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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  August 27, 2024 5:05pm-5:35pm MSK

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polish mercenaries are carefully documented by the svislych district department of the investigative committee, their atrocities will be given a fundamental legal assessment. according to the foreigners, they were detained on polish territory and asked for asylum. in response, they were kicked and beaten with truncheons. the woman said that the polish security forces also beat them on the head. after the abuse, the foreigners were taken to the border and pushed out onto belarusian territory. our border guards provided first aid to the refugees and called an ambulance investigative task force. the beginning of the year, the migration policy of the polish authorities on the border with belarus as a result of a fire at a car wash in minsk deprived the life of the district in serious condition, four refugees have already reported this. the victims in the ministry of health. 20 units of fire-fighting equipment fought the fire in the minsk district this afternoon. as reported by the ministry of emergency situations, the flames raged near the agro-town of ozertso. a car wash for trucks caught fire . the collapse of the ceiling on the semi-trailer of a truck tank , located inside the garage with subsequent fire.
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it is also reported that while working at the scene of the incident , an employee of the ministry of emergency situations felt unwell. after examination by the ambulance team with a preliminary diagnosis of heat stroke, he was taken to the city clinical hospital of emergency medical care. this is the latest news for this minute, see you at 19:00.
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and a great mood, that's what an avid traveler needs, and today i am building my own fascinating route around kobrin region. today in our route we will find out what connects the famous commander suvorov with kobrin region. why it is better not to approach the ostriches. where is one of the most beautiful lakes in belarus and what is the water like in the kobrin region on... without silver, but before we begin our journey, let's figure out the transfer. if you decide to go to kobrin by rail.
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transport, then you will have the minsk-brest train at your disposal, it runs every day, the travel time is about 6 hours, buses and minibuses run much more often, and the road will take about four. hours, a personal car, in my opinion, is the best solution, the direction is the m3 highway. i recommend that you start your first acquaintance with kobrin with a picturesque park, which is named after the great commander suvorov. the kobren park named after suvorov is one of the oldest in belarus, it was founded in 1768 and since then has been a center of attraction for... but first, a little historical background, the park was founded in 1768 by order of the sub-scrub of the grand duchy of lithuania antoni tezenhaus, in 1795
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after the third partition of the polish-lithuanian commonwealth, the kobrensky klyuch estate together with the park was presented to suvorov by catherine ii. in history the city of kobrin has several. interesting pages related to the life of the famous commander, it was in this park that his manor house was once located, but unfortunately, nothing remains of it, only silent centuries-old witnesses, in the shade of which today the townspeople and guests of kobrin enjoy walking. more than seventy species of trees and shrubs grow in the park, and in general here you can not only walk in the fresh air, but also find a lot of entertainment to your liking. on the territory of the park from... well-developed infrastructure, an amusement area, cozy cafes, a dance floor and even a pond that has been preserved since suvorov's time. it attracts both lovers of picturesque nature and ordinary people who want to ride catamarans in the spring and summer, in a word, a green uasis that the residents
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of kobrin can rightfully be proud of. well, i hope you were inspired by my walk through the beautiful park, i am in a great mood and i am ready for new discoveries, almost none of our routes are complete without a visit to the local museum, and of course, in kobrin also has one, guess who it is named after! the suvorov military history museum is one of the oldest in the brest region, it is almost 80 years old, so we have to look into it. the last time our program visited this museum was more than 5 years ago, i wonder what's new? hello, good afternoon, i'm glad to see you again, it's very nice that you are in kobrin again and did not pass by our kobrin museum, and
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we have something to please you with. last time we talked about the expositions, but the exhibition is a permanent matter, they were in the same places, they remained and stand, but we have. there are some changes, so i suggest you go inside and see what else is new during this time, how long have you not been here , we have prepared, with pleasure, you will be surprised, but it turns out that among the residents of kobrin and the district in different years the title of honorary citizen was awarded to 18 people, who was the first to receive this title? the first to receive this title in...
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this title was received by vladimir nikolaevich kirmanovich, he is our only fellow countryman, who was born, studied here in kobrin, was drafted into the army in 1940, went through the entire war and received the title of hero of the soviet union. on august 22, 1944, in the town of bukaishi,
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dobele district of the latvian ssr, a battle took place, and during this battle , the anti-tank battery, commanded by vladimir nikolaevich. performed a real feat, six tanks were destroyed, several self-propelled guns, and one of the gun crews was knocked out then, vladimir nikolaevich himself. kermanovich went to the gun and destroyed two more tanks. it was for this feat, by decree of the presidium of the supreme soviet of the ussr on march 24, 1945 , he received the title of hero of the soviet union. the title of honorary citizen was awarded to the former director of the military history museum. he is remembered here with special warmth. the founder of our museum, its first director, aleksey mikhailovich martynov, for. preserving the historical and cultural heritage, he was worthy of this high title, honorary citizen,
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incredibly talented, incredibly smart , generous, kind, decent, and a person about whom one can only speak in excellent degrees, because for us it is a kind of example in our museum work always. the most important thing that alexey mihai did. martynov raised suvorov's house from the ruins, restored the building itself and filled it with heart. i think that now most people know perfectly well what botleyka is, this art is held in universities including, so our little visitors have the opportunity to get acquainted with this unique theater right here on the territory of the museum. we decided to revive this ancient art as once with our... visitors in mind, here 's what we came up with, as a botleyka we took and made a special box
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that resembles the peter and paul church, one of the most ancient temples in kobrin - this is precisely the peter and paul church, traditionally, botleykas were made with images of the most interesting and perhaps the most, so to speak, famous, celebrated works of architecture. the botleyka is another new thing that the museum staff is happily mastering. they stage performances themselves, they make dolls and learn acting from scratch, and it should be noted that they are doing quite well, the performances are sold out, right now we have dolls here that are used during the performance called the illumination of the bethlehem star, but i think that you know that botleyka is precisely the word that comes from the word bethlehem, bethlehem, that is , from the very bethlehem star that was the guiding star for the magi who went to worship jesus christ, that is, in fact, this first christian the christmas plot formed the basis of our
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plot, the first fairy tale that we made at our place. the repertoire of the museum botleyka is being improved almost daily, and it seems that the ideological inspirers are not going to stop there. we are developing our botleyka, so we have three more fairy tales, now three fairy tales for the youngest children, these are fairy tales. about good and evil, about work, that is, we are trying so hard to offer some fairy tale plots for very young children, but we have another type of plot in which we encounter the biggest, so to speak, problems, but at the same time it is the most interesting, we are immersed in the history of the city of kobrino. if you also want to get a charge of positive emotions, inspiration, then be sure to include the suvorov military history museum on your route. and we are moving on.
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it is good to be friends with neighbors, but we will not be lost without them in the modern, new architecture of the world, we already do without them, we are now in a state of harsh information warfare, it is possible to put an obstacle to it in the simplest primitive way. we open our borders and please, come and see. today in europe there is such a unique situation, practically all european elites have essentially lost their legitimacy, that is, they act against the interests of their own people, but this is the american system of governance, this is a deal with the elites at the expense of their own people. the divisions that are mainly circling around us are mechanized divisions from the third corps of the us army and the eighteenth airborne corps, that is, these are the same formations that... including those that participated in iraq, yes, in all absolutely the last conflicts of the post-cold war, and even before the cold war, we
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must definitely unite as a nation, we must understand that we are fighting now for our future, for the future of our children of the next generations, and there is no other option. the project is objective, do not miss new releases on the belarus24 tv channel. what is a familiar life for belarusians, may seem like a real exotic for others, good morning, friends, rooster, yes, that's how it is with us, good morning, and how does your rooster crow? kikeryaki, kikiriky, friends, any journey in an unfamiliar city should start in the museum, where i will tell you how to build the right route to see interesting places, however, it is easy to become one of your own in a foreign country, you just need to get acquainted with its history and culture, this is
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a five-hundred-year-old oak tree, wow, which... literally every corner of kobrin is associated with the name of count suvorov, and the main attraction of the city, the holy peter and paul church, is no exception, let's take a look inside. it is remarkable
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in that during its stay in kobrin count suvorov often visited it. that's why people called it sovorovskaya. father alexander, is it true that the church had a different place of registration at one time? absolutely right, and it's no secret. our temple has been known since 1465, and before that it was supposedly the same age as the city, its foundation was together with the city and... it was naturally located in the center of the ancient city, and i also heard, correct me if i'm wrong, but the church is somehow connected with count suvorov, what connection did he have? direct connection, so to speak, after the polish-lithuanian commonwealth was destroyed in 1795 partition, then the kobrin key, catherine ii empress gave to count
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suvorov, 100 years ago the psalter was still kept in the temple. where it was written that throughout the psalter sang and read suvora, unfortunately, traces of this sacred church attribute have been lost, but we are well in search, here we hope for a positive result. alas, where the psalter disappeared to this day remains a mystery, but the fact that count suvorov visited this temple and even sang in the choir on kliras is an undeniable fact. he is not only in our temple prayed, but took. direct part in the service, a man of small stature , it is written, narrow shoulders, with a commanding voice, for which the parishioners loved him. an interesting history of the temple itself, it was located not far from suvorov's house, they say that visiting the church, the sincerely believing commander trampled his path to it through the neighboring vegetable gardens, he even climbed
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the bell tower himself rang the bells, inviting the service. and is it true, father alexander, that the temple ... never closed its doors to parishioners, yes, indeed, even the most merciless years for the church's existence, here our temple was not closed, we see god's providence that this is connected, somewhere was from the name of the commander herolismus alexander vasilyevich suvorov, after all, at that time respect for this man was at a height, and no one wanted to spoil relations with him. unique shrines have been preserved within the walls of this temple, which have been carefully preserved and revered for centuries. the historical icon, the veil of the mother of god, a gift from grateful kabrinchans to the temple. end of 19 centuries. in the city there are wooden buildings, a huge fire, damage to buildings, the fire
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threatens the temple, the construction of wooden ones around the temple. orthodox people take the image of the mother of god the unburning solomon's seal with prayer , walk around the temple and as historians say, the wind changes its direction, people, people manage to extinguish this element, so in gratitude, people, ordinary people, presented as a gift to god, to the temple, in gratitude, this icon of the intercession of the mother of god, a sign. that our parish, and the city are also under the protection of the mother of god. when visiting the st. peter and paul church, take a look at the museum corner, which is located in the sunday school. there is an assumption that
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this building could well have been suvorov's home. during the renovation, we saw that the walls, the dilapidated wooden walls, they did not at all, as if they were not subject to time, retained their strength. in fact, historians would argue with... according to their version, the commander's manor house was still located in the very park where we walked at the beginning of our program. in 1894, the building was demolished and now on suvorov himself, or rather his bust, flaunts himself in this place. on this i propose to say goodbye to the glorious historical past of kobrin and go beyond its borders to a village called kozichi, where a real ostrich ranch is located. to find yourself on the ranch, you don’t necessarily have to go somewhere abroad, just drive
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a few kilometers from kobrin, and you will be surprised at what awaits you here, or rather, who? many avid travelers used to know the ostrich ranch near kobrin, once upon a time on its huge territory of almost 10 hectares there really was bred hundreds of ostriches. but alas, the business turned out to be unprofitable, the owners decided to reorganize into a petting zoo, however , the main owners of the ranch are still ostriches, though in the amount of two bright representatives. meet the black african ostriches, stas and stasya, such a family. but i understand that these are not the only inhabitants of this ranch. anna, am i right? absolutely right, now we also have raccoons, porcupines, tibetan mastiffs, donkeys. we will meet all of them today, well, it all started with the ostrich, of course, we were a farm, since 2004, 12 ostrich families were brought here, after
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a few years there were already 950 individuals, this is the largest ostrich farm among the cis countries, earlier, but over time we changed our focus now we have a zoo, despite the fact that stas and stasya remained here in proud solitude, the ranch guides are happy to share interesting facts from the life of the largest bird in the world: the homeland of strals, hot, distant africa, but they feel great here in belarus climate, and even if there is a severe winter with severe frosts, at -20 ° strauts walk on the snow, eh nest is arranged, this is a hole in any place of the enclosure, it is prepared by the male at the beginning of the mating season, he digs a hole with this huge claw on his thumb, the female comes there, lays an egg, a very fast process, this is what he is ... creates conditions, she is then like this, the female laid an egg and we take it away, since incubation lasts 42 days, during this time we have
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a temperature drop or it rains, water accumulates in the hole, the egg died, there are no chicks will be, therefore only an incubator will allow us to hatch chicks, now basically all the eggs are sent to the cook in the cafe and he makes omelets, from one ostrich egg weighing approximately, well , the average weight is 1.5 kg, you can make from eight ... to twelve portions of omelets, and they also allow you to feed the ostriches here, but you need to do this with great care, and in general, how capricious they are in care, in food, ostriches are not picky, they grab everything that they see from their eyes, they are not vegetarians, omnivores, if a mouse runs by outdoor, an ostrich will gobble it up, a lizard, who are the grasshoppers, rondelles, they gobble everything up at once , of course they serve it on the farm, the diet is like this, it's... new wheat, corn, in this case a cabbage leaf, if you want, you can feed it too, of course, with pleasure, it's so scary, there are no teeth, the bite is not dangerous, oh, it
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consists of thirteen small bones, they have color vision, so they grab everything bright shiny silver, gold, i'm warning everyone, i decided to make a ring myself, put cabbage, it didn't sit tightly on my finger, the ostrich once grabbed the empty ring and immediately swallowed it, the whole decoration is not returned, and in general? how long are they considered dangerous? the ostrich is a dangerous bird, in africa even lions and leopards are afraid of them, they do not engage in open combat, since with one blow of the foot the ostrich will split the lion's skull. look, on their foot they have a claw, the length of the claw is from seven to 10 cm, it is so strong and sharp that it even cuts glass. perhaps, on this our pleasant acquaintance with ostriches can end, because on the rest of the ranch there are still waiting for me. several motley representatives of the fauna. and the next inhabitant of our strouzennogo ranch is a ram named bublik. you can safely feed him a cracker. over
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the edge into the opening of the net, like this he. with his lips, carefully takes the treat, it's not scary, the bagel is very friendly, sheep are generally very meek, so calm, but the ram, he has a character, if he doesn't like something, he can offend, who is not here, lambs, goats, rabbits and even one not at all stubborn, but a very good-natured donkey, yashka, yasha, smile, ah, how beautiful you are. fire, you can grab it by the edge here, he carefully takes it with his lips, you can safely stroke it, feed it , it is very friendly, yasha is already more than 20 years old, separate enclosures are occupied by wild animals, but it seems to me that they have long since become tame, otherwise they would not have begged for treats from visitors to the ranch without embarrassment. and our yasha's neighbor, the spotted deer sonya, you can also treat her, the main thing is without sudden movements, put
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a cracker in the opening of the net, we were lucky. the lady is capricious, she does not always and does not approach everyone, deer are generally very timid, in nature it is impossible to take by surprise, hear a person approaching 100 m away, very fast, graceful, graceful, it is the cage where the deer acquires such a rich red color, these white spots contrast well against the red background, they have a whole path of small white spots on their ridge, it is slightly larger on the sides, there is a large white spot on the deer's butt, these spots are what we call mirrors, they... recognize each other in the woods, cool, here sonya is looking in, sonya is also so beautiful, in a word, it is a pleasure to visit such a friendly and hospitable place, i got a charge positive emotions and a lot of new knowledge about the life of animals, so i sincerely advise you to take note of this route. let's go further.
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every day we work to ensure that you receive the latest and most useful information. the twenty-minute format allows us to tell you about what is happening in belarus and the world. take a linguistic walk in the company of our guides, and find a new place on the map of belarus, which is definitely. worth watching, and also offer projects and films that will certainly become your favorites, this and much more awaits you in project efir 24 on 7, watch on the belarus24 tv channel. there are 100 brave guys in our studio, each of them has a question for an adult. you have one minute to
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briefly tell about yourself. vulgar, how will you react if a person asks you to do something that is not suitable for him? well, i will also dissuade him in some way. there is a stereotype that all athletes are bad students, how did you study? we studied on a five-point system, somewhere there were of course threes, and fours, fives were, well, in different ways on the right from you the red sector, the next question is from there. hello, my name is denis, and what kind of dad are you? probably? some kind of dad, i don’t know whether he’s good or bad, you are the first belarusian woman who won the olympics in freestyle, and how did you feel when you were standing on the podium? the first night i couldn’t sleep at all, i couldn’t fall asleep, because i closed my eyes, i had the whole day in front of my eyes, how it went, how i woke up there, what i ate, watch the project 100 questions for an adult on the tv channel:
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fans of tourism have probably heard about the beauty of one of the most picturesque lakes in belarus called.


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