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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  August 25, 2024 9:00pm-10:31pm MSK

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this is the main broadcast, hello, the outgoing week was spent in the format of a dialogue with our closest partners. china, pakistan. the purpose
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of visits to minsk is essentially one: to expand the horizons of cooperation. with beijing, for example, in the medium term, projects for 3 billion dollars. thus, we strengthen the economic foundation, first of all, in our big house. well, what kind of comfort is there without your own corner? therefore, another important topic in the palace of independence is the construction of housing loans. and how is it to live under one roof with other nations, on examples we will analyze today. in general, it is already a trend time.
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nasacheva, watch further in the program. about the world , our place in it, we set new goals with partners and talk about family values ​​with the messengers of faith. time of the first, about the economy, the social sphere and more. we have arrived with you. as experts assess, the chinese all-weather comprehensive, the start of years of cooperation in the field of science and technology and innovation has been given. china has a long-term, many decades-long emphasis on. and what was built, but we do not use, why are the objects idle, which can be give a second life, we will conduct an audit of abandoned buildings, a possible option is modernization, reconstruction, a good place is never empty, and foreigners with south american charisma come to sineokuyu, stay and show the advantages, ice cream is very cool here, just melting in the mouth, exchanging germany for belarus is already a trend in ...
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the party, and not in the pocket of the poles. the list of bribes is smooth, and the eu turns a blind eye to any destructiveness. after such a paris olympics of shame, even bach gave in. and federzein, ger thomas. the head of the ioc signed his impotence. europe needs a new peace treaty. these words of our president were spoken at a meeting with the ambassador of the holy see, but...
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it's time for everyone in the west to hear them. belarus' position on security is in tune not only with the position of the vatican, but also with china. both minsk and beijing support peaceful resolution of conflicts, although there was a topic that was discussed even more in the belarusian capital this week. the main focus of the negotiations, including with the premier of the state council of the people's republic of china, was on the economy. alexander lukashenko had several important meetings on the international line. it is guided by economic. interest, the foreign ministry is drawing up a schedule of presidential visits for the next six months, they are ahead, but for now new details of the past negotiations with china, pakistan, the holy see, in our column, the first hour.
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a meticulous approach to meeting guests is very belarusian, even the red carpet on the threshold of the independence palace is laid not by eye, but by centimeter. the visit of the prime minister of the state council of china is important. it is not a fact that the high guest will notice, but one cannot help but notice that minsk and beijing are seriously adhering to the plan to develop an all-weather and comprehensive strategic partnership. this time , an unusual location was chosen for photography, the flags are already ready at the leader of our country's... the guests will have a great view of the winter garden, however, journalists will interfere, as you can see, chinese colleagues are already taking aim, some of our chinese colleagues arrived in minsk with their own chair, waiting, sometimes time, with such support and the best shot, exactly yours, sat, ran,
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took pictures, such is the work schedule of reporters all countries. participants are preparing for negotiations , translators, work synchronously, it is necessary not only to hear the words, but to understand the topic, this is a complete immersion in the specifics of bilateral relations and readiness for impromptu, you are ready for impromptu, always ready, the president is really comfortable to translate, including working in simultaneous translation, because he has a very measured pace of speech, natural and it will be suitable for translation. alexander grigorievich loves to quote, including his good friend, chairman of the people's republic of china xidinfin. when translating the leader's quotes into the original language, here it is necessary , of course, to know them by heart, because well , small deviations will not be very nice,
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maybe look. as chairman xidinfin said, we look to the future together, and not to the current complexities of decisions. always more than problems, wisely. meeting in july in astana, we agreed that during your visit to belarus, at the government level, we will be able to discuss all specific issues, find a solution to cooperation. himself lietian has been working as the prime minister of the state council for more than a year, the media called him a rising star of chinese politics, noted his experience and knowledge in economics and technology. by the way. letian is considered one of the closest associates of the leader of the prc, well, our president calls xiding ping nothing less than a friend. now the most urgent task for us is to raise economic and investment cooperation to the level of political. i am ready
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to fully implement the agreements of the two countries at the highest level with my belarusian colleagues, and further build up our mutually beneficial cooperation. for the benefit of our countries, peoples, the fact that minsk and beijing are planning to implement investment projects of strategic level worth billions of dollars is not surprising, here is one of the belarusian ministers who impressed the guest during the meeting. the minister of foreign affairs, the highest, from the height of state experience including in the corridors, the head of belarusian diplomacy shares details of the meeting atmosphere on the spot, absolutely friendly.
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china and how the authority of international china is growing, of course, they want to make any footrest to promote their interests in the international context, and of course these are people who do not like the republic of belarus, they really do not want us to have such serious, strong, powerful friends. there were still negotiations in the government ahead, but for the guest a small excursion, the photo gallery catches the eye with shots of si, it seems a trifle, but journalists will say demonstratively, letyan will ask the first vice-premier.
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we are ready to satisfy your interest during this visit and present belarus in all directions that you wish. we catch moment, the second approach to the minister to find out about the president's upcoming plans, suddenly he will answer without diplomacy. is a visit to pakistan being prepared? we are preparing. and when by the end of the year. and what other countries, at least in outline? you will see everything in due time, a lot of visits, a lot of agreements,
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a lot of proposals, we will build the president's schedule. i really hope that your president will visit pakistan in the very near future, and we, of course, will welcome him with warmth, the president of belarus is very open and kind, he is real, we don't know to what extent security issues were raised at the meeting in the office, but the speaker made no secret of his attitude to this topic. my main aspiration is one: movement towards peace, it's not just about ukraine, it's about the situation in gaza, palestine, all our aspirations are only for peace. alexander lukashenko is a politician who even today, despite everything, invites ukrainians to speak the language of peace. belarus' position on security is in tune not only with china's position, but with the vatican's position. the positions are absolutely in tune, and this shows the conflict in ukraine, where we hold
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almost the same position. i absolutely agree with you, and we have been talking about this for a long time, in europe, to live peacefully, and to live the way we live, no matter how much we cry, we live well, we need a new peace treaty, we need a new world in europe, all the players around this. process must gather, and the vatican will do everything will put all its efforts to find a peaceful solution, which is always difficult, but there is a way, only a peaceful solution can and conversation can find, get a result, the holy see for sanctions or for dialogue? the pope himself is personally against sanctions, because sanctions touch... equally, sanctions do not solve the issue that we need
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to solve today, of course, not all states agree on which way to go, the vatican has no sanctions, therefore in the vatican there is only talk peacefully, sit down at the table, solve difficult issues, look for solutions, in history the vatican has also done this many times with different states, now the vatican always remains open, the pope does not... and we continue our more humanitarian work, but we are in contact with the entire state and we raise this issue insist on a peaceful resolution of all conflicts. this photo in the gallery reminds us of the warm meeting of the father and the pontiff in the apostolic palace in the vatican. another handshake may happen here in the palace of independence. last time, the presidents and the pontiff exchanged hands. the vatican is memorable for the fact that exactly. with this pen, benedict xv abdicated the papal throne. but is it worth
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counting on pope francis to come to belarus someday? the pope is always ready to come to any country, especially, where the katoriki live, this is also necessary and conditions, preparation, and nothing needs to be done by force, because i think that the time will come when it will be mature and... it will be realized, i know that the pope has already been invited, and but there will still be time, time is needed for preparation, and the president also told me today that it will be very important to meet, he respects this pope, and the pope also told me that he wants to uh help this state, there is already contact, dialogue, written video, i think that there will be a time when the opportunity will appear. meeting and dad will see this city too, beautiful, the city of minsk, belarus. not a catholic, but
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an orthodox holiday was rumored this week, the transfiguration of the lord in the people , apple savior, the most delicious in the garden of the palace of independence, journalists could not resist, my colleagues, i know that you were nervous, took apples from the floor, in general, in fact, this can be done. cloudless apple savior means a warm and dry autumn, we don’t know who and what vice prime minister sivak believes more, omens or weather forecasters, but ... in anticipation of the meeting at the start of the week, he was worried not only and not the topic of transport that has been discussed so much, there is some anxiety when it is hot , and today it is forecast in the south up to 35°, and citizens should also feel this, i mean a certain responsibility, somewhere maybe, when such
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a temperature difference is possible, maybe, well, refrain from going to the forest there... that means, but you don’t expect a storm, well, this is a forecast for now, after all, squally wind, heat and temperature jumps could threaten a new hurricane, but resulted in flooding in the west of the country, while in the south , work is being completed with the consequences of a large elements. the tasks that are set in the order of the president, they are being carried out, even ahead of schedule, so in this part we do not see any problems.
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should pay a fee, am i the first? yes, we proceed from the fact that we want to preserve those types of activities, of course there will be fewer of them, but it is our exclusively original crafts, for example, there, and that means, the production of yarn, and manual labor, and that means the production of various products with national motifs from stone and wood, and so on, or, for example, sweaters. yes, these types will remain, our citizens will be able to calmly engage in these types, all the rest - these types of activities will move into the category of self-employed, if a citizen has a desire, then he can become an individual entrepreneur, will your proposal generally help to stimulate the housing market? all the steps
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that we have declared and which we will continue to voice and sign. of course, these are small, careful steps, but in terms of simplifying approaches, in terms of increasing the volume of housing construction, this is not all documents, some of the documents are being prepared, but the main, let's say, the main topic or the main result of today's meeting is that we agreed to develop a single system document by the end of the year that will determine approaches to state support for housing construction, let's say, we will make state support more concentrated for those citizens who really need it. this is only a small part of the issues of the big economy, but these decisions are needed, they will still bear fruit, everything has its time. for the entire country followed the busy visit of the official chinese delegation to belarus, because
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the agreements and contracts concluded with chinese partners can significantly affect the development of many industries. and not only, deepening cooperation, as they say, on all fronts, from trade, investment, to science and even cinema, is important for our country and the support of the prc, as a major player in the international arena. we will talk about the new era in relations with the celestial empire with russian political scientist and sinologist nikolai vavilov. nikolai, we welcome you, all-weather and comprehensive strategic partnership, this is how minsk and beijing characterize the level of relations between the two countries, as evidenced by such a formulation, because... many countries can boast of such a level of interaction. as far as i know, china establishes it very selectively only with partners that it can fully trust. greetings. studio i greet all our esteemed viewers, this is really a rare formulation, all-weather partnership, it exists only in relations with belarus with pakistan, more
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there is an eternal partnership with kazakhstan, this is a special formulation from the chinese, it appeared not so long ago, it appeared after xidingping came to power in 2012. belarus has very high relations of an unprecedented scale with china, this is cooperation. i myself was in minsk, several times i see that the chinese feel very comfortable, students, they and the visa-free regime is also open for 90 days, this may not be something that all the states that are neighboring china can boast of, that is, china has a long-term, multi-decade emphasis on relations with belarus, and we remember that in 2015, if i am not mistaken, belarus was visited, and now it is visited by the prime minister of lithuania, who was elected to this post in 2023, we know that litian, of course, he is a figure there who primarily works with the chinese economy, yes, that is , he also has an emphasis on the colonial market, this is germany
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, first of all, this is the first visit that he made, but this visit to belarus, he emphasizes that despite all the threats of the west against belarus and the united states, and the european union, sanctions and so on, the chinese are pursuing their own policy, building their international cooperation taking into account their own long-term interests, and china's long-term interests are a direct land route from china to europe in belarus, despite the fact that the border with poland, despite the fact that this is a very conflict-prone potential situation on the border with lithuania, where germany is building a military base and lithuania, which is simply trying to recognize taiwan, de facto, yes, china still understands that in 10-20 years belarus will turn into a giant transportation hub of chinese cargo to europe, and belarusians also need to be aware of this. of course, the president of belarus is making gigantic efforts to establish relations with china, it should be noted that , of course, belarus joined the sco this year, and this act is international, it testifies to
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the reformatting of the sco from a purely asian one to an international, global structure, namely, that belarus joined this organization. belarus opened a consulate in hong kong last year too, because it is building certain transit relations, and we remember how... belarus played a certain role during the sanctions of 2014 in russia, it was a hub, it wants to play the same role for china. china is very well aware of this, there is military-technical cooperation, much, much more. well, by the way, our countries signed a package of agreements and arrangements, almost three dozen documents on key areas of cooperation. and i would like to pay special attention to the creation of a free trade and investment zone. belarus is the first country in the eu with which china concludes.
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china once again shows that it does not care, it does not perceive the west's threats to cooperate with sanctioned countries, it only perceives its national interests, the national interests of other states, which will form the future backbone of an alternative world order. suggested that the prc implement a large influx of chinese technologies to belarus, he noted that today china is a recognized leader in the field of innovation, what potential does this proposal carry, taking into account that belarus has retained the highest competencies in microelectronics, mechanical engineering, the space industry? well, indeed, the chinese are becoming a global technology center, this includes robotics, artificial intelligence, internet technologies, all technologies. production and light engineering, and light industry, heavy machinery, the chinese are ready, of course, to consider transferring all this to a logistically convenient, again belarus,
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there will be investments. investment in light industry, we know that belarus has retained the industrial base of the soviet union, investment in heavy engineering, in automobile engineering, agricultural machinery, of course, there are many options for cooperation, opportunities for cooperation between chinese companies and belarus, but this is an investment in the future of the decade, that is why the agreement is truly historic, alexander grigorievich is absolutely right, he is now laying the foundation for this cooperation, which will bring prosperity to belarus, well, until the end of this century, i think. nikolai, we thank you for participating in the main broadcast, for your opinion, and i remind you, nikolai vavilov, a russian political scientist and chinese expert, was in touch with us. previous agreements with partners from china have become large-scale projects that are beneficial to each side, and the products are needed by the domestic and foreign markets. one of them is the belarusian national biotechnology corporation, where deep grain processing is carried out. as a result, we obtain high-quality amino acids
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needed for animal husbandry. our own products have already allowed us to refuse imports and production volumes are constantly growing, our correspondent svetlana lukinyuk spoke about the main issues of the agro-industrial complex: harvest, export, personnel, maintaining healthy livestock with deputy prime minister yuriy shuleiko on the bnvk platform. yuriy vitorievich, hello, you are in charge of the agro-industrial complex in the government, before that you headed the bress regional executive committee. this week there was a meeting with the president, where the topic was acute, this is the support rate. and what measures can it be important to take at the government level today? these are our reserves, this is the most important thing, where are we today we can increase it by preserving this animal, preserving the cow, preserving the calf, growing meat from it or transferring it later to a dairy cow, feeding and care, and veterinary medicine, well, this care becomes fundamental in the future in order to preserve this animal today, yes, give it life and get the final result, and not send it to the scrap heap, unfortunately, in some
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cases. of course, the main defendants for everything are the farms themselves, these are the heads of the farms, later on districts, regions, and this everything is being integrated today in the ministry of agriculture, in the government, what measures are needed, i think that stabilization will happen in the near future, approaches, measures have actually been defined today, we will continue to work in order to maintain the livestock and effectively raise livestock farming and milk production today, you have already talked about high-quality feed, in general this year.
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somewhere around 33 feed units, which will ensure good wintering of our livestock, we must harvest almost a million hectares of corn silage, the harvesting has already begun, we see biological yields by grain by weight no less than last year, that is, we will understand that we will receive more than 2 million grains , about 20. million - this is already green mass directly, which we will lay silage trenches, there should be a result, we are working for it, of course, no less important is the maintenance conditions, i mean dairy farms, modern ones, by the end of this year, how many will appear in belarus, are we on schedule, which we have planned for ourselves? today we are working in various directions, the enterprise independently builds, reconstructs, there is a state program today, this is
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the decision of the head of state. the entire technology of giving, well, why faster, because there are forces, there is already accumulated experience in construction, which we are already demonstrating to the region, there are projects of various levels, including reusable ones, next year the sources are determined, again 60 is already actually being prepared at the exit document directly, and then we will need to already after this decree, literally before the new
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years to prepare, that we will be in some areas... building 20 at a time, therefore the rates of milk production today for the next five years are laid down quite seriously, well, august is ending, how do you assess the sugar beet harvest? grown in the fields, will we load all our processing when the first new harvest arrives at the processing plant? today the future harvest has already been estimated, it is not less than 5 million, for our load, for the need, we have definitely done over the past 2 years adjustments for areas upward, and today for the yield, which we expect to be at least 500 setners per hectare, we will receive that volume of only... beets 5.100 and somewhere so that our sugar factories can begin processing. the equipment is ready, the factories are ready today, a week before the end of august we will begin digging, accumulation of root crops today literally from september 1 there according to
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the schedule our factories depending on the climate zone will be - to increase processing of beets. this is an iron belarusian crop, which provides today food security has good export potential. our rabe oil probably also has good export potential, it is in such great demand on foreign markets, and probably among our buyers, in general this year will be more, or will we just keep the same amount of volume that we had? well , really, today rabe is our culture, absolutely, it is the economy, it is protein for animals, an integral part of livestock farming, and of course the oil itself, today rapeseed oil, i am the person who has been using it for 10 years uses, look how it looks. excellent, excellent, thank you, we increase volumes from year to year, the yield is growing, this year we will have somewhere around 1,140, ​​yes, this is 140,000 more than last year, the average yield will be about 29 centers,
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which are basically azim rabs, and there are 16-17 spring, where we insure ourselves a little in order to understand, we have 2 million rapeseeds for processing, the principle is such in rabs seeds. contains 50% oil, which means that we will actually receive 600,000 tons of oil, today we have domestic consumers, yes, but if we take a little more than 80%, we export it, that is , there is enough butter on the belarusian market today, there is enough for technology, this volume of exports is growing from year to year, well, since we are talking about exports, so in general, here is the export of agricultural products since the beginning of this year, what does it show? what we export today is meat, milk, these are our main export positions, there are already 4 billion dollars,
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although the government has brought us a fairly accelerated growth in exports, because there is an objective growth in milk production in meat, well, however, the market is the market, sometimes it is more than a mass of tons, sometimes it is...
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order on the land is under special control in our country, but do we always manage what we have in a businesslike manner? this question especially arises when we see empty ones. agree, each of us has seen them at some point, be it on the outskirts of the city or in a small village. it can be an old farm or an abandoned building. with ownerless residential buildings, everything is clear. a single register has been created in the country, which combines all the data on such objects, thanks to it, we have returned to use of thousands of hectares of land. and what about abandoned non-residential buildings in cities, where every square meter is valuable. who monitors unused objects?
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is that they are often used by persons of no fixed
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abode for overnight stays, make fires, burn twigs, which usually leads to fires, and sometimes with a fatal outcome. in 2024 , 11 fires occurred in such buildings . it was once cozy on rabkorovskaya. previously, this object was part of the housing stock and belonged to the district zheu. the apartments were rented out to employees, but gradually the building fell into disrepair and has been empty for several years, but at least there is a high fence here that blocks. to be curious passersby, a decision was made to transfer it to the minsk city dormitories, this year things finally got off the ground, we transferred it from residential to non-residential, and now we have further ways out of the situation, a possible option such as modernization, reconstruction. it is clear that each such object has its own fate, and the state is different to demolish cannot be left, in each case.
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generations. each empty object, there are 172 of them in minsk alone, is under the control of the local authorities. it will not be possible to hide the mess behind a high fence. at the very least, constant inspections by the sanitary station and the ministry of emergency situations are guaranteed. and it does not matter whether the buildings are state or private property. here is an unexpected visit of various services to a private enterprise manufacturing cars. it seems that the hut without windows and doors is hidden from prying eyes, but is it not pleasant for the workers themselves to look at such beauty? and what about the image, the director assures, in place. a service center will be built in the old warehouse in the fall,
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a service point for the installation of refrigeration equipment for the cars we produce will be installed here, work is currently underway to design the building, we are planning to start general construction work somewhere in october, the local government, i will tell you that well, before we had some friction there nuances, well, now somehow everything has improved more or less, that is , constructively everything, they understand that we we want, we understand what is required of us, well , in general, more or less even better than we would like. remember the oldest water tower in the capital, a cultural heritage site for more than a century, it would be a shame to lose it, the owner intends to open a cafe here, there are few promises, the result is important, if there is none, the lease of the land plot will simply not be extended, we include the most complex objects located in a particular area in order to firstly assess the situation on the spot, establish a dialogue with the user or owner of a particular building check... by how this building is involved in our turnover, as for demolition, in
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such objects it is most predictable, but it is not always possible to implement due to the restriction of use of a particular territory, it is very important, if we are talking about industrial objects, so that on the territory of an industrial zone, of course, they retain their affiliation, if this is public development, again, how much demand there will be for office space on a particular territory, such raids cannot be punished, give old buildings a second life. on site such abandoned buildings can be used to build residential buildings, office buildings or industrial facilities, then they will be useful, and not crumble brick by brick. like silent monuments without economy. in the main broadcast ilona volynets, anatoly dolotovsky and sergey korneev. and our next material is about someone who not only gave the old a new life, but also opened a new chapter in his own history in belarus. sergey knippel is another example for whom a provincial
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city of our country has become more than just a place to live. our hero develops a new business direction, found new friends, simply enjoys the belarusian tranquility. after life in germany, report by elizaveta senyak. favorite job, comfortable life and his own property in one of the largest cities in germany. sergei knipel had all of the above, but at what cost? i was tired there , tired of this cramped conditions. apart from work, there, well, most of you don't see anything, there is no freedom, what do you mean by freedom. freedom, well, well, not everything revolved around work. many people say. such a phrase, who also moved from germany, from the eu countries in general, in germany 20 years ago it was different, what do you think? yes, it was different, you just spin like a squirrel in a wheel, in a golden cage, and from this you don’t see anything, it has become more difficult in everything, both in work, in money,
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there are a lot of migrants, everything is getting better there, it was easier to live 20 years ago, but at the moment, well, well, not everything is as beautiful as it looks and... as many see it. sergey is from kazakhstan, still a teenager, together with his moved to germany with his family. over time , the country became just a big company for him. and the golden cage of the influx of refugees and the effective integration of lgbt into everyday life is the new foundation of the country, which began to destroy hopes for a comfortable life. having worked as a road builder for more than 20 years in germany, he eventually paved the way to belarus, bought a house on the outskirts of bereza. the first time i came to...
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but this is how belarus is seen through the eyes of a foreigner, for whom our country has now become her second home. venezuelan kayla pineda has been living in belarus for several years and runs her blog about our country. what surprises her, how it differs from venezuela and what can surprise a foreigner: products, life in belarus, traditions and attractions, as well as experiments. here is one of them, by the way, one of the latest videos on ... broke the record for views, the girl decided to check if minsk is really the cleanest city and walked along the streets of the capital, in a bass, the result is amazing, a conversation about life in belarus, what surprises and what belarusians and venezuelans have in common, found out ekaterina tikhomirova, kayla, hello, you have been living in belarus for almost 8 years, you came
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from venezuela, it was here in belarus that you had the idea to create your own block about our country, besides this? how delicious, the first time i was here as a guest, i was just for a month, i was most surprised by the nature, that we drove on the road along the road and ...
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you can at any time, nights, evening, after a party, at 5 am, you can. and in all of latin america. there are such positive stereotypes, yes about belarus, they say firstly that it is safe, secondly - cleanliness, and thirdly, it is the quality of the products. we checked all these quality products, yes, it is true. some of the products that i saw here, i want to do.
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appreciate and praise and that you really have everything in this regard and - sausages, sausages,
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you have so many visas that i have not seen them before, i discovered kefir for the first time here, because we do not have kefir in venezuela, we have more milk and yogurt, but what i loved most of all is ryazhenka, that's how we have already passed, ryazhenka is very tasty baked milk, glazed curds are also very tasty, and venezuela has glazed ones, no, we have discovered them for ourselves, yes, yes, we don’t have anything like that, and i wonder why? because we don’t have cottage cheese, and i have it made from cottage cheese, and it will be covered with chocolate, so glazed curds, i don’t think we will have them when, that’s it, we need to learn how to make cottage cheese first , when you go home, you bring gifts to your family, yes, what do you bring to your family, they love pyatichiye milk, they also praise your candies, which are made, for example, like and the airofrovskiy, they love it very much, and the glazed srki too, they don't say that it's like ice cream, it's unusual, and what
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the venezuelans will like and that they have sour cream, i would think, because we love mayonnaise, sour cream, we could learn from half a century in our kitchen, they would also love cheese curds 100%, baked milk, condensed milk, condensed milk is necessary, because we have smyshenka, but not much and also imported. and here it's our own, you bring sweets home in large quantities, well, three packages, three packages, yes, because you need to eat, they eat quickly, yes, i need to gradually tame them like this, three for you today, three for you later, they are happy when you bring such guests, yes, they love, they love, plus i like that here too there are different types of bread, we have bread, but here you can find buckwheat, here you can find corn, carrot. with teak different and also also side dishes, sin, pilaf, pearl barley, this was also new for me,
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eighth place is herring, i ate nothing similar before, it is like a delicacy for me, it is very soft, tender, you recently put my experiment about cleanliness, well , they say that belarus, especially the capital, has very clean streets, it's all in order. and so on, tell us about this experiment, because it has gained an incredible number of views. minsk is a very clean city, so i decided to walk along the cleanest avenue in minsk, only in white socks. there's such a fuss on the social network now, i'm even surprised myself, i didn't expect this, everyone says that i changed my socks, everyone says, like that, as if they saw a candle there they kept, but no, in fact, this did not happen, i had it here in this park with my husband and i filmed. and he did not film everything, i see that people really clean up, even the leaves, i see when it's autumn, they start cleaning up the leaves,
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we will never have this, only at home, if... people, and i thought, let's combine the troubles, let's try how it will be, here i did it, what conclusion can you come to, it was clean, it was clean for me, i don't know for the viewer how it was, but it was real, it was like this, what do you think, is it worth filming at home or not, write, in 8 years of your life in belarus, can you say that belarus has changed you in some way, if? then i have become more organized and want everything now, that is, i do not leave anything for tomorrow, i do everything now, we still have it like this, my parents, tomorrow, tomorrow, don't worry, and when i am at home, it is hard for me to hear this tomorrow, i have just gotten used to the fact that everything will be done quickly here, you don't have to wait, i do it quickly
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or i will try to make it faster, but i... i still don't have it so well, thank you very much for our interview, thank you very much, bye! this week, the first prisoners pardoned by the president the day before were released, among those who were given a chance to rehabilitate themselves before the state and society, 30 people convicted of a protest-oriented crime, including 14 women and 16 men, some of them have serious...
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in an attempt at a coup d'etat opened their eyes to what was happening and revised their views. so, what do we have in belarus , repentant criminals are released, in the west, as in the usa, areas for planting only are increasing. let's remember the recent record term for the capitol. the wonderful garden of bareli decided to go even further. but they couldn't completely fix their social networks, relatively legally, they decided to act the old-fashioned way. pavel durov, the same one. who loved france so much and even more his telegram, but not the phrase see paris die, was thrown behind bars by the gendarmes, now macron holds that same little plane from telegram or the keys to the already dependent messenger, it is still unknown, the case was definitely cooked up by the defense hours, while the plane was already real, with the founder of telegram was still in the air, olga davidovich sorted everything out. the french
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arrested pavel durov, as soon as the founder of telegram left the private. durov did not fly on a regular flight from azerbaijan, he knew that he had an arrest warrant issued by the french authorities. pavel durov is accused of complicity, that is, not in the direct, main crime. the maximum sentences are relatively high, 20 years. they explained everything simply according to the favorite canons of western democracy. all these troubles fell on the heads of the french, and here, consider the entire western world, because durov refused to cooperate with local law enforcement agencies, and therefore was an accomplice to all these crimes. naturally, this is just a pretext. in reality, the french authorities, along with those who initiated this arrest, are interested in the possibility of access to the platform in order to be
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able to regulate content there at their own discretion. everything has access to the personal data of users and channel administrators. an american journalist, for example, is sure of this tucker carlson, who was one of the first to call for durov's release. this is a warning to any platform owner who refuses to censor the truth at the behest of governments and intelligence agencies, darkness is quickly descending on the once free world. incidentally, in a conversation with tucker in april, samdurov spoke about his difficult relationship with western intelligence agencies. in the us , fbi agents were pressuring him.
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it's 2030, in europe you will be executed for
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liking a meme. and musk also posted a very revealing excerpt from the interview democratic vice presidential candidate in the united states. there is no guarantee of freedom of speech when disinformation or inciting hatred. content that is in any way objectionable to any eu member state, otherwise a fine of up to 6% of their global revenue. the document states that operators of a social network or internet platform are responsible for any content posted on it. at the same time, the digital services act did not imply personal.
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so to speak, then these will be, in particular, russia and ukraine, at a time when the west is clearly losing its war against russia in ukraine. genius of it technology, of course, can hardly be called a russian patriot, he has citizenship in as many as four countries, russia, france, saint kitts and nevis and the united arab emirates. the last two are somehow silent. the russian foreign ministry has already gotten involved in the work, despite the lack of an appeal from durov's representatives. maria zakharova even addressed the relevant western structures with the question: will they demand the release of durov, who was arrested in france or swallow their tongues. and here it is worth
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remembering 2014 and the statements of john kerry. the founder of the largest russian social network was forced to flee after he refused to disclose the personal data of the participants in the euromaidan protest. now it will be interesting to see how those self-proclaimed guardians of democracy will behave, who before, when it was advantageous for them, so critically defended freedom of speech on telegram or vkontakte. by the way, all other messengers and social networks today controlled by the us and europe, almost totally and just as thoroughly censored. telegram , with a monthly audience approaching a billion users, is not yet available to them. apparently, this is exactly the point. many consider telegram to be the main type. communications of the russian army, so durov's arrest is a possible attempt by the french and nato intelligence services to establish control over the communications and command system of the russian army in the svo. judge dorov
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is going to be a citizen of france, he received his passport in 2021. because of this, his extradition or exchange seem to be a matter from a legal point of view, extremely complicated or even impossible. ironically, the businessman recently wrote on his social network page: as a citizen of france, he believes that this is the best place to relax. and now he risks staying here for at least 20 years, and by force. olga davidovich, on the main air. well, and also about western freedoms, wonderful gardens, about crime and punishment. what the foreign khalui, serving the interests of the west and calling themselves independent media. in the united kingdom , footage of the recent arrest of activists of the organization just stop oil has been released. after all, this story has acquired particular relevance after the start of the government campaign. detentions , imprisonments for likes on social networks, it turns out that the police were practicing the technology of preventive arrests not on opponents of migration, but a little earlier on green activists. in london, as well as in dozens of other cities in the country, they
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were detained for so-called criminal intent. now such tactics of the authorities have received even greater coverage and unprecedented severity. prison terms of up to 3 years are assigned for just approving anti-migrant protests, for participation they promise 10 years, due to the shortage of places on the bunks an amnesty has been declared. 2.0 criminals, including the most dangerous, are released to fill the free places in prisons with rebels, as well as ... their online supporters. another 2.0 criminals will be amnestied in october. and for participating in the riots after the brutal murder of three girls souаutiya in the uk, at least 1,500 people have been arrested, of which 600 charges are brought, arrests are made for activity on the internet. meanwhile, there may not be enough prisons to put away all the dissatisfied. according to polls, a third of the country's population supports the participants in the unrest , the anti-migrant discourse itself. the wartime economy
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, how the us is preparing to plunge the world into the abyss of conflicts, a huge report from the ren corporation for the pentagon, a triangle of imaginary threats to washington, who is considered the main enemy, what the hawks are writing about belarus and how much they are ready to spend on the bayonets of democracy. let's look into understandable politics on monday after the panorama.
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there are certainly no fewer such reports with fictitious enemies from... the current polish authorities, the residents of the neighboring country are simply shocked by what the president's political party has been doing for years, millions of dollars have been ending up in the pockets of those close to them. the audit launched by the coalition led by donald tusk revealed embezzlement, corruption and gray schemes with government contracts. representatives of the pravo spravedestvo party actually robbed the poles under various covered each other with pretexts, occupying key posts in the state. the process will slam. after losing the majority of seats in
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parliament, details of the gray schemes and their consequences in the screenshot section. for several days now i have been in a state of creative pleasure. watching the fuss of spiders in a polish bank gives exclusively aesthetic. the financial pyramid of old man kaczynski is literally collapsing like a house of cards, pressing the heads of corrupt scheming officials who robbed the polish people to the floor. gray cardinal, the once ruling party of law and justice found itself at a broken trough, it turns out that in order to conduct the parliamentary campaign, kaczynski's team took a loan from the bank in the amount of 15 million zlotys, in an equivalent approximate for our perception - this is almost 4 million dollars, the repayment period expired in july and ... has already begun
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to accrue interest. these were additional funds, which de facto constituted such a company on steroids. law and justice, will finally have to get into the pockets of members of their own party, and not into the pockets of the poles poles. the use of state funds and, in general, the fullness of power, exclusively in the interests of the party, is literally the krida of kaczynski and his chicks. during their rule, they even managed to become famous for their raider takeovers of key enterprises. people were either installed in leadership positions or forced to sell a controlling stake to loyal businessmen. the main goal, as you understand, is not the development of the enterprise, but squeezing income out of it and spinning state contracts. these schemes were the basis for the party's domestic political dominance, rights and justice, right up until the moment when power in parliament slipped out of their hands. the contributions of the pisa fat cats ran out, they lost their government positions, which they had exclusively
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thanks to political connections, and suddenly kaczynski's source of income dried up. today, gray schemes and ardent critics of the state system of belarus emerge almost monthly, and here i inadvertently have a logical question: what was criticized? was it really because minsk refused to play such games ? at the interstate level, and if we call a spade a spade, robbing ordinary poles, you can't fool people, they see everything perfectly well. the polish wooden houses company, which was supposed to build 11,000 energy-efficient houses by the end of 2022. 100 million zlotys were allocated for the project. as a result , 33 buildings were built out of 11 thousand houses. once again,
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33 buildings were built out of the 11 thousand houses paid for. what kind of efficiency of the governing elite is this, less than 1%. statistical error. the same story with chistokol along the border. another favorite direction. for schemes, as you correctly understand, ukraine has declared an absentee arrest in relation to the former head of the government agency for strategic reserves, mykhailo kuchmirovsky, in connection with the case of the implementation of a grant from the european union in the amount of 114 million euros for the supply of generators for the needs of ukraine. during the procurement procedure, preference was given to specific companies. the former prime minister of poland morowiecki is doing his best to whitewash his own. this is a man of great merit, he worked in a very difficult period, during the period pandemic during the war in ukraine, and he was not shy about making decisions that saved people's lives and health. i'm not hinting at anything, but as they say, one hand washes the other, and the morowiecki name
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could easily take on a different color during the investigation, to the point that even the current president of poland will slowly pack his bags. andrzej duda has announced his desire to head the international. committee after his term ends in 2025. the fact is that, according to the law, he cannot be elected to the next presidential elections. but with such tendencies he is a contender for a criminal term. about the everyday life of comprodors in poland. andrey sych in the screenshot section. without religion and without faith, ukraine is sliding into the abyss, now turning into a sect, the people are deprived of the canonical church, everything that will now happen in the spiritual life of the independent country will, in fact, be controlled by schismatics. zelensky signed
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the law banning religious organizations associated with russia the day before, and he also gave a speech in which he stated: "ukrainian orthodoxy is taking a step towards liberation, as he put it,
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this performance of the american anthem by the now official candidate from the democratic party can rightly be considered the leitmotif of the entire harris campaign. she demonstrates day after day exactly the same lack of hearing, voice and, most importantly, understanding of the meaning of what is being said. kamala harris has not
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said a word in public for several months, except from a piece of paper or in the style of a prompter. she has already cancelled the next televised debates with trump, and it is quite possible that she will refuse the subsequent ones as well. at the same time, harris is literally bubbling with ideas that threaten to provoke a nationwide economic catastrophe. she has prepared a whole package of campaign promises for the democratic party convention. harris is ready to declare amnesty for all illegals. kamalo also promises any citizen buying their first home a free subsidy of $25,000. millions of such deals are concluded annually, which means that the american budget risks losing hundreds of billions of dollars. however, the chances of this happening have become noticeably smaller by the weekend. one of the leading independent presidential candidates robert kennedy jr., stops his election campaign. he supported republican donald. trump, which radically changes the balance of power.
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5-7% of americans were going to vote for kennedy. after his candidacy was withdrawn in a number of swing states, trump's victory there is practically guaranteed. and now about sports achievements. one of the most medal-winning sports in our country is canoeing and kayaking, starting with the summer games in athens in 2004. the belarusian flotilla is always on the olympic pedestal. the recent main start of the four-year period in paris was an exception. but there is a nuance: not all belarusian crews reached the mushroom channel of versurne-marne. it is just that international sports structures, world functionaries did everything so that athletes and sineoka did not have the opportunity to compete with everyone on equal terms. but as soon as the olympics ended, the boats were immediately allowed into the planetary arena. we knew perfectly well that our rowers continued to train at full strength, doing a huge amount of physical work on the water, so the film crew of the main
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broadcast went to sunny samarkand, where the world championship in non-olympic disciplines was held, to find out whether the belarusian kayaks ikonoy are still good. the answer is positive, kristina kamysha will tell you more and count all the medals. uzbekistan is the pearl of the legendary silk road, a real tourist treasure trove, a huge number of ancient architectural monuments, high mountains and turquoise lakes, the most delicious pilaf according to thousand-year-old recipes is prepared here, and absolutely all travelers are surrounded by incomparable eastern hospitality. a very cool country, we even managed to have an excursion.
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this time sunny samarkand became a gathering place for the best kayak and konoe racers at stake in the regatta in non-olympic sports of the program were 20 sets of medals. just to visit, just to compete, some of our joint ones, somehow learn from each other
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and improve our skill level for our teams, train on our mushroom channel. samarkand mushroom channel, the only one in central asia, it occupies territory of 80 hectares. there are only two exact analogues of this object in the world: the krylatskoye complex in moscow and the oberschleim base in munich. by the way, the entrance for spectators to the stands during the planetary forum. is free and anyone could admire the exciting emotional spectacle: the whole range of feelings of the athletes themselves at the finish line was tried to be caught and conveyed by journalists, reporters, photographers, cameramen, almost all european countries, they came with their reporters, more than sixty, somewhere around that. the world championship, of course, is a big test for us, everyone satisfied, i hope that next year we
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will again have either a world championship or a world cup. the sad truth is that this planetary forum was originally supposed to be held in belarus, but due to politically motivated sanctions, zaslavl was deprived of the title of host, such is the prohibition of the international olympic committee, otherwise it would be the blue-eyed that hosted delegations from almost 50 countries, and this is more than. the world canoe sprint championships are held annually and even the olympic seasons are no exception. in 2022 and 2023 the belarusian flotilla was not allowed to participate in the planetary regattas, but before in the national team in terms of results everything was quite good, so 3 years ago in copenhagen, denmark our team became the second in the overall standings, and here is samarkand. the european championship, but
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there the belarusians did not race with the new zealanders, cubans, chinese, chileans and so on. by the way, most of the rivals arrived in uzbekistan from the olympic paris, the czech martin fuchs and joseph dostel or the portuguese fernando pimenta are sports stars. and pay attention to how the mushroom supported our family at the awards ceremonies. well done, well done. well done, well done, well done, well done, of course, it's nice to get back into action, to get back on the tracks with all the athletes, as before, and it's nice to understand that there really are people who
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are inspired, everyone knows that belarus is sick, we've returned, but not completely, so we need a little more... in total, out of 20 finals, 17 went with the belarusian representative to the first step of the podium, the four-man kayak team climbed as part of. nadezhda kushner, olga khudenko, vladislav kravets and dmitry natynchik have no equal in the world of elena nozdreva, the duet of inna nedelkina and yulia trushkina, the tandem of oleg yureni and nikita borikov. to
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four gold medals, our fleet added four silvers and three bronzes, of course, if the results in ... believe in us, give us the opportunity to represent us, but we all know that we are belarusians and we are proud of it, what will happen next, at noon on monday the team will return home after three weeks of competition tour, and after that the team will go on a well-deserved vacation in order to get back on the water in october to start working for the new olympic cycle.
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kristina kamysh, dmitry golovach from samarkand, especially for the main broadcast. athletes are in very good shape, and despite the prohibitions from not very athletic, but still international functionaries, the regime of thomas bach at the head of the international olympic committee is coming to an end, since the official himself announced his resignation, in march of next year they will choose a new ruler of the olympic movement, on this post bach sees his accomplice in the press sport sebastian coe, who was known as an ardent russophobe during his years as head of the world athletics federation, it is already clear that thomas bach's actions gave rise to a split in world olympism, but under a new leader the dictatorship risks becoming even more severe. andrey kozlov in the author's column unsportsmanlike behavior discusses what the changes in leadership could mean for us. after thomas bach's statement that
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he would leave the post of head of the international olympic committee, frequent rumors about that his long-standing place will be taken by sebastian koa. we can call it a criminal corruption scheme without any metaphors, which, as it is accepted there, is considered democracy, but no matter what you call it, the result is lies and a thirst for power, once again, they call it democracy there, let me remind you, because soon the names of these officials will be erased by history, thomas bach, the head of the international olympic committee, and sebastian koa is the main world champion in athletics, she is called the queen of sports, that is, who is the king in it. or the queen or a pawn at all? call them what you think is right, we don't know who is moving them, but probably the choice in favor of koa will be without a choice, as they say, so the executive committees will obediently vote, again, there it is called democracy, the man positioned himself as a person who is interested in the development of sports, well
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, then, as i understand it, then he began to make some decisions that he needs in order to grow his career. his behavior is due to the fact that he wants to get into the international olympic committee, not to mention getting into it, heading it, such, well , in essence, this is a nomenklatura official, you could say, and he follows this line in order to build his career, of course, and the way the olympic games were held, we see that they don’t want to mix sports in general, to equalize everything and somehow, yes, eurovision is like that, they launched a minority there, and mockery of all such things, which are generally for the majority of people in the world, that’s why today the same alternative games are emerging, such as igrix, they only are emerging, it is quite possible, if the olympic movement will also start to promote all these tendencies, then these... games will take the lead. sebastian koya, as a smitten british subject, got carried away in his elite nation, from which nationalism has always emerged, then fascism. this
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is such a step-by-step paradigm. let me remind you that 11 years ago koya swore his love for russia at the world championships in moscow, in minsk at the match meeting between europe and the usa, which was brilliant, he admired the development of sports in our country, and then he got his shoes on when he sensed the possibility of career growth in the corrupt system of world olympism. after all, what wouldn't you do for the sake of? your career and benefit, and just imagine, he will start running sports on the planet, well, in general, for him moscow and russia - this is, one could say, the start of his sports career, because the 1980 olympic games in moscow, when they, well , many countries boycotted, did not come, but they, the english, had opportunities, they took them, they came and he became an olympic champion and silver medalist there, from there his started a sports career and thanks to them it took place practically, because well who would have known sevakoe without these... they didn't give him the most important thing here is regarding dogs, they are both former athletes who just happened to be at that time and boycotts and other things, but they, as if from the inside, should understand that when this pressure is on, how hard
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it is for an athlete to be, when he is also crossed out, they don't come, they were inside, they were boiling, yes, that is, why is it that over time either people change, i don't know, they get old they, why is it happening like this, that it would be okay if they were officials, you know, they were walking , they are just officials, they were brilliant athletes in the past, yes, they were brilliant athletes in the past, both olympic champions. both have proven themselves, but as i understand it, their shirts are closer to their bodies, so now they did not achieve results in the sports arena, now they are in the political arena, so unfortunately, they had a good opportunity to realize themselves now to make such a big step for sports , to make such a time when there is questions that need to be sat down and solved, they did not do it, neither one, nor the second, who cut out russian track and field athletics gradually, did this for almost 10 years. in 2022, for reasons known only to him, he took up ours, that is, he does not care about the development of sports, especially as a path to unification, although behind each name of a repressed athlete from
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our country there are brilliant people, honest athletes, worthy citizens of their country. charming irina zhuk, who for a second is the country's record holder in pole vaulting, brave in the statements of maxim nedosekov, a medalist of the tokyo olympics, one of the best in the world, javelin throwers, kholodovich-kotkovets and many others. i can list for a long time, from communicating with everyone it is only pleasant. to hear everything, but in this, at least in recent years, we are not allowed to say a word, it turns out, here you say that you are not allowed to speak there, that is, what freedom of speech is there, well, but always these double-triple
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standards that are present, to say one thing, to do something completely different, and to implement a third, let's look into the future, conditionally sebastian hoya could have headed it, it would be even worse for us, well, if he is a consistent person, then yes, if it were another person, but maybe there would still be... some chances, although we always live with hope and faith in this regard, so we hope that maybe some circles will change, which will still say that yes, we need to sit down and we need to solve this issue and we need to solve it constructively, in fact, you speak like a real diplomat, i hope that you will be there someday, thank you, thank you very much, there are also other candidates for bach's place, behind the scenes they call the name of juan antoni samaranch, yes, yes, this is the youngest son and full namesake of the former head of the mog, his dad was a good friend for our countries, also called: the name of david lapartian, who at the beginning of 2022 boldly spoke out in favor of abandoning total sanctions against russian belarusian sports. well, what about thomas bach, who is still
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the main mog, he is neither a friend nor an enemy, but so? let's reread his farewell poem, filled with pathos. so, thomas bach speaks. i know that with this decision i have disappointed many of you, but i assure you that this is in the interests of our beloved olympic movement. i want to make sure that we have a smooth transition of power to the new leader. i. i really appreciate all your comments and arguments, but as a result of deep reflection, extensive discussions, including with my family, i have come to the conclusion that i should not extend the powers beyond the term provided for by the olympic charter. the presidential elections could take place in march 2025 at the session of the organization in greece, and federzein, ger thomas. and that's all we managed to talk about today. with you were pavel azovik and elena nasacheva. see you on the main broadcast. happily.
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i say to you, dear tv presenters, in the coming thousand we will grow over the years, the hut has come, the skies have dusted, we will go to sleep. that the village of nadvorya will be blessed and successive in the future. what are we waiting for in the last days of summer and the very beginning of the spring ? well, let’s start traditions at the sight of everyday natural anomalies. dry rain triggered heavy floods and rainfall in china's agricultural sector. the settlements announced the terminous evacuation of the myastsovs zhykharov. more than
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7 thousand people were removed from the unsafe zone. helicopters had to be grounded, some populated areas seemed to be affected by the outside world, molasses washed away roads, food supply and catastrophic disasters occurred, the regions suffered from five centuries of war no way. a powerful storm knocked out houses in poland, in warsaw the streets of warsaw flooded waterways and burned trees, treacle water raged in the streets, and the shepherds were drowning. automobile drivers and pedestrians. the storm did not plow and the airport in st. petersburg, where passengers fell terminal in all parts of the country, military services worked for more than 3 thousand people. japanese steel has fallen into disarray. the current sales in ukraine looked at the work of several junctures. the scale of the disaster has caught up with the capital's residents from nyanatsku. the streets were flooded, sewer manholes were tearing up the bridge.


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