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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  August 24, 2024 4:20am-4:50am MSK

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this knot, when it dries, it tightens this tooth, when it rains or is damp, it gets wet, the wood expands, it also doesn't wobble, this is the kind of wooden harrow, it's still in use until now, because it, because it doesn't spoil the potatoes, then we have this kind of spring balance, it's actually 10 poods for such a... you can hang 160 kg of stuff, then there's an interesting wickerwork, it's made of animal tails, burrows, it's made of braided material, it doesn't rot, it doesn't spoil in water, well, this is considered a block, the wickerwork has been thrown over and something attracted with it, mainly transporting hay. attracted
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us to introduce you to the architectural reminiscences of belarus from different eras and
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such expressive and rare things, which were seized by the sunny hour of the fight of the myastsovaga, an abhad gallery, closed , such a great jumping, tiny, dekaratyna shaped, creating such a plastic part. glyadzitsa ў praektse architecture of belarus, pa-mastatskie seeming, zhivapisny, i think that this menavita is that ўlastsіva.
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from soviet cinema, what disgusting, this is yours jellied fish, our fish will be very tasty today, but before we cook it, we need to catch it, meeting interesting people, and what is your name, my name is sveta, nice to meet you, i am a fisherwoman, and is it true that it bites like boom-boom and to the side for no reason, and there is also a lot of useful and interesting information, that's what kind of boys and girls they should be to get into this... sailing school, we caught a fish, it's called tench, so we are going to fry it now, fry it and cook it, oh how interesting, and we do the same with bream, we bake it, very tasty, we cleaned it, salted it, the fish needs to be processed, a little salt here and yes, good, but how, if it is candied jar, how can i melt it to a beautiful this liquid, look good morning belarus with svetlana borovskaya.
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when we arrived in the village we really wanted to eat healthy organic products. we started growing potatoes, our potatoes grow not by burying the club in the ground, but by burying it under hay. in the fall we do not plow the potatoes, we mow all the weeds, put them in the field, then mulch grass that we mow. we also cover it with hay,
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and so it stands until spring, in the spring we put our potatoes under the hay. look how beautiful it is already, the first 2 years the colorado beetle did not eat our potatoes, which was very surprising, in the third year it appeared, we do not use any mineral fertilizers, this is the earth, it heals itself in this way, the earth becomes alive, soft, and the most important thing is that good, good potatoes, we also mulch all our vegetable products, we do not use mineral fertilizer in general, from our ecologically clean potatoes, which we grow under
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hay, today we will cook the belarusian national dish babka, there is a legend that when napoleon with his army was returning... from moscow to france, they tried this dish in one belarusian village. the commander liked the babka so much that he decided to find out the name of this dish. those who treated him did not know this, said that they did not know, but the babka brought it. since then, perhaps this is true, this dish is called babka. we grated. potatoes, add here onion, add salt, eggs,
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flour, mix everything, in our area they add fatty pork to the babka, which i will do today, but in general you can add mushrooms, you can also add dried blueberries, ours will be with pork , overcooked. those who know our babka, always ask us to cook it, now we cover our
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dishes with foil, and put in the oven. temperature 200 °, for 50 minutes, we will wait, our babka is ready, we take it out, that's it. serve with sour cream and herbs, this is the dish we cook in our agro-estate zapovednaya, bon appetit!
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we are very happy with our life here, in general , our children tell us that... our main duty now is to live here for our own pleasure, and that's what we do, we do what we love, we do only what we like, so we can afford it now, the only thing left is probably this polish spirit, and the polish people, they are a little naive, a little... cautious, hardworking, persistent in achieving their goals, their work teaches them this, well, they are very hospitable, it seems to me, that's how polish people are, and masherov also said, yes, that
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palishuks are the same belarusians, only with a quality mark, really well said, we are proud that we are palishuks. paleshuks, that's why we consider ourselves paleshuks and are proud of it, let's go goat, let 's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, dear, nak ploshu, this is our goat squirrel, filling us with milk, a liter every day, well done, let's go, well, this grape can't be touched. let's go, well
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, she's here on us, what she likes, one is, one day she can eat sorrel, another day vine, and when you go home, so she generally grabs everything, we make cheese from milk, but not everything they love it, for example, i love cottage cheese, i eat milk, goat's milk. my grandson doesn't want it, i ca n't get him used to it, i even tried to pour it into his bottle of store-bought milk , but he still recognizes that it's goat's milk. i didn't eat goat's milk either, and then one day there was milk on the table, i came, ate it, and then they said it was goat's milk. i just thought it was cow's cream, well, that's how we live here,
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the goat and the two of us, we also have rabbits, here 's some water, how are you feeling, okay, come here, come to me, come, ear somewhere he stripped, oh, here we have little ones sitting, they have had a good time there, they have a separate nest there, in belozersk we had a kizner, a rabbit breeder. this is according to his method, hay is put in these cages, we put it up to the very top for the winter
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, they eat, this hay is on top, below, on the sides, they eat, these are the feeders made, grain is poured in, you can not come to them for a day, rabbits, you can not feed raw grass, because their stomachs do not digest raw grass, or dry or dried. here on this side are the mother rabbits, there by their nest on that side the sides are already done, they are like this, if you can see here, there is a passage to the other side, they multiply there, with age people become quite sentimental, we are already 60, and we still, well i still. all my actions, some actions, i measure with what
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my father would say about it, for example, how my mother would look at it, and we also have a lot of cranes here, every morning, going outside, we drink tea here with my husband or do something, two cranes fly past our estate, they are like in that song... gives in voices, we feel so good about it, so good, really, it's very sentimental, no, well, it was, it was like that, yes, it was like that, some kind of connection with generations, some kind of, well, where else can you experience this?
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of course, belarus, your beloved, homeland, mixed belarus, with countries, opposing, we are sheep. and native
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people, we love you with you, our god is forgotten over you, the word of our bright land and name, the sweet union of the people. our beloved motherland, the homeland has found us forever, our beloved i live forever belarus, friendship.
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to traditional family values, the president held a meeting with the apostolic nuncio in our country. the red ribbon has been cut, minsk and
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beijing have launched all the planned events in the field of science, technology and innovation, we will tell you all the details in the panorama. breschina farmers have started harvesting corn to the full, it is necessary to prepare almost 5 million tons of this green mass. about the views on the crop, providing the basis of the forage base'. donbass is over, we will sum up the results and tell you how the open dialogue with the head of the dpr went, see the details below. novogrudok is 980 years old, today the ancient eternally young city celebrates its anniversary, with fairs, presentations, treats, honoring distinguished people, music and historical reconstructions, a festive atmosphere. europe needs a new peace treaty, the president said during a meeting with the apostolic nuncio in the independence palace. antaj jozic
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is completing his mission in our country, another representative of the vatican will arrive in his place. today, in a conversation with the president, the parties discussed not only topics of faith, but also the international agenda. in addition, the ambassador said that pope francis regularly inquires about how things are going for the president of belarus.
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the assistance you provided us in releasing thirty of our citizens after the start of the svo in ukraine, we really appreciate it,
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one more request to you, i would really like to ask you to prepare a future envoy to belarus, he should be better than the previous one, this is the essence of progress, but we will be pleased if the new envoy of the pope... we absolutely agree with this. alexander lukashenko on an official visit to the vatican was twice in 2009 and 16. meetings took place with pope benedict xvi, and later with his successor, pope francis. all this time , messages were exchanged regularly between the president and the holy father. the apostolic nunce, as the highest diplomatic representative of the vatican, will slightly open the subtext of the throne's relationship. and i was
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very pleased, although it was not such an easy time when parulin did not promise, i was sent to africa first, i got into an accident, and he said, listen, i will not be with you now send, i will send one small peaceful country, it was before covid, good, but then covid, i was late, so i am grateful to you for allowing me to live in this country, but you know, i looked every day not only at our church, but what happens in the country, when i came to the vatican every year, i met with the pope, with the pope, i said, and wrote of course, but when i walked in the door, he said, not bongiorno, not good afternoon, but as president lukashenko, i noticed
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that between you there is... this is an example for both europe and the whole world, what i saw here, i emphasize this right away, for example, these are important values, family values, moral values, which we sometimes see in the west, you know, you see what kind of family is in the heat, what kind is here, and how people pray here, i was on pilgrimages here...
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budslav and how many peoples came, of course, if in the west, but here the people feel their faith more, live and develop, there are difficulties, but they always look at the most important. the approaches of belarus and the holy see to the protection of the natural family and traditional values ​​coincide within the framework of cooperation in the un. another priority issue on this platform is joint efforts to combat human trafficking. it is being actively discussed. these days, the topic of belarusian-chinese cooperation, the official visit of the prime minister of the state council of the people's republic of china letyan to our country has ended, but as they say, there is more to come, and minsk and beijing intend to strengthen bilateral cooperation and all the prerequisites for this are in place. today, at a meeting of the commission on scientific and technical cooperation, it was announced that the countries are successfully completing a cycle of thirty-five joint projects. this year, both the belarusian and chinese sides noted the great work done to develop
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the innovation infrastructure. and the day before , the partners approved a new plan of events for holding the year of cooperation in science, technology and innovation. alina lopo will tell you more about the joint prospects. so, the red ribbon has been cut minsk and beijing have launched all the planned events. but it must be said that we have no experience in implementing joint projects with china enough, their topics are always selected based on mutual interests, so the partners have no doubt in the successful implementation of everything planned and written in the documents. belarus and china are essentially opening a new chapter of cooperation in the field of science, which means there will be many more projects in the common portfolio. but the current level also deserves special attention. the partnership between the two countries in the field of innovation has been developing for many years, its results are used in medicine, industry and biotechnology. by the end of the year countries will complete a cycle of more than three
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dozen projects, and it is worth noting that they will complete it successfully, the chairman of the relevant committee, sergei shlychkov, will say without false modesty. as an example, just what level of development is going on, this is a control system for medical robots, issues of biotechnology, the chemical industry, these are various composites, these are various resins, if on the subject of mechanical engineering, this is the production of various components, well, for example, from difficult to process.


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