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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  August 22, 2024 4:50am-5:46am MSK

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which means the balance is positive. exports are planned to increase by 5.4%. according to the calculations of the ministry of economy, forecasts for the development of foreign markets provide an opportunity to increase foreign exchange earnings by 2,800 million us dollars. export volumes should reach 52 billion dollars. this is the maximum value on the research horizon. at the same time, the balance of foreign trade is forecast to be positive at the level of 0.5%.
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which means the implementation of these plans in the form of specific and future contracts and export deliveries, have also determined the main markets, this is distant arc, the market of asia, china, of course, our main trading partner the russian federation, together with everyone we understand that in what volume, what terms these deliveries should be carried out, while the requirements for manufacturers are growing many times over, buyers and our foreign ones need goods highly...
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complete nonsense. yes, we are a small economy, an export one, but we must understand that these are billions of dollars. the competition is serious, with our goods no one is particularly waiting for us anywhere. therefore, russia and china, especially russia - this is our traditional market, economy, there is no escape. more than 600 new projects will start working. in the twenty-fifth year, among them also new production and new lines at our large enterprises. 70 import-substituting - this is our technological sovereignty and 27 integration ones, those that we are actively promoting in cooperation with russia. 130 will start working in the regions under the program one district, one project. we have paid attention to another new direction, this is the development of the recreation and tourism industry. therefore , now our.
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government notes at least 4%, these are salaries, pensions and benefits. social guarantees remain unchanged. expenditures on financing the social sphere will increase by almost 14%, compared to the current year's estimate, including an increase of 1 billion 700 million rubles in education expenditures by 1.5 billion in health care. expenditures on wages in the budget sphere will increase by 14.7% and will amount to 20 billion 200 million rubles. this growth in
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the budget for the social sphere of funds is not less than 35%, and this is despite the state treasury deficit, when expenses exceed income. i would like without such an imbalance, the minister of finance will say, but there is nothing critical about it. the work, although not simple, is understandable, so there will be an increase in income, and we are not giving up on bonuses. we have plans to increase wages for certain categories, they are provided for by the program of social and economic development, so we will have an increase in wages. two stages, let's say, the first is an increase in the base rate for all categories of public sector employees, the second is an increase in bonuses for certain categories of workers, for these purposes more than a billion rubles will be allocated, these are the tasks of maintaining salaries of doctors at a certain level, increasing the salaries of teachers, other categories of public sector employees, they will be carried out in a differentiated manner through allowances, the growth of these allowances, as i said, is significant, more than
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a billion rubles will be for this , in truth. those who need their square meters can count on subsidies for the construction of housing. there is a separate amount in the budget for this - 2 billion rubles. this is more, by the way. than this year, in total they will build 4.5 million square meters of housing, including including 6,000 square meters - these will be arenas. there will also be 15 kindergartens, 26 schools and two dozen sports facilities, new and renovated. svetlana lukinyuk, natalia breus, andrey ivanenko and vladislav lopatin, tv news agency. and the world economy can’t get out of the covid crisis, even at the beginning of the year, look at... according to the imf, the world's consolidated public debt already exceeds 100 trillion us dollars. greece is among the anti-leaders of europe with a public debt of 160.5%.
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italy is in second place with a figure of 130.3%. third are portuguese 127.2%. at the same time, the largest. national debt, which increases by a trillion dollars every 100 days, is in the united states, 35 trillion dollars, and according to reports, last year the total number of homeless people in the united states reached a sixteen-year high in numbers, this is more than 650 thousand people who do not have housing. the real problem is the acute shortage of affordable housing in los angeles due to the high cost of apartments, so many people ended up on ... the british are also preparing for price increases in the coming winter, in particular on electricity, as bloomberg writes, the average tariff will increase by 9% from october 1. and at the beginning of next year, another increase in tariffs is expected. experts emphasize
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that such news will shock residents of the united kingdom, who are already struggling with a cost of living crisis and a record level of debt for electricity. at the same time, the average price of gas in ... in europe has jumped by 19% since the beginning of august. in the grodno region , workers of the ministry of emergency situations, traffic police officers, gas service are involved in eliminating the consequences of the elements, mobile groups have been formed to inspect farmsteads and monitor water levels. due to the night rainfall in two settlements of the district. khlasha and baranova , about 30 private houses were flooded, in some of them the water level reached 30 cm, in farmsteads up to 60. the bad weather also destroyed part of the harvest in the garden plots.
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and we are standing next to the fence, like this, it is carried away by the current, like this water, in everything, the flow of water was such that we wanted to leave the house, we held on to the fence, and we could not pass, because the current carried us away, the current carried us away, it was impossible to stand on our feet, we were saving animals, we were saving ourselves, everything happened very quickly, literally my husband, i tell my husband... we need to drive away the car that was standing here, he just went to drive away, he says, pick up everything from the floor, i just started picking up the houses from the floor, i can already hear that everything is falling in the rooms, just everything, it started to fall, the water in the houses was knee-deep, we had water in the yard here,
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the roads were also damaged, as a result of the rise in the water level in the loshanka river, in some places by 4 m, near the village of kunsovshchina , a reinforced concrete bridge was damaged, and a bridge in the village of kovaliche was severely. the population's life support was not disrupted, there are bypass roads. the situation is under the control of the leadership of the grodno regional and district executive committees. all measures will be taken immediately. the most, one might say, narrow moment is the destruction of the bridge structure over the loshanka river. here , too , dismantling work will begin in the near future to build a new bridge. unfortunately, the technologies that were used was in soviet times, they did not allow this bridge structure to survive such a serious load in the form of rising water levels in the aloshanka river. about 25 personnel, 11 units of equipment, including the ministry of emergency situations,
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including equipment from the district's housing and communal services enterprises were involved in eliminating the consequences. a decision was made to assemble a commission on emergency situations at the grodno district executive... the water had not yet returned to its channel along those rivers that were overflowing, due to the passage of a thunderstorm front, a populated area suffered in in the stolin district, in the village of bolshiye orly , the roofs of six agricultural buildings were damaged, there were no casualties, and restoration work is underway. bad weather is raging in neighboring poland, in warsaw, after heavy rains, the main road arteries were flooded and trees were broken. there are streams of water on the streets, and both motorists and pedestrians were trapped. the storm did not spare
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the capital's airport, flooding the passenger terminal there, water leaked through the roof of the building, due to electrical discharges, gusts of wind, precipitation, limiting visibility, takeoffs and landings were suspended, all over the country, rescue services received over 3. in the pockets of local officials, details in the story by yana mendeleva, a country that is thoroughly saturated with corruption, in poland is flaring up.
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dollars, of which only some 500 million should go directly to the construction of the factory. the ministry of defense emphasized that in this way the interests of the state are not protected, polish prime minister tusk hastened to throw a stone in the garden of the former head. everyone has long
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known that you can do business with respirators, masks, visas and generators, and how about 14 billion for ammunition? mraviecki responded to tusk, mutual accusations are expected. mr. donald, if you were in power then, you would have waited for supplies of german cash registers, and would not have built a polish ammunition factory. there are not enough taxpayers, and the scale of official theft is growing. warsaw borrows money for militarization, as evidenced by the july loan that poland received from the united states for the purchase of missile defense and air defense weapons. not only does the united country continue to embezzle weapons a special commission investigating the visa scandal is doing its job. they are finding out how thousands of illegal migrants ended up in the eu through the former top brass of the foreign ministry. through the polish embassy. their visa firms sold more than 350 thousand
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visas to citizens of african and asian countries, naturally, bypassing the official procedure, they are making money on the fence, we are talking about the barbed wire to the killer on the border with our country, it cost the polish treasury 400 million dollars, and the fence can be easily overcome with a jack for 20 greenbacks. their enrichment by fence-building part, the polish elite intends to continue. we decided to invest 10 billion zlotys in our security and , above all, in a safe eastern border. not only the ordinary taxpayer suffers, but also the sawyers themselves, especially after leaving their lucrative posts. new ones take their place. and the old ones can only complain about low payments. so, former president
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kwasniewski shared with a local portal that because of the allegedly small presidential pension, more than $ 3.0, he even has to work part-time. salaries of former presidents has grown now is about 12 thousand zlotys, which, of course, should be taxed. these are not the amounts that can be enough if you have a large family, so, of course, you...
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in yerevan, pro-western activists and alleged supporters of one of the local parties committed an act of vandalism against the belarusian embassy, ​​they threw potatoes, eggs, tomatoes at the diplomatic mission. today , the chargé d'affaires of armenia in our country was invited to the belarusian mfa, he was informed about the incident, and also the damage caused by the belarusian diplomatic mission, pointed out the clearly insufficient measures of the armenian law enforcement agencies to prevent. the armenian side pointed out the obligation of the host state to ensure the safety of the belarusian diplomatic mission and its property, as well as the safety of diplomatic personnel, as established by the vienna convention on diplomatic relations is widely accepted. the belarusian side proceeds from the fact that the vandals will be identified,
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the damage will be compensated, and the damage will be incurred punishment in accordance with the legislation of armenia. yerevan vandals allegedly took offense at the recent statement of alexander lukashenko last week our president in an interview with a russian tv channel noted that no one needs armenia in the west, and they will soon forget there, indeed, armenia is being played as another anti-russian card in the west, they have already used georgia and moldova, not to mention the war to the last ukrainian, so they are following the beaten path, now in... in armenia's foreign policy there is a lot of problems, the pashinyan government has achieved a consistent deterioration with the organization's allies, including russia and belarus. this is the result of mistakes, extremist statements, flirting with the west on the part of pashinyan personally and his entourage. at the same time, we see that this
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political course has led armenia, not even to a dead end, to the edge of the abyss. they have already lost karabakh, they ... but at the same time , they are trying to blame it for the failures of the armenian government, the armenian leaders, which is absurd, but i repeat, this is a fact, this is the strategy of the armenian government, retouching their mistakes by making radical statements about foreign leaders. the white house and its...
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european allies are actively working on the issue of replacing zelensky, looking for a more flexible manager, the serbian publication politics writes about this. according to the authors of the article, zelensky has long exhausted the credit of trust from both his own people and western curators, the latter are not satisfied with his tendency to rash actions. among the possible successors are the names of the former head of of the state of petro poroshenko, the former minister of internal affairs of the country arsen avakov, as well as the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine oleksandr syrsky. journalists noted that washington has already planned a campaign to discredit zelensky. but ukraine, on the contrary, is trying to act in the forefront of the us presidential race. this opinion was expressed in the trends program by the head of the center for the study of military political conflicts. andrey klintsevich, commenting on
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the invasion of the armed forces of ukraine into the kursk region. zelensky is trying to help the democrats create the necessary. picture and win the upcoming election campaign. otherwise, the military maneuver of the ukrainian armed forces in the kursk region bears little resemblance to the one that can really change the balance of power on the battlefield. ukraine is now acting in the foreground of the presidential race in the united states. the white house, the democrats who control it, i am sure that they made an offer to zelensky, said: "buddy, if you help us win this election, you will have weapons and money in 2025." if you cannot. show anything at the front, well, that means we will lose together, trump will come, not only will you not have any resources, but you will also be put in prison, they will take away everything you stole, so now zelensky...
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not only this, watch today in the trends program after the panorama altai these days is a place of power and attraction for journalists , bloggers, writers and photographers of the eac countries. the monzherok-2024 festival is taking place there. almost 100 participants from 15 countries, they all came to study, exchange ideas and share. details of the second festival day from my colleague victoria sharkova. in the geographical
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the center of the continent, participants came not only to touch this unique place of power, but to learn, exchange ideas and share experiences in the fight for the viewer's attention. as you know, social networks have long and firmly entered our lives, and new media platforms are entertainment venues at the same time. information hubs and giant factories for collecting and processing data, and how not to get lost in the raging sea of ​​​​media portals, what is on the agenda of the second festival day. maria shatokhina, correspondent, aspiring editor, already specializes in politics at 24 and as the girl shared with us, in order to write better, you need to personally communicate with professionals from other countries who have a significant background behind them. there are really amazing speakers here, and this is not only. an exchange of experience, which is certainly important, but also an exchange of knowledge, because anyway, depending on the country, and 15 countries have gathered here, this is a lot, and you
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are taught some subtleties, features, some, maybe even ethnic differences, which are still present in journalism, one way or another, the fight for the viewer's attention is becoming increasingly difficult, if in 2000 the average attention span was...
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what some consider a trend in recent years is seen here as centuries-old cultural interaction of peoples from ancient times to the present day, this is very useful, because today the most important thing that we lack, for example, in central asia, is precisely interaction with our colleagues, because no matter how infrequently such an opportunity is presented, where we we can directly and closely contact to receive more information about what is happening in our countries inside. as a press secretary, i am limited to such, let's say, official moments, but nevertheless, i can break this officiality into a more interesting plane, more modern.
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takes home, and although the festival has come to an end, the media life of the participants will continue, but in a new transformation. victoria sharkova, vitali selyavka. transformation new life starts for applicants, who in less than 2 weeks will receive a new status. the acceptance of documents for the level of secondary specialized education has already been completed, more than 308,500 people have been recruited, of which over 28,000 are on the budget. for the level of vocational and technical education, recruitment is still ongoing. the most popular among those entering college for the level of secondary specialized education remain engineering, manufacturing and construction industries, they account for over 30% of the total admission of applicants. the second line of the rating is occupied by
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business management. and rights, this profile are chosen by about 16% of applicants. health care takes up over 13%. in addition, the top five include rural forestry, fisheries and veterinary science, as well as pedagogy. in the structure of admission to the level of vocational and technical education , engineering, manufacturing and construction industries are also in the lead. they are chosen by more than 70% of applicants, and more than 13% are rural forestry and fisheries. elizaveta sinyak examined the details of the development of vocational and technical secondary specialized education this year. in belarus investments in fixed capital are growing, most of the funds are invested in equipment, industrial production is expanding. this entails a need for workers. today, at the level of vocational and technical education , it is possible to master about 300 qualifications, while students receive two or three
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related ones at once. professions at the secondary specialized level are taught in 200 specialties, this year a number of new ones are opening. training in two specialties new to the republic, which are precisely those that provide training for workers secondary specialized education. this is the technical operation of mechatronic systems of electronic production and the production of micro nanoelectronics products. in addition, this year two more specialties appeared at the level of secondary specialized education, but already providing for the receipt of.
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yes, such are the advantages of studying in colleges. this year, only at the level of secondary specialized education, for the in-demand economics specialty , 2.0 more applicants were recruited than last year. results of admission to the level of vocational and technical education plan to sum up by august 23. elizaveta sinyak, nikolai lashkevich, tv news agency. but how to attract young people, who are now constantly on social networks, to the profession to make it popular, knows the dean of one of the faculties
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of the belarusian state agricultural academy, without interrupting his work, he maintains his account on social networks, records videos in which he talks about the profession of farmers, gets tens of thousands of likes and views. what hooks the viewer, kapitalina zenkevich learned the details. with his students vladimir gusarov is on the same wavelength not only with student couples. in the twentieth year, the dean of the faculty of agricultural mechanization of bgs went further and started his own account on tiktok. today. his videos collect 700,000 views, it all started with this video, when together with students they started a tractor that had been standing for 55 years. we need to communicate with our youth via tiktok. where are they sitting? they are sitting on tiktok now, so the chances of getting into their heads, somewhere to sow some reasonable grain. and my task, as a teacher, employee
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academy, to tell that. he was at the right time, in the right place. the topic of agriculture has been especially relevant lately, it is not surprising that the created content has become in demand among the audience, however, this coin has two sides, now we have to repel attacks about the alleged unpopularity of the agricultural profession, by the way , vladimir vladimirovich has an answer to such comments: the general farming is getting better, salaries are growing, conditions are improving. knowing what we have, what we work on, we need to be proud of this, we need to be proud of this and tell everywhere. agricultural issues for belarus have long been not just with the prefix strategic, in the sanction realities the view on the agricultural sector is much deeper, on the eve, food security of the state. everything that concerns modern directions of precision farming, service, repair, we have everything, it is
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thanks to the state, state support. over the past 5 years , about 3 million dollars have been poured into our material and technical base in order to qualitatively prepare a specialist already here, so that the result... was of high quality, theory alone is not enough in agriculture , everything is tied to practice. at bgs, the educational process is also structured in such a way that students literally from the first days of training are completely immersed in the work of farmers, tractor drivers, machine operators. at our academy , there are many, many different faculties, all sorts of sections where you can choose and realize yourself in different ways. also, this university is a little dear to me, because my parents, and we , my grandmother, grandfather studied here, so i decided continue a small tradition. today, four universities are engaged in training personnel for the agricultural sector in the country, including minsk, grodno and vitebsk, people go to study in gorka, including based on the strong practical component.
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every year , the academy recruits about a thousand applicants for full-time education alone. the most popular specialties are the specialty of the economic profile, the specialty of land management and cadastres, which we have at the academy. also in demand are specialties related to production of products of animal and plant origin, as well as ensuring the mechanization of agricultural production. well, this year we have concluded the 188th target agreement. today, bgsh is eight faculties and 16 specialties. last year , a new technical service of the military-industrial complex was opened, for which a laboratory was created at the academy, where students can hone their acquired skills. the advantages of such an education are obvious in addition to everything else.
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lukashenko attended lectures on the specialty of economics and organization of agriculture. today, the knowledge that will feed the entire country is absorbed by the young generation of belarusians. of course, i did not regret that i entered here. i made my choice 3 years ago, i think it was the right one. i live in this city, for me it is a very native place, so i did not want to go anywhere, after graduating from university, i plan to stay in my hometown and benefit people. belarusians not only know how to work the land today, we know how to do it, which is what we actually demonstrate. the eleventh open
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russian plowing championship our gorki fellow countrymen are in the top ten. capitals nazenkevich and dmitry garkusha, tv news agency. the best workers of the country's construction industry today became. honorary guests of the palace of independence, those who are responsible for the construction of the most important objects of belarus and maintain high quality standards, found themselves in the building where the modern history of our state is being made. arched niches, plaster vases and an international scale, who else but specialists in the relevant field could appreciate the filigree work on the number one site, which was built in a record time of 30 months. organizations from all over the country took part in the construction of the palace of independence. specialists from one of the supervisory bodies, which issues a conclusion to the latter and guarantees quality, were able to assess
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the scale of the work done 11 years after the building was put into operation. the last time i was there was in 2013, when the conclusion was issued. if it was a construction site then, then it is already a palace with its history, its aura. and mountains, that again visited this beautiful palace, from july 23, namely 2024, the construction code came into force, that is, if there were dozens or hundreds of regulatory documents earlier, today it is in one single code, all builders are already guided by this code. today, each state construction project from scratch meets high standards. belarusian bakers have their own quality certificate, so today the attention of the guests was attracted by a five-tiered loaf of bread, which the masters presented to the president grodno region 90 kilos of flour, 46 eggs and seven days of work, all in one bread
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masterpiece, which took pride of place in the hall of ceremonies. oh, what a smell, listen, it's just an honor for me, that is , yes, as if to be a builder, because as they say. god created the earth, everything, everything that is on earth, was created by builders, wherever you go, it doesn't matter, this is a building here, or this is another building, or you are there. just even when you visit some shopping center, you immediately see both shortcomings and some positive ones, like here, for example, positive, that is, instantly, everything that is positive, i try to capture as much as possible on my phone camera, today about 35,000 specialists are employed in the system of the ministry of architecture and construction, 65 organizations operate in various areas of activity, millions of square meters of housing, objects of social significance, historical and cultural heritage are built in belarus every year.
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an orthodox church will be built in the multifunctional complex minsk-mir, it will be dedicated in honor of saint sava, the first serbian, revered orthodox saint, who lived at the turn of the 19th and 13th centuries. the foundation stone on the site of the future temple was consecrated by metropolitan of minsk and zaslavl veniam. ilona volynets knows what the temple will be like.
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the temple in honor of the saint will be built in the image of an existing one, the prototype of the apostolic cathedral of the pec patriarchate of the serbian orthodox church, which is considered the mother of all serbian temples. it was built in the 13th century, it contains the miraculous icon of the most holy, especially revered by believers. our lady, painted in the forty-eighth year of our era. in the 10th century, the icon was sent to crimea, where prince vladimir accepted orthodoxy in 988. according to legend, the baptizer of rus was given the icon. subsequently, the icon was transported to the holy land and was given to saint sava, who brought it to serbia. i am grateful to the investor for their desire to do something even more for the city of minsk, so they invest in the construction of this temple, underestimate the discovery.
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naturally, you continue to support us. the parish of the temple in honor of the monk sava in in the city of minsk was founded in 2017. currently , services are held in a temporary building, as well as in a recently erected chapel in honor of the icon of the mother of god troeruchitsa, which is located on the territory of the future temple. services in the chapel are primarily attended by residents of the minsk-mir complex, as well as other districts. in september , a memorial capsule will be laid at the site, and a high-ranking official will take part in it.
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there are already 15 new streets, more than 120 residential buildings have been erected, which have become homes for thousands of minsk residents, infrastructure is developing, this is to have its own temple, the complex is actively developing, kindergartens, schools, a shopping and public center aviamall was built, in which there will be more than 500 shops and 35 restaurants. minsk-mir has already changed the image of the city, this is a new quality of life, and new opportunities and every day it can surprise. ilona volynets, tv news agency. less than
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two weeks remain until the main holiday of the word, the thirty-first day of belarusian writing, traditionally it is celebrated on the first sunday in autumn. this year the holiday will be held in ivantsevichi, the forum starts on august 31, the poster includes over 70 events, an exclusive screening of a documentary about the great patriotic war, ordered to live, is planned. one of the central events will be the book and press festival, where thematic exhibitions will be presented dedicated to the main themes of the year, this is the thirtieth anniversary of the presidency, the year of quality, 80% of the years of the liberation of belarus. traditionally , the republican scientific and educational expedition road to the shrines will give a start to the festive events. in light of the holiday , the opening of the art object children is planned forest school. the first holiday, the day of belarusian writing took place back in 1994 with the support of the head of our
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state alexander grigorievich lukashenko. and over these 30 years, the capital of the day of belarusian writing.
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soon they will begin to assemble the main stage, they will install it on lenin square. anna buikevich knows more about the preparation for the national holiday. in the lobby of our library we have installed an interactive stand for the convenience of our readers, who can get acquainted with the history of the library, the structure of the library, the rules of use, with all the events that take place in our libraries of the system. and what is especially important for readers, the new equipment will allow you to find out literally in a few moments the availability of a certain book in all the libraries of the yavatsevichi district. today, its central repository of knowledge and wisdom named after philip pestrac is almost ready for the thirty-first day of belarusian writing. this year , ivatsevichi became the capital of a large-scale national forum. the big holiday will take place on
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august 31 and september 1. for several months now we are preparing for this holiday, we are doing repairs, changing. interiors, for us it is very important, very significant, very joyful, and in general we are glad that our land will meet such a wonderful, interesting, multifaceted holiday, the day of writing, this is the popularization of the belarusian book, this is the love of reading, this is spiritual development, and of course, the preservation of tradition in the canon of the forum word, the central library has acquired not only a new look, but a symbolic art object, a bench with flying books on the pages has appeared nearby: the intrigue will be revealed only during celebration of the day of belarusian writing, but these are not all the gifts. serious changes in 2024 affected the health care of ivatsevich,
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they are completing repairs in the clinic, and they are also expecting the opening of the first computer tomography room in the city. it is planned that it will work in two shifts, if necessary , a circle. modern equipment of domestic production, the red ribbon will be cut on august 31. it is designed to receive 64 sections, delivered under the centralized purchase of the ministry of health, if you take last year, we transported patients to other institutions only 580 times to perform this study for emergency indications, this is bereza and baranovich, today we will have everything in ourselves and we will fully... carry out protocols both in cardiology and neurology, well, and for diagnostics in general, road renovation, house facades, patriotic murals, street improvement, repairs of cultural and social facilities, for a large-scale holiday, a new page of the big book of the city literally sparkled with bright colors, about 3 km of one
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streets, we are paving the main e-2, lenin street about a kilometer klyutko street, this is the r6 republican highway. we made five house territories near houses, we made three entrances to serious social facilities, this is to the community center, to the children's sanik number five, to the secondary school number three, the library, the community center, the koroevskiy historian museum, all the work there has already been completed, our school is very beautiful and bright, the city is of course getting ready, everything is becoming bright, colorful, both roads and houses are being updated, many new small architectural forms are appearing, we have a wonderful we have improved the park, we are looking forward to it. the holiday, the eldest son will perform at the opening of a small architectural form near the cultural center, and he also practices such a sport as karate, there will be a demonstration performance, he will perform together with his dad, during the celebration. most of lenin street will be closed, a large-scale interactive town will be set up, and here on the square they will install the main stage, its installation is planned
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to begin in the coming days. the organizers promise a rich program, which includes various festivals, exhibitions, presentations, conferences, competitions, concerts, meetings with interesting people and much more. it will be very interesting. anna buikevich, ruslan selyuk, telenovostey agency. preserve cultural heritage, do not lose rare crafts. at the same time comprehensively regulate the issues of implementation of craft activities. alexander lukashenko signed the decree. its draft was discussed at a recent meeting of the president with the leadership of the council of ministers. the head of state recalled that this year an updated law on issues was adopted entrepreneurial activity, according to which artisans become part of the entrepreneurial community, demanded that the list of types of activity for artisans be clear, transparent and without red tape, so the council of ministers was instructed to determine this list by september 1, and from october 1
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, individuals will be registered as artisans in accordance with the list, it is planned to include blacksmithing, yarn production, artistic processing and painting of products made of wood, stone, ceramics, as well as individual traditional national types of crafts. victorious sports news. came from jordan, our greco-roman wrestler kirill valevsky won gold at the world championships under 17. in the weight category up to 71 kg , the belarusian defeated an athlete from armenia on the way to the decisive fight, proved stronger than the chinese dzinhaovu in the semi-finals, knocking out the representative of uzbekistan. in the gold fight against the russian vladislav byrl, our athlete also had no equal 7:1.
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the planetary forum will continue until august 25, tomorrow gold in the weight category up to 73 kg will be contested by our annapirskaya. also, the fight for the bronze medal will be held by polina braginets. and dinamo minsk continues its performance in the europa league tomorrow vadim skribchenko's team will start in the playoff stage. the opponent is belgian andrlecht. channels belarus 5 and belarus 5 internet will show the match live starting at 21:40. the return match will be held in brussels on august 29. we will need to work in a counterattacking manner, organized in a collective defense of the team to work, because well ...
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let us remind you that the capital team guaranteed itself a european cup autumn, domestic, club football returns to the european arena after 6 years. it remains only to find out in which of the tournaments the belarusian will play? champion, in case of andrlecht's passage, the team will go to the europa league group, in an unsuccessful scenario , the conference league awaits us. this was the information picture of this environment, i say goodbye to you on this.
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the tv news agency presents in the public domain we have no secrets from our people. the last peaceful shots. summer has come to minsk. a new concert hall has opened, the clearing of the neman riverbed began. chemical warfare drill. exams were underway at the fzo school, the football season had opened. new
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collective farm nurseries, the ensk border outpost. they did not know that at dawn on june 22 , the first, most terrible blow of the war would fall upon them. many years will pass, but we will never forget this night.
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motherland, attention, attention, he says, the valiant troops continue their successful offensive on all fronts, hitler's death was knocked out with shovels on the steep edges of anti-tank ditches. will there be a hillock not stained with the blood of a father or brother.
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and with this flask 10 tanks were destroyed captain tertychny, in just one area of ​​ostrashitsky gorodok, the 100th rifle division burned and destroyed 101 tanks, the defender of brest dreamed of defeated berlin in the smoke. this will be 4 years later, in forty-fifth, but for now.


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