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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  August 21, 2024 9:00pm-9:46pm MSK

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intellectual show. vasya, start the first round. is it true that the diving beetle is a predator? no. i met a diving beetle, it looks like a small bead in the water. is it true that sometimes cabbage rolls are lazy. my grandmother cooked lazy cabbage rolls. oh, hello grandma, right? what question does not require an answer, for example, no help in this house, right? and here, well, there should be no answer. an example from life, yes, as i understand it, watch the intellectual and entertainment project, i know on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. good evening, live on panorama, in studio ekaterina tikhomirova and we will sum up this environment, watch the issue. focus on development. savmin today reviewed the forecast for the next year, we plan to grow above world rates. providing the sectors of the economy with workers with the help of college graduates is an important task for the entire education sector. this year , more than 38,500 were recruited at the secondary vocational level alone. students about the in-demand areas and details of the development of the industry in the report. training personnel for agriculture, what is interesting about the belarusian state agricultural academy and how do deans popularize the profession of farmers? we will tell you in the story. the palace of high standards, specialists in the construction industry of the presidential property management department and the state construction supervision committee for standardization visited the independence palace on an excursion.
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belarus will focus on sustainable development. the government today reviewed the economic forecast for the budget for the next year , taking into account all internal and external factors. it is expected that gdp in 2025 will increase by more than 4%. and investment growth in fixed capital - about 8%. export plus 5.5%. growth of real cash income not less than 4%. with growth of real wages by almost five. inflation. is planned to be kept within
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the parameters of the five-year program within 5%. we are placing the main emphasis on production, in particular industry, we are counting on new markets for export of our goods in distant arc countries, as well as the influx of our own resources from capital from outside into modern production. svetlana lukyanuk will talk about precise calculations for all industries, as well as income and expenses of the republican budget. the forecast for the next year was drawn up taking into account all internal and external factors. three weeks ago, the documents were already considered within the walls of the council of ministers, then they instructed to finalize some points, but the main figure remained unchanged, where the economy should add 4%. the prime minister will immediately say that the rates are higher than the world ones, while the figures are verified. it is only important that the links of one large chain work without failures. this means that the necessary goods are both produced and
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sold, and the sales volumes cover the purchase of imports, this means a balance positive. exports are planned to increase by 5.4%. according to the calculations of the ministry of economy, forecasts for the development of foreign markets provide an opportunity to increase foreign exchange earnings by 2.800 million us dollars. export volumes should reach 52 billion dollars, this is the maximum value on the horizon of the study, while the balance of foreign trade is predicted to be positive at the level of 0.5% of gdp. money will be invested in real projects, which will then provide the goods needed by the market. there will be demand for belarusian products, but the geography of sales definitely needs to be done wider. moreover, the agreements reached during the visits of both the president and the prime minister have opened up many new niches, it is important to quickly fill them with proposals. in the production program, together with all the ministries, our concerns. we have defined the main markets,
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this is the distant arc, the market of asia, china, of course, our main trading partner, the russian federation, together with everyone we understand that in what volume, what time frame these deliveries should be carried out, while the requirements for manufacturers are growing exponentially, buyers and ours, foreign ones need goods high-tech and high-quality, to maintain its brand at a level, this is what the enterprise has aimed at more than once. and our president. the main task is to diversify exports. we can do everything. but the main thing is to sell. there is demand for our products. there are also states and countries that are ready to buy our products. our two main partners are russia and
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china. these are our traditional partners, well, so to speak, this is our anchor. we have anchored ourselves. and if someone thinks that we will leave russia for china, tomorrow there will be 70 of us import substituting - this is our technological sovereignty and 27 integration ones, those that we are actively promoting in cooperation with russia, 130 will start working in the regions under the program one region, one project, we have paid attention to another new direction - this is the development of the
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recreation industry, tourism, so now we have already started to work on projects for this initiative one region, one project in terms of creating not only production.
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subsidies for housing construction. there is a separate amount for this in the budget - 2 billion rubles. this is , by the way, 7.5% more than this year. in total, 4.5 million square meters of housing will be built, including 600,000 square meters - these will be rental. there will also be 15 kindergartens, 26 schools and two dozen sports facilities, new and after renovation. svetlana lukinyuk, natalia breus, andrey ivanenko and vladislav lopatin. tv news agency. and the global economy can’t get out of the covid crisis, at the beginning of the year, on predicted that the growth rate would slow down to 2.4%. according to the imf, the global consolidated government debt already exceeds 100 trillion us dollars. in the anti-leaders of europe
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greece with a national debt of 160.5%. italy is in second place with a rate of 130.3%. 100 days increases by a trillion dollars for the united states. 35 trillion dollars, according to reports, last year the total number of homeless people in the united states reached a sixteen-year high in numbers - this is more than 650,000 people who do not have a place to live. the real problem is the acute shortage of affordable housing in los angeles because of the high cost of apartments, so many people ended up on the street. the british too are preparing for price increases in the coming winter, in particular for... electricity, as bloomberg writes, the average tariff will increase by 9% from
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october 1. and at the beginning of next year , another increase in tariffs is expected. experts emphasize that such news will shock residents of the united kingdom, who are already struggling with a cost of living crisis and a record level of debt for electricity. at the same time, the average price of gas on the exchange in europe has jumped by 19% since the beginning of august. in the grodno region , the consequences of the elements are being eliminated, workers are involved the ministry of emergency situations, traffic police officers, gas service employees, mobile groups have been formed to inspect farmsteads and monitor water levels. due to the night rainfall in two settlements of the district, the village of khlasha and baranova, about 30 private houses were flooded, in some of them the water level reached 30 cm, in farmsteads up to 60. the bad weather
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also destroyed part of the harvest in the garden plots. and we are standing next to the fence, like this, it is carried away by the current, like this. the flow of water in everything was such that we wanted to leave the house, we held on to the fence, and we could not to pass, because we were being carried away by the current, carried away by the current, it was impossible to stand on our feet, we were saving animals, saving ourselves, everything happened very quickly, literally just my husband, i tell my husband, we need to drive away the car, what was standing here, he just went to drive away, he says, i pick up everything from the floor, i just started. immediately the water in the house was knee-deep, we
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had waist-deep water here in the yard , the roads were simply damaged as a result of the rise in the water level in the loshanka river in places by 4 m, near the village of kunsovshchina, a reinforced concrete bridge was damaged a bridge destroyed by a strong current in the village of kovaliche. the population's life support has not been disrupted and... there are bypass routes, the situation is under the control of the leadership of the grodno regional and district executive committees. all measures will be taken immediately. the most, one might say, narrow moment is the destruction of the bridge structure over the loshanka river. here, too , dismantling work for the construction of a new bridge will begin in the near future. unfortunately, the technologies that were used in soviet times did not allow us to survive this. bridge structure such a serious load in the form of rising water levels in the aloshanka river.
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about 25 personnel, 11 units of equipment, including the ministry of emergency situations , including equipment, housing and communal services enterprises of the district were involved in the liquidation of the consequences. a decision was made to assemble a commission on emergency situations under the grodno district executive committee. representatives of belgosstrakho were invited to this commission. all these activities are currently under control. in the near future , this work will be continued from the point of view of that the water has not yet entered its channel along those rivers that were overflowing. due to the passage of a thunderstorm front , a settlement in the stolin district suffered. in the village of bolshiye orly, the roofs of six agricultural buildings were damaged. there are no victims, restoration work is underway. bad weather is raging in neighboring poland, in warsaw, after strong. it flooded the main road arteries and broke trees. there are streams of water on the streets,
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both motorists and pedestrians are trapped. the storm did not spare the capital's airport, flooding the passenger terminal, water leaked through the roof of the building, due to electrical discharges, gusts of wind precipitation, limiting visibility. takeoffs and landings were suspended. all over the country. rescue services received over 3,000 calls. there is a message from three victims. about the storm in polish society with. gives embezzlement, fraudulent schemes of politicians disputes about who stole more, hidden facts of new corruption scandals, and ex-presidents complain about low pensions. about the zloty zone in the pockets of local officials, details in the story by yana mendeleva. country, which is thoroughly saturated with corruption,
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another scandal is flaring up in poland against the backdrop of the embezzlement of budget funds. the trend of stealing public money. is taking root ever deeper in polish soil. tusk and morowiecki are exchanging mutual accusations of involvement in dirty deeds, and ordinary residents are left to wonder: which politician stole more? the day before , the local news portal onet highlighted another incident: the former head of government was suspected of a dishonest scheme during the construction of an ammunition plant, on the government program national ammunition reserve, the implementation period of which was extended. for 3 years until 2029, it was planned to allocate 14 billion zlotys, this is more than 3.5 billion dollars, of which only some 500 million should go directly to the construction of the factory. the ministry of defense emphasized that in this way the interests of the state are not protected, polish prime minister tusk hastened to throw a stone in the garden of the former head
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of government, in the social network x accused morowiecki of fraud. under militarization, in confirmation of this july loan that poland received from the usa for the purchase of missile defense and air defense weapons. the special commission investigating the visa scandal continues its work by embezzling not only the means of armament of the united country in the family, they find out how thousands of illegal migrants ended up in the eu through the former top of the foreign ministry.
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more than 350 thousand visas were sold to citizens of african and asian countries through the polish embassy and visa firms. naturally, bypassing the official procedure, they earn money on the fence, we are talking about the barbed wire killer on the border with our country, it cost the polish treasury 400 million dollars, and the fence can be easily climbed with a jack for 20 greenbacks.
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shared with a local portal that due to the allegedly small presidential pension, more than 3,000 dollars, he even has to work part-time. the salaries of former presidents have grown now amount to about 12,000 zlotys, which, of course, should be taxed, these are not the amounts that can be enough if you have a large family, so, of course, you will have to earn money, i earn money, and i need to survive somehow. in...
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in yerevan, a group of pro-western activists and alleged supporters of one of the local parties committed an act of vandalism against the belarusian embassy, ​​they threw potatoes, eggs , tomatoes at the diplomatic mission. today , the chargé d'affaires of armenia in our country was invited to the ministry of foreign affairs of belarus. he was informed about the incident, as well as the damage caused to the belarusian diplomatic mission.
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in accordance with the legislation of armenia. the yerevan vandals allegedly took offense at alexander lukashenko's recent statement on past.
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they are trying to blame him, which is absurd, but i repeat, it is a fact, this is the strategy of the armenian government, retouching its mistakes
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by making radical statements about the leaders of foreign states. the white house and its european allies are actively working on the issue of replacing zelensky, they are looking for a more flexible one. of their own people, so western curators, the latter are not satisfied with his tendency to rash actions, among the possible successors there are the names of former head of state petro poroshenko, ex-minister of the country's internal affairs, arsen avakov, as well as the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, oleksandr syrsky. journalists noted that washington is already behind...
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the kursk region bears little resemblance to the one that can really change the balance of power on the battlefield. ukraine is now operating in the forefront of the presidential race in the united states. the white house, the democrats who control it, i am sure that they made an offer to zelensky, said: "buddy, if you help us win this election, you will have weapons and money in 2025." you will not be able to show something on the front, well then we will lose together, trump will come. not only will you be gone.
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altai is a place of power and attraction for journalists, bloggers, writers and photographers from the eac countries these days. the 2024 festival is taking place there . my colleague victoria sharkova has the details of the second day of the festival.
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the participants came to the geographical center of the continent not only to touch this unique place of power, but also to study, exchange ideas and share experiences in the fight for the viewer's attention. as is known, social networks have long and firmly entered our lives, and new media platforms are entertainment venues, information hubs and giant factories for collecting and processing data, and how not to get lost in the raging sea. media portals - what is on the agenda of the second festival day. maria shatokhina, a correspondent and aspiring editor. at 24, she already specializes in politics. and as the girl shared with us, in order to write better, you need to personally communicate with professionals from other countries who have a significant background. here really amazing speakers have been selected, and this is not only an exchange of experience, which is certainly important, but also an exchange of knowledge, because
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anyway. depending on the country, and 15 countries have gathered here, that's a lot, you are taught some subtleties, peculiarities, some, maybe even ethnic differences, which are still present in journalism one way or another, the fight for the viewer's attention is becoming more and more difficult, if in 2000 the average attention span was 12 seconds, today it has decreased to 8, and how to hook the audience on discussion?
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and attacks, tomorrow these guys will join in, and it's good that there is this correct transfer of experience, the main theme of the festival is eurasian integration, what some consider a trend of recent years, here is considered as centuries-old cultural interaction of peoples from ancient times to the present day. this is very useful, because today the most important thing that we lack, for example, yes, in central asia, is precisely interaction with our colleagues, because well, it's not often that such a thing happens an opportunity is provided where we can directly and closely contact more information about what is happening in our countries inside. as a press secretary, i am limited to such, let's say , official moments, but nevertheless, to be able to refract this officiality into a more interesting plane, more modern, more youthful to a certain extent, is certainly very important when professionals give us this opportunity.
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to somehow get to know this better, of course, it is very important, very useful and for themselves, as a person, some kind of personal growth, and of course for the organization. views of unique treasures of nature, spirits of the shamanic world and broadened horizons, everything that young people take home, and although the festival has come to an end, the media life of the participants will continue, but in a new transformation. victoria sharkova, vitaly selyavka, tv news agency. transformation, a new life starts for applicants who. in less than 2 weeks will receive a new status. the acceptance of documents for the level has already ended secondary specialized education recruited more than 38,500 people, of which over 28,000 are on the budget. recruitment to the level of vocational and technical education is still ongoing. the most popular among those entering the college at the level of secondary specialized education remain engineering, manufacturing and construction industries. they
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account for.
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new training in two new specialties for the republic, which just provide training for a worker with secondary specialized education, this is technical operation of mechatronic systems of electronic production and production of micro nano-electronics products. in addition, this year two more specialties appeared at the level of secondary specialized education, but already providing the acquisition of specialist qualifications, this is the operation of measuring instruments and laboratory analysis. emphasis on target students: customers of personnel participate in the educational process, provide bases for practice. this year, out of 10 thousand declared places for two levels of education, secondary specialized, more than 5,500 people were accepted. for students of the minsk radio engineering college, this is an opportunity
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work in high-tech production already during their studies. accordingly, integral pays a lot of attention to finding such applicants who are motivated. the results of admission to the level of vocational and technical education are planned to be summed up by august 23. elizaveta sinyak, nikolai lashkevich, tv news agency. but how to attract young people
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who are now constantly on social networks to the profession to make it popular, the dean of one of the faculties of the belarusian state agricultural academy knows. without interrupting his work, he leads his social media account, records videos in which he talks about the profession of farmers, gets tens of thousands of likes and views. what hooks the viewer, kapitalina zenkevich learned the details. vladimir gusarov is on the same wavelength with his students not only in student pairs. in the twentieth year, the dean of the faculty of agricultural mechanization at bgs went further and started his own tiktok account. today, his videos collect 7,000 views, it all started with this video, when together with ...
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everything that concerns modern trends precision farming, service, repair, we have everything, this is thanks to the state, state support, over the past 5 years , about 3 million dollars have been poured into our material and technical base in order to qualitatively train a specialist here, so that the result is qualitative, theory alone is not enough in agriculture, everything is tied to practice, in bgs the educational process, including, is built in such a way that students literally from the first days of training are completely immersed in the work of farmers, tractor drivers, machine operators. we have a lot of different faculties, different sections in our academy, where you can choose and realize yourself. in different ways, also this university is a little dear to me, because my parents, my grandmother, grandfather studied here, so i decided to continue a small tradition. today, four
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universities are engaged in training personnel for the agricultural sector in the country, including minsk, grodno and vitebsk, people go to study in gorka, including based on the strong practical component, every year , the academy enrolls about a thousand applicants for full-time education alone. the most popular. specialties are the economic profile specialty, the land management and cadastres specialty, which we have at the academy, specialties related to the production of animal and plant products are also in demand, as well as: ensuring the mechanization of agricultural production processes, well, this year we have concluded 188 target contracts. bgsh today is eight faculties and 16 specialties. last year , a new technical service of the military-industrial complex opened, for it , a laboratory was created at the academy, where students can hone their acquired skills. the advantages of such an education are obvious, in addition to everything, graduates of this specialty receive another working specialty. here we will. to this future specialist, to show
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how to properly repair, how to organize a service, in the first year of admission, we had a competition of 1.8 people per place, this year the competition is already about two people. earth, our everything, this truth is unchangeable, the head of state repeats, the president of belarus alexander lukashenko did not doubt its value back in 1981, being a student of the economics department of the belarusian agricultural academy, right at this desk student lukashenko listened to lectures on the specialty of economics and organization of agriculture. today, the knowledge that will feed the entire country is absorbed by the young generation of belarusians. of course, i did not regret that i entered here. 3 years ago i made my choice, i consider it the right one. i live in this city, for me it is a very native place, so i did not want to go anywhere. after graduating from university, i plan to stay in my hometown and be useful.
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russia and maintain high quality standards. we found ourselves in a building where the modern history of our state is being made. arched niches, plaster vases and an international scale. who, if not specialists in the relevant field, could appreciate the dignity of the filigree work on site number one, which was built in record time in 30 months. the construction of the palace of independence involved organizations from all over the country. specialists.
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it was in 2024 that the construction code came into force, that is, if there were dozens or hundreds of regulatory documents earlier, today it is in one single code, all builders are already guided by this code. today, each state construction project from scratch meets high standards, belarusian bakers have their own quality certificate. so today the attention of the guests was attracted by the five-yard.
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in different areas of activity. in millions
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of square meters of housing, social and historical heritage sites are built in belarus every year. an orthodox church will be built in the minsk-mir multifunctional complex. it will be dedicated to saint sava, the first serbian, revered orthodox saint who lived at the turn of the 12th and 13th centuries. the foundation stone on the site of the future church was consecrated by the metropolitan of minsk.
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it was built in the 13th century and houses a miraculous icon of the holy mother of god, especially revered by believers, painted in the forty eighth year of our era. in the 10th century, the icon was sent to crimea, where in 988 the prince accepted orthodoxy.
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said about the country in ninety-nine, when the country was bombed by nato aircraft. the only president of all existing at that time was your president lukashenko, who came there and who supported serbia. our people are very, let 's say, consider themselves indebted to you for the help that you provided then and for the fact that, naturally, you continue to support us. the parish of the temple in honor of the monk sava in the city of minsk was founded. 2017. currently, services are held in a temporary building, as well as in a recently erected chapel in honor of the icon of the mother of god troeruchitsa, which is located on the territory of the future temple. services in the chapel are primarily attended by residents of the minsk-mir complex, as well as other areas. in september
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, a memorial capsule will be laid at the site, with a high-ranking delegation from serbia and the clergy of the two countries taking part. the construction is expected to take 2 years. buildings that have become home to thousands of minsk residents, infrastructure is developing, these are kindergartens, schools, the shopping and public center aviamol has been built, which will have more than 500 stores and 35 restaurants. minsk-mir has already changed the image of the city, this is a new quality of life and new opportunities, and it can surprise every day.
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ilona volynets, tv news agency. me. weeks remain until the main holiday of the word , the thirty-first day of belarusian writing, traditionally celebrated on the first sunday of autumn. this year the holiday will be held in ivantsevichi, the forum starts on august 31, the poster has over 70 the event will feature an exclusive screening of a documentary about the great patriotic war, ordered to live. one of the central events will be a book and press festival, where thematic exhibitions will be presented. dedicated to the main themes of the year, this is the thirtieth anniversary of the presidency, the year of quality, 80 years of the liberation of belarus. traditionally, the start of the festive events will be given by the republican scientific and educational expedition, the road to the shrines. in light of the holiday, the opening of the art object children is planned.


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