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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  August 21, 2024 3:10am-3:40am MSK

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august 2023 i head the institution as a director, so in principle i am familiar with all areas of activity here, if we approach an outwardly healthy tree, judging by the crown, it is green, we do not see any damage on the table upon superficial examination, but if we come closer, we will see under the scales of bark ... insert holes, framed by small accumulations of resin, wood resin, these are the entrance holes of the karaed, he populates, makes a mating chamber there, the karaed typographer's note, with the help of a pheromone attracts females, they fly in, mating occurs and then eggs are laid and from these eggs the offspring develops - larvae, then pupae, then rooks, here if we remove a small section of bark along the entrance... the version is already here we can
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see this large passage - this is the uterine entrance, which the female makes, lays eggs along the edges of the passage, from which the larvae then emerge and form such transverse larval passages. the larva feeds, at the end of the passage it pupates, from which it then turns into into a young beetle, so this tree will not restore its health, and ... is subject to felling, in terms of damage by harmful diseases, the territory of the republic is not equal, let's say, the most vulnerable forests are in the southern region, the gomel region, there we have the main areas of outbreaks, pests and forest diseases, because - our harmful organisms, yes, mainly pests, yes, as for the forest, they react very sensitively to weather conditions, for them droughts, positive
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high temperatures, well, often very have a positive effect on their development, the least number of foci of moulting organisms in our north, in the vitebsk region, here, but gradually we see such a trend that the situation is gradually leveling out, since climate changes occur when during the e settlement of trees there is no precipitation for a long time, when bark beetles are being eaten away, the pine flour is not washed off. precipitation and it accumulates en masse at the base of the trunk, if you look here, you can see that the moss at the base of the trunk, it is all strewn with this pine flour, this is a very reliable sign to identify that the tree is inhabited, within a month we set such a period from the moment of identification to plant them out of the forest for processing, if for some reason - it is not possible to remove them from the forest in a timely manner, then these timber materials, this is wood that is harvested and ...
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one of the ways to limit the number of stem pests, including the bark beetle, is mass capture using pheromone traps. we have about 1,600 traps in our forest fund throughout the republic dispersed to catch the pest. we also use these traps to monitor the numbers. of course. there is no single
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way to combat the pest, we also use pheromone traps, lay out trap wood, and of course, the main method is sanitary felling, selective clear cuttings with an emphasis on timely selection. such newly populated trees by a weeder and timely removal from the forest. i worked in forestry for a long time, well, already working in the institution belayalesozashchita, we continue to cooperate with the academy sciences of belarus, with his scientific supervisor, former postgraduate pladachevsky aleksandr viktorovich, now head of the laboratory of forest ecology problems and dengrochronology,
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unfavorable phenomena were predicted, drying out, development of forest pests and diseases, well, in order to quickly make management decisions, plan forest protection measures, at 17:15 my
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working day ends, i live next to the forest, well, even when we walk with my family in the forest, i have a habit - this is ... i will be glad, but i think that love for the forest to nature will preserve it in any case, in order to save, protect the forest, well , of course, you need to love and appreciate it, so that there is some kind of inner awareness that this is really our national heritage, our wealth, well, and in order to
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love something, to appreciate something, well, it seems to me, you need to know this first of all, therefore , the work that is being carried out by the ministry of forestry is very important here. there, in preschool forestry areas, in school forestry areas - this is to introduce children, the younger generation to the forest. only by personal example you can show how to love, how to protect, how to guard our forest wealth.
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when you are in nature, it seems that the world has plunged into silence, all the sounds of vanity have disappeared, only the song of the wind is a special caress. hearing, so that you look around and understand how quiet it is around. whenever possible, go to nature, go to forests, fields, rivers and lakes, breathe fresh air, admire the clear sky, listen to the birds singing. rustling leaves, smile at the sun, enjoy, notice this beauty around,
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in harmony with nature. belarus 24. the aftermath of the storm is still being dealt with. the hurricane destroyed everything in its path like matches, trees broke, lighting poles were torn out, high-voltage wires were damaged. you will die, but do it, keep in mind, we will double-check, there should be no lies. there is a large front of restoration work ahead. the fallen forest must not only be processed, but also prepare the ground for a new one. dobruzhskaya paper mill, which has been almost 155 years old next year. the entire process is monitored here, from from beginning to end. the output is high gloss with impeccable shine and smoothness, something that is appreciated all over the world. we use these robots
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to milk first-calf heifers. what time to choose for her milking, well, she chooses herself. we have environmentally friendly products, we do not have chemical treatments. every 10 days we hand over tomatoes and cucumbers to the laboratory, which does an analysis for us for quality compliance. the main topics on the main air. when you see what outstanding buildings people erected in the depths, you might think that they were more reasonable for us. architecture, entire countries talk to us about change in this language, and we...
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adzin from the most important spiritual centers of belarus, places inspired by legends and traditions, remember the difficult belarusian history and architecture i was trying to abide by the coming and going of the christian church. pustynsky holy dormition male monastery. the royal tradition of the famous monastery is associated with... legend to the people in 1380 , prince lugvin symon of moscow, son of the vyalika
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prince of lithuania algerd, died in the myastsovaya rachultsy aslyantsy raptam stratіў zrok. on beraz yon know skіd, dze manakh paraіў yamu abmyts voch ў krynіchtsy i so certain term. the padzyaku prince sleeps here in the monastery. the monastery is not known until 1500. in 1596 , the berascean union of pustyn monastery was transferred to the order of the basilians, the adzinaga of the union order. any principality. they are being farmed around the complex, as they are waiting for our time. right-handed, they are more open, they gave prices, they gave freedom to sustrezza with manahams, geta. such hidden life and yet such a test is realized on this relief. the relief of the tsikava,
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because it is different, it gives the budynka pastavits on the pink markings above, and there the geta was dug out. the catalan monastery, the walls are closed, it was necessary to level the platform, well, the platform and the pasta of such rollers in the chambers of the complex. and here there was a magic way to get out of this teritory. indestructible, everything is immediately taken away and published, and it is created in just a few hours. yes, a piece of the 19th century monastery would have been draped, only a piece of the 1800s polish-uniyak metrapalite...
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and here 270 deserts, where navatsyi do not adrazu dahodzili
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, perhaps, the old technologies were smothered. however, well, in the smoke of the tank, there was a lot of goodness in the air, such dust was washed away by the winds, the sun, and water , and all the growth in the water was great. there are 19 centuries in syaredzina, where the temple of the perahodzitsa and the right of the slain, begins work in perabudov according to the new canons. so over the syarod kryzham uzvodziats bathed. bright drum, yon immediately za daham sabora and don’t give us away. they disagree with the fact that the temple does not have a traditional transept, iago the fallow land behind the roofs was given for the cost of the nave roof. he does not stand for the boundaries of the asnovnaga ab'yom, but the roof is considered for the cost of the different heights of the ab'yom. the interior of the temple has not been preserved, but
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some elements can be examined clearly. on the contrary, the tanks are not flaccid fragments. the altar was carved as if carved out of laret's frame. this italian tradition, which was adopted by the doyleds of the vyalikag of the principality of lithuania in the 17th century. in the agul plan , the interior space of the cathedral was divided into three naves with columns that ran under the springs arches. the scenes were painted in frescoes. sennya over the racks of several languid campasic restauraters. kali we prayed with xyand. then he says that this is the truth, yana is not catalian, and if we showed the photo to the holy saint of the right, he says that this is not the right, it’s as if this is not ours, and to such people we have passed back to the beginning, that this is unyats to , for an hour, when these monasteries
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were in nyatsk, this tsarkva would be painted. here are the gety rozhov colors, it’s just adnositstsa and the period is such a barakovaga style, there it is it was at baroka that a great variety of red colors, red colors, and colors were discovered, and in these ancient places, there is a great deal of red color in the ancient times. we are traveling in the depths of our land, we are heading there, as you feel how the earth breathes upon the sun, how the sun is warming, and the heavens
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are distantly gasping and extinguishing yashchotny dales. come on! more times than not , the beginnings of the minsk region have died, in order to trace their history and myastsovye abrady. today we are in lyubani, that’s what the old-time meat farmers called their pasture, they used to live here. and pachynaetstsa letapіs paselіshcha z 15 stagodzia. thus, in 1499, the pinkaviches became known as the lands of the manskag of the order of the franciscans. musicians are dancers, and as we walk, we are also celebrated. but we and you are not alone. you came, we brought the bush to you, and de bush to go, there is good wheat to give birth, like a cherry orchard, there is a salavey cat, and i will breathe with the old traditions, new life, i walked with my father, i walked with my father melted, on batsera margala, immediately with projects,
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forward in the past on the tv channel belarus 24.
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on the rubies of the 18th and 19th centuries, z tsegly uzvodzyatsk monastery complex, two-paveryarkhovy g'. the warehouse building contains two separate pavilions in its own right. at adzin z getykh ab'yomaў ubudavannaya adnanneftnaya tsarkva, kryzhova-bathing z pavkrugly absіdai.
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the hallowed façade of the tsarka is formed by deep ryzalitams, often a small structure that protrudes beyond the façade with a three-cornered finished pediment. the central exit partal is placed at the ryssa and is decorated with columns and high muravan ganks. all these elements. expressive classicism, that the developed whole complex, which was carried out in one hour, was designed in another hour, so you respected that that temple is not related to this temple, so well, this watch has undergone some repairs here is the akhram, and here is the tonda, such windows, yang the taxa has appeared... it’s time, but i don’t know, here is the need for all this more grounded, that's what the architects, who are selling, are all
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well, that’s how the main plan of this city was planned, here’s the future of the whole complex, here’s the monastery, a cube-shaped simple form, well, it’s an ideal shape. they are cut into rectangular windows on the first and beam windows on the other tops. the monastery complex has a caliper system of planning with an adnabak softening
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memory. in 1839, the vuniya is cut. the greek-catalyst churches and monasteries are being hastily converted to the right. about the pharmaceutical decay of religion. for stagodzi the demise of rome was destroyed by the byzantine traditions and designs. pustynsky monastery was transferred to the right of the kingdom. by the way, apparently, two temples are being rebuilt. uspensky sabor strachvae kastselnyya rysy, kshtaltu vezhaў na fadze. already behind the clock is right, the other has 19 centuries, here it is astana pabudov. one of them is five-tiered, 60 metres. zvanіtsa, uzvodzitsa yana na da vosі s saboram, perad yago central care. yana looked different ringing. yana was like a lichen...
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stralavidnaya, and not this byzantine one, such a crafty one, well, this one is more helmet-shaped, it’s helmet-shaped, yana was stralavidna, this page was yashchey, and at that time the great work was made, and so, just geta slaves themselves, geta their ancestors, and their slaves, as they spring forth, as i will tell you... once again, that belarusian architecture is all eclectic, all the same eclectic, where different hours i spent the whole hour piercing, piercing and piercing the skin to its thickness, that’s how they are treated, that’s if she was so innocent, then so is she a slave. the first most massive tiers, rectangular in plan, are drawn from the beginning and end façades, the other and approaching tiers
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are octagonal, called. this is a classic example of the so-called pseudo-russian style, the style of the temple architecture of the 17th century, the usual geta is not perasensavana, but the primordial transfer of characteristic elements from the day to the new hour. let's look at the forms of old russian architecture, some kakoshniki, completed windows with this is not just a shell, but a jam like this. this is the same element, this is what it means, and we understand that there have been many such things in the smoke of some, some other pasts, such reflections of that architecture have been drawn out, however, i would not say that this such an ugly object, the most outstanding and the kindest, simple professionalism, as it was said, let’s go to the forms of old russian
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architecture, and... we’ll see something new, something new to these elongated forms like that. va ўkhodnyaya particles of the complex, not falling from hell piece planters, another palova has 19 centuries there will be a drop. a small adn-fave temple with a round aperture is placed above the roof, as if it were the same one that lugvin has in our eyes. i know that a lot of them would have been trawled, that's all. and that they were pasted on the roofs, all the way back to the 19th century, the other palova had pasted on the months draulyans and pasted the tsaglyana, all, well, what a cyper already has such a fantasy, more fantasy look, graduated from the people of the pabudov two-year school, not an architect , geta
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tradition. iago budynki softened the house. hang it up savetskiy pyaryad complex vykaristovaўsya different educational settings.


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