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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  August 19, 2024 3:00pm-3:10pm MSK

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on air, this is the news with you, lyudmila kazak. good day. watch this episode. from housing construction to craft activities. meeting in the palace of independence with the leadership of savmin. up to life imprisonment, canada will harshly punish haters on the internet, and no exceptions for minors. a foul-smelling problem threatens europe, wastewater with waste.
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new political cargo. in belarus , the length of stay of patients in nursing hospitals has changed to 180 days. what are the options next? providing citizens with housing, improving transport infrastructure, reforming craft activities. these and other issues were discussed today at the independence palace. the president held a meeting with the leadership of the council of ministers. housing construction. one of the priorities of our social policy approaches to state support are constantly being improved, rural areas are kept in the spotlight first of all, laws should not be an obstacle to construction, the president is convinced, it is necessary to simplify the procedures for construction of lending housing, especially since the current pace cannot satisfy either the people or the government. alexander lukashenko noted that the solution to the housing issue removes the problem of personnel outflow, helps young specialists to gain a foothold in the countryside, a number of proposed innovations will contribute to this.
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today, it is necessary to give a new impetus to housing construction in the countryside, including individual houses, construction of rental housing by enterprises for their employees. the government has proposed a whole range of innovations from simplifying connection to engineering infrastructure of individual houses to the expansion of financial support for young families up to 31 years. all innovations have been reviewed by the expert council, including. this republic, in the state control committee, the presidential administration, however, as far as i know, no general agreement on the documents has been reached. for example, it is unclear why it obliges developers to use design documentation when constructing individual houses in rural areas, if we already abandoned this a year ago. therefore, today we will discuss the rationality of each change, so that people who
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are directly affected by these innovations can understand exactly how their housing issue will be resolved, i would like to ask the relevant minister to report on this issue: do all the proposed measures really simplify construction procedures, so that there is no appearance of a solution from the place of the issue, will the updated legislation allow housing construction to be expanded, how is the banking sector involved in these procedures, will the planned support have sufficient funding, and as you remember, all standards should be set out in simple human language, without bureaucratic clutter and changes in dozens of decrees. housing policy, debureaucratization in housing processes, this is the first question. on the agenda are proposals to create a single national operator of transport infrastructure, under its wing it is supposed to take all intelligent... transport
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systems from toll roads to parking systems and photo recording of violations. in its current form, the functioning of these systems does not fully resolve issues of financial discipline and road safety. their consolidation should be effective and beneficial to the country. it was instructed to work out this topic in the government in great detail. of course, exclusively in the interests of the state. well , at least so that it would be better than now. and this was expressed. in finances, because if we are going to carry out a digital transformation of the transport infrastructure, then in the most advanced way convenient for people, for example, everyone knows that in terms of parking we have complete chaos, especially in the capital, in our most populated city minsk, there are quite a few lovers of pushing their car anywhere, even with the presence of paid zones located throughout the center, there are such citizens who...
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will park there, but will not pay, that is , there is no payment discipline, and there are no proposals to establish it either, a similar situation with compliance with weights.
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how belarus protects the sky, the flight of military, drones, the enemy over your sovereign territory, is this already a belli case, or not yet? the west is a vile thing, how brussels abandoned migrants, and minsk saved them. have you put a noose around my neck in the form of sanctions? and
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demand that i defend the european union? turn the revolution back, the benefit from the first, they were already running heels were sparkling, the first time in my life i saw how heels sparkle. teleberg. watch the entire interview of the president of the republic of belarus on the rossiya tv channel on monday evening on belarus 1. refugees on the european border are still subjected to violence contrary to the norms of international law and universal principles of humanity. on august 18, the latvian military once again demonstrated cruelty by throwing people into the territory of belarus three beaten afghan citizens, foreigners.
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this is the european border of humanity. canada intends to fight hate on the internet, the government is developing a law that will introduce tough sanctions for online insults with fines of millions of dollars and even life imprisonment, and no exceptions for minors. at the moment, the document identifies seven categories of harmful content, including posts of encouragement.
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the problem has become wastewater inlets with waste, they flow into rivers and lakes, causing diseases in people cause irreparable harm to nature, bloomberg writes about this, emphasizing that it is not only about the pollution of the famous seine and thames, many european cities have centuries-old infrastructure that is simply not suitable for processing the huge amount of waste, households and industries, while the european union has wastewater treatment rules that most countries do not comply with, notes ... bloomberg. because of this , the european commission has already filed a lawsuit against italy, greece, spain. several more states are on queues. the latvian authorities are putting the russian dom moskvy center, which was nationalized at the beginning of the year, up for auction. the bidding starts
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tomorrow. the starting price of the objects - the building and the land - is 3.5 million euros. they want to use the funds received to support ukraine. the russian embassy has already stated that it considers the transfer of the cultural center to state ownership an act of tyranny and robbery. the swiss history of social contempt, how children were turned into underage slaves, mass removals from families without '. exploitation, sale at auctions is a constant humiliation, why the state turned away and...


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