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tv   100  BELARUSTV  August 16, 2024 3:25pm-4:20pm MSK

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celebrate the holy day with slogans, glory to the people who work on the earth, deserve the honors of the harvesters of the harvest. all laborers and holy bakers are broadcast on our evening broadcasts. well, during the day the weather increases, and the days off are cold. the minsk region will be bright and it is important that there is no rain tomorrow , but it will be 13 and 18 degrees. the maximum temperature of the thermometer is 30 with advantages in certain areas of magchy water and steamy weather at night, 15-20 m/sec, and these orange sky levels. sunday in the minsk region weather conditions will be determine atmospheric fronts tropical air mass. in most of the territory.
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the coming week, short hourly rains will pass, sometimes working such a trapeze is captured and at the beginning of weekdays the wind warms up to 36 degrees celsius.
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meters, that is, on a bayonet of a shovel, you can surround the fire with stones, as soon as he has prepared some food for himself or rested, warmed himself near the fire in the evening, it is necessary without fail, when he leaves, to pour everything out to make sure that there is no smoke, that it will not be blown away by the wind and again not will catch fire, do not leave behind household waste, especially glass, glass, when exposed to sunlight, can again cause spontaneous combustion, for the purpose of forestry specialists in the format of walking... navedvannya massif will result in a fine. for young people , the current rules of drones and cameras, parasailing have been created in belarus, thousands of young people are working in industrial enterprises and organizations of the country. it’s true and large-scale festivals, so the republican olympics started in the valozhyn district 2024. the forum is celebrated on the third anniversary of the institute of the president, the program is rich.
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spartan struggles, creative evenings, dialogue dances. the atmosphere is wonderful, there are young people of all ages here, it's just great, there is a good atmosphere here , because the teams send the best, and it's just great, smiles, laughter, joyful shining eyes, we prepared in a hectic manner , we didn't sleep at night, today in general this evening, yesterday and tonight passed so, we didn't forget, we took it, but it's very good that everyone helps, each person for something answers, we work as a close-knit team, no one just. does not sit, everyone works, and the work will definitely lead us to victory. first of all, holding such festivals is an old good tradition that has been going on for 10 years, and this is a request from the hard-working youth themselves, they literally ring off the phone in preparing teams, this year it will unite the youth under a very important slogan: 30 years of quality, 30 years of development , 30 years of formation and development, including young specialists, we will forget the road.
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the number of teams and leaders over each year in the race, three arganizations took place these days, and then two full days. the national flora laboratory in the minsk region has opened a new laboratory for vandrovak in the valozhyn region. aўtar young gardener from brest. gascinae mesa shtodzen is available for educational purposes for the development of flower plantations. the ranks of the first tourists are our smoke group. i think.
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because indeed, for those who love variety in tastes, this is a very good ingredient for salads in order to feel some kind of spiciness, peppercorn, this is a flight for...
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i collect them, i put them in envelopes, i sign the name, and i have already planned, there will be a ring with an arrow, you can spin the drum, and whoever gets what plant, it will be given away for free, there will be different information zones, where you can learn more about the processing
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of the park, about fertilizers, about some work, about drip tapes, how to make your work easier, once on the day of kiril the longest route brest valozhyn is used to, to look after the parks. together we loosened the urable padmurak floristic park, now conduct a review of eco-exhibits. we were happy to accept this idea, and now we can see the fruits. or rather , working, and here in such a relaxed atmosphere we all work, it's nicer than being in production all the time. people come and say, oh, we should have sun loungers here, and a cafe here.
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the most relevant event from the world of plin gives results. this is exactly the principle by which bobruisk works this off-season. hard training, exciting competitions. yes, you raise the cup, for the very first time, this is probably the most emotional moment. it is clear that there is a new season now, we need to prepare, defend this title. exclusive interview with athletes. a lot of people love hockey. in general , i think the results are quite good, we show them, the sport is developing,
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it is being cultivated in our country in order to get rid of children as much as possible, so that the maximum number of children are engaged in some kind of sport, this is a healthy nation, these are healthy children, all this is in sports projects on the belarus tv channel 24. will answer everything, are you ready to meet our hero? natalia, why do you think the children
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chose you to talk to? i hope i can answer their questions, maybe share something, suggest some ways, in particular, how to get into our most wonderful university. are you ready for the fact that children sometimes ask uncomfortable questions? of course, i'm a mother. promise to tell only the truth? i will try very hard.
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hello, my name is natalia vladimirovna korchevskaya, i was born in minsk quite a long time ago, in 1972, now i work as a rector belarusian state university of culture and arts and a professor at the department of theory of history and art of the same university, i am married, i have two children, already quite grown up, and... and i really love the place where i work, because i once came there many, many years ago, graduated from it, received, in general , an education and all the best, i hope that i have, probably, all this, you fit into one minute, great, well, and now questions from our audience, we have 100 participants in the studio, each with their own question, let's see how long you can answer, are you ready, yes, then let's begin, hello, my name is lev, what kind of family did you grow up in, how did your parents raise you, did they spoil you? well
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, spoiling is probably not about our family, i grew up in a family of a teacher, an english teacher and also a teacher, well , by and large a coach in such a wonderful sport, which our country is famous for, biathlon. pappas, unfortunately, passed away a long time ago, well, in general, i'm glad that his... life is developing and flourishes, because once it was one of those, for which, as it were, he was looking for a place to hold the first biathlon world championship, which was held in what was then the belarusian ussr, in general, he found the famous raubichi, now raubichi is celebrating its 50th anniversary, so it is very nice that the place that used to be a village has now become such, well , a truly leading sports complex, not only in our country, but ... far beyond its borders, in general, there was no time to pamper, because in my time the children were studying, and
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teachers worked 6 days a week, so mom worked, and dad was busy, training camp and competitions, so my brother and i had no time for that, by this time, when our parents came home from work, if dad was there, we had to clean the apartment, well, of course we fooled around, we went to the movies, well, if you consider that pampering, but we... that in my teenage years i was even busier than in childhood, so i think it was quite convenient - for my parents, i came home on time after rehearsal, did my homework, well, that's it i went to bed and went to school, then to rehearsal again and so on and so forth, so i was a decent teenager. natalya, you'll have to turn around 180°. red
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sector, how did you study at school, were you an excellent student? i... almost was an excellent student, but i was always lacking something, i ended up finishing school with a silver medal, but i wasn't a straight-a student, for example, i once got a b in drawing, somehow i didn't have the patience to draw something, so you know, i'm not exactly an excellent student, but i studied well, i always did well at the university, i'm an excellent student, what do you think, do you have a complex in life? to distinguish yourself, i think you do, i don't know if it's good or not, sometimes it's quite difficult, but this desire to do everything, exclusively for the highest score, this is such, probably, hyper-responsibility, you studied at the institute of culture, now you work as a rector, how has education changed during this
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time, for example, the material and technical base has changed significantly, yes, if we... studied at our place, for example, there were very few ballet halls, physical education for students took place in a small room, yes, some kind of one, which the university had at that time, but now these are wonderful conditions for getting an education, in some ways education has become more standardized and in some ways, when we studied, you see, we did not have such a wide access to the best venues as today's students.
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a person would additionally do some assignments, for example, in order to get a ten now, that's why i'm always for, well, as i already said, doing something at the highest level. and tell us about your career growth at the university, how did it all start? it all started with the fact that 35 years
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ago you entered there, you entered a little by accident, you studied, you studied well. well, i already said that at the university i was an excellent student, i don't have a single b in my record book, i graduated, they offered me - that means, to stay, to study in graduate school, i stayed, then i became a teacher, then senior lecturer, then i defended my dissertation, received the title and position of associate professor, and then i was offered to head the dean's office of the faculty, and i was the dean, for some time, then the first rector, then for some time i went to a government agency, i worked in the ministry of culture, then i returned to my university as a rector, everything starts in any case with the fact that you study somewhere and become a student, because if you are not a student, you will not be able to be this rector later,
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why do you think the university does not let you go you, well i think that i love him? he loves me, and why should he let go, this is a wonderful place where, as we say, culture lives, yes, there are young people there all the time, who are renewed every four, earlier than 5 years, and you, next to them, also have to somehow correspond to all this, it is very interesting, we study 3,000 people, like you a little older, yes, each of them is an individual, communicating with them is a special pleasure, we are moving to the red sector. he is on your right, you studied to be a choreographer, do you regret that now you have to not dance, but to lead? no, i don't regret it. because dancing, well, dance is generally such a profession, short-term, yes, well, that is, you can dance for quite a long time, but still there comes a limit, by this time
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experience comes, you can teach someone how to do it better, or create conditions for the same guys who are not only studying choreography, so that they build their life in general connected with this art, so i don't regret it, but this is ... allows you to maintain health longer, somehow run so actively, therefore, but i don't regret it, i don't regret anything, nothing is endless, yes, it's still not a drama theater, where you can play different roles until 100, which still remains in you, he years, relatively speaking, choreography is the art of the young, i know that you used to work, taught at the institute of cultures, but tell me, were you a strict teacher? ah-ah, it seems to me that no, but as my students joked, this is
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natalia vladimirovna's favorite phrase, okay, well done, but for now two, in fact, uh, two, i'm quite rarely put, well, after all, studying at a higher educational institution is different from studying at school, yes, there are sessions for which a student must prepare, thank god. i didn’t have any, i made eight releases as a teacher, there was no such thing that for exams, for shows that take place every six months, someone was not prepared, and i was forced to give an unsatisfactory grade, to clear the person, fortunately everything was fine with us, i hope, and was there such a thing that you did not allow students to exams or sent them to retake, well, three times in my life.
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i think, exclusively in appearance, because well, at home i don’t wear a suit or something else, well, in a tracksuit, and so i don’t think that i’m some kind of radically different person, well, of course, i don’t sign documents at home or anything else, well, you know, i don’t turn from some kind of grump into a cute kitty, no, i’m either a grump everywhere or a kitty. i’m kidding, no, in fact, i’m the same, and at home you also command, as i do at university, i don’t command much, i somehow
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ask people, or convince them to do something, that's why it seems to me that home is not about commands at all, people live at home so that they feel good, that's why i don't really command at work either, it seems to me that you are a strict mother? yes, i am a very loving mother, but strict, i want to give you an example, once my boys and i, well, the whole family were returning from vacation, on the way there was one child - probably twelve years old , he was always behaving not very well, and my children were listening, listening, all this, he was behaving very badly towards his to my mother, to my aunt, well from the point of view of our family, then my eldest son turned to his youngest son, they have a 9 year difference, looked, and said: "at this point, fedya, you and i would already be corpses." well, i don't beat them, of course, but they know unacceptable things,
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you can't yell at, well, at adults, that is , you can always calmly resolve something, so in some places i am very strict, yes. do your children also study at your university? no, my eldest son works, he graduated from another educational institution, also creative, already long ago, already on assignment. worked, and the youngest son studies in the same educational institution where i once studied a little, unfortunately, did not finish, but he is somehow more successful, he studies at the belarusian state choreographic gymnasium, college, hello, my name is ksyusha, are you lucky in love? yes, i am lucky in love, though it did not work out the first time, unfortunately, of course i would like it to work out right the first time. well, we have been living happily with our family for more than 20 years, how do you feel about divorces? such an interesting question, i am divorced.
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my first marriage ended in failure, i treat it as, you know, what, sometimes it is inevitable, but it is quite a big drama for all participants in this process, so of course i wish you all to find your love the first time and for life, maybe this is a utopia, but i believe that someone is lucky, as i hope my husband was. do you believe in love at first sight? no, i believe in sympathy at first sight, but in love at first sight, well, it is difficult for me to believe, because love is such a very a multifaceted feeling that is not only about passion, so i believe in sympathy, how did you meet your husband? did i teach him? he was the head of the group in which i was young.
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led the group of directors dance staging dances in performances, so when questions arise, he says: the question is not for me, i had a good teacher, so everything is fine with the classical solution of those performances that he did, so we also met at the university, this is such a difficult story, but here it is very happily ended for us and continues, ended, i hope.
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you are a public person, how do you choose your wardrobe? i come to the store to begin with, i buy things, i mainly buy belarusian things, that's all that i wear, in fact everything, belarusian conclusion, possibly shoes, although shoes too, then, because it is appropriate at the moment, i choose things for myself for that... occasion that suits, i also have some things sewn for myself by belarusian, naturally, craftsmen. did your style change when you became a rector? yes, i i didn't wear makeup before, well, no, no, i didn't use makeup off stage, now that i'm older i have to improve myself a little bit, well, there are more formal suits, because when you work as a teacher, a choreography
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student, a rector with this already.
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the job is stressful, i can read, sit down, well, when it's really hard, you need to add. i know, no, they don't have any concessions, concessions are expressed only in the fact that if they have, for example, some concert where they are busy, an important one, yes, a letter can come with request to postpone their exam, then
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the teacher goes to meet them, and there, let's say, not today, but tomorrow they take this exam, but you understand, as show business stars will still have to get a state diploma and do... here is one who knows something additionally, but far from this image of a beautiful media person, not for everyone, it seems to me, sometimes it is even more difficult for them, because someone asks them especially picky questions, but so far they have not complained, so far all show business stars successfully pass exams successfully study. phrase belarusian state university of culture and arts is a place where culture lives. now gooks are called as the word kulok, and as your student years were called different
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names, but it seems to me, now they just don't call it the word kulok, i am often asked how we feel about this, frankly speaking, we are quite nervous about it, you know, you can translate kulok there, i don't really like anglicisms, but nevertheless yes from the word to cultural, it can be, suffixes sometimes decide, kul'ternyekm, you know, the difference between pure and clean, here a person with a callous soul can be cultured,
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that is, outwardly he will be very polite, very much so, but uh, culture is generally cultivation and the desire to give, yes, to give your time, your soul and so on, if you have a hard time, that... that you create in a broad sense culture is everything, everything that you wear, everything that, well, appeared in an unnatural way, yes, somehow created by the labor of other people. do you consider yourself a cultured person? well, i try to get closer, yes, it's all the time
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process, because if i say: that's it, i'm cultured, and then i recognize my own perfection there, before i close myself, and i don't know, that's it, my development will stop, while a person lives, he must strive for something, develop somewhere.
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the next question from the purple sector, what role does a career play in your life? from reading more
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fiction, because i am forced to read mainly dissertations, and, well, there my own and other people's graduate students, from some kind of, probably, doing nothing, just like that idle, from unnecessary communication, well, although it is never unnecessary with your own children, well, some things related to time, that is, if it were possible to compress time, of course it would be possible... it would be possible to do more, but i try to do it, how do you manage to combine work and personal life? well, you just take and combine, well, what does personal life mean, i go to work, my husband goes to work, my husband also works at the same job that i do, only in a different position, there i can sometimes watch a performance that he has prepared students. the youngest son leaves for school at
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8:30 and comes back very late because he also has rehearsals, then there might be a performance and so on and so forth, we all come and combine things over dinner with conversations about, if we can also talk about how someone's day went, well, this is just ordinary life, i don't understand the division into work and personal life, that is... you know the concept in creativity - taste, so, do you think that you have
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good taste or not, i was once told that or i read somewhere, i don't remember, that taste is the ability to choose, not just find one thing, yes, but choose from a wide variety, what is more appropriate, for example, for a given situation, or for a given project, or for something else, or for you personally, so i hope.
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everything, i believe that a person should have a decent standard of living, sufficient, yes, decent, but it is even worse when satiety sets in, when you have everything, and you are already getting fat. you start, talent is a mandatory condition for creating something worthwhile, or you can achieve results through long work, well, of course, it's easier for talented people, it's just that the result is quicker and more interesting in an
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artistic sense, but without effort, even for a super-talented person, just amazing, well, nothing will work out, and do you have talent, what do you think? yeah, do you, person? i have talents, i don't think that i'm super-duper talented in terms of choreography, well, i'm very critical of myself, but i think i have, well, i wouldn't say that i have talent, probably teaching abilities, i'm just interested in it in itself and i'm interested in seeing this result in students, probably there is a talent in communicating with people, so that people move in the same direction. achieving some goals. we move on to the next question. red sector. please. i have a question, what was the most uncultured thing you have ever done? downright uncultured? now i have to think. ah, i
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allow myself, unfortunately, to use foul language. probably, yes. and so, well, i try not to. bottom, i don’t know, not to throw papers, by the way, this is also interesting, there is also a difference in cultures when you come to china, and it's an amazing country, an amazing nation and so on, i remember that my colleague was looking for, you know, a gum wrapper, where to throw it away, and there's no trash can anywhere, i say, i think they throw everything here, she doesn't, we came from belarus, we'll find a trash can now, in general, we'll throw it away, i can't throw this file like that. in general, we found this trash can with her, threw it away, then in the hotel we see, in general, an amazing hotel, a five-star hotel, everything is clean, clean, clean and there's a person, you know, smoking, he immediately throws it away, you know, the cigarette butt, right on the floor, he immediately comes up a person who cleans, but there are just a lot of them, they all need to be provided with work,
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some of them litter, others clean, and their place is very clean, but we can’t afford it, there aren’t many of us, so... we need to take care of everything we have, and well, we don’t need to be like them in this sense, but this is also a difference in culture. do you think your children are proud of you? i think so. yes, my children really want me to be a doctor of science, and i’m letting them down in this. for now. if you were told that
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a woman can’t be a leader, what would did you answer? let's check. can't be a leader, look at you, everything is in your very many, one of them is beautiful in front of your hands, it seems, a girl, examples of good ones by you, how do you treat modern youth, with love, honestly, i don't like phrases about how bad youth is, they said the same thing about us, before us they said the same thing about our parents. i understand that you are all very different, i don't generalize anyone, i'm not saying that there is some kind of generation there, everyone is very different, but really with great love and hope, i treat you. what do you think, how to cultivate patriotism in young people? well, listen,
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what do you think, you need to educate, your parents love you. well, yes, well, you live in this country, right, you love, well , the place where you live, there, i don’t know, your home, it’s clear that maybe you would like it to be a little better, yes, perhaps, perhaps you are satisfied with everything, it seems to me, i always say that education is not sitting down at your desks, so, let’s listen to everything about how to love, you should just, well, i understand for myself that... the best place for me, for me my country is the best, by the way, i never wanted to go anywhere, i always really liked it here, i fly straight to the airport and so... i feel good, you know, or they call and ask, well, how are you, for example, in some exotic country, they say, i love my homeland so much, especially when there are some difficult
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things associated with the difference in mentalities, and i realize that for them their homeland is the best, but for me mine, when you will reach my senior age, i hope that you will all feel that this is the best place for you. and hello, my name is katya, and what are you most afraid of? and i am afraid of war and i am always afraid for the health of my loved ones, but it seems to me that these are natural fears of any person, they especially worsen when a person has their own children, it seems to you now that everything is fine when you, i just remember. there now we will move from global topics to simple examples, when you climb fences as a child, you do not understand at all why your
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parents worry there, yes, when you have your own child, your heart skips a beat if he does something there, so of course these things that are basic, and well, i thought that i would never be afraid of war again, well, because in our time it was very relevant, everyone in my childhood was afraid, they were afraid and... i am so impressionable, but unfortunately, now we have to be afraid, so i am very grateful that we live in a country that holds on, and so well, these things, this is the most terrible thing, the next a question from the red sector, how well do you think our education is valued abroad, if you look at the number of foreigners, from which countries they study in the republic of belarus. then it is obvious that it is valued, because the number of those people who came from different countries, very
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highly developed ones, to study in the republic of belarus, it is increasing every year, there are a lot of them, subsequently these people find work for themselves, in our university, well, it so happened that there are a lot of students from the people's republic of china, well, you know, that china, i already said here, is a very highly developed country, believe me, china... can afford to choose education in any other country in the world, but nevertheless they come, and the most pleasant thing is when you come on a business trip, and those from different provinces of china, it is a large country in general and it takes quite a long time to fly, your graduates fly in, and in order to say thank you, or show something or something else, discuss some joint projects, therefore from this point of view, well... i see, how many foreigners not only in our university, but in another, everyone knows how to count money, they do not study for free, they spend it
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so that later they receive a decent level of salary in their country, or stay in ours, as it happens, so we work so that our level of education is valued everywhere, you. the opinion that the worst students achieve greater success, and do you agree with this? well, i have not seen very successful bad students, among those people who may be there, but i have not seen them, among, for example, my classmates, who graduated, i was not the only medalist, we had 11 people in the class who graduated with a medal, all quite successful people, for example, and those people who occupy, for example, high positions with us, well... none of them were c students, if not honors and excellent students, there are also a lot of those, then people
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studied quite well, so i don’t know where this myth comes from about how c students and c students achieve success, maybe, you know, due to this adventurism, maybe some, i'm here in some areas it's possible good, but there are areas where... it's just that, being a c or c student, you won't achieve anything, these are some high-tech processes and so on. is it true that student years are the most memorable? true, that's why i recommend everyone to study full-time, and well, i'm very glad that i studied for 5 years full-time, because in the process of studying at a university, it's not just about getting knowledge. connections are formed, connections are not in a bad sense of the word, in a good sense, yes, especially since we have such an industry-specific university, we
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- in fact, the majority of those who work with... culture graduated from our university at some point in different years, and this is very important, when, for example, a director knows an artist, an artist knows a choreographer, someone, yes, these are not questions of personal relationships, these are questions of, well, developing some kind of cooperative models that are then feasible in the production of a product, well, such a creative one, the same student teams that our students also have, they then remember how they went, for example, to a camp as counselors, and what they did there, so i think that yes, firstly, you are young, you are healthy, you have everything ahead of you, you do not have the burden of disappointments there, it seems that everything can be fixed, so it seems to me, yes, this is the best time, please tell me, one of the most unusual incidents from student years, a funny incident, i will tell you, well, i told you that my dad was a coach,
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a ballet coach, well, i mean, choreographers are all obsessed with - that is, with being thin, well, because boys need to raise girls and so on, and i took it from my dad, then there was no such opportunity to find all the equipment, which can be some kind of bologna pants, so that you sweat and lose weight in general and everything else, then i brought, so to someone else these bologna pants, and my classmate comes up to me with an absolutely serious look, it is very easy to fool me, i am very gullible, comes up and says natasha: and i say that in such a tragic voice, they told everyone who studies in bologna to come to the department, i am horrified, well because for us this is now with us students go to the department, to the dean's office, almost to the rector's office, well, like everyone at home, in our time it was like this, you were called to the department, i say what happened, i think that in general everything, now something will be done to us, and he is like, well, they told everyone who
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studies in bologna to come to the department, i say:
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do you think artificial intelligence can replace creative professions in the future? i really hope not, because artificial intelligence is still based on some indicators.


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