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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  August 24, 2024 4:50am-5:41am MSK

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we have enough, their topics are always selected based on mutual interests, so the partners have no doubt in the successful implementation of everything planned and written in the documents. belarus and china are essentially opening a new chapter of cooperation in the field of science, which means that there will be many more projects in the common portfolio, but the current level also deserves special attention: the partnership between the two countries in the field of innovation has been developing for many years, its results are used in medicine, industry and biotechnology. by the end of the year countries...
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events are included in the plans of intensive now about the prospects: almost 90 work this next year: 140 organizations from two countries will implement the plans, all projects with an eye on mutual technology transfer and their subsequent implementation in the real sector of the economy. everyone expects a big return from the planned events, so everything was discussed in detail again today at the fifth meeting of the specialized commission. based on the results of joint research and development , we will.
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only with those on equal terms, when this partner also represents strength, potential for growth, in this case china will be extremely respectful of such relations and build equal cooperation, it is clear that such long-term interaction with... requirements, as it happens, for example, interaction with western countries. a good friend is a real treasure, says the chinese proverb. it is in the spirit of friendship and close cooperation that minsk and beijing have been building for three decades now. stories of
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strategic partnership. i am ready with level of relations all-weather comprehensive belarusian colleagues to fully implement the agreements of the two countries at the highest level in the future to increase our mutually beneficial cooperation for the benefit of our countries peoples. we must maintain political mutual trust at a high level. for 32 years since the establishment. vitality and energy. the main reason for this is that we have a high level of mutual trust. experts, analysts and the media will call the results of the two-day work historic. plans for key areas of cooperation were secured by almost two dozen documents. they were signed the day before in the government. new opportunities in various areas - for example, an agreement on trade in services. on
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investments, five industrial projects worth about a billion dollars have been launched, another 12 are in the stage of joint approval. belarus has very high relations of an unprecedented scale with china, this is cooperation in the humanitarian sphere, education, a visa-free regime is also open for 90 days, this may not be all states, which neighboring china boast. the official visit of the chinese delegation is over, but a new round of our partnership is just beginning. and, of course, the long-term effect of all the past meetings, negotiations, signed agreements, we will still be counting for many years. alena lopoa, bogdan petrashko and andrey ivanenko, tv news agency. let's remember how events unfolded on this day, 4 years ago. these shots then flew around the world. that same legendary video of the father with a machine gun, when the belarusian leader was confronted a rabid crowd of opposition-minded young men, almost right up to the presidential residence. the
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independence palace, now many have opened their eyes to the fact that all the protest actions, the column movements and the hints about where and how to smash were carried out with the help of telegram channels that were supervised by foreign intelligence agencies, then in a completely different way they were talking from abroad about democracy and peaceful protest, giving instructions on how to block traffic, set tires on fire, make couplings , smash cameras, use reinforcement, tinker molotov cocktails and other things, misleading people. august 23, 2020 was a turning point. alexander lukashenko personally came out with a machine gun in his hands to support those who defended the palace of independence, defended the country from chaos and collapse. the act of the belarusian leader even after some time causes a lot of talk in political circles, but the main thing is that the people who were waiting for decisive action from the authorities realized that our president is with us, he did not run away, did not abandon us, together we stood firm. the belarusian leader became a symbol of independence
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and resistance to foreign interference, the only head of state who was able to defend his country with weapons in hand. here are those very historical shots and the reaction to them. thank you, thank you. "we will deal with them, i remember that day on august 23, 2020, when the president of the country, together with his son, took a machine gun and went to the independence palace, where a crowd of young men, scoundrels, villains were heading, who
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wanted to carry out a violent seizure of power and a coup d'etat in the country, that day became historical, i remember my feelings that i experienced then, like millions." belarusians, i understood then, like other belarusians, that we have no right to waver, we have no right to lose, it would be a shame, we have no right to give our country to scoundrels and villains, the president inspired then not only the security forces, not only the officer corps, not only the sergeants, not only the police and the army, all belarusians, we understood what kind of fight this is, this is a fight for the independence of our country, this historic... day and the president's appearance against the raging crowd forever entered the history of sovereign belarus in the history of our fight for the right to be called belarusians and ourselves decide their fate. for americans, it doesn't
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matter whether biden is there or whoever they put there. for us, if it weren't for alexander grigoryevich lukashenko, today in belarus there would not be and many things would not be. as for. here is the twentieth year and that famous photograph, the painting that is exhibited, where he is with his son, with a machine gun, it sobered up many, not ours, not ours these crazy people and so on, radicals, in the west, who know what it is, by the way, the head of state has repeatedly spoken to the officers the staff in the ministry of defense said, you say, you should know that if it comes to a real armed struggle, i will be ahead of you, the example that the president showed then together with his son, believe me, it is worth a lot, a lot, a lot, as well as a deterrent factor, including as a factor of victory, for me the attitude towards lukashenko changed at the moment when it became clear that he was ready to die for
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what he believed in, that moment with the machine gun was a turning point for me, because i also said that i would not... reasons that restrain the west from obvious aggression and attempts to drag belarus into war. now we have in our hands not only a machine gun, but a weapon that tells everyone that it is better to leave belarus alone. and the machine gun, by the way , is the same one, today one of the exhibits of the museum in the palace of independence and the most photographed
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object during excursions. although 4 years have passed since the attempted coup in belarus, the country's strength continues to be tested to this day, here is the answer to those who shouted about innocence, they were detained. but the german krieger, those, who believed that the man had nothing to do with the terrorist attack on the territory of our country. the foreign drunkards have now kept their mouths shut, since evil will be punished even where it would seem that one can hide in one's own homeland. so, in germany, a case has been opened against rick krieger, who was pardoned in belarus and returned home as part of a prisoner exchange between russia and the west, welt reports. the german prosecutor general's office suspects krieger of carrying out an explosion using explosives, as well as mercenarism. let me remind you that reke kreger, recruited by the ukrainian special services, was sentenced in belarus to capital punishment for terrorism. president alexander lukashenko pardoned him, which...
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in relation to foreigners. the next victims of the polish security forces were five refugees, the european authorities are hiding crimes among which is a woman who, according to her , was pregnant, but lost her child. the beaten people were discovered by belarusian border guards today in the beristovitsa district. the foreigners said that they were detained on the polish territory. a call came from the border outpost, the call was assessed as an emergency, which means our team
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immediately left, upon arrival at the outpost they provided assistance to everyone, assessed the situation, took the patients to the emergency room, brought them, here they began further examination, according to the story of refugees beaten on polish territory, they were caught already on the first day at night after crossing the border, people without identification marks, but ... with weapons and truncheons began to beat them, one of them had his leg broken during the beating, he could hardly move independently. then the refugees were dragged to the belarusian border and forced to leave poland. four of the five victims, two afghan citizens and two from iran, were taken to hospital. the exhausted people asked for help, including medical help. they had not eaten for several days and in order to survive, the refugees had to fight not only against polish tyranny, but also against the elements. as if under threat of death, they were forced to cross the border, which runs along the river.
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an investigative task force worked on the scene, the foreigners told investigators that on the polish side, armed mercenaries beat them with clubs and rifle butts, threw stones and noise grenades at them, and sprayed gas. after committing such atrocities, they were forced to swim across the border of belarus. the migrants have now received medical assistance and are hospitalized. the criminal actions of the polish mercenaries will be given a fundamental legal assessment. the victims were hospitalized in the district hospital, and an investigative task force was working on the scene. group to establish all the circumstances. since the beginning of the year, the actions of the polish military on the border with belarus have led to the death of four refugees. not a day without a scandal, the new motto of poland. this time, the case is about corruption with the supply of generators in ukraine, the polish press agency reports. suspected.
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right. he claims that the accused was the author of the reform, due to which the agency became the center of real support for ukraine. kamala harris was formally approved at the democratic party convention in chicago as a candidate for us president. in his coronation speech, the politician promised to be a candidate for all americans, to support the middle class, to continue biden's foreign policy course, including on ukraine in the conflict in the middle east. however, the white house's support for israel is to everyone's liking. not everyone, several thousand pro-palestinian activists at the building where the democratic convention was held
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chanted for more than 2 hours, accusing biden and harris of war crimes, who is kamala harris and does she have the right to the presidency chair, evgeny belousov figured out, she is a student, a komsomol member, an athlete, and finally she is simply a beauty, alas, such praise. kamala harris will not be honored, but she has enough of her own regalia, prosecutor, senator, first woman, vice president of the united states and candidate for the country's highest state post, graduated from howard university in washington. received a law degree from the university of california, worked for a long time in the homicide department of the city of alameda, later transferred to san francisco, the new job became real thanks to the patronage of the married mayor of this city ​​of brown, who many years later admitted that through bed he helped her build a career, and helped so much that in 2003 kamala became a district attorney, it
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was then that the unknown george soros noticed the girl and made an interesting offer, which she could not, and most likely ... did not want to refuse. in 2011, harris became the attorney general of the entire state. under soros, harris became a real reverse in uniform. in one of the cases , cocaine disappeared without a trace. in another, those accused of pedophilia escaped punishment and an elite strip club, passionate about providing services of a brothel. haris was also charged with facilitating the trafficking of minors. however, it is now clear why the politician is so keen on migrants. you can make a good business out of them. after the scandal with abuses by priests, she did not initiate a single case, out of the fifty largest cities in america, san francisco was the only one in which not a single criminal case was initiated, she hid everything. this could have continued further, but at the instigation of soros, or rather, thanks to his money, in 2016 harris became
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a senator from california. gratitude was not long in coming, the newly-minted politician actively promoted the amenesotsky. will be able to breathe clean air and drink clean water. western media called her speeches verbal population, more than our children salad, and her manner of laughing gives a special charm to harris's performance. donald trump even nicknamed vice president kamala the giggle, saying that she laughs like crazy. however,
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a split personality is also typical for a politician, she actively manipulates his racial identity, as... it follows that harris was born in jamaica, if the politician's birth certificate, from which this information is reliable, then harris has no right to participate in the elections for the post of head of state, since according to us law, the president must either be born in the country or have parents with american citizenship. evgeny belousov, nikita makhodkin, dmitry astertakh,
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telenovostey agency. quality of education is the brand of belarus, this was reported during the minsk city ​​educational forum of pedagogical workers, said the minister of education andrei ivanets. in belarus , an effective system of knowledge control has been built, for the second year in a row , a centralized exam has been held in the republic. it demonstrates an objective, fair and transparent assessment of the knowledge of not only school graduates, but also applicants. this year, the passing scores for all universities have grown quite significantly. despite the fact that in fact, for 2,500 children, for the budget form of education, we this year have recruited more to our universities, we see that our guys are becoming motivated, they make a conscious choice, not only of their future profession, but of the university they want to enter. pedagogical forum synchronization of watches before september 1, how the capital's education system worked last year and what tasks
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lie ahead in the new academic season. we have. chambers of parliament, authorized representative of the head of state in minsk, natalia kachanova, thanked all employees of the capital's education system for preserving good traditions that they pass on from generation to generation. for special
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achievements in professional activities , veterans, pedagogical workers and young specialists were honored within the framework of the forum. the youth forum in rostov is coming to an end, the second day has ended, today there was a dialogue with the head of the dpr, the guys asked about the situation at the front. and about the kursk region dari rachko with details: when i was 10 years old, i was still very small, but 10 years old is still nothing you understand, in general in life, the war started, we didn't understand what was going on at all, i didn't understand why they were shooting in the city, why my mother and i were running there at night to hide in a safe place in the house, i didn't understand why this was happening, now roman shpakov is here as the head of the press service of one of the dpr centers, and 2 years ago he volunteered for the front. almost a year in defense, he was 19 then. i worked as an artilleryman, carried out combat missions in the avdeevka direction, in the marin direction, all the hottest spots there, well
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how could i somehow stay on the sidelines, i am a volunteer, i helped people who live with us, i helped families, everyone's stories can be collected in one book and shown to the world, but what is happening in donetsk, in the personal community, they already admit, belarusian guys, they speak reluctantly, on the contrary, they tell what for... we help people who are even now being shelled, every day they fly in, recently you could see that he flew to the galaxy, i went there as a child , just recently we passed on, gave balloons, sweet gifts to children there, then our team, we also came under fire then, but then i ended up on the street nearby, it's very difficult, but this is the place where i grew up, that is, this is mine. they are, well, braver than us, to be honest, well, they themselves come up to us, get acquainted, this forum is for bringing peoples closer together, so that we can get to know each other, become friends, i
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hope that in the future we will also communicate, about the situation at the front, kursk, about how the liberated territories are being restored, there are really a lot of questions for the head of the dpr, there were clearly no age limits in the conversation, they are currently restoring obdeevku six apartment buildings, residents are already waiting for them. in an interview, denis pushilin will emphasize that the dialogue took place and was on equal terms, yes, there is no point in hiding information, they are obliged to know the truth. may 2 in odessa 2014, so the main actors of those events were just these young guys and girls who poured molotov cocktails, well, with the help of which a bunch of people were then burned, and these are young people, abandoned for some periods to their own arbitrary development and ... then indifference on the part of the authorities led to the fact that it was normal for them to take selfies against the backdrop of burnt corpses, this is precisely the high price that those states have to pay that
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do not pay attention to the youth, but it is different for us, it is different for us, in russia and in belarus we see, well, in donbass, well, there god himself ordered to pay attention to the young generation, shoulder to shoulder belarusians and not just in words, the humanitarian aid that was transported to rostov from minsk today. transferred to the region, in addition, for the third year now, children from regions of donbass, thanks to the union state project with the support of alexey talai. paralympians, these young guys know and love them well, there was an initiative to build a monument in his honor in donetsk. the idea was supported. the youth of belarus and donbass will cooperate in seven areas. these are culture, politics, sports, employment. together we can participate in large construction projects. our guys are already in this. today there was a grand closing and tomorrow there will be such a debriefing, but what is certain is that the forum was not in vain, there will be a continuation already on belarusian soil. darya,
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tv news agency, rostov-on-don, russia. belarusian farmers have very little time left before the end of the grain harvest. every day our loaf grows with grain of the new harvest, in the brest region the mass harvest of corn has started was carried out. the basis of the feed base for animals here from. today the yield is at the level of last year more than 260 centners per hectare, and the procurement of the most useful mix for cattle in the next story: well, as you can see, this year corn is good, done, the cob is decent, everywhere 100% done on grain, the humidity of technological grain at the moment is 45. 48% i think it will be here the ripeness is good, therefore it is necessary to clean us 100% was worn, in the current agricultural season for
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harvesting corn they started on... a week earlier than usual in the farm zhabinkovsky to work experienced hereditary agrarian andrey lisovsky, agriculture came as an assistant to his father while still a third-grader. in agriculture everyone worked and parents, and grandparents, and i have also been a father since childhood taught, so i work, make friends, everything for what, for what, so that there was everything and bread and milk and meat, so that they lived, ate, the farmers of the enterprise work in the field all daylight hours, they prepare a thousand tons of silage per day, at... the yield pleases about 400 centners per species, it tolerates climate changes well hectare. on the culture here annually good and what is especially important, has a rich content of nutrients necessary for the correct diet of animals, therefore corn is the basis of the forage base. the yield, the corn itself, it is much better than last year. weather conditions dictate that we harvest early this year, as it dries out very quickly, so
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we need to increase the pace of harvesting and... harvest faster, put it on the force technologically take the green mass to special trenches, where it is stored, strictly observing the technology, paying special attention to humidity, it should not be below 60 and more than 70%. 64.5, the optimum humidity for silage is 65, with a reserve for their animals , they plan to prepare 29,000 tons of silage here, to the milk at the enterprise receives extra class in... 70% of the animal's diet is dominated by silage, and the rest is concentrates and hay 1820 - this is a dairy herd and 5.180 of the total cattle herd, we have bulls from feed heifers for reproduction of young animals. farmers only in the brest region need to harvest about 200.00 hectares of corn. they plan to prepare 4,800 tons. green
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mass, today its yield is at the level of the last agricultural season, more than 260 centners per hectare. anna buikevich, ruslan selyuk, tv news agency. but not for unfortunately, the harvesting season is going well for everyone. three children have been hospitalized in minsk with death cap poisoning. one is 8 years old, the other two are 3 and a half, almost 2 years old. the children are in serious condition and are undergoing treatment at the minsk scientific and practical center for surgery, transplantology and hematology. as well as at the children's infectious diseases hospital. doctors are conducting a full range of diagnostic and treatment measures aimed at stabilizing the children's condition. and we are looking for donors, if necessary, who can save their lives, because when total liver necrosis sets in, nothing but transplantation can save the lives of these little children. literally since the morning
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, a working group has been working under the supervision of the minister of health. of the country's leading specialists, who are busy with two important things: first, stabilizing the condition of these patients and minimizing the consequences caused by this deadly poison of a dangerous mushroom. the ministry of health is also monitoring the investigation into the death of a ten-year-old girl in one of the hospitals in stary dorogi. let me remind you that the child was admitted to inpatient care treatment at 6:00 p.m. tuesday in a satisfactory condition.
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conclusion of the forensic medical examination and laboratory test results. this case will be considered at a meeting of the medical advisory council of the ministry of health of the republic of belarus. 30 families of elite border guards received keys to rental apartments today. the event was a good gift for the twenty-seventh anniversary of the formation of the border detachment. the new residential building was built in accordance with the decree president with the active assistance of the grodno regional yelitsky district executive committees. the apartments are built according to a modern design and are completely ready for occupancy. the house is also equipped with barrier-free infrastructure. there is a separate room for baby carriages and a place for bicycles. everything is very modern here, everything is very convenient. i plan to serve until such a period that i have 25 years of service. and to receive this housing according to decree no. 37 of the president of the republic of
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belarus. free of charge. a very significant day for our family, we were really looking forward to this moment, for us it is a great joy, we have been dreaming about it for a long time, we lived in a hostel for 15 years, for us it is of course very... well-maintained local area, and of course, for each warrant officer having their own comfortable apartment is additional confidence in their abilities, it is an additional motive for conscientious, selfless service, for
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military personnel 137 apartments have already been rented out and are being occupied, two rental houses are also already under construction, this is of course the huge attractiveness of the lida region in general, the city of lida, as well as... including because even young professionals come and today from the first day can enjoy those square meters to settle, at the beginning of next year, it is planned to put into operation ten more rental houses for letskie border guards. soligorsk district celebrates its centenary. mining region, where not only the mining industry is at a high level, but also mechanical engineering, agro-industrial complex, ligprom, sports, culture. initially, this the region was called starobensky, with the discovery of the deposit. minsk region is actively developing, in a year the soligorsk district attracted more than half a billion rubles in fixed capital. more than 4000 km of housing have been built, the best
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in their professions were honored today at a gala event, and these are doctors, farmers, teachers, engineers, and of course, specialists in the mining industry, as noted at the anniversary evening, the saligorsk district by ... rightfully is a driver in the socio-economic development of both the minsk region and the entire country. a special gift to centenary was the history of the theatrical show, which was prepared by students from the aligorsk school of arts. a person who loves his country, his small homeland, he must create and build such projects. which give people the opportunity to live better, and it seems to me that one of such main, in my opinion, projects, which was implemented by women from the aligorsk region, is the creation of
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a mother's museum, through which, today we are raising prestige in a large family, we are taking part in solving all the demographic... problems of our states, we strive to show the role of mother and the role of father in modern society. belarus kali is already going beyond the borders, because there is the snezhinskoye deposit, where efforts must already be made in the lyubolsk territory, petrikovsky district, so we are working together, this year, of course, we would like to see the implementation of those projects that should be completed in 2025. the second project is
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in the agro-town of krasnodvortsy, the soligorsk poultry farm is implementing a large investment project. this is an innovative quail farm, which will bring 50 new jobs to the economy of the minsk region. the product itself - quail eggs, they will produce 175 million per year, today they are in demand in our country, there are plans for export. novogrudok is 980, the ancient, eternally young city legend has planned 3 days to celebrate the anniversary. the celebrations began today, novogrudok surprises its residents and guests with an extensive program of events, fairs, presentations, exhibitions, honoring honored people, historical reconstructions and concerts. what surprised the first anniversary day, natalia bordelovskaya will tell.
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novogrudok is 980 and as a greeting from the depths of centuries, the most recognizable place of the city, zamkova gora, a picture from a postcard novogrudok historical brand. a small castle, where people began to settle in the 10th century and two towers from the middle ages. historical pearl under protection. today, for the holidays, the reconstruction was suspended here.
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today, there is a big knight's fight at the castle, minsk historical reconstruction clubs inspired by the exploits of their ancestors, congratulate novogrudok on its anniversary. these are our belarusian lads. together with the city of the anniversary, the spiritual monument of novogrudok also celebrates its round date. the church at st. michael's 400 basilica late architecture.
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we approached this holiday with a good result, we received 47 centners of grain yield, we still have a good corn harvest, we think that we will get about 100,000 tons of gross harvest together with corn, this is one of the records in our region, our people did all this, a gastronomic fest was launched in novogrudok for the harvest, participants are dozens enterprises, organizations, institutions of the city and district, there is something for now...
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will congratulate novogrudok on the anniversary , guests are arriving. by the way, the bel tv and radio company joins in the congratulations not only with a report, right at this moment near the walls of the svyatomykhailovsky church there is a historical ball, an evening of classical music performed by the symphony orchestra of the bel tv and radio company.
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by the way, here we have successfully managed to implement one of the main principles of urban development, to create comfortable living conditions, to improve their health, even people come here from the neighboring districts, here a number of industrial and social projects are currently under implementation. the new hero of the panorama project will tell about how another of the settlements of belarus became a place to live. glory, a large railway and industrial
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30,000 residents, a city of the military and labor mogilev region, which has almost the center. osipovichi turned out to be a very convenient city in terms of logistics, the highway of national importance connected it with babruisk, glusk and minsk, but it is convenient to get here from any point in belarus. the city's economy is due to these years has become even stronger, successfully working from a dozen enterprises, our products know. far beyond the country, and these are not only food products, but also household chemicals, roofing, medical instruments. the famous tank cars platforms, thanks to them, cargo transportation has become even more frequent, increasing the external trade turnover of our
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country, including with asian countries, a large investment project for modernization at the osipovichi plant of automobile units and here. modern robots appeared. thanks to the development of industrial potential we managed to do a lot for the development of the social sphere of osipovichi. the streets, schools, kindergartens were updated, a new microdistrict appeared. the construction of an educational center of a large school, including a sports center with a kindergarten, is now being completed here . this physical education and health complex has also become an adornment of the microdistrict. medicine has also reached a new level, the central district hospital has been modernized, a new building has opened here, a real diagnostic center, a modern redgen-room, a computer tomograph operates around the clock,
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laparoscopy, prosthetics, previously patients had to go to bobroisk and even to the capital for help, now everything is in place, the district... polyclinic has been updated. of course, we are building our future without forgetting the past, including the heroic one associated with the great patriotic war. during the war, the natives of osipovichi fought valiantly at the fronts, and the townspeople and villagers themselves united into partisan detachments to resist the fascists. and the largest land transport sabotage of the second world war on the railway occurred precisely in osipovichi in july of 1943. we also have our own, as we call it, place of power. this is the alley of heroes. courage lessons and
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meetings with veterans are held here. this year , a sign was installed here in honor of the city being awarded the title by presidential decree, a pennant for courage and fortitude during the great patriotic war. we have something to be proud of and something to value in our country, our city, peace and quiet, and to pass all this on to our younger generation.
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shametka lyubov grigoryevna. in 1942 , she became a liaison for a partisan cavalry raid group, and was also a member of one from the underground groups in cherven. the girl carried out very important assignments, through other underground members. who worked in the police, hospital and other institutions of the occupiers, she got weapons, medicines, salt, paper and handed it all over to the partisans. on march 2, 1943, the gestapa tracked down and detained telega with weapons, which was heading to the forest. among those arrested was lyuba shamitka. for 3 days, the fascists mocked the girl. trying to beat information about the partisans and underground members out of her, but neither torture nor death threats broke lyuba's fortitude,
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she didn't give away any of her wrestling comrades. she was shot on march 6. in the next few minutes we'll only talk about sports, hello, let's start with football, slutsk continues to win. in the opening match of the nineteenth round of the belarusian championship , alexander gurinovich's team is stronger than vitebsk at home 2:0 sergei pushnikov opened the scoring ilya tishurov
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doubled the hosts' advantage. this victory was the eighth in a row for slutsk in all tournaments, thanks to which the team continues to rise in the tournament table, slutsk already has 28 points. absolutely nothing worked out and especially desire, the result is natural, if we play like this, well, we will end up in twelfth place maximum. tomorrow minsk will host brest dynamo smargon naftana. and at 19:55 slavia will fight shakhtar. follow this confrontation live. on belarus 5. continuing with the football theme , the belarusian champion held the first meeting in the playoffs of the europa league qualification against belgian anderlecht, an experienced european cup fighter, the day before. unfortunately, the score is not in dynamo's favor. the minsk team lost 0:1. the most interesting moments of the match and live whether there is hope for reaching the europa league group, we will tell you all about it right now. well, the main result,
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the defeat, which is possible, leaves us, theoretical chances to advance to the next round, although we understand how difficult it will be in belgium. but the situation before the return match could have been much better for the belarusian champion, but already in the ninth minute of the match andrlecht opened the gates of dynamo, a quick goal, but illogical. did not foreshadow anything lunches, there was nothing more interesting dangerous in the half under number one, here after the break dynamo started playing well, brazenly dangerously near the opponent's goal, vadim skripchenko's guys had two great moments , scoring opportunities are being created. but not realized, well, this is the players' performance skills, they are obliged to treat such episodes very reverently in order to...


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