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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  August 20, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm MSK

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how would you characterize the current time : calm or uneasy? we have always been under pressure, with more or less force, but in the end we found options that allow us to grow today. helping people, i repeat, brings pleasure, and what is politics in belarus? it is a person who, let's say, is immersed in people's problems. how does an it specialist differ today, for example, from an integral worker, a milling machine operator or a turner? people should see specific actions, specific benefits from political parties. comparison with the states of the former. ussr we demonstrate some of the best indicators, if we take, so to speak, the whole set of parameters. do you approve of this political coloring? naturally, whoever has the money calls the tune here. someone wants to impose a beshushnaya rag on us today, so that we can be proud of this symbol. and i don’t care what flag, what coat of arms, what anthem. appreciate what our country has today. believe me, this is a truly enormous social achievement, which many, many millions of people living on planet.
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hello, the program say don't be silent is on the air, victoria popova and tatyana shcherbina are in the studio. and today our guest is the deputy of the house of representatives sergei klishevich. good afternoon, sergei mikhailovich, hello, have you been here.
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for belarus as a whole, if we say so, then of course it's time, it means, to strengthen our foundation, good maybe, today there are, those events that are happening on the one hand, they certainly influence. and why are you talking about problems in the economy, if we are talking about the fact that our gdp is growing in in principle we could grow two or three times more, but i will repeat once again that you are right, that is exactly why it is growing, because they started to put pressure on us, they started to put pressure on us, we started, so to speak, to resist, to look for options on how
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to get out of, so to speak, this situation, economic pressure on us and blackmail, in principle they have always put pressure on us, well, with more, with less force, in the end they found those options that allow us to grow today. that is why i say, these are the pros and cons in this situation, of course, let's say, are present, but as a historian i can say that probably, for the most part, there are even more advantages, because why, because i repeat once again, it opened up new opportunities for us, we looked at many things in a new way, including in the economy, where if the situation had not turned out like this, we could, let's say, feel relaxed and that could in the future, after some time, lead to more sad or generally sad consequences for the development of our state in your particular electoral district district what success?
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form of ownership one of them, that means, there, also now we will not, say, disclose the details here, but we help, i help to make it so that so, let's say, it became some kind of plateau and in terms of wages, so that it does not stop, it periodically stops, that means so that people have a decent permanent salary, and if suddenly, here is an offer from me too, if suddenly someone does not want to work at such an enterprise, today there are enough vacancies in the city, we will also provide assistance they
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are, let's say, far from the average person in terms of the fact that today we come and tell people about this or that legislative initiative, so that the person himself takes ours, opens the website, goes to the parliament's website, opens some bill that is currently being considered, these are rare cases, but so far our society has not developed such an attitude to the legislative process, so we ourselves come, ourselves tell, ourselves ask, give us some, maybe you have suggestions, maybe comments, maybe criticize our legislative, legislative activity and people... already then begin, and even then not everyone moves and suggests something, expresses some opinion, but beyond this meeting, rarely when something, so to speak, comes out, that's why, of course, when you come to a work collective, a person is interested in it specifically, well, from practice, as it is, i am already a deputy in the second convocation, from practice
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a person is interested specifically in his everyday, one can say, for the most part, issues, education, medicine, housing and communal services, these topics, the legislative process is rarely, when...
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ourselves on the ground, in our districts, there are problems, we have already spoken about them today, two problematic enterprises, which means
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they should be under our attention, so that people could directly, say, he arrived , left his mobile phone, figuratively speaking, yes , his work there, for example, a person working at this enterprise, if there are any urgent questions, can contact us at any time, and we immediately connect, today we have enough powers among belarusian deputies to connect any state body to solving a person's problem. here they call, this is another experience from the last convocation of mine, so to speak, such, well, i like it, it is better than for me, than to engage in long correspondence, when you can leave a phone number, where anyone can call, so to speak, a resident, by the way, calls not only from my district, you can say, from all over belarus, these phones are located in public places of the district, so people call the phone and , so to speak, are interested or ask questions or indicate problems, it has recently literally called. one of my constituents about the lack of a bookstore, which this issue has been resolved, it has appeared in our
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district, so he called, thanked that , let's say, the issue has been resolved, now there is an opportunity to buy school supplies for children, i mean regarding stationery issues, yes, so they call and well, on average, somewhere around five or six calls a week are received on this phone, five or six calls, somewhere someone calls to ask for advice, somewhere to express an opinion, here they saw on tv in mass media, discussion of some issue, there are still citizens who, let's say, monitor, there are not many of them, but they exist, i mean the legislative process in our country, they call to express their opinion, share their impressions, make some of their proposals, or what is most important, these are some problems, help solve such and such a problem, so, here we have encountered such injustice, intervene, restore order, this mechanism, it works, i wonder what is changing little by little the attitude towards deputies, yes, somehow people start to trust. this structure, this deputy status in general, we have a specific measure here, it is the number
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of people who have turned to us, and of course, for me it also always causes such, well , joy, pleasure, when a satisfied person leaves with gratitude and says: thank you for helping, you get a thrill when you can help a person solve this or that life problem, and you easily went to a second term, that is, did you want to repeat this experience? well, helping people, to me i'll repeat again, it brings pleasure, i like this job, uh, they know about it, well, i'll say it as a joke, our security guards who guard the government building, because i don't leave work before 8 o'clock, well, why is that, because all day you're in the districts, at enterprises, in organizations, you hold receptions, meetings, a person needs to be here now, he needs to meet an urgent hot issue, he doesn't have time to wait there for an appointment. when there's already
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some kind of request directly, if the matter has reached a written hearing or an amendment to a bill, then naturally it is convenient to do it after 60, when the phone is mostly silent, well, the online reception can call, but mostly the phones are silent, which means you have already held all the meetings, you can calmly concentrate in silence on some documents. yes, on the legislative process, because the legislative process is really very complicated, there is one comma you can sit on it for a week or two looking where to put it in order, let's say, not to upset the balance, the meaning is preserved, which.
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in the regions we talked to those people whom will directly concern the amendments that are being introduced into this bill, well , and we have identified, among other things, problems that do not concern, for example, the law itself, but concern this group of our population, yes, so now we are preparing for that process in order to invite all interested ministries and departments with them, let's say, to discuss these issues in order
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to resolve them, so that people could, let's say, calmly and more freely use those opportunities. including the opinion that today, let's say, they are not that, there are, but which, as practice has shown, have been forgotten, yes, and the form of their provision and benefits, yes, if you like, which they have is such that some cannot be used or can be used, but it is quite a difficult process, why make it more difficult, when it means that this whole matter can be simplified and given the opportunity to calmly use these legislative opportunities to our internationalist warriors, that is why we are dealing with this topic and the deputy... the communists worked in the regions, met with the warriors internationalists in their localities in the districts, also collected proposals, we discussed them all, now we are working on them, this is a good initiative, what our parties should do, what is embedded in their ideology as a whole, in each of them, and what we, including, when we adjusted the law on political parties, also talked about this, there should be specifics and so that people see why there is no trust in the parties, in
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general, in society so far, it has not been formed in the way, well, how we would like, because...
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who, let's say, were actually exempted from all taxes, paid there a single one this amount once in the corresponding one time there in the period per year, in my opinion, this payment was, yes, in the end they took it, they wanted, many of them stood in the vanguard of destroying the state that provided them with such benefits, but if you do not appreciate, well then naturally, pay like all citizens of our country, you also use education, medicine the moment that they began to trick these taxes, that is, well, as if to bypass.
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i quote you, an example for many countries of the world, in what exactly can we serve as an example always, for all countries will this example be positive, and not negative, well belarus is here today... indeed it is an ideological leader of the socially oriented world, i mean which states, those that strive today for the ideas of social justice,
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they strive, but they have not yet practically implemented these ideas in life, i say this, why because it was in many such countries and i talked to people, for example the mexicans, it means they have enough natural resources today minerals, there is oil, gas, and a lot of other things that god gave them, so to speak, but people live long enough. for example, here is one example, we visited an enterprise, a factory, when they heard that we have, you know, 3 years of maternity leave, one of the workers of this factory said: why did you bring us some kind of deceiver, yes, a storyteller, how can this be, i was surprised, i think, well, maybe the translation was not translated correctly, something, they clarified, but it seems no, she says, we just have 3 months of maternity leave in mexico, when they hear our social guarantees, ours. let's say the opportunities that citizens have, a country that has no oil and gas, in fact, yes, which earns everything in the real sector of the economy in the fields, right now there is a fight for the harvest or at
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our enterprises, then of course they look at us as an ideological idol, yes, to which they need to strive, they would like to, but they do not have this today, because they have a different economic structure, a different socio-political system of government and even though the leadership mexico, for example, today it is socially oriented, but they can’t do anything, because it also has certain disadvantages, which i also encounter when i meet with work collectives, this is primarily social molestation, you ask who has children from the first to the fourth grade, we eat for free at school, no, it’s paid,
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i say, how is it paid, we have all children, which means breakfasts, the state feeds them for free, in rural areas also lunches, dinners, taking into account the specifics of the work there of the economy and their parents who are not involved, no, so breakfasts answer me, these are breakfasts - this is in breakfasts we... also wanted lunches and dinners, this is a child in the first to fourth grade in our country, you know, studies until 12, but the mother wants him to have lunches, and this is not even, no one takes this into account, about feeding children all over our country, who study from the first to the fourth grade for free with breakfasts, this is huge, so to speak, funds, this is a social achievement, one of our many social achievements in in our country, we need to appreciate it, but many do not appreciate it, i'm not even talking about other nuances, here we should also work in this direction government agencies.
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and they don't charge money for it, and how much would it cost in the west? well, here we need to talk about it, here we are as we are in terms of the fact that we do not have completely free medicine, it's simply impossible, imagine if, for example, well, all the services that we receive could be received completely free of charge, well, you just wouldn't go to the clinic, because there were a lot of people there, which, we have a choice between paid and free, this is also important to understand that our citizens pay... a symbolic price, yes, if they are provided with some medical service, and they need to pay for it, a symbolic price compared to how much it really costs, that is why today we also raised the issue
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of social justice in this matter, many of those who today pay taxes to the budget of other countries, that is, live and work in other countries, come to get treatment here, even for money, it is much more profitable for them here, i have an emergency hospital, this is my constituency, the oktyabrsky district, and they come there to do heart surgeries, other questions, do it for money? right here, because well for them it's pennies, it's nothing, and in reality it costs, well, a pittance, and the quality has been improved, perhaps, naturally, naturally, therefore we should also look at the issues of fairness here, because our doctors do it, unlike, for example, doctors who have a decent salary today among our health care workers, so the corresponding decision, we know with you were received personally by the president in order to, so to speak, provide such a level of maintenance, but again we understand perfectly well that in those countries... which will be
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fair for our society, for our residents, so that everyone has the opportunity to receive these medical services, yes, somewhere for some nuances to pay, but not to pay astronomical money, but real money that everyone in our country can easily earn today and, but it is better of course not to go to doctors at all and we are talking about this they said back when the constitution was being discussed that people should be responsible for their own health, take care of it, and not, so to speak , deal with some issues that we see, observe over...
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they are already quite grown up, they decide everything themselves, without us, even if they give birth again, well, what, two, what , two, stripes, you obviously have a new husband, tie him up, what do you want, what are you saying , how can you tie someone up, i live the way i want, that's clear, i don't dare to be a mother, i don't dare, may i remain happily, forgive me, please, a heart should beat in a violin, a violin is a person who... holds it, and my wife is pregnant, though, congratulations, i already told her on my first visit that it's better not to take risks, that is, an abortion, yes, i don't understand, are we starving, well, not yet, but things aren't going very well for me, how are you feeling, it seems like my blood pressure is high, hypertension, of course, i assure you, this is not a death sentence, watch the series everything is for the best 2 on the belarus 24 tv channel. meeting
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amazing people, immersion in their profession. my name is mikhail pasmartsev, i am the head of the scientific department of the national park pripyatsky. the ecosystem is designed in such a way that the violation of one of its components will inevitably lead to the fact that all the others will change. and now we are on the territory of an open -air museum. this museum is a territory with a huge number of historical exhibits. i am the deputy director of the republican landscape reserve on either.
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to preserve nature as it was before human intervention. many people love belarusian environmentally friendly products, i value this, i am proud of it and i want our efforts, the national park grew, developed, and we served as an example for many people who come here. watch the project one day on our tv channel. the program "say don't be silent" is on air again, and today our guest is the deputy of the house of representatives sergei klishevich. sergei mikhailovich, as you know, 2024 is marked by a significant date, the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus from the nazi invaders, and here in our faebel tv and radio company, perhaps you noticed, there is a stand with small information leaflets,
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in which the company's employees shared: stories of their relatives who either participated in the war or suffered from it in some way. has your family been affected by the war in any way? of course, like every belarusian family, in every belarusian family we have heroes, the memory of whom allows us, including today, to develop steadily, because a lot depends on history, on the historical memory of the people as a whole, we see what happens to those nations that betrayed the memory of their native heroes, today history teaches them, unfortunately, in a bloody way, a very bloody way. cruel, but it has always been like that at all times, history does not forgive anyone, it is impossible to control it, it controlled us, it will determine, let's say, our flight trajectory, therefore we build our historical policy and our state on historical experience and on traditions, the basis of which is precisely the memory of our native heroes who gave us the opportunity to live today, we still have a lot of work to do here, because the further we move away from this important for our
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states of historical events as a victory.
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we paid a huge price for liberation, but i am not saying anything about the importance, i am saying that this is not a natural process , that the youth now depends on us, here is an example, here is another example, here is another state france, thousands of all kinds of wars in which it participated in its history, that means, but they have a holiday that they directly celebrate today, as holidays of statehood, they hold a parade, it is connected with what, the day of marriage bostil. so, after this historical event or before, there were some other important battles, campaigns of the french, of course, but they concentrated on this historical event, of course they surrendered to hitler, napoleon captured moscow, we remember,
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after that it was already, yes, but they do not celebrate this event, well then , however, napoleon was also driven out, yes, they celebrate the day of the capture of bostil, internal, so to speak, they defined this holiday and we defined what is most important for us.
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the church, one of the most ancient, preserved to this day, despite the huge number of wars that have swept through belarus, objects, so to speak, of our material heritage, we invest in all these objects, in all these, so to speak, historical, you could say, memorials, in order to preserve
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the memory, no one will blame us, we remember our entire history, we do not erase a single period from our history, when monuments to lenin were torn down, they still stand, of course, this is our concept of the development of our state, continuity and traditions, but... again, despite all this, we have clearly defined that for our statehood, for preserving the future emergence of a sovereign state on the political map of the world, such an event played a huge role, for example, our participation and victory. history does not forgive mistakes, but my observation is that history teaches nothing, well , what does history teach, if there was the second world war or the great patriotic war, as we call it, now everything continues again, if it had not taught us, and we would be burning today, it is unlikely that we would be here with you were, sat and recorded this program, teaches us. whoever wants to learn, just like in school, gets this knowledge, and
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in the meantime, the frg ministry of defense included in the list of military traditions officers of the wehrmacht and ss troops, some of whom were devoted fascists and were members of the nsd. we are talking about pilots and submariners who served hitler and distinguished themselves by delivering crushing blows to the allied troops. among them are pilot erich hartmann, sailor erich topa, and 22 other hitlerites. a decree on this matter was issued by the ministry of defense frg. in response to the journalists' surprise, the bundeswihr representative stated that the personalities of these people would have to serve as an example of military valor. then the decision was cancelled. well, we remember, and not long ago there was an incident in the canadian parliament, when they praised, a fascist gunk, an ss veteran, so to speak, yes. and what can we expect from those politicians who have relatives, immediate, close relatives, who served the third reich, and not just served. we remember, then,
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where many nazi criminals ended up, who were not caught here on the territory already liberated from fascism by our troops, canada, the united states and other states controlled at first by the united states, what were these people doing there, were they in prison, no, they were brought in by the secret services.
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ideology of money, ideology of money, power for the sake
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of money, power must be preserved, today power over the whole world, they are starting to lose, one of the destroyers of this american, if i may say so, quiet plundering of the whole world is russia, russia must be pressed from all sides sides, economically, politically and historically, including, how to put pressure on it, to use for it that historical weapon which is alien to it, alien fascism, everything that comes from it, including betrayal, that means fascism and betrayal. russian people, well and we are here, as allies of russia, the belarusian people, the ukrainian, if you like, it should be, let's say, taken into the hands of the american special services is directed against russia, that's all, they don't care what flag, what coat of arms, what anthem, remember in the twentieth year, and before that, that we it was proposed, the americans actively supported it, what flags, what banners and so on, what is illegal today, why do they naturally not care about our history, and do you think that ordinary poles support the demolition of monuments, which in fact no longer exist, they have? 561 i think there are 30
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grave monuments left today, in fact, do the poles support it, ordinary ordinary people, that's who we also communicate with, not yet, of course, and the balts do not support it, but when power is seized, when the people have lost their own power, then no one asks the people anything, and you do not admit the thought that these monuments that were torn down in poland go through several generational changes and no one remembers at all the history that you and i remember, the work of human hands, they do it.
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the united states of america, and you and i do everything so that this symbol is perceived by everyone as a symbol of real betrayal based on historical facts, archival materials of everything else, who those who used it, today, were outside law, because on the conscience of this symbol there are millions of destroyed belarusians, and there are people acting there, the special services that are feeding us this are finding modern traitors here, traitors, unfortunately, we are fighting against it and here we are spreading our own, which we consider correct, here is the ideology, well, naturally, today we will not only win, we simply will not allow them today to foist this historical surrogate on us
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under the guise of national values, because we know what this leads to, examples, well, if we did not have examples, we could here it is possible to calmly discuss and argue, but to any sane person. in polzhe, as in the baltics, there were hundreds, thousands, what did it lead to, again war, again blood, already today 500, more than 500 thousand ukrainian mothers instead of their children received coffins at home, that is the price, that is an example, it all begins, among other things, with history, with historical betrayal, because no one from above will forgive us for this, they were not forgiven, and we will not allow this
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to happen here, you also see what measures we are taking, if you have a white-red-white rag there socks, and somewhere else, you know, remember, there were cases for us.
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to preserve such a life, we must today at such a historical moment act harshly fairly, that the most important thing with those who consciously or unconsciously there, at the behest of someone, are trying to destroy our socio-political, economic or historical stability or our historical foundation, on which we are building our young belarusian state, we are only 30 years old, france is a thousand, germany, more than a thousand, france, more than a thousand, england, more than a thousand, they have already over these centuries developed their own traditions. their own historical concept of development, their own political, socio-political institutions, stand firmly on their feet and can, say, do something there, we, we are 30 years old, we are still just forming, well, as a historian you should know that we are not 30 years old, but more, a sovereign state is 30, and we will talk about this in the next part of our program, for now subscribe to our telegram channel, say
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don't be silent, look for all our releases on the youtube channel belarus 1. on air again say don't be silent our guest today is a deputy of the house of representatives sergei klishevich. well , let's talk, of course, about another important date for our country: the institution of the presidency has turned 30 years old. in comparison with the states of the former ussr, we demonstrate some of the best indicators, if we take, so to speak, the entire set of parameters. why do you think that? he made no mistake in choosing his president, who today is no longer just a president, he is a national leader, he built
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a respected state from a chopped-off, bloody fragment of a huge empire, and even those who are trying to put pressure on us, they show that they do not respect us, which means they are forced to reckon with us, this is the merit of our president, that he made such a country out of a rather poor patch of land here in the center of europe.
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europe recognized everything, the georgian parliament, their elections and so on, deputies gather there, discuss this law defining foreign agents and how they will be designated in georgia, right there near the parliament thousands of people gather, who, as it turns out, are connected with all sorts of ngos and other organizations, this economic trap, here look at turkey, for example, also, well , what situation is the president in. erdogan now has sanctions, a decline in the economy, a decline in salaries, the population is putting pressure, on the other hand
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, russia's resources, but every country is in such a, so to speak, choice zone, when you get, like, for example, the polish state, when you completely fall into the orbit of the interests of the united states, then you can tear down monuments to your own relatives, including heroes or people who gave you freedom, can you?
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who to call, what historical heroes, that is, ours to remember, and what traitors to destroy, that is, to make them illegal, we ourselves determine this, no one tells us, neither our parliament, nor our government, nor even more so our president, this is merit, this is what many nations strive for, but the meaning of such a trap, which many post-soviet states have fallen into, is such that once you get there, you actually
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cannot escape from it, you begin to serve, to live, the whole nation begins to serve. lithuania, in other countries, which we see today, what decisions are being made, anti-national in relation to their own people, yes, but they are making them because they do not govern their own state, they have been trapped for a long time in this united states of america, thanks to the policy of the president, this did not happen here, although i repeat once again, then in the nineties there were quite a lot of people who wanted to come here, negotiators
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of all kinds, the task was, which today we have exactly the same...
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our way, we fight for our country, this is normal, it means that if we stop doing this, it means that other rules will be defined here, we will already begin to fight not for our way, but for our survival, so that tomorrow you are not shot, not beaten or there is a piece of bread on the table, people need to talk about this, explain, clarify, because many people can feel the second way only by plunging into it, but having plunging into it into this second way, there was an attempt in the twentieth year, we are already back, like many we won't be able to turn the post-soviet states out, maybe... someday our great-great-grandchildren will declare some kind of revolution or war here, so to speak, for their freedom and independence again, but it may happen, and that's not a fact, and they will liberate, and that will be huge losses, upheavals for the country, why, when today we need to preserve what we have, today the time has come, here we talked about social dependency here, today the time has come that we don't just need to value what we have, it's already categorically not enough, today the task is
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to protect our path, our social achievement. to protect the belarusian state , everyone in their workplace and to look a little more broadly than just their work, their personal interests, so that such opportunities that we all have, belarusians, at least such, were passed on to our children and grandchildren, so that they too had the opportunity to live just as freely, develop and go towards their dream, each towards their dream, through work brilliantly summarized our interview today, thank you very much, sergei mikhailovich, come more often, well and work for the good of our country, and we...
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will ask you for a parliamentary parting word and an autograph, thank you. only forward. in belarus, in my opinion, there is a very rational and correct attitude to what is called the law. laws must certainly be observed by everyone, but there is a nuance. the head of state,
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for example, once said the same thing, sometimes there is no time for laws. a hurricane passed through belarus and buildings and structures need to be quickly repaired. they began to announce procedures for selecting contractors. as a result, a contractor has not yet been selected, no work has been done started. two ways, the one that is written in the laws, it is to agree with everyone, hold a tender and so on and so forth, the one that is dictated by logic, it is raining, people have no roofs in their houses, and they are bargaining, this is the desire to put logic in emergency situations, above some papers, this is one of the reasons why alexander grigorievich is a leader, and not just a politician, he is ready to take responsibility along with the risks, and he does this regularly. author's project by igor turai.
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watch on the belarus 24 tv channel.


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