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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  August 19, 2024 8:50am-9:01am MSK

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lord, lord, lord, save, protect, good morning, belarus. dear brothers and sisters, today is a great holiday, the transfiguration of the lord. on this day , we remember one of the most important events in the gospel history, which occurred shortly before the savior's suffering on the cross. three evangelists tell about it. matthew, mark and
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luke. jesus, taking with him the apostles peter, john and james, went to mount tabor to pray. during the prayer, his face suddenly changed and shone, his clothes became dazzlingly shiny. and two people were talking to him, these were moses, elijah, the old testament prophets, who appeared in the radiance of heavenly glory. they spoke about the exodus that christ was to accomplish in jerusalem. peter, james, and john were at that time weighed down by sleep, but when they awoke, they saw the radiance of his glory, and two men standing next to him. experiencing unearthly joy, the apostle peter said to jesus: "master, how good it is for us to be here, let us arrange three here."
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listen to him, and when the voice fell silent, it turned out that jesus was standing near the apostles alone, as before. the disciples kept this event in secret and did not tell anyone about what they had seen until christ rose from the dead. this was the wish of their divine teacher. what does the name of today's holiday mean? transfiguration means change, transition to another way of being. the teaching of the church tells us that at the moment of the transfiguration, christ revealed to the disciples. we
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remember that the event of the transfiguration occurred on the eve of the savior's suffering on the cross. therefore, the lord opens the curtain of the future to the apostles, reveals himself as the son of god. he assures the disciples in advance that the approaching suffering on golgotha ​​is not defeat and shame, but victory and glory, crowned with resurrection. the apostles were filled with unearthly joy. spiritual joy is a state that a person acquires when he approaches god, having worked internally on his
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soul, preparing it to worthily accept god's gift. it was for the sake of this closeness to their creator that the holy ascetics endured the most difficult feats and suffered severe deprivations. heavenly joy eclipsed quenched their earthly sorrow. but not only ascetics and fasting people receive spiritual joy.
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us, each of us, the difficulties that arise in life should not lead to a state of confusion and despair in comparison with the glory that will be revealed, but... it can be said that these three apostles were looking for the truth, had a good heart, and followed christ with burning faith. what does this tell us about sincere people, burning with love for god, striving for spiritual perfection,
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god reveals himself, sometimes earlier than they expect and reveals himself when they do not even are looking for. the holiday is not only a remembrance of the gospel event, but also a strengthening of the spiritual life of each of us. the savior's feat of the cross opened the gates to the kingdom of heaven for us, but in order to enter it, you need to transform your soul, work on it.
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divine grace transforms human souls, but a person shows a desire for this, zeal and by this he disposes god to act. in the gospel, the kingdom of heaven is also compared to a wedding feast, and the state of the human soul to the guest's attire, as it is impossible to enter a wedding feast in a dirty clothes, so it is impossible to enter the kingdom of god with a heart darkened by sins. we are transformed not only when we overcome sin, but also when we cultivate virtues, but how to do it correctly?
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for us, virtue, but still it will take work, time in order to succeed in something. it is also important to note that good or bad deeds begin with good or evil thoughts, feelings, therefore, in order for virtues to grow in us with greater strength, we should try to have pure thoughts, filling our minds not with envy, resentment, but prayer, thanksgiving to god. spiritual reasoning and the words of the gospel. a heart filled with good feelings does not respond to sinful temptations. therefore, it is very important for us to look at what feelings we experience. if something unkind is mixed in,
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not corresponding to the gospel, we need to concentrate on this, bring ourselves to the right state, so that then from this state and ... do the right things, act as god pleases, so that from this state wrong actions and words are not born. dear brothers and sisters, the transfiguration of our lord jesus christ on mount tabor assures the apostles and us of the divine nature of the savior, but at the same time reminds us of the need for the transformation of our own souls. that is why we came to church, believed the word of the gospel and received holy baptism, in order to transform our souls, our whole life, to give place in it to the action of god's grace. after all, we are here, strangers, aliens on this earth,
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our homeland is in heaven. let us work ceaselessly on our own spiritual transformation, thereby becoming closer to god. i am an example of a true christian to those around us, happy holiday, happy transfiguration of the lord. no.


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