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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  August 26, 2024 12:00pm-12:11pm MSK

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live you are watching the main news at noon, with you pavel lazovik, hello, in this issue, in the development of relations of all-weather partnership in the great stone opened an exhibition of chinese
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goods and services. the negotiations on a ceasefire in the gaza strip ended without results, israel and hamas did not accept the proposals. in the great stone opened an exhibition of chinese goods and services. among the exhibitors are more than two hundred companies and a variety of industries, including the automotive industry and machine tool industry. especially relevant holding the exhibition taking into account that belarus has become a full member of the sco, and this opens up new opportunities for cooperation. among the first visitors to the exhibition is anton malyuta, what is he demonstrating in the industrial park? colleagues, good afternoon. you from the great stone is one of the flagship projects in belarusian-chinese relations, so the place for the exhibition of chinese goods and services was not chosen by chance, and not for the first time, the first such exhibition was held in 2019 with great interest, then there was such a covid pause, here in last year there was a big global return, and today the great stone is gathering visitors again, there are serious plans that this exhibition will become an annual event, especially since there is great interest,
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first of all, from visitors, the exhibition was opened the day before on sunday, and today is the official opening, since it is a working day, all the officials have already arrived here the great stone, well, i must say that the first day and today the first hours showed that there is great interest from the country of ordinary people visitors, first of all to such areas as food, light industry, chinese medicine, by the way, and of course the chinese auto industry, including electric trains, especially since in recent years there have been more and more chinese cars on the belarusian... market , by the way, additional buses run here on the days of the exhibition, so you can come here, see everything, even sit behind the wheel of chinese cars, well, and for business, the exhibition is not only an exposition, it is also a large-scale business agenda, today after lunch there will be business forum, which will touch upon cooperation in the energy sector, well, and b2b negotiations here are literally in a private format, so there is great interest from the business side, more than... two hundred 250
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exhibitors from a variety of areas are represented here , including cars, as we have already said, machine tools, systems, smart home, everything that is important for the technological independence of the union state, the great stone is one of the main projects in our relations, and it will be so hot and saturated here, a few more days by the way, by the way, in the greatest stone the number of residents has long since crossed the hundred mark, these are companies, including, of course, from belarus, russia, china and europe, even.
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to present to uzbek partners innovations that belarus is rightfully proud of. in particular, the leading oncology center of the country will talk about the advanced belarusian experience in the treatment of lymphomas. we are talking about the destruction of malignant cells, tumors with minimal side effects, which provides maximum chances of survival. by the way, for foreign citizens, these technologies are available 10 times cheaper than in western countries. we can offer technology transfer. in the field of molecular genetics of cell biology, since the republican molecular genetic laboratory of carcinogenesis is a centralized laboratory for the republic of belarus for all types of molecular genetic research in oncology, as well as for the creation of cellular products, in particular dendritic cells and
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modified lymphocytes, the so -called lymphocyte maps for oncological patients of the country. and by the way, after the first belarusian-uzbek forum, a group of doctors from tashkent visited master classes in belarusian clinics , training seminars, exchange of experience and internships, one of the moments and new negotiations were also held. and the negotiations on a ceasefire in the gaza strip between israel and hamas in cairo ended without reaching an agreement, as reuters reports, citing sources in the egyptian special services, all the compromise solutions proposed by the mediators were rejected and the negotiations will continue in the coming days, despite the fact that... the united states, egypt and qatar are exerting the most energetic pressure on the negotiators, the chances of stopping the war soon are still not great. hamas has already managed to shell tel aviv again, and the israeli air defense was unable to fully repel the attack. idf also continues to strike the gaza strip
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. meanwhile, even the closest allies are demanding that the israelis moderate the destructiveness of their strikes. more than 40 have died so far . tbilisi's relations with the west have deteriorated after the adoption of the law on foreign agents in may. the united states suspended military cooperation with georgia. and the eu is threatening to cancel the visa-free regime and the country's status as a candidate for joining the european union. but even this, like mass
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protests, has not forced the georgian authorities to retreat. germany's largest meyerwerf is preparing to declare bankruptcy. this will leave almost 19,000 people without work, the authorities are frantically trying to find orders and finance them with loans, but so far , the report says. this happened at the most inopportune moment. in the future, on sunday , elections will be held for the parliaments of saxony and thuringia and polls , the alternative for germany triumphantly wins. there are still a number of regional and then a national electoral campaign ahead, the prospects for the parties of the ruling coalition are very sad. another bankruptcy. as well as the all-german recession are pushing the germans to commit an electoral revolution, at the same time berlin , although reducing, does not refuse the unbearable financial assistance to ukraine, next year it will amount to 4 billion euros. the wartime economy, as the us prepares
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to plunge the world into the abyss of conflicts, a huge rent corporation report for the pentagon, triangle of fictitious threats to washington, who is considered the main enemy, what? hawks write about belarus and how much are they ready to spend on the bayonets of democracy. let's figure out the understandable policy today on our air after the panorama.
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almost half a kilogram of dangerous psychotropic drugs were seized by employees of the mogilev drug control department. two twenty-year-old residents of the regional center fell into the hands of operatives. it was established that the defendants had been working for a drug market for about a month. taking wholesale lots of goods, they divided them into smaller ones for distribution through caches. in the garage of one of the detainees , police found about half a kilogram of especially dangerous psychotropic substances in a hiding place on the territory of the city. the detainees face up to 15 years in prison.


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