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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  August 19, 2024 7:25pm-8:01pm MSK

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and let's not live too much, those who suffer pain are our family, which means there will be a song, there will be a song, and the family will live! watch everything that modern belarus lives on today on the belarus 24 tv channel. this is news of the country abroad, broadcasts of especially important events, live broadcasts from the scene , from.
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kazakhstan, turkmenistan, uzbekistan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, georgia, turkey, iran, iraq, kuwait, bahrain, qatar, the united arab emirates. saudi arabia, syria, jordan, lebanon. set up a satellite dish sputnikpace-1. signal the channel is broadcast in the open and is available 24 hours a day, every day. be with the belarus24 tv channel and discover belarus.
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providing citizens with housing, improving transport infrastructure, reforming craft activities, these and other issues were discussed in the palace of independence, the president held a meeting with the leadership of the council of ministers, housing construction is one of the priorities of our social policy, approaches to state support are constantly being improved. rural areas are primarily in the spotlight. laws do not should be an obstacle in construction - the president is convinced. it is necessary to simplify the procedures for the construction of housing loans . today it is necessary to give a new impetus to housing construction in the countryside, including individual houses, construction of rental housing by enterprises for their employees. the government has proposed a whole range of innovations, from simplifying the connection to the engineering infrastructure of individual houses, to expansion.
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changes are underway. in the coming days, savmin will determine the list of activities that artisans will be able to engage in. the main thing is that innovations should not lead to the loss of rare crafts, the departure of skills to the shadow sector of the economy. belarusian farmers have collected more than 7.5 million tons of crops, taking into account rabs. the mass grain harvest in the country is almost finished, district harvests are already beginning. farmers of the nesvezhsky district made the most significant contribution to the common loaf of the minsk region. a bright festival. celebrated under the slogan glory to the people who work the land. the leading participants in the harvest received well-deserved awards. i am overwhelmed with a feeling pride in the results achieved this year. we are the country's leaders in terms of grain and leguminous crop yields. we have been working towards this for a long time, we set these goals for ourselves, and this year we have succeeded. belarus and russia are working on joint industrial projects. the first
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gearboxes and reducers manufactured in the union state may appear by the end of next year, as reported by the belarusian ministry of industry. work is underway to implement four machine tool projects, in in recent years , there has been a significant increase in investment volumes at... enterprises in the industry, in order for the industry to feel confident, every 5 years it is necessary to renew on a large scale, that is , to invest in the development of the industry, because without further investment, well, there will be no future, and i will say that over the last, especially 5 years, we have grown significantly in investments, even today, compared to 2020, we have 100% growth in investments. although last year we also finished with a good digital, basically there is a technical re-equipment of the technological park, well, in simpler words, the replacement of old equipment with more modern for with an increase in labor productivity, the quality of products we get. the geography of exports is also expanding,
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but the main partner russia remains unchanged, opportunities are opening up in latin america, africa and other friendly countries. according to the relevant department, in the directions of the far. deliveries increased by 20%. in the agro-town of lyaskovich, gomel region, an international festival was held ethnocultural traditions call of polesia. one of the main ideas of the festival is to demonstrate the national calendar and ritual cycle of polesia holidays. and the main thing was the wheel of life, which was metaphorically presented in the form of four seasons. she is the mountains of melnitsa, mill. the festival is held every 2 years. this time, the emphasis was on the rituals that are called intangible historical and cultural heritage in belarus. the agro-town of svislych in the grodno region hosted the bread festival for the third time
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batkkova bun. invariably , the main dish of belarusians is in the center of the fest - bread, symbolizing life, health and well-being of a person. the presented assortment surprised even the most sophisticated connoisseurs of this. we came from shchuchin, we managed to come to this holiday, and it's a miracle, and the smell of grandma's childhood, we have been coming here for the second year, we are delighted, in awe, this is exactly how the organization of holidays should be, it unites people, various sites with master classes worked for guests, where you could bake that the most father's loaf, at the gospodar show anyone could try their hand at chopping wood and sawing logs. the festival ended with a concert and a festive fireworks display. the annual all-belarusian religious procession zhirovichi-minsk started in the holy dormition zhirovichi monastery. pilgrims set off on a sacred expedition for the third time. this season , the religious procession is dedicated to the fortieth anniversary
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of the establishment of the celebration of the council of belarusian saints. in total , the pilgrims will cover 250 km in nine days. the route will unite four dioceses and 21 churches, where divine liturgies and memorial services will be held at the worship crosses, everyone is invited to participate in the procession , you can join the procession at any point along the way, the pilgrimage will end at the minsk holy spirit cathedral. oleg, hello, alive and well, the boss is not getting old, hello,
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hello, thank you for this opportunity, thank you for accepting us, thank you for showing the border and how the armed forces are preparing, maybe there are some secrets from you. well, they should be, no, you will find out anyway , thank you very much, we are ready, lithuania has banned entry to all cars with belarusian license plates, with russian ones, with russian ones, probably a long time ago, how should we treat this, we don't need to, if i were you, i wouldn't comment on many questions concerning lithuania, because they don't know what they are doing, well, they are crazy, the most real crazy.
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the so-called economic tourism, these are huge funds that were taken out of here, let's speak so frankly in european union, i'm not talking about lithuania, there's nothing alive there. whatever we say about lithuanians, they've been very hardworking people since soviet times, and they
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compare what was in the soviet union with what is now in the soviet union, the same ukraine, lithuania, there were pearls, i remember that well, lithuania was a very developed country, we can call it car receivers and other things from the soviet era, they could have developed it to the level of the same mercedes, now they have nothing at all, in this place. ruins, so they can't offer their goods, and if lithuanian, so-called lithuanian, it means that the germans built someone else's plant, so they were from all over the union, right up to the anglo-saxons, along the border, roughly speaking, well, there were enough of these shops there , they built these shops, they took goods there, well, and we, from our own rage, you see, we absolutely had to buy something.
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i saw this later in europe, i asked the experts, i said, well, why is that? and
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he said, rich people, smart, they never demonstrate their superiority, second, so why is it? a regular simple suit, here i am promoting belarusian flax, we make such things from flax today , it’s a pleasure to look at, but flax, even though we add a little artificial fiber to it, it has such a property, it is very... they can do it better than us, some of your companies sew well, fabric, the main fabric, it is very
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useful, but it wrinkles, but i wear a lot of clothes made of linen, we can clothe and feed people in belarus 30 million, right now, and if we try, even 40, so why do we need it go and buy eu money in lithuania, if they were smart and the eu hadn't gone nuts. they wouldn't do it, and lithuanians would be banned from doing it, because it's billions of dollars in income, well, what can we say about them, if they introduced sanctions, they shot themselves in the head, this is a continuation of this policy, stupid, complete lies, they often reproach you, i see, ours are already like that, especially propagandists and so on, i don't know why you brush this off if we talk about propaganda, but we we promote our way of life.
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manipulations operations in health care, which cost, well, probably, you know, immersed in this, huge amounts of money, huge amounts of money, there is a bias here, i say this frankly, i am saying it now before the elections, there is a bias, but i cannot move away from politics, and there is no such need, as long as we endure this, we endure these social burdens, and people have gotten used to, you know, here he is no one else, this is not.
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evolutionists, we are for evolutionary development based on what we have achieved, we will never denied the achievements of the soviet period , never, on that basis, as an example and proof of that, we built our economy, our society, we often said, well, this is belarus - this is a fragment of the soviet era, no, this is no longer a fragment of the soviet era, but ...
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also knowing our advanced economy in this part of electronics, i thought, yes, probably there will be a very strong blow, and came home here to minsk, went straight to the enterprise, gathered people who are engaged in the electronics industry, one such a white-haired designer comes up to me, tells me about his products and stuff, what we now supply to russia in our country.
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well, somehow back to back, will there be such times, will there not be such times, and your military said, what about belarus, well , so what, it's 800 thousand km, yes, we'll shoot from moscow through belarus and hit any target in the west, it turned out that this is not so, before shooting, will there be people who can shoot with the appropriate weapons, it turned out, here we are standing back to back, when the... special a military operation, i told you frankly, it began and a few days later putin and i met, and before that, he says: i ask you, cover us from the rear, i say, what rear, and he says, here is the junction of ukraine, belarus and poland, i thought so, well done, i feel that these same bastards can do anything, then i said that we will not allow the russians to shoot in the back, we then... raised
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almost half an army and closed that direction, they understood that jokes in this regard are bad, so here we are, sometimes with our backs, sometimes looking at each other, fighting against these cynics, and it's not about ukraine, i'm very worried about everything that's happening in ukraine, because somewhere my roots are buried there between chernigov and kiev, as vitya yushchenko said, they found some documents there, somewhere there... to earn grain, take it home and
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feed the cattle and... they started it, it's not the ukrainian people against us, and we didn't fight against them and weren't going to fight, this war was started by these rabid, nationalistic politicians, volodya zelensky, an inexperienced person, he already has a heavy inheritance got it, here putin often publicly reproaches him that he had the opportunity not to do it and to move away from the policy that they
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were pursuing. in donbass, in odessa, when they burned our guys, they burned people there in the house of trade unions, it was impossible for him, firstly, he is not a politician, he was not ready for this, because of this he could not move away from this, here poroshenko, putin also reproaches him for this, the three of us were hanging around there, putin, me and poroshenko, so that this would not happen, yes, yes, i understand, and so on, he agreed to everything, and then from this policy on... reconciliation policy he moved away, i told you, for example, i was in sochi meeting with putin, there just at the donbass airport, there a new airport, what 's it called, was built, yes, there was a battle, and a lot of ukrainians died there, they lost that battle, and we just had negotiations with putin in sochi, i was talking to shaigu on the phone then, he told me, he says, call, shaigu himself clarify,
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as it seems like his term of office has expired, you know, we can say that he is illegitimate, deyura, well, i don’t want to repeat my older brother, he read this constitution of ukraine, everyone already knows, deyura, there is a question about
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legitimacy for him, de facto he is the president, he makes decisions, and these decisions are implemented, so he made a decision, this is madness in the direction of kursk to implement, and the army.
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to fight against such an empire in ukraine, where people are fleeing from the war, although, as they say, they have a patriotic war, but if it is patriotic, why flee from this war, you are fighting, we survived the patriotic war together, then no one fled, and we see it,
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even today in poland and other countries friendly to ukraine, they started to catch everyone for the front, where did they run to, they can't run to russia, they ran to russia, but there is a front there. in that case they are not needed, if families with children come, this is already a guarantee that they are running away from the war and want to work, well, we give some families citizenship, i sign decrees, and we give housing, they work for us,
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especially since we need decent people, we see them too, but not a single family that we sheltered here behaved badly, well , the rest, most of them they are running to... well, we see it, that's how i see you, so the wars don't want to fight, well, how can you fight with an empire when you have no one to fight with, maybe nine - these are men who are running from , we see what is happening in the theater of military operations and what is happening in ukraine, there are motivated people, take kursk, the attack in the direction of kursk. well, in the kursk region, listen, there were no non-professionals there, and it is clear if our comrade and friend syrsky was in charge of this headquarters, well, it is clear?


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