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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  August 18, 2024 12:40pm-1:35pm MSK

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cozy, and fruit trees grow nearby, of course, and black chokeberry, red rowan, that is, it is clear, the table is simply gorgeous for this little animal, so it feels safe here and is always well-fed, and of course, fish, which feel just great in our decorative pond, thus, the arboretum is like an object of attraction and nature conservation of natural systems, which ... principles and is called to protect the national park in noruchansk. tatyana stankevich carefully looks after her forest kingdom not only as a hostess, but also as a research assistant. they participate in selection experiments, supervise biology students who come here for practical training. the dendrosad plans to expand and constantly update with various plants, including exotic ones. larisa gulyakevich, alexey petrov, news central region. this
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concludes our broadcast. we will show you the most interesting and important things from the life of the central region next sunday, right after the midday news broadcast. you can follow the news central region project also on the website and the atn youtube channel. well, now all the best and see you soon.
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watch everything that modern belarus lives today on the belarus 24 tv channel. this is news of the country abroad, broadcasts of especially important events, live. travel around the country, feature films for all ages, on the territory of the countries: finland, sweden, norway, denmark, the netherlands, germany, france, spain, portugal, cyprus, austria, switzerland, italy, greece, romania, serbia, croatia, poland, lithuania, latvia.
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set up a satellite dish satellite express am8. the channel's signal is broadcast in the clear and is available 24 hours a day every day. be with belarus 24 tv channels and discover belarus. my history. nature, culture, faith, people, joy, you feel something once and you will never forget it, everything is true here.
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faster, in short, i found out everything, that night no boxes, no one brought any boxes, another shift worked, and these they will replace them, you know, at midnight, well done, quieter, quieter, you're good, okay, i got it, yeah,
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ivashova number four, sarafanova, popova number two, i won't go out, rudakova number one, i just don't know how... i'd rather end this whole circus, i have no versions, either wait, it's not clear what, or provoke the criminal, well, how, curl her up like a cow, well, or a female giraffe, well, step on the dress in the end, everyone steps, well, look at everyone, as if, well, like me yesterday when we met, as a suspect, yes, everyone's nerves will snap, that's for sure, look. attention to all contestants, readiness number one, i wish everyone good luck, thank you, irina sarafanova, i'm on this, and the numbers have already been handed out, number three, overslept, nominee sleeping beauty,
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let's go. they're all cats, but for the sake of the crown they're ready to throw acid in your face and under a train. crocodile. number three: irina sarafanova, a student at the institute of food industry, 19 years old, number two, diana popova, greenpeace, defender of all living things, number one, veronika rudakova,
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the future of television journalism, winner of several beauty contests, i'm ready to bet that someone is definitely behind... i'm not behind, my name is veronica rudakova, i'm 26 years old, tell me, veronica, why should you win, because hey. why did you even come? it seems to me that it's better, well, to be honest, i think that all these beauty contests are a complete lie, well, really, look, the buds of makeup, or these
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glued-on claws, well, is all this really beautiful, for example, a gait from the hip, but we don't walk like that in life from the hip and in general, well, do you really think that a girl without... and in jeans can't be liked, maybe, maybe, she can look good, in general, i'm for natural prasotu, here, veronica is ready, thank you, yes, i'm listening, explain that this is good, toxins are coming to the surface, that's how it should be, this is a sign of complete recovery.
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"darling, the crown is not worth such torment, you know that unlike you, i have a love of cleanliness, i want to shine, i want to be famous, i'm not a hen sitting in the kitchen, got it, go!" no, i can't do it on the phone, i want to see your reaction, you know, there's a bench behind the hotel by the water, i'll wait for you here, okay? listen, i'm already having a dream for half an hour, cover for me, got it, got it, i'll do everything,
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no one will notice, thank you, stop, wait, take your clutch! sinya, hello, that's it, we've arrived, you know him, i saw him in the hotel next to one, tie him up, yeah, and where are you going? it's you, and who were you waiting for, a guy, he can't come up to me, and what's wrong with him, something happened, everything's fine with him,
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who is this for, me, i thought it was from you, i'm wrong, what made you think that i planted the doll on you, well, you looked at me so strangely in the lobby yesterday, and then before the competition, and then i come to the room, there's a doll with needles, and you know how scared i was, and borka went completely crazy, well, he went to defend me, and borka - who is this guy? no, he's my brother. please forgive us, i'll let you go clean up, just promise to keep quiet about the attack, about the doll, got it? yeah, just don't report it to the police, otherwise they'll kick me out, that's all you care about, the competition, yeah. "no, wait, stop, come here, listen,
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volkova shouldn't screw up, don't take your eyes off her, got it, let her win the crown for me, okay, i'll sleep, go, go, i 'll sleep. no, my face hurts all the time, where are you going, i love you, i love you, don't be offended, go already, listen, do you seriously believe her, could irina have planted the doll on herself? well then she would have brought it to the administration first,
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would have made a noise to attract attention and distract at the same time, then she didn't know that i would show up in her room, no, not her, what about you, but i talked to korachuk, who is this, this korachuk was in prison with fedotov and fedotov told him that he was in prison for something he didn't do, you know, that's what every other prisoner says, blue, exactly for this he was promised... early release, protection for his family and other benefits, and khomyakov got rid of him, why as an option, yes, well, for example, he could have covered for someone close to fedotov, you know, and if so, then fedotov, having been released, could have represented a serious danger to the election campaign, you know, the mayoral candidate, blackmail him, well, this somehow doesn’t fit at all, well, think for yourself, why did khomyakov have to release him, especially on the eve of the elections, but he would have sat for another four years, no, look for it... and i’ll go play with dolls some more and i'll be back.
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what are you doing here, i 've been looking for you all over the hotel for half an hour , did you miss me, i'm not over it, is that another thing, yeah, and where did you disappear to, i was in the hospital, veronica has severe toxic poisoning, she practically
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lost her face, why did she think that i'm interested in this, tell me, wouldn't you like to change your life at least for a while? you know, your fiancée is afraid of losing her crown of the first beauty, that's her thing, and your thing is to become the husband of the first beauty, so it turns out that both of you are worthless without this crown, so don't get into my business life, i'm playing your fiancee here, right up until i catch the criminal, okay? calm down, you just tore your dress, " don't move, let me see, it's a field injury, and the tattoo, and the tattoo was done in memory of a loved one, is he, yes, he died, 4 years ago in a hot spot,
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sorry, i didn't know, do you still think my life is boring?" "i didn't mean that, sorry, and have you eaten anything else today, now i understand why you're so angry, the most current event in the world of sports, 25." the belarusian youth track and field team won a total of medals in the match against the russian team. work and discipline give results. this is the principle that bobruisk dynamo shinnik is working on this off-season. hard training, exciting competition. when you lift the cup, for the very first time, this is probably the most emotional moment. of
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course, yes, now there is a new season to prepare for, to defend this title. an exclusive interview with the athletes is very many people like hockey in general quite good i think the results we show in it the sport is developing cultivated in our country in order to remove children from the street as much as possible so that the maximum number of children are engaged in some kind of sport this is a healthy nation these are healthy children all this in sports projects on the belarus 24 tv channel . and do you have anyone else here besides me
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or am i the only visitor to your restaurant, we closed early today for special service, yeah, yeah, i with... by the way, i can, i eat with a fork and knife, so you don't have to be embarrassed by me, i forgot, veronica doesn't eat at all, and you know, it's easy with you, i feed you and you're immediately kind, it's hard with veronica, yeah, i found it, it's tanka, this dance is announced for the third round of the competition the day after tomorrow, you don't have to worry, for a real woman, she can be strong , willful, uninhibited, or maybe fragile, soft, gentle, in any case, she's not a docile wimp, she's a woman, smart, subtle, one of a kind, tanga is a dance for those who dare, pride, inner strength, these are the main qualities of a tango dancer, you need to catch the puppeteer and the poisoner, and not engage in some kind of dancing, you know, i just
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realized my mistake. you are weak, this dance is not for you, what are we going to dance letka edka, pam-pam, pam-param-param, this is more suitable for you, i imagine, all the boys went to boxing in childhood, and you with your grandmother by the hand to dance, a man, in your understanding, is someone who can give a birthright, well, why, stand up for loved ones, for yourself, for the homeland, i have a black one belt in taqwand, and i'm into dancing. veronica brought it, and i liked it, here you can show your best qualities, not a gamble with muscles, but nobility, responsibility for a woman, here is yours. not just a partner, but a man, passionate, strong, self-confident, only then will a woman trust him completely and he will lead, and the woman is left to listen
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to her heart, and the rhythm of the man's heartbeat, what was that, it's early, well, you turned around, i lifted my leg, no need to rush, a man subjugates, and women are in no hurry to obey, remember? yeah, only then it's interesting, it's a dance of equal partners, okay, just don't yell, please, i'm not yelling, i'm absolutely calm, let's go, yeah, and where are you, everything is not going according to plan, do you hear, i hear you, calm down, you know that fyudotov was killed, so sit quietly, without unnecessary movements, i... i'll figure it out,
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i'll take you there, no need, i'll get there myself, where, where , where are you being carried midnight outside, move over, well, how about it, the desk has changed, well, in short, the news is this, three identical boxes were delivered by the skorohod company.
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all covered in needles, and under it a piece of paper with i open the box, and there is a creepy doll with the inscription crown your death, like that, yes i went to the administration, they say, well, what, why are you so worried, okay, i say, seriously? yes, i got the same, i even thought about filing a police report, but then i thought, it's just a competition, probably one of the competitors slipped it to you,
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do you really think that you are someone's competitor, here is our queen, veronica, what a gorgeous dress you have, it's from merlin nazaryan, yes, this is the latest collection of squeaks, yes i am a stylist for veronica, very nice, i saw you, your show on tv, veronica is lucky to have you, such a stylist, the best and so expensive, but why do you need him nikush, so much money down the drain, anyway, the crown is yours, and because veronica is the queen, she deserves it, and she deserves me, the dress, well, of course, more than all of us, you need to go, she's leaving, girls, and what about you? you're arguing after all, let's drink some water, bring it to us, veronica recommends it, i know that you sent the dolls,
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as soon as you prove it, well, i'll call the delivery company we'll find out whose card the order was paid for with, you won't tell anyone anything, because, because you have a lover, a member of the jury, he came to your room, here...
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i closed the restaurant. and the staff let go, nothing works out, now, now, well, show me, you can see, yes, this is mine, so that, but, frankly, i would like, because this situation is oppressive. hello seven, listen, i need some friendly advice, look, the situation is this, a man loves a woman very much, is going to marry her, she cheats on him, he should know about this or not, what do you think, wait a second, wait, i'll call you back. are you okay?
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we know exactly how to start the morning right, together with the viewers we will prepare a delicious breakfast. good morning, i am very glad to see you today on mine. energy for the whole day, the third exercise will be a crunch for the press, this will help you maintain a good figure, bend your legs.
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normally move them to the buttocks, lie down and slowly rise, we will have three exercises, at an easy, calm pace, repeat all the movements, and your joints, your muscles, your body will thank you, stretch your legs forward, take a deep breath, raise your arms up, lower them down, touch your right hand diagonally, left, look at... what happened? do you have a flashlight? yeah, sure, come on, here, take it, yeah.
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someone brought out a live wire here, and i'm a fool with my hands, i knocked out the fuses well, wow, wait, what can you do, it's a patch for expression wrinkles, we brought this edik specially from france, yeah, that's right, it's not edik, why, what for? he has to kill a policeman, he he knows that i'm not veronica, i'll call my people now, let them inspect the room, and you go down, i'll change now and come over, go, and i'm saying that i'm calling you off, i 'll close this competition to hell, they'll open a full-fledged investigation of everyone
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involved, for questioning, everyone for... and do you know that according to the viewers' questions, your fiancée is the leader of the competition, are you happy for her? yes, you know, i'm very happy, excuse me, let's go, darling, here he's asking if you're happy that you're among the leaders? oh, well of course, my fiancé is next to me, this is such incredible support, but it's not always easy, you're not easy either, darling, thank you, darling, let's go, please, yes, sorry, no, we won't go to a restaurant,
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we'll rehearse here, okay, maybe not now, not now, guys, guys, let's, thank you, okay, to a restaurant, so to a restaurant. sit down, that is, we continue to play, okay, sit forward, no, better back, it's easier to carry out a capture, if you decide to run away, are you sure that everything is okay with you, no, i'm not sure, i don't know what the consequences are after an electric shock, maybe you should see a doctor after all address, let's go to a restaurant. this is tanga, i invite gentlemen, and i saved you time, imagine that you have already invited me, and i agreed, let's start,
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no, this will not do, go to the corner, i see you like to command, but with veronica, it did not work, veronica, i am simple. and she, and she is a dream woman, she has a broader view, connections, everything is planned, a rich husband, three children, we want four, she wants, and you agree, she allows herself to love, and you love, yes, and you also have your own opinion, you, for example, do not you want to do business, but you have no right to contradict her. "i love to please the woman i love, and you're also afraid, i'm afraid of losing her, you're afraid of her hysterics, and she's one of those women who holds back in public and then takes it out on her loved ones, and you always wanted, always had to hold back, and
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it's hard, the only time you really feel like a man with her is when you dance tango, it's hard to hold back and be under a heel all the time"? "stop already, did you find out that veronica is a spoke khomyakov, what can i say, and decided to kill her, and the beauty contest is a very convenient place, and then i appeared and started to bother you, and you decided to kill me, framing edik, so you said, i know that they kill, no, who is she sleeping with, with khomyakov, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, dash, i understand, you are still under electricity, but we can’t
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put him on the wanted list, we have no evidence, i agree, well, i mean, well, well, well, where did he get this botox, my god, bought it, stole it, whatever, but we have no evidence, only feelings, or rather emotions, you understand that he used me, well, that's how he used me... he gave me his hand, he danced with me, yes, we need to take him, we need to take him urgently, i understand, thank you, that's it, your otell's car is parked near the hospital where his queen is, send a group, you've got it, i mean, well, well, he didn't go there to finish her off, but to sort things out, yeah, he didn't know about khomyakov, the bastard, after all, well, this is all some stupid gossip, well, honestly, you see, veronica, you see, well, turn on your logic, he's not married, he's rich, he has connections, first i star in his commercials, then he, well
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first it's a doll, then gossip, it 's a beauty contest, it's normal, after all, well, you know, you see, after all. and the worst thing is that they wanted to electrocute me, and now we 're discussing this nonsense, vitya, it's good that i wasn't there, yes, dasha got it, well , she got it, it's her job, it's her job to die instead of you, seriously now, yes, and what do you want? i want you to leave this contest, or rather, dasha, i wonder why? yes, because this damned crown isn't worth it these victims, how do you know how much my crown costs and now yours, no, sorry, well,
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that's not what i wanted to say, you see, well, well, why are you picking on words, i'm right, you know, i'm very tired, you see, i have no more strength, no mood. and the desire to discuss all this, well, it's also very difficult for me, and dasha, she, she is prepared, she will be very attentive, well, everything, everything, you see, please. well, look, here's one maid coming with cleaning, here's a party at night brought whiskey, here's another maid, here's a security guard, i have all to interrogate, i don't know, everything is falling apart, okay, i understand, tomorrow a request will come from the vladimir region. on mazurov, at least we will have his photo, and what about from vladimir? well
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, before their son's death they moved here from near vladimir, why? and this is what i have to find out in a conversation with the sister of the deceased. did you find mazurov's daughter? yes, so go. why? even because you are in character. oh, my god. my name is svetlana, yes, yes, come.
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i have come to confess and am ready to surrender. no, you are free, thank you, can i give you a ride, yes, to
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the hotel, shall we go? on the one hand, such absolute discipline, on the other hand, such relative, but freedom in building your work, but at the same time, you must be in touch 24 hours a day. the olympics that are taking place now are not the same olympics, the principles of olympism have been violated for a long time, the brics games are a completely different atmosphere, that is, there is no atmosphere of hostility, precision and accuracy, today for an ideologist it is like a tool, something that he should have in his soul,
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broadcasts on the belarus 24 tv channel . well, i really don’t know what came over me, maybe really did they give you an electric shock, because you said something, i say, not from behind...
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but he says, when the children go, then you'll have to sit down again, a clinic, a hospital, a kindergarten, nothing, little by little everything will get better, listen, well, according to the traffic police database , she got her license 5 years ago, but she has never been in an accident, not even minor accidents are registered for her, so that means who khomyakov was covering for, yes, but how did mazurov find out about this, and how can he be found if his own daughter hasn't seen him for 2 years, that's it, come on, come on tomorrow, i can't figure anything out anymore, yeah, bye.
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even if it were so, do you think i would tell you about it? okay, so you don't admit that you are in a close relationship with the hamster, but i still have to find out, i will meet with his wife, employees, his wife now after. okay, since our conversation is not going well,
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then i think i'll go, all the best. they know everything, come, come, well, in fact, maybe, well seriously, if you look at this moment from the other side, it will turn out, good morning, good, why did you call, rehearse, we have in the evening performance, we are not ready, well then the question, does it make sense, of course, there is
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very little time left, let's go, i was actually planning to go to the hospital, well what do i need to rehearse, let's go, let's go? oh, he finally showed up, wow, well look what 's happening to me, well nothing, nothing , nothing, nothing, well, that's it, well i'm a busy man, now i'll put everyone on their ears for kolif and dotov, i just didn't know, and if the one who
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killed fedotov now wants to kill me too, no, he doesn't know about you, well what did fedotov tell him or something, then why did he kill him, everything is fine, no need to make unnecessary movements, it is not in our interests, yes, baby, yes, and why are you still with this penguin, tell me, have you been waiting for your divorce for 5 years, let me win the competition, what a slut? here is the party that brought whiskey last night, here is the security guard,
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volkova. got it, let's turn around, quickly, let's go to the hotel, and i'll run myself, this is an order, the capture group has left, and the rehearsal, quickly to the hotel, stay here, work, don't interfere, where is mazurov? mazurov is standing.
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and where is your weapon? i threw it away, i admit my guilt, where to sign, i'm tired and can't. say, well, that's it, the case is closed, did you see him on camera, well of course, i recognized him that way, well, as soon as they sent a photo from vladimir, so right away, yes, he came into my room, i don't think so, well if you want, i'll look again, and did you see when i asked him about botox, he doesn't even know what it is, and to run a wire to the bathroom, you have to get into this room. and how does he know that veronica hit his son? dash, i think you're getting carried away? look for the weapon, senya, look! and where are you going? to the hotel, to look
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accomplice of mazor, because if he starts to act, then most likely at the competition. dash, listen, no, don't get into trouble, but good, good evening, ladies and gentlemen, well , the hour has come when we can find out what will happen, star, remember, you're great, i 'll be rooting for you, good luck, thank you, dasha, aren't you tired? what's wrong with you? let's go, are we being announced? they'll call you now as veronica rudakova and you'll go on stage as if nothing had happened, because now i 'm confused, confused in two identical women, as if i'm betraying her with you, and you with her. tell me, please, why do you need this? i need to catch a criminal, let's go and that's it, listen, you are really the same, i need something from me, one needs a crown, the other needs to catch a criminal, veronika rudakova and viktor lebedev, to your applause! they announce, you need, you go, vitya, vitya,
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here is a maid who came with cleaning, good afternoon, my name is svetlana mazarova, the nurse of the deceased, she works as a nurse in a hospital, to buy botox, you need to have a medical. well, what about the host, he needs go behind the scenes to find out what happened, and for you, jay, a tear-jerker, in general, dissolve, listen to the music, i won't be long, ciao, my brother didn't deserve this, he was so talented , he had a future, she took it all away from him. how can you abandon a dying man? the doctors said
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that if he had been taken to the hospital earlier, he would have survived. she took my father, mother and brother from me. did your father know about your plans? no. he forgot everything, both mother and brother, found himself a woman. my father is a wimp, he thought that you can forgive and move on, how can you forgive this? when i found out that fidotov was released early, that he was doing well, building a new house, i tracked him down, i took the rifle and cartridges from my father in the guardhouse, my father is a master of sports in biathlon on... he taught me to shoot well with my brother, this is for
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my brother, for mazurov, i wasn't driving, it was veronica, i found rudakova online and couldn't believe my eyes, she was at a competition in this very... i realized it was a sign, it wasn't just a coincidence, i came to my father at work, said that i wanted make peace, he was happy, showed me the hotel. then it was a matter of technique, decorate the master key, find the maid's uniform. i poisoned the bottled water, but the bastard survived, i had to use electricity.
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well, where's my crown? no, it's not there, of course, you ruined everything as always, you're a wimp, you can't do anything, right, i needed to dry khomyakov, of course, you loved me at all, you, a person without a goal, without ambitions, why the hell do i need you, you know who the step is, i stepped over you and went further, ugh on you, get lost!
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let's go out.
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veronica dated khomyakov before you met her, he didn't get divorced, she left him right after the accident, and then time passed, khomyakov got divorced, decided to return the relationship with veronica. but she, i'm not interested, it's not true, why did you come, i came because, because you owe me a tango.
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