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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  August 19, 2024 10:05pm-11:06pm MSK

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it seems we broke the deadlock, scored a goal, tied it up, there was an unpleasant rebound, a little, i think, it knocked us down, and we couldn't even tie the score, as for the dynamo roster, almost all the bayonets are already in the ranks, this applies to the legionnaires, in minsk we only have to wait for the case of dubé, let us recall that the zobry signed six north americans for the defense line for the season, the general manager of the white-blues. the signing and selection of players is carried out jointly with the coaching staff, therefore we take into account some recommendations, wishes of the coaching staff, the key moment is selection this year was to strengthen the defense, so the first thing we did was to work on defense in terms of strengthening. attacks and implementing
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the majority, of course, a huge benefit for the team, this is the signing of vladim shupachov. at the end of august, the dynamo players have two more sparring matches with the admiral planned, the games will be held on the 23rd and 27th, and the regular khl championship for the white-blues starts on september 5. khabarovsk amur will come to the minsk arena. athletes of the russian club loka sphinx. imposed serious competition on our athletes at the multi-day cycling race tour of belarus. the race is already is approaching the denouement, as evidenced by the results of the penultimate fifth stage in the top five of the protocol of this stage, three representatives of the team from st. petersburg , including the winner daniil zarakovsky. the best of the belarusians today was sergei shevchenko, he finished second in six seconds. the leader of the overall standings, evgeny korolek , finished the stage with '.
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the guys are riding very fast, i am very glad that belarusian racers are coming to us in russia, they are competing with us, if we rode on our own, it would not be so interesting, very strong, worthy guys from belarus are coming, it is interesting to race with them, the final sixth stage of the cycling multi-day race will take place tomorrow, the athletes will cover 135 km from flonim to novogrudok. belarusian
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water skiers took five medals from france in bardot the european championship in water skiing behind a boat ended. according to the results of the championship, our elena parkhomenko won three awards, the girl became the best in the all-around, and also took silver in figure skating and bronze in ski jumping. as for the figures, there were no equal to maria belyakova, and irina turets took silver in ski jumping. and even more. sports in the night edition of the program in the studio worked kristina kamysh. see you.
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we know exactly how to start the morning right, together with the viewers we will prepare a delicious breakfast. good morning, i am very glad to see you in my kitchen today. this will be one of my favorite breakfasts, we will cook zucchini pancakes with red fish, and in addition to this we will prepare a healthy green salad. vlad, good morning, glad to see you see in your kitchen. today we will cook an omelette with zucchini and cottage cheese spinach filling. and we will get a boost of energy
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for the whole day. and the third exercise will be a crunch for the press, this will help you maintain a good figure. bend your legs as much as possible. move them to your buttocks, lie down and slowly rise, we will have three exercises, at an easy, calm pace, repeat all the movements, and your joints, your muscles, your body will thank you, stretch your legs forward, take a deep breath, raise your arms up, lower yourself down, in diagonal touch the right hand with the left, look at the project. from a small chick to a large individual
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takes about 5 months, since the turkey is the bird most susceptible to stress, we try to minimize as much as possible. negative factors that can further affect our bird. and show one day of your life. rainbow trout is the most promising species for growing artificial conditions. whatever we do, it is always made from freshly caught fish. this is today day. the suckers' trump cards are that the fish is ecologically clean, high-quality and most importantly fresh. each production site is very important, since its work affects the quality of the finished product, today we have shown that what is produced in our country can be, not only the same in quality, but in some
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cases even surpass it. watch on the belarus 24 tv channel. they were born in different parts of the world, i am lyudmila tarakanova. i have been living in belarus for more than 30 years, i came from russia, from the ancient city of ryazan, syria is my homeland, i love it very much, but it so happened that i decided to go to belarus, get an education as a cameraman, everyone found something for themselves here, so i am engaged in the creation of clothes, and it makes me so happy, i am happy that people...
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everything that modern belarus lives with today, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel. this is news of the country and abroad, broadcasts of especially important events, live broadcasts from the scene . current interviews with famous belarusians, fascinating travels around country, feature films for all ages, on the territory of the countries: azerbaijan,
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kazakhstan, turkmenistan, uzbekistan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, georgia, turkey, iran, iraq, kuwait, bahrain, qatar. united arab emirates, saudi arabia, syria, jordan, lebanon. set up a satellite dish satellite azer space-1. the channel's signal is broadcast in the open and is available 24 hours a day every day. be with the belarus 24 tv channel and discover belarus. when i got to broslav, i realized that our land is the most beautiful. your signature handwriting is winter landscapes. i'll tell you honestly, the climate has changed, i'm terribly short of land, you were very much loved in the netherlands, i suggest you. maybe stay there, leaving was tantamount to betrayal, and you buy someone's paintings? i realized that if i
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don't buy paintings, they 'll all just go to the west, your children are also not alien to the world of beauty, up to the fifth grade they said, dad, we'll be anyone but artists, another of your life's achievements is your wife, of course, this is lucky, because she is just a unique person, she paints a huge picture, she is very famous in europe, the most important thing is that she does it sincerely, she does not do it for money, and do you consider yourself a happy person? i would like people through small things, through animals, through nature, through beauty, to become kinder and better themselves. hello, the program say don't be silent is on the air, in the studio tatyana cherdina and svetlana.
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or went to russia to a creative academic dacha, there he studied in moscow, so all his classmates were moscow-petersburg, he he went there and painted with the best artists of the soviet union, naturally it was growth, my mother understood all this perfectly, and she gave him such a carte blanche so that he could move around in the family, but my mother was always with books at home, a gorgeous library, that is, like... she was involved, roughly speaking, in our upbringing, it so happened that the elder brother, he is 10 years older than me
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, vitold, named after belinsky berulya, he became an artist, there was no path at all, there is only an artist, because he he was terribly talented, he just started any work, it was immediately a masterpiece, that is , a person, well, a child was born , everything goes well for him, there simply could not be another path, and he, well, everyone thought that... it would be just completely unknown who there, manet, taga, vango, whoever, he is a magnificent impressionist, well, that is, he had no path, my sister, who is also a year older than me, my sister - became a philologist, she worked in the directorate of literary museums, we all graduated from music school, all, on what instrument you played the piano, we have a grand piano at home, well now it's at my sister's, a french grand piano. my grandfather was the director of a bank in orenburg and the workers gave him
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a french royal piano in 1905, the beginning of the 20th century, 1900 , in short, there's a gorgeous sound there, such a cabinet piano with a magnificent sound, so when i was studying at a music school, i couldn't switch to this piano belarus, i came home and everything worked out so great that i came there and the keys were pressed, there was no sound , that is, my sister was there too. she went through the history of this, she is an archivist family, she collects all the publications there, everything that is connected with the family, with mom and dad, she keeps it all, such a real. museum worker, that is, everything is clear here, what is going on, and in the third grade i got stuck, well , i lived in a brick factory, we had one there, now yan kimarova, it used to be called concrete re-oak, yeah, there was a silicate factory nearby, it was the outskirts, so all my classmates were either from the villages of medvezhina, boronovshchina,
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kuntsovshchina, or these or the children of workers from the working youth. we even have photographs from your childhood. sixty-nine, here i am, second from the right, in a word, it was a good happy childhood, there is a stadium near the house, there is a hockey rink near the house, there is a club near the house that my parents, they collect... the money took several years to build this club with columns, it is so beautiful now on uglanarenko yankee mavro now this club is still there is a gorgeous library in this club, everything i read as a child was from there, because you could find jules verne there, there is manrida, well, such things, that we liked it, a movie theater, a movie theater, that is
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, 10 kopecks, you watch any movie, about six or seven sections are free, these... sections, all the guys from my village, and the village is small, somewhere around 10 two-story houses, standing around and everything nearby, that is, everything for people, and these sections were free, now when they say that you have to pay for football, for a uniform, for hockey, there we had ship modeling, there was an aircraft construction, there were children playing on pipes there, that is, all the friends went somewhere free. i had friends and somehow they dragged me into this football, at that time there were hockey matches with the canadians, then seventy-second year there, in short , they dragged me there, and i liked it so much, i was just dying, i was impressed, there was no tv at home, then it appeared, i went to my friends, watched these matches on tv, then i
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was just a fan, you understand, then the victories came, in the fifth grade we took a leather ball. our team played with me, here are a few guys who later stalinovich, there zekmantovich, who later became the team, the golden teams, this is my generation, this is my year, and these are my guys, with whom i knew them all, because i played, but then in the fifth or sixth grade they went to du usa, that is , a sports school, and my mother, i was sick, a late child, my mother gave birth at 42 years old, and in short, i was sick, and my mother did not want to let me go there, i begged her to... send me there, they did not send me, and then somewhere in the sixth, seventh, eighth grade comes, i stood in the goal, and i am small, imagine in football, small goalkeeper, it's impossible, it's impossible, the gates are huge, and i'm small, so somehow with football i started to move away from football somewhere, although, although we played all over belarus, we had a team,
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before, now this is pid, and before it was called dsk, house-building plant, yeah, that's it. and then my second friend, he 's a musician since childhood, he lived in the neighboring house, he was almost blind, he had only 18% of his vision, but i still remember that at 3 years old he played any instrument, they sat him down, brought him to the piano, oh, he started playing tyk-pyk-myk, talent and didn't study anywhere, his parents were sick somehow, and in short, he didn't study anywhere, but he was talented, so vocal instrumental ensembles came along and i went there, so... i was already playing, we made our own ensemble, played concerts at school, participated in some, well, it was mainly connected with school, festivals, some trips, then weddings started, this is generally bad, because well, a wedding is drinking and so on, i'm some kind of ninth- grade student, and they were needed, we didn't have any guitars,
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we didn't have a drummer, we didn't have anything, so we collected bottles, dried some grass. moscow, then in the forties in moscow, she had a teacher labinsky, he was my mother's competitor, she studied in the thirties at
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sobinov, he died during the war, she studied singing with him, you know, this is a star, just a world star of singing, vocals, she studied there, she played all her life, sang magnificently, and these on the guitars three chords, there are no drums on some boxes. how did she endure it, that is, well, a person gets carried away, she, she was very cultured very understanding, she took it all in, dad couldn't take football in, he says: what are you doing, what are you doing, yeah, 20 idiots, kicking a ball around and you go there, you know, brother, brother spoke better, brother says, father had three sons, two smart, the third was a football player, yeah, he was talking about me, you know, that's the situation, already by the tenth grade... i still played hockey, i was a goalkeeper there, you can be a little one, so i played hockey for a long time, by the tenth grade it was already clear, well, that's what music is, in music you have to be the best, yes, in music you have to
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to work very seriously, not to talk nonsense, but to work very seriously, i had an example, my, my dad studied with gavrilov, he is the first brush of russia, the best russian artist, and his son andrei gavrilov, became a laureate of the fifth... course of tchaikovsky, not laureates, but he received the tchaikovsky grand prix, played with the richtor and so on, so i saw how he worked, here is his mother, annette, she worked with him, she says, and my andryusha plays only 10 hours a day, only 10, god, he plays as much as 12, and my andryushenka plays only 10 hours, and i am like i'm sitting there, i go to a music school, and god grant that i play there for an hour, you know, what, well, where should i go to music, by the tenth grade i don't know where to go, so by chance i started drawing.
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there a man is kissed by god, as from poverty, from zero, in general, he suddenly gets into the school of 905, art, he had
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options there, to be a pilot or an artist, he decided to be an artist, and there he has teachers, levitan's favorite students petrovichev, krymov, he immediately gets into such a sphere, it was like that for him all his life, after and after war he met belinsky berul, he is considered the only. student of berlin berul, well, it was difficult for dad, but, but just in the top ten, yeah, well, everything was in the top ten, and for me it was easier, for me it was easier, tenth, i arrive, i have tenth grade, dad says, well, what are we going to do, to the school, we poked around the school, and there they accept only from the eighth, from the eighth grade, well from the ninth, in the best case, well, no, earlier, later no, no way, we went to the director, dad knew them after all, he went, no, the school it falls off to the institute, what institute, there is a nude model, you have to paint in oil, and i have five watercolors, excuse me, where, here, dad suddenly says, you know, there is a good studio
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of sumarev. and we went to the mill, i myself had already left, and i was very lucky, i somehow on the way here, well, super luck, because sumorev is a young artist, one of the best young artists of the soviet union, he is so sharp -tongued, very smart, knowledgeable, you know, these kids are sitting with him, this is his strongest side, he knew how to communicate with little kids, this group where i ended up, and there were five or six people there. i also came there like that, the kids, you know, they sit and draw these still lifes, like the fifth or sixth grade, and i ’m such a big tenth-grader, everything is crooked, the jugs fall, these plates are crooked, nothing works out, it’s so frustrating, but gradually, gradually, after six months, well, i’m an adult, and i’ve already become a leader there, and there were very good people around me, but the most important thing is that these were different people, these were also not simple people, there from different families such cool, they were
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to say what art is, what an artist should be, he should not just be an artist, he should be the greatest artist, he should be, i say this, here i am telling there repin, oh, it's all bad, surikov is bad, leonardo vinci, michelangelo, you should go there , there and there, that is, take the very tops , the very tops, that is, such an aspiration, and i worked for lutsevich for 14 hours, my wife is also a student of lutsevich, she says that life
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is over. we just painted day and night, this very, this is a very important development, so i ended up in the army after the army i enter the institute, i have teachers, in the first year livshits, then he leaves not for israel, but for america, in my opinion, a wonderful teacher, he lived on the same street with chagall, when i got to graduate school, to graduate school with the soviet, yeah, that's where the shock happened, i, i have never had a single day off, i...
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he is considered the best composer in the soviet union, if you take composition. yeah. so, what's the point? first, an artist must have, come up with some kind of. very big philosophical the idea, what do you want to tell people? the next step: you need to find the plot of the picture, the plot of the picture through which this idea will be viewed, so the plot is already the three karamazov brothers, yes, there is their bad dad, yes, who was later killed, yes, who was right, who was guilty, that is, you must find a plot so that people, well, you can’t draw a bare idea on a picture. yes, people should see people, there is some action, yes, what is happening, you made the plot, yes, you came up with it, the next step, you must arrange these figures and arrange the landscape and arrange the paints so that your
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idea is visible, that is, we are approaching a formal composition, that is, in class they give you a piece of paper and they give you, for example, two circles or two circles, for example , a triangle and... you have to arrange these two circles and the triangle on the paper so that it turns out to be grief, yeah, you have to try to do this, this is a formal composition, this is not soviet, this is just a formal composition, or, for example, to convey happiness, from the same objects, you just put it differently, so that the man came up, wow, yeah, cool, yeah, that's a formal composition, igor antonovich, well, in words it turns out everything is simple, but in reality it was probably a bit complicated, that's why you described mikhail andreevich's style as severe, well, and we'll look at your paintings. in the next part, you are famous for your winter landscapes, we'll definitely discuss them, but for now we'll take a short break, our telegram channel "say don't be silent", subscribe, suggest guests to us, ask questions, we have connections.
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getting to know belarusian enterprises and outstanding results of their work: the company's strategy is aimed more at quality, at naturalness, we position ourselves in the market exactly like this, such countries as germany, bulgaria, israel have appeared in our exports. today we are implementing several investment projects with the aim of increasing. competitiveness of products, an approach to business that everyone can strive for, all our products that we produce in our workshop are tasty and healthy, made 100% from
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natural raw materials, even children can eat them, all food products require the approach of a good, competent, kind housewife, it seems to me so, at least i have always set such tasks for myself, that what i like,
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the program "say ne molchi" is on the air again, and today our guest is the belarusian artist igor barkhatkov. igor antonovich, well, we have already mentioned that your signature style is winter landscapes, i wonder why
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you have such an attitude to this time of year? well, the thing is that, firstly, i was born in january, i was born on january 5th, this is always crispy snow, you know, our generation, it grew up. when the snow in the yard is taller than you, these are fortresses, this is all, this is a crispy sound, so these works were written in our village, khoruzhi, you know, it is very difficult to write in winter, the year before last there was a winter when there was not a single sunny day, well, the sun came out, but i had just collected the paints and it closed, that is, to write a sunny work, and i need a week or two, yeah, yeah, well today the sun is shining i work, tomorrow it is cloudy i don’t work, the day after tomorrow the sun is shining i go out again, work, most of the winter works - well, i was younger then, first of all, it's freezing, you have to paint very actively, very intensely, when you paint actively, you like these works, because you paint emotionally.
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some year, when javier was there, and there was a lot of snow, you know, it was a pleasure, i liked it myself, the work was painted from life, they are very sensual, i don't paint in the studio, everyone comes to me in the studio, i don't have a single paint there, and my floor is clean, yeah, relatively, but we'll talk about life later let's talk, let's look at your other works then, because you are being modest, it seems to me that in other seasons you, i work all year round, of course, spring, is when the snow melts, the last snow, i want to catch it again.
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the rain has passed, once and there is no rain, you quickly go out and drink, that is, it is so long even on apples there are these drops, there is a process, as it were, but you have to try, of course, the faster the better, lena plants asters herself then we choose by color, which ones to put, we will definitely talk about creativity again elena nikolaevna, here's another thing, yes, i have a kid in the yard, well, this is a small one, our chickens are there, it goes quickly, when you want it, you get up in the morning, the rowan is burning there, in this one.
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there is no water, yeah, no river, no lake, there is nothing nearby either, so as much as i am afraid of the lack of water, when i go somewhere, i always go to a place where there is water, i go to a creative dacha. academic, where there are rivers and lakes all around, or i go to braslav, and there are huge lakes. i wrote this work when there was an order for a large painting, which my homeland was called, i had to paint a huge landscape for our bank, they asked for a large landscape, so that there was a lot of blue water and blue sky, this work hangs in all all foreign journalists and everyone who is at the meeting, yesterday was the same, i saw it, i see it almost every day on tv.
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i had a lot in the landscape, but a man is plowing, a man is riding home in a cart, i had all this in the landscape, but now he is riding on a tractor or some kind of supercar, among these little sheds, birches, this car, it like hello, this is not at all, well they don't go together, or, for example, there used to be collective farms, people would go out there, do something,
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yes, they would rake hay, stack haystacks, it 's all very beautiful, these are people on the ground, yeah, that is, now there is no man.
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so he looked at my paintings with horror and said: well, i'll try, but he bought all the belarusian artists, not all, but
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somewhere around 20 or 30 artists bought paintings in belarus, after a few months he only had six people left, yeah. well, the rest, yes, the rest, no were sold, there are a few people left, there is sasha demidov, and why? and because he says: people who remember these stashkas, people who remember these fences, people who saw horses in the field, and this was back in ninety-six , we had everything on horses there in the village, it is very, well, that is, it was laid down, as if we were writing, and people still like it, but in 20 years no one at all will, right? i think that everything is changing very quickly, everything is changing very quickly in the world now, i think that there will be no paintings, like now artificial intelligence, so, well, we hope that it won't come to that , the painting will remain, igor antonovich, but tell me, were you offered, maybe, to stay there and work there, yes, and why did you refuse, the thing is that elena and i, we,
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well, first of all, we are patriots, in what sense are we patriots, i love everything of mine, yeah, we came to holland, lena tells me, i'm great, no, i draw great, everything there, oh, how great, and then they took me there in austria, they brought me to an old man, you know, the chairman of the union of artists there salzburg, here is salzburg, the city of mozart. i came to his studio, well, in short, i understood everything, he makes two brains, he has such austria, such mountains, he has the sun, such
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light, let him go to us, and what is there to draw, this dead wood of some kind of field, he has nothing to draw here, and i am there, i do not feel these mountains, so this was the main thing, secondly, we had parents here, my dad did not survive him, because his older brother left for america, we would never have survived, and lenka's parents would not have survived, that is, at...
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you have about a hundred animals, five arabian horses, dogs, cats, chickens, i didn’t even find the photos that i chose, probably
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everything, because it can’t fit on one frame, tell me, can you call your family wealthy, no, paintings are sold little, it’s closed to us abroad, yeah, it’s closed to us abroad, our government agencies don’t buy anything, well sometimes there once every 10 years, there ’s something, that is...
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“and how much do you need to be happy, he’s there 5.00, he buys the whole workshop, the person worked there 60 years, workshop 5.00, 8.00, here is
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the workshop, at that time it was a huge amount of money, and you buy someone's paintings, that's when foreigners were taking them out, i started buying, because i can always find 5 dollars for a painting, a whole clan of these collectors formed around me, they also started buying belarusian art, well, what can you do for 5 dollars, and then 10, and then 50, that's when the paintings went beyond..." from italy, he lived in lombardy, he has 3,000 belarusian paintings, wow, paintings, natural sketches, like these, straight up, and such paintings, he is full
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i bought from workshops. the situation was that the state didn't buy, it was perestroika, different directors, and how to buy it, and you need an application, if the application is from the museum of such and such an artist to buy, in short , they didn't buy, and i realized that if i don't buy paintings, they will simply all be in the west, i think that this is my achievement, i saved a lot of paintings personally with friends we saved almost everything that was possible, what was left, we saved it, and now when there is. an exhibition of some artist, they call me from the museum or from somewhere, and what do they have there 20 such works of some artist, and i have 40 of them, yeah, igor antonovich, but we think that another achievement of yours in life is your wife, we have already mentioned her, because your entire hectic household rests on her, she gets up at 4:00 in the morning, feeds the horses, then she has to mow, then she has to feed the chickens, until 80 she has a
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drawing session, and then you wake up, you drink coffee and... no, i will tell you, of course, you are lucky, because she is simply a unique person, she is a unique person, she is also, she graduated by the way , she graduated from the art school at lutsevich's, she was lutsevich's favorite student, gradually, i remember how she had not yet written anything and she said, and said, you buy me a house there in the village, i will write, because she cannot do it in front of people there, so we bought a house with the podosipovichs, she started working there, then it went on and on, then
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here, she paints a huge picture, she is very famous. in europe, one of the most famous artists in europe, and the most important thing is that she does it sincerely, she does not do it for money, that is, i am still thinking there, how to glue all this together, the budget, to do something, who to accept, who not to accept, there, she simply lacks this, she loves animals, and since she loves animals , she does not like people, naturally, that is , you understand, well, she loves you, look how she looks, what is the secret, the longevity of the creative union, two, two creative people, so many years together? it's funny, it's primitive, but we are very different, we are very different, she completely holds, when we still had three horses, she managed at all even me, i always said that it is difficult, i don’t need it, i well, well, i don’t need it, yes, i have enough of everything of my own, but she, no, well, i did everything myself, but when there were already six horses, then that’s it, then we already said that this is
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your wife’s passion, in fact, she asked you for a house so that there would appear - arabs, here are arab horses, she likes it, her first one was fun, here in the previous photo, yes, and this is the last one, and this is the last one, what a handsome man, yes, it's just a child, chefidel, well, it's a handsome man, and this is a photo of ilina nikolaevna, she also takes photos, she takes very beautiful photos, but rarely, it's a pity rarely, antonovich, and tell me please , well, it is generally accepted that we learn devotion from dogs, loyalty from swans, horses, what can they teach us, you know, we have never communicated with horses, when it appeared, there is something higher in horses, something higher, higher than a person, she understands you as a horse, understands you not for a piece of bread, sugar, she, first of all, she victim, there are predators, a cat, a dog, predators, there your friend has already given you meat, yes there, here no, she is a victim, she perceives it differently, she
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goes on some kind of internal spiritual level of communication with a person. i come to the horses, they are silent, lena follows, they, they go to her, they feel, you understand, even they see, they feel, they completely fill your soul, they, well, this is a person and a horse - this is a very big topic, and arabian horses, well, for the sake of interest i will tell a story, to make it more fun, once she comes, and we have the internet, my wife has her own internet, she comes, says: igor, i will live in paradise, i say, and what made you decide so? i read that it is written in the koran that every kilogram of manure removed from arabian horses falls on the scale of your positive deeds. well, hundreds of tons of manure, it is removed, you understand, everything is removed by our hands, so to speak, you understand, so she will definitely live, and
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now we will take a short break, after a short break we will return to this studio again. in the meantime, subscribe to our telegram channel, tell don't be silent, look for all our releases on the belarus-1 youtube channel. their path to their own happiness is incredibly interesting and difficult in its own way. in the seventh grade, at the age of 14, i suddenly decided that i would be an artist, i would go to be an artist, although i wanted to be both an artist and a writer. there was an interest in this kind of pe'. already to a solo one, to my own timbre of some kind, i suddenly became interested in listening to it on record, how it sounds, how it changes, each story is a motivation to change your life for the better, and you take a fragile young girl
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2-3 kg, and you need a whole performance, to play it, work, dance, hold your hand this way and that, so you pump up and so on and so on and so far, you feel it, this is a puppet theater artist, watch the project, about belarusians on the belarus 24 tv channel . 100 brave guys have gathered in our studio, each of them has a question for an adult. you have one minute to briefly tell about yourself. time has started. how will you react if a person asks you to do something that is not suitable for him? well, i will also dissuade him in some way. there is a stereotype that everyone athletes are bad students, how did you study? we studied on a five-point scale, of course there were cs, and bs, and a's, in different ways, the red sector to your right, the next question is from there, hello, my
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name is denis, and what kind of dad are you? i guess you have some kind of dad , i don't know if he's good or bad, you're the first belarusian to win the olympics in freestyle, and how did you feel when you were standing on the podium? i couldn't sleep at all that night, i couldn't fall asleep because i closed my eyes, i i had the whole day before my eyes, how it went, how i woke up there, what i ate, watch the project 100 questions for an adult on the belarus 24 tv channel . the program say don't be silent is on the air again , today we have belarusian artist igor barkhatkov in our studio. igor antonovich, well, in terms of creativity, we have already talked about this and seen,
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you are always in a comfort zone, because you always have nature at hand, or rather , before your eyes. just a few years ago , deer came to your site, we saw these works in one of the social networks, photography, that's really close. and this is just recently all sorts of animals have started to appear, it's really cool, when i sit and draw, i always carry a camera with me, because well, the royal deer came for the first time, last year the sika deer came, here such beauty comes and i understand that this is belarus, what is this, who sees, in minsk, who sees, i share on social networks specifically, but thanks to you, we also specifically, let him see what our belarus is like, the only thing is that hunters of course kill, but... well, someone from they also understand that it is beautiful, when i see them, i remember our rugs in the villages, you know, with these deer, it warms the heart, but we also had them in the villages.


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