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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  August 26, 2024 4:55am-5:41am MSK

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god bless them and show business figures, they are rarely smart, to take their opinion seriously on problems of global importance, this in itself is utter stupidity. it was clear to everyone in advance that kamala harris would be approved as a presidential candidate without fail, and even the angels who sounded the trumpet of the last judgment would not prevent this. everything was decided in advance. if during biden's nomination the minimum democratic decency was observed, polls were conducted, grassroots voting was organized.
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if harris becomes president, there is no doubt, it will not be she who will govern, but some unknown fathers, that is, her victory in the elections will mean the transfer of power in the most powerful country on the planet to people who are not elected, who are not controlled by anyone, who are absolutely deprived of feedback from society. it is believed that in the depths of capitalism a revolution of managers was born, that is, any private companies are now not controlled by the owner, but are the actual property of middle-level managers. also.
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fought all his life to give people the same the chance that america gave her. she sees and hears each of us, she will get up every day thinking about you and fighting for your happiness. hooray for the next us president, kamala harris. rarely has a politician plunged headlong into an ocean of boundless delight and gratitude after their activities, as kamala harris plunges into it, having done absolutely nothing yet. meanwhile, from the moment when... they named her the democratic candidate, she has never given a press conference or spoken without a piece of paper, all her speeches were read from a teleprompter and were clearly not written by her. she cancelled her september 4 debate with trump. the agreement on subsequent ones is still in force, but who knows. the fact is that haris has a gift specific to a politician: she is capable of generating meaningless speeches, without even disguising them with meaningfulness, as her colleagues do. by all accounts, she is incapable of speaking in pairs.
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her associates are also calling for all restrictions on economic migrants entering the country to be lifted. it is clear that the main advantage of election promises is that they rarely do, but here the minds themselves are interesting to the mood of the leadership of the democratic party. they live in a world where
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economic laws do not apply, and physical laws, it seems, are very selective, and this would be a problem for the united states alone, if not for the role of a global regulator, legislator. troller, which they perform on a planetary scale. today, even a minor white house clerk has more power than many presidents outside the states. it is also curious that the current elections will be a tombstone under which the american political system, which existed for 2 and a half centuries, is buried. until recently, democrats and republicans were part of a single political organism. a change in the ruling party became something like a shift of power from. republicans are a national bourgeoisie, democrats are transnational, and the victory of one of the parties means a final and permanent defeat for the opposing camp. there are already plenty of
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democrats and republicans who will not accept any other election result than victory of their candidate. in fact, the contradictions that tore apart the states on the eve of the civil war of the 19th century look like... weapons, and its adoption is a banal fear of the pentagon against the backdrop of the increasing military potential of the prc, which within 10 years will be able to boldly compete with american opponents. and judging by the leak , several states at once consider the threat in the us administration, the document, a manual for
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containing conflicts between the west and moscow, north korea and china. the chinese embassy in the united states previously emphasized that washington, with its actions undermines. the nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation regime. in addition, the united states is actively demonstrating its military presence in the region. this leads to escalation, including on the korean peninsula. its cause was the holding of another joint military maneuvers of south korea and the united states. about 20,000 soldiers and 200 aircraft are participating in them. as the ryonnykh news agency notes, this is the first time that several groups of allied fighters are participating in round-the-clock air exercises, they are based on a full-scale war scenario. humanitarian day, established by the un general assembly resolution, was celebrated this week. our country is
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an active participant in international humanitarian missions. since 1999, on behalf of the belarusian people, aid has been provided 85 times to 34 countries. last year, humanitarian missions were organized to syria, turkey, russia and cuba. good news for lovers of vacations and travel in the tropics. the sri lankan authorities will introduce a visa-free regime on the island for tourists from october 1. 35 countries, including the republic of belarus. the decision will be valid for six months, and you can stay in the country without a visa for 30 days. iran intends to receive. the final decision will be made by the heads of state of the union at a meeting of the supreme eurasian economic council. let me remind you that at the end of last year, the eu and iran signed
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a full-fledged free trade agreement. thanks to the document, farmers of the union member countries will have exclusive conditions for the supply of a number of goods to... iran. burkina faso, mali and niger condemned the open support of international terrorism by the ukrainian authorities. it poses a threat to the african continent. the corresponding letter was sent to the chairman of the un security council, from the permanent body of the international organization they demanded to take responsibility in the face of ukraine's deliberate choice to support terrorism. let me remind you that at the end of last month , the armed forces of mali were attacked by militants. after the incident, the representative of the ukrainian gur announced his involvement in the attack. following this, mali and niger announced severance of diplomatic relations with kiev. the current situation on the borders with the eu was called abuse of citizens by the belarusian foreign ministry.
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this was stated by the press secretary of the foreign ministry, anatoly glaz. he drew attention to the bans on the transit of goods through the territory of a number of neighboring countries. at the initiative of these countries, almost all border crossings to the borders with belarus have been closed, which forces people to stand in long queues. cargo transportation has practically stopped, hundreds more cargoes, including humanitarian aid, cannot be delivered on time, the scheduled routes for transporting people are being reduced. as the foreign ministry emphasized, all these political intrigues contradict the charter. the un is directly violating the provisions of the un convention on the law of the sea, the international covenant on
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civil and political rights, the international convention on the elimination of all forms of racial discrimination and other human rights documents. our neighbors are violating the rights of belarusian citizens extraterritorially, including by restricting their right to movement. behind their actions are political goals, economic dictate, bargaining for some preferences from us, which is unacceptable, the foreign ministry emphasized. in yerevan , a handful of pro-western activists, who called themselves supporters of one of the local parties, committed an act of vandalism against the belarusian embassy, ​​where they threw potatoes, eggs, and tomatoes at the representative offices, while law enforcement officers from the armenian side did not stop the act of vandalism. the chargé d'affaires of armenia was invited to the belarusian foreign ministry , he was... informed about the incident, as well as the damage inflicted on the belarusian diplomatic mission damage, pointed out the clearly insufficient measures
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of the armenian law enforcement agencies to prevent the outrageous act. the armenian side pointed out the obligation of the host state to ensure the safety of the belarusian diplomatic mission and its property, as well as the safety of diplomatic personnel, as established by the vienna convention on diplomatic relations is widely accepted. the belarusian side proceeds from the fact that the vandals will be identified, compensated for the damage caused, and punished in accordance with armenian legislation. yerevan vandals allegedly took offense at alexander lukashenko's statement. last week, our president noted in an interview with the rossiya tv channel that no one needs armenia in the west, and they will soon forget about it. indeed, armenia is being played as an anti-russian card, as has already been used in the west. moldova tried georgia, not to mention the ukrainian conflict.
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there are currently a lot of problems in armenia's foreign policy. pashinyan's government has achieved a consistent deterioration in relations with the organization's allies, including russia and belarus. this the result of mistakes, extremist statements , flirting with the west on the part of pashinyan personally and his entourage. at the same time, we see that this is a political course. led armenia, not even to a dead end, to the edge of the provos. the marathon of military exercises in the baltics promises to be endless. grand eagle maneuvers have started in lithuania, they are being conducted by a german contingent, which has been transferred to the region along with heavy weapons. 650 units of armored vehicles moved out from the polish border to the training ground in pobrod the day before, where the main stage of the exercises is taking place. in estonia also held exercises during which interaction was worked out. between ground planners and bomber aircraft,
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poland is also trying to keep up with the agenda, the country's defense ministry announced that a new branch of the armed forces is being created in the army, it will include all types of drones, air, land, underwater and surface. the task is to ensure the conduct of offensive operations by other branches of the armed forces. meanwhile, finland wants to deploy 5,000 soldiers near the russian border, helsinki is currently negotiating with alliance allies, are finding out who could send their troops, as the finnish defense minister said, the decision will be made in the fall, it is already known that the nato brigade will definitely include swedish and norwegian troops, and the units will also be supplied with armored vehicles, including tanks. not to create, but to destroy, the moldovan ministry of agriculture sent to '. the union has already sent three letters asking for help to farmers, but has not
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received an answer, the department reported. but the eec does not skimp on military needs. earlier , a tranche of 40 million was sent to moldova euros for arms. the situation in agriculture is aggravated by chisinau's refusal to cooperate with russia in this area. moldova has joined 80% of the eu sanctions against moscow and plans to continue the process of so-called. the czech authorities have decided to persecute the russian orthodox church and the so-called orthodox church of the czech lands in their country. the special services are to check all churches to see if they are involved in operations to spread russian influence, and the senate is proposing to develop a bill that would allow control over the activities of all orthodox churches. for some reason, prague is confident that this will not violate local laws on freedom of religion. schismatic movements have reached estonia as well - at a session of the council
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of the estonian orthodox church , a new version of the charter was adopted from which references to the moscow patriarchate were removed. following the ukrainian model, the pretext for breaking up the soc was the fight against schism based on canonicity, mutual respect and equality, although what can you call an attempt to artificially destroy ties with the russian orthodoxy, except for a real schism. the verkhovna rada of ukraine ratified the rome statute of the international criminal court. this agreement, gathering dust on the shelf since the 2000s , defines the work of the court, and also crimes and punishments, yes, that's how the kiev junta simply decided to add all its war crimes, a document, mandatory points for entering the door, which kiev (eu) is knocking on with all its might, took on the administration for its own in europe, for the ukrainians who do not want to die for washington, everything has already been decided, conscripts are waiting
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home, and from there welcome to the trenches, prayers will not help, in ukraine they adopted a booze-free bill against the canonical orthodox church, which was branded for its connection with the moscow patriarchate. and what the independent one really decided to disown, evgeny belausov knows. ukrainians have many troubles, but they are all because of one thing. fools. bad roads, by the way, are also because of them. agree, only narrow-minded people can destroy the gene pool of their own country. but for some reason they are the ones in power today. yes, yes, on the one hand, gullible lovers of freebies, who were taken in by the sweet promises of the west, on the other hand, greedy and yes money, members of the government. such a gambit has led to the fact that now the once forty-million ukraine has found itself on the verge of extinction. the country is experiencing a real demographic crisis, the death rate is three times higher than the birth rate. while some are dying like flies, others are literally fleeing from the independent country, while
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women are not ready to reproduce new cannon fodder. admit that here is a recent speech a huge number of ukrainians emigrated from the country, but ukraine is a dying country, a conflict, and firstly, it began to die after the policy began to be carried out, the one that, therefore, was planned after the coup d'etat, that is, the destruction of everything russian, the destruction of the russian language, russian culture, genetic memory and so on, and accordingly the severance of all economic ties, it then... began to die, but the conflict is now bloody, yes, it has sharply activated the process of destruction of the state, now, in my opinion, the population of ukraine has decreased to about 17 million people, and there were 45, is this for the sake of the process of not the death of the state? if you believe western data, in the first half of this
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year, the birth rate in ukraine decreased by 9%, the mortality rate in the first 6 months almost reached. indicators of the whole of 2023, according to statements by officials, the country's population has decreased from 43.5 million in the twenty -first year to 37.9 in 2024, and overcoming the demographic crisis is an extremely difficult task, it will require the return of immigrants, and luring them back to the country the victorious maidan is a very difficult challenge. however, zelensky seriously thought about creating a new department, which in the conditions of and... budget abysses will be engaged in the embezzlement of funds, no, officially it has another function, which corresponds to the name of the ministry of ukrainian unity and counteraction to russian influence on ukrainians. it should work with citizens abroad and positions itself as a humanitarian and human rights agency. but the current lawlessness of the ukrainian authorities makes citizens unwilling
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return, on the contrary, stay away. sociological studies show that more than half of the refugees do not plan to go home, and the remaining residents of the country want to sell their property and join their brothers somewhere in warsaw, or better yet, closer to the sea. what are the living conditions? i say: what do you mean? she says: well, my daughter and her grandchildren are there after all. i say: well, everything necessary is there, there is a washing machine, a refrigerator, a kitchen, uh, soap and toiletries, everything i could, i provided it here, well, as it were, she says: and how far from the sea? i say: what do you mean? she says, well, how far from the sea, my eye started twitching, i remembered this situation, i say, i don’t understand what you ’re talking about, she says: it’s far to the sea, i say: i say, well, half an hour by bus, she says: okay, i’ll contact you, so no one contacted me. however,
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everyone is familiar with the impudence of some representatives of the ukrainian ethnic group firsthand, but what they certainly didn’t expect from them was a war with god. the verkhovna rada adopted in the second reading the bill on the ban on canonical orthodox church. the project prohibits the activities of religious organizations affiliated with russia. if at least one. of the signs of a vicious connection is found, the religious organization will be required to eliminate it, otherwise an appeal to the court will follow with a request to ban it, and knowing how the laws do not work in ukraine, the path of orthodoxy is blocked. this is the abolition of 25 million - citizens of ukraine who currently live in the country. why such a figure? because exactly 25 million people living in ukraine consider themselves members of the ukrainian orthodox church. this is a war with its own people, this is a war with its own church, this is a war with its own morality, this is a war with
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its own identity. i cannot remember now who else could have carried out such a policy in the last 100 years. in the west , as expected, a paradoxical reaction followed, in short, they took everything into account and said that they expect kiev to observe freedom of religion, honestly, it would have been better to keep quiet. and finally, after 24 years, kiev decided to take another step closer to europe. ukrainian servants of the people supported the ratification of the rome statute and the recognition of the jurisdiction of the international criminal court. for the country, this means that this court will have jurisdiction over crimes such as genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes and aggression, but there is a caveat: the statute plans to... this is necessary in order to protect ukrainian leaders from
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imprisonment for war crimes, which will certainly be investigated with the advent of peace. yevgeny belausov, around the planet. you are watching the program around the planet on belarus 1 and belarus 24. britain's bill gates died on a yacht. the news, which aggravated seasickness in many, forced prosecutors to initiate a major investigation. last tuesday , a ship sank off the coast of sicily. it all happened in a few minutes during a storm. whether it was a coincidence or not, the superyacht is named after thomas baez, the author of the principles of probability theory, which became the basis for the doctoral dissertation
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of mike lynch, the british tech magnate for whom this trip was his last. what happened, murder on the neli or crew error, the question. lynch has been disputing in court for years, accusations of financial fraud, about a mysterious wreck in the mediterranean. "a ship, like a person, needs a name, you don't give it a name for nothing, i'll tell you in advance, as you name the yacht, so it will sail, as you name the yacht, so it will sail, captain vrungel was right, as you name the ship, so it will sail, one of the largest sailing yachts in the world, the luxurious beizhan, which has received a number of prestigious international prizes not only for design, but for its reliability and safety, for..." sank literally in a matter of minutes, and only half a mile from the coast of sicily due to a sudden waterspout.
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beyzhin is not literally translated, it is a derivative of the name of thomas baez, the founder of one of the main theorems of elementary probability theory. the irony of fate is that the probability of such an absurd shipwreck is negligible. the sunken ship was one of the most reliable in the world, there were many other yachts around, smaller and weaker, but their tornado didn't touch. yesterday we were hit by a strong gust of wind, a tornado, a water tornado, we started the engines to hold the ship in place, and another yacht was following us, a moment later it disappeared and it was unclear what happened, i have never seen a ship of this size go to the bottom so fast, in a few minutes there was nothing left, then we saw a red flare, went in its direction found a raft with five pa... by the way, the yacht was originally called salute, but british billionaire mike lynch bought it renamed. bad omen, say experienced sailors, but the businessman decided otherwise. the technical
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community says: wow, he really influenced us, he really was an inspirational figure for many, he really helped people commercialize inventions on a large scale. the last 13 years have been difficult for alinch, there have been lawsuits in the states, businessmen have accused him of fraud, allegedly in... before the deal with the american hewlett packard, the value of his company was greatly inflated. lynch was even extradited to the united states, where he faced up to 20 years in a maximum security prison . but in june 2024, a jury acquitted the businessman on all counts. it was this significant event, which the billionaire himself called the beginning of a new life, that was decided to be celebrated on a superyacht, in the company of his closest relatives. there were 10 crew members on board, 12 passengers -
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lynch's wife and daughter, as well as a lawyer and friends, oddly enough. also billionaires, 15 of them managed to escape, lynch was not among them, and they searched for him for more than two days. this is a rather difficult depth for divers, which must be work out, they still need to go inside, carefully make their way through the sunken ship, when the ship is sinking, a lot of objects, everything that is not nailed down, rises into the water, everything that is in the galley, any liquids that impair visibility, when under mysterious circumstances... a billionaire dies, it always looks suspicious, and if he initially disappears without a trace, and even together with the heiress lawyer, this gives rise to a lot of rumors, immediately expressed the most different versions of what happened, including murder, their flow is not stopped even after lynch's body was finally found by his daughter. investigators working at the crash site have put forward the accident version as a priority, but experts from the shipping world say: for a high-class yacht, getting into such a storm and a water tornado is like turbulence.
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let's start with the fact that a couple of days before the crash , financial director stephen chamberlin, who was tried together with lynch, died under mysterious circumstances, he was fatally hit by a car while jogging, but for some reason this did not interfere with the celebration on the yacht, here it is appropriate version of the staging, lynch himself staged everything in order to disappear without a trace, or, what is more realistic, there was sabotage on board, for example, an explosion and bad weather was used as cover. by the way, to the surprise of divers, the yacht received almost no damage, among
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those who like to guess. businessmen, including british billionaire hamish harding. titan disappeared from radar when it was diving to the wreckage of the weiner titanic, which sank more than a century ago. all five passengers died when the hull of the apparatus instantly collapsed under the influence of enormous water pressure. mystical versions of what happened were also actively spread then. for example, it was suggested that the billionaires could have staged their deaths. the investigation into the tragedy is still ongoing. olga davidovich, around the planet. the condors have spread
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their wings, the largest flying birds in the western hemisphere are returning to the skies of mexico. two males were released into the wild in the mountains of siero pedro martin. before that, their home was the mexico city zoo. in the last century, the pernets of predators were practically exterminated, there were only a few left no more than thirty. the winged renaissance began in the eighties, when a program to restore the population was launched. joined the initiative in the noughties. california condors belong to the family branch of american vultures, winged ones are in no hurry to become parents. they lay eggs only once every two seasons. today, the species is no longer in danger of extinction. this is ecologically important. in the food chain, birds are an essential element. feeding on carrion, they serve as a natural filter and neutralize the spread of various diseases. what else interesting has happened in
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the past 7 days, what events will not leave you without emotions, what is definitely worth knowing about, nikita has prepared a special selection for you. the moon is not from five, but from 25 kopecks. paradise on earth for lovers of expensive, very fast cars, an analogue of the olympic games with a half-century history and the main birthday of the week. we will find out about this and more in the next few minutes, first we will go to bulgaria. childhood in an adult way, a kite festival on the black sea coast. the first event was held 10 years ago ago over the years has gathered hundreds of like-minded people, each kite is a unique work of art, some resemble birds or dragons, others are made in a marine
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theme in the form of giant octopuses. i called the festival heavenly miracles, because miracles happen here all the time, octopuses that swim in the sea, now swim in ... here we can create mind-blowing things, different animals, different characters made from slats of fabric that fly, will always attract and delight spectators. this week, an important astronomical phenomenon occurred. a supermoon occurs when a full moon and a new moon coincide with a perigee. this time , the full moons coincided with a close distance between the earth and our satellite. the moon turned out to be noticeably larger and brighter than usual, one of the common names for the supermoon that occurred is the sturgeon moon. the indians believed that this was the easiest time to catch sturgeon in the great lakes. earthlings will be able to observe the next supermoon in the first half
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of september. the london zoo weighed in as many as 10,000 animals, including lion cubs and penguin chicks born this year. the major event is held by an employee. nature conservation services annually, information on the number of almost 400 species of animals is recorded, it is entered into a global database, this information can be exchanged with zoos around the world, which allows specialists to compare the indicators of their charges and control their norm. for more than 20 years, every august , car enthusiasts from all over the world. to california to enjoy the cutting-edge achievements design and engineering. among the many high-profile shows, several new hypercars take center stage, all of which, despite their race car aesthetics, are legal and
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available to buy, provided you have a few million dollars at your disposal. once a year, we turn it into a carwiak mecca, where everyone gathers to enjoy the most important cars, spend the day in a leisurely garden party atmosphere, where you can wander around, look at incredible cars, both vintage and brand new, just out of the blue. we have a whole bunch of debuts this year, almost 20 never-before-seen cars. a notable trend at this year's show is the predominance of all-electric hypercars, highlighting the ability. of technology to power some of the fastest cars on the planet. and have you ever heard of the bosnian rural olympics? it doesn't have the glitz and glamour of the headline-grabbing paris olympics, but for
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those who take part, it's every bit as exciting. no less exciting than the french ones. at least it is definitely more unusual, although perhaps these competitions are a little more specific. how about sack racing instead of 100 m sprinting, or climbing pshest instead of jumping with it? 50 competitions in twenty different sports disciplines: 1,300 athletes from eight countries participating this year, all in one day, we have kept the custom of limiting the funny, knightly sports games to one day. the first giant panda cub in the history of russia has already turned one year old. the birth of these animals, even in zoos or special institutions, not only great luck, but also a huge amount of work by experts. at the same time, the birth of a panda is a big event for any country. unfortunately, sooner or later katyusha
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will go to her historical homeland, china. all representatives of this animal species are the property of the celestial empire. katyusha has a long, eventful life ahead of her. antlers are honored and protected wherever they appear, most of the world's zoos want to get them. this young diplomat from the world animals only at the beginning of their journey. and i will remind you that the life expectancy of these beautiful animals in captivity is about 30 years. an architect by education, and the author of cinematic castles for the big screen. to be afraid of his shots , he went to mosfilm as a director . the guy with a broad georgian soul gave the soviet cinema the genre of lyrical comedy. in 1963 , he shot the film "i walk through moscow". he introduced yevgeny leonov to the viewer. he also engaged his phantasmagoric. he filmed himself episodically in his film, then as a shoe shiner in
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i walk around moscow, then the commander of the crew in mimino, the master of the frame became the author of the script of the cult gentlemen, good luck for the advice of contemporaries, his screen stories became the most reliable cure for stress. date of the week - august 25, 95, to the comedy lyricist georgy danelia. you looked around the planet, thank you for being and staying with us, visit. website watch your favorite projects of the telenovosti agency online. goodbye. and you, you are a thief, a gentleman of fortune. stole, drank in prison. stole, drank in prison, romance. you know, what, i'll tell you a smart weight, but just don't be offended. when i'm pleased, i 'll get you so far that you'll be pleased too. pleasant, plot,
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and plot, yes, a writer should penetrate deeply into life.
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the television news agency presents in the public domain, we have no secrets from our people, foreword. school came here to the presidential candidate alexander lukashenko's speech.
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there is, hello, hello, our clever girl, clever girl, clever girl, everything is fine, why are you crying, everything is fine, fine, everything, don't cry, everything is fine, well, everything will be
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okay, don't be upset, my dear, you are the soul.
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republic of belarus i unequivocally swear to serve the people of the republic of belarus to remove the constitutional and laws of the republic of belarus, which have been laid down on me in high regard. z getaga momentu. entry into the parade
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of the president of the republic of belarus. the unforeseen crisis befell the president of the country's earliest governments. peredvybarchyya abyatsanni adno, but in reality the situation is different. i am deeply convinced that the belarusian people have everything they need for a decent life,
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state power is able to provide conditions for peace and prosperity of the republic. i understand that... the victory that my team won in this heavy-handed battle was given to the current government of belarus due to the crisis that has developed in our republic for the apostasy of the bastards. we know how unbearable the life of the simpleton is to the people, how deeply it has hurt our daily injustice, how the paths to get out of this situation are laid out, but this does not frighten me as an assabist, nor my young andu, we...
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