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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  August 23, 2024 11:45pm-12:10am MSK

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an important area of ​​our cooperation within the framework of the numerical laboratory of forest protection is mutual internship , yes, that is, students of the department, as a rule, also undergo industrial internship before graduation, we have a pre-graduation internship at our institution, we go to the forest where they can conduct some of their diploma research on natural objects, in turn , our specialists also undergo an internship on...
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more emphasis on practical laboratory classes, so we have such a small visual for our specialists material, a collection of forest pests and diseases, where you can see with your own eyes typical damage by the most common forest pests, get acquainted with pests, diseases, fruiting bodies of various wood-destroying fungi, symptoms of damage to foliage, cloves, trunks, in general, for all forest fund objects you can see all this in order to then, in your own outcome, identify this and inform us about it, and this gives its positive results, now over time there are fewer and fewer of these trivial samples come to us for diagnostics, that is, this indicates that people are already there themselves on the ground capable of determining the type of pest or disease 98%.
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farms on the territory of our country and 12 legal entities leading leaf farming of other departments, here, if you look at the map, the geography of the work of specialists of our institution, now our workers are working on the protection of leaf plantations from the kubrensky experimental farm in the west to the gomel experimental forestry in the east , we are processing the forestry plantation of sosla here in the south.
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food, well and other table pests. the principle of operation is based on - measuring the speed of passage of a sound wave from sensor to sensor. the built-in computer analyzes these signals and builds a corresponding diagram of the cross-section of the tree trunk, where healthy wood is painted conditionally in green. wood at the initial stage of decay in yellow, well and wood at the final stage of decay or a hollow. is painted red and we can have an idea of ​​​​the cross-section of the tree.
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the most relevant event in the world of sports. the belarusian youth athletics team won a total of 25 medals in a match against the russian team. work and discipline give results. this is the principle by which bobruisk dynamo shinnik works this off-season. hard training , exciting competitions. yes, you lift the cup, for the very first time, this is probably the most emotional moment. of course, yes. now there is a new season, you need to prepare, defend this title. exclusive interview with athletes, a lot of people love hockey, in general , i think the results are quite good, we show in it. sports are developing, cultivated in our country in order to remove children from the streets as much as possible, so that the maximum number of children are engaged in some kind of sport, this is a healthy nation, these are healthy children. all this in sports projects on the belarus 24 tv channel. a native of menka
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goes to the village to find out how it is better than the city, you are a real modern belarusian guslyar, you have five children. yes , i was really drawn to nature, i just realized that nature is my priority in life, so i basically gave up everything, i already missed this space in the city, i missed nature, you studied, lived and worked in moscow, then at one wonderful moment in your life you had to return here to your historical homeland, to look after your grandmother, then you converted your parents' house into a stable, now you save horses. why horses, because well, other animals also need help, to each his own, well , by and large horses, this is such a disease from childhood, what i can say, the only thing that relaxed in me, this is something somewhere down there, everything that is here, the cheeks
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in particular the entire speech apparatus, eyes, spine, everything for some reason tensed up, i am from the village, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel . belarus charmed them at first sight, i was attracted by the cleanliness of the streets, the consistency of the rhythms, every day i learn something new, something beautiful, something wonderful, and this is to me i am simply enriched by my life experience, the atmosphere here is different, you understand, everything is provided to the people, please. belarus is a wonderful country for me, i can say, i feel very good here, watch the project view of belarus on our tv channel.
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our work is like this, basically these are trips throughout the republic, in various directions, we inspect forest fund areas and forest plantations, young forest crops, forest family plantations, forest nurseries, all this is also inspected by our specialists, they renovate all our facilities, yes here is a big big trap of a triangular type, winter friday as... works as a whole for us? well, you know, already a year and 8 months, and well , so far i have not been disappointed for sure, it is interesting to work interestingly, this is directly the main aspect of both the choice of profession and our institution, but business trips do not bother you, normal, no, they do not bother at all, that's exactly
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what i like, that 50/50, office work, business trips, very optimal, well, of course, i'm glad for you, daniil, so you work , you have great prospects, i think the main one, probably, the incentive and the main factor that keeps people here with us, including specialists, young workers, well, this is probably, i think, an interesting job , a close-knit friendly team, mostly young, the opportunity to see our beautiful belarus, our salary is not bad, there is an opportunity to grow professionally. different people come, someone leaves, but if someone stays, then this is no longer a random person, this is a person who loves this area, loves the forest, loves the protection of the forest. the forests are divided into four categories: pre-protection forests,
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recreational and health-improving, protective and exploitation. accordingly, protective forests are forests of national parks, reserves, sanctuaries, and other specially protected natural areas. there , economic activity is limited, but this does not mean that these forests are not protected, these forests are also protected from pests and diseases, but only in this case, let 's say, more gentle methods are used, taking into account the restrictions of protective legislation on their implementation, but mainly we we use biological methods of forest protection in such areas, this is hanging artificial nests, titmice, birdhouses, and if it is necessary to carry out, for example, aerial treatment of forests against...
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once closed perfectly, unmanned aerial vehicle of the forest protection laboratory dji agrus, agrodron, if it is easier to call it that. we use it in forestry to test plant protection products already this year we are implementing it in our forest nurseries to protect oak planting material and deciduous trees from forest diseases. before lunch i visit the radiation safety laboratory, i look at what samples have arrived, what samples we conduct in... in what samples we conduct radiometric measurements, well, in general i communicate with specialists, with
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the heads of the department, what are the results - radiometric measurements on leaf products, on our samples at permanent observation points, and we took a sample of sawdust - from the woodworking shop of the diatlovsky lyscose, then it is brought here, here it is dried to a certain humidity, is placed - pivetta for measurement then in the measuring device, where the direct content of radioactive substances in this product is measured, then the results are analyzed, compared with the normative data with the republican permissible levels, and an appropriate conclusion is made about this product. after lunch, the specialist and i go to the experimental site in the donovo forestry, which we laid down, this is a site. mass capture of the bark beetle typographer using pheromone traps and we also have an object for
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study of the influence of - infection of spruce trees with root rot on their population of stem pests. our institution is called the state institution for the protection and monitoring of forests belesozashchita - it is customary to call us forest doctors. well, since childhood, i love nature. forest and in general nature in general, so my choice was obvious, i entered the forestry faculty of bstu, graduated from it, then studied and master's degree at the same university, well, and for a long time worked in forest science, at the institute of experimental botany, also in a division that studies forest productivity, sustainability, in a mycology laboratory, worked for a certain time, where he studied tree-destroying fungi, the main...
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if we approach an outwardly healthy tree, judging by the crown, it is green, we do not see any damage on the trunk upon superficial examination, but if we come closer, we will see under the scales of bark, entrance holes, framed by small accumulations of resin, resin.
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the female folds, lays eggs along the edges of the passage, from which the larvae then emerge and form such transverse larval passages, the larva feeds, at the end of the passage it pays off, from it then turns into a young beetle, therefore this tree it will no longer restore its health, and it is subject to cutting down, in terms of damage by pests... diseases, the territory of the republic is not equal, let's say, the most vulnerable forests are
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the southern region, the gomel region, there are concentrated the main areas of outbreaks, pests and forest diseases, since our harmful organisms, yes, mainly pests, yes, as for the forest, they react very sensitively to weather conditions, for them droughts, positive high temperatures, well , often have a very positive effect on their development, least of all than... occur when during the settlement of trees there is no precipitation for a long time, when the beetles are bored, the pine flour is not washed away by precipitation and it accumulates in oil at the base of the trunk, so if you look here, you can see that the moss at the base of the trunk, it is all strewn with this pine flour, this is a very reliable sign for
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detect that the tree is inhabited, within a month we set such a period from the moment of detection, and get out of the forest on... if for some reason it is not possible to remove them from the forest in a timely manner, then these timber materials, this is wood that is harvested, left, for example, for storage in the forest, it is subject to treatment with insecticides, i talked a lot about pests, diseases, but in fact these are the same natural organisms, yes, which coexist in the forest with trees, with plants, they are pests from the economic point of view, from the point of view of forest management, from the point of view of economy, since at a certain number, exceeding the norm, they can cause certain damage, that is, lead to drying out of plantations, damage to the forest stand, and so on. one of
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the ways to limit the number of stem beetles, including the bark beetle , is mass capture using. proromonic traps, about 1,600 traps in our forest fund throughout the republic are dispersed to catch the pest, we also use these traps for monitoring the number, of course, there is no single method of fighting the pest, we also use pheromone traps, we lay out polished wood, and of course the main method is sanitary felling, selective clear cuttings with an emphasis on the timely selection of such newly populated trees, pests and timely removal from the forest.
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actively make management decisions, plan protection measures. at 17:15 my working day ends, i live next to the forest, well, when even we walk with family in the forest, i have a habit - to look up at the tree crowns, has anything withered there? yes, is there any kind of grazing there? i have a son, he is 9 years old, since childhood he has been leafing through dad's big books, about bark beetles, about different caterpillars, therefore, in principle, they know the names of these pests, and diseases, and can differ in the tree species in the forest, our main ones, if he chooses
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this specialty for himself, i will be glad, but i think that his love for the forest and nature will remain in any case, in order to ... protect, protect the forest, well, of course, we need to love and value it, so that there is some kind of inner consciousness that this is indeed our national heritage, our wealth, well, and in order to love something, to value something, well, it seems to me, you need to know this first of all, therefore, the work that is carried out by the ministry of forestry on pre-school forestry, after-school forestry is very important here, this is to introduce children, the younger generation, to the forest, only by your own example can you show how to love, how to protect, how to guard our forest wealth.
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we will tell you about the progressive experience of various organizations in our country. once upon a time , this workshop was half empty compared to what it is now 50 on... of course, it tries to make its contribution, even girls, some tell me, when you enter the workshop, your smile speaks, it is immediately obvious that you are coming to your place, i love people, those who work here,
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i have such a feeling that i am coming to my home, watch the project, the quality mark on our tv channel. forgotten, abandoned, how is the problem solved empty houses? the mechanism in our republic
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is defined, there is the necessary regulatory framework for effective work with empty residential buildings. is there a demand for the belarusian hinterland? citizens have become very actively interested in selling houses, they even buy empty plots. the main thing is the business approach, order on the land. the task of the entire vertical of power is to sell these houses or demolish them, bury them if no one needs them. what kind of business are belarusians building on the foundations of abandoned housing? we decided to start our own business, to develop it in our area agrotourism, we plan to revive the village. and why for some people dilapidated housing is a problem with an asterisk. the site was littered with all this construction waste left over from the demolition of the house. a new series of a joint project of the state control committee of the tv news agency under the control of the president. watch
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right now. surely everyone at least once thought about how nice it would be to have their own house in the village. many still take a step towards their desires, buy housing in the village and thereby give it a second life. however, there are frequent cases when buildings remain unattended... empty for years, then the care of forgotten abandoned houses falls on the shoulders of the state. here is one of the houses that we won in court 2 weeks ago, the court decision came into legal force, here we can go into the house and see what inheritance we got, so that now we will need to clean up here, clean up as little as possible, so that later this house could be shown to citizens. for the chairman of the lyudvinovsky village executive committee natalia sheveleva , working with empty housing is too much comes to the heart, says: it hurts to see how houses, where more than one generation grew up,
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are left without care and overgrown with weeds. each of them has its own history, therefore , they decide to demolish housing only in exceptional cases, when the buildings are in an emergency condition and there is nothing left to restore. and it is expensive, for this work, of course, there are expenses, under the wing of this village executive committee 35 villages. the basis from one type of construction is about. 3-400 rubles. the village executive committee decided to sell this house for one basic unit. populated the point is not bad.


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