are not violated, you have already noted that on july 11 , amendments to the law came into force.
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and organize the relationship between the seller manufacturer by the consumer, and not just stand aside, in addition, he is also obliged to make a special window in his service,
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where a citizen who bought the goods can contact with a complaint, and he must work with this complaint. dear colleagues, andrey mikhailovich, the economic block of questions for you, well, if we talk about the e-commerce sector, yes, you have already raised this issue here, the audience also needs... well, to focus attention on this, that e-commerce is not just a buyer, a consumer and a product, it is also a whole system of related financial instruments, payments, these are courier services, this is insurance, this is security, this is a whole system, but moreover, this is not only , as it were, everyday internet trade, this is also promotion.
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all digital technologies are being introduced primarily into trade in the banking sector, yes, but they are interconnected here, and i would add more to you that, oddly enough, e-commerce also includes, for example, government services, these are already the relationships of the state and the consumer, where you you can, if there is an opportunity to pay for some service, this is also considered e-commerce, well, so to speak. therefore, here, of course, including the entire infrastructure, there is the processing of large amounts of data, all this is also included there, therefore the importance here is of course
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very great, well, if we talk from the point of view of the state, then of course this is such a very important tool, uh, let's say, on the one hand, satisfying domestic demand and all the needs of our population, well-being is growing. are they present at all on large internet platforms, unfortunately, they are not there, they are not there directly, some intermediary and the best networks sell there, of course, here
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you said it right, just for export what kind of opportunity is this, well for export this is first of all erasing borders, here andrey says that you really need to go out yourself, but this is a very difficult path in fact, each country has its own legislation, including in e-commerce there online trade and so on. so not everyone today is ready to learn the language, study the legislation and so on further, there is a support agency, not only should there be a support agency, but there should also be a company on site that will undertake to promote this brand , bring it to fruition, make it conditionally, well, not popular, but at least more or less well-known, then perhaps sales will go, what prevents the manufacturer from hiring such a company , it is expensive, it is here. took on such a function, that is, this is not our commercial project, well, not primarily commercial, but such a company for the development of the park, well, for us
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, even based on the name, the park is the main thing? and then yes, you do this in relation to your residents, no, in relation to all manufacturers, we do what i said about dry milk and everything else, these are all our famous brands, for example, by the way , chocolate, kommunarka, spartak are selling very well in china, last year spartak sold a little more than thirty of its sales in china through our platform, he did it through our platform, though it was an intermediary, a chinese dealer, who is already selling to us, but again, we do not sell through direct channels we are working, this is... a kind of solvable situation, but in the fact that we are taking on this function, yes, i will add that the government sees this issue, and it has already been repeatedly brought to light, well, not yet figures, but it has been brought to light, that is, requirements for the need to increase the share of the presence of our goods on various internet -online platforms, yeah, for our part, we have started working together with the chamber of commerce and industry with the marketing center on the following project: we got together with two larger...
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they mark the seller's card with a special marked made in belarus, made in belarus. why is this done? so that - the buyer could identify that this is really a genuine product, and we pass through this filter only the manufacturer or its affiliated dealer. for example, today condensed milk is sold by 180 - navalberis in the same 180 business entities. which of them is genuine,
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and which of them? separate is difficult, no one knows, and we mark this product in this way the consumer receives a quality guarantee that it is really made in belarus, in fact, this is a problem with counterfeit goods all over the world, with fake goods, it exists in online trading, and alexey igorevich is right in saying that perhaps labeling and accreditation can solve these issues, and here, in fact , the trading platform, meaning marketп, is, in principle, probably capable of. letting this seller, let's say, really check this product, well, the real one, they do this, as far as i know, some platforms, they specifically value their reputation, quality, they present requirements for manufacturers or distributors or who sells certain regulatory requirements, if you like, yes, we must understand that the development of online trade is a sustainable global trend, today it is considered to buy online on
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different continents. that even if the new idea did not work, the risks were small, who would have thought then in the nineties that this small online bookstore would become a global giant of online trade 25 years later, and its founder in beze the richest man in the world. by the way, the first official online store in our country was also a bookstore, it will appear 5 years after the american pilot in 99. and today exactly 30 years have passed since the first
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online purchase of online trade during this. time has gone from 12 dollars of revenue to 6 trillion. it is predicted that by the twenty -seventh year the volume of the online retail market will approach the 8 trillion mark, and this is every fourth purchase in retail. why is trade so rapidly moving online? there are as many advantages as you like, if you think about it, perhaps, we are all online shepaholics to varying degrees of dependence and we know that it is simple, fast, comfortable and profitable. large digital platforms, they are called marketplay. offer us not only a huge assortment, they give us the opportunity to compare prices, delivery conditions, see photos, reviews and so on, plus a large number of pick-up points, you can go to a neighboring house after work and pick up your purchase. many chinese resources today generally offer to try on the thing you like virtually in one or two. today it works everywhere, because we always thought before, how to buy glasses, a coat or a bag,
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for example, without physically trying them on. the color, model or size is not suitable, then the phone screen points itself and you see how the suit sits on you, well, or glasses in my case. there are even ratings of why people prefer products. online, so, among the main reasons are free delivery, promotions, discounts, the ability to read reviews, as well as ease of return and speed of ordering. experts assure that those who have tried all this, online trading will not leave the vastness of. in addition, it is profitable for business. internet platforms expand the geography of deliveries, eliminate issues with the delivery of goods, their storage, packaging, allow significant savings on services for the creation, introduction of sites , etc. one way or another, according to some estimates , the total number of internet sites in the e-commerce sphere is approaching 28 million, and the number of users who buy something online reaches 2.7 billion people, which is almost a third of the world's population. a few more illustrative figures: a third of
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buyers order anything online, like at least once a week, on average they buy more than four items at a time, and 2/3 of online purchases are made using a mobile phone. the most popular products are... electronics, food and fashion products, but these are average world data. the belarusian share of online purchases, according to belstat , looks like this: 30% are clothes, 13% are cosmetics and perfumes, less than ten are spare parts, car accessories, and then decreasing electrical appliances and building materials. and in general, the share of retail internet trade in our country is slightly above 8%. today it is provided by slightly more than 30,000 online stores. an important point, so that everything goes smoothly with shopping, the legislator, understanding the growing weight of online purchases, regulates this area of ​​the letter of the law, remember, attempts to introduce a paid return of goods, and inaccurate information on the site immediately how many inconveniences, or requests
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from stores to pay extra for an order already made. an internet platform is a story not only about speed and comfortable responsibility, so that online shopping is a joy for everyone, and sellers and to us buyers. and to sellers and buyers, and to the state, alexey igorich, right? dear experts, well, i want to return to the experience of china again. kirill yuryevich, yes , we have already discussed that china is the leader in terms of the level of development of e-commerce and so on, but here are our export aspects that we discussed, are we able to promote our products on chinese platforms, and what attracts chinese buyers the most? we started working on this topic 2 years ago, and our national pavilion has been functioning for 2 years now eleven platforms in china, and of course, the main goal was still non-commercial, namely the promotion of the republic of belarus of our main brands, and for this we in such
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simple forms, well, actually, how social networks work, short video messages, videos, convey to the chinese viewer that there is such a country, our customs, our experience, our heroic military past, that is , everything-everything-everything, the whole life, that's about it already. we probably recorded half a thousand different videos on this account, and in this way we attract subscribers and interest in belarus, belarusian products, today we have about 3 million people, these are regular subscribers to our platform, and some of them are already direct buyers, well, even according to statistics, out of these 2.7 - this is 1 million unique buyers over 2 years who made purchases, over 2 years of work, what is most often bought, most often chocolate. dark chocolate first of all, juices, sea buckthorn juice, birch juice, alcohol is also in demand, sparkling wine, red wine, a little less, strong alcohol, yes, in in china, online trade in alcoholic beverages is permitted with certain restrictions,
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and of course, all this is to promote, again, i repeat, streams, videos, the main thing is to promote, so that the user understands what the republic of belarus is, this is our goal, we spend, probably, a white goose on this, ba is a consonant belarus, bayals, ba e is a white goose, well, that is , a simple game word, yes, a game word, but it, as they say, goes in, well, but when we did such a survey among our
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two-million audience, we generally said, that you draw something with the serbian coat of arms and a hammer, then you will sell even more, well, we need to think about this, why not, this is one of the... these are the mechanisms and main accents that we make, that is, this is the promotion of streams. vyacheslav leonidovich, we have talked a lot about the advantages, about the benefits. for consumers, yes, it is convenient, fast, it can even be safe, although many people still doubt, well, because there are a lot of scammers, so a lot, now we will discuss scammers, but tell me, how profitable is online trading for sellers and manufacturers, here's what you should consider when opening your online store, in fact, it's quite a risky business, it's the same retail trade, only really online, yes , it's necessary. to do a colossal amount of work, not only there, as it were, with banks and so on,
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to also conclude relevant agreements with the same manufacturers, if you offer your sales services, to achieve the necessary prices, so that in general there would be some kind of margin, to come out on top, because well, as it were nobody talks about it, but the costs are really serious, that is, you need to pack the goods, take them to a warehouse, either your own or to a marketplace platform, that is , build all the logistics absolutely correctly. opening a traditional retail store is somewhere more difficult in terms of the fact that entering the business is much more expensive, you need to fill all the shelves, a slightly larger store, this is ... some kind of turnover, here in this regard
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, offline prota yes, here in this regard, conditionally agreed somewhere there about a warehouse, somewhere else an online store, you know, you can open there, say, in 15 minutes i took some website project, there are plenty of them there and some, but another thing is who will buy from you, if you have some kind of unsaturated online store, how you have logistics built, because really modern consumers need speed, convenience and so on. and price, well, someone may not need price, but nevertheless, well, there are security issues here too, because reputation, when it is a store with a reputation, it is still a big deal for our consumer. i can't help but ask you a question, we these marketplaces have already been noted here, i am very interested in your point of view, that is , large russian marketplaces, which we do not name, have already confidently established themselves on the belarusian market. is it profitable?
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from the point of view of the state, it is also profitable, since these are taxes, and one of the largest internet platforms has become the largest taxpayer in belarus today, it has entered the top 5, this is also profitable, uh, in traditional trade, of course, this is a serious element of competition, but again, it is profitable for us from the point of view of the fact that consumers, that offline trade also follows the same prices that are on the internet, the same services and so on, this is also developing all -
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which need to be paid attention to, which need to be addressed, and what we need in order for
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the internet trade sector and e -commerce in general to develop more dynamically in belarus, we, for example, are already preparing amendments to the legislation on consumer protection, where we will provide for payment at pick-up points only for non-cash payments, well, what's the point of having a cash register there, what's the point of having a safe there, a service will come there, which takes... we live in a century and most of the purchases on such platforms are made with a linked card, well, there's no point in that.
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in general, we need to somehow not hinder this, not introduce any restrictions, that's the first thing, the second point is that the same online stores that are trying to enter, say, a large online platform, collide, well, naturally, one on one, like our manufacturer in china, but no one there actually leads him. so he they immediately offer a standard contract, sign everything, even if you have any doubts there or you are free, yes, we are free, that's absolutely, yes, here you go, go wherever you want, that's why i think that after all, there should also be some specific rules here, so that they don't go too far, because each platform
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has its own rules, and of course it's difficult for a marketplace with a trillion-dollar turnover to put some... get together, we've already discussed this several times , well, we as regulators are ready once again, ready to get together, and if you have specific proposals, please, make, but many, that is, marketplaces, they were specially created. in order to help small and medium businesses advance, so that the same, for example, let's say, a housewife, being on maternity leave, producing something could calmly sell this product to whoever she wants, therefore the conditions are already being created as comfortable as possible so that anyone can be there , large and small businesses, all the conditions for
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logistics, if you want to deliver it yourself, if you want to bring a warehouse, well, of course, now you have to answer for those the norms that we have new ones written into the legislation, therefore. here, but there are a number of goods, well, for which we kind of found an understanding with the ministry of antimonopoly regulation, they supported us, defended them in the government , these are jewelry, for example, biologically active additives, veterinary drugs, household pyrotechnics, yes, they, they are positions
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where alcohol, alcohol, tobacco are, and why not? but if a person wants, why can't he make a full purchase, only a part, and for the rest he needs to go to the store, belarusians ask why not, well it is not belarusians who ask, but certain business circles, we understand their commercial interest in this, but there is a state policy determined for a healthy lifestyle of our population, therefore we, in consultations with the ministry of internal affairs, with the ministry of health and other interested parties... came to the general opinion that today this norm is excessive, there is an opportunity to go to the store, buy alcohol, traditional uniform, tobacco there, there today...
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most of them are in minsk and minsk region. do all sellers act within the law, what is most often purchased online and how do they propose to improve the sphere of online shopping. a question from the streets of minsk, in oks populi, the voice of the people on the main tv channel of the country, let's see, i generally like to touch, feel, try on, it's the same as comparing an electronic printed book, we are from russia, 70 online purchases, so why is it so, because it is convenient, it does not take much time, it is a large selection of goods, we don't waste time going to the store and so on and so forth, plus, when you come to the store, there is no list of...
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i buy household goods on the internet from another country, there is equipment, furniture, i am more into yeah, beads, gloves as a football player, no delays, everything is processed quickly and instantly, literally everything can arrive in a month, it is in their interests to somehow provide convenience to the client, i lived abroad for a long time in the usa, lived for 6 years, yeah, well, i saw a lot of things and... it was more convenient via the internet, through websites to do all this, delivery is convenient, there is a system returns work a little differently, i order mainly, but if something is needed urgently, then of course a shopping center, it is often impossible to return something, returning goods brought from abroad costs more than the goods themselves, i buy only in certain stores, knowing the goods, knowing the sellers, i already clearly understand my size, for example, i like to come to the store, look, as they say, try on myself, and there, as they say, you come and do not know what you will buy, 60% is the internet, and 40% are stores, i was deceived once,
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i ordered a blouse for myself in some online store, i had already paid, they sent it to me by mail, they were supposed to send it, but i didn’t receive anything, that is, most often such incidents probably happen in unverified stores, right, i buy things more often in shopping centers, but it’s just more convenient for me than ordering, if we are talking about... the organization of work in general, specifically online, what would you like to improve for you? i sold wedding dresses online, we had a very great support service, i often encounter some incompetence, in terms of the fact that support there cannot explain something, takes a long time to respond, may not respond at all and ignore, clothes , for example, may be of poor quality, were damaged, maybe something is broken, expiration dates do not match somewhere, we mainly buy cosmetics in stores, because many times it happened that it came.
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purchases - this is a fact, it also needs to be accepted for various reasons, due to possible fraud, due to the need to transfer card details, there personal data, there may be different reasons, please tell me how to protect yourself when making purchases on the internet, well, there are elementary rules of conduct, as in traditional trade, you need to come and see the expiration date, how much is on milk or on the same sausage, so you need elementary rules. simple purchases on the internet, first, you need to study the website itself, the internet resource, whether there is information on it about the seller, about the product, about the terms,
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about the expiration dates, if the person is already completely is afraid for now, well, he thinks that there might be some kind of fraudulent scheme, it is recommended to get a separate card, where to transfer , well, a safe amount of money for your wallet, use it for payments, well, in case of some violation, then there is always a built-in protection of consumer rights, starting from... the minsk city administration committees to the ministry of antimonopoly regulation of trade, which regulates this area in general, well, again, here there is an element of protection of consumer behavior, conditionally in a regular classic online store you can first bring you the goods, you look at them, make sure that everything is what you need and then you have the right to pay either in cash or by card, well yes, online platforms now they are more like payment first, then i call myself a chair.
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for a simple user-consumer, therefore read reviews if you have any concerns, and as a rule, with large visits, large subscriptions, these reviews are objective. dear experts, summing up our conversation, how do you see e-commerce in our country in the future and what do we all need to do for this, well, it will certainly develop and reach for world figures, that is, its share will grow, and for this our
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manufacturers, our suppliers of goods need to catch up with all modern. standards, and for this it is necessary to improve the system itself, including the system of payment and delivery of goods. of course, this will be a fast-growing high-tech industry that will accumulate all the advanced digital technologies and not only digital ones in themselves, which will allow the consumer to simplify interaction with manufacturers, with sellers, use new services. not only delivery, we sometimes even, now we don’t even know what other services the trade will offer us, but really, as colleagues said, on the one hand, the consumer allows them to get more and more satisfaction from purchases, but for the manufacturer , of course, this is a chance to quickly enter the market and either even sell something that he couldn’t there, some exclusive thing, he couldn’t sell it there in
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piecemeal mode, now this is an opportunity for him, i see probably that... in the near future they will increasingly use artificial intelligence technologies, this concerns the whole world, well and directly our country, because this is for sellers and for store owners, this is a reduction in cost in the future, when artificial intelligence will help the consumer to evaluate whether things are suitable, not suitable, answer all questions, optimize delivery, well, this is what the development of this industry is connected with in any case, these are two related, two related areas, i believe that this is exactly how it is, yes, there will be visual search, there will be... voice search and indeed with the development of artificial intelligence more opportunities will appear, perhaps marketplaces will no longer be needed, in general, that's why in the long term yes, but in order for this to happen, it is necessary to constantly work on the development of infrastructure. thank you for your opinion, thank you for finding time in your busy schedule, came to our bel
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tv and radio company studio on makayenko 9. thank you our guests and say goodbye to you. be efficient, save your time, use progressive solutions and let the economic environment be favorable for you, goodbye.
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watch everything that modern belarus lives with today on the belarus24 tv channel. this is news from abroad, broadcasts of especially important events, live broadcasts from the scene , current interviews with famous belarusians, exciting trips around the country, feature films for all ages. on the territory of the countries: finland, sweden, norway, denmark, netherlands, germany, france, spain, portugal, cyprus
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, austria, switzerland, italy, greece, romania, serbia, croatia, poland, lithuania, latvia, estonia. set up a satellite dish express am8 satellite. the channel's signal is broadcast in the open and is available 24 hours a day every day. be with the belarus 24 tv channel and discover belarus. secrets, good morning and good mood. on air on the belarus 1 tv channel from the belarus 24 satellite tv channel, the program "good ranitsy belarus". my name is. svetlana borovskaya. meeting amazing people of our country. and what can you think about here? just look around. everything goes away, everything seems to be left behind. you have a bite. oh, wait, there
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's some horse there. and a lot of useful and interesting information. oh, but he's also very alive. very alive. we need a little bit.
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