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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  August 16, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm MSK

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the sin of drinking wine, this is a piece of relics that came to us from greece, the answers to these and other questions in the spiritual and educational projects on the belarus 24 tv channel . some sociologists believe that a professional interior sociologist is a bad interior, sociologists themselves, as a rule, do not conduct surveys. bone confirmation
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that we do not fill out our questionnaires on our knees, sociologists who have degrees, doctors, candidates of science, they make some discoveries in each of their fields, here 10 thousand people is an informative sample for belarus, everyone wants to become bloggers, not astronauts, sociology is an exact science, when a person comes up with a questionnaire, well , a person came up with a questionnaire, you have to respect the person, eastern mentality, there is a demand from the population to participate in surveys, and has it ever happened that the results? research surprised you, well, this is not a school test, there are no mistakes here, the main thing is respect for people, that's what the youth said, and for us authority is just a very important story. hello, the program is on air. tell me not
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shut up, tatyana shcherbina and victoria popova are in the studio. and today our guest is nikolai sukhotsky, deputy director of the institute of sociology of the national academy of sciences of belarus . hello, nikolai nikolaevich. hello. good afternoon. we are very glad to see you in our studio and we will start right away with such a short video. many probably remember the sociologist played by tatyana vasilyeva, the most charming and attractive in the film. let's watch a short fragment. young man, yes, allow me to ask you one test question, please, here's how you what would you do if you met a young attractive woman on the street, and you walked past, b, looked after her, you would invite her to your home for a cup of coffee with all the ensuing consequences, answer without thinking, i can't think without thinking, because it's not clear to me what consequences could follow from...
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on the generally dominant sociologist, who is trying, probably, even somewhere to form some point of view in the respondent, so to speak, in quotes, but the performance of this artist and of course here we see a very short social distance, abbreviated, so of course sociologists do not work like that, that is, well, this is such an illustration, it shows, probably, in general, such a stereotypical image of a sociologist, but we... know
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that sociologists themselves, as a rule, do not conduct surveys, this is entrusted to the interior, well, there is such a profession, let's say, or to the call center operator, that is, sociologists are in the office, processing, analyzing data, a large army of interiors, call center operators conducts surveys directly, it is really difficult to work directly with people, because we know how much people may not want to participate in questions, refuse to participate, here already.
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pretend to be sociologists, whoever they have already introduced themselves to be, i think it is unlikely, because here you need to develop a questionnaire, a toolkit, and for this you need to work very hard and be professionals in the sociological field itself, and it seems to me that they will not want to ask a lot of questions, that is, they have other methods, but to unfortunately, as before, it was scammers there with bita and something else, now it is of course cybercriminals who use the most serious... psychological methods of influencing a person, resorting to emotions, the strongest, everything that is connected with relatives, with loved ones, when a person can lose control over himself, in such a state of effect he can generally take some actions connected with the transfer of money and so on, therefore, of course, for
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sociologists now is a difficult period and we are over we work with this too, and how do you protect yourself? of course, we protect our respondents in every possible way in terms of the fact that for each survey, he can also confirm with passport data, he carries documents with him that confirm his identity, so you can always contact our institute, clarify whether such a survey is being conducted, you can also do it on the website, because on the website we now have constant information about what surveys are being conducted and...
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an interior sociologist is a bad interior, so basically these are, of course, ordinary citizens, but these are mainly women, of course, middle-aged and older women who work or worked in the field of education, in a field related to social issues, that is, this is work with people, this is quite stressful, let's say , work, because you go from house to house, from apartment to apartment, somewhere they will answer you, somewhere they will close the door in front of you. that is, different situations happen, unfortunately, or well, let's say this way, this is a confirmation of our work, that we really do conduct surveys, this happens, the truth is that he rarely calls the police, of course, and we do call each other and we say that this is our survey, and this is really so, that is, we need
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to confirm, but i say that this is a bone confirmation that we do not fill out our questionnaires on our knees, a lot of work is being done and behind the surveys, so that you understand, behind these figures there is a huge amount of work by operators. he says that sociology is often perceived as a field of public opinion research, that is, only survey activity, but this is not entirely true, because in addition to surveys, in addition to such pollster, as it is called , activity, we also analyze trends in general, tendencies that exist in society,
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there is a huge industry, as i already said, not only surveys, but also fundamental science, that is, sociologists who have degrees, doctors... that this planning horizon, it has narrowed very much, it is very difficult to plan for many years, we are now looking at a month, a year ahead, it is very difficult to look further, because well, we know the phenomenon of black swans, which generally arrive our plans somehow change dramatically,
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so of course sociology should now be largely engaged in social analytics, that is, not just provide data, but explain this data, try to forecast. belarus, for example, is one of the most urbanized countries in the world, that is, our population strives to go to cities, again, what can this lead to, what problems, consequences can there be, we must understand this, or, for example, in our questions, the majority of the population say that they would like to have two children, but in fact we know that according to family statistics, they can be one-child, yes, for various reasons, therefore , sociologists can suggest to the state some problematic...
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what needs to be done, even if we take small work collectives, there can also be problems there, and sociologists say, here it is necessary to pay attention to the following problem, by the way, there was such a soviet film, my own opinion, where sociologists conducted a survey of the opinions of workers at a specific enterprise, we have a fragment, let's let's see, i've looked at your preliminary data and i think it's necessary to discuss them at the port committee in the near future, it's premature, and i, as the head
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of the group, will categorically object. understand, konstantinov, we collect data, then they need to be processed, only after that we can give you recommendations, analyses. when can you present them? well, in about three months. in two months we are obliged to launch a new series. if your forecast turns out to be correct, we will ruin not only our plan. few of such a plan, and it is precisely this reflects the boom of factory sociology, there really were such people at
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large enterprises who worked and studied teams, and here is a very important point, sociology is an exact science, no matter how we say that we do not claim absolute knowledge about society, but we are precise in our methods, and just the same - the head of the group , sociologist chursina, yes, her character says that we must check everything, because the conclusions that are provided, again here ... in the film they were hired, they are paid for this work, they spend several days or even weeks work at the enterprise, watch, observe, conduct surveys, work using the method of participant observation, just their results will be put on the table and will become the basis for a management decision, perhaps even a cardinal one, as in this film, and we also see one moment that one of the company's managers says that there is no time, there is so much time, because one of the complaints about sociologists in ... what is often the case with customers, how long will the survey last, and if we say that it is necessary
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preparatory work, a sociological research program is needed, you need to work on the tools, on the questionnaire, and then conduct this research, then process the data, if it lasts for 2-3 weeks a month, well, the customer may not be satisfied with this, he needs it here now, that is , the situation may go away, you see, management decisions can cost some money, finances, so this is also the role of sociology:
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did not call, that is, they themselves want and talk a lot, but again i will not say that belarusians are very talkative and a lot they talk on the phone there, yes, or they strive to participate in the questions, there may be some comparative sociology here, i was told that in iran, for example, when they called about telephone surveys, people talk a lot and try to speak out, well, this is such a story, maybe a feature, you need to tell more, well, you understand that the problem of accessibility is growing all over the world. the same surveys, again, there are many people who can refuse surveys, well, you must understand, for example, what is the complexity of our industry, sociological research, in that not all people agree, people can refuse, but even more so at a company, when they come to you, like the heroes of this film approached the employees and asked what you are not happy with, why this employee works better and this one works worse, and
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you need to answer them directly, eye to eye, and here, of course, there is art, because i also have a lot... to tell a person that this is not a school test, there are no mistakes here, that is, this is a person's opinion, yes, it can change, say tomorrow or in half an hour, but for now the moment the person answers in this way, and as we say, public opinion, it can be another interesting phenomenon, because the person did not think, maybe about these questions that the sociologist asks him about, yes, that's why the person lives, he
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lives his everyday life, then the sociologist comes and says, what do you think about this?
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he said that you don't need to eat the whole pot of soup, yes, it's enough to try one spoon, stir it well, try it, in principle, we understand the taste of soup, and so it is here, you can survey 1.00 people, then survey 10,000, 20,000, in principle it will be within the margin of error, the situation is the same, again, well, these are our standards, and has it ever happened that the results of the research, well, surprised you,
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that is, the result was not what was expected. well, i think that in every study there are such moments, although there is a hypothesis, and we have a rough idea of ​​how people can answer, but let's say, in twenty- third year there was a survey of pensioners, it is believed that pensioners are people who are subject to, let's say, some naivety, gullibility to some extent, and when faced with scammers, they don't know about it, they can give in, but no, that is, most pensioners... they know what to do in this situation, we even have examples where grandmothers kept scammers on the phone for a long time, called the police, and this really.
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this will be one of the first positions, but no, it ended up in the last, the main thing is the respect of people, that what the youth said, let's return to this topic, and the youth very interesting after the break, and for now we'll take a break, for a while, i remind you, we have a telegram channel, say don't be silent, subscribe, ask questions and suggest guests, we are in touch. we tell you how to choose quality products for healthy dishes? pay
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attention to the color. each type of vegetable has its own color, if it is darker or brighter than usual, then it may contain a large amount of nitrates. be sure to ask where the garlic was produced, it is best to take the one that grew in a hot climate. the right breakfast. the key to health and good mood, yes, today we will make a healthy version of pizza that can be eaten by everyone without exception, it is believed that turkey is one of the most dietary good types of meat that we can use in our diet, unforgettable about invigorating exercise, we pay attention to the position of our lower back, we try, when we squat, to put emphasis on the heels in order to use our buttocks as much as possible, we gently roll our shoulders back. make a full circle, we feel how our shoulder blades gather, they are shaken and vigorous and cheerful went into a new day, watch the project breakfast of the champion on
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the belarus 24 tv channel, what for belarusians is a familiar life, for others it may seem like real exoticism, good morning, friends, rooster, yes, that's how it is with us, good! until the morning, and how does your rooster crow, kikiriki, kikerki, seriously, friends, any trip to an unfamiliar city, you need to start in the museum, where i will tell you how to build the right route to see interesting places, but it is easy to become your own in a foreign country, you just need to get acquainted with its history and culture, this 500... year old oak tree that can make a wish come true, oh, well,
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i don't think i want to leave here, i would definitely stay here for a week to live, watch the travel show, like home on our tv channel. the program "say don't be silent" is on the air again, and today our guest is nikolai sukhotsky, deputy director of the institute of sociology of the national academy of sciences. nikolai, well, i would still like to turn to some of your surveys, in particular to the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus, the institute of sociology conducted a study of historical memory in sociological dimension. and what is interesting, absolutely. the majority of respondents believe that it is important for a modern belarusian to know the history of his country, more than 99% answered so, while the opposite is true for only
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6%. well, 2 found it difficult to answer, while 91% are interested in the past of our country (slightly more there 91.3), but 7.5% reported indifference to this issue. among famous heroes... 33% is certainly a considerable figure, but we look at what the majority named, and we need to understand that in general... in the post-soviet space, the topic of historical competence, it is generally declining significantly, this is due to - a change of generations, in fact, and if we look at the context
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in general, in the context of higher education, let's say, secondary education, then people with higher education will more often call the hero of the great patriotic war, if we look at the context of age, then of course the middle generation and the older generation call the youth less often, therefore, of course , here as sociologists we can say that we need to strengthen work with young people, yes in in the plan, it is the heroes of the great patriotic war, so that young people know, understand, although it seems to me that work is being done anyway.
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preferences, we see that in first place in this year's research on tourism are historical monuments, we have a very strong explosive growth in the interests of the population, that is, what is interesting, what people visit, because more and more different objects of this kind are opening up here and i think that it is interesting for both young people and the older generation, the middle generation, for young people, probably, these are some interactive things, this is everything that is connected with military-patriotic education, because it... it seems to me, they organically complement each other, just, well, it seems to me, not only the brest fortress, not only the bunich field and some other objects, in our country there really are a lot of objects, well, now the prosecutor general's office is doing a lot of work on the genocide of the belarusian people, and again, there are also many points that i would like to visit, see, but really, this is not an entertaining event, but this is something that
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is connected with our past, something that needs to be known, and this is precisely what forms, well, let's say, a healthy, correct historical consciousness, because, for example, i looked at a survey of british sociologists this year, who won the second world war, who made the most important contribution, and it is clear that in first place is britain, the united states of america, and the soviet union 6% on par with france, well, you understand, everyone forms their own historical policy, they have one, we we should...
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we know that visual culture plays a big role now, yes, mass culture, and through content, through feature films, documentaries, films, again to the youth, well, i think that a lot of information gets through, we asked what is the best film belarus film of all the years, do you think, well, most, most -
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for them, mobility is characteristic in many ways, the financial factor is also important for them, this must be recognized, and of course, when we see that... the youth, they are like that, it does not mean that they are bad, that is, i see great potential of the belarusian youth, of course, this is the digital generation, which is already now, one can say, they are born with a gadget in their hand, of course, in many ways it atomizes them, individualizes them, but they generally grow up in a team, in society, and seeing our generation, they can adopt some good practices, practices of both corporate culture, practices of our events. this is you, and you believe in continuity, i just remember, you gave an example of a youth survey there that surprised you, and i remembered how putin said that he was surprised that everyone wants to become bloggers, not astronauts, that's good, well
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, marina vasilevskaya can be a role model for us now, although of course, according to surveys, young people strive to become economists, lawyers, it specialists, doctors are also always not bloggers, but we don't have such a situation. probably, it is present, yes, we are not as emotional as cubans, venezuelans and so on, i remember that russian sociologists also gave an example of a very accurate survey during the presidential elections in venezuela, i asked how you did it, they said, we they did it based on comments on the internet, i
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say, how is that possible, they say, well , the venezuelans, they wrote very emotionally, not many comments, so with the help of the methodology we calculated everything clearly, that is, also an interesting example, well, it seems to me that belarusians are not so emotional. yes, we, as television people, know that an extra comment is really expensive. another recent study, let's remember, the institute conducted in the first quarter of this year, studied the attitudes of the country's residents to domestic products and 47% of survey participants, the survey on average 46%. but only 7% of respondents noted low quality, that is, not even 1%. well, for what purpose was this carried out?
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space for sure, and those food products, cosmetics, there, by the way, we also saw from the study that women, naturally, more than men, evaluate cosmetic products, men mainly evaluated - products of the heavy industry, these are our machine-building giants, i think that the information occasion itself, the fact that the media actively disseminated this information, and we gave comments to the media, this is already in in general, a good result, again , experts can develop this topic, journalists can film reports on this topic, that is, this can be a starting point for filming a good report, if we see that the product is popular, we need to look at what the formula for success is, why this product is so successful, why belarusian ice cream is the most
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delicious and so on, that is, here it seems to me a very fertile topic and the light industry as well as the merch of the first and various other products. they are well clearly popular in society, well products yes , the overwhelming majority of our citizens call food products, yes, in the leaders, but 0.6% said that they cannot name any belarusian domestically produced goods from the list that they would like, if we are talking about the fact that your sample is informative, this is an alarming sign 0.6 does not like at all, no, this is not.
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maybe a character trait, because we have such, yes, even in our mentality we want to be like people. well, look at your neighbor, well, so that he is not worse than others, but at the same time in belarus there is no big social inequality, clearly expressed, we are all basically more or less, everything is approximately the same, approximately the same, therefore, of course, what is the resource for pride, it was necessary to think somewhere, it was necessary to look around, well, because it is clear, we often say, we have the most beautiful women, this is really true, and the cleanest cities. leading, of course, yes, but we have a lot of good
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products, really, we have nothing to hide, really, somewhere i even transfer to scientific activity, modern scientists, well, since i represent the national academy of sciences of belarus, modern scientists are not only those who do something in their office, write, a modern scientist must, relatively speaking, sell their products, find a customer, that is, not just write an article and someone will see this article somewhere, you need to be able to advertise yourself, you need to be able to present yourself, that is... in science there is also a certain drive, you just have to be a manager somewhere, that is, you are a scientist, at the same time you show the significance of your work, because well, really scientific the organization that i represent, i mean the scientific and production corporation academy of sciences - it is more than 14,000 people, it is 110 organizations, and there it is electric cars before studying public opinion, therefore 14,000, more than 14,000 people, many organizations, not only in minsk we are located, so you can be a permanent gold standard. industries, as you understand,
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therefore here we also generally try to keep up with the times, because a sociologist, it seems to me, is a person who should be clearly in trends, that is, he must keep up, but this problem, it generally concerns everything, well, i mean the inability to sell yourself, what is this connected with? again, i think that in many ways we have not fully rebuilt ourselves onto these market rails, yes, is it necessary, this is a debatable question in general, because we are still going our own way, we have our own belarusian economic, i also have a feeling that we have not decided whether we need it or not, here is your answer, there should be a golden mean, a golden mean the middle, because as they say, here is the policy of china, for example, yes, there is socialism and at the same time a market, yes, but they have something of their own, you need to take the best from there. from there, in general, i understand that you need to be
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quite agile, you need to be enterprising, you need to be proactive, all these qualities need to be developed not only by scientists there, yes, probably, in the modern world you need to be able to show yourself, be able, as i say, to sell your products in a good sense, well, the president often talks about this speaks and demands that officials not just sit in place, but get out of their offices and work, well now we have big ones opening...
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sociology, which really can be such a direction that forms can be used in order to form some point of view, but the institute of sociology is not involved in this in any way, you we naturally conduct surveys with the purpose of finding out something either for the customer or... within the framework of our monitoring, that is, ongoing research, naturally, when a person
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answers questions, he is about something thinks, even about something he hasn't thought about before this minute, it's clear that , well, just after we've asked a question about something, a person already begins to reason, to think, to enter into an internal dialogue with himself, and in principle, well, he will already be informed about some problem, which, let's say, exists, but we must understand: that people are not experts, to ask - some question about nuclear energy, which will be specialized or something, i don't know, it is very connected with your activity narrow, it is impossible, because the questionnaire it... should be essentially understandable for both the professor and the ordinary citizen, this is the complexity of working on the toolkit, it is necessary to test the questionnaire, we do pilot studies, how it works, how the questions worked, because sometimes the survey did not work or the questionnaire did not work, therefore here the apparent simplicity of working on
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the toolkit is the great work of sociologists, and now we will take a short break, after a short break we will return to this studio again, for now subscribe to our. 24th program "good morning" belarus, my name is svetlana borovskaya. getting to know the amazing people of our country. and what can you think about here, like this, look around, beautiful, beautiful, everything goes away, everything seems to be left behind, listen, oh, oh, you 're biting, oh, wait, there's some horse there, and
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there's still a lot of useful and interesting information, oh, only he's still, he's very alive, very alive, we need to wait a little, we need to wait a little, let him calm down, yes, because a freshly straightened song, yeah, now i i'll mix rice with mushrooms, fried onions, we'll stuff me with this, oh, adopt me, mom, don't be offended, mommy, darling, it's so good in this family, good country belarus. their life in polesie villages and agro-towns , contrary to all stereotypes, is bright and rich, all my free minutes i ran to the river with fishing rods or just wandered around, looked at this beauty, and we never returned empty-handed in childhood, there used to be
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a lot of fish, now there is a lot, i am connected with this river as childhood years. because i love them, they understand me, watch the poleshuki project on the belarus 24 tv channel, on air
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again say don't be silent, our guest today is the deputy director of the institute. sociology of the national academy of sciences, nikolai sukhotsky. summer, as you know, is vacation time, such a banality, but we could not help but ask about the tourist preferences of belarusians, just as the institute of sociology issued a fresh survey, the majority of respondents this year do not plan to travel abroad during their vacation or weekends, only 13% expressed their intention to do so. in relation to rest in the territory of the native country.
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places, word of mouth works, and where have you been, where have you been, here there is still a place, well , even i can give you an example, last year i visited mogilev for such a tourist purpose, with my family, and i... rediscovered this city, because i used to be like that, you know, passing through, well mogilev and mogilev, we have such cities that are branded in
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many ways, well, many people understand that grodno is such an interesting city, yes, brest is also included there, minsk is clear, minsk is the capital, it will always be at the top, as they say, well, it seems to me, mogilev is a city that should, well, not exactly be tasted, yes, but visited, and there really are streets there that are very -
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you remember, it is very beautiful, of course, there is also a gorgeous castle, but the mundane one is immediately visualized, that is, like a picture, again tying, probably, with the products that we have already talked about, gorgeous products, you can basically go somewhere to try some authentic cuisine, because everywhere somewhere there is something, kobrin ice cream, we know, yes, batkova bun in svisloche in the grodno region, that is, well , there are many sources that are already branded in principle. namely in their area, that is, they bring glory, well, like pinsk cucumbers, for example, and you give some recommendations based on the results of your research,
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to some specific ministry, department or officials, that they should pay attention to this, we found out that this and that is missing, look, well , sometimes the numbers speak for themselves, people are all literate, sometimes our customers say, we don’t need analytics, but we need numbers, and we just give numbers, but often we... very, of course, do consulting, we make proposals, recommendations in accordance with which, in general , a management decision can be made, and how do you convey, in fact, the results of your research to the public, we have social networks, a telegram channel, a vkontakte page, of course, a website - this is probably the main resource, now , well, not a week goes by, probably, without representatives of the media calling us, that is, every week journalists contact us, asking to comment on something, they invite to various...
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you need an outside view and sociologists help to show what we have, look, there is something to be proud of, attention, of course, because we are trying in every possible way to improve people's lives, although we understand that there is a certain skepticism about our work among many citizens, and probably among officials, it can be, because really only, probably, having encountered our work, having seen how we do it all, how we approach it responsibly to work, how we value... our authority , name, because in sociology the most important part of the work is the image of the organization, authority, it is developed
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over the years, it is easy to lose, naturally, and for... this is a very important story, because we try our best to fulfill the wishes of the customer, we always try to see through their eyes, what they need, well , we also saw an excerpt from the film our own opinion, we often need a little more time, just so that to make sure that our conclusions are weighty, so that we can say, yes, we are absolutely sure of this, and we consider it this way, well, on your decision, what is called... because sociology is often a tool that resolves many conflict situations, well, let's remember 2019, when, on the instructions of russian president vladimir putin , a survey was conducted in yekaterinburg, a sociological survey that resolved the problem of building a temple, there was a temple or a park, there it was necessary to decide, there in the park, in general, they were supposed to build a temple, and naturally, it wasn't that the population was against the construction of the temple, it was the problem
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of the location, and the majority of the population said that they... were against the construction in this place, and the temple was built in another place, so the situation was resolved with the help of a sociological study, a sociological survey, quite prompt, and there they didn't just ask one or two questions, there was a questionnaire, i think, with more than forty questions, and there were questions inside related to this problematic issue, and they decided very a problematic situation, because it basically came to confrontation between citizens, have they ever asked the question, in which month is the population in the worst mood... such questions are not connected with historical memory, with quality and so on. no, look, well , sociologists, well, russian ones, i saw that they ask, have they even played such questions on their friends, well, we, unfortunately, don't have such a luxury of asking joke questions, probably, especially often, but questions that indirectly help us we certainly
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have interesting moments, but what concerns trends related to a specific time, right? if we ask a taxi driver, any taxi driver, what is the worst month for making money, he will say, this month, what do you think, august, no, it is february, this is february, and just sociology, we conduct research every month from year to year, we see that the lowest social well-being, i'm not saying that it is very low, it is just lower compared to other months, there is a little bit of negativity there more, this is the month of february, well , it goes a little bit into march, but in february. this is the main month, so you understand, the new year holidays are over, spring has not yet arrived, there is no money, march, by march 8th we need to somehow prepare financially, yes, so of course, we celebrate such moments, they are quite interesting, such social facts, as they say, well, in the summer , naturally, people's mood is also more positive, nikolay, well, we really believed in the potential of sociology today, thanks to you,
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thank you very much for coming to us in studio to tell. opportunity, participate in questions, and of course, working in work collectives, communicating with family, hear each other, talk to each other, take a break from gadgets, look at each other, say kind words, be in society, be with each other, frank, sincere, because it seems to me, this is
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a very important sociological factor and generally universal, established tradition i will ask you to leave your autograph and a few words for our viewers, i wish, probably, optimism patriotism, it seems to me, that a positive attitude and a patriotic position are needed, because at the moment... it seems to me that it is very important for our society to be strong, solid, monolithic, consolidated, so that we can do a lot together for the benefit of our country.
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hello, this is a meeting, hello, there we saw a small ice-field of bees, a window, well , now please, find where they live here in our premises, here are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and now find the living ones, except for me, traveling is an opportunity to try something new and, of course, to join the unique folk art, belarus to smile,
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well, children on stage - it's always something about sincerity, and about a smile, about light and purity, it's incredible, i actually remember when i was a child and performed on stage, what stress i experienced, oh, snowfall, the route is built on the belarus 24 tv channel in our show , cheat sheets will not help the participants, you can only count on your own strength, the game will be fire, guys, i know that you hear me too, light up today on our intellectual show, vasya, let's start! first round, is it true that the diving beetle is a predator? no, i met a diving beetle, it looks like a small bead in the water, is it true that sometimes cabbage rolls are lazy? my grandmother cooked lazy
8:59 pm
cabbage rolls. oh, hello grandma, right? what question does not require an answer? for example, there is no help in this house, yes here, well there should be no answer, an example from life, yes i do. i understand, watch the intellectual and entertainment project, i know, on the belarus 244 tv channel
9:00 pm
. this is a panorama, we summarize the main results of the day on calendar friday, august 16, see our issue. what is it like to be at the center of the planet's geostrategic interests? the president held a meeting on military security and received a report from the chairman of the council of the republic.


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