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tv   2  BELARUSTV  August 20, 2024 2:05pm-3:01pm MSK

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the second round is serious, well done, well done.
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now we need to find money for our stradivar in paris, well, why bother with a scraper from everyone, well , yes, yes, yes, 300 euros, easy, yeah, well, this is an internship in france, in the worst case i 'll lend it to someone, this is such a chance, yes, i understand, the guy was studying every day, i understand everything, i have this interlude, you know, it's already pounding in my head, prelude, good prelude, here he is, our talented guy, here he is. that's my treasure, well, enough, mom, pavel grigorievich, thank you very much, how lucky we are, well, let's breathe, that's it, now it's holidays, no vacation, and i won't be able to breathe either, now come to me every day, because in a month and a half there's the next tour, then france, the main thing is not to lose shape, don't worry, kostya will be doing the same... kostya, yes, mom, i
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hope, i apologize, thank you, thank you very much, all the best, well done, as i understand it, we won't be able to rest, oh, don't worry, i'll be leaving soon, fields, oh well, i'm kidding, i'm kidding, let's go to a cafe, to celebrate, let's go, champion, let's go. so much walking from this parking lot, and for me i like it, i didn't leave the entrance to the building on purpose to walk with you, how quickly they grow up, it's amazing, yeah, oh, i can't even imagine how he'll be there without me in france, he'll be fine, another question is how you'll be without him, are you okay, can you joke about this? nadya isn't
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going anywhere, by the way, you should be a little gentler with her, she's worried, she got into college herself, got a job at the department to work part-time, and you, why should i, i don't tell her anything, she wanted to go to law school, please, i put so much effort into it invested, trained so much, why did she suddenly get this idea, they are already quite grown up, they decide everything themselves, without us. even if she gives birth again, yeah, right now i'm organizing it, why? what's so funny? are you serious or something? no, well, go ahead, if you want, okay, don't be scared.
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and i already know everything, our wishes, hurray, could i come to support my brother? well, i actually work, i actually work too, well, you're the boss, you can go whenever you want, and i and you leave home whenever you feel like it, where are you hanging out in the evening, and methodically copied, not bad part-time job at the department, well before the start of the school year there is the busiest time, they don't have enough hands, and in general i can work even all night, yeah, now, article 17 of the constitution of the russian federation states that the fundamental rights and freedoms of a person are inalienable and belong to him by birthright. yes, i can for full emancipation, lord, interpeople, emancipation, just a madhouse, come on, go, please, gather everyone to tea, that's it, nadya, a very tasty cake, thank you,
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i'll buy myself one for work tomorrow, vidjukovo. maybe he drinks tea at work, well , when it works out, yesterday i spent the whole day working on new copies, at the publishing house, they are great, imagine, i receive a new batch of memoirs, by the way, i need to order a new batch of jump ropes, thank you, and what about your favorite, he has already torn all the jump ropes, what favorite, well, this almost tyson, vitalik 100 medals. by the way, he is not a favorite, but a talent, yes, by the way, he came to the club with a typhus, they hit him like a punching bag, but he has character, he has a goal, oh, you would think that if a person is not a boxer, he has no goals, well why, well you are also great, and what about vitalik, such
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a promising, really, very promising, he has no competitors at all in the next championship, he is a cool guy, i will bring him here sometime, we will meet for dinner, okay, great. i will cook something tasty, yeah, just tell me what to cook, mom, cook a cake in the shape of a punching bag, we will celebrate the victory, vitalik, that's a great idea, butterfly, i'll go read the penitent's, thank you all, thank you, nadya, you, she's jealous of this vitalik, yes, it only seems that the children are happy.
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dan, keep your guard up, vitalik, well done, speak more seldom, speak more seldom, watch out, don't praise him too much, guy, there should be more of these, it's completely stalled, and we'll do it.
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yes, yes, the whole first floor, very soon, i 've already signed everything, yes, today meeting with the foreman, we'll buy materials, yes , yeah, okay, we agreed, nothing. neighbor, business lady, we've seen some like that, so 2232, yeah, there is one, yeah, yeah, very good, hello, hello, oh, hello,
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anechka, congratulations, you and kostik are great, right now, thank you, oh, this is from us to kostik, ours, thank you very much, yes. and this is from us from kostik to you, well, how is he feeling, is he happy? i hope, really , there is another tour ahead, and you yourself are our hero, what does he say? yes, you know, he... lately he hasn't talked to me much, it seems to me that he generally wants to fly to paris to be away from me, nouzhka, you are exaggerating a little bit with this, the guy wants independence - this is a completely normal feeling, then he, i think that he he's worried before you fly out of them, so he pretends that you, well, that he doesn't need me, well, yes, well, he really needs you, believe me, yes, of course, kostya, you were just an angel, but maybe he 's reached a difficult age? well, with a little delay, well, that's also an option, so don't touch him,
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you can always talk to me, or litseny, with your husband, yes, with your husband, yes, he's not particularly either, that's okay, everything's fine, let's go have some tea, while there are no buyers, i 'll put the kettle on, so open it, oh, my god, and what happened? i read yesterday, there have never been such magnetic storms in the entire history of meteorological observations, i've been like cotton wool all week, nothing helps, oh don't say! hello, well done, nadya, thank you,
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and here's this questionnaire in 100 copies, that's enough for today, otherwise neither you nor our device will be able to handle it, until the end of summer, still more than a month, we'll have time for everything, well, unlike the device, i'll definitely be able to handle it, oleg petrovich. i wanted to ask, can i, can i, such a question: and article 27 of the civil code on the body, how does it work, how difficult is it to achieve it, is it you mean emancipation, well yes, a minor who has reached the age of 16 can be recognized as fully capable if he works under an employment contract, i work. i had a row with my parents, no, i was just talking theoretically, yes i told my dad a joke about
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emancipation, but it seems he doesn't give a damn anymore, we are all parents like that, either we don't give a damn, or we meddle where we shouldn't, please eat a lemon with sugar, yes-yes-yes, it helps, the tongue immediately. thank you, you, you don't worry so much, i'm already better, yes, better, i feel fine, yeah, yeah, oh, anya, what happened, anya, everything is fine, you called an ambulance, anya forbade it, i forbade it because there is no need to call an ambulance over nonsense, i feel better, yes, it is not nonsense, let's go home, you called an ambulance, you don't need an ambulance, let's go, go, we left ourselves, look at him, he came running, he loves her, and i already
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thought, sinfully, that not everything was smooth with them there, maybe not everything, you see how sensitive she is, nikolai, in my opinion, does not always hear her, but he loves her, yes, yes. kostya, can you be quieter, you are disturbing the doctor, kolya, leave him alone, he didn't hear us arrive, and god forbid a fire i didn't hear anything either, and what happened, oh nothing, it's scary, the pressure is a bit high, apparently the weather conditions are affecting sensitivity, and you play great, thank you, mom, you feel bad, everything is fine, kostya, go play. excuse me, are you pregnant? yeah, no, it seems, well okay,
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then i won't torment you anymore, i 'll take the doctor now, then i'll get ready, and you sleep, okay, bye, yeah, go to the pharmacy, buy a pregnancy test, you think, i don't think, but if the doctor said, you need to check. well okay, let's go, goodbye. well, what about two, what about two? stripes, that's not
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certain yet, but... and i, well , that's not the word, let's keep mumbling, mumbling tomorrow we'll go straight away, yes, but we won't tell the children yet, yes, it hasn't been confirmed yet. we're hanging out on an expedition in the corners of our country, we're heading there, where you feel how the earth breathes under the naked, how the sun's rays beat down on us from the rising sun, and the distant clouds gasp and sing to you in the five-foot-long distances.
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the future of the minsk region has continued to happen many times before. to give further history, the name... so zhikhars, they lived here, and the people called their pastor the meat-loving ancient history of the pastor for 15 centuries. thus, in 1499, the pinkavichs became known as the land of the manskag of the order of the franciscans. the music of the dancers and us, as we walk, so we patricize. and we, the vasnys, came ourselves, they brought us to the bush, but to walk around the bush, there is good wheat there . like in the cherry garden there are cats and let's breathe out old traditions and new life. time with projects in advance in the past belarus 244 tv channel. excursion, well, this
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chapel, it was erected in the year of our city's anniversary, our city turned 575 years old in 2017, and the little ones, look, these are nails from the beginning of the twenty-first century, that is , here on the nails we show the development of nail production, where it began and how it continues now 100 years later, and we will also visit the bright sights of our country, it is only known from the archives that the temple was built somewhere in the middle of the 19th century. milograd culture is tribal association, which arose, settled on the territory of our country, in the south of our country, approximately starting
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from the 8-7th century bc. look in the program: the route is built on...
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"boss, it's a bit late, i overtook you on foot, well, you can't keep up with you now, you 're a single guy, that's how they say in active search, so let's keep
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in shape, keep in shape, i wonder, tell me, is my shape enough to charm such a beauty, and my shape is probably enough, here's the money, nothing, nothing, i'll take the male charm, well, where is your male charm, you know, i wasn't ready, and in general, it seems to me that she liked you more, you fool, i liked my club, you're babbling all sorts of nonsense, well , never mind, but i made you laugh, yeah, let's go do some exercise , goodbye, happy, happy, you know the city well, well, more or less, especially... if anything, there's a map in the phone, so, well, yeah, sorry, yeah, i'm busy, yeah, in the evening
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too, tomorrow, exactly when you're free, i 'm busy now, bye. sorry, it's a sign, what a sign, well, i mean ringtone, great choice, i with this prelude won the competition, so it should bring you luck too, well, dazh, found a new courier or should we schedule another interview, found one, here is our courier, then let him get registered first, thank you. hello, can you, come in, so what
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do you have, i need a referral for tests, i'm probably pregnant, i'd like to know for sure, apparently, well, yesterday i fainted at work. then i did a test, it's positive, okay, referral, i'll write it out now, we accept tests until 10 am, but i'll warn you right away, there's a line for an abortion, so sign up in advance, what abortion, i didn't even think about it, are you planning to harvest, well of course, yeah, well, well, and what about you? it bothers me, nothing to me, it should bother you, forgive me, i'm not a girl, how pregnancy will affect the state of your body, no one can predict, i understand, you
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don't care about yourself, but you should think about the child, and do you know how high the percentage of children with congenital pathologies is in older mothers, no, i don't know, but i know, you obviously have a new husband, tie him down, do you want to, what? what are you you say, how can you tie someone down? that 's exactly it, you can't, it's better not to try, he will most likely leave you if a disabled child is born, believe me, i've seen enough, thank you for such advice, but i didn't ask, well yes, yes, you asked for a referral, here's a referral, by the way, if... pregnancy, run to the clinic to get a full examination, why, when everything points to a pregnancy that isn't there, this could be the beginning of a serious illness, i don't want to scare you, but
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goodbye, goodbye, yes, dmitry, i understand, yes, yes, yes, yes, there is more work to do with the building, with the building, yes, it doesn't matter, yeah, i understand, yes, now, now, now, i 'll come over, i have a contract. i'll just take it and come over right away, okay, yeah, goodbye , what's wrong, what happened, it flooded the tenants, they want to move out, now we need
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to do some repairs, well, we did it. how can we live here, it's leaking from the ceiling, all the plaster in the kitchen has fallen off, well, maybe you 'll hold out for a month, i'll knock off the payment and...
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do it, well, you'll do the repairs, then you can move the tenants in, and i'm moving out, all the best, the plaster is falling off, i remembered how you sang on my birthday, since then you haven't picked up the guitar anymore, well, forgive me, forgive me, but no, don't worry about it like that. tomorrow you'll take tests, we'll find out everything, and i 'll talk to that doctor, well, of course he's a chicken, you don't need to talk to her, what complaints can you have against her, she wasn't rude, she just said it like it is , well, how are they, how are they, she scared a pregnant woman, well, that's still unknown, well, tomorrow we 'll find out for her, and by the way, you noticed that we are alone, in an apartment with a dirty reputation, noticeable. where did you get so much, it's hard
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, take a couple, then come back, no, i can't, otherwise i'll be late for school, you don't have a car, how will you drag it, well, i'll just save up, okay, that's it, bye, good luck, good. i saw, of course, that's how it is, you're not nikitin, both of you come here, i recorded the fight, we'll see later, we'll sort out the takers, and the fight will most likely be disputed, but you must learn that in sports, the rules are the same for everyone, understandable.
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we're working, let's get to work in the middle, good afternoon, hello, well, i hope you need my help, i need to talk to your boss, and kolya, just a minute, good afternoon, what do you owe me, hello, i would like to make you an offer, it’s impossible, i’m already married, it’s a pity, but in any case , the offer is businesslike, my name is irina rozova, nikolai besonov, well, who doesn’t know nikolai, yes , i’m just fyodor, for you, just fyodor, maybe some coffee, yes, let’s go, our coffee maker is broken, yes, yeah, well then, let’s get straight to business, i dug up the next room for a fitness center and i propose that we team up,
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what do you mean? well, i see you don’t have a sign here, i i would like to rent, ideally buy this space, do some renovations, it will be one sports space, of course the boxing zone will remain, but only here my clients will be able to go, how do you like this idea, it is excluded, we have a serious club, competitions, championships, and not fitness, well, i understand, for you this is a bit unexpected, but you still think about it, okay, goodbye. everything, everything, i hope this is not even discussed, which also yes, excited, okay, are you crazy, not pregnant, what, yes, yes, and you are silent, we have a new one in the area the fitness center is opening, i bought a membership yesterday at the advance sale for half price.
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is there one there, not yet, but they promise, there is some kind of section there now, either wrestling or boxing, so if they throw them out, then in their place , of course, there will be a good day. madam, hello, nadya, make a check for me, of course, and what's wrong with you, are you sick? no, my voice is broken, yesterday i went sideways, imagine, a monstrous injustice, the referee missed a blow below the belt and did not even count to eight, well, the battering ram should have been better in any case react to blows, even if they are... too low, nikitin is a boxer of a completely different class, nadya, do you understand boxing, well , actually, i have my first youth, in boxing, yes, i have been doing it for many years, and what
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brought you there, rather who, dad, roll, roll, your last name is bessonova, so nikolai besonov is your father, amazing. he trains now, right? well, yes, he has his own club, i went to train with him. and why did you quit? well, i realized that you can't achieve everything in life with your fists. and i came here to you. and the big it's very hard to notice sports and studies. father was upset, of course. you go to him, practice. show that it's important to you, that you miss him. you have another goal, he gives,
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so stop, i don't understand anything, your hand went numb, you had to drag a heavy box. kostya, you're in your right mind, you forgot that your hands aren't even golden, they're crystal, this is your working tool, you can change the violin, but your hands are everything, yes, forgive me, can i start again, come on. these people are cursed to their own country.
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who and how helps to make our life better, what scientists are working on today, but it is thanks to it, or rather what is in it , that in an emergency situation more than one human life can be saved, for the fact that now it is in every car, we say thank you to doctors and of course, scientists in the 16th century in japan something like a portable first aid kit appears, doctors carried it on their belts, complex things in simple terms, as well as the most interesting facts: there were tablets, medicines here, except for hydrogen peroxide i don’t see any other vials and blisters, why? the car in which the first aid kit is located, in
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summer time can heat up to a temperature of 50°, in winter time can cool down to a temperature, including -20-30°. naturally, such a storage temperature is not provided for in medicines. watch the project. science is nearby on our tv channel. well, where is everyone, where are the coaches, there is a window between the groups, nikolai dmitrievich and fedor went out, and what do you need, maybe i can help, yes, just wanted to train. to the gym in the neighboring building, yes, yes, they haven't opened yet, what
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a pity, well then i'll have to do it here, oh, wow, you're cool, i see, sparring, come on, great jeep, great, come on, a series of crosses! oh come on, damn referee, you're clearly leading on points, let's not have mike tyson by any chance, and what's scary, and you're great, i didn't expect it. hands off, what are you doing here,
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i trained, came in, daddy, and this is your champion, excuse me, i beat him up, do you want to train, there's a jump rope, go to work, don't touch my guys, i have a competition soon, okay, okay, popul, i'll find a better coach, the problem is your daughter, she's cool, hands off your daughter, even in gloves, i'll break it, go to the cat.
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thank you, well, what did they say? they said, the doctor will have the test results, she can call, well, or i'll go to her myself tomorrow, but only anechka, my dear, be sure to go to her with nikolai, he will immediately put her on..., she won't dare talk to you like that in front of him, yes, excuse me, yes, this is from the consultation, your tests came, and what's there, an early pregnancy has been established, i signed you up for an ultrasound for tomorrow at 15:30, there are queues for me, oh, somehow i feel inconvenienced, that's okay, it's okay, the young ones can wait, you need to be observed seriously, okay, okay, i'll definitely be there.
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thank you, i'm expecting a baby, that's wonderful, i congratulate you. you're welcome, thank you, goodbye, dash , hello, hello, i didn't manage to deliver one order, i'll deliver it after the rehearsal, i agreed with the client, well, since i agreed, that's fine, but in the future it's better to resolve issues through me, yeah, okay, well, bye, bye.
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so what, didn't deliver all the orders again? kostya, he was late for the rehearsal, he creaked. so what? i have a store here, not a conservatory. he came, he'll be good to work. that's enough for today, you're great! hello, hello, pavel grigorievich, hello, hello, why isn't kostya here yet, he has a rehearsal now, and our virtuoso,
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pavel grigorievich, is delayed , please tell me how he's doing, he won't tell me anything and tells me to ask you, you know, i can't tell you, unfortunately, konstantin's business has gone downhill, it seems to me that it's because of work, work, well, yes, forgive me, but who came up with the idea of ​​allowing him to work as a courier, to carry heavy things during the day, and in the evening to play pogonine, it doesn't happen, oh that's it, what?
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defend yourself, dan, dan, defend yourself, we 're preparing the detail or something, and we're preparing both of you, and you 're skittish, oh well, don't push your way through like that. guys, come here, i'll show you how professionals fight. dad is kind today, yes, dad is happy. so, what i don't understand,
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it seems like the flash drives are kaput, oh you damn, and i wanted to show you a fight. nikitina and tarana, it's a shame, so, okay, vitalik, let's go to my place then, we'll see at my camp, okay, and what time, right after training, train, train, have a rest, let's move on.
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wow, let's rehang the sign. otherwise i'll take it down myself, excuse me, please, i 'm in shock myself, the workers hung it up without me, so i don't know what to do, i wanted to ask you for help, i'm basically ready, oh, thank you very much, otherwise you know, there's no one to rely on, i'm new to business, i came from sports, from what, a master of sports in artistic gymnastics, wow, maybe you can help too, no, i won't help, i'm going home to my wife, i... fedochka is a jack of all trades, yes, but marrying is sacred, well, well, good luck, come on, come on happy, well, will you help me hold the ladder while i get words for you with him, i'll try, great, well done,
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you managed to do everything today, i collected all your orders for tomorrow for one district, the last one is with your musician. cool, thanks, you're welcome, and where are you going, maybe i'll walk you, well, yeah, i don't know now, sorry, let's see me off next time, oh well, good bye. you didn't say anything, not yet, help yourself,
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help yourself, yes, thank you, here you go, you're hungry from training, no kidding, i'm here with you it's a real feast here, just don't go overboard with the bread, otherwise you'll immediately become a super heavyweight, good-looking, don't listen to her, you can, you can today, thank you, and where do you study , vitaly, huh? nowhere so far, training takes up all my time, i'm thinking of going to physical education later, to go to physical education, and i heard that they take everyone there, nadya, so what? and where is kostya? and kostya - is he your brother? no, tanya's son, but i have another close relative, apparently, already appeared, though i didn't ask anyone about it, here is kostya! bostya, good afternoon, hello, sit down, eat, vitalik, konstantin, kostya,
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tired, probably at work, yes, tired, what work, you eat, communicate. and i'll go lie down, anya, everything's fine, well, how are you going to tell them about us, nadya is jealous of you even with vitalik, and if she finds out about the child, she'll go crazy, no big deal, she'll survive, i didn't understand about... working, what didn't you understand, he got a job as a courier, you told him that, you told him to work, but no, i
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didn't tell him anything, calm down, please, you can't now, of course you can't, i have same age, i need to be watched 10 voice, otherwise i might kick the bucket, so it was the chicken who spoke up yes, i'll smash this whole consultation to hell, that's it, calm down, i want to rest, everything's fine, go to vitalik, you wanted to watch boxing with him, right? yeah, tired, courier, that means, well, well, okay, kostya, you're great, don't pay attention to your mother, you're a real man, all couriers are real men, a real man is someone who can do anything, play beethoven and lift heavy objects, yeah, play me my favorite, please, which one, well, you know, weak kalinka, raspberry. or is this your professional, oh, it's full, box, i'll learn it especially for you, vitalik, let's go
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watch a fight, why, if it's a circus, it's even indecent, kostik, what are you doing, you think you haven't seen anything? how did you fix my eye to make this big guy jealous, jealous, why do i need him, any other dad would have killed him long ago for such a guy, he can do everything alone, you know what, if you have a love triangle with your dad and this young bull, then don't drag me into it, especially like this, how can that be? ok, that's enough, you understand, no one considers me a person, everyone thinks that i'm some kind of mannequin, they'll make someone walk arm in arm with me, flirt out of spite, that's enough,
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i 've had enough, do you understand? you're going to hell, kostya, what about kostya, the last thing i need is you with yours, kostya, kostya, come on, talk already, i've prepared a speech about how i got this job for nothing, about how you 'll give me money, and what can i say, you know it all yourself, i know it by heart, i don't intend to listen to it anymore, i do as i please, so... i understand, don't you dare to tell mother, i dare not, happily stay, but freaked out with whom it happens, will stay, will return, everything is fine.
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i love immeasurably what to do and do what to love, now we are
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in the building of the belarusian painting museum. 35 years were spent on preparing, collecting materials, studying bacteria in the earth that work like endorphins, and a person gets physical pleasure, a feeling of happiness when he digs in the earth, of course i would also like to replenish the collection with dyvans and zosik, and dyvans that maybe somewhere else...
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several investment projects are being implemented with the aim of increasing the competitiveness of products, an approach to business that everyone can strive for, all our products that we produce in our workshop are tasty and healthy, made 100% from natural raw materials, even children can eat them, all food products require the approach of a good, competent, kind... housewife, it seems to me that this is so, at least, i have always set such tasks for myself that what i like, i roughly understand what ours will like consumer, watch the project quality mark on the belarus 244 tv channel.
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