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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  August 17, 2024 4:45pm-6:10pm MSK

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and i look at your age without envy, but simply with such i stand in your place, i enjoy life, only my pleasures will not end, i continue, like you, to enjoy life, a little from a different position in a different way, i call you to responsibility, to remember that your youth will end in old age, to prepare for it, but not to prepare specially there is some kind of special regime , everything, to live in such a way as to know that you have lived.
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because the rest of your life period, when it has already passed, you have some experience from this life, and you understand what you are capable of in general, so for me old age is a very good conclusion from our lived life, your answer is generally worthy of admiration, and i see that ...
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what you learned, what you left behind, what kind of people you raised, if such people exist, at this moment life is hidden, if not completely, then you understand how important a person you were, how valuable you were to this world and the people around you? your answer is a continuation of the previous answer, they are both correct, they complement continue, your answer continues that answer, and what does this mean, what? it's not by chance that he is a talented person, educated, two or three more questions are enough and you can do this about the whole audience, if you are all the same, approximately yes, then you have gone through education, you are absolutely correct, everything is the same as the previous answer, congratulations, i am happy, well, of course, personally i imagine it as when a rather difficult period, let's say, it... has already been lived through,
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when it was necessary to work, study, when there really is a lot of time for something not enough, that's exactly for me, imagining myself in old age, when that very time when you can't think about the fact that you have to go and do something there without fail, that's exactly the time of rest, when you rest, when you deserve this rest, that you worked, you studied, and you can, you devote more time to yourself, that's what you really want, yes, of course, in youth, everywhere you also devote time to yourself, but this is exactly like... rest dedicated specifically to yourself, that's exactly what i feel and sense, well great, well great, thank you very much, great answers, red sector, please, your turn, and i think that old age is a time when you already know a lot of things, you understand something in this life, uh, you, well, i also think that you deserve to rest after such a big... life, like when you
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have already learned a lot, and you can continue your life until the end, great, great, and despite the other answers, i personally think that many people take old age very seriously, you can say, like - to start a new life, yes, the end, but personally i do not see in there is nothing serious or deplorable about this, one might say, because this is...
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the last answer to the last question, because the brilliant and as if they summed it up, they described you as bright representatives of today's youth, therefore... if i had any doubts before the program, now you have raised my youth perception rating to an unexpected height for me, thank you for this, thank you, pass on my words to the parents, so, honored artist of belarus, vladislav miseevich, is a guest on the program 100 questions for an adult today, i am waiting for you at entrance to the site, thank you. thank you, child, but here i will ask you to stay. vladislav lyudvikovich, how do you think, did you cope with our children's audience today? i just had a great time, well, i got a lot of information, a lot of impressions. what was the most
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difficult question for you today? everything, everything was within the limits of what i was ready for, i understood the children, i hope that they understood me too. five questions, tell me, if we invite you again, will you agree to come, this word, i will come running, i will come, i can even walk, invite me i will learn new song, i appeal to our young audience, tell me, do you think that our hero was maximally frank with you today, who thinks so, raise your hands, our hero today was very honest, because even when he told about his life, he tried to literally tell every moment, these answers are worthy even more than... like our system, and i think that he was maximally honest with us and not only did not look down on us, but also tried to be a friend and mentor to us in life. the hero seemed very open, because when he he told us, we plunged into his life, and
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it felt like we were communicating with him not, not here now, but that we had known him for many, many years, and to whom it seemed that our hero today. he was being a little disingenuous, not telling us something, there are no such people, well, yes, indeed, our hero is very attractive, it's true, vladislav lyudvigovich, we have such a rule, the last word is always for the hero, sum up the conversation that took place, it was nice to hear, i also didn't feel this line, that there was eternity between us, i also felt the sophistication of the environment, like as if i were sitting at the same desk in the same class and...
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we have forgotten how to enjoy the little things, to be surprised, to feel the connection between times and generations, to simply notice. but every day is made up of traditions. today, a year or a century ago, everything that is considered ancient was once new. we ourselves, without noticing it, pass on knowledge and experience through generations. it is in
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our smile. hand waves. in such a familiar look, from simple happy moments real traditions are formed. we are proud of the heritage of our ancestors, we value the past for our present. belarus 24. can we help you soon, hello, we have bleeding, what kind, uterine, how old is the patient? 35 years old, 40 weeks, urgently, please, and what
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, there were no contractions, there were contractions, oh, come, come quickly, please, what kind of people, second, we expect you soon. thank you, we are waiting for you, quickly! how is your condition? lost a lot of blood. the mother called an ambulance when she saw that the whole bed was covered in blood. where is the child? on the evening of august 19, 2023 , a woman in serious condition was admitted to the nesvezh maternity hospital. the mother called an ambulance when discovered that her daughter was bleeding profusely. the exhausted mother had lost a lot of blood and urgently needed help. tyana, you are in the hospital and are not fresh, you were born on your own, where is the baby?
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it turned out that tatyana could have become a mother of twins, but at the time of admission.
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newborns, like no one else, need medical and maternal care, the cut umbilical cord indicated that the child had come into the world, but where is he? in such cases, doctors are obliged to report the disappearance of the baby to the police. we are not talking about death, but law enforcement officers must conduct an investigation. considering that there was a trace of impact on the umbilical cord and most likely there was a second fetus, the employees of the central regional hospital reported to the nesvesk rvd, in other words, to the police. at that moment. the employees had already gone to the maternity hospital, the investigative task force went to the place of residence, that is, based on
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the address from which she was delivered. when the task force investigator went to the house from which the woman in labor was taken, the neighbors called the police and told them about the corpse of the newborn. at that moment , the suspect's mother had already begun to restore order, because, well, of course, there were a lot of traces of blood, no one knew that there was some kind of crime there. the mother, when she was cleaning up, picked up all these. saw a bag that was lying under the bed, goes to the kitchen, well , not quite understanding what was there, opens this bag, well, naturally, sees a child's corpse there, at that moment the neighbors come running, the neighbor sees all these events, and calls the police officers he knows, says that the child's body is lying here, well, the officers say, yes, we know, we're already on our way, before we arrive at the scene incident, relatives have already seen. that there really is a baby in the bag. diana koleina, investigator
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of the nesvizh district department. at the time of the incident , she was on duty as part of the investigative-operational group, carrying out the criminal case at the initial stage. in the eyes of the owner of the house there was complete horror from the fact that such a thing happened in her house, and the fact that she did not even hear about what ... was happening in the neighboring room of the child's birth, accordingly, the owner of the house was also in complete shock in confusion. the news of a dead child found in a grocery bag quickly spread throughout the area. when they entered the house itself, naturally, until the end, probably, they did not believe that something like that could really be there, however, during the inspection , a baby's body was actually found in a plastic bag, subsequently the baby's body was from... he was in the presence, of course, of witnesses, the owner of the house, with the participation of experts from the state
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forensic committee, naturally, the picture was terrible, for me such a trip was carried out for the first time during my service, naturally, the picture itself was terrible, because the corpse of a baby is already in itself an unpleasant event, at the time of arrival at the scene of the incident there were already police officers, also in the house... there were uh relatives who were uh horrified by what happened, uh, since they did not even know about the presence of the fact that their daughter was pregnant from words, with the participation of witnesses , an inspection of the scene of the incident was carried out, of course, such a non-standard situation for the nesvezhsky district. the police are going interview neighbors and eyewitnesses, investigators and forensic experts begin working in the house. the initial version was that this woman simply gave birth to a stillborn child,
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and was therefore scared that it was dead, and did not tell anyone about it, to talk to... she gained a little weight, but of course she did not tell anyone about her pregnancy.
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investigators requested a medical... card, it turned out that the woman in labor lives in minsk, and shortly before hospitalization she came to the nesvezhsky district to visit her parents to visit her fifteen-year-old daughter, who was vacationing with her grandparents at the time, for whom the pregnancy was a real surprise. the suspect's mother told us that her husband had brought her daughter to him at work, the mother of our suspect was feeling unwell at the scene of the crime, she was under the influence of pills the whole time, she was constantly talking about why her daughter did that, this would have been her second third child, so there would have been a large family and things would have worked out somehow from there life is different, in general she said that her daughter is always withdrawn, constantly does not share with her any personal information, in
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particular, she did not even tell her that she was pregnant, the police tried to... get through to tatyana's husband, but the phone was stubbornly silent. at the time of arrival, the suspect's underage daughter was also at the scene. in terms of her condition, she was in a fairly normal state, let's say, unexcited, behaved calmly, uh, tried to get through to her father, who also did not pick up the phone, on her calls did not respond in any way. judging by her condition, we can say that she...
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the cause of death, after a blood transfusion , the doctors managed to stabilize the victim, bring the woman in labor to her senses, the woman had a difficult conversation with the investigators, at this point she did not yet know that the baby's body had already been found under the bed in a grocery bag. she said that she had indeed given birth, after which she got rid of the child, throwing it into the village toilet. later, she lay in chamber.
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the woman said, and the inconsistencies in her testimony raised more and more questions, to which the results of the examination did not match what tatyana needed to answer. the mother's calm behavior during the interrogation did not resemble murder, but rather aroused pity for the woman who gave birth to a stillborn child. the baby's neck was wrapped in the umbilical cord, and he suffocated during childbirth. everything looked like an accident. the investigators opened a criminal case under the article causing death by negligence. what meaning do they put into modern icon painters in their works, and so that all this was not in vain, so that it
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helped people to pray, so that it helped them to repent, to become church-goers, as today the training is conducted in sunday schools, one spiritual lesson, the law of god, one lesson of creativity, one lesson of music, and for the older ones, that is , adults, there are already lectures on subjects, well, there is already... so to speak, more serious preparation, what is mercy? this is, probably, the food that we ourselves will always need, and this is the food of god, which is born in the heart of a compassionate soul, what unique shrines are kept in belarusian churches, here we have just the holy relics of the martyr vanefaty of rome, and vanefaty is a patron helper of such a sin, which many, many people encounter, this is the sin of drinking wine, this is a particle of the relics that came to us just from
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greece. answers to these and other questions in the spiritual and educational projects on the belarus24 tv channel. our land through the eyes of foreigners. the belarusian people, they are first of all honest, clean in all relations, hardworking.
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which divisions revolve around us mainly, these are mechanized divisions from the third corps of the us army and the eighteenth airborne corps, that is, these
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are the same formations that participated in iraq, and in all absolutely recent conflicts of the post-cold, and even before the cold war. we definitely need to unite as a nation, we must understand that we are fighting now for our future, for the future of our children of the next generations, and there is no other. option the project is objective, not miss new releases on the belarus24 tv channel. ivan kuzmich zakharov is one of the organizers and leaders of the communist underground and partisan movement in the vitebsk region. at the beginning of the great
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patriotic war, he was evacuated to the soviet rear, in november 1941 he was sent to the territory occupied by nazi troops to organize a partisan movement in the asveysky district of the vitebsk region. in april 1942, he organized and headed a partisan detachment, which consisted of only 11 people. the detachment quickly, grew stronger and grew in numbers, by june forty -second partisans moved from small sabotage to operations against large enemy forces. during the execution of assigned tasks, the people's avengers under the leadership of zakharov, saving their comrades. women, old people and children showed miracles of heroism and selflessness. for exemplary execution
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of command assignments behind enemy lines. and special merits in the development of the partisan movement , colonel zakharov ivan kuzmich was awarded the title of hero of the soviet union with the award of the order of lenin and the gold star medal. the mother's statement that she had thrown the newborn into the toilet seemed strange, although she had not done so. such behavior suggested postpartum depression, the victim herself was placed in a mental health center, where she was assigned a psychologist psychiatric examination. there is such a thing as the murder
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of a newborn child by a mother. in a psychotraumatic situation, that is, again , here it is necessary to establish the mental state of the suspect, the accused, in order to qualify under this article, that is, as already directly, because we must also take into account that it is quite possible that a person may not be aware of their actions. while the victim was in the hospital, investigators closely studied her lifestyle, she is married and has a minor daughter. a medical worker by education, tatyana worked in a minsk hospital, but never.
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she really goes to several medical centers, but this is all limited to calls, it doesn’t go beyond calls, she really doesn’t go to an appointment with a private medical center, nor, accordingly , state, at the same time does not apply anywhere about her pregnancy, although she really understands this whole procedure for registration, having such information, investigators are increasingly inclined to believe that the unwanted pregnancy is directly related to cm.
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it took place due to long-term use of hormonal drugs. the woman calmly goes to work, she works in one of the departments of the minsk hospital, she uses a surgical suit constantly, they have a conditional on a permanent basis there are special clothes, she always takes
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a larger size for herself, well...
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pregnancy and childbirth our suspect did not stop, respectively, she waited until the issue of termination of pregnancy was decided. subsequently, realizing that the terms were being delayed, the husband keeps saying: tried to contact, he did not pick up the phone, was in accordance with the studied information regarding his location, calmly drove around the city of minsk, including went to the cities of the region, helped there with some issues, he is a driver, as far as i remember, helped people close some issues with moving, although given that your wife is somewhere with her parents, she gave birth there or some related events, and you somehow turn
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a blind eye to this, well, for me it is not clear. after examining the phone, it became clear that the husband knew about the pregnancy, which occurred shortly before the new year. in the correspondence, they repeatedly raised the topic of "abortion, when the permissible terms passed, talked about criminal termination of pregnancy, when labor began, tatyana wrote and called her husband, but he soon stopped communicating turned off the phone. the husband says that this issue will be resolved, but the counterargument from the woman is that the deadline has already passed, what to do, so accordingly, it is necessary to do it somehow illegally, as they have defined it. herself, that is, the husband tells her stories about how he found some person who will perform an abortion in some illegal conditions, that is, the deadline set by our legislation is set above, the woman lives, goes to work, nothing changes in her
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life, how does a person understand that he already has 38-40 weeks, they are almost 9 months, why does she continue to work for me is unclear, at the same time, well, where to do it here, what abortion, that is, when the fetus is already with ...
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non-term at that time, we conducted well by me, let's say, they were considered an investigative experiment, i interrogated her here already directly in the building of the administration, on the same day we went to the prosecutor's office of the minsk region to resolve the issue of detention, because it was clearly seen that there would be a deliberate murder. investigators believed that the suspect's actions should be reclassified from death by negligence to intentional deprivation of life of a newborn in
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a helpless state, the woman is taken into custody. watch the next episode. tatyana becomes a suspect in the murder of her own son. it was an ordinary weekday, the day before the daughter arrived in the village in the nesazhsky district, helped her mother with the housework there, and accordingly went to bed, everyone went to bed. the mother said that she was taking sedatives and sleeping pills, accordingly she fell asleep and didn't hear anything about what was happening at all. asking every minute, reconstructing the picture of the fateful night, somewhere around one o'clock, well i heard a jolt, what night, yeah, a jolt , i think, well, i kind of heard it, i thought that something was wrong, but i still didn't
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think that all this would happen, a doctor by education, she was able to deliver the baby herself, but it turned out to be a hair's breadth from death, having lost a lot of blood during childbirth, i wrote to my husband right away saying that not everything worked out for me, i need medical help, you 'll come soon, nothing, he didn't answer anything, tatyana assures that she did not kill her child, this is a fatal coincidence, you said earlier that you took him by the neck, how did you take him by the neck, well, just like that , well, like that, with what force was it?
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my god, i'm sorry. take off your pajamas in the first ward, don't give out the robe yet!
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minutes of sad music. i imagine a yellow backwater and a woman's farewell voice and the noise of gusty berets and the first snow under the gray sky among the rich moths. and a path without sun, a path without sun, a path without faith, a path without faith and food of cranes,
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the soul has long been tired of wandering in... evil love in the past intoxication, long ago to understand the pair has come, that i love ghosts too much, but shamefully lived happy, stop the poprovs. all the same under the low sky i see clearly
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to tears and the yellow stretch of land and a close voice and... the mind of gusty birches, as if the hour is eternal farewell we, as if time has nothing to do with it, minutes of music minutes of music, not to talk about anything.
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well, how are you here? volodka, where? they went with grandpa to turn on the lanterns on the river. to light the tanks. and what's the difference? there is dima, the difference. i finally persuaded grandpa to the upper apiary show him. they asked not to worry.
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oh, good luck to you, olga yurievna, what kind of mushrooms are these, only chanterelles, well, what are chanterelles, not a mushroom or something, and the white one, red, here, and how do you like this, and today everything is very good, only it is not me, it is viktor semenovich, so that nothing happens, well, forgive me, olga yurievna, for once we broke away to rest, there must be a god on earth, your words are his, i never thought, did not guess, did not sense that the head of the district and the prosecutor would come, separating.
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i won't, denis, show me, but to accept a private determination in five instances, you need to be able to do this, the court in composition, so, having considered the criminal case, so, the local newspaper made a gross mistake, which long before the trial determined the guilt of dobrinevsky, calling him a murderer, the excitement caused by the publication disoriented and misinformed the reader, what caused it? not understanding and between us, speaking, not having understood either the spirit or the letter of the law, to me too, while between us, speaking, neither the spirit nor
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the letter reaches, and you can almost sense the spirit, the executive committee and paradise, the union of consumers, shows irresponsibility, gravely violating the decree of the law of the government, so striving to extract monetary benefits, here ...
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tell me, denis, if possible, what will happen to dobrinevsky, i understand, i understand, we are all in moral.
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he is still a boy, he will return from prison, the boy will be 28 years old at best, a knight's tournament on tractors, we have sunk to the point that neither day is easier, nor night is not good. and how long are you going to drink? well, what?
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keep quiet, hooliganism, fights, and now here you go, and when it comes to court, we hand over to bail, conditional sentence, early release, at least one trial was organized so that people would talk about it, fyodorich, why haven't we done it, do it yourself, turn to the public, create tension, involve the press, in the end, rewind the bastard to the fullest, so that others ' hair would stand on end at the very thought.
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and you created tension, yes, as agreed, branded, branded, and rewinded and rewinded, but from the wrong end. and not to the right person, no, let's be frank, let's speak frankly, an ordinary murder, under ordinary circumstances , required, in that case, an ordinary consideration of the issue, everything you said, what i said, you just said something amazing, you have apparently become so accustomed to
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ordinary tragedies? under ordinary circumstances, that they no longer evoke in you the usual feelings in such cases. georgy maksimovich, i mean that the judge, after all, the judge's behavior, i do not want to consider today either the behavior of the judge or the behavior of the prosecutor, but since you have come, i want to understand only one thing, how communists themselves in these ordinary circumstances. georgy maksimovich, and you follow, follow. the judge releases the criminal from custody before the trial, personally transports the court to dobrinev, gathers hundreds of unprepared people, that is , unprepared, simply gathers witnesses
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who spread tongues, carry the devil knows what is next to dobrinevina. the judge, maybe the district executive committee, the raypotreb union is put by the judge in such a stupid position that this cannot but cast a shadow on our authorities. excuse me, fyodor khamikovich, you see, georgy maksimovich, it has become fashionable for us to find various problems and put them, so to speak, on the globe. here we did not want. to remain in the country from progress, everything, in the end, stupidity, discrediting the court of power. georgy maksimovich, you are a new person, and our region, to put it mildly, is difficult, so
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we decided to hold. a show trial, well , naturally, naturally, we involved the newspaper, local radio, created a certain atmosphere, sorry, viktor, but the newspaper should not have created an atmosphere, i'm not even talking about the radio, this is news, no, well, let's say, let's assume that there were no aggravating circumstances in the actions of the killer, but the very fact that he was killed does not cause any doubts in anyone, the court established this, the crime is obvious, the people are alarmed, people demand the most severe punishment for the killer, the newspaper was inundated with letters, the court, what a court, was guided by letters to the newspaper, and not by the criminal code, even before the trial, your article of the organ convinced thousands of people that mikhas is a criminal, that he will get what is his, is it his,
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is that what i taught you, olga? why don't i understand you, i don't understand you either, vladimir mikhailovich, at school you, olga, were more understanding. by the way, and now you, as they say, grasp everything on the fly, a fashionable jacket, broad shoulders, a short-cropped head, by the way, no one cut his hair, only the inevitability of retribution made him now submissive and worthy of regret.
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oh, this is already a capacious saving word for me in principle, in principle no one objects, in principle everyone agrees, when i recommended you to the party olga manayeva, you seemed to me an interesting person, not in principle, in principle, you could be non-partisan, a wonderful confession from the editor. to his reader, and i am used to being responsible for my own actions, even if i got into this stupid story not through my fault, good principledness, yesterday i printed, today
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i will refute, forgive me, dear readers, you see i was wrong, i did not think, dear viktor semenovich, take courage and admit at least to yourself that we were wrong yesterday, olga yuryevna, you did not say everything, i have
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a premonition that this sunday night is preparing more than one revelation for us. you would do this wanted? you know, i have my own hopes for this night, i don't know your people very well, in the work and bustle you don't immediately understand what kind of person, how...
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a person killed, i ask you, why didn't you go to dobrineva, aren't you afraid that one young man was killed, and another just as young became a killer, you are a mother, get away... you're right, someone should be held responsible for the murder, in principle,
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what is a normal life for belarusians, for others it may seem truly exotic.
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watch the travel show like home on our tv channel, we will introduce you to the people of our country, an artist of the grodno regional puppet theater, an honored collective of the republic of belarus.
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i knew them, i am from dobrinev, and it is nearby.
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i read it, so i almost assumed that mikhasya is a killer, people work in the newspaper too, they can make mistakes, no, fish, it is written in block letters, for the whole world, the killer is all here, who will back down, hello hives? already you are a circle, no conscience, and so that you are suffocatingly squeezed, you feel, ate him here is a crust, they took him to the halt, why in at the halt?
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i wrote this, misha, mikhas, mikhas, came, misha, why are these, alyona, there, we can't, i didn't run away, they let me go as far as here, anyway, misha, go, why? "you killed a man, mikhas, i didn't kill, i didn't want to, i didn't think it would turn out like this, i only wanted to block his way, anyway, whether you killed or not , sepki, no, alyona, as if she doesn't see, from
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the shock she's got a mikhosek, everything has set , the sun is clear, anyone could have guessed, but not the secretary's ear, good evening, the boss is nearby, and i'm neither hearing nor in good spirit evening, i can't do anything, i have to... don't scare me georgy maksimovich, my affairs are obviously bad, well, why are you like that, not at anton, but you know, from my life experience i have made nothing but trouble from them, good
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evening, good evening, nina, oh, take it, thank you, it's good that you are here, i must admit you, i don't need it, don't need it, thank you, denis ivanovich. explained, next time i'll cook the fish soup myself, viktor semenovich, have you ever tried a gourmet fish soup, and there is only fisherman's fish soup, thank you, i'm full, help yourself, thank you, dima. you were right nina antonovna, we were very alarmed by the incident in dobrinev. thank you, georgy maksimovich, my god, it’s a shame to look at all this, you know,
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some kind of voluntary madness, apparently a problem that we turned a blind eye to , no need, respected sir. antonovna, inventing problems and making tragedies out of them, they drank, they drink, don’t you understand the horror, the tragedy of this social evil? i understand, we don’t have social evil, respected sirs, we don’t have social roots, and if there are no roots, then there is no evil, forgive me, but this is stupidity, you excuse me, for god's sake, i did not want to offend you personally in the usa, by the way, that someone else's disease cures your own, georgy maksimovich, in our region there is no such disease, i will not judge for the whole region, but in my collective farm before dawn i decided to have a hangover,
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poured 150 in one gulp, drank it, and it turned out not to be barmatukha, but antikomorin, i ask you to pay for the sick leave and accept.
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stop, stepan, stop, stepan, on your hatketa. stop, misha! and i think that i had such a dream?
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the chain will lie in the coffin. i scream, not christ, all my callers. i scream, but my voice does not i feel. no voice. no voice and crime in
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dobrinev, and what gave rise to it, why are our faces so sad, fyodorich, let's fight with what is permitted. if we touch upon the essence of the criminal case, the criminal case, then someone and somewhere can regard it as a violation of the law.
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why. different eras and styles. the church
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itself is triple-beamed and from it the top, as we see, the bell tower, the domes, which were painted, then the fireboxes, were not here, there was a spring, a stone, an icon, and a building. and from this the most abhorrent thing began to develop gallery, i'm blind, so very jumpy, pretty, decorated, so plastic...
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here it is ready, my guess is, the wolfhounds love meat, they know how to cook it, it's interesting, very tasty oh, why, it's just that my whole life is one big holiday, wherever you go, you'll step on a glass. and you have to drink everywhere, found, soaked, lost, soaked, don't worry, citizen, judge, it must end someday, oh, it's all over for you long ago, you've been walking on yourself, you're a fool, look at our lady, i'd just like to live now
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yes, to live. i can't not drink, you can't not eat, and i can not eat, but not drink, i can't, in his eyes there was a pit, a coffin stood. the middles in his chest burned, it was hot, snakes were wrapped around his neck, all sorts of things were creeping into his eyes, he crawled home, gave me a glass, but what could i do, what could i do, commit suicide, i couldn't, i tore off the noose. and
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let mishka go, it's not his fault, i go to bed with an axe, honestly, he'll come, a complete idiot, i don't need such a father, nor such a husband, and i can't see him, but the yanas, with their vodka, have forgotten what happened to us with women you need to sleep, your heart is breaking, here you are, ninochka, you studied, you know the laws, you have power, well, how are you flooding the village with vodka, is it the party and the government that teach you this , but i need to fight not with vodka, with drunkards, alcoholics, you also feel, it does not happen that she gave birth and stayed with the girls, but they asked, listened, entered into the soul, everything happened, no war, no famine, no typhus, and grief is no less,
6:07 pm
a scythe on everyone, like smallpox, and you women, why don't you drink, right?
6:08 pm
that's how it turns out, the government will pass a resolution, publish a law, and we think, that we have nothing else to do. so you turned the court into a farce out of boredom, what have you achieved, who needs it, i need it, we need it, you, fyodorich, need it, i understand now what brought you out of your usual state of complacency, and understand that the particular ruling was not made against you personally, it’s just that as a person i believe that if we had even one such... brineva, then we would not have the right to sleep peacefully. ambition, unreasonable stubbornness, dear nina
6:09 pm
antonovna, do not allow you to admit your mistakes. conscience, civic duty, not allows me. how come they don't match? you're taking on too much, dear ones.
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