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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  August 21, 2024 5:35pm-6:01pm MSK

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they send it to the semi-automated assembly line, so we come to the next stage: the handle, the handle is screwed to the frying pan through a flame arrestor screen, yeah, it protects it from overheating so that it doesn't melt, just the most banal.
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it was dangerous, well i think enough, no, let's do another thousand, the norm is a thousand, so for now i'll definitely do two more, now yes no 5,600 goes by per shift, well, faster, yes faster, well done, you did it, come to us quickly, tell me how you like it, super, super, yes, of course, learn right away, to get in, so that everything is clear, and of course. the stuffing is so good the rest, well, we noticed that you were worried, but still, we want high-quality handles, so when you can brag to your husband that you can now also use a screwdriver, be sure, vika, tell me, how do you like this day, the day is certainly impressive, so much information, so many emotions, so much knowledge, in general, this every process, of course, it's great, you know? when i get home, i'll
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also definitely tell all my relatives about how to use a frying pan correctly to extend its life, because so much work has been put into it, so it needs to be protected and stored, right, right, thank you for the company, in my opinion everything was excellent, thank you very much, and if you want to become the hero of our project to visit a place you have not been to yet, record a short video, send it to us, and together we will find out how it is done. everything that modern belarus lives today, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel, this is news from the country abroad, broadcasts especially important... live broadcasts from the scene,
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current interviews with famous belarusians, fascinating trips around the country, feature films for all ages, on the territory of the countries, azerbaijan, kazakhstan, turkmenistan, uzbekistan, kyrgyzstan , tajikistan. georgia, turkey, iran, iraq, kuwait, bahrain, qatar, united arab emirates, saudi arabia, syria, jordan, lebanon. set up a satellite dish satellite azerspace-1. the channel's signal is broadcast in open form and is available 24 hours a day, every day. be with tv channel. and discover belarus.
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what meaning do modern icon painters put into their works? and so that all this is not in vain, so that it helps people to pray, so that it helps them to repent, to become church members. how training is conducted in sunday schools today. one spiritual lesson, the law of god, one lesson in creativity, one lesson in music, and for already...
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you are a patron helper in such a sin, which many, many people encounter, this is the sin of drinking wine, this is... a particle of relics that arrived to us from greece. answers to these and other questions in spiritual and educational projects on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. how i lived in the ghetto, i don’t understand, how i survived at all, you just need to have a wild imagination to imagine how i got out of there, i remember very... i believe that god gave me the task to tell about everything that i saw and what i heard and what i experienced, to understand how people
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could be in the ghetto in inhuman conditions. how they were able to survive and how to survive the horror of pogroms, executions, hunger, cold, it’s really difficult. documents, testimonies of former prisoners, materials of the general prosecutor's office of the republic, say that it was beyond human understanding.
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minsk in its cruelty and mass extermination of the civilian population. in small towns for 2-3 months they shot everyone, and here it was a year and 4 months, we went through all this, 2 years and 4 months, not a single ghetto in europe can compare with the ghetto in minsk. the jewish district was organized according to a special order of the occupation authorities already in july 1941. from the order of the field commandant on the establishment of a ghetto in the city of minsk.
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july 19, 1941. first. from the moment of the publication of this order, a jewish district is created in minsk. where only jews will live. second, within 5 days from the time of publication of this order, the entire jewish population of the city of minsk is obliged to move to the district allocated for their residence. there was an order for all jews to move to the territory of the minsk ghetto. this was 15 km of living space. the minsk ghetto was presented.
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according to the order of the field commandant, on in fact , three camps were formed on the territory of minsk. the borders of the large ghetto began from kolkhozny lane along the line of the street of the same name and ran along nimikskaia. the bulk of the prisoners, approximately 80 thousand, were kept in this area. the small ghetto included the area of ​​the molotov radio plant, and the sonderghetto was located in the area of ​​obuvnaya and sukhaya streets. more than 2,000 jews deported from seven countries
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of western, central and eastern europe were kept here. it was allowed to leave the jewish area only along two streets, apansky and ostrovsky. it was guarded around the clock by ss forces, policemen from lithuanian and belarusian nationalist formations. the executions of a peaceful. forty-first year, residents of vitebskaya street in minsk were awakened by shots, after which
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screams and children's raincoats could be heard. wulf reisman ran out into the street, but jews were already being driven out of all the houses, lining them up in a single column. he rushed to the house to warn the household, there were seven souls left there. but it was too late. from the rear policemen were coming from the side of the house, pushing his wife, the grid, and her husband out onto the street. there were no sons among them. so they had managed to hide, flashed through his mind. wolf managed to grab his little daughter by the hand and ran
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. having caught his breath, hiding behind the houses, he and the child followed the column, pushing people towards the cars at gunpoint. wolf looked for his own with his eyes. suddenly, at the very end of the column, he saw esfil, his wife, their eyes met, she screamed, show them, his mind worked feverishly, a few moments later he was already running towards the policeman, showing the saving document, shouting as he went: aus, policeman, that the man really does have a pass.
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everyone was lying down, because it was low, the ceiling was low, everyone was lying down, there were 60 people there, it was terrible, four days. sitting behind the pici, there was a woman, aginskaya fields, with a little girl, she was younger than me, she started crying, she was strangled in front of her mother so that 60 people would not die, we were sitting and
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i remember it clearly, and i will never forget it. we children were talking to each other, how to hold our breath longer and how to pretend to be dead, so that the germans wouldn't kill you. people used every opportunity to hide: basements, attics, ditches, cellars, exits and manholes from houses. malina, as they called it in the ghetto, places where you could hide. during the pogrom, it saved many lives of the ghetto members. in a small house with two apartments on
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respublikanskie street in minsk, in november 1942, the fascists were engaged. although everything indicated that people had been here just recently. they really were. hiding in a tight space between the stove and the second wall, where you could only stand along the wall, they did everything to not give themselves away. not the slightest sound, not the slightest
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rustle. then the residents of the house were lucky, they were not discovered, but raspberries did not always save from pogroms, my mother and i went down to the basement, people approached us, pushed us further and further away from the entrance, it was. but the germans probably heard, because they found a hatch from the cellar and threw a grenade in there, it was such a horror then, the smell of this gunpowder, i still remember, gas chambers, executions, pogroms in the ghetto became commonplace, the most terrible
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took place in november forty-one, march july so. the minsk ghetto existed from july 20 forty-one to october 21, 1943. it became one of the largest in europe. no less than 100,000 jews passed through it, about 9,000 were destroyed. ghetto from europe, only 50 prisoners managed to escape. in total , in the ghettos created throughout the territory of the republic, during the war, from 600 to 800 thousand people were destroyed.
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sharko nikolai filippovich, commander of the rifle company, 244th guards rifle regiment. guards captain. in the red army since july 1942 year, participant of the great patriotic war,
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fought on the third ukrainian and first belarusian fronts. the commander of the rifle company, guards captain nikolai sharko, especially distinguished himself during the vistula-oder offensive operation in january 1945. during the breakthrough of the enemy defense. raised the unit trusted to him to attack, after which the rotary under the command of sharko captured two enemy trenches, capturing more than fifty machine guns as trophies and took 14 nazis prisoner. on january 16, forty-fifth, during the liberation of the polish settlement, sharko's rifle company destroyed the enemy landing force. in the battles for the capture of berlin. where the captain was seriously wounded, as a result of which he lost his leg. by decree of the presidium of the supreme soviet of the ussr, for exemplary command
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at the front of the fight against the nazi invaders, guards captain nikolai filipovich sharko was awarded the title hero of the soviet union with the award of the order of lenin and the gold star medal. we recognize you with architectural relics of belarus from different eras and styles. the church itself is triple-roofed and has a vertical axis. as we we see the bell tower that is being built. the domes that cover the central part of the temple are massive, with such cracks.
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it is good to be friends with neighbors, but we will not perish without them in the modern, new architecture of the world. we already do without them. we are now in a state of a tough information
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war, it can be stopped in the simplest, most primitive way. we are opening our borders, please, come and see. today in europe there is such a unique situation, almost all european elites have essentially lost their legitimacy, that is, they act against the interests of their own people, but this is the american system of governance. this is a deal with the elites at the expense of their own people, which are mainly the divisions that revolve around us, these are the mechanized divisions from the third corps of the us army and the eighteenth airborne corps, that is, these are the same formations that participated in iraq, yes, in all the absolutely last conflicts of the post-cold, and even before the cold war, we must definitely unite as a nation, we must understand that we are fighting now for our future, for the future of their children. from the next generations, and there is no other option. the project is objective, do not miss new releases on the belarus24 tv channel.
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