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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  August 17, 2024 6:30pm-6:49pm MSK

6:30 pm
nina, as an author and editor, i have let the newspaper down, at the moment i still do not know in what form to present my apologies to the court so that they are accepted, defendant dobrinevsky, stand up. the court explains that you have the right to petition the witness-victim, to have a defense attorney. i do not need any defense attorneys. the defendant has the right to the last word. i do not need any last words. the victims and their representatives have the right to participate in
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the investigation, to present evidence, to file a petition, i do not have, tell me, defendant, do you understand the factual and legal aspects of the charges brought against you? why are you silent, mishenka, mishechka, what are you doing, the court explains once again that you, dobrinevsky, i killed yursky intentionally, and not because of emotional distress, i judged myself, no one is asking you to change the article, to give or not to give testimony, it is your business, but the position
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that you have taken can harm you yourself, but now nothing can harm you, everything turned out as you wrote, he ran over with his tracks and turned around, target, oh my god, no, no, no, target, no, you did it deliberately, deliberately rammed, deliberately ran over from... deliberately turned around, comrade prosecutor, do you have any questions for the defendant? yes, do, victim alena matulevich, sign a pledge to the court that you will only tell the truth, what can you say, a happy person cannot be evil, he accepted isepkin's death from me. and what
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should he do with me, a blind woman, he cannot forgive you, and it's better for me, you are my daughter, and you told him about this before the trial, said, as you told him, said that there was a skirmish between us, do not judge him, people, when i do not judge my mother, my mountain is enough for dobrineva. my darling, misha did not kill styopochka, so maybe stepan yursky is alive, but i am an interested judge, here with many dobrinevites my mother died, 30 years i remember her, and i see the faces of dobrinev women, and i cannot be calm, when today on these faces grief and pain, i cannot understand how it is possible. did not
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use the confession of the criminal, on the contrary, did everything possible to direct the judicial investigation is on the right track, and this is already beyond the scope of legal categories , it affects categories, and how do you think citizen shupenya will feel, fedorich, yes, only, unfortunately, citizen shupenya did not testify in court. i sympathize with you, fedorich, you are not so old yet, and you are already such a mess.
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but i have told her more than once. look, ulyana, look, here is your fun, the owl gave birth to children, but the person does not know where their children are, well, and then he is called a mother, he could with all objectivity understand the matter under consideration in fact, the court is removed.
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one to another, hello, without half a liter , you can't say, and banquets? we drink, as you can imagine, there are banquets, banquets in the city, but people are no longer ashamed to drink, to get drunk, to show off drunk in the street, we are not ashamed to look at all this, the court recommends, i am asking about
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the real motives, i did not want to be an accomplice of the judge in the process, which was , to put it mildly, anti-general. nina antonovna, and why did the court in that case not consider the issue of removing the prosecutor, the court established the truth, the people's assessors for a long time we couldn't come to a common opinion, what's wrong, ninton, and try the hooked authorities, they'll raise the issue to such a height.
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people, you have to think somehow, figure out, think on a national scale, economic categories, you can also agree, the devil knows how much, give a prohibition law, or even better a monopoly , a tip to a private owner, maybe we don't need it, really, maybe let's stop, it's not our business, they told us to push out the forty-degree, twenty-degree, let's push it out, they'll say, i've told a lot of things in my time that better not, if you look at it from a human perspective. on the one hand, such absolute
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discipline, on the other hand, such relative, but freedom in structuring your work, but at the same time, you must be in touch 24 hours a day. the olympics that are taking place now are not the same olympics, the principles of olympism have been violated for a long time, the brics games are a completely different atmosphere, that is , there is no atmosphere of hostility, precision and accuracy, today for an ideologist it is like a tool, something that she should have in her soul, it is...
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juicy gloss with impeccable shine and smoothness, something that is appreciated all over the world. on
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these robots we carry out milking of first-calf heifers, what time to choose for her giving, well, she chooses herself. we have environmentally friendly products, we do not have chemical treatments. every 10 days we hand over tomatoes and cucumbers to the laboratory, which does tests for quality compliance. someone got drunk, the end of the world, a problem. subject of trade, not a subject of trade, you have been forgotten, i do not know about him, but i like this theory, otherwise soon money will not be needed, and why half a liter will become a change afraid to show us the truth about us, and you shout, and no need to save me from a private definition, no need, thank you, and politics for warming up.
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and then no one comes home from work, and at home there are no rassinks, not having caught up himself, so he listened at first. in the newspapers read that people write about this vodka, in the cinema, in the club, i say,
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would go, that the trouble of the mountain to me so much, and then she on the back, this is after the plow, comes and gives me a glazka with a centimeter, and in it for 62 rubles to drink.
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what did, what could, and let what can, will do better, you did nothing, she fooled you like a boy, well , to be honest, and the trial really showed a causal connection between what... happened in dobrinev and the shortcomings of the work of the executive committee, understand me correctly, show this to navitsky, it will not have an effect, and i do not...
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i am ashamed and sad, drinking alcoholic beverages brutalizes and beasts a person, said fyodor mikhailovich dostoevsky. at school, excuse me ulyana borisovna, but the court should know, we all should know, tyopka's father, having lost his human appearance from the plant, became for him a constant source of shame, disgrace, then the boy couldn't stand it, his mother said, he
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then told her, let's kill dad. "don't be afraid, he's judging me, his teacher, judging you, my fellow countrymen, stepan yursky is judging us, his mother is judging, alyona is judging, the defendant himself is judging, apparently, it's our fault..." small, yes, of course, of course, yes, we amaze the world with our achievements, at the same time we don't have a single such problem, except for the problem of drunkenness, in the understanding of which people would be so disunited, disconnected, so subjective,
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six members of the bureau, six opinions, six views, six positions. why, yes, at sessions, meetings, at plenary sessions, where we are given astronomical figures, drinking and facts, the most disgusting behavior of drunks, we just giggle shamefacedly into our fists, it’s funny to us, we should be ashamed, ashamed, humanly ashamed, if for that...
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man, help, you can’t, try, you don’t want to, leave, you can’t work with people, friendly advice. well, let’s start castrating our alcoholics, and this is not as funny as it may
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seem at first glance, what kind of laughter, everything is easy and simple. no hospital for you, no you.
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