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tv   2  BELARUSTV  August 23, 2024 2:05pm-3:01pm MSK

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with its history and culture, it's a five-hundred-year-old oak tree, wow, which can make a wish come true, 1, 2, 3, oh, well, i don't think i want to leave here, i'd definitely stay here for a week, ciao, ciao, watch the travel show, like home, on our tv channel.
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the subscriber is temporarily underexamined. call back.
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nadya, dad asked me to pick up some clothes, can i? well, of course, and where's kostik? arrested, under what article? i don't remember, on suspicion of assault and causing bodily harm, there is a warrant for detention, it's lying here, so, we suspect, the rights have been explained, the detention circumstance, and... aha.
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investigator petrenko. let's see what kind of fruit. did the investigator explain something? well, he said that we need to look after our son better, nothing more. yes. southern department on sovetskaya. no panic. now we 'll go to the investigator together and figure everything out. only first i'll consult with oleg petrovich, he 'll tell you. how to behave correctly and what to do, then, in an hour we 'll meet at the department, just don't even think about telling, i won't leave you alone.
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nastya, are you home? what do you want, hi, i have some bad news, what, the guys just said that another club is leaving, i'll be there soon. so what's the big deal
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on the ship? let's get changed into our warm-up uniforms, come on! seriously? guys, we are one team, we have to tear everyone apart at the championship. well, you are, of course, a cool coach, but we clearly have no chance here. it won't be like before anyway. i told you a long time ago, you will sell the club, right? you will sell it anyway, and we will only waste time here. where did you get this information? maybe someone he'll also tell me what i should do, because i don't know anything. cover up, it's because of him, vitalik is in the hospital now, because of us, and how do you think i'm covering up for kostya, that means i should go to the police, yes, tell the investigator that kostya did it, although i didn't see anything, and you
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didn't see anything either, but for some reason you're sure, there's no one else, you know, an excellent argument, that is, you're leaving the club because your... the coach, a dishonest person, yes, well, something like that, okay, the exit is there, i'm not keeping anyone. the charges are serious, and if they are confirmed, he will sit for a long time, up to 5 years, but he is not guilty , i know for sure, but knowing is not enough, evidence is needed, and he does not want
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to cooperate at all, maybe he was saving this young lady from vitaly, as i understand it, they quarreled over you, girl, and this is called mr. investigator at home. here is an alibi, the main suspect, on the contrary, does not have one, no, alibi, and you checked the location of the mobile phone through the cellular operator, well, you made such a request, imagine, the radius roughly coincides, the suspect claims
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that he was nearby in the park, this is not serious, nadya, shut up, you've already heard everything, but he must provide us with full information, he is obliged. the investigator is obliged to warn relatives, close relatives about the detention within 24 hours, i do not, listen, i do not owe anything else, it is in vain that you refuse to sell, i have already told you everything, if you do not want to, do not help, and selling is excluded, i agree, it is excluded, and do you know why? because now this club is of no use to anyone with such reputation, you still try to persuade irina, i 'm not going to persuade anyone, so what are you going to do, you'll open a second-hand store here,
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why not, i'll find students, more stubborn, more evil. and you fetch run, run, churin run she 'll take you as an instructor, exactly, you didn't understand anything. come to an agreement, well, you lost your temper a little, nadya, of course i understand that you want to help, but this will only make things worse, let me do it myself, well, you won't do anything alone, well, i 'll think of something, the girl is right,
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you won't achieve anything alone, i can see you need help, lawyer selivanov guarantees the protection of your interests at any level, and may i ask? what firm do you represent and what are your rates? i have an honest practice, and the rates depend on the complexity of the case. full legal support from 500. and higher, it depends. circumstance, to pay so much so that everything is according to the law, you know, no, thank you, thank god, we have not yet come to such circumstances, collect, keep it for yourself, suddenly you change your mind, well, how are you, yes, here i am lying, i let you down, of course, how are the guys, and the guys, it's okay, it's not a big deal, you won't perform in this championship, well, at least you'll perform in the next one,
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you'll win prizes, is this a statement, you have no conscience at all, only boxing is left in your head, dad, what are you doing, this is my coach, we talk normally, there's no need for you to talk to him, the coach is incomprehensible, and the person, apparently, you'll also talk to him in court, he 's his son, his stepson, but it doesn't matter, they arrested him. how they arrested him like that, that is , after all, he's your little bone, don't talk nonsense, okay, after that conflict in the club between your stepson and my son, i personally understand everything with you, don't come here anymore, son, how are you, your head hurts, really, get out of here.
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let's see what we have here, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, is everything bad? no, everything is fine, everything is fine, there is a slight deviation, the percentage is low, there is a slight danger from delamination bleeding may occur provoke a spontaneous miscarriage, but i will lose the child, well, listen, you will definitely save it, i would like to suggest that you go to the hospital to save it, to the hospital.
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"sorry, i can't go to the hospital now, my son has problems, i need to help him, wait, wait, of course i understand everything, but no matter how big your son's problems are, his future largely depends on him, this child, his future, is completely in your hands, if suddenly you do..." one wrong step, and you can lose him? i understand, i will try
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to lie down more, but i can't go to the hospital now. thank you, sorry, vanya, well then you really saved me from the debt hole. yes, i would have been simply ruined by the penalties. listen, uh, help me one more time. we detained him, i think for nothing, of course i understand that this is not your profile, but you are a lawyer, a genius, you can do everything, and that is, you are no longer practicing, well, maybe you can recommend someone a good lawyer, and excuse me, you are preparing for surgery, okay, fine, then we'll call later, have a successful surgery, get well soon, bye.
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hello, nikolay, you again, you don't even say hello, i haven't noticed this about you, good afternoon, the weather is nice outside, no is it really so normal, seriously, what's got into you, maybe i can get you something? i don't think so, and your coffee smells really good here, maybe you could make me a little cherchik while you tell me what happened to you. so i don't get it, are you tempting me, oh my god, who needs you, so handsome, with such a successful club, if you have some problems with your wife, it doesn't mean you have to peck everyone 's face. one of the witnesses saw
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you when he was leaving the club. i've already told you everything, i wasn't there. do you have an alibi? no. do you have a motive? yes. your skirmish with have you seen vitaly? yes, maybe it's enough to wriggle out of it. what should i do now? take something i didn't do. no problem, don't take it, but how are you going to prove your... guilt, and how are you going to prove my guilt, you have nothing on me, only speculation, this is circumstantial evidence, young man, on the basis of this the court will sentence you, and maybe even to five years of imprisonment, but if you confess to
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everything yourself, then i have nothing to confess to, i did not attack vitalik. rare stubbornness, well, as you know, your life is up to you, take the detainee away, oleg petrovich, see you tomorrow, goodbye, see you tomorrow, oleg petrovich, good luck, oleg petrovich, you checked that car, remember, i asked you to, sorry, i forgot, i'll call you now, hello, vasilyevich, hi, zacepov, check the car number for me, please, for me, you guys will definitely like it, so please meet me,
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nikolai dmitrievich besonov, your future coach, and these are our future champions. now or not today, no way, let's go, let's see what you're capable of, let's go, let's go straight to the locker room, please, please, let's go, day, haven't forgotten anything, what, well , what, we have problems, we don't have enough money to raise new champions, you know, i
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looked at how they're dressed, everyone has phones, gadgets, everyone is provided with everything, we'll manage. i don't understand you, why do you need this, you wanted to sell the club, are you completely crazy, have i ever told you about this, i just thought it would be better this way, well, if you're against all this of course, i'm with you anyway, we started together, we'll get out together, come in, thank you. mikhail, good afternoon, hello, have you been treated by us? i generally remember my patients, but somehow, that's good, anna fomenko, you remember, of course, yes, she came for an ultrasound today, and what's wrong with her, is it really
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a test again, so she's your patient, i don't really understand what's going on. who are you, actually? i'm her husband's daughter. and what does she have? does she have something serious? no, no, overall everything is fine. there are some problems, but i assure you, quite standard problems for pregnancy, if she were for pregnancy? and she told you didn't say anything? how awkward, i don't think i should divulge. don't worry, doctor, i would have found out anyway. of course, although, you know, i recommended hospitalization to be on the safe side, unfortunately, she refused. i should definitely not worry, any kind of stress is strictly prohibited, so, doctor, don't worry, i'm taking matters into my own hands, no
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stress, i guarantee it, i just need to know what some of the problems are, tell me. run, don't get up, you were told that stress is harmful. why are you keep quiet like a partisan. about what? you know what about. i was at your doctor's today. but i just saw kurmas giving a ride and decided that he was a lover. nadya, you're crazy. anya, i understand everything, but, but we need to tell dad about the child. he knows everything. he knows. and he
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let you kick him out. i'll kill him. no need. he should have grabbed you with a death grip, so that his squad of amon couldn't pull him out of here. nadya, it's my own fault, okay, it's my fault too, but we 'll deal with this later, now we need to deal with kostya, you know what i thought, that's it this girl he saved, maybe she works - in that store where he worked, well, maybe, he was just buying the mind, he was on his way to work, we need to go there and check, we need to go to the club again and ask in detail how and what happened that evening, right down to the minute.
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let's do it this way, you go to the club, and i'll go to the store. don't you want to hang out with dad? well, i don't know. how are the kids? okay, go to the store tomorrow, go to bed now. the baby got up and needs to rest, so let's split into two groups, the first group does push-ups, the second one does squats, that we don't do push-ups...
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i love immeasurably what i do and do what i love. now we are in the building of the belarusian painting museum, 35 years were spent on preparing, collecting materials, studying. there are bacteria in the soil that work like endorphins, and a person... gets physical pleasure, a feeling of happiness when he digs in the earth, of course i would like to add more
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dyvans to the collection, and zosik, and dyvans, which may still be preserved somewhere. about dzeynye and talented people, look at the belarusian project, on our tv channel. on holiday, well , really, it should be noted, it's not nice somehow, it's not nice - it's when the child's father can't meet. lena is right, for the sake of the family alexey could put off all his affairs, mine, when i was wet from the maternity hospital, i was hanging around there since morning, arrived five hours before, well done, you hang around at the construction site all day, you have a family, that's why i hang around, how can you be family-oriented, lyoshka is happy that he became a father, and you don't see that i'm hunched over god knows where to pay off the loan, because that you wanted a child because you weren't happy with the apartment we lived in, yes, i 'm trying for your sake, for his sake, and if you're so conscientious, then take... tell her about us, m, get a divorce, you 've been promising for a long time, well, we still haven't celebrated sasha's birthday, it'll be just the right occasion, let's go eat somewhere else, i thought, sasha's birth, at least how will this change our relationship for
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the better, now?
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so, i need you to remember everything that happened that evening when vitaly was attacked, and why did kostya come here, brought a coffee maker, who ordered it? shedey, i didn't order it, i didn't order it, well , i was going to, i didn't have time, the next day when i saw it, i thought you bought it, yeah, weird.
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okay, so kostya brought a coffee maker here, they got into a fight with vitalik, by the way, dad, how's vitalik, yeah, okay , everything seems fine, i was talking shit, everything's fine, okay, i'll go myself, so, we'll come back, wait , go and practice, please, okay, so, attention, how's it going, let's go, everything's fine, i'm doing fine, i talked to the doctor, pregnancy is developing normally, and you already know, yes, and what does he say, he understands, he has high blood pressure, it's dangerous, and he calms her down, well , that's right, he calms her down, blood pressure itself is not dangerous, and for her, especially, it was a one-time surge, yes, he'll talk, it's beneficial for him that she comes to his clinic, dad, actually, he offered her to go to a regular city hospital, well , think about it, why would he deceive her in that
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case, do she need to go to the hospital? yeah, she doesn't listen to anyone, that's her, of course, oh well, she drinks pills, a lot of them are at home, and in general the doctor said that all these risks are rather theoretical, so if she is calmer at home, then in principle, in principle, it is possible at home, the main thing is that she is not nervous, imagine how she is now worried about this whole situation with kostya, well, yes, we need to get kostya out urgently, i will definitely go to the investigator, he, yeah, well, go, maybe you will be luckier, by the way, here ... this is for the most extreme case, okay, now let's get back to kostya and vitalik, what, what are his conflicts, this is an internal closed information, listen, well, he doesn't work for you anymore, i just wanted to know how he injured his hand, and you have girls working for you, he seemed to be helping some girl, if you and your idiot are trying to get me to say i had an industrial injury, then you won't
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succeed. i don't know anything, about any girls, and in general, if i'm not going to place an order in our store, requests to leave the premises interfere with work, we have one girl working for us, her name is dasha, yeah, she's in the office and here behind the warehouse, but today is the day off, and maybe you have her phone number? thanks, goodbye, hello, hello, how are you, are you okay, look, i brought you some vitamins, thanks, i heard they arrested kostya, but they're idiots, they have no evidence against him, they saw someone like him,
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that's evidence for me too, but... wait, are you sure it's not kostya? yes, i'm sure, therefore i'm sure, but that's my problem, i'll find him myself, i'll put him in jail for years, and i'll bail out kostya, i'll get even for you, and while he 's sitting there, maybe i should withdraw the statement, i 'll talk to my parents, and you're serious, yes, of course there's nothing i can do about it, but thanks, vitalik, you're cool, oh, vitalik! chka, hello, hello, girl, and this is nadya, nadya, these are mom and dad, nikolai bessonov's daughter, but now everything is clear to me, nothing worked out for dad, so they sent the girl, oh well, no one kissed me,
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enough, enough of putting pressure on our son, mom, stop, no one is putting pressure on me, i know what i'm saying, girl, you leave here and don't come back, dad, you didn't understand anything again, nadya, wait, get better. vitalik, when you get out of the hospital, we'll chat, goodbye, all the best, hello, anna petrovna, hello, are you kostya's mother, did you call me, yes, you are dasha, yes, i am dasha, well, this is the first time in my life that a mother has come to sort things out. "you can rest assured, your son and i have absolutely nothing, i have no claims on him, and it was in vain that you didn't let him go to the concert, he is already an adult, dasha, i apparently am not aware of some events in your life, but i don't understand what concert, you are not talking about
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the concert, then i don't understand anything either, the fact is that kostya was arrested, and his accuse him of beating up a man, that he and kostya can't even hurt anyone, let alone beat them up"? lord, i was also offended by him because of that concert, i didn't know he had such a problem, who was beaten up, why did they think it was kostya? he came to the boxing club, brought an order from your store, a coffee maker, so, one fighter picked on him, they had a little argument, in the evening this guy got hit on the head from behind, lord, and kostya's arm was injured, they thought, so it was because of me that he injured his arm. in our the boxes were in the store and can you confirm this to the police? yes, of course, there is a garden coffee maker, a strange thing, and it was not ordered online, but a guy came , paid cash, did not give his last name, but
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we do not require this, asked that kostya deliver it, and how did he explain it? well, he said that they had already worked together, like he trusts us, although kostya has only recently started working with us, what kind of regular customers does he have? the boss allowed him anyway, and what did this guy look like? not at all, i don’t know, he will accept none, i'll see, i'll find out, dasha, can you go with me to the investigator? yes, of course, any time. isonov nikolay? yes, good afternoon, silvanov igor evgenevich, nice to meet you, and you called me, and what about him? yes, we need to release one guy, my son, so i wanted to talk to the investigator, no one except him can resolve the issue with the meeting, well , why no one, i'm telling you, i can help you, my services are not cheap, but it's worth it, well
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, how much, for example, does just a meeting cost, listen, let's do it this way, i'll organize the meeting now, we will visit your son together, then we will discuss everything and decide how we will act further. well, in general, the day went well, one less piece of evidence against kostya, one more lead, it remains to find out who ordered the coffee maker, it is clear that the coffee maker is just an excuse, they needed kostya, the right time, in the right place, so that he would quarrel with vitalik in front of everyone, he became the main suspect, which means this person was sure that there would be a quarrel, yeah, we need to look for him
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in the club, we need to understand who it was it was profitable to remove vitalik, it was profitable for irina, because she had long been targeting the club, and dad didn’t want to... sell it, he hoped that vitalik would win the championship, it was definitely her, only dasha, when she was talking about... the customer, was talking absolutely definitely about a man, well, irina could have hired someone, well, yes, or asked as a friend, for example, fedor, maybe fedor, well, or someone else, i don’t think fedor would do it, and i don’t even want to think about it, but we still have to find out whether he would or wouldn’t, okay? what, the real criminal in the club?
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the suspect pool is narrowing, that's good, i need to show the photos to this dasha. nadya, when you were at the club, did you see daddy there, good, but he misses you very much and is very worried about you, i packed some things for him, well , razors, slippers, he has them in this apartment. there's nothing, i'll take him there, maybe i'll bring him here instead, let's go, that's it, no problem, we'll chat for half an hour, well , you're in deep trouble, man, how's it going, dang it, to be honest, how's mom? yes, mom, sit down, well, you know, mom, she's
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nervous, worried, in general, we're going to get you out of here, come on, tell me everything in detail, well, i've already told the investigator everything , well, that's for the investigator, and this is for me, here 's your future lawyer, come on, tell me everything in detail, igor evgenievich, kostya, nice to meet you, well, in general, your case is clear, the accusation will be based on motive and the lack of an alibi, if you had an alibi, well, what can i do if i was just walking, well, you weren't walking in the forest, you were walking around the city, there should be video cameras, people, probably remember something, come on, remember where you moved your legs, what bench you sat on, come on, come on, come on, okay, so, so now i'll go to that park, i'll see if there are any surveillance cameras there, and you and i'll wait for the investigator from... i ask him for the case materials, okay, we'll be in touch, yes
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, okay, and so, so, so we agreed, my services cost 500,000, how much, is this full support for defense in court, okay, let's do it this way, there will be money tomorrow, let's meet at the police station, around three o'clock, so that you immediately go to the investigator and start working, i will start immediately, okay, see you, okay.
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it's cool here after all. "i liked it, no, well it was good there too, well, don't say that, it's a completely different level, yeah, what are you hanging around there for, how are you, come on, whoever understands life , guys, is in no hurry, let's go, yeah, hello, hello, what kind of people
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have come, for what purpose? i'm ready to sell the club, the sooner we meet, the better, and i need money, preferably tomorrow, as officially, okay, i'll ask my lawyers so that they we've completed the paperwork, i don't think it will take much time, but to collect the full amount by tomorrow, tomorrow i need 5000 in advance, well and... the rest can be later, okay, we agreed, and how are you doing in general, have you made peace with your wife, yes, yes, everything is fine, thank you, all the best, to you. all the best, fyodor called, nikolay is selling the club, yeah, but that's wrong, yes, it's wrong, but i hope it won't come to that,
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i have a whole collection of photos here, i caught fyodor at the very last moment, and by the way, he was clearly unhappy about something, but i don't think, that it's him, he and kulya have been friends for so long and he's a good guy, i think so too, but we'll find out for sure soon, we need to show these photos to dasha, i hope our anonymous buyer is somewhere among them, well, as we agreed, let's do it, okay, i don't understand what i should see here, i don't know any of them, dash, please look more closely, this is very important, you don't want kostya to be jailed, and why are you so worried about kostya's fate, i'm his half-sister, we're one family, you know, and in our family everyone is for each other mountain, of course, we don't always
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tell each other everything, but we always feel everything, for example, kostya didn't tell me anything about you, but i still... i know that you know that he's head over heels in love with you, he was recently going to give you flowers but he was embarrassed, wow, this is the first time he 's ever done this, he's never seen anything but his violin, let me look at the photos, so, wait a minute, here, here, look, he came for the coffee maker, you're 100% sure. good afternoon, good afternoon, well, first of all , please get the strangers out, here's oleg petrovich considers me
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a promising investigator, and often discusses his cases with me, by the way, about you, he said that you are... a thinking, listening person, but something doesn't look like it, i have evidence here, photos of the man who beat up vitaly, we have a witness who identified him, and you don't even want to look. ira, i have a question for you, about your contract.
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fedya. fedya, wait, for fuck's sake, is it true that you will give me all the boxing sex, well, it depends on your behavior, okay, come on , spill it, what did you bring for proof, kostya, consider yourself free, confirmed his ali. i just received materials from the surveillance cameras opposite the park, which show that at the time of the attack he was actually sitting on a bench, so the documents for his release are already being prepared, thank you,
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take me with you to the detention, we'll look at... friendly company and put you in the task of false testimony, be in the same cell to sit, we have a witness who saw dan hitting vitaly, what witness, actually i witness, the real one! who will sink you, and your friends who are covering for you, will drag you along, guys, she 's cheating us, there was no witness there, and
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how do you know, it was you who wasn't there, or were you? i was with the guys all evening, why are you silent, well, he was already with you, well, actually, he wasn't with us all evening, and it's already warmer, so where were you dan, well, you're bastards, guys, well, he came back for a minute there for the phone, forgot, so what? for himself for a minute, he wandered around somewhere for half an hour, and so that vitalik would you don't need to give the mug much time, bang that 's it, well, maybe you'll confess yourself, you know, and a purely heartfelt confession, it always has a positive effect on the course of the case, right, in principle we can issue you a confession, you admit your guilt, after all. take it, guys, it's your
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turn. wait, don't sign! panya, nadya, and what are you like here, we're saving your club from this vulture, you know that because of her vitalik is in the hospital, and kostya is under investigation, my dear, you don't feel well, of course i understand that pregnant women have a volatile psyche, but for such words can be answered according to the law, well, you will answer according to the law, the investigation is already on the right track, and dan is arrested, dan, how sweet, what do you have to do with it, well, how is it? "it was you who set it all up, you seduced dan so that he would beat up vitalik, so that vitalik could not go to the championship, the club would go bankrupt after that, and
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after that you were going to buy the club on the cheap, not bad on the cheap, by the way, i am offering good money, well, so you admit it, this is absurd, what do you have, what evidence, well, against you personally maybe not, but for now it's your lover, you haven't..." turned him in, and he 'll sign the contract, goodbye, he'll definitely turn you in, and your career will be over, anya, how did you find out about this, i have nothing to do with it, it was nadya, she dug it all up and brought it to the investigation, so be proud. and i'm always proud of my daughter, and nikolai, well, where
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are you getting off, i'm waiting for you, about my fee, well, you'll forgive us, of course, but there's no money, i understand, i understand, and i can provide a deferment, if you're interested in your release, of course, yes, yes, yes, of course i am interested, that's why we are waiting, i understand, well if there are problems, please contact me , yes definitely, kostya, forgive me, the investigation, that's the thing, it's only ideal in textbooks, in life, but i'm glad that everything came to light, you have a cool support group, and you're great, good work, say hello to oleg petrovich, thank you, i'll definitely pass it on. all the best, now you definitely won't let me go to france, although without preparation they'll expel me anyway, they won't expel me, we believe in you, well, of course, host, look
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who i brought you, hello, hello, sorry, that i didn't come then, i'm sorry, you had a good reason, but next time i won't tolerate this, mom, can i walk dasha home, of course. of course, we 'll discuss everything another 100 times in the evening, well, let's go, let's go, goodbye, goodbye, kolya, you'll take me to the doctor, of course, i'll take you, i won't let you go anywhere from them now, forgive me for what i said then, i'm just really worried and afraid for you, can i, while you 're being examined, go to vitalik's hospital, tell him, of course, you won't a boxer, but a fighter, well, dad, i'm your daughter, okay, bye, bye, let's go, yeah.
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ready for an exciting adventure through the cities of belarus, unique architectural monuments await you. the temple greets you with simplicity, high windows, and a bell tower, it is the only entrance to the shrine. here in the family estate, mikhail aginsky, together with his wife and children, spent, perhaps, the most fruitful years of his life. and today the composer's family warmly welcomes guests. a bow and exit to polones. this is a regular walking dance. they walk the usual three steps. the fourth step goes with poluzidena and. and the most interesting historical
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facts. at the same time, krechev was surrounded. castle hill, and therefore its complete disappearance was only a matter of time, but still something interesting for tourists has been preserved. watch the program of the city of belarus on the belarus 24 tv channel. they were born in different parts of the world. i am tarakanova lyudmila, i have been living in belarus for more than 30 years.
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