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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  August 20, 2024 5:05pm-5:35pm MSK

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armed with photoshop, the photo was taken 100 km from the russian regional center, in the photo only the zero was erased, brave tankers, belarusian nationalists did almost the same, they raced on a tank along some highway that was declared russian, however, along the highway there were a lot of ukrainian flags, on the poles there were lanterns on photocells, such are installed in ukraine because of regular power outages. finally, the tank has a covered gun, to ride like that in a combat zone is a real suicide. the authors of this video are crooks and obviously cowards, but not suicides. this means that these shots were filmed far behind the lines on ukrainian territory. there are no cases of importation to belarus. there are no monkeys, but we are prepared for
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a scenario where the virus can be brought to the territory of our country. for such a case , a decision-making scheme is ready and worked out. moreover, today we have a 100% opportunity to diagnose the presence of the disease in a patient. back in 2022, belarus developed a set of reagents that allow smallpox diagnostics monkeys. it includes two pcr mixtures, one of which allows identifying all types of monkeypox pathogens. the second mixture allows identifying the west african type of virus. the study is conducted in p3-p-4 laboratories - this is the highest level of biosafety. it takes approximately 3-4 hours with the isolation of nucleic acid and the virus and the reaction itself. let me remind you that on august 14, the wos declared the outbreak of monkey pox in the democratic republic of the congo a public health emergency, which...
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international importance, more information at 19:00, see you soon.
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belarusian polesie, how much is contained in these words, a long history, a unique culture, a real natural wealth and hospitable palish. today my route runs to the very heart of the polesie region, the pinsk district, meet me! the path to the pinsk capital, although not close, is not difficult, but no transfers and unnecessary difficulties, minibuses run frequently, trains also have several trips a day. the road will take at least 3 s2 hours, and this is if you're lucky, but believe me, this trip is worth it. the name of it. and the exact day and year of pinsk's foundation
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have not been established. it is only known that the first mention of the city in the tale of bygone years dates back to 197. pinsk region is a place with a special character. sometimes this region is called the venice of polesia, because at one time there were more rivers here than roads. and this circumstance had a significant impact on the growth and development of the city. its convenient location on the waterway made pinsk a trading point. for some time, pinsk was even the capital of the independent pinsk principality. the city has experienced many difficulties in its lifetime. fires, wars and destruction, but no one has managed to destroy it. it has preserved its culture, beauty and originality, and it is not for nothing that it is called the pearl of the belarusian polesie. where else , if not in the center of traditional culture and buit, should you begin to get to know the region. to understand
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how people live, you should first understand how their ancestors lived, what they believed in and how they arranged their lives. i. we are glad to welcome you, dear guests, we are waiting for happiness, joy, and even more joy, we are waiting for happiness, joy fun, greetings to good people, may you be happy to come, happiness, joy i long for, and now i ask you for price lists to the center of traditional culture and life of the heritage of palesya, in the morning, walk, like a caress. so, we go to the center of culture, and find ourselves right in a real village hut, the life of a simple peasant in all its glory. on ordinary days , our hut looked very modest, only transformed when some
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big holidays came to us, and our first big one is a holiday - these are carols. to carols in the center the huts pulled out a table covered with a white tablecloth, hung it in prominent places. all the embroidered shirts that the female half of the family wove in the evenings, and of course, the main source of life for the whole house was the stove, it warmed, they slept on it, baked bread, which they then hid in chests, in such a cradles, we raised children up to 2 years old, it was convenient in that it was portable, since before there was a lot of work in the field, the hostess went to work in the field, took it and the work was done and she always had a child under ... then here we have this chair, here the baby sat also until one and a half years, this was our parking place, here he stood, well, he said goodbye in such cradles, well , probably until he was about five years old, here in our villages we
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slept and they usually put him near the stove, since it was warm, in the next ritual hall everything about the holidays associated with them traditions for our... holidays were very important, they never arose just like that, but marked the passage of time for the whole year, and the first such time mark was the well -known carols. earlier, carols were celebrated in our village in very large groups, yes, they dressed up as a goat, as a gypsy, as a bear, but for some reason in our village the mershchitsa was a symbol - it was a goat, the goat had to enter the first house, well, it blessed the owners for a good year, it's a tradition.
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it is considered a shepherd's holiday, after a long winter on this first day they drove the cows out to pasture, in our village it was also customary that on this day the housewives planted cucumbers, they also said that there would be a very great harvest, it has survived with us to this day, the next one for us is trinity, they celebrated it, they chose the most in the village a beautiful young girl, they dressed her in maple leaves, in birch leaves and also walked around the small villages... in groups in the courtyards they arranged rituals, that is, with songs, dances, now in our village this is unfortunately not done, but in the pinsk region it is done in other villages. it was on trinity that girls would tell fortunes about marriage, they would throw wreaths on a birch tree, and if the wreath caught on the tree,
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it meant that the girl would get married this year, but if not, then she would have to wait, and of course one of the most important days is easter, it was accepted in verbno. to go, to light the willow, to come home, and the hostess had to necessarily go through all the members of the family, beat, it is obligatory the oldest from the house had to go around all the members of the family and the host takes goes, also goes around his entire household with this willow, and for a whole year it is kept at home near the icon, well, and then the next one, if a new one is brought and somewhere in the old one i hide, but not to throw it away in no case it was impossible to throw it away. our ancestors gave their own flavor to everything that surrounded them, the whole alphabet of rural life is encrypted, for example, in homespun shirts, in their creation, a variety of art forms were combined, such as embroidery, weaving, lace-making, straw-weaving, appliques,
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wool felting and others. the patterns on the shirts were created according to their own laws. each combination of ornaments had a certain meaning, for example, from... but in the last century, wearing just such a dress was considered very prestigious, was it short or was it floor-length? no, it was a bit short, the floor did not go, it went longer photo, if you do not know that this dress is a wedding dress, then from the first you can't tell by looking at her. when a girl turned 15-16, her father would start making kufrs for her, and at that time she would weave or embroider a dowry for herself, well, and... when it was time to get married, the kufrs were carried open throughout the village so that everyone
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could see how rich or hardworking the girl was. did it ever happen that the kufr wasn't filled? that is, always for everyone, yes, always, this was a tradition back then, but a wedding is an infrequent event, but work is every day, and how and what ordinary people worked with villagers, sometimes it's just u... amazing, our ancestors learned to use fields, and meadows, and forests, and even rain, sky, sun, in their daily, so to speak, life, with their own hands our great-grandfathers made everything that we use to this day, these are the tools, take a compass, oh, this is a compass, show me, take the compass yourself, and this is a scribe, but it has a file, see with a file? so cut this groove, cut the groove and go from
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this spaz six times with a compass, we get a radius. our ancestors without education understood geometry and architecture, and everything that is taught in universities now, to dress, they cut the wool of rams, with scissors like these, yes, with scissors like these. listen, well, they were sharp, yes of course, since they connect and two people could shave, even with scissors, yes, wow, they cut, they wove this wave into the thread with knitting needles, which they wove, garters, socks, color shirts and so on, what can unravel, wait, for threads, for threads colored threads here, and colored threads here too, and you can do it like this. yes, by the way, such things - there are many different varieties,
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this is a homemade small, the smallest weaving loom, i came across one, i want to tell you that this is, i remind you, higher mathematics for me, here are home millstones, there is a mill, a lot of grain, here are home ones, and hop, all flour. the grain poured out, it went, women did this work, although, i tell you, it is not at all easy, in a couple of minutes your hands get so strong that you don’t need any gym. the next important science that at least one person from the family should have mastered basket weaving, such a frame was made, first from thick ones against, here it was made, then here yes, this is a vine, only a thicker twig, yeah, then such a core, here is a wire. or from thin-thin twigs it was woven, and then there were thicker
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twigs and first it was woven from here, from this end, then from this, and so little by little, little by little it was woven in the middle, here such a kosh ended. this was a man's occupation, and it was done in the winter, and the reason for this is simple: in the winter there is no work in the field, while the women were spinning and weaving, the men were weaving baskets, someone for themselves... someone for sale, wait, let me take it, i take it, i take it, take it, here this bend here, bent, here, here up, then it had to go there, yeah, here here , oh, here, here, here, like this, oh, like this, then here, like this pressed, uh-huh, and then up again, like this, and here down, here here, like this, oh, i broke it, no big deal, oh, oh, like this, and back here up, and then here, like this there, here, there, here,
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something complicated means, it doesn't look that complicated, but you need physical strength to hold it all, so that it doesn't fall apart or come undone, the purpose of wicker baskets was very different, not only storing supplies, as you might think, they caught fish with such baskets in winter, with such a thing, and how? a hole was cut in the ice, a skin was placed, then with twigs, like this, twigs were laid on the ice , covered with ...
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in this way, it was possible to catch five and 10 baskets of fish, well, and while the adults worked hard, the children were left with their grandfather, who entertained them with invented games, they created such a game, called zachik, we now let's show, let's you repeat, let's, behind the mountain the buckwheat dawned for... cheberala jump, so that my legs were too small, so that i would also cheberala, like that bunny, chibiray, sebiraye, sebiraye, that's how children earned themselves a tasty treat, and the one who gets out of rhythm and steps on a piece of wood loses the game, in
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the garden the buckwheat dawned, behind the mountain for... chebiraye, so that my legs were too small, so that i would also cheberala, like your bunny, chibiray, cheberaya, that's how our ancestors spent their weekdays, but there was another very important part in their lives. secrets of a good morning and good mood. good morning belarus. on the air of the satellite tv channel belarus 24, the program good morning belarus. my name is svetlana barovskaya. and how much do you have in total? i congratulate you on this. this is the most important thing. oh, and
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what kind of threat is this? the classics of soviet cinema said, what a nasty thing. this is your jellied fish, our fish will be very tasty today, but before you cook it, you need to catch it, meeting interesting people, and what is your name, my name is sveta, very nice, very nice, i am a fisherwoman, and is it true that she goes boom-boom and to the side, no need, yes, that's exactly how the deer bites, and there's also a lot of useful and interesting information, what kind of boys and girls should they be to get into this sailing school? we caught a fish, it's called a tench, so we're going to fry it now, not fry it, but cook it, oh, how interesting, and we do the same with the bream , we bake it, it's very tasty, we cleaned it, we'll salt the fish, we need to process it, a little salt, here and yes, good, but how, if it's candied, how can i melt it to beautiful this liquid one, watch
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good morning belarus with svetlana borovskaya on the tv channel: belarus 24. in our show , participants will not be helped by cheat sheets, you can only count on your own strength. the game will be fire. guys, i know that you can hear me too. light up today on our intellectual show. vasya, start the first round. is it true that the beetle plavunets is a predator? no, i met a zhik plavets, it looks like a small bead. is it true that sometimes cabbage rolls are lazy? my grandmother cooked lazy cabbage rolls, oh, hi grandmother, yes, what question does not require an answer, for example, here is no help in this house, well , there should be no answer, an example from life, yes, as i understand it, watch
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the intellectual entertainment project, i know, on the belarus 24 tv channel . the history of the heritage of the residents of the pinsk region is inseparable from their beliefs, here you can find religious monuments of different times and architectural styles, and many of them ... the church of the transfiguration of the lord in the urban settlement of logishin was opened in 1892, then the state provided.
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ram sara, you see, here is an addition there, you see, look at the eyes of the apostle, so, someone picked them out with a bayonet or a knife
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and this is absolutely a nightmare, in fact, you see, not me, i see deep, very scratches, who did it for what reason, it is unknown, but the impression leaves a terrible , here in the church hangs a memorial plaque with the names of the first victims. famous names of heroes, the ceremony took place when the authorities found the documents and began to install a memorial sign. this place is a historical landmark of lagishin. once upon a time, one of the most talented and famous belarusians worked in this building. now people come here to learn a little more about his life
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and work. the yakub kolas museum is the main attraction of the village of pinkovicha. all of belarus knows yakub kolas as one of the pillars of belarusian literature, the author of the poem novaya zemlya and many other significant works. well, here in pinkovichi they talk about kolas as a simple villager.
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of venerable age, for example, you can read a guide to raising and teaching children, written in 1875, such an old manual for young mothers and teachers, very interesting, how did they teach to raise children back then. no lullabies should be allowed, all of them are harmful for the child, restless for those caring for them, a child accustomed to falling asleep in arms, every time he wakes up ...
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read the stamp of what year? 1913. so the act paper 50 kopecks. look at me? yes, look, what kind of, so, the sign is required, when to look, so all, the world, i can still boast that we are often approached
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native kolas, we can. say, inextricably linked with the granddaughter of yakub kolas, the dacha of that same mikhas, about whom kolas wrote mikhasev's prygody. yany immeasurably loves what she does, and does what she loves. it took 35 years to prepare, collect materials, there are bacteria in the soil that work, and a person gets physical pleasure,
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a feeling.
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on the belarus 24 tv channel . another monument of bygone times. sugar
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factory. which is located in the village of porechye, once it was an advanced enterprise, now it is just a beautiful building with an interesting history. it started working in 1860 and was immediately considered the best in the minsk province. production was in full swing, the equipment was the latest and most modern, and sugar was produced here four times more than at the five factories in the province.


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