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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  August 21, 2024 11:55pm-12:11am MSK

11:55 pm
the young belarusian who saved thousands of moldovan lives was buried in the center of the village of kozhushna, there is a monument there as an eternal gratitude of those who remained alive to the one who gave his life for them. and after the war, the residents of cherven named the street along which he went to school as a child after their fallen countryman.
11:56 pm
import substitution, investment projects and quality are the priority tasks of the belarusian industry, due to which we maintain a high pace, what figures will we get, the weather, an interview with the new deputy prime minister. a delegation from pakistan is visiting the belarusian capital, what agreements between minsk and islamabad, we will talk about the prospects for joint work. in belarus, the procedures for the construction of housing loans will be simplified, and the work of artisans will be streamlined. what is being offered to the government? let's analyze the main innovations. this is an area of ​​interest, we are talking about notable events in the economy. veronika buta with you, hello! since the beginning of the year, industry in belarus has maintained a high growth rate, gradually increasing every month, demand in the domestic market, good and foreign orders. contacts not only with russian regions, but also with distant arc countries. we are increasingly talking about joint assemblies in asia and latin america. import substitution, investment projects, quality, these are exactly what
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deputy prime minister viktor karankevich sees as the main issues in his work. last week, he changed his position from the head of the ministry of energy to deputy prime minister. svetlana lukinyuk asked about the priority tasks of the belarusian industry. viktor mikhailovich, hello, and of course, we congratulate you on your appointment. good afternoon, thank you. well, now in your area there is a super responsibility is becoming greater, except for energy. belneftekhimiya, of course, and belikprom and forestry, in principle , our entire industry, so after the presentation here, you probably spent an hour, maybe more, talking with the prime minister, what you talked about, what is important to concentrate on now, yes, we discussed the main priority tasks, these are issues of increasing production volumes, increasing export volumes, improving efficiency.
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work of industries and enterprises, the driver in industry remains the key to economic development, and for january-july the volume of industrial production amounted to 107.5% of the corresponding level of the previous year, in order to maintain such positive indicators it is necessary to concentrate on further solving, well, such basic issues as the development of import substitution , including within the framework of the implementation of integration... projects with the russian federation, this is further work on stabilizing wood processing enterprises, increasing the volume of production of relevant products, including including taking into account the presence of external restrictions of sanctions pressure, also issues of increasing the efficiency of industries and enterprises through the introduction of new technologies of equipment and machines, mechanics.
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there is also a new direction, but these are issues with the handling of radioactive waste and the possible further use of the accumulated experience and technologies of rusatom in the construction of the republican function for the handling of radioactive waste, interaction is organized between business entities, on our part - this is the belarusian organization for the handling of radioactive waste, on the russian side this is the joint-stock company tvl, which is part of the state corporation rusatom, between which there are already.
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corresponding agreements on cooperation and training of personnel for their possible further use in the facility under construction, this is precisely in... in relation to the operation of a further facility for handling radioactive waste, we are also studying possible technologies that can be used in the construction of this facility, and we are guided by the fairly extensive experience of our russian colleagues, here it is precisely state corporation rusatom in this direction, but there are other areas that are also considered within the framework of further development of mutually beneficial cooperation, these are issues of development of additive technologies, the possibility of using accumulation systems in energy, simulator construction, additive technologies, all this, of course, in cooperation with the state corporation rusatom is being worked out for the possibility of further practical application in our country. continuing the topic of increasing energy consumption. we have two
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cities in belarus, these are zhodina and shklov. now here public transport runs electric. are we planning any other settlements? thanks to the incentive measures taken at the level of the president and the government, our electric transport is developing, the number of cars themselves is increasing, the number of electric charging stations is also increasing, that is , work continues on further expansion of the electric charging infrastructure, but all this contributes, as i said, to an increase in the number. electric transport in the country, and pilot projects were implemented in zhodino and shklov, where public transport on internal combustion engines has been replaced by electric buses, and this practice continues, it is planned to implement a similar project in novopolotsk, and this work will
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continue in the future. pakistan is the fifth most populous country in the world, and with a fairly developed agriculture and industry, minsk and islamabad have agreements on the export of tractors, track fertilizers, baby food and medicines, but the volumes of these supplies can be several times larger. one of the goals the current visit of parliamentarians to prepare the legal framework for greater economic involvement. the negotiating marathon this week with the house of representatives of the council of the republic discussed the main issues at the highest level. the short meeting lasted much longer than it should have, we discussed a wide range of issues, including problematic ones, the solution to which was found with the help of the president immediately, including visa issues for students and representatives of the business
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sector of pakistan. of course, it was discussed topic of agriculture, supplies of belarusian agricultural machinery, in particular belarusian tractors, which enjoy special... belarus and pakistan signed an agreement on interparliamentary cooperation. now we intend to take another look at this agreement in order to intensify bilateral ties. mtz is introducing tractors with a capacity of over 100 horsepower to the pakistani market. previously, the company sold only small equipment to this region. organization of promotion and sales of machines, but their maintenance. pakistan is our long-standing stable partner, in principle, despite all foreign policy, internal processes, we have always planned and implemented the export of tractor equipment to this side. pakistan
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is mainly tractors of the 510-512 model, which we previously supplied, this is from a technical point of view, this is a basic tractor. from which all our serial production of one hundred horsepower is further developed, and accordingly, technical solutions and components and units at the request of the pakistani side we applied from serial equipment to a 50 horsepower tractor, this concerned exclusively pneumatic system units, steering, that is, what is directly needed when performing agricultural operations. earlier, the parties agreed on deliveries by the end of the year. tractors spare parts in the total amount of over 30 million dollars, a dealer network is developed in the region, the parties do not exclude the possibility of creating an assembly plant in the future. as an importer, practically to all continents of the globe, there are a number of standard technical solutions that imply the creation
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of assembly plants from 500 units per year to 10,000, so we have prepared the component technical base, of course the site is possible. next year we plan to increase sales by 20%. we also intend to work out the issue of the possibility of opening a sales and service center for belarusian agricultural machinery in pakistan, and also organize an exchange at the level of the expert community. i should note that belarus is a very green country, belarusian wood is of very high quality, so we are interested in organizing supplies of belarusian furniture to pakistan, and also possibly.
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in belarus, in my opinion, there is a very rational and correct attitude to what is called the law. laws must certainly be observed by everyone, but there is a nuance: the head of state, for example, once said the same thing, sometimes nedozanov, a hurricane passed through belarus and it is necessary to quickly repair a building and structure, they began to announce procedures for selecting contractors, as a result, until now... there are two ways, the one that is prescribed in
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the laws, this is to agree on everything with everyone, hold a tender, and so on and so forth, the one dictated by logic, it's raining, people don't have roofs in their houses, and they're bargaining, this is the desire to put logic in emergency situations, above some papers, this is one of the reasons why alexander grigorievich is a leader, not just a politician, he is ready to take responsibility along with the risks, and regularly this... does the author's project igor turai propaganda watch on the belarus24 tv channel. this is an area of ​​interest, we continue, now the results of trading on the belarusian currency and stock exchange. we will tell you, how the rates have changed: the russian ruble has become cheaper, the dollar and the yuan have become more expensive. so, the canadian dollar costs 3 rubles, 18 kopecks. the euro is now 3.54 at the national bank rate,
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4.46 is asked for 10 yuan, 3.52 is for 100 russian rubles. in belarus, the procedures for the construction of housing loans are being simplified, by the end of the year a system document will appear that will update the rules, a wide range of answers to questions is expected. how much easier will the procedures for the construction of individual houses become, what will happen to rental construction for employees of enterprises? how will they change categories of those in need and whether the traditional mechanism of shared construction will change at all, in a word, there are many innovations, the first approximation of the answers have already been found. in particular, it is planned to abandon the shared construction for those on the waiting list in its pure form, and to offer them ready-made housing on favorable terms. in addition, the country is preparing important changes for artisans by analogy with individual entrepreneurs, whose working conditions have recently been adjusted. but... it is more efficient to lend,
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easier to build, these are, perhaps, the main construction trends of recent years, the country is building a clear housing policy to meet the demands of the time, updating the categories of those in need, solving the painful issue of the outflow of personnel in the countryside, in general, making the process of large-scale construction closer to the people, for example, canceling the design documentation when... this is to bring an application and finance, all other issues will be resolved by the operating organization. in my opinion,
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this will significantly simplify the approaches for both citizens and operating organizations. why? because, well, let's say so, after all, in my opinion, those who exploit the utility networks should be responsible for them. another issue, the solution to which has been announced for a long time, is a new level of state support for the construction of rental apartments. we are talking about those who are building an enterprise for their employees. to solve the problem of personnel shortage, that is why this is the main thing. for their employees, yes, they will really have certain preferences, they will be repaid almost half of the rate of the loan that they will take in order to subsequently provide this rental housing to its employees, at least 20% of such housing will need to be provided as a matter of priority to young specialists who have just joined the company, because we clearly understand that


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