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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  August 16, 2024 5:05pm-5:36pm MSK

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slavgorod is located in a beautiful place, the confluence of two rivers, pronya and sosh. there is also an ancient settlement, zamkova hill and a magnificent landscape park. well, i feel quite comfortable in this town. don't be afraid, when you go out, you won't be cold. oh, oh, oh, i can't feel my legs, not just, i'm already worried, honestly, oh, it's already starting, wait, how about it, that's cool, right, you're ready, i am, of course, so what, how are you, how cool, i want more.
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the project was created with the support of the national tourism agency and the ministry antimonopoly regulation and trade of the republic of belarus. when the soul pushes to move forward, and the heart sings not to lag behind. and there is a thirst for travel and adventure. and on the way you always like to eat somewhere. yes, anywhere! belarusian cuisine is
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not only potato pancakes. see for yourself, because the cuisine is a reflection of the history, culture and character of the people. we will show what they eat in the west and east of our country, how they cook in the pre-vinnia and polesie. we are going on a journey to create a gastronomic map belarus. today in volkovysk i was treated to. karavay - a delicious work of art. pozharsky uhoy - the legacy of mr. pozharsky. tsibrikami. funny name, incredible taste. volkovysk-style cutlet. the most tender pork in a crispy crust. volkovysk is
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a small cozy town in the southwest of the grodno region. walking along the streets you can visit old churches or listen to gray legends. it is best to do this next to the wolf monument, which was erected in honor of the city's millennium. according to one legend, in in ancient times, a large number of wolves lived here, hence the name volkovysk. volkovysk is one of the five oldest cities in belarus, which means that it has a rich culinary history, i hope i will be able to try something new here. during its long history, the city has experienced many things: houses were built and destroyed here, people settled and left, but some things remained unchanged, and this is the beauty of the swedish mountain, which rises above volkovysk. just like in a fairy tale, you go to the right, to the swedish you'll get to the mountain, but it seems to me that before...
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i get there, i'll lose 2-3 kilograms, 32 per 100. there are several legends about how the swedish mountain got its name. according to one version, during the war, swedish soldiers buried their comrades in a mass grave and built a high mountain over it. another version says that these were not ordinary soldiers, but a great swedish military leader. the third version sounds more prosaic, but is more like the truth. the swedish headquarters was located on the mountain, although in fact the mountain has an older history, once upon a time there was a volkovysk fortress here, which was founded in the 10th century. even if you are not very keen on history, the swedish mountain... a very interesting place, because it is an excellent observation deck, the city is visible at a glance, beauty, and this is not the only place with a beautiful view, the recognized pearl of the volkovysk region is considered to be the krasnoselsky chalk quarries, oh, such beauty simply blinds the eye, finally
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you can enjoy the beauty of the krasnoselsky quarries absolutely legally and safely, congratulations to us tourists, there is an observation deck here. what kind of miracle are these chalk quarries? everything is very simple: they mine chalk, dig a huge hole, as soon as they have mined everything they could, the hole is filled with water with the help of a huge number of springs, the bath fills up very quickly and then this beauty appears. due to the fact that some amount of chalk still remains at the bottom, the water acquires such an amazing azure. shade. for the sake of a good photo of the belarusian maldives, many are ready to overcome the forests and off-road, even if it is against the rules. the quarry reservoir is called a lens. there are 14 such lenses in krasnoselsk, some are under development, some are already flooded. it is really dangerous to be here,
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i am even a little scared, but it is still worth looking and photographing. not far from the quarries is the village of novaya yatvs, which i simply could not pass by, bread is the head of everything, you can not only eat it, but also get aesthetic pleasure from one look at the bread, as you ask, i will show you now, chef, no, pastry chef, well also it seems not, oh, the main one for loaves, tamara ivanovna, hello, hello, this is how you greet me, i was stunned, well, really, in ancient russia, wedding loaves were prepared by karavainitsy, women who were happy in marriage and...
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rings were associated with marriage, a braid with the readiness of the bride to become a wife, this loaf, this is also a wedding loaf, this is a wedding, already in a new way, as they say, here these are already modern from sugar, these flowers were made, this is what we call swan fidelity, swans, so that they would be faithful, we also do it with basla.
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but all this is nonsense, compared to these bloods, they have a soul. history is written by people, they write it about people, so it is not surprising that the volkovysk military history museum is named after pyotr bagration. a lot is connected with pyotr ivanovich bagration in volkovysk, but if we consider the culinary history of the city. that in 1812 a real culinary revolution took place. i was very lucky to meet yegor in volkovysk. yegor is simply a storehouse of information about this period. yegor, what was the main problem napoleon's army? of the main problems, perhaps even the most basic one, is
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logistics. even if people didn't understand what this word represented, but on the rutted, flabby russian roads it was extremely. move, imagine, there was no field kitchen at that time, people with mess tins literally from the great french army cooked, well, where they fought, those were. strange times. food deliveries were constantly delayed, soon the french soldiers began to simply be given grain, from which they made flour mash on water or boiled porridge. the most enterprising of them prepared yeast-free dough, wrapped it around a stick or a shom half-musket and fried it over a fire. this is the kind of bread in the french style. it doesn't matter whether it's on our lands or all in france, the french cook very well, for sure. the french brought something to russian cuisine, that oh, well of course, besides
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the defeat, of course, they left many tasty dishes that our people use to this day, if you remember right away, it's probably kulezh, actually what the french ate during these long transitions, the dish itself was very nutritious, because first of all the cereal was thrown into the whole pot, which was already... soaked, then a little lard, meat there, and greens went, something like soup appeared and something like porridge, an incomprehensible mixture, but nevertheless it was a doping for soldiers of that time. it seems to me that all field dishes are created on this principle: throw as much of everything into the pot as possible, you get a simple, but satisfying and tasty dish. what do we have for dessert? charlotte, famous, i think, most of us now he can cook it. yes, the story with it is also very interesting, complicated, when alexander i entered paris in 1814,
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the russians and the french greeted him quite warmly. so one famous chef served him his dessert, which was called charlotte . they say that alexander i was so impressed by the dessert that he wanted to take the chef with him to russia. the yacht refused, but shared the recipe for charlotte. in general, how surprising, thanks to the royal family, in particular, alexander. the first, who was noble gourmet, a lot of tasty things appeared, for example, the pozharsky cutlet. in russia, the surname pozharsky is very well known and partly associated with cooking. everyone knows the pozharsky cutlets, which alexander sergeevich pushkin sang about in his poems. in belarus, there were also their pozharskys , mr. pozharsky, in the village of pozharovo. and so ...
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zharsky, at one time he dammed the lakes here and released carp, which still lives in them. oleg, let's get down to cooking then, let's, first of all, add this gauze, that is, we will cook the fish soup in gauze, right yes, it needs to be tied. this is done so that the broth turns out clear and rich. we use carp heads and tails. we lower our bag into the pot and immediately put the pshina there. yes, in the classic recipe it is used.
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8 years ago i cooked this grill and adapted handles to this cast iron pot so that it would sit here and thus i cooked, perhaps this cast iron pot saw the pozharskys themselves, i understood the secret of the pozharsky fish soup, the secret is not in a secret recipe, in old things, in ancient surnames, but in wonderful people. boil the fish for 15-20 minutes, then remove. during this time, oleg and i managed to peel the onion, carrots and potatoes. leave the onion whole, and cut the carrots and potatoes into large cubes and send them to the resulting broth. also throw in bay leaf, salt and black pepper. interestingly, dill inflorescences go into the fish soup whole, they will give the soup aroma and color.
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we used the fish in bags for the broth, we have already taken it out, this is the fish we will eat, correctly in the fish soup, this is carp, and notice, it's so weighty, fatty, good, and it's stupid to throw in a whole carp, so let's cut it up, let 's put the fish in the broth and cook until done, at the very end add parsley, hot pepper and spices, so them... the flavor will open up, but it won't boil down. oh, you should have seen what 's going on there, right now, what's happening, everything's boiling, bubbling, playing. let's let it steep a little , let's try, well, there's another little thing, here they are, and of course, belarusian traditions, well , by the way, for a long time i thought that it was just for the sake of a catchphrase, but no, the fact is that the alcoholic drink is given in times, the fish soup
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is ready, you can pour it into plates, just look at what a rich soup we got, i can't wait to try it recipe for pozharsky fish soup: take the tail and head of the carp, tie it in cheesecloth and boil for 15-20 minutes, also at the very beginning add millet, while the fish is boiling, clean and cut potatoes and carrots into large cubes, take out the fish, we will not need it anymore, throw vegetables, a whole onion, bay leaf into the broth leaf, salt, pepper and dill inflorescence, clean the carp from... the insides and cut into large pieces, put them in the broth and cook until done, at the end add finely chopped parsley, hot pepper and spices, in fact, oleg and i cooked, in fact , a simple fish soup, but due to the fact that the estate near
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the village has a great history, due to the fact that... you cook it yourself, due to the fact that we try this fish soup in such an amazing atmosphere, even with wooden carved spoons, this will be the best fish soup in my life, i 'm sure, and i was not mistaken, the taste is awesome, but i, by the way, i'll note that it is somewhat different from the traditional fish soup, i want to say that this fish soup has a very bright and piquant taste, it's delicious, fish soup, anywhere? if i were faced with a choice, fish or meat, i would not have found an answer. it's good that volkovysk doesn't have to choose, and there is plenty of the first and second here.
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every day we. to ensure that you receive the freshest and most useful information. the twenty-minute format allows us to tell you about what is happening in belarus and the world. take a linguistic walk in the company of our guides, find a new place on the map of belarus, which is definitely worth seeing, and also offer projects and films that will certainly become your favorites. this ... and much more awaits you in the project ether 24 on 7. watch on the tv channel belarus 24. our land through the eyes of foreigners. the belarusian people, first of all, are honest, clean, in all respects, hardworking, this is an educated nation that
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still reads a lot, this kindness, it is so ... and attitude to people, and as a state treats people, how businesses treat people, even some social payments, it's all, you know, how wonderful, watch the belarus 24 tv channel
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. i love meat very much, but i really love it, in volkovysk they love meat very much, but volkovysk also makes it well, i mean, it produces the most delicious sausage in the world, and how it happens, i'll show you now, what kind of sausages do not exist, boiled, smoked, liber dried, everything, i can't list them, my mouth is watering, but whatever sausage is not... sausages, deboning meat, which means separating the meat from the bone. previously, this was done manually, and this activity was considered quite dangerous and painstaking. now
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, special equipment is used for this. this is the best excursion in my life. there is such an incredible smell here, this is the future delicious palendvitsa. and this is buzhanina and kumpyachok. unlike sausage, they are made from whole meat, rubbed with spices, given. shape, and then sent to smoke and dry. these are different types of meat, this is ready-made minced cooked sausage. what beauty! both minced meats thoroughly mixed and salted, then put in the refrigerator. this is necessary so that the salt and protein enter into a chemical reaction. thanks to this, the mince becomes homogeneous, which allows the sausage to keep its shape and not fall apart. you can even conduct an experiment at home when you are ... cooking cutlets, salt half of the mince and put it in the refrigerator, cook the second one immediately. cutlets from chilled mince will be more homogeneous and will not fall apart. and we return to our
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sausage. after the mince is taken out of refrigerator, it is loaded into a kind of blender. the device behind me, well, really, it looks a lot like an unidentified flying object. and what it is doing with the minced meat now, in principle, is also something incomprehensible to me. what is happening there? the minced meat is mixed, chopped, dry milk and various spices are added to it to make a delicious sausage. the next stage is injection. i would never have thought, but after the minced meat is ready, it gets into the casing, is cut into the sausage, that is, it is formed only after this is steamed. when cooking, the minced meat increases in volume, and so that it does not break the casing, it is tamped not ... tightly, if you are interested in what that miracle pot looks like in which cooked sausage is cooked, then here it is, but in fact it is not a pot, it is a huge
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container, cooking occurs on the principle of a steamer, that is, with the help of steam, for 2 and a half hours the sausage is cooked here at a temperature of 78 °, after cooking the sausage is sent to a cold shower, a water shower occurs. thanks to this process, the sausage becomes more elastic, if you see a wrinkled sausage on the counter, know that it was not cooled after cooking, in this workshop, well, in principle, nothing special, the sausage dries and dries, and how nothing special, you see. that's it, i can't stand it, let me try this magnificence quickly, god,
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how many types of sausage are here, i won't count, i'll try something, i'll take the brightest first, there's no point in even trying to describe the taste of belarusian sausage, because our sausage is what... people from all over of the world come to our country, jokes are jokes, but there is a grain of truth in every joke, no matter how delicious the sausage is, you won’t get full with just one, so i’m on my way, i’ll have to cook another traditional belarusian dish, i noticed that in belarusian cuisine, the funnier and more original the name of the dish, the tastier it is, and today anna and i will cook: tsybriki, oh my god, how does it sound, tsybriki, what are tsybriki, it’s a potato dish, a potato dish, who would have doubted it, in belarus we will cook
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potato dish, well, let's do it so that the dinner is complete, in addition to the cibriks, we 'll cook something else, but here you 'll surprise me, i'm surprising, today we'll cook a cutlet in volkovys style, a cutlet in volkovyska style, but we'll start with cibriks. we grate the potatoes, add a little flour, salt, pepper and liaison, this is the name of a mixture of eggs, milk, water and a pinch of salt. in the dough, liaison plays a binding role, which is why it is translated from french as a connection. so, the dough is ready, and what are we making from it, judging by everything? i shape the cibriks, and you roll them into licks, like this. here. how masterfully you do it, i also sculpted in the sandbox as a child, everything worked out, but i didn’t know that cibriks were made, after that we bread our potato cutlets in
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breadcrumbs, i don’t know, it seems to me that guests from other countries - just having ordered this dish, will laugh for half an hour, i don’t even know what it is, but such an amazingly colorful name, you know, i understand that belarusian cuisine, yes, in this form, it is very simple, but look at what it is cheerful, the tsibriki are ready, well almost, now they need to be deep-fried, in essence we get potato donuts, how lovely, anna, what are volkovysk cutlets? i see that you have already prepared a platform for yourself in advance, and this is a chop, yes, this is a chop, that is, i will also have to make a chop, i grated the potatoes for you, volodya, and you will beat the meat yourself, i like the approach to business of the volkovysk girls, we took pork tenderloin, we beat it well on one side, making it as thin as possible, after which season the meat with spices put a piece of...
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amazing crispy crust that will seal all the juices inside the cutlet. recipe for cibriks cutlets in volkovysk style. for cibriks , mix the dough from grated potatoes, flour, salt, pepper and lyaison. then mold them into cutlets, bread them in breadcrumbs and deep-fry. for the cutlet in volkovysk style, take pork tenderloin and beat it as thin as possible. season with spices, put a piece
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of butter from. wrap it in a roll, pinching the ends, dip the resulting cutlet in lyaison, roll in breadcrumbs and so on twice, then send it to the deep fryer, simple, fast and apparently very satisfying, a cutlet in volkovysk style and tsybriks, let's try it, i'll start with something simpler, in my opinion, these are tsybriks, it seems to me that such a dish would be an ideal snack. for foamy drinks, well, for example, kvass. the tsybriks have a crispy crust on the outside, but the inside is soft, it's also very convenient to dip them in sauce, i got garlic, but i think sour cream would also be great. come to me, a cutlet in volkovysk style. oh, ours turned out to be ruddy, crispy, probably delicious. i want i can tell you that double breading is
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a very correct thing, it. printed oil inside the cutlet, the pork absorbed the oil, it did not go anywhere as a result, voila, a juicy piece on a beautiful fork, a ruddy crust on the outside, tender meat inside, a distinct taste of butter and spices that make the taste of pork richer. the fact that this dish was invented in volkovysk confirms my guess. volkovysk loves meat. they know how to cook it. kiev cutlet, unfresh cutlet, pozharsky cutlet. volkovysk cutlet is in no way inferior to them and is worthy continue this series. since ancient times, the most important event for any city was the receipt of magdeburg rights. the most important culinary event for any city is still the appearance of a named dish,
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volkovysk has one. haven't tried it. come and try it.


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