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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  August 20, 2024 5:00pm-5:06pm MSK

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this is the natural wealth of belarus, and the standard of jumping can be achieved in braslauschyna. here you will find enchanting lakes with an extraordinary water, called god's water. the name of the lake was inspired by the dzyakuyuchy abras, which reminds us of the waters. vozera is in the shape of a regular circle, which does not change for many hours. it’s a shame that there’s nothing wrong with the people on the right. and the size of such enchanting lusteraks in belarus. yulia pertsova is on the air with you now. hello. islamabad, minsk, development of
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relations. in the palace of independence the president today received the speaker of the national assembly of the parliament of pakistan. the purpose of the visit is to raise cooperation between the countries to a higher level. this involves drawing up a roadmap for cooperation until 2027, supporting each other in the international arenas and, of course, activating trade. in figures, pakistan is the fifth most populous country in the world, with a fairly developed agriculture and...
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will take place in december of this year in batswana. un secretary general antonio guterres sent a corresponding invitation to the head of our state in his response message, the president of belarus confirmed our interest, it is connected with the fact that both belarus and other landlocked countries face the same challenges. we are all very vulnerable to the actions of our neighbors, coastal states, and belarus is also vulnerable to... the actions of a number of countries that limit our country's right to access to the sea, transit, as provided for by the un convention. in batswan, belarus intends to raise the issue of the need to force some states to fulfill their international commitments. the upcoming conference will assess the implementation of the vienna action programme. it is also expected to adopt a new strategic document. which will protect the rights
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of landlocked states. belarusian nationalists listed in the armed forces of ukraine have adopted a favorite technique of the ukrainian military. to take not by numbers or skill, but by the number of fakes. it is known that during the invasion of the kursk region, the art of making fake video materials soared to a new, previously unattainable height. for them productions now don't even bother with plausibility. for example, here are ukrainian soldiers storming kursk, armed with photoshop. the photo was taken 100 km from the russian regional center. in the photo, only the zero was erased. brave, tankmen, belarusian nationalists did almost. they also raced on a tank along some highway, which was declared russian, however, along the highway there are a lot of ukrainian flags, on poles, lanterns on photocells. such are installed in ukraine because of regular power outages.


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