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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  August 16, 2024 2:05pm-3:00pm MSK

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every day begins with inspiration, and for us, when you get up early, the sun just comes out from behind the village of polyatich, just breaks away from the distant trees, how much beauty in all this, we are in the most beautiful place
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. it's strange that kostya is so skinny on your pancakes, he has such genetics, pescultation, hello, i think i'm dreaming this, but it 's real. we have a holiday in the kitchen, and what if i
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'm the boss here, no, of course, your refrigerator is completely empty, kefir and half a chicken, do you not eat at home at all, a teenager needs proper nutrition, yes daddy, good morning everyone, good morning, shift, what do you need, proteins and slow carbohydrates, here are the baked goods, well, don't eat them, well, where are you going, and i have a growing body. i need to, but have you washed your hands? or maybe we can all go somewhere together, well, on sunday after all, in talitsa, to go fishing, yeah, yeah, to go fishing, it will be fun. no, don't do that,
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don't do that, you'll get caught with the hook, like this, like this. like this, yeah, don't pull, don't pull, yeah, like this, it stands like this, yeah, i'm not pulling, that's it, stand like this, i'll go check the grill, be careful, i think it's biting, so, oh, good, good, no, ah... oh my god, mom, an, an, come here, and come on, andyukh, give me the car, there are the whips and my suit, okay, dad, i'm actually afraid of water,
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be careful, i did it by accident, and the duck, god bless her, god bless her with the fishing rod, let's go, you're giving it, turned away for a second, you've already water, come on, come on, come on, come on, here, here, here, you need to change your clothes or you'll catch a cold, come on, come on, come on, change your clothes, come on, you should at least turn away first, yeah, come on, come on, here, now dad's definitely in love, what i say, it's good that dad always carries a change of clothes with him, change your clothes.
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tell your loser husband that i 'll twist his head off if he doesn't give me my money back tomorrow, i see, wow, poduch, listen, i know that you took my mom's ring, but if you haven't managed to sell it, i'm ready to buy it from you, you made a mistake, but you understand, my mom wore it all her life, she never even took it off, what ring, what mom, get out of here, mother, who is this, what does she want, i don't know, i'm seeing her for the first time, well, excuse me, please, give me the ring back, it's not like that valuable, it's just dear to me as a memory, well give it back, and get out of here, so
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what's going on, let him go, let him go, don't strangle him? so you claim that the ring that citizen ivanova is wearing belongs to you, yes, and does it have any special features, details? yes, there's a small chip on the big stone, inside the ring are my mother's initials, l and m. razhanka ivanova, give me the ring.
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so, there's a chip and initials, that's right, you , citizen ivanova, need to be more selective with men. so, take a look. if not objections, sign, yeah, you're free, ring, these are doc's things, i can't give them back yet, you'll have to come here again when we tell you, device, young guys, detainee zernik wants to make a statement? come on, start it. chief, a sincere confession, will it count? my
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zai is getting nervous here. look, why are you acting like a little kid? is this your first time? come on, sit down. i can't sleep, how you scared me, i can't sleep either, and kostik is sleeping like a baby, i haven't seen him so happy for a long time, and you?
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how did you like it? yes, of course, it was like in childhood, the ring was found, some kind of miracle, thank you, well, you see, we're already on first-name terms. oh, and what are you doing here, do your physics homework, that's what i completely forgot, you're very beautiful. good night, good
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night, why did you come, to apologize for that evening, forgive me, i didn't know that i didn't know that you were married? i didn't say that i was free. of course, you've always been a master of vague phrases, anya, well, don't do that, it's just that when i saw you for the first time, memories came flooding back, and i realized that i could make you happy, and my wife, well, what about my wife, wife, i love my wife, i feel good with her, but you are something completely different, you are the dream of my youth, you are the mother of my son, i earn well, i have a good i don’t understand, what are you offering me, to become your mistress, i am sick of you. introduce me to your son, how do you
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imagine this? kostik is sure that he has no father, and then suddenly you appear? why do you need this, elena? do you want to play dad? yes, i am already free, i am leaving. what do you need? anya, you know me, i will still get what i want, but you don’t know me, don’t you dare, if you poke your nose into mine son.
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who was it? klim? no, that's my past. the investigator called, the notary came with knowledge. can you imagine? so hurray, where are we going? to the hospital? yes. good afternoon, hello, ivan andreevich, this is anna fomenko, georgy klim's stepdaughter, mr. kotov can't speak, only write, while you were away, he wrote that the apartment belongs to you and he is ready to confirm this in court, ivan andreevich, we agreed not to get nervous.
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i think that's where the original will is. boris kliment, does he live here? yeah, a registered letter, sign here,
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what is this, why did you take this note? i asked you not to sign anything, another summons, yes jumped, take me with you, shut up, it was you who flooded me with your greed, i, you, the apartment, the apartment to give them, here... here i poured so much money into repairs, you know , i know, so shut up, then, and no one will prove that i forced anya to write a refusal, and if anything, i will do it with these, my own hands.
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yana immeasurably loves what she does, and does what she loves.
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after all, it was she who gave us special means for protection from the sun's rays. a pharmacist from the usa and a chemist from switzerland, who invented the first sunscreen. we share interesting facts, ask the most exciting questions and look for answers. what is better? again, i am sure you will say everything individually, but there are probably some, so to speak, basics, the basics. the basics are that our skin still needs both protection and hydration, but in any case, the components must be hydrating. we are talking about unique membranes that are in filters. we have two rather interesting directions, these are membrane technologies for water purification, ion exchange technologies for water purification. they
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solve different problems, but are in demand. watch the project, science is nearby. on the belarus 24 tv channel . where are you in the park, i'm walking towards you, great, sister, how's life, hi, have you
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had a drink, yeah, go home, where? borya, go home, you've ruined my whole life, you understand, i 'm asking you, don't touch me, you 've taken everything from me, you understand, you've taken everything from me, and now you still want to put me in jail, yes, i want to change, are you okay, yeah, who are you like that, don't touch him, he's my brother. let's go, let's go, he'll live, let's go, stop, stop! stop, stop, stop, thank you, let's go, have a nice day, yeah,
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thank you, i was so scared when he attacked you, i was so scared that i almost killed him. "be more careful next time, there won't be a next time, i'll always meet you from now on, your father's original will survived, mr. kotov kept the originals of all his documents in his fireproof safe, the criminal couldn't have known about it because..." no damage was done in the fire, all my property is by the day of my death it will belong to me, whatever it
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may be and wherever it may be, i distribute between my daughter anna petrovna fomenko and my son boris grigorievich klemenny, the son the collection of paintings, the daughter, the apartment and all real estate. in the content of article 149 of the civil code of the russian federation, the notary explained to me, the text of the will was written not only personally, but also the like, well, if such was the will of my father, of course i will return the apartment, but only after paying for the repairs i for a minute 100 thousand spent, don't rush, citizen krem, let's move on, an attempt on... and what does this have to do with me? i hope
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mr. zirin will refresh your memory, bring in the detainee, and you, anna petrovna , are free, thank you, sit down. nikolai dmitrievich, hello, hello,
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star, what kind of concerts are you organizing here, do you need money, why, mom's birthday is coming soon, and i want to give her a present, and why didn't you tell me, i want it myself. myself, well done, get ready, let's go, partisan, let's give her some kind of surprise, dad, you are our unsurpassed master in this matter, now you will tease me for the rest of my life, no, of course there will be a holiday, something, tell me what she likes, well, painting, music, kostya, let's put kostya in a big cardboard box and tie him with a blue ribbon for auntie... that will be the best gift, no, i have a better idea, mom will be delighted, only she will need to be taken somewhere for one evening, okay, i'll take myself, in vain you think that studying
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the biographies of the classics is boring and uninteresting, they were living people, and not idols, for example lermontov, he was generally a rather sharp person, finish, we are returning, he knows the entire biography, the genealogy of pushkin, lermontov is next in line, it was not for nothing that he left for cajas, and your shoelaces have come untied, and you generally read a hero of our time, well, what are your impressions, well, pitcheryn, he is that you don’t need to choose for so long, after all, i think that purple light is still more modern, white is not better, quieter, that’s it, annechka, we congratulate you with a pure heart, here, here is a gift that inesa chose, she has wonderful taste,
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yes, congratulations. please, thank you, i 'll look, of course, oh, how beautiful, yes, and now you can go home, because you have a holiday, well, they're waiting at home, that's right, they're waiting, write down all your happy moments in this book, and then reread them with pleasure, yeah, thank you, be happy, annushka.
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your face is more tender than tender, whiter than white, your hand, from the whole world, you are far away, all yours. from the inevitable, from the inevitable, your sadness, and the fingers of your hands, never cooling down, and the quiet sound of cheerful speeches, speeches, and the distance of your eyes,
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yours... hello, what are you doing here? how did you know where we were? your boss at the store was very kind. happy birthday, anyut. and who are you, actually? maybe you could introduce me? this is kostya lin, kostya's father, a school friend. "son, your mother is not
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very happy to see me, but we can always meet up and have a man-to-man talk. kostya, i'll explain everything to you, i didn't want to deceive you, it's just that this person, i didn't know anything about your birth, your mother didn't tell me, and how could i tell you, if you disappeared somewhere, you just left, that's it, son, i really didn't know anything, i didn't even see any photos of you." maybe let's take a photo together, what's wrong with you? kostya, kostya, where are you going, no need, kostya! wait, kostya,
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you rushed off, listen, let's go for a walk, let's go, no, i don't understand, maybe you can explain to me why she made this up.
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you have such an event, your father was found, and you 're whining, you should be happy, stop, nadya! why do people complicate everything? i won't be able to live if kostya doesn't forgive me, he is the most important person in my life, you? he i didn't get married, i got married, well, somehow there was no time for a personal life, at first i was waiting for ilyin to come back and be happy that he had a son,
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then my mother died, then we study and two strokes one after another, in general, something like that, i understand you, i know, nadya told kostik why you left the ring, god, if only kostya would forgive me, don't worry, kostya, a real man, i would like to have such a son, yes, i've wanted to tell you about this for a long time. let it be.
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kostya was sure that his father died a long time ago. then this one appears, i'm afraid, that he will stop trusting me completely, well don't be afraid, he won't, you, most importantly, don't stop him here, let him meet his father, appreciate all his baseness, there's just one thing i can't understand, how inesa decided on such tactlessness, and haven't you noticed that enesa is in love with you, in love with me. and annushka, you're talking nonsense, enesa and i have been working together for 10 years, she's a scene- stealer, a good comrade, i beg you, she 's very jealous of me, i can see that she
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chose you, and you don't pay attention to her, invite her somewhere, i don't know, well, about jealousy, finish the showcase yourself, okay? okay, we'll tell you about the diversity of belarusian cuisine. and also, if you didn't know, buzhanina is a primordially slavic dish, it appeared among the eastern slavs who lived in the upper reaches of the bug, hence the name buzhenina, of course. you can go to any hypermarket now, buy such a huge mousse cake, but all this is nonsense, compared to these bloods, they have a soul, we will witness the birth of culinary masterpieces, i
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grated the potatoes for you, volodya, and you will beat the meat yourself, i like the approach of the volkovysk girls, as you called it, elk meat with demi-glace sauce with baked potatoes and bacon, here it is ready, and we will make a detailed gastronomic map of our country. the fact that this dish was invented in volkovysk confirms my guess. volkovysk loves meat and knows how to cook it. this is an interesting, very tasty and very unusual dish, and i believe that it can boldly represent belarusian cuisine on the world stage, watch the project eda at least where on our tv channel.
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nina, what happened again? elin, what's wrong with you, you have a son, your friends have already told me everything, so if i see this puppy next to you again, i will immediately file for divorce, i will humiliate you so much, yes, i made up this son, okay? you don’t want a child, i agree with you, i always agree with you, but others won’t understand this, sorry, that’s why i made up this son so that the men would leave you alone, it’s time for you to see a psychotherapist ilin, in this neighborhood, everything should be very successful, i mean financially. yeah,
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that’s for you, for me yes, and this, is this for me? thank you very much. for our long, and also theater, of course, sorry, please, i'm just honestly so happy.
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bye, hi, how are you, was it better, you won't offend me, besonov, let's calmly talk about us. and we're not here, have you found someone? and that's none of your business, have you changed? well, it would be weird if i hadn't changed. sorry, i need to pack my gear. i'll study for now. please. thank you.
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"hello, and nikolay, he's a little busy now, maybe i should tell him something, well then you call tomorrow, okay, goodbye, today it's my turn to wash the dishes, what about father so long, but in general, he will heat up
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his own dinner and there is no need to spoil him, just give them free rein, so they immediately sit on your neck, love, come on, get up, we did not agree on this, come on! kolya, forgive me! i know i behaved badly, but i swear i won’t do it again, i just can’t forget you at all, i thought i could, but it turned out i couldn’t, if you gave me one chance, honestly, honestly, you won’t regret it, please,
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call me a taxi.
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girl, excuse me, are you anna? yes, and you, and i am love, love, you don’t understand, tell kolya,
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he forgot it at my place yesterday, so it was me who spoke to you yesterday, yes, okay, i'll pass it on, thank you, sorry, i'm in a hurry, the court ruled to find guilty klimin boris georgievich, born in 1975, zirin vitaly nikolaevich, born in 1969, of committing crimes under articles 210. 167 and 111 of the criminal code of the russian federation and sentenced zirin vitaly nikolaevich to 5 years of imprisonment klimin boris georgievich to three years of imprisonment the right to the apartment to be transferred to fomenko anna petrovna in accordance with the will. the court's decision can be appealed within 10 days of its issuance. well, what did you achieve?
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did you achieve your goal, creature? yes, give it to me! borya! borechka! borenka, it's good that boris didn't have time to take out all the furniture, by the way, i forgot, oh, and this. i lost it, where did you get it from? lyuba brought it this morning, and listen, i don't know what she told you, but there has been nothing between us for a long time, no need, i don't want to make any more mistakes.
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nikolai dmitrievich, are you all right? yegor, go to the locker room, buy a ring, propose.
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girl, won't you take a picture of us? yes, of course, thank you, thank you, you are a wonderful couple, how many years have you been together? 3 days. 4 hours and 15 minutes, and that's a fact, it's like, you won't believe it, baby, i
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've been waiting for this moment for 40 years, men are so indecisive, but it doesn't matter, i'm so happy, like a girl, it's crazy, i congratulate you, thank you, darling, yes, kost, well, hang in there, i'll call
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in the evening, what happened, yes, my aunt got sick, she's lying there with a high temperature, kostik doesn't know what to do with her, that's his character, he won't call and ask for help, he won't call, oh well. okay, dad, i'll go homework, yeah, come on, by yourself, by yourself, that's it, life doesn't bother you. get out of the house, he took the bait,
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you don't look very sick, anyway, here's the medicine. here are the vitamins, it's good that you came yourself, i thought you'd never guess, i missed you, it's like i'm lost in another universe without you, i 've also understood a lot in these days, now i know what it's like... you won't have to be jealous of me,
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i won't give you to anyone, if you drive me away, i won't leave, well, will you start all over again, let's continue. what, should we give them a little more time? what if something goes wrong? they will figure it out themselves, they are not small anymore.
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in the western direction, there is a systematic build-up of nato coalition forces. at the moment , 10 multinational combat tactical groups with a total of over
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11 thousand people have been deployed in poland and the baltic states alone. everything was fine, but... recently, our border guards and military have been intercepting dozens of, so to speak, intelligence assets, especially drones, already on our territory, these drones are already transporting hundreds of kilograms, the most modern explosives, they have begun special exercises together with the people's liberation army of china, before that we were friends with the people's republic of china, and today, excuse me, we are in the same shanghai organization with...
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the leaves are moving, the sun is shining, and how our life is built from all these little things, i want to look at this world differently , discover something new every day, it is so interesting to us, because we do it with love, with love from belarus.
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on air news in the studio yulia pertsova, hello, in this issue, not only situation, but also the development of the situation on the border with ukraine, the president held a meeting on military security today with a report from the head and chairman of the council of the republic.


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