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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  August 26, 2024 2:40pm-3:01pm MSK

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belarus geta is not absolute lyas, blakіtny racks and azers, uncrowned nature, hell yakoy nemagchyma adarvats vachey, and yashche belarus is geta people. we carry traditional traditions, and at the same time we change our views on extraordinary speeches, and we treat this world as if it were a magician. belarusians are so different, but they are the same. but: any and my native
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land. belarus 24. i really like my work, communication, i just don’t even know where else i could meet so many wonderful people, interesting, interesting, this is one of the sources of pleasure, a hobby, highly paid hobby, well i want to go to work i want, this is the soul of a belarusian, because the city, it cannot be. without this enterprise,
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the enterprise without the city too, incredible emotions, breathtaking, delight, a grandiose plant. such impressions are shared by everyone who visited the zhodno enterprise for the production of quarry dump trucks , transport equipment for the mining and construction industry. for more than seven decades at a unique industrial facility, a unique product is produced by a unique team. as already world. it has a market 30%, these are heavy-duty quarry dump trucks, also produces special equipment, a number of construction equipment, well, its main function is to help the mining industry, our enterprise is a city-forming one, and accordingly, literally in every family there are belaz workers, there is already a generational continuity, where three generations have already worked at the enterprise, grandfather, there is a father, son, grandson, there are four generations.
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the decision to build the torfyanovo machine building plant was made a year after the end of the great patriotic war in september 1946. and 4 years later the company released its first product, a street washing machine. the first twenty-five-ton dump truck mas-525 left the factory gates in 1958. and then, as they say, things went. production.
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and construction, today any workshop at our enterprise is already impressive, because there are only a few such factories in the world, there is something to strive for, but in general, in general our consumers are satisfied with the quality of the products, if they were not satisfied, they would not be our consumers. yuri nasovich works at the enterprise for almost 40 years, he plans to spend the next five years here, at his native enterprise, he considers it his second home, to which he has become attached.
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now, probably, over a hundred, such a healthy excitement, after all, if you take into account what was 36 years ago and what is now, it's just night and day. actually, in terms of both design and organization, the processes are running in parallel, the equipment is becoming more complex, the work of technologists is being simplified a little, computerization, informatization, all this helps. the staff of the enterprise is highly qualified employees, whose knowledge and experience allow them to literally do their job accurately and precisely with their eyes closed. only a professional can do it here. they already have a lot of experience, they do everything very easily and calmly, i can tell with my eyes closed when, where, what kind of machine it will be, qualifications, first of all, the qualifications of the workers, because assembling such complex circuits is without errors, in addition,
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because the price of an error can be very unpleasant for both the worker and the production, therefore, first of all... this is the level of qualification. the holding company consists of eight large enterprises. the head office currently employs 10,690 people. i have been with the company since 2008. my father worked here. following in my father's footsteps , i wanted to come work here, to belas. i immediately joined his team. for practice, i worked during practice, and then after practice i came back here to belas. and for 13 years now. practically in the same place, on the same site, i wanted to, they pulled dump trucks, big machines, like this is power, i wanted to assemble such quarry dump trucks, when i was driving from home to the university, i regularly drove through the city of zhodena and behind the fence, behind the white one, i saw these yellow giants,
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after finishing 5 years of university i was assigned here as a young specialist, this is where my professional growth began, i started in the welding shop as a welding inspector , then after working, let's say, in the shop, i moved to industrial tourism, i like the work, i like communicating with people, i like talking about what we create world-class machines with our own hands here. ready for an exciting adventure through the cities of belarus, unique architectural monuments await you. the temple greets you with simplicity, high windows, and a bell tower, it is the only entrance to the shrine.
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here, in the family estate, mikhail aginsky , together with his wife and children, spent, perhaps, the most fruitful years of his life. and today the family...
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the principles of olympism have been violated for a long time, the brix games are a completely different atmosphere, that is , there is no atmosphere of hostility, precision and accuracy today for an ideologist is like a tool, what she should have in her soul, this is love for the homeland, because the main idea is to preserve our country, preserve our people, give them prospects for development, there are a lot of enemies, the main thing that the president is focused on now is to make sure that... this fragile peace is preserved, it is no less important that the president thinks about our tomorrow, we can and should be sure that everything will be fine, but do not relax in any case, the project say don't be silent, do not miss new releases on
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the belarus 24 tv channel . belarusian quarry dump trucks are a world -famous brand. the segment of the world market belonging to the zhodino giants of large and especially large carrying capacity is about 30%, only here at the vzhodino plant there is a conveyor assembly shop for quarry dump trucks, the only one in the world, there the machine is assembled like a pie, that is , four racks are installed, the frame is lowered and all the parts are brought to it, and we assemble the machines directly on the conveyor, like here at passenger car concern, where the frame first stretches along the belt...
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the conveyor is placed on a stand, it is assembled by means of post assembly, the posts assemble these very parts for these cars and ultimately it arrives at the moment when the car can move off and then, so to speak, go for testing, this car is assembled in a day. in september 2013, the belarusian automobile plant presented the largest quarry dump truck in the world. this is the first model in a new class of especially large -capacity vehicles, an impressive giant
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with a lifting capacity of 450 tons is listed twice in the guinness book of records. the vehicle was recognized as the largest two-axle dump truck in the world, and its body is the largest body of a quarry dump truck. the zhodno bogatyr is also listed in the cis book of records and the european book of records. it is the only one, because in other countries. it doesn’t have anything like this, it’s only here, in belarus, it’s a very interesting thing, just look at it, one wheel, it’s already a pain, damn, and driving it is completely, well, even sitting in the cabin, it’s completely, well, the impression is not to convey in words, damn, very cool, awesome, tourists come to us to see such a miracle of technology, the machine is the size of a three-story house, no one has ever seen such a machine before, it has 4 m wheels, only one 4 m wheel, and the machine is controlled by one person. the permissible weight of the lifted load is
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450,000 kg, the volume of the fuel tank is 2,800 l, fuel consumption per 100 km is 1,300 l, the maximum speed is 64 km / h, the operating temperature range is from -50 to + 50 ° c. the belarusian manufacturer guarantees the operation of the heavyweight for ... throughout 7-10 years, during this time the machine will travel about 900 thousand km, working almost without a break, bilas quarry dump trucks have been supplied to more than 80 countries in their history. we have a very large market, consumers of quarry equipment, the main one, of course, our consumer is the russian federation, we also supply to the countries of latin america, uzbekistan, kazakhstan, algeria, egypt. we are periodically in the top three, just depending on the periods, the first,
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second, third place is distributed among the leading manufacturers. we have a very tight established communication with our dealers , distribution network, distributor in the russian federation, where we are working out all modern tools to ensure the operability of equipment. and today our distribution network offers our consumer a complete turnkey service. itself the whole service, the whole service for 3 years for 5 to 7, that is, providing spare parts with qualified maintenance, the consumer only has to operate this equipment, without thinking about anything. design and development of quarry equipment of the new generations, the design of serially produced machines is being finalized by the company's own design and research base. the entire development of the machine, that is , from assigning the designation of the purpose of its characteristics. to the withdrawal of the machine from the experimental shop, that is, my bureau
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is the bureau of project managers who must first design the machine in front of everyone, and then tell everyone how and what should look like why, then control the interaction of the linear bureaus with each other so that they are issued, issued documentation, clearly without errors, today we are actively searching for alternative engines, that is, not only internal combustion, which is ... as we are used to, but also some gas turbines, machines that all run on batteries, that is, the idea and concept of the machine itself arises in my office, well, this is probably, well , better, probably, than what ... at the enterprise , more than 550 modifications of quarry equipment have been developed for work in different climatic conditions. our innovative activities are divided into certain
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groups, we have, how to say, a section on green technologies, where we... have already produced a sample, it is on batteries, a hybrid theme, that is, it is not a powerful engine and complementing the battery with an electric motor, the required power, that is, it is also both savings and economics, then we have a gas theme, where it is very economically strong, especially for the russian federation, we have already supplied quarry dump trucks completely with gas engines, gas turbine engines, we are already moving by leaps and bounds towards the fact that refuse diesel. each unit of production that is developed or manufactured undergoes mandatory testing at the plant's testing grounds. we start torturing it here at the testing ground to check whether it meets the declared indicators that we wanted to get there. during the assembly process , some design errors, miscalculations are revealed, some characteristics are not obtained. the machine is first finalized to
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the state it should be in, and only then is it sold. we have the entire infrastructure, which allows us to test diesel trolleys, and we have a screening plant, a more specialized quarry, where we are practicing unmanned technologies, there we have two quarry dump trucks and a loader that is completely automatic, movement is life, a well-known aphorism accurately conveys the philosophy of the enterprise, whose team works from year to year, from decade to decade...
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with whom it is easy and simple to communicate, for me the enterprise is like a family, you come with good mood, in fact, before everyone else at 6:00 in the morning you leave at 7-8 in the evening and the next day you are in the same mood to fight, it is always nice when there is a result of this activity and you want to move forward and continue to solve problems. poland was the queen of europe, so it remains, it is not only the main consumer
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of european money, but in the forefront in armament among other participants. takes part in military actions on ukrainian territory, there are polish mercenaries or mercenaries recruited in poland, and here we have a continuation of those events that many poles are afraid of, the possibility of direct involvement of the regular army in operations in ukraine. the polish authorities tell their citizens that this is all for defense, but there is no smell of defense there. the author's view of
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ksenia lebedeva on the policy of double standards, in the project it is different. watch on the tv channel. belarus-24.


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