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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  August 21, 2024 1:05pm-2:05pm MSK

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570 trucks, our state border committee reports. over the past 24 hours, the number of heavy-duty trucks that cannot enter poland has increased by 500 units. 600 vehicles have accumulated in front of the only functioning polish checkpoint kukuryki, kozloviche. the busiest route to the eu for trucks passes through the lithuanian shelchenkai benikone, more than 660 units of freight transport are standing in front of the latvian checkpoint paterneiki, grigorivshchina, as of 10:00 in front of terespol brest , 65 buses are recorded entering poland. german concern rhine metal has thwarted a contract to supply 155-mm shells to poland. according to the polish press, a south african subcontractor was responsible for its implementation. however , due to concerns that the ammunition would end up in ukraine, the south african government blocked the supplies. the agreement, let me remind you, was concluded back in 2022. according to it, warsaw was supposed to receive 50,000 shells, however. as of august
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24, it had not received a single one, and poland itself does not have the capacity to produce them. scotland has no money for culture, more than forty-five museums and galleries risk closing within a year. the crisis is being driven by cuts in funding from both the scottish government and regional authorities. many museums are already on the brink of bankruptcy and cannot even afford to pay staff salaries. a recent study found that 11% of museums in scotland could close within a year, with 14% only having enough money to last one month. which sources of information should you trust and how to protect vulnerable children and the elderly from fakes and internet scammers. these topics were discussed by the presidential aide for the mogilev region leonid martenyuk with the active members of the mogilev oblgaz enterprise. there is only one recommendation: it is necessary to confirm what you have seen or heard through reliable stories.
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do you see how the team is set up? today we have our own pages on telegram, on instagram, we have an external information site of the enterprise, today there is information about which villages will be gasified, which are in the process of gasification, regarding concerns that somewhere gasification has ended, no, of course not, by the way , 154 agro-towns have already been gasified in the mogilev region, which is over 27 thousand households. this year
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, blue fuel will reach the settlements of podluzhye, kadino and shchatkovo. the institute of history of the national academy of sciences continues to work on creating a multi-volume work on the history of belarus. the work covers the period from the stone age to the 21st, including modern times. economy, social life, material and spiritual culture, all spheres of human activity, society and the state. these aspects will open a new edition. two volumes. archaeologists their task is to show pre-chronicle history and provide specific finds. now near minsk, excavations are underway on the menka river, which has already become a brand of the country. more information from my colleagues at 15:00. all the best.
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hello, the sas program is on air , authorized to declare, i am its host nadezhda sas, i welcome you, i remind you that this program is for those who want to better understand what is happening and understand how these processes, events, people will affect the life of the country of each of us. about avant-garde, zelensky's military provocations, we'll talk in more detail. immediately after the digest of key events in world politics this week. the polish authorities are ready to discuss with belarus the restoration of the work of closed checkpoints. this was stated on wednesday by the head of the ministry of internal affairs , minister-coordinator of the polish special services tomasz simoniak. on the air of polish radio. the belarusian authorities have recently created the preconditions for reaching an agreement on regulating the crisis between the two countries, including the opening of checkpoints on the border closed to warsaw. this was stated in on air of the radio station radio z, the head of the polish ministry of internal affairs tomasz simoniak. we believe that there
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are grounds for resolving the most difficult problems, - said simoniak. he believes that the negotiations between warsaw and minsk should take place in a confidential and trusting atmosphere. in turn, the belarusian authorities announced their readiness. migration. poland's main demands remain minsk's assistance in extraditing the illegal migrant who fatally stabbed a polish border guard. the release of journalist andrzej pochubut settlement migration crisis. at the moment , only two of the six checkpoints on the belarusian-polish border are operational. these are brest, serespol on the polish side and kozlovishche kukuryki. the rest , located in the grodno and brest regions, were closed at the initiative of the polish side. japanese prime minister fumio kishi announced that he will resign in september, giving in to public discontent over political scandals and rising living costs that have marred his three-year term. politics cannot function without public trust. i made this difficult
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decision with society in mind and with the firm intention of pushing forward political reforms, he said at a press conference where he announced his decision not to seek re-election as leader of the liberal democratic party. as the agency notes , public support for the japanese prime minister has been declining for a long time, which is connected with a series of political scandals within the liberal democratic party. in particular, we are talking about the financing of some party members by the semi-religious organization church association, against which several cases of extortion and fraud have been opened in japan, as well as a scandal involving the appropriation of part of political donations by members of the largest vldp faction, which was headed during his lifetime by former prime minister shinzo abe. the new head of the ldp will be elected in september to replace kishida as... prime minister. serbian president aleksandar vucic said that russia warned the country's leadership of mass unrest being prepared in the republic, the organizers of which are representatives of western countries. this the serbian leader told journalists, answering a question about the west preparing actions on
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the territory of the republic with the aim of carrying out a coup d'etat. those who fantasize that they will achieve something will achieve nothing. serbia is tirelessly moving forward, they cannot stop it and will not stop it and never. it will not be stopped again, this is my message to everyone and people do not need to worry and worry, - the head of state concluded. recall that on july 9, serbia and the european union signed a memorandum of understanding affecting the strategic partnership in the field of cerium resources. the memorandum is intended to ensure environmentally friendly production and development of the lithium deposit, which is important for the production of batteries for electric vehicles in the serbian valley of the jadar river. here is one of the largest reserves in europe of the extremely scarce raw material in demand in the world, serbian. the opposition is categorically against possible lithium mining operations due to the risk to the lives of citizens and potential harm to the environment, and also calls for protest actions to throughout the country. well, i would like to begin today's program with a quote from a ukrainian political figure of the turbulent beginning of the 20th century , hetman pavlo skoropatsky. in his
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memoirs, he wrote: in old russia, the only area where ukrainianism was allowed was the theater. all generations of current ukrainian figures were brought up in the theater. where did the love for all kinds of theatricality and the fascination not so much with the essence of the matter as with its external form come from. all the activities of the central rada, if one can put it that way, were directed toward the external, to the strengthening of ukrainianism for the eye, caring little about its internal, serious cultural development. and, perhaps, it is not surprising that it is in such a society, the leader of the war has become yesterday's comedian, the latest escalation at the front only confirms once again how external. impressions prevail in the decisions of the ukrainian elite over strategic calculations of concern for the long-term interests of the people. we will talk in detail about how the current adventurous play, which has disrupted the already difficult peace process, will end in today's program. welcome to our studio for the first time vasily
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yuryevich fatigarov, military journalist, political scientist. hello. hello. i am glad to welcome andrei petrovich bagadeli, deputy head of the faculty of the general staff of the armed forces of the military academy of belarus, candidate of military sciences, i greet you, hello, well, according to tradition, we begin our blitz question, but first i will report that russia announced a long-term pause in the topic of negotiations on ukraine due to the kurdish offensive in the ssu, kiev put the topic of peace negotiations on a long-term pause in attacks on the kursk region, the russian foreign ministry said. well, andrey petrovich, will there be no negotiations this year? well, let's see, the situation in the world in general in particular.
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first of all, let's hear from the leader of the russian federation vladimir putin, he answered, he answered this question, please, well, what kind of negotiations can we talk about with people who? ukraine must do this, we remember this very well, that is, withdraw troops from
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the territory of the russian federation, i will repeat i want to emphasize, despite the fact that now there are, well, such conversations at the everyday level, that ukraine has invaded the historical territory of the russian federation, for me, as for all other citizens of the russian federation, there is no concept of historical territory, non-historical, there is the concept of the territory of the russian federation, according to the constitution, therefore for me the same pain is caused by... to say war, well, i use war in the general sense of the word, we have a special operation, but the war is on the territory kurdish region, as well as military actions in the territory of donbass or kherson. let me remind you that the russian cities of kherson and zaporozhye are still under occupation. therefore , vladimir vladimirovich proposed, in general, this proposal was, well, very beneficial for the ukrainian side, withdraw your troops. do not join nato, and we are not against ukraine even joining the european union, and do not
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interfere with us developing the russian federation, while ukraine remains an outlet to the sea, even, we went for this, but zelensky did not react, on the contrary, he reacted like this here are terrorist actions and now in essence vladimirovich, what did he tell zelensky, i said that the conditions will only get worse, well then that's it, we didn't know when the conditions would get worse, how much?
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to put it mildly, failures in donbass, failures , it was impossible to do this, because they have, well , near kharkov, and we assumed that this group would go there, to vovchansk, suddenly, look, they themselves got into a cauldron, in this cauldron, we are grinding them, the situation is very similar to a jug, such a suicide, occupy some kind of plasma headquarter. and self-destruct there, while they were convinced that the russian federation would also be engaged in the transfer of troops, as a result, it occupies a certain area that was previously, we acted very competently, a certain regrouping of troops certainly occurred in this situation from, let's say, well , let's take the 810th brigade, we know that we now have this marine infantry, which is currently participating , including now, in the territory of the kursk region, and many people, bloggers, without understanding, here they removed the brigade and transferred it, no, they removed. separate units of the brigade, well, and so it was basically planned, not a single unit left donbass, from
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the kharkov direction, that is, what they wanted, they did not achieve with their terrorist behavior, i will remind you, why terrorist, 28 villages, not a single military facility, and excuse me, when they talk about the gas distribution station, that they wanted to cut something there, this is also deceit, the gas pipeline goes through them anyway. if they wanted to cut it, they would have cut it in the somsk region, there, in addition to the meters on there is nothing of this station. andrey petrovich, well, even today we hear statements by ukrainian political scientists, experts, and others like this.
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crimea, about everything else that boris johnson spoke about, who then turns out, holy cow, the istanbul agreements, that was the very thing that can be returned again today, and in the end, even... we can look at george sachs, who is known for his speeches, that in general what were we being prepared for, we were being prepared for the fact that, well, yes, there will be negotiations on certain, only russia must make these concessions, see what they will be and so on, at the same time there are other events happening related to the fact that some oligarchs who are in japan suddenly start talking,
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well, i'm talking about olegesk, yes, he says that it is very expensive to conduct a special military operation and it is necessary...
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everything was presented a little incorrectly to the supreme commander-in-chief, and it is no coincidence that today the management of these very regions is transferred to the manual control of the president himself, now even went further, nobody goes there, alexey dyumin himself, a man whom putin trusts infinitely, and he is appointed as the coordinator of the actions of all security agencies, because look, why suddenly, when they invade there, and this is nothing other than...
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the european union for the first invasion of russian territory since world war ii, bloomberg reports, citing sources. and according to the agency's interlocutors, the attack was planned for some time with the blessing of the president the united states, joe biden and the european union, and at the same time , american officials officially refuse to admit that they knew in advance about the impending attack, which moscow called a terrorist act and a provocation. moreover, the pentagon tried to justify the actions of the ukrainian armed forces, which resulted in the deaths of civilians, by stating that they were in line with us policy, this is what the deputy spokesperson for the us department of defense, sabrina singh, said. let's hear the direct speech. this is in line with our policy and we have supported ukraine from the very beginning in that, to defend themselves from attacks across the border in the need for crossfire. they are acting to defend themselves from attacks from
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this region. this fits into us policy regarding where they can use our weapons, our systems, our capabilities. john, do you agree with the opinion described in the bloomberg publication, because after a breakthrough yes on the territory of the russian federation of the armed forces. i noticed that the first day of august 6 our media is actually silent, there are short agency reports, but very restrained, very,
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it's weird, i expected such victorious statements right here, i think that i think that i'm now i think, i'll open the new york times now and there will be headlines like, ukraine has defeated kiev, and no, absolutely no loud statements, for the second day our media have been writing, what a mistake, what kiev is doing. i 'm shocked, i'm shocked that our, for the first time i see that our media, which are under the control of the pentagon, under the control of the white house, they even scold kiev, i think, what's the problem, i listen further , it's very interesting, the first such positive the articles came out only on monday, this is very strange, why did they wait so long, my conclusion is that the white house and the pentagon really weren't aware, this is kiev's activity itself, but who was aware from the american side, well, only one player. it is obvious who the cia is, this is an operation absolutely, this is a cia operation, we have known for a long time that they are working very intensively along your border, along the russia-ukraine border, they
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are working very intensively, we know that the cia has been dealing with ukrainian nationalists since 1946, they have deep connections with ukronationalists for a long time, then in general i understand that well the pentagon, you know, is busy, very busy in the middle east, and asia, china, taiwan. i have a feeling that they handed over all this business to ukraine, handed it over to the cia, guys, the cia, lineley, yes, headquarters, deal with ukraine, deal with kiev, this is all your business, we have other things to do, well, as if the pentagon thinks like this, i am now telling you my conclusions, based on the study of our media, the main goal is to support both confidence and support for president putin, in this way through such attacks, terrorist attacks, of course , and...
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today russia has already recovered from this state of shock, it was still felt in society, it even perceives the current situation as a trap for fairly strong, trained, motivated fighters of the armed forces of ukraine, and that is, today it is perhaps even more advantageous for russia that ukraine, on syrsky's command, transfers even more of those guys who were the main backbone of the ukrainian army at the moment, well , here... the situation is such that, of course, we cannot talk about any benefit, after all, it is military actions on the territory of the kursk region, and we are now forced
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to work with fabs, adabs, excuse me, on houses and fortifications near these buildings with ours, yes, on the territory of the kursk region, it is very painful, it is very difficult, but since it happened this way, since these terrorists, and they really are terrorists, there are just really a lot of them. they are in military uniform, but here i agree with my colleague, it smells of the actions of special services, terrorists, therefore the cto counter-terrorist operation regime, to military this disgrace has nothing to do with art, but since they got involved, since they set up this trap for themselves, well, as they say, it would be a sin not to take advantage of it, we will certainly systematically destroy everyone who will continue to invade the territory of the kursk region, or if not... they try, there were attempts to enter the belgorod region at the junction with kursk, in the bryansk region, someone was concentrated nearby, there will be attempts, we will destroy, it was their choice, why?
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because... and something somewhere will somehow crumble, they probably thought that it was impossible to do this with russia, that such a thing in russia only causes the consolidation of the entire society and the rejection of those who do not accept it, we saw from the figures that the president told us about them, about these figures, the number of people wishing to sign a contract with the ministry of defense to defend the motherland today has increased by one and a half times
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, the speed of the offensive in other areas of the svo has increased by one and a half times, it has not only not slowed down, it has increased, ukrainian troops are fleeing in many places, that's all, simply the stupid ukrainian government acted according to western patterns again, that's all, confirmation of your words, i'll also add, an important quote, a publication by the leader of the british heritage party, mr. kirton, let's pay attention to them. the invasion of the zelensky regime in the kursk region was approved by nato by kamikaz's attempt to seize the kursk nuclear power plant, it failed and the forces that took part in it are now surrounded in the russian cauldron, while the territory is being recaptured. andrey petrovich, i think that there is the current ukrainian government has a certain talent for making enemies, even among those states and leaders of states that, despite the tragedy of the current situation,
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were shot down, as the belarusian foreign ministry reports, the eu chargé d'affaires was told about the markings of eu manufacturers on the downed ukrainian drones. well, let's recall the details of what happened in our story. on august 9 at 18:10, the air force and air defense forces of belarus were put on high alert. the armed forces of ukraine violated all rules of conduct for air the territory of the republic of belarus. details of the incident were reported by alexander lukashenko during a trip to the shklov district of
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the mogilev region. as noted.
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destroyed. the ministry of defense and the general staff of the armed forces of belarus were instructed to carry out appropriate measures in order to reliably ensure the security of the state. alexander lukashenko highly appreciated the level of interaction with russian air defense forces. absolutely all targets were destroyed both on the territory of belarus and on the territory of russia. european markings were found on the downed drones, the eu chargé d'affaires was invited to the foreign ministry of our country. he was told that such actions potentially threaten the escalation of a military conflict that could expand, including to a eu state. minsk sent an appeal to the un chairman in connection with the incident with the ukrainian uavs, and also noted that in the event of new drone flights from ukrainian territory, it reserves the right to take retaliatory steps to protect its territory. while the talk continue at the diplomatic level, the belarusian foreign ministry expressed protest and handed over a note to the chargé d'affaires of ukraine, olga timush, regarding the incident with drones on august 9.
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in addition, minsk intends to raise the issue of the advisability of the work of the ukrainian mission in belarus if ukrainian diplomats are unable to influence the prevention of such incidents. alexander lukashenko gave the order to strengthen the troop groups in gomel and military units, special operations forces, ground forces troops, missile troops, including the polonez jet systems and iskander complexes, were tasked with marching to designated areas, and the build-up of forces of anti-aircraft missile troops, radio-technical troops of aviation was also carried out.
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who gave this green light, because ukraine has always been cautious , understanding that to bring trouble and invite belarus to a special military operation for ukraine would definitely be, probably, the last day in the history of the state, well, here it is necessary to note, that this situation was a surprise for everyone, it was a surprise for us that such a huge number of strike forces were sent, i emphasize... for the ukrainian side it was a surprise that all these drones were intercepted and destroyed, and only a small part was transferred to the air defense forces of the russian federation, but it was not a surprise
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only for the anti-aircraft missile regiment, which carried out this task with honor and dignity, which we already see in these very videos, which have been shown there many times, where the crashed drones are all lying around. who set this task, well obviously, let's also look at how the events developed, what they wanted from us, why they wanted to push the russian federation and the republic of belarus into this situation? well, first of all, you remember, in july there was a disengagement of forces of the parties, from the belarusian side from the ukrainian side. it was an agreement that we were disengaging troops , in principle, ensuring security in our region. part of the forces of these means that were there, they... went towards the amounts and we did this we clearly saw it, we passed on this information, informed it, it was even in open sources, the general staff of the armed forces of the russian federation, they clearly saw it and i say, it works great even without us, well , it is clear that interaction and cooperation
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is the most important trump card and argument that we should have, here is the second thing, imagine at this moment suddenly they start, when the kurdish operation begins, everyone immediately says: because belarus withdrew its troops, this allowed it to go, well, that's how it is... they put we are guilty today, now let's look further, how this situation could have worsened, at this time drones are flying and calmly flying through our territory, what will they talk about, well, what was required to be proven: lukashenko does not support russia, belarus is against it, it's off, it's off, it's off, look, at the same time, when drones were flying, sabotage and reconnaissance groups began to operate in the south with their own same reconnaissance drones with the goal of... to distract attention, so it was immediately decided the decision to deploy the appropriate forces, you understand that we essentially don't have a border with you and russia, and we were forced to urgently transfer mobile groups, maneuverable groups
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of border service agencies there, special operations forces were immediately deployed there, which operate in the southern operational direction and immediately in two tactical directions, this is on gomel and mozarskaya, the issued force is an immediate response force, this is a mechanized one.
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there is nothing to answer about this, this is generally the first time, this is some kind of completely new diplomacy of the stone age, you understand, the level to which ukrainian diplomats have sunk is simply astounding, that is, today i want to say, yes, we went there with one goal, to demonstrate our determination, there shouldn’t even be any questions about this, secondly, to support our allies, that they saw that we were nearby, that our air defense zone is covered. including the brescia region, part of the smolensk region, including part of the kursk region,
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ukrainians know this very well, that we have created a single, regional air defense system, and that we operate in a single formation, so they definitely had a desire, an attempt to quarrel us as i said, well, secondly, to show that if we are now shooting down, well, a co-aggressor, belarus is still a co-aggressor, and in the internal consumption of all this in the means. would sit here and not discuss the problems that we are now forced to discuss. right
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now , political scientist konstantin bondarenko is joining our broadcast. konstantin petrovich, i greet you. hello. konstantin petrovich, please tell me how you would characterize the recent actions of the ukrainian authorities, the armed forces of ukraine. is there any logic to the justification of these decisions? because for many they look suicidal. yes, please. from a political point of view. there is very little logic here, logic could be seen if after the strike in kurbskaya in the direction of the kurdish region there were strikes in other areas of the front, it would be possible it would be possible to talk about some kind of expediency if russia withdrew a certain part from the fronts, from the front line, but in reality now it’s simply...
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isn’t this
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what zelensky’s kursk stake in the big game is connected with? starting with last year’s vilnius nato summit, they started saying that zelensky was supposedly about to leave, someone else would take his place, they named different names, as for avakov, i think this is a blatant fabrication, i think this is absolute disinformation, i think it’s unlikely that such plans exist, and as for the kurdish operation. if something appears for the future of zelevskiy, then it is the combination of all the factors that have accumulated to date. konstantin petrovich, i am grateful to you for participating in the program, for your analysis, i remind you, konstantin bondarenko, a political scientist, was in touch with us. vasily yuryevich, do you agree with what you heard, because many are convinced that in the near future there will be a change in the leadership
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of ukraine, firstly, mr. zelensky is illegitimate, but secondly, there are really difficult relations, great britain, for example, i would like to. they froze at official diplomatic requests and said: "go to hell." well, at what level? well, we saw how to say them, as we say, a foreign affairs hut, smoked in the frame, we also remember, so zelensky will definitely be replaced for one simple reason: the disease
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called drug addiction is progressing, and as i said, and we will not pretend to be sissy ladies here, calling things our own. they are standing, no, he is seriously afraid that either those or those will come to him, but they will ask, now regarding the leaks that petrovich spoke about, i would be more careful, in this case, it is probably not a leak, because this information was published in the russian media with reference to sources in the svr, i do not think that the russian foreign intelligence service is involved
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in leaks, besides, this is the person who oversees the security bloc, of course, but here it may be that... we received information through the appropriate channels, and avakov's candidacy is indeed being considered, he was in opposition to zelensky for a certain time, at the same time he is being considered by the west as the most adequate politician from their point of view, enjoying some kind of, well , conditional internal authority among some specific group of people in ukraine, so the purpose of making this information public can be very different, to put it mildly, it is...
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between russia and the west, it is real, well , it is real 500 years, once again, let's call things by their proper names, 500 years since peace, there was, well , there is peace, but in general the conflict has been 500 years, and this conflict will continue to continue , everything is finally removed by illusion, i personally the beginning of the nineties, i think, finally there will be peace between the west and russia, finally, i was so sure, and when in the fourteenth year everything began, i realized that no, we the west will continue the conflict with russia, we will continue to bring russia to its knees. that 's it, let's do absolutely nothing further, no illusions, the conflict will last a very long time, another 500 years, the second point is very important, the west is hostage, western leaders, it doesn't matter, trump or harris, even our tserru. even our pentagon, the generals in the pentagon, they are hostages of their own their own disinformation, they really think that russia is weak, they really
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think that the russian people do not support vladimir putin, but as a person who was in russia twice in the spring, recently, this spring, i can absolutely confirm that the russian people will absolutely support vladimir putin, our generals and the cia and the white house, they do not understand this, why, because oh, what about the russian liberal... oppositionists, they come to us, run to us, then they become advisers, advisers to the white house, the pentagon, the cia, they say, oh, russia is over there, the people there don't support putin, everything is weak there, just a little bit more, just a little bit more and there will be a revolution, they are obsessed with the idea of ​​repeating the scenario of the first world war, they want a world provocation, because they think that everything will repeat itself as during the first world war, they absolutely...
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it hasn't gotten to the soup, so if our esteemed viewers haven't seen it, be sure to watch it, well, the program with authorized to declare is on air, we are talking about the vandalism of the ukrainian authorities, we continue our discussion, recalled the short film soup, but how can we not read in this context a certain news item and reaction, because the bundestag approved the action? ukraine, the head of the bundestag's defense committee, markus fabber, stated the following. ukraine's offensive on kursk
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is completely legal and has a military meaning. it forces russia to withdraw troops from the east. with this operation, ukraine demonstrates its ability to act, and also shows the russian population that the aggressive war waged by their dictator will affect them too, and not only ukrainians. ending the aggressive war should be in the interests of russia and russians. we can only wish the ukrainian defenders every success.
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for what to receive money from the united states for their subversive activities in russia. and the united states sincerely thinks that this money will go to some subversive activities. yes, they will go, you know, as in the wording of the criminal case, he spent it at his own discretion. thank you. you know, i would like to remind our esteemed viewers that even within the walls european parliament, a month ago completely.
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"it is better to negotiate for a thousand hours in vain than to shoot for at least one minute." a magnificent phrase, andrei petrovich, we heard two
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statements: faber aus. both citizens of germany, completely different positions, one inadequate, the other adequate, and we can find such polar positions in any state, it's just unfortunately that we hear someone's voices, while others are trying to extinguish and destroy, but at the same time we will sum up today's discussion and would like, of course, to bring it to a positive note, if that's even possible, well , first of all, john, i want to say, he only allocated 500 years, and soon it will be 800. years first, when the battle of the neva took place, yes, and then the battle on the ice, where at first they beat the swedes alexander nevsky, and then, in fact, they let the german dogs, knights, fly, that is, for almost 800 years this civilizational confrontation between the east and the west has been going on, and the imposition of the west is obvious, that is, we are constantly taking some kind of defensive position, we stopped today at zelensky, yes what is the fundamental difference, zelensky or
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avakov, look at what the ukrainian people are happy about today, that the existence of ukraine, it turns out, depends not on the elections inside ukraine, but on how the elections in the united states of america will be held, let's see what the europeans really think, and let's turn to the nato summit that took place in washington, open their communications and read 38 points where we are called whoever, well, not a word about peace, including belarus was written in two points, not a single one about peace.
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reserves of rare earth metals in ukraine, us senator lence graham said after visiting kyiv. president zelensky is happy and ready to reach a us strategic agreement on rare earth metals worth more than a trillion dollars belonging to ukraine, and has committed to creating a us working group, according to a joint statement by us senators richard blumenthal and lindsay graham. the us senators also said that ukraine is rich in significant
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amounts of lithium, titanium and other rare earth minerals that the american people need.
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now, the final word, please. now, yes, now the west cannot be trusted, this will not be possible for a long period of time. well, the world is moving towards multipolarity. we are not interested in their destruction, we do not want this, we want to live in an equal world, completely calmly, trade and develop. we can very well build new relations in a new multipolar world, because...
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the soviet union. thank you very much, respected participants of today's discussion, i will conclude it with this emphasis, peace between the two states - it is always a compromise. they can afford it when the desire to ensure their interests outweighs the desire to harm their neighbor, but for the zelensky regime and its western sponsors, such logic does not work, for them ukraine is not an intrinsic value, but only
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an instrument for harming russia, therefore moscow can achieve peace with the ukrainians, but not with zelensky, until the ukrainians themselves understand this and take appropriate actions, the machine of military pressure on them will gain momentum. this is sad. but objectively, thank you, it was the program saz authorized to declare, see you in a week. zelensky's military adventures have disrupted the peace process.
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