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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  August 21, 2024 4:50am-5:46am MSK

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that i was implementing projects, as it seemed to me, well, not only seemed, but to me, that is, they were loved by the audience, what is important, there was no feeling that you are giving some ideals and giving people who worked with you, in my opinion there were too many emotions, too much chaos, because in your head you understand that this should not be done, and then you just don’t well, after that, again , the pursuit of some hype, then you just. carries on, i’m worried, you wrote a letter
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to the chairman of the holding, yes, the white company, i wrote a letter, asked to forgive me for the moral the harm i brought to the company, you will be able to look into the eyes, of course there was a process of rethinking, of course there was a process of repentance for one's own actions and this is very difficult, kindergarten just ended , adult life came very abruptly. all these people were used by scammers for a long time to obtain large sums of money from western funds, their destinies were literally traded, filling their pockets, eating away at political mugs. the pardoned themselves are not even aware that for a long time were listed as political prisoners, and they also talk about how they were simply screwed by those who are now abroad? well, people from abroad, who all... talk about
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how they are trying to save you very hard , to get you, because you are supposedly a political prisoner, by the way, you felt like a political prisoner, you knew that you were a political prisoner, i felt like a prisoner, a convict, without a political, without a political, i was the same convict as everyone around me, and you knew that you were on those lists that our people are fighting for, who fled abroad, i wasn't interested in this information. i don't have any connections, contacts with these people, so whether they worry or not is not so important to me, the most important thing is the moral and emotional state of my family, and this is the only thing that worries me and we didn't even receive a postcard from my mother, from my sister, from close relatives i received, of course, in the twentieth year i participated in an unauthorized... well, what
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we saw on the streets, well, for you personally , this experience, why did it result in such actions, well, what prompted it, maybe, and carelessness, probably, some kind of illiteracy in some area, so i ended up on the streets, which led to such sad consequences. well, illiteracy is , as you understand, now four years have passed, somehow you look at what happened then from a different side, yes, i condemn my behavior, i really repented, and i fully admitted my guilt, and i asked for a second chance to prove that i can be better and that i will do everything.
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abroad, and i see many prospects for myself here, i studied, worked, put in a lot of energy and effort, so i would be too sorry to lose it all and start it all over again, so i hope i will have such an opportunity to stay and quickly make up for lost time and exaggerate.
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then two mothers became seriously ill, they are now: one is a first-group disabled person, the second is a second-group disabled person, they are practically unable to walk and me, in addition to the crime that i committed, this is now a struggle with my conscience, my conscience torments me very much because i abandoned, it turns out, abandoned people who were completely in my hands, i left unflattering comments. addressed to officials, addressed to the president, addressed to the president of the republic of belarus, i was distracted, probably, in this way, and in this way, probably, i splashed out my emotions, yes, now i understand that
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you need to splash out emotions in the wrong place and in the wrong way, that the president makes a decision in the pre-election year to pardon political prisoners.
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from his post he signed a contract for 3.5 billion dollars, it is supposed to build a plant for the production of large-caliber ammunition with budget money, but the state order was given to an unknown small private company. the investigative bodies did not immediately have questions, but after morowiecki developed presidential ambitions, probably not without a hint from the current prime minister tusk. mateusz, everyone has long known that you can do business with respirators, masks, visas and generators, but what about 14 billion for ammunition? tusk is clearly hinting at morovetsky's corrupt interest in purchasing from friendly private firms, covid
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consumables. this story became public several years ago, but in the government, of course, it was not properly investigated. and as soon as the former prime minister was going to ... elections, his opponents were immediately interested in this, but here we must understand that it is precisely through such scandals, showdowns in throws that the militant anglo-saxons who have settled in poland solve their strategic tasks, manipulating puppets in power, experts are already saying, as soon as morovetsky will reduce ambitions, they will forget about him, here is a plant for 3.5 billion dollars or 14 billion zlotys, of course they will build. this is the goal of london and washington. they can also forget about zelensky if he does not resolve the issue of war to the last ukrainian. the kiev junta has taken on its citizens in europe with particular brutality. the military is obliged to force them to return home, immediately
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send them to the trenches. ukrainian diplomats are now even stealing the passports of those who contact them abroad. a picket was held in front of one of the consulates in warsaw ukrainians who... really don't want to die for washington and london. zelensky recently directly addressed the illegitimate leaders of western countries with a request to expel ukrainian citizens of draft age. however, as bloomberg reports, this was refused. the fact is that ukrainians make up the bulk of post-starbeiters, which is how the third reich called people taken out of eastern europe. it is thanks to these low-paid, disenfranchised fans of european integration that the economies of many countries are still afloat, for example, the same poland or the czech republic. and in almost exactly
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the same way, quite recently western countries lured refugees from the east, hoping to use them as cheap labor. now everything that happens in this lure is more like concentration camps for migrants, and for those who manage to survive, there is no struggle for human rights there,
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these people, everyone for themselves. this approach gives rise to an increase in crime against the background of complete despair and the desire to survive in an unfamiliar country. every now and then, violent street fights between refugees and the local population. well, so that you understand the scale of the problem, here are some figures: the number of migrants in germany has almost doubled since 2015, from 9 million to 16 million refugees. this is only germany. well, let me remind you of the whole backstory, and i will not
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talk about how in the east nato their bloody allies destroyed countries, but immediately about the hypocrisy in europe. angela merkel herself invited the unsettled residents of the middle east to her country. this happened on august 31, 2015 , and it turns out that next year the european union will even be able to celebrate the tenth anniversary of the global crisis. then. the chancellor said this phrase: we have already coped with a lot, we will cope with this, we will overcome all obstacles along the way, but no, the migrant crisis in the european union has become unmanageable, here in russia they have found a way to tame migrants, now everyone who wants to receive only those who have received citizenship of the russian federation is issued summons to the front, so that not only in words but also in deeds to check the quality of the new russian.
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we will consider in detail today in the author's ksenia lebedeva's program is another after the panorama. in medbelarusiya today they reported that the un secretary general, addressed to our president, sent an invitation to take part in the third conference of the united nations for developing countries that have no access to the sea. the forum will be held in december in batswana, this is south africa. the un secretary general. sent a corresponding invitation to the head of our state in
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his response message the president of belarus confirmed our interest, it is connected with the fact that both belarus and other landlocked countries face the same challenges, we are all very vulnerable to the actions of our neighbors, coastal states, and belarus is still fully experiencing the consequences of illegal actions by a number of countries that limit the envisaged... the upcoming conference will assess the implementation of the vienna action program, and it is also expected to adopt new international commitments. on a strategic document that will protect the rights of landlocked states. the foreign ministry also commented today on the current situation on the border with the eu, calling it simply bullying. bans on the transit of goods,
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closing checkpoints, introducing various kinds of restrictions. in violation of all. principles of humanity, taking away even water and food from belarusians. as the foreign ministry emphasized, all these political intrigues contradict the un charter and directly violate the provisions of a number of international conventions. there are political goals behind their actions.
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promises to be endless, grand eagle maneuvers have started in lithuania, they are being carried out by the german contingent, which was transferred to the region together with heavy weapons. 650 armored vehicles moved out from the polish border to the training ground in pabrade, where the main stage of the exercises is taking place. it is noteworthy that right now berlin is thinking about reducing the allocations for the maintenance of the german brigade in lithuania. as is known, they are going to transfer here. almost 5 soldiers, but germany has an acute budget deficit, and therefore the costs of equipping the contingent are being cut in half, from 9 billion to four. in estonia exercises have begun and will last until friday, the maneuvers serve to practice interaction between ground planners and bomber aircraft. the
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polish defense ministry announced that a new branch of the armed forces is being created in the army. it will include all types of drones - air, land, underwater, and surface. the task is to ensure the introduction of offensive actions by other branches of the armed forces. western publications do not leave alone the topic of ukraine's involvement in the sabotage on the northern streams, and this is clearly not about the west's desire to restore justice. this opinion was expressed on the air of the trends program by the head of the center for the study of military political conflicts, andrey klintsevich. according to the expert, the case of the flows is nothing more than an attempt to drain zelensky, who, with his invasion of the kursk region, crossed out all previously achieved efforts for the possible start of negotiations. now he is not only an illegitimate president, but also an aggressor who does not plan to give up his positions until ukraine is completely exhausted. this position of the head
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of nezalezhnaya is no longer very beneficial to the united states, because with this attack he not only canceled all efforts by... i do not exclude that american strategists have come to the conclusion that after the presidential elections, when biden can already be removed, the so-called compromising evidence of zelensky, which is on the biden family , no longer matters, kamal kharisk cannot be blackmailed with it, then zelensky will have to be removed, another person will have to be put in place, who is adequate, with whom it will be possible to put the russians at the negotiating table so that they can negotiate to stop this carnage and prepare the foundation for removing him, perhaps already is starting now through the northern streams, perhaps we will see some kind of investigation after some time, or maybe american military experts who are now studying in brackets, one of whom died in
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a hotel in kiev, are studying the possibilities, that is, the corruption component in american and... money and weapons that came to ukraine, perhaps they will make a report that will show all the corruption of the zelensky family, perhaps they will reveal their assets abroad. the offensive of the armed forces of ukraine on the kursk region, what more, military strategies or fakes and info noise, unrest in the united kingdom, what do the hearts of the british demand ? why are russian foreign agents running from people's love? watch the trends project, tomorrow after the panorama.
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the second day of the tactics of special exercises , voenkor 2024, has come to an end, today the participants were expected to take part in several practical classes, including passing through a minefield, tactical medicine,
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is held at the base of one of the special forces units of belarus, 25 journalists are participating, tomorrow
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the participants are expected to take part in a strip with psychological tests. well, now i want to appeal to parents of additional registration of a certificate of health of the child by september 1. is not required, the ministry of health of belarus reminds about it. when entering kindergartens and schools , the results of the medical examination of the current year are taken into account. the validity period of such a medical document remains unchanged from 6 months to a year. passing a medical examination on the eve of the school year, it is not required, because the medical certificate of health, which is issued, is valid for a year.
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traditions, attractions, and experiments. one of the latest videos broke the view record. the girl decided to check if minsk is really the cleanest city and walked along the streets of the capital in a bass voice, the result was amazing. a conversation about life in belarus, what is surprising and what belarusians and venezuelans have in common, an interview with a panorama right now. kayla, hello, you have been living in belarus for almost 8 years, you came from venezuela, it was here in belarus that you had the idea to create your own blog in our country, besides this came popularity,
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please tell us. what are you filming and how did you come up with the idea to film about belarus? at the moment i am filming my life in belarus, what do i like more, why do i like it, since i am a foreigner here and have lived here for 8 years, reasons why i love belarus, how great it is that here they try to use quality ingredients in products, what do i like about supermarkets in belarus? i love, love, love, love this sauce, plus and life in belarus, zapikanka, how delicious, the first once... i was here as a guest, i was just for a month, i was most surprised by the nature, that we were driving on the road on the road, in the car i observed that the nature is so beautiful, so clean, now i am surprised that i can, that's how we all walk on the street now, well i can't say that venezuela is impossible, but if you walk on the street like that on your own, manipulate the phone, wear
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so much jewelry. what can i say that i like that most of them are made in belarus, and there are imports, but few, and this showed, that the development of the plant and the check that it is necessary to carefully monitor what is put there, it is done here carefully, and i like here the dairy products most of all, i appreciate and praise the fact that you really have everything in this regard. and
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sausages, sausages, you have so many visas that i have not seen them before, i discovered kefir for the first time here, because we do not have kefir in venezuela, we have more milk and yogurt, but what i loved most is ryazhenka, that's how we have already gone through, ryazhenka is very tasty and baked milk, when you go home, you bring your relatives gifts, what do you bring your relatives, they like to drink milk, they also... you recently conducted your experiment about cleanliness, well , they say that belarus, especially the capital, has very clean streets, it's order everywhere and so on, tell us about this experiment, because it has gained an incredible number of views, i see that people really clean, even leaves, i see when
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it's autumn, they start to clean leaves. we will never have this, only at home, if, although people, and i thought, let's combine useful troubles, let's try, how it will be, here i did, to what conclusion can you come, clean, that is, to me, it was clean for me, i do not know for the viewer how it was, but it is real, it was so, thank you very much for our interview, thank you very much, bye, the international youth festival of manzhurkas. today started in altai, it united 78 young representatives of the media sphere from 15 countries of the cis and eurasia. the main idea is to establish a direction in cooperation between youth continent. the belarusian delegation is also participating. victoria sharkova has all the details from the festival. a person is rich in people.
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which can often be heard in altai, these days the republic is richer than ever in representatives from a variety of countries. the festival attracted young people from russia, azerbaijan, armenia, georgia, serbia, moldova, mongolia, china and many other countries. the location of the festival, mountain altai , was not chosen by chance, it is the geographical center of eurasia and a real source of inspiration. for the third year now, the the best representatives of their industries gather. if last year young diplomats united, then this year young journalists, bloggers, writers, content makers and experts, as well as opinion leaders, are here, no one will be bored here, the organizers have prepared master classes on developing professional skills, panel discussions with leading experts , round tables. the speakers are political scientists, representatives of the russian state duma, sociologists, as well as famous journalists. one of the main topics of the day was mutual benefit for all eu member countries. as is known,
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the specific west on... and as experts note, now in the period of incessant fake-mongering and pressure from the west. maybe she does not know the soviet meanings, but this desire for unity has been embedded for centuries, it is just necessary to awaken this memory somewhere, and somewhere to tell about the advantages, this is very important, where not to be afraid, not to drag some things under the carpet, not to give these...
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as the participants note, this is an opportunity not only to make new friends, but also to gain knowledge from experts. we were told a lot of insights, interesting things like that, and it’s great that we came here, we have the opportunity to share experiences, adopt them, and talk about our culture, the main thing is to tell, because that’s exactly what the whole idea is, fellowship, unification, it’s really cool. as for the cultural program, in the evening the participants were treated to the performance maadai kara, which personifies.
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anniversary of the migrant crisis, where? to find that very best life, if you couldn’t in your home country, people go where they see more opportunities for themselves and their families. as of 2022 alone , there were more than 281 million
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international migrants in the world, which is almost 4% of the world's population. it is generally accepted that these people make a huge contribution to the economic development of host countries and their countries of origin. this is true. this does not always happen, the human factor has not been canceled, for example, today in fraternal russia, our partner in the union state, within which, let me remind you, we have no borders, a migration problem has come to a head, not some ephemeral, inflated, but a real one, when migrants from asian countries come with their own samovar, but this is probably different, i am with you, ksenia lebedeva, hello! if we talk about the world community, then in recent decades the absolute leader in the number of immigrants has become the united states. 50 million
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immigrants, followed by germany - 16 million. each country creates its own rules for the migrants so that they do not violate the usual foundations, but for one reason or another they do not always. work, so at the moment, for example, in great britain, local residents have started to come out with anti-migrant protests, the reason is the crimes of those same migrants, murder, rape, theft, this is generally the order of things, the number of people detained in great britain in connection with mass protests has exceeded a thousand people, 1024.
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parliament and the government are inactive, the police are grabbing and beating everyone indiscriminately. britain is afraid of a civil war. we talked about the situation on the belarusian-polish border. once, when refugees from the middle east are trying to in search of that very best life and flee their countries through poland to germany, where on august 31, 2015... they were called by angela merkel herself. this day went down in the history of the migration crisis as a trigger. merkel said. we have already dealt with a lot, we will deal with this. we will overcome all obstacles along the way. it is not surprising that the number of migrants in germany has almost doubled from 9 million in almost 10 years . at the same time, poland does not allow these unfortunates into its territory even in transit, fearing that... they will remain forever. not it is worth forgetting that the eu countries, purely
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humanely, should have accepted those who were deprived of the right to a quiet life, education, the right to realize their earnings. since they invaded iraq, libya, syria as part of nato with their democracy. i will not list the colonies that they enslaved and did not allow them to fully develop. the west continues to provoke conflicts that generate multi-million flows of refugees, and then cynically accuses the global south and us of the migration crisis. this is an episode of alexander lukashenko's speech during the third summit "voice of the global south". it should be noted that belarus, unlike western countries, offers the global south a truly partnership for mutual development. today, belarus also accepts migrants from the middle east, ukraine, and former soviet union countries, but on
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the condition that they live by our rules and laws. so, we have looked at the migration crisis on the one hand, now let's look at what is happening right next door in russia and should we worry about what is happening? i am a russian, and i feel bad to see that in russia now there are groups that are trying to incite interethnic discord, i believe that in these difficult times these are destructive. actions that fall under the incitement of interethnic kinship. today, the real patriots of russia are those who hold on to a multinational, multi-confessional world in russia, and those who are trying to destroy it, sow discord - these are enemies. i also support a multinational and multi-confessional world, but in this world everyone should not only be tolerant of each other, but and live according to the established laws and moral principles of society. since the main flow of migrants to russia comes from the countries of the former
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soviet union, the majority of the flow comes from the countries of central asia, and these people camouflage their desire to be content with the benefits that are created not only in russia, but in our common union space under labor migration. and here the questions begin, which concern not just violations of law and order, but serious crimes. the number of murders by migrants has increased by more than... 22% kidnapping by half, rape by 18%. violent sexual assault , growth by 30%, production of excess narcotics by a third plus in the general basket, it is necessary to add actions of an extremist nature, as well as terrorism, for example, the shooting in crocus. i do not want to escalate the situation at all, i am simply emphasizing the weak points in the management of these processes, which need to be emphasized, recently indicated by the chairman
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of the investigative committee of russia, general of justice, alexander bastrykin. belarus, there there is a father, yes, how he solves this problem, we can also borrow, a very effective migration policy, they do not prohibit a plant with a migrant, but they strictly regulate this process, a businessman who wants to bring in irreplaceable specialists from uzbekistan. must prove to the migration service that these are really irreplaceable specialists, there are no such specialists in belarus, this is the first, second, justify the number of those migrants that this businessman wants to bring in. third, all expenses associated with the arrival of migrants are borne by himself entrepreneur, do you know that in order to take a migrant out, we pay ourselves. from the budget money for his ticket, to tashkent,
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the businessman must meet these migrants at the airport with pies and pancakes, bring them to a prepared hostel, control their behavior, then a clear contract from six months to a year and nothing more, no wife, no children , no grandparents, only labor, the contract is over, everyone is out, that's why there are no migrants there.
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on the ninth request in samara they bullied passers-by, so we saw how there's this fight going on, i stopped with the driver, i got out, so to stop them, they were walking with a stick and so, they were doing here, well, they were beating people, i just got out, took out my id, just said stop, i immediately got hit in the head. they cut it up, it looks like everything is there, well, they detained one, there he is, look here, i said, don't bother anyone, is there a camera or something, of course, of course, everything is there, they detained one, he
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will tell us the other two, who they were and how it happens, that is, we have migrant lawlessness, you see, it's happening right on the streets, in turn in the russian federation,
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let's discuss the situation with political scientist boris rozhin. boris aleksandrovich, hello. good afternoon, yes, connections. it is possible, observing the situation in the world, the migration processes , to conclude that these processes have begun to accelerate. in your opinion, is everything that is happening now in europe and the usa similar to what is happening? in russia, well, if we talk about how much the situation in russia is identical to the problems that europe and the usa are experiencing, then these problems are largely similar, that is, there is an anthropological flow from the global south, which gives rise to various socio-economic, criminal problems, due to the fact that in some aspects the current migration law
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either does not meet the current situation, or is not sufficiently implemented due to various there...
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that is, they can enlist in the army, serve, receive, well, that is, as if proving that they are useful for the country where they want to go, accordingly they receive good material compensation and accordingly receive rights of a russian citizen after completing his service, that is, this is what is working in practice now, here again, these attempts to expand this already in the direction of some law, this is already rather an attempt to regulate what already exists in practice, that is... we need to make existing laws work adequately and well, and regulatory
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, well, from my point of view, first of all , mechanisms related to migration, because you can adopt any, here wonderful or cruel laws related to migration, but if all this is devalued by hidden corruption, when people who are even responsible for this, they simply sign documents for money that allow them to bypass these... regulatory mechanisms, then these laws, no matter how many of them i adopt, will have approximately the same, well, almost zero meaning, so here a very important factor is the fight against corruption in the very, well, in the very bodies that are responsible for monitoring migration, it is easy to inflate interethnic and interfaith wars, but we still need to try to extinguish them here, especially now in the period unrest and military confrontation, but this... is different, i was ksenia lebzeva with you, see you in the next program.
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the telelenova agency presents in the public domain we have no secrets from our people.
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it produces dozens of different dishes, among
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them the belarusian potato pancakes that are so familiar to everyone... pancakes. it is not always easy for fans to prepare them. as you can see, it has now become much simpler and easier. dried potatoes can be stored for a long time and are easily transported over long distances. dishes prepared from them have all the taste and nutritional properties of fresh potatoes. no wonder potatoes are called the second bread.
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slavgorod is located in a beautiful place, the confluence of two rivers, pronya and sosh. here is also the ancient settlement of zamkovaya gora and a magnificent landscape park. well, i feel quite comfortable on this throne. don't be afraid. when you get out, you won't be cold. oh, oh! oh, oh, i can't feel my legs, not just, i'm already worried, to be honest, oh, it's already starting, wait, well, how, cool, right, are you ready, i, of course, so what, how are you, cool, i want
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to do it again, travel together.
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the sports day will complement the information picture of tuesday. hello! arina sobalenka earned more than half a million dollars for winning the tournament in american centenary. this triumph became the sixth in thousand-dollar tournaments in wta tour for belarusian. however, the most important thing is that.
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